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Posts posted by Crozeph

  1. Spoiler


    Crozeph: HP: 376/900 (-168+17) I EN: 67/88 (-7) I DMG: 15 I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 BH: 17 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1(+2)

    ID:159073 BD: X(+4) success I MD: 7(-1) 
    Flame Maiden A HP: 60/440 (- I20)I DMG: 132

    ID: 159074 BD: X(+4) fail I MD: 7(-1) 
    Flame Maiden B HP: 320/440 I DMG: 132

    ID: 159071 BD: 2(+4) fail I MD: 5(-1) San Ge hit
    Flame Maiden C HP: 184/440 (-225) I DMG: 132 
    ID: 159075 LD: 20(+3) I CD: 2 I 1,760 bonus col I 1,320 col I T1 perfect trinket I T1 perfect weapon


    He only took a deep breath and waited, waited on the last second, and slashed many times on one target. Perhaps the maidens were expecting another AoE attack so they hesitated and the price was the death of a maiden. The remaining two began spinning their scales and slammed it on the ground causing fire to erupt to where Crozeph was standing. The flames reached him and dealt a good chunk of damage again.

    "Troublesome, very troublesome," he said in a calm manner yet his mind was fixated on how is he going to do another attack that will end the life of another maiden. The two remaining flame maiden let out a wail as if a sister has died or maybe since the three look-alike it was indeed their sister.  Crozeph stood up and raised his katana to shoulder level, trying to keep his cool in this heated battle.

  2. Spoiler


    Crozeph: HP: 783/1,010 (-177+27) I EN: 73/90(-7+4) I DMG: 15(+3) I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 I BH: 27 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1 

    ID: 159063 BD: 6(+4) success I MD: 10(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit I CD: 9 [Recovery] proc
    Infected Swordsman A HP: 18/450 (-144) I DMG: 135
    ID: 159066 I LD: 16(+1) CD: 12 I 1,800 bonus col I 1,350 loot col I 1,800 lot col I T2 rare trinket

    ID: 159064 BD: 9(+4) success I MD: 4(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit
    Infected Swordsman B HP: 10/450 (-152) I DMG: 135 [FRZ]

    ID: 159065 BD: 1(+4) fail I MD: 9(-1)  Amatsu No Homura miss
    Infected Swordsman C HP: 18/450 (-144) I DMG: 135


    The conclusion to the battle was still vague but Crozeph was sure enough to at least keep the upper hand. "Precision, quick attacks, no flashy moves, meikyo shisui" he uttered like a mantra. If he and Ariel were to meet again she would surely see the improvement in his style and make precise attacks. The first swordsman was decapitated when Crozeph spun around and by some fortunate reason, Skadi unleashed a spike made out of ice and locked the second swordsman in place. 

    The third escape and while Crozeph landed blows to two of them and ended the life of one, It would still take another attack for him to actually finish the fight "one step away" he muttered. Such frustration can get on his nerves, Ariel would give him an earful if he continues to miss one target even when he's practicing with his attacks. It must be the fact that he's facing mobs programmed to act like swordsmen and it's giving him a hard time "welp, better take it up a notch" just a few more and it will be over.

  3. Spoiler


    Crozeph: HP: 527/900 (-168+17) I EN: 67/88 (-7) I DMG: 15 I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 BH: 17 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1(+2)

    ID:159067 BD: 3(+4) success I MD: 7(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit
    Flame Maiden A HP: 60/440 (- I20)I DMG: 132

    ID: 159068 BD: 1(+4) fail I MD: 7(-1) Amatsu No Homura miss
    Flame Maiden B HP: 320/440 I DMG: 132

    ID: 159069 BD: 8(+4) fail I MD: 2(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit
    Flame Maiden C HP: 184/440 (-120) I DMG: 132 


    Burning, everything is burning, it seems that the maidens are indeed taking revenge to him for killing the phoenix. As he attacked them all at once, Crozeph could feel the tingle and see his Hp drop as one would flank and two deals damage to him. "Now I'm one half of my HP," he thought. A very dangerous situation but Crozeph thinks he can still manage it. The maidens were also low on health and if he managed to land another AoE at them then he can walk away safely from the fight.

    "If they can all deal damage to me then I'm really dead, better come up with a new strategy," he thought as he began to move and try to think of something much better than trying to hit them all at once.

  4. Spoiler


    Crozeph: HP: 678/900 (-86+17) I EN: 74/88 (-9+4) I DMG: 15 I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 BH: 17 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1(+2)

    ID:159060 BD: 6(+4) success I MD: 6(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit I CD: 6 [Recovery] proc
    Flame Maiden A HP: 180/440 (- I20)I DMG: 132

    ID: 159061 BD: 1(+4) success I MD: 1(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit
    Flame Maiden B HP: 320/440 I DMG: 132

    ID: 159062 BD: 10(+4) fail I MD: 10(-1) Amatsu No Homura miss
    Flame Maiden C HP: 304/440 (-136) I DMG: 132 [FRZ]


    It pisses Crozeph off that one would be a fucker and escape his blade. Not that his aim was wrong but the mobs would be too annoying that Crozeph would also try to keep himself calm. The three flame maidens flew and tried to skewer him with their spears, Crozeph dodged that but got smacked by one of the weighing scale that the maidens held. A hard attack and it dealt considerable damage to Crozeph "got one-third of my health already" he thought as he kept his distance.

    If it wasn't for his mystic code adding extra points of energy then he'd be toast, good thing it gives enough energy so that Crozeph can still use sword arts generously. Three enemies still alive, his health near to its fifty percent, what a terrible situation.

  5. <<Herculean labor>> Nemean Lion

    Kitty Bonanza

    It would've been nice if the lions aren't a threat to the people of floor seventeen. It seemed like a good idea when Crozeph caught wind of the quest but then when he stood before a queen and heard her story, Crozeph only shook his head in dismay "I thought we're going to pat some lions in the head or have them jump through flaming rings, now that's a labor I would never refuse" he thought. Now the quest info has been given to him, he had to think of how to do it the right way. There's no chance he can live through it by going solo so the only conclusion is for him to call the help of the duo, Yuki and Night. 

    Disappointing as he is, he can never face these kinds of mobs if he's not part of a party, hell even the mobs just for grinding can stomp on his ass like a soccer player. He opened his in-game menu and began typing words for them both, sending a group message to make sure he doesn't mess it up.



    To: @Zajcica@NIGHT

    Yo Sherlock and Watson, I'm on floor 17 and wanted to do quest which involves medium-sized kitties. Unfortunately I can't do it alone so I need the help of the finest duo I know.

    see you soon,


    With that finally out of his things to consider he began to pull out items in his inventory and consumed it just to make sure his damage and support is optimized in battle, he can at least make himself look competent if he buffs himself.

    Liquor of Light DMG III

    Yui's grace +1 SP
    Mega Slime Farm +2 SP


     Crozeph [Level 47]
      | HP: 960/960 | EN: 94/94
      | ACC: 4 | DMG: 15(+3) | EVA: 1 | MIT: 48
      | FRZ: 1 | REC: 2 | BH: 27 | LD: 1

      Total SP: 190
      Allocated: 178
      Remaining: 12

    ** Rank 3 Merchant - The Night's Watch
    ** WARNING: Mitigation cannot fall below 0!
      Hide contents


    • Lamina De Skadi [T2 Perfect]
      -- Freeze +1 
      Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) remove the enemy’s action on their next turn. Frozen opponents lose any evasion properties. Striking a frozen enemy before the effect ends will end Freeze and deal an extra (12 * Tier) unmitigatable damage. [Must hit to activate the status condition.]
      -- ACC +2
      A katana with a black hilt and an azure blade like a clear,  blue, lake water. The name translates into "Blade of Skadi" a goddess who also represented hunting and winter, signifying its use as for hunting or attacking foes by freezing them. When equipped, the user 's breath will be like one who is breathing in a cold place and the freeze effect is seen as some kind of water splashing that freezes upon contact with the target.
    • Cloak of the Oath [T2 Perfect]
      -- MIT +2 

      -- EVA +1
      -- A
       black haori who belonged to a vice-president of the Shinsengumi. Enables the wearer to withstand attacks and also evade it.
    • Caster's Mystic Code [T2 Perfect]
      -- Recovery +2

      -- ACC +1
      A platinum band for the wrist with runic inscriptions worn by a Babylonian king who had access to magecraft. This item gives a boost on accuracy and ability to restore energy to cast more spells just like how the previous owner wanted it to work, it glows a vibrant blue when it activates through the lettering.

    [Battle-Ready Inventory]

    • Blessed Marble [+1 EVA +1 Life-Mending]
    • Incarceration Masterpiece/Mass x2 [150128, 150495]
    • Dimensional Backpack


      Hide contents

    Mod Count: 3/8

    1. Katana | Passive | RANK 5/5
      > Finesse R3 -3 EN on SA > Precision +1 ACC
    2. Light Armor | Passive | RANK 3/5 
      > Athletics +1 base damage I +(10*Tier) HP
    3. Battle Healing | Passive | RANK 3/5 [+27 HP regen]
    4. Curved Sword | Passive | RANK 1/5
    5. First-Aid | Active | RANK 3/5
    6. Extended Mod Limit | Passive | RANK 3
    7. Searching | Passive | RANK 1 +1 LD


    • Survival | Passive I +15 Regen OOC
    • Meditation | Active I +10 EN
    • Familiar Mastery: Fighter | Passive | RANK 3/3 +6 base damage

    Misc. Buffs

      Hide contents
    •  Relaxed | Passive | House buff


  6. Spoiler


    Crozeph: HP: 933/1,010 (-88+27) I EN: 76/90(-9+4) I DMG: 15(+3) I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 I BH: 27 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1 

    ID: 159055 BD: 6(+4) success I MD: 10(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit I CD: 11 [Recovery] proc
    Infected Swordsman A HP: 18/450 (-144) I DMG: 135

    ID: 159056 BD: 2(+4) success I MD: 3(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit
    Infected Swordsman B HP: 162/450 (-144) I DMG: 135

    ID: 159057 BD: 8(+4) success I MD: 6(-1)  Amatsu No Homura hit
    Infected Swordsman C HP: 18/450 (-144) I DMG: 135


    Three attacks against one with a katana. Longswords can easily counter blades like what Crozeph has, good thing these swords can't break his weapon, yet. Crozeph continuously dodged the two swords while keeping himself from being surrounded by the three. Not an easy feat but with him hitting back or before they could was enough for him to ensure that he's winning the fight. His footwork has been improving while the accuracy of his attacks are now on par with most players, Crozeph is becoming decent in the battlefield.

    The third swordsman always has the better advantage considering that Crozeph was dodging the two before it attacks. Once again an attack landed and Crozeph had to endure the damage being dealt. "One more strike and they'll all pretty much go down" one more attack and this will be over and that is if all his attacks hit, something he never had the luxury of doing.


  7. Spoiler


    Crozeph: HP: 994/1,010 (+27) I EN: 76/90(-9+4) I DMG: 15(+3) I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 I BH: 27 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1 

    ID: 159021 BD: 6(+4) success I MD: 4(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit I CD: 10 [Recovery] proc
    Infected Swordsman A HP: 162/450 (-144) I DMG: 135

    ID: 159022 BD: 2(+4) success I MD: 5(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit
    Infected Swordsman B HP: 306/450 (-144) I DMG: 135

    ID: 159023 BD: 3(+4) success I MD: 6(-1)  Amatsu No Homura hit
    Infected Swordsman C HP: 162/450 (-144) I DMG: 135


    Taking the distance and the formation of the swordsmen into account, Crozeph made sure he was in a position that no blade can hit him. It would be hard but that's why he was training, to improve his skills when it comes to fighting multiple enemies. A quick sidestep made him dodge the first and duck fast enough to avoid a wide swing. The third was almost there by an inch to which Crozeph deflected as to gain more distance from it. 

    Now it was his time to attack and with that, he made two quick shallow cuts to make them flinch and followed it with two spinning attacks. all three received damage with one of them still having a good chunk of HP. The swordsmen groaned while Crozeph raised his sword, now things are not that grim for him. This is probably the first time I get to hit everyone successfully with an AoE, I should keep this up and not mess it up" he thought.

  8. ID: 158984
    LD: 14(+3) no dungeon found

    A room with a really thick door was in front of him. he could've sworn that doors this thick had something good inside and learned that watching B rate horror movies. "Now the only problem I see is if there is a mob behind this door and decides to ram through" he uttered as he inspected the lock. The door looked rusty yet it also was looking durable, an admirable craftsmanship or simply a nonsense seen inside video games. Crozeph was too lazy to search for a key so he decided to pry it off with his katana. 

    Multiple stabs were received by the lock of the door yet it seemed too adamant to open using only brute force, to which Crozeph is lacking. Never a brute force fan and as always, he preferred thinking it through and find a solution. Unfortunately he didn't have the time to think and luckily the door's lock gave only to reveal an empty room. "Bummer" he said before walking away from it.

  9. Spoiler


    Crozeph: HP: 747/900 (-85) I EN: 79/88 (-9) I DMG: 15 I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 BH: 17 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1(+2)

    ID:159043 BD: 6(+4) success I MD: 10 Amatsu No Homura hit
    Flame Maiden A HP: 320/440 (- I20)I DMG: 132

    ID: 159404 BD: 7(+4) success I MD: 3(-1) Amatsu No Homura hit
    Flame Maiden B HP: 320/440 (-120) I DMG: 132

    ID: 159405 BD: 1(+3) fail I MD: 6(-1) Amatsu No Homura miss
    Flame Maiden C HP: 440/440 I DMG: 132


    Three figures of women with no faces yet set ablaze and wore long priestess gowns approached Crozeph and swung their spears at him. They also held weighing scales made out of fire and used it to put Crozeph at a disadvantage by trying to surround him as fast as they can. The lbue-eyes katana wielder however isn't a fan of flanking and as much as he can, he will counter it with his now precise attacks.

    Two of the flame maidens where his with his AoE attack that came out of nowhere and slashed at their sides. The maidens only gave a mumbling sound and began to circle around him again. "I better be careful that I won't get burned by them" he thought as he raised Skadi to guard.

  10. Spoiler


    Crozeph: HP: 967/1,010 (-88) I EN: 81/90(-9) I DMG: 15(+3) I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 I BH: 27 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1

    ID: 158978 BD: 6(+4) success I MD: 9 Amatsu No Homura hit
    Infected Swordsman A HP: 306/450 (-144) I DMG: 135

    ID: 158979 BD: 1(+4) success I MD: 5(-1) miss
    Infected Swordsman B HP: 450/450 I DMG: 135

    ID: 158980 BD: 8(+4) success I MD: 6(-1)  Amatsu No Homura hit
    Infected Swordsman C HP: 306/450 (-144) I DMG: 135


    Soon enough the four of them engaged on a duel, three on one, and a fair fight. Crozeph carefully dodged two of the longswords aimed at his shoulder and neck, obviously they are trying to decapitate him. The third blade however has already cemented its position when he was dodging. He got careless or rather he was complacent that there was already no space left to dodge the attack. He received damage high enough to make him think twice about his moves again.

    Crozeph made three spinning cuts that landed on two of the enemies. The second swordsman must've seen through the attack but at least Crozeph returned some damage to the one who landed a blow on him. "Shit I missed one again, when will I get to hit everyone consistently" his thoughts went back when he did an AoE on the bees with his quest with hidden, it wasn't a scary looking scene but the aftermath was nightmare inducing.

  11. Floor 13

    Now Crozeph stood in one of the desolate towns of floor 13, an infection-ridden place that even he himself is quite disgusted by how desolate it was, and with that, Crozeph will once again test his sword skill to the infected swordsmen that roams around in the area. He was sure of hitting a lot and now he must maintain the sharpness of his senses and muscle memory so he won't be overthinking how he should do his moves.

    Add to that what Hidden taught him to let the game do the motion for him while he uses his skill. Add all these up and he might just be able to pull it off more times than failing it "train my body and calm my mind, yes, think of all these cringy lines while I make myself stronger" he thought as he stood with his katana unsheathed and three infected swordsmen are approaching him, their longswords drawn out and ready for battle.

  12. As Crozeph made his way back to the settlement on floor five, he looked at the enhancements of the armor he chose after killing Sando Satsu "looks like I got another armor for Shirogane" he thought. For a while, they've been exchanging message with Shirogane telling him that Jeca and her guild is almost finished with the guild preparations that they have made and once it's done she'll be returning to him to continue her training.

    "I wonder what her reaction will be if she sees me in a different hair color? I want her to meet Yuki but as of now..." he opened his friend's list "Yuki is quite busy with Night on some other things" he mumbled a few words in his native language and sighed. At least both of them are living in the same house, now that houses are mentioned... Crozeph gave it a thought "I could entrust the maintenance of my planned storage room to her and let her live in the house that comes with it on Floor 10"  it was a good idea but he wasn't sure if Yuki will approve of it.


  13. ID: 158969
    BD: 2(+4) success I MD: 7 success
    Crozeph dealt 18*11 San Ge = 198 - 30 MIT = 168 damage to Sando Satsu

    Crozeph: HP: 910/1,010 (-150+27)I EN: 82/90 (-2+4)I DMG: 15(+3) I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 I BH: 27 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1
    Sando Satsu: HP: 100/350 (-250) I DMG: 150 I MIT: 30

    The final clash is inevitable. The two combatants began their next attack to which both landed. Sando Satsu's weapon struck Crozeph side while his Iai landed first. The resilience of Sando Satsu was something to admire or maybe the creature had a skill called Battle Continuation EX that made it survive the Iai that pierced its neck. The two stood still for a few seconds as if they are re-enacting a scene from a medieval movie or simply want some dramatic effect. It was short-lived though because Sando Satsu shattered after roughly five seconds and a window prompting a reward for Crozeph was shown

    "I'm to choose between an armor and a weapon?" he asked as he saw the window in front of him. "Well I have a solid weapon already and I only plan to have another for build purposes once I reach a higher tier so..." Crozeph chose the armor of sands and waited for the spikes to disappear so he can go to another place again and begin hunting some materials and the like.

    Crozeph acquired the quest item
    Armor of the Sands [MIT II Thorns I]

  14. ID: 158963
    BD: 1 fail I CD: 12 [Recovery] proc +4 EN I MD: 1 fail

    Crozeph: HP: 910/1,010 (+27)I EN: 82/90 (-2+4)I DMG: 15(+3) I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 I BH: 27 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1
    Sando Satsu: HP: 100/350 (-250) I DMG: 150 I MIT: 30

    Another strike was attempted by Sando Satsu to which Crozeph replied with his own Iaijutsu. There was a synchronization to their attacks to which Crozeph and Sando Satsu nulled the damage they would deal with each other. One swing from Sando Satsu's weapon was stopped by one quick swing of Crozeph's katana. the duel was proving to be satisfying for Crozeph because, at this point, he knows that he has improved. 

    He was missing his attacks less and with practice, he was already doing well on unleashing Iai on his enemies. Sands were blown away when their attacks met, like two fists meeting as they punched, except it was blades. Crozeph took one step back and assumed an Iaijutsu stance again, making sure he doesn't miss his attack or get nulled again.

  15. ID: 158962
    BD: 2 + 4 = 6 success I CD: 10 [Recovery] proc +4 EN I MD: 6 success
    Crozeph dealt 18 x 15 San Ge = 270 - 20 MIT = 250

    Crozeph: HP: 910/1,010 (-100)I EN: 82/90 (-12+4)I DMG: 15(+3) I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4 I EVA: 1 I BH: 27 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1
    Sando Satsu: HP: 100/350 (-250) I DMG: 100 I MIT: 20

    First clash commence! Sando Satsu began hopping on the sand covering a lot of distance to strike Crozeph with its huge weapon. The swordsman's azure eyes were fixated on the openings of Sando Satsu's attack "wide swings leave a lot of openings and also makes it impossible for me to..." Sando Satsu reached him fast and struck the ground. Sands billowed up like smoke as its attack left a large wound on Crozeph's right arm. He managed to deflect the blow so won't be cut in half but the strength of the swing was enough to deal damage to him.

    "Time for the counter-attack"

    Sando Satsu's side was wide open after the attack and Crozeph took that opportunity. One step forward and multiple swings and cuts of his katana "meikyo shisui" he recalled Ariel's reminder to him when attacking. In a few seconds Crozeph dealt twice the damage done to him back to Sando Satsu, he pivoted himself and took two steps backward "don't move back too much, prevent the enemy from taking another wide swing" he thought. Sando Satsu let out a roar and activated his Dominus "looks like we're gonna have to hit harder Skadi."

  16. One step into the accursed duel...

    It felt like a trading card game moment when Crozeph stood in a place flat as Zero from Zero no Tsukaima. A place where a duel or slaughter is sure to take place. "It seems I have activated a trap card" he uttered as the surrounding began to be enclosed by spikes and spears or anything pointy. Not like it would make any difference, Crozeph isn't going to run nor dodge Sando Satsu, it's going to be a head-on battle where both will put their skills to test. Crozeph wasn't sure if he was good enough thus he wants to face this monstrosity and challenge himself to a fight that will clearly tell him of his skill level.

    From beneath the sands, the beast bursts out, kinda cool but needs more kick to it. Crozeph stood still holding his katana by the hilt and ready to start the duel "remember the goal, quick and precise, drag it out and I'll surely die"  he told himself. Sando Satsu Roared while Crozeph let his breath flow out like a breeze...

    Let the duel begin!

  17. Where am I now?

    He asked himself as he continued to travel further into the desert, the horizon had always been so far away but this one is just making him feel uneasy. What if he has to search for some kind of ruin or a place with a hidden passage? the quest did tell that once he's inside he won't be able to get out until the fight is finished. "Must be a cave or some kind of colosseum?" he thought as he stopped and looked at his menu to check the time "if I leave this place by afternoon I might miss Yuki's freshly served meals" he thought. It would be so tragic to arrive at his new home and eat a cold meal and meet the cold stare of his soon to be wife, scarier than this mob that he's going to face.

    His coat flapped as the hot wind blew and took sands along with it. Somewhere around this area, Crozeph will find the location of the quest and finally test his mettle against a mob that according to info brokers, ignores a lot of things. Can he ignore padoru padoru though? a question that no one can ever answer unless they see for themselves.

  18. BGM: Gunmetal Black by Varien

    The wind blew like a big bad wolf trying to destroy the house of the three little pigs as Crozeph ventured into a place where they say that another evolved quest boss or a new quest boss appeared. It was the best chance he could get to test his skills, his new build which was made possible by people who may have existed out of character but still helped. The sands shifted as he walked and the sun shone like it was a tsundere with a smug look on her face looking at him and pouring down whatever heat Aincrad can drop on him.

    Crozeph remained calm and controlled his breathing like a zen master enduring the drops of various dubstep music pumped out inside a room. He has to or he'll lose sight of his primary goal, to test his craft against a quest boss who gives zero fucks on the hate mechanic.

  19. Make it quick and optimal...

    To some, it may seem better to be flashy on their moves, a trait common to shounen protagonist or rather because it was a trope that was popular with movies. What people don't know was that it was never the case when it comes to swordsmanship. A person's mastery is not shown by how many moves he or she can show off in one duel, most of the well-known figures when it comes to swordsmanship was quick and precise, every swing counts and aimed to incapacitate or kill. Despite the domination of guns outside the world of Aincrad, the use of swords and other melee weapons was enough to say that some had been using their knowledge of weaponry and some waving their weapons hoping to hit something.

    Crozeph knew this and other people who knew how to hold a weapon. Ariel and her mastery of historical martial arts had given Crozeph the reason to admire the lioness more. Baldur and his weeb powers and knowledge of the katana also motivated himself to improve his efficiency on the way of the sword. He's part of a dojo again and he must live up to the ideals of Shugyosha-Dojo. As he sat on a rock and ate his enhancements just to make sure his build is optimized further than what his tier limits him. A duel of brute strength against an art passed down for generations.

    T2 Le Beefus Healthus Pointus Maximus [overhealth III] +90 max HP
    Liquor of Light [DMG III]
    Immolation Potion [20 thorns damage]


     Crozeph [Level 45]
      | HP: 920/920(+90) | EN: 90/90
      | ACC: 4 | DMG: 15(+3) | EVA: 1 | MIT: 48
      | FRZ: 1 | REC: 2 | BH: 27 | LD: 1

      Total SP: 178
      Allocated: 178
      Remaining: 0

    ** Rank 3 Merchant - The Night's Watch
    ** WARNING: Mitigation cannot fall below 0!
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    • Lamina De Skadi [T2 Perfect]
      -- Freeze +1 
      Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) remove the enemy’s action on their next turn. Frozen opponents lose any evasion properties. Striking a frozen enemy before the effect ends will end Freeze and deal an extra (12 * Tier) unmitigatable damage. [Must hit to activate the status condition.]
      -- ACC +2
      A katana with a black hilt and an azure blade like a clear,  blue, lake water. The name translates into "Blade of Skadi" a goddess who also represented hunting and winter, signifying its use as for hunting or attacking foes by freezing them. When equipped, the user 's breath will be like one who is breathing in a cold place and the freeze effect is seen as some kind of water splashing that freezes upon contact with the target.
    • Cloak of the Oath [T2 Perfect]
      -- MIT +2 

      -- EVA +1
      -- A
       black haori who belonged to a vice-president of the Shinsengumi. Enables the wearer to withstand attacks and also evade it.
    • Caster's Mystic Code [T2 Perfect]
      -- Recovery +2

      -- ACC +1
      A platinum band for the wrist with runic inscriptions worn by a Babylonian king who had access to magecraft. This item gives a boost on accuracy and ability to restore energy to cast more spells just like how the previous owner wanted it to work, it glows a vibrant blue when it activates through the lettering.

    [Battle-Ready Inventory]

    • Dimensional Backpack


      Hide contents

    Mod Count: 3/8

    1. Katana | Passive | RANK 5/5
      > Finesse R3 -3 EN on SA > Precision +1 ACC
    2. Light Armor | Passive | RANK 3/5 
      > Athletics +1 base damage I +(10*Tier) HP
    3. Battle Healing | Passive | RANK 3/5 [+27 HP regen]
    4. Curved Sword | Passive | RANK 1/5
    5. First-Aid | Active | RANK 3/5
    6. Extended Mod Limit | Passive | RANK 3
    7. Searching | Passive | RANK 1 +1 LD


    • Survival | Passive I +15 Regen OOC
    • Meditation | Active I +10 EN
    • Familiar Mastery: Fighter | Passive | RANK 3/3 +6 base damage

    Misc. Buffs

      Hide contents
    •  Relaxed | Passive | House buff


  20. ID: 158982
    LD: 3(+3) no materials found

    Luck must've run out this time because no matter how many rocks Crozeph would destroy, no material would appear. He sighed, maybe its time to do the other alternative for it, slay some mobs. It was effective, mobs are sure to drop materials after they are killed. He opened his inventory and placed the item inside, making sure he doesn't lose his pickaxe that he might need for anything that requires to be crushed by it. He watched as the lava continues to flow on a certain stream in the area, The place was enough to give a dragon or a phoenix the reason to stay inside.

    His ears then began to pick up sounds "now what?" he muttered in annoyance. Three figures appeared in the shape of women but they were covered in flames. "Hell hath no fury like a woman..." he stood up and watched as they approached "these must the concubines of the phoenix," he thought, preparing himself should they inflict sick burn to him.

  21. ID: 158925
    LD: 15(+3) T1 material found

    The place had several glowing rocks as if magma was flowing beneath it or trapped inside some rocks. It might be a good idea for Crozeph to mine a few before he decides to go back into the settlement. He pulled out his pickaxe and chose the first three boulders as high as his knees and struck them continuously. Shards of rocks scattered and noises emanated in the area as Crozeph struck one are accurately. There were sparks but he didn't pay attention to it, what matters is getting materials.

    His work wasn't in vain, he managed to get one material before he could even finish smashing the second boulder. He lowered himself and picked it up "time to move on a different are" he told himself before he walked away.

  22. "What just happened?"

    He asked himself a really weird question. One moment they were admiring and trying their best to take down Ki'Raion. Now Night gave them some kind of embarrassed look before using a teleportation crystal. "Well looks like today's been quite a day, is Night not coming with us?" he asked her. Crozeph then listened as Yuki told him about her leveling status and how she's already strong enough to be part of the frontlines. As much as he wanted to be the antagonist, he was already seeing the determination in her eyes and Crozeph didn't want to discourage or extinguish that feeling. He can only smile as she continues to prove herself to everyone that she's fit for a boss fight.

    "Well then I guess I just need to do more quest to catch up to you, though I'm a bit of a lackluster when it comes to leveling up" he told her as he smiled "I always liked that determinaton of yours, I wish I always had that" he added. There may still be worries for her from him but Yuki is already strong enough and he need not to think about unnecessary things right now.

  23. Crozeph followed behind her as Lyle called them. An armor was what he crafted for Shirogane which the girl received with happiness. Somehow her laugh reminded Crozeph of the pink-haired tank who was making progress so fast but if they are to be compared, Yuki was more cheerful than her. He crossed his arms and nodded his head in approval. It seems that Shirogane will be having a new armor for herself. Crozeph can't even remember Lyle giving him any when he did the quest "how come you gave her something and I didn't?" he asked jokingly. "You can get your items easily problem child, now go on and try to level up. Little missy here is pumped up with excitement now that she can venture out safely thanks to you."

    He shook his head at what Lyle said, it's not like he did anything for her, the girl herself just needed some push since she was already knowledgeable of how games like this work. He simply pushed her to be more courageous in fights and now another quest is finish with another one to do to train Shirogane.

    Thread Summary

    2 SP [quest] + 1 SP [completed page] + 1 SP [lockdown bonus] = 4 SP
    400 col to Shirogane

    Quest Rewards
    Safeguard potion + T1 uncommon armor [MIT I]

    1 SP [Completed page] + 1 SP [lockdown bonus] = 2 SP

  24. "You're not the only one who was afraid when they got trapped in here, even if most of us are good in RPG games." It wasn't as comforting as it sounds but Crozeph was right, he was an RPG game enthusiast also but even he had to keep himself alert at all times. "Someone helped me get the hang of battles in here, unfortunately, we don't have the beginner's quest so we pretty much stepped out of here and began slaying mobs," he told her. He was more of a mysterious or rather anti-social person way back but was he even a better person now?

    "I'm sure you'll find a way to fit in here without the whole mob slayer thingy" he leaned back on his chair and sighed "I'm not even good at slaying mobs, I just know how to survive," he told her. Which is why Crozeph is aiming to be more of a scout and support type of player, leave the battlefield crushing to those who are built to obliterate mobs. Not that he wouldn't be fit to be a frontline but rather he was going to be squishy to floor bosses with the way he is right now.

  25. ID: 158900
    BD: 4(+6) success I MD: 6(-3) fail

    ID: 158791
    BD: 9 critical I MD: 3 fail
    Crozeph dealt 15 x 15 San Ge = 225 - 50 MIT = 175 damage to Phoenix

    Crozeph: HP: 752/900 (+17) I EN: 54/80 (-12)I DMG: 15 I MIT: 48 I ACC: 4(+2) I EVA: 1 I BH: 17 I FRZ: 1 I REC: 2 I LD: 1(+2) [BRN 2/2]
    Phoenix: 75/440 (-190) I DMG: 132 I MIT: 50 I ACC: 2 I EVA: 2 [FRZ]
    << Hellstorm >> : On attack rolls of 9-10, the Phoenix raises to the skies and with a flap of its wings shoots feathers upon the player with the most hate, dealing an additional 50 damage and applying a Tier 2 Burn effect [24 DMG].

    The ice shattered but it's freezing effect was still slowing it down. No time to waste, better get the Phoenix before it can flu up and unleash Hellstorm on him. Crozeph sprinted and moved his blade cutting at its wings multiple times and one vertical chop to its neck. All attacks landed accurately, satisfying his goal of never missing most of his attacks and never be haunted by Hidden's anger.

    "Looks like what I wanted is here now" he looked at the polygons rising up after the Phoenix shattered and saw the item drop, the phoenix feather. Considering all the troubles he had to go through to get it, the rewards don't seem that bad. He picked up the phoenix feather and placed it inside his inventory, now he just needs to head back to the settlement and have a nametag crafted for him.

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