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Status Replies posted by Rain

  1. So, who do I need to speak with in order to buy a can of familiar food?

  2. I love being lucky and all but when you have to write four missed attacks for your opponent in a row it gets a bit boring.

  3. Question, is there a purpose to using the beginning sword arts? If my base damage is 2(1+1 from skill) and I use a base sword art that does 1x1, wouldn't my damage still be 2?

  4. Question, is there a purpose to using the beginning sword arts? If my base damage is 2(1+1 from skill) and I use a base sword art that does 1x1, wouldn't my damage still be 2?

  5. I love being lucky and all but when you have to write four missed attacks for your opponent in a row it gets a bit boring.

  6. Ummmm... I think @Lyrica the Werewolf May have just been skipped by @Hunie and @Avilon

  7. Ummmm... I think @Lyrica the Werewolf May have just been skipped by @Hunie and @Avilon

  8. Ahh, the Pending Purgatory. 

    View is nice from here B] 

  9. Any brave soul want to help me kill a really big bee?

  10. Any brave soul want to help me kill a really big bee?

  11. Any brave soul want to help me kill a really big bee?

  12. Any Cooks, Alchemists, or Artisans looking to pick up some extra business?

  13. Any brave soul want to help me kill a really big bee?

  14. :') This is the most players I've seen online here... 20 people... so active today ehehehhee

  15. I need an alchemist who can make me +6 damage potions! :D

  16. I need an alchemist who can make me +6 damage potions! :D

  17. I need an alchemist who can make me +6 damage potions! :D

  18. @Lyrica the Werewolf stop having your wolves nom on me and attack me so that you take thorn damage! 

  19. @Lyrica the Werewolf stop having your wolves nom on me and attack me so that you take thorn damage! 

  20. @Lyrica the Werewolf stop having your wolves nom on me and attack me so that you take thorn damage! 

  21. It's that time of the week again... 
    Feelin' the old school music.


  22. Quick energy question!

    When I regenerate energy, is it at the start or end of a turn? Example if I use a 3 energy sword art: 3/5 [-3 +1] OR 2/5 [+1(wasted) -3]

  23. For those off you that want to know where Klein is, he have started businesses in Sweden:

  24. Three new quests just now posted.

  25. So... apparently, I'm a GM now. Last one to find out :)

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