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Status Replies posted by Rain

  1. Im looking to do a single, slow paced quest thread with someone. Anyone up for one? Im looking for plot filled thread of some kind as well, to help kickstart my character.

  2. Im looking to do a single, slow paced quest thread with someone. Anyone up for one? Im looking for plot filled thread of some kind as well, to help kickstart my character.

  3. Dass a lot of staff online. :v 7 to be exact. :o

  4. sorry I haven't posted much recently (exams...yay) also waiting on t2 gear. But I'll be posting more regularly for a bit hopefully 

  5. Im looking to do a single, slow paced quest thread with someone. Anyone up for one? Im looking for plot filled thread of some kind as well, to help kickstart my character.

  6. Im looking to do a single, slow paced quest thread with someone. Anyone up for one? Im looking for plot filled thread of some kind as well, to help kickstart my character.

  7. Im looking to do a single, slow paced quest thread with someone. Anyone up for one? Im looking for plot filled thread of some kind as well, to help kickstart my character.

  8. This site makes me Kek.

  9. any Alchemists have some T1 Damage buffs and Crafters Respites I can buy? PM me please.

  10. any Alchemists have some T1 Damage buffs and Crafters Respites I can buy? PM me please.

  11. Emergency! Crabs are attacking the beach party. Help me destroy them or take cover.

  12. Emergency! Crabs are attacking the beach party. Help me destroy them or take cover.

  13. Emergency! Crabs are attacking the beach party. Help me destroy them or take cover.

  14. In happier news... there will be TWO event sign-ups being posted in the very near future. Keep your eyes peeled. One will be for Front Liners, the other for Low-Levels.

  15. We need more girls at the beach party. Atm its me and like five guys :)

  16. We need more girls at the beach party. Atm its me and like five guys :)

  17. For those of you who are slightly on the newer side to this forum, allow me to bless you with sacred knowledge. Say this character's name. Seriously, just say his name in response to this and see what happens. The name of our great ogrelord is shunned in this land.


  18. For those of you who are slightly on the newer side to this forum, allow me to bless you with sacred knowledge. Say this character's name. Seriously, just say his name in response to this and see what happens. The name of our great ogrelord is shunned in this land.


  19. For those of you who are slightly on the newer side to this forum, allow me to bless you with sacred knowledge. Say this character's name. Seriously, just say his name in response to this and see what happens. The name of our great ogrelord is shunned in this land.


  20. So this is probably i people's minds... Is the Battojustu up for grabs now, too? since it looks like Tea's dead - maybe. If so, I'll just go ahead and say what - probably - all katana users are thinking. Dibs. xD <3 kidding... I'll have to fight through a lot of peepz to get to that. T_T Oh @Scout Broker... where art thou?

  21. So this is probably i people's minds... Is the Battojustu up for grabs now, too? since it looks like Tea's dead - maybe. If so, I'll just go ahead and say what - probably - all katana users are thinking. Dibs. xD <3 kidding... I'll have to fight through a lot of peepz to get to that. T_T Oh @Scout Broker... where art thou?

  22. So this is probably i people's minds... Is the Battojustu up for grabs now, too? since it looks like Tea's dead - maybe. If so, I'll just go ahead and say what - probably - all katana users are thinking. Dibs. xD <3 kidding... I'll have to fight through a lot of peepz to get to that. T_T Oh @Scout Broker... where art thou?

  23. Opening up my shop again. So that's a thing! Rank 3 fishing right here! How? Why? WHO CARES?! :D

  24. Opening up my shop again. So that's a thing! Rank 3 fishing right here! How? Why? WHO CARES?! :D

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