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Status Replies posted by Avilon

  1. Anyone wanna start a guild that helps new players with me? I used to be in one like that until it all fell apart.

    1. Avilon


      Maybe ^^ Skips off to top secret meeting with Neko in Pm's.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  2. Anyone wanna start a guild that helps new players with me? I used to be in one like that until it all fell apart.

    1. Avilon


      *winks to Niko and then allania* >-> Yes


    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anyone wanna start a guild that helps new players with me? I used to be in one like that until it all fell apart.

  4. well, seeing as last time I blew up site with word of my cat having kittens this time will be no different. 


  5. Im looking to do a single, slow paced quest thread with someone. Anyone up for one? Im looking for plot filled thread of some kind as well, to help kickstart my character.

  6. Im looking to do a single, slow paced quest thread with someone. Anyone up for one? Im looking for plot filled thread of some kind as well, to help kickstart my character.

  7. Im looking to do a single, slow paced quest thread with someone. Anyone up for one? Im looking for plot filled thread of some kind as well, to help kickstart my character.

  8. Im looking to do a single, slow paced quest thread with someone. Anyone up for one? Im looking for plot filled thread of some kind as well, to help kickstart my character.

  9. I am letting Opal out of her cage, with the current ban on PKing and me being strictly a PKer who will kill NPCs, I wanna get some plot going for Laughing Coffin. So if anyone would be interested in taking a purely Plot story driven Thread with my Laughing Coffin, hit me up! I have tons of ideas for fun for everyone of any Level Group. :)

  10. Anyonr up for dungeon hunting?

  11. We need more girls at the beach party. Atm its me and like five guys :)

  12. In happier news... there will be TWO event sign-ups being posted in the very near future. Keep your eyes peeled. One will be for Front Liners, the other for Low-Levels.

    1. Avilon


      As Pking is postponed I see the opening of more events as an acceptable offer.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. Seul

    Seul    Amira

    I think you just broke the space time continuum.

    1. Avilon


      I pitty the life of someone who can only find the job in online debates, it means that you have little purpose in being in it. ^^ Good bye I will come back when the storm rolls over.


    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  14. Seul

    Seul    Amira

    I think you just broke the space time continuum.

    1. Avilon


      ^-^ It was a pleasure to rp with you all now if you want me I will be on skype and attempting to fix up the broken shards of this site and develop one where the players can add in their own user input and not worry about their plans that they formulate to be ruined because salty dogs ;P

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  15. Seul

    Seul    Amira

    I think you just broke the space time continuum.

    1. Avilon


      I see many children on this site Takao the only one I respect here as of now are a few staff or ex staff that have not urged on the spats as it only drags the site down as a whole.

      I'm still wanting to rp but each second you prove just have childish you really are that you don't care about the real reason that this site should exist to make friends and have fun ^^

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  16. It's kind of sad how this site is tearing up because two players can't rest until they get their way.... Spoiled brats...

    1. Avilon


      I know the canon is real and the reasoning less flawed then any other pk ^^

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  17. It's kind of sad how this site is tearing up because two players can't rest until they get their way.... Spoiled brats...

    1. Avilon


      It's goo to see the children eating their junk food ^^ Call back when you want to eat and talk healthy.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  18. Seul

    Seul    Amira

    I think you just broke the space time continuum.

    1. Avilon


      I love everyone here but I don't want to deal with the drama and obvious abuse of mechanics that are used for justifying and wish washy excuses of how a smile could remind you of a dark day of how your father was killed by you. In a legitimate game someone as unstable as your character would have been stopped form the front lines. You may find it as petty as you wish but Pker's need to be punished and that is something I would stand for IC and Manta would but you sing handedly broke the power vacuum of this wonderful site. I pity that I didn't get to talk to you and that you wouldn't even let me hear your side of this story. Your actions were not random and were targeting Two characters of the same player as well as macradon you could have targeted any three targets but that is to suspicious. Staff will probably call this thread invalid despite that it stuck true to the rules.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  19. Seul

    Seul    Amira

    I think you just broke the space time continuum.

    1. Avilon


      Teayre what is petty is you lack of defense. Your reasons for killing are flimsy but alas I will make my parting post from this site.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  20. Seul

    Seul    Amira

    I think you just broke the space time continuum.

    1. Avilon


      Just like Teayre's ooc reasons should? It is a mechanic Takao.

      The system needs updates plain and simple.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  21. About to start Breaking the Unbreakable. Anyone wanna come break a rock with me??

  22. About to start Breaking the Unbreakable. Anyone wanna come break a rock with me??

  23. About to start Breaking the Unbreakable. Anyone wanna come break a rock with me??

  24. Whelp.... Just realized I had been jipping myself on SP from quests... Was reading the tutorials with a friend who is thinking of starting and noticed the bit that says "If a quest rewards 3 SP, you would gain those 3 SP + 1 SP for thead completion = 4 SP."


    Well... Now I get to go through, see what ones have been edited to be correct, and what ones aren't and get them corrected.

  25. Ummmm... I think @Lyrica the Werewolf May have just been skipped by @Hunie and @Avilon

    1. Avilon


      I only posted because I saw hunie post sorry. I think she probably posted because lyrica died.


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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