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Posts posted by Kasier

  1. ID: 90080
    MD: 9
    <<Howl>> Used

    Kasier watched carefully and she noticed that Mina had the enhancement that caused the bleeding status to mobs. It was a great relief to her that Mina was running such a thing in her build because with it comes more turn by turn damage that would be reliable and consecutive damage - shortening the battle greatly if Mina was able to inflict the bleed status on it with some frequency. However, this was largely luck-based, and if they were unlucky, the bleed enhancement might not show up again for the rest of the battle. If that was the case, this battle would be stalled until both players were inflicting minimal damage upon the boss until it hit zero. If that was the case, the battle would be extremely boring as it would just be hours and hours of doing the same thing. To add to it, the boss had no method of inflicting damage to Kasier as she would simply regenerate her health as soon as damage was inflicted on her.

    Without another word, Kasier released her <<howl>> skill, releasing a feminine yet intimidating roar of thunder in the direction of the boss that almost seemed to make it flinch for a bit. However, soon after its recovery, it charged and stuck Kasier right in the shield, dealing one damage that was immediately recovered recovered. Also, it was inflicted with paralysis once more, making it vulnerable to attacks the next turn. "Alright, with the bleed skill, it should be easier to knock this thing out. Let's just carry on the way we are going right now." Kasier decided, keeping her concentration as best as she can, although she probably won't need to do so in the next few turns.


    HP List
    [3] Mina: 200/200 | EN: 11/20 || [Sharpness: 0/2]
    [9] Kasier: 740/740 (-1)(+20) | EN: 71/74 (+4) | MIT: 89 || [Sharpness CD: 1/3] [Regen: 3/3]

    [BOSS] Avalanche: 70/100 | DMG: 40 || [Paralyze: 1/1] [Bleed: 1/2]

  2. Kasier flinched when she heard the name Aqua being said in action. Now that she heard it, it kind of sounded awkward and a mouthful to say - which might cause trouble in the middle of combat if she tried to give him or her instructions. Also, the name sounded almost too feminine and she has yet to confirm the gender of the phoenix, meaning she cannot give him or her a name yet. "Well. Actually, scrap that. Aqua sounds a bit too feminine and I don't know its gender yet so I really can't give him or her a name. I'll think of a new name once we actually catch up and complete the quest." She said, "And geez, it's unlike you to give names to things without meaning. I mean, your own name has a meaning of itself." Kasier finished, remembering at one point, Itzal explained the meaning of his own name to her on one of the dates the two went on.

    Thinking about those dates, those were quite good times and lately, the two really haven't gone on these sweetheart dates. Soon, the two would be getting married and front lines would get busier and busier. The two would probably not be able to spend more time together. Kasier sighed, that means she needed to enjoy the time that she gets with him. 


  3. Kasier watched as Itzal refused to leave the meeting and decided to simply sit back down. With that, Kasier would sit down as well. She had wanted to help Itzal up and go to a room because she honestly thought that there was no way that he can continue in the state that he is after hearing about the death of one of his dearest friends along with the cruel exchange between Hikoru and Morgenstern in which the two of them exchanges quite a bit of cruel words with each other - words that Kasier would never have expected to hear from the two of them. Whatever was said, has been said and there is nothing that can be done to unsay it. She just hopes that the relationship of those two players will not be damaged as a result of this meeting. The death of Beatbox was enough to affect everyone already, and there was absolute no need to have even more drama along with it.

    So, Kasier sat down and listened carefully to the players. At this point, she was still not very sure whether to join the boss fight or not. She was extremely under-leveled since she had not reached third tier yet. If she participates, she might have a possibility of coming face-to-face with death, himself. Still, she was fully aware that the front lines was lacking in members and participants, and any type of assistance would be good - especially the assistance from a healer with a T2 item that has life mending on it. "I'm a cook. I can cook some items in that list, but I definitely can't craft as much as Sey. If you get some tier three materials to me, I can try my best to make some items if needed." Kasier raised her hand, "Also, what's the recommended level for this boss fight?"

  4. "Well, no matter how extraordinary and brilliant Sherlock Holmes as a character is, one can never forget that it is the author who made that brilliance spark into life. Because Holmes has become such a remarkable character, he has become even more famous than the one who created him. Sherlock Holmes didn't make you think, instead, Conan, with his ancient pen and paper, is the one who made everyone think night and day while reading his excellently drafted books." Kasier exclaimed, sounding as smart as she can as this was actually one of the topics that she read a lot about in school. At one point, Kasier had even tried to train her mind like Holmes - an effect that failed miserably as her I.Q. is no where near that of Holmes, the fictional character.

    Kasier blushed a bit as she was asked whether she wanted the wedding to be public or private. Of course, Itzal would ask her for her opinion before expressing what he thought. Honestly, Kasier truly did not care much for it. Of course, she would like to keep it so that only players close to the two could witness such a life-time event, but if Itzal wanted it to be public, Kasier will gladly be absolutely fine with it. "Well, since I've been in this game, I've never really gotten close to anyone other than you, and not made very many friends, so I guess I'll leave it up to you to keep it private or public. I do wish to keep the people participating to a low amount, though. You know how I feel about large crowds in one place."


  5. "Well, you were a super introvert gamer back then. But look at you now. Do you think you can win against Usain Bolt in a race if you could bring this back to real life?" Kasier asked, walking as fast as she can, but trying her best not to rush so she won't get tired that fast. "Mhm. And names... I really haven't thought about it that much, but I guess I can name it Blaze since it's a fire-based familiar or I can name it Aqua for it's blue coloring. Blaze sounds like it's too generic of a name, so I'll probably call it Aqua. It's a completely contradictory name since Phoenix are surrounded by fire but aqua gives off the feeling of water and the ocean." Kasier thought out loud, "So I guess it will be really funny." She finally decided, "Yeah, I'll call him or her Aqua." After she finally thought about it, she realized that she had actually come to a stop during the thinking process. Carrying on to walk, she realized that she never found out why Itzal called his familiar Velnia. It's not exactly a generic name and with Itzal, the name definitely has some sort of meaning.

    Kasier looked up and clapped twice, "Alright, let me have my time with Velnia." Kasier said, carefully grabbing onto Velnia and placing her on the top of her head. "By the way, how did you come up with Velnia as the name for this cutie?" Kasier asked as she giggled from Velnia playing with her hair and tickling her head as she walked on.


  6. Kasier glanced at the two players who had come into the conversation only to start a conversation between themselves. Or rather, the girl who introduced herself as Dazia started some sort of conversation between the two players. However, before that, Kasier's curiosity perked as the male player said that he wanted to start a new guild called The Rising Dragons. Judging from the name, it will probably be another guild designed to bring players to the front lines - as if there wasn't enough of that already. It wasn't Kasier's place to criticize the idea, though, because there's a low possibility that the guild will actually be successful. Thinking about this, Kasier's thoughts soon redirected to her own guild - a guild torn to pieces through the death of one member. Well, perhaps, "torn to pieces" is too strong of a term for it, but if the paladins don't do anything about the morale of the guild, who knows what will happen to it? Sure, the guild members have claimed that they are all family, but when certain temptations come into the factor and when loyalty is tested, who knows how many will remain?

    Suddenly, after she snapped back into attention, she heard Dazia asking a question randomly out of the blue. Kasier had no idea why she had asked such a thing - whether out of good or bad intentions. "Struggling to hit mobs? I suggest going to an artisan for a lucky charm that can boost your accuracy. Makes you hit things easier." Kasier recommended, cutting into the conversation between the two players. 

    @Vigilon @Dazia @Trixie

  7. "Detective books? Interesting. I would enjoy a bit of Sherlock Holmes - gets my mind spinning in wonderful ways that I would not be able to without it." Kasier said, scanning the books before lifting up her eyes to see Velnia grab her bed and head downstairs to place it. "Huh, I've been thinking about getting a familiar. I sure hope Velnia gets along with him or her. It would be quite tense if they have to live in the same place not liking each other." Kasier smiled, sitting down straight on the bed as Itzal asked her for her opinion on the house. 

    "Overall, the house is great. It's extremely calm and secluded, meaning we can live our lives in privacy without anyone bothering us. I can sleep in because it's quiet out here in the woods and the birds' melodies would only help me sleep even better during the mornings. This house gives us boosts in crafting. Some areas, of course, could be worked on, but that's not for me to comment on since I am not the owner of the house. This is such a great place and in the beginning of the game, I would never have dreamt of living in a house such as this one. Thanks a lot, Itzal." Kasier exclaimed. Itzal did not have to let her live here but he was generous enough to allow her to do so.


  8. ID: 88196
    CD: 4
    <<Recovery>> failed
    <<Howl>> Used

    "Kasier-chan..." Kasier repeated, murmuring. This girl with her strange ways of addressing people was making her kind of uncomfortable. First, she was Nana, and now she is Kasier-chan. Kasier looked at the girl, shrugged and then focused back into combat. It was probably just her personal habits. Instead of worrying about the way the girl was addressing her, Kasier would much rather focus on worrying about how to defeat this boss faster than they are going at the current speed. Mina was already running low on energy and they had barely dealt any damage to the Avalanche. At the speed that they are going, this battle would take a long time. It is at times like this that she wished she had her thorns armor with her but unfortunately, she did not, and she might regret it soon enough. "No problem. Although I feel like this battle will take quite a long time despite the damage boost." Kasier predicted, "There's not much for me to do. I guess I'll just get even more attention on me." Kasier informed Mina of her plan before releasing a loud howl.


    HP List
    [1] Mina: 200/200 | EN: 14/20 || [Sharpness: 1/2]
    [6] Kasier: 740/740 | EN: 67/74 | MIT: 89 || [Sharpness CD: 2/3] [Regen: 2/3]

    [BOSS] Avalanche: 92/100 | DMG: 40 || [Paralyze: 0/1]

  9. Kasier didn't know exactly what Itzal meant when he talked about the skills that he possesses that could help out with the familiar finding. However, she was glad that he was able to provide such a list of things that he can do to help. Finally, he settled for the tracking skill, a skill that, Kasier assumed, could allow him to track a certain mod or player. It seemed like a perfect skill for player killers who wanted to track down their targets but Kasier shrugged, deciding that it could help out in situations like this as well. "Alright, so does that mean we can take our time instead of rushing to find it? I would love not to run everywhere with this armor," Kasier exclaimed, standing up straight again after regaining the ability to breath normally, Kasier watched as Velnia came out of the lava and found its place on Itzal, once again. Everything had calmed down for a bit. It was then that she realized that she was not wearing her normal armor. Instead, she was wearing Itzal's light armor - meaning that she was not weighed down by her armor. Instead, she was probably just way out of shape. "Welp, I forgot that I'm not wearing my heavy armor. I guess I'm just a tad out of shape."

    "Anyways, I guess we should be on our way, then." Kasier said, beginning to walk but allowing Itzal to lead since he had the exact location of the familiar that she wanted to find.


  10. <<Sharpness>> Used

    Kasier watched as yet another turn went wasted with literally no events happening other than the fact that she had been hit by an attack that only dealt one damage. Not only that, because she had been hit by that attack, several events happened as a result of that contact. First, she managed to inflict a paralyze condition on the mob because of her armor, causing it to be completely dysfunctional next turn and unable to do any damage to her... Not that it really mattered anyways. Next, she was able to receive the regen enhancement boost, giving her twenty health points per turn for the next three turns unless she gets hit again. Basically, her health will remain full throughout the entirety of the fight and it is impossible for the boss to deal more than one damage to her at a time. When it does deal damage, however, Kasier will simply just heal it all back. That is the power of her mitigation at this point, although it is still far from the mitigation that people have on the front lines.

    Kasier sighed, "I'm still far from achieving what I would like to reach with my tank build. Although I guess this buidl is extremely hard to perfect since there's so many different factors and aspects of it." Kasier shrugged, "Seems like you need a damage boost. It's not much, but it should get you some more damage, +1 damage to your base attack, to be exact," Kasier exclaimed, activating her sharpness skill and using it on Mina so she receives that slight damage boost. Like stated before, it's not much, but it will have to do.

    (I fixed your energy. Missing is -2 energy no matter what sword art you used and you recover one energy before your post action every turn during combat)

    HP List
    [0] Mina: 200/200 | EN: 17/20 || [Sharpness: 2/2]
    [3] Kasier: 739/740 | EN: 66/74 | MIT: 89 || [Sharpness CD: 3/3] [Regen: 3/3]

    [BOSS] Avalanche: 100/100 | DMG: 40 || [Paralyze: 1/1]


  11. Kasier watched as the girl decided to walk out of the safe zone and lay on her back facing the sky. Doing so was an extremely dangerous rookie mistake because she had not met Kasier before. As far as she was aware, Kasier could be someone of extreme danger despite the fact that she is green. One can never be too careful and cautious in this game. Whatever, Kasier thought, walking out of the safe zone but refusing to sit down next to the player - instead, she would stand next to her, looking into the distance as well. It was still early in the morning, meaning the atmosphere was capable of providing the two players with a small breeze that was enough to give a calming, heart-lifting feeling, and Kasier throughly enjoyed the moment. "Yeah, I've been here before." Kasier exclaimed, not lifting her eyes from the horizon.

    Before she knew it, two more players had approached the two players - one who asked whether the two were enjoying the scenery while the other asked if she could join the conversation. The two players looked familiar but she was not aware of exactly who they were - she had only seen them but not properly become acquainted with them. Kasier looked over at the two players, wondering what level they were and attempting to find out exactly where she had seen these two players before. "Kasier... Kasier of the Celestial Ascendants. Pleased to be of an acquaintance." Kasier introduced herself when Trixie initiated by telling the players of her name. This girl is either brave or extremely stupid... Telling her name to a bunch of strangers.

    @Trixie @Vigilon @Dazia

  12. "Lemonade, please," Kasier said, as the owner of the ramen directed his eyes from the ramen bowl that he was making to her. To this action, Kasier responded with a raise of an eyebrow followed by her request for the drink before remembering to remind the owner to make it extra "lemony", in which the NPC responded with a nod before going right back to his ramen for the other customers that sat around her. The ramen stand owner would get her her lemonade in due time, and she really didn't want to drink it that bad. Instead, she had been thinking about the recent guild meeting that she had participated in - the one that caused nearly everyone to shed tears for a fallen comrade. Kasier only had a general idea of what the man, Beatbox, was like as she had only gone a few quests with him, but he didn't seem that crucial to the front lines. If the death of one person is able to cause such an effect, what would happen when the death count begins to raise as players progress in this game?

    That's the question that was on her mind the whole day. Finally, the famous NPC ramen maker was about to take a break and make her the lemonade that she had requested. "Thanks." Kasier whispered simply, paying the small amount of fee that the ramen maker charged before walking off with the lemonade in her hand. Carrying on with her thoughts, she found herself at the edge of the safe zone staring at a purple/violet haired girl from afar. It was an unconscious action - something that she didn't really think about and she just did while she was too busy engaging herself in her own boring mind. Since she was here, she might as well take a break and enjoy the scenery of this floor. This floor, of course, is one of the more calming ones compared to some of the other floors.

    "Quite calming, isn't it? Quite the place to be on a fine day like this." Kasier exclaimed, walking up to the girl and standing besides her.


  13. Kasier looked at her inventory once more, and that was when she realized a new item in her inventory. She had made a mistake in that she had accidentally overlooked the fact that she had received the quest item as well despite the fact that she had not landed the last hit. Kasier shrugged, she'll take it and save it for later in case any DPS is in need of damage with her as a healer. Of course, Kasier would never have any use for the item unless she maxed out her tanking skills and go on to her DPS build - which would not be for a long time. She sighed, closing her inventory and looking at the black-haired man as he claims that he's trying to make a difference. It sounded like the basic ambition of every single low-leveled player that she has ever met, but she knows as well as anyone that ambitions change,

    "Making a change... That's a good goal. But remember, right now, you are low-leveled and as you grow in level, you grow in power. There have been multiple people in the past that started with the same goal as you only to end up as a sorry mop of a player who strives only for power and selfish gains. I guess a famous quote is, with great power comes great responsibility, and that responsibility to is to keep it in check and prevent corruption no matter how powerful you become. Remember that and continue to be who you are, right now." Kasier exclaimed, turning around and walking back towards the safe zone,

    "Well, I'm heading back, then." Kasier said, beginning to walk, picking up her feet heavily, weighed down by the sand.


  14. Spoiler

    Health: 740/740
    Energy: 74/74
    Damage: 1
    Mitigation: 89
    Paralyze: 1 (Armor)
    T2 Recovery: 2 (+4 Energy)
    T2 Regen: 2 (+20 HP)
    Life Mending: 2 (+20% Healing)
    Vanity Starter Weapon
    Oblivion T2: 2x Recovery, 1x Mitigation
    Regeneration Plate T2: 2x Regen, 1x Paralyze
    Springs Rebirth T2: 2x Life Mending, 2x Mitigation
    Battle Ready:
    Banner of Leadership: (1*Tier) damage for you and five players; 2/3 charge; Refill: 5,000
    Banner of Superior Support: (+120 HP for 6 players; 3/3 charge; Refill: 5,000)
    Teleportation Crystal
    5x Mass HP Recovery Song T2 (+90 HP entire party)
    5x Safeguard potion
    Rank 5 First Aid
    Rank 4 Block
    Field Medic

    With Kasier's single point of damage, there was no point of Kasier attacking despite the fact that the monkeys were low on health, and because of the fact that she goes last out of all of the players, there was a huge possibility that she won't get the chance to heal before the battle ends. Kasier shrugged, it was good that she won't have to heal because that meant the battle had been a piece of cake and all the players were safe. Since she doesn't have anyone to heal, her second choice was to use her damage boosting mod but she soon decided against it as it was unnecessary at this point of the battle. She didn't recall precisely what the quest description said but she wasn't sure whether there will be a stronger boss after this wave of enemies. If there was, that would be when this mod becomes most effective and beneficial to the party.

    "No one to heal. Passing. Be prepared for the monkeys," Kasier warned, wondering who the monkeys will attack out of the three players with hate. Before she said that, she was awfully tempted at using her howl skill to generate some hate so the monkeys would attack her instead of the two DPS players that is more vulnerable to damage, but she soon decided against it as they had already declared Macradon as the tank, meaning Kasier needed to stay and do her own job as the healer in case anything bad happens, and that's exactly what she will do - wait and watch carefully.

    - Health List -
                700/700  HP ||  39 MIT ||  12 DMG ||  58/70  NRG
    [2]<Macradon>             1395/1395 HP || 111 MIT ||  13 DMG || 114/138 NRG
    [2]<Hidden>                   580/580  HP || 36 MIT ||  12 DMG || 53/58 NRG
    740/740  HP || 89 MIT ||  1 DMG || 74/74 NRG

    Super Flying Monkey       -120/200 HP ||  50 MIT || 250 DMG || 3 EVA 
    Super Flying Monkey         22/200 HP ||  50 MIT || 250 DMG || 3 EVA  <<Paralyzed 1/1, Bleed (-24) 2/2>>
    Super Flying Monkey         22/200 HP ||  50 MIT || 250 DMG || 3 EVA 
    Super Flying Monkey         22/200 HP ||  50 MIT || 250 DMG || 3 EVA 

    (Turn order: @Birdie > Macradon > Hidden > Kasier > Super Flying Monkeys)

  15. Stryder had been standing still and finally, Kasier watched some sort of movement from the black-haired man. He was ready to strike, and she knew it as well. The boss was low on health and they were finally done with the it. Despite the fact that it took longer than her average battles, she found it awfully fun to delay the battling process and enjoyed every part of it. In battles such as this, she feels that her build can actually be put to use. At the moment, she was still quite low in terms of mitigation as a tank/healer hybrid, however, if she continued to work hard, she will eventually reach her goal - immunity. At some point, she will have so much health and mitigation that she can no longer be dealt damage and that is what her goal is... to reach that state and become a wall on the front lines that heals the players behind her. She knew that it would be a difficult process becoming something like that, but in the end, it will be worth it for her and the front lines.

    Kasier anticipated that a "quest complete" screen would pop up in front of her and indeed it had. Unfortunately, only one player would get the venom for the quest and as the game decided, it would go to Stryder. Not that she minded, of course. She was a healer and having such an item would only be a waste in her inventory as it would only be gathering dust. "That was easier than last time, and this time we faced a more powerful mob. I can tell you have been working hard." Kasier complimented, something that she has been trying harder to do more often.


  16. (Lmao I completely misread your last post mb)

    ID: 88133
    CD: 7
    <<Purify>> Used

    Kasier sighed, she noticed that Stryder had indeed taken a much needed break and she didn't blame him for it. Actually, she had kind of wished that she possessed that energy transferring skill at this point. However, it didn't seem that important or useful for her to spend the amount of skill points needed to complete that skill. Kasier looked at him, then back at the desert worm which was starting to be an extreme pest to her. She looked back once more having activated her new skill for the second time in the same combat and she was pleased with the effects that it provided. Although the mod heals far less than her actual first aid skill, she was able to remove the poison from Stryder and that was the most important aspect of the mod - the other healing effect was just there as a beneficial side effect. Without speaking, Kasier gave the man a thumbs up without looking at him, signaling that everything was well and perfect.


    HP List

    [6] Kasier: 739/740 (-20 Poison) (+20 Regen)
       EN: 55/74 (Nat 1 + Rec 4 = +5) (-10 Pur) || [Poison 4/5] [Field Medic CD: 3/5] [Purify CD: 2/2] [Regen: 2/3]
    [3] Stryder: 313/360 (36 Pur + 7 Lm = +43)
       EN: 9/36 || [Poison: 0/5]

    Amphis Serpens: 30/175 | DMG: 70 | MIT: 45 || [Paralyze: 0/1]

  17. Kasier was soon shown the bedroom that she would spend the majority of her time in - sleeping, of course. She jumped into the bed, testing out everything including the comfortableness of the bed as well as the bounce factor. Basically, she wanted to make sure that her sleeping environment was precise and was of complete perfection before she approved it. Although it was not perfect, Kasier was sure that she will get used to the bed eventually. Kasier sat up on the bed, scanning the room and the wooden furniture that came with the room - bookshelves and shelves in general. 

    "I didn't know that books exist in this game. Interesting, you know what is in those bookshelves?" Kasier asked, her interest perking as this was the first time that she had even seen anything related to books in this game - although there were books on the shelf, she was not sure whether they were actually readable or they were just there for the decorational purposes. "Oh, by the way, one thing. Do you know where the familiars will be living?" Kasier asked. Sure, the familiars could just live in the master bedroom but if they do that.... So much for privacy. At the moment, only Itzal has a familiar but soon, Kasier will be getting one for herself as well and when that happens, the house will definitely be getting extremely chaotic.


  18. "Probably a bit of both," Kasier responded when she was asked whether she thought that Velnia was diving into lava to show off or because she knows that the game has a protective system for her. It was a rushed response though as she was quickly led to slowly chase the pack of phoenix that flew away from her grasp. She was quite slow, in all honesty due to the fact that she didn't invest a single point into the scout class and her heavy armor which weighed on her, dragging her and preventing her from using her already inexistent speed to her advantage. While she was sprinting as fast as she could, Itzal looked like he was just jogging alongside her while she was giving it all. Kasier sighed, stopping after a while of chasing after she realized that the distance between the two players and the fire birds is becoming longer and longer.

    "Alright, s-stop for a bit." Kasier said, bending down and placing her hands on her legs as a habit. She took a few quick breaths and soon managed to regain her normal breath again. "Sorry 'bout that - I know I'm slow. Guess you're going to have to deal with it, haha," Kasier chuckled a bit, "Alright, do you have any skills or mods that let you see stuff from a long darn distance away? That would be useful right now." Kasier suggested.


  19. Kasier sat there for quite a long time - about an hour or so if she remembered. Honestly, she should've probably left the artisan to his works and gone to do something else instead of waiting there the whole time. That way, she would be productive and gather some materials and then pick up the items at night to craft. However, she just didn't seem to have the ambition to go out at the moment and would much rather sit there for an hour for her items to be crafted. They were, of course, rather valuable for a healer such as her who does not obtain Col as common as all the DPS players whose wallets seemed to be filled with Col and materials. She needed to make everything count and that includes sitting here to make sure her items are crafted to perfection and no one is around to do anything to the items that she had ordered. After a while, her items were brought to her, and she accepted the items along with the Col that he had offered in compensation for the long time that it took. "Don't think much of it. Thanks for the items." Kasier said, making sure the items were safe in her inventory before venturing out into the seventh floor safe zone.


    +800 Col
    +1 Endurance of the Cook
    +1 Ambition of the Cook
    +1 Blessing of the Cook

  20. ID: 88108
    CD: 9
    MD: 10
    <<Howl>> Used

    Kasier unleashed a massive howl once more as she noticed the monster shifting its eyes in the direction of the fragile damage dealer. It appeared that she wasn't the only one who managed to notice the detail and respond to it. Stryder pointed out that he was worried about the fact that he might get attacked soon and asked her to "rejuvenate" it. She assumed he meant for her to regain the attention of the mob boss so she went along with it despite the fact that the word was used completely out of context - it was not something worth pointing out in the middle of battle. Kasier frowned, however, at an earlier statement that the player was running out of energy severely. If Kasier had obtained that energy transfer skill which she thought of as a skill of unimportance, she would definitely help out. However, since she ignored that skill completely, she is unable to do so.

    "Take a break from combat if needed. I can stand here all day no matter how I would like not to do that." Kasier said, taking a super critical from the mob - an AoE attack that poisoned both her and Stryder. "Well, this thing is a pest." Kasier said. Luckily, her purify mod cool down is complete so she can use it next turn.

    HP List

    [6] Kasier: 739/740 (DMG 70 + Crit 2 - MIT 89 = 1)
       EN: 60/74 (Nat 1 + Rec 4 = 5) || [Poison 5/5] [Field Medic CD: 4/5] [Regen: 3/3]
    [3] Stryder: 290/360 (DMG 70)
       EN: 8/36 || [Poison 5/5]

    Amphis Serpens: 30/175 | DMG: 70 | MIT: 45 || [Paralyze: 1/1]


  21. Kasier smiled to Shield's willing introduction to her. It was a well-timed introduction - right after Kasier had asked Itzal about him. A tank. He sure looks like one. Kasier thought. After Beat was done, Kasier nodded, and was about to point out that her level was probably too low for her to join the boss battle without any serious threat to her life. However, before she was able to do so, Hikoru walked into the room and started the meeting with a bang.

    It wasn't exactly the greatest way to start a meeting. Sad news that one of the most valuable players and members of this small, little family has passed away in the manner that he has. Honestly, Kasier had no idea that such an event had occurred and she was truly shocked at hearing the news of Beatbox's death. Although he was a character of importance and reputation, Kasier never truly interacted with the man that much. The two had gone on a few quests together but that was it, and still, Kasier was not sure of exactly what the man's personalities and interests were. Although Kasier has not associated herself with Beatbox, she was still saddened at the passing of a family member that was loved by many different players in Celestial Ascendants and Aincrad in general. Kasier frowned - he was a powerful, strong player, and his death will definitely be a blow to the front lines.

    Already, Kasier could see tears forming by the edge of several players' eyes as the news was processed by everyone in the room. Kasier, of course, although saddened did not share a bond with the blonde man, resulting in her lack of tears. Despite everyone's stunned sadness, it seems that Itzal was impacted by the news the most as he broke out in tears. Kasier sighed, pulling out her "Kasier's Venom" sword that she had wielded a long time ago when she first met Beatbox, Itzal, Mossino, Jonathan - the original founders and members of the guild - no, family. She remembered what she was like back then, and she would devote this blade to Beatbox, placed among the rest of the weapons and equipment in the center of the table.

    Next, Kasier looked over at Itzal, figuring that the best thing she could do at the moment was to help Itzal to a room so he can calm down a little. Kasier had never seen Itzal like this and it certainly would not help the meeting progress if he carried on like this. "Excuse us." Kasier stated, pushing back her chair and standing up before grabbing onto Itzal's arm, offering to help him up to a room if he wished.


  22. ID: 88061
    CD: 11
    MD: 8
    <<Field Medic>> Used

    Kasier watched as the man managed to land a strike on the mob, surprisingly taking its health way down lower than she expected he would be able to. Kasier shrugged - it was obvious that the black-haired man was making plenty of progress in this game, but he wasn't the only person making progress. Kasier, herself, has recently managed to complete what she thought was the perfect healing build with maxed out first aid and all the mods except for the one that boosts party mitigation as she was a hybrid tank that will probably tank most of the time. When she does heal, however, she would heal when her party members are hit by an AoE. Supposedly, if everything goes well, she will be the perfect wall - able to protect her party from any sort of damage through her mitigation as well as her healing. It was perfect, but she was far from that dream land at the moment and she had plenty to grind out if she wanted to reach that point any time soon. Kasier sighed, 

    "Alright, let me try out another new mod that I have yet to use." She said, putting her hand out as she watched the health bars of both players fill up completely to 100%. "Huh. Seems useful enough." Kasier said. It was a shame that the mod required a five turn cool down.

    HP List

    [3] Kasier: 740/740 (-1)(FM 148 + LM 29 = 177)
       EN: 55/74 (Natural 1 + Recovery 4 = 5) (LM 14) || [Poison 2/5] [Purify CD: 1/2] [Field Medic CD: 5/5] [Regen: 3/3]
    [2] Stryder: 360/360 (FM 72 + LM 14 = 86)
       EN: 17/36 ||

    Amphis Serpens: 40/175 | DMG: 70 | MIT: 45 ||


  23. ID: 88026
    LD: 19

    Kasier noticed the silence as well. There doesn't appear to be much to talk about so she simply decided that it would be wise for her to just stay quiet and search for a material. Hence, she simply walked around the first floor wilderness, absorbing the fresh air and enjoying the chill of the wind that occasionally passed by her. Soon, she noticed two birds flying across the sky that seemed awfully relaxed in such a death game. If only the players could be as free as those birds, happiness might actually be a common emotion in this game. However, since this was a community filled with toxic gamers, it was just not possible for such a peaceful possibility to exist. It is truly a shame, but so much toxicity and competition exist in this game to the point that the players are not putting beating this game as the highest priority. Instead, they want fame and riches as their only inspiration. Soon, Kasier found a material randomly and looked for Ruby before giving the material to the blonde woman.

    1 Material given to Ruby


  24. "Been a while since I've come to this place. Seems like the place has gathered up quite a bit of dust. Quite a shame, really, I wonder if anyone actually lives in here now. The place seems a bit unused." Kasier pointed out, walking into the guild hall for the first time in a while when she spotted Mina who seemed to have just entered the building and was scanning the area as well. Kasier stood next to the girl and looked around as well, taking in the modest, humble splendor of the guild hall. It was not extremely extravagant or filled with riches, which is what suited Kasier's tastes. "Seems like a few players have gathered up already," Kasier looked at the people who has already arrived and was getting themselves situated, "Well, feel free to sit down, Mina. Make yourself at home." Kasier smiled, walking over to the table and finding herself a seat next to Itzal quietly, like usual. Apparently, Birdie, Itzal, and the other player was talking about a previous boss - a boss that Kasier had not personally been involved with. Perhaps this time, she would join the boss fight and participate as a healer for the first time in forever. Even if she won't be joining the boss fight, she will be participating in this meeting as she is a member of the guild - healer paladin, actually. No matter what that means.

    "Who's coming?" Kasier leaned over to Itzal really quick and whispered to him, wandering exactly what the attendance will be like and whether there will be any sort of drama here such as the last one that she had been in, "Who's that rough-looking guy? I don't think I've met him before. Is he part of the guild?" Kasier asked, looking at the guy with the beard while still whispering to Itzal.

    @tricolor_mina @Itzal

  25. <<Howl>> Activated

    Kasier watched as the girl charged forward without thinking before she did so. As the tank of the group, it would have been much better for her to approach the battle first. However, the Avalanche managed to miss its first attack, everything should be fine. "Yeah, no need to worry. Although I would appreciate it if you let me engage the the mob first as I am the tank of the group. That way I can take the hits instead of you." Kasier looked blankly at the Avalanche without making eye contact with Mina. The mob was weak compared to her and with the mitigation that she possesses from her skills and equipment, it was highly unlikely that the mob could deal more than one damage to her at a time. In fact, as far as she was concerned, it was impossible for the mob to deal more than one damage to her at a time and she was extremely satisfied at the thought of that. "Also, be careful. It might be slippery up here. Be careful not to fall if you overshoot your attack. We are on a slight hill after all." Kasier warned the girl, opening her menu in the process and preparing her post action move.

    With a deep breath, she stored up air and quickly released it, letting out a tremendous sound of howl that one would have thought impossible to come from the voice of a girl such as she. However, it was possible, as she was not the person responsible for the sound. It was simply the game's effect that made her voice like that. "Sorry 'bout that. The monster should be focused on me now, though. So you can attack to your desires." Kasier smiled, watching as the Avalanche turned its head to face her, preparing itself to launch an attack on her when it was its turn to do so.

    HP List
    [0] Mina: ?/? | EN: ?/? ||
    [3] Kasier: 740/740 | EN: 74/74 | MIT: 89 ||

    Avalanche: 100/100 | DMG: 40/40 ||


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