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Posts posted by Crozeph

  1. He knew that it was the girl's doing as another one of the bandit died. That however doesn't diminish the quality of terror enveloping the area. It almost felt like they were inside a supernatural slasher movie and the remaining bandits kept on blaming him for the death of another one. "Let's kill this guy already before he kills us all" one of the two said "it's not my fault I don't have any weapon right now, you think I can just kill someone using my hands? Well, I could do it but not this…" one bandit took a swing and Crozeph managed to dodge by a hair's breadth "now our sanity is spiraling downwards" he told them.

    "Don't you dare move!" a bandit rummage inside a sack lying down and took out a rope "tie him down" he said. The other bandit gave him an annoyed stare "this guy just killed two from our group without us knowing how and you want me to tie him?" he said. Crozeph scratched his head, he's been trying to sense the girl but she was already back in the shadows and if she keeps on toying with her prey including him as her side dish, then things will really go down to him getting attacked "if I try to pull out Skadi she might get mad" he thought.

    Crozeph moved back again as the bandit swung an axe at him "seriously? That rope looks weak and there's only two of you and attacki…" the fight continued. Crozeph felt stupid putting himself in a handicap by having no weapon equipped but then he had to think about what the girl told him to not interfere with her killing the bandits. Crozeph pulled out crude Judo moves on the bandit with an axe but the second one hit him with a rock on the head "tie him down! We'll make sure he dies slowly" the bandit holding an axe stood up but to his dismay, the bandit ran away after landing that rock to the player's head shouting something about being protected by god or something. Crozeph stood on his knees and ran towards him spearing forward and tackling to the ground. It was like two kids fighting and without his katana, Crozeph could only hold them back and not kill them as much as he wanted to.


  2. The Cerberus that emerged was indeed a much more terrifying version of what he and Yuki fought back then. Although with three of them dealing damage it won't be much of a problem even if it seemed like the monster can defend all three heads. Crozeph moved and waited for an opening while Hidden does the initiative "she's fast enough to dodge…" it was an assurance he had, it was obvious and Crozeph was confident.

    "Always remember that confidence is a slow and insidious killer."

    Three heads dealt critical blows when Hidden appeared and attacked it. Her health went down way too fast that it seemed like she had a low HP pool from the beginning. "Shit!" he muttered. There were two options on this sudden change of pace in favor of Cerberus.  Crozeph moved a few feet closer to Hidden and stretched out his hand "First Ai…" then it hit him. Healing Hidden would lessen the chance to kill one head "Hidden go vanish again, Night and I will try to finish off one head then I'll heal you" he told her in a cold yet calm manner as he kept his eyes on their target.

    If she's isn't visible then it won't be able to attack her and the battle healing skill can help recover enough for her. Crozeph breathe in and slowly exhaled and then ran towards one of its head "if I lower its health then Night might just be able to land the killing blow and have one less head to worry about."

    Its tails were flailing when he moved and as soon as he saw an opening he unleashed multiple slashes on its head down the shoulder. The attacks were given enough strength and is intended to be deep cuts but it was all shallow even when he landed his attack "thick skin, might as well…" he made one last stab and stomped his foot on its body to pull the sword out. If this goes well he'll cast one first aid to Hidden and lessen her chances of getting gnawed by it again. Damage was still dealt to him with its thorn also.

    ID:166385 BD: 6 + 4 = 10 - 2 EVA = 8 success I CD: 6 [recovery] proc +4 EN
    Crozeph dealt 18 damage x 15 San Ge = 270 - 75 = 195 damage to Cerberus head #1

    Cerberus Head A | 133/500 | DMG: 175 | MIT:75 | Thorns: 30 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    Cerberus Head B | 500/500 | DMG: 175 | MIT:75 | Thorns: 30 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    Cerberus Head C | 500/500 | DMG: 175 | MIT:75 | Thorns: 30 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2
    << Bringing Hell >> : "Cerberus, Inferno's Rage" gains 1 attack for each head alive.
    << One at a Time >> : Players can only target one Head at a time before hitting another. AoE's do not work on this boss.
    << Burning Bite >> : On successful attacks, the player is inflicted with "Burn" dealing 36 unmitigatable damage for 2 turns.
    << Infernal Punishment >> : On a critical attacks, this boss gains additional damage and will phase through 50% of the target's mitigation on all attacks this turn. [ 9 = 25 | 10 = 75 ]
    << Bloodless >> : This boss is immune to all status effects.

    [0] NIGHT | HP: 1285/1345 (+65, -25-25) | EN: 107/130 (+1, -12) | DMG: 22 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | BH: 65 | LD: 3 | FIREPROOF | TAUNT
    [1] Hidden | HP: 462/1100 | EN: 90/108 | DMG: 16 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 2 | BH: 22 | HOLY: 8 | VAMP-O: 108 | RESTED (0/2) | Burn 36 2/2
    [0] Crozeph | HP: 995/1050 | EN: 85/94 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 54 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | BH: 28 | FRZ: 1 | REC: 4 | LD: 1

  3. It was faint but Crozeph knew it was the girl, it seemed like some kind of stealth and while he felt it, he didn't see where and when she attacked. He only saw the one holding a pickaxe drop and shattered like his soul was robbed from him and the body just shriveled to nothingness. "H-hey I think one of your friends is…" the bandits turned hostile on him and asking what did he do. Crozeph raised both his hands assuring them he had no weapon "ch-chotto matte!" he uttered "I should be the one asking, I'm the hostage here" he told them.

    One of the bandits quickly grabbed the pickaxe dropped by his accomplice and pointed it at Crozeph "lies! You are the only one who's not with us here" the bandit snarled at Crozeph who remained seated like a lost kid on the log "look Bandido, I have no weapon and if I did resist it would be too fucking obvious" Crozeph replied. The others began looking around them "are you sure there is only this half-wit there?" the third bandit asked "I am sure, we all have stealth detection here right?" his fellow bandit replied "I don't have stealth detection" Crozeph chimed in. "You shut your mouth! I'm gonna split your head if I hear another word!" the bandit holding the pickaxe yelled at him.


  4. Clearly these two could handle mobs with large HP pools. Night had taken the initiative and dealt with impressive damage as always to multiple targets and Hidden is still proving that her dagger is like an exorcism tool that compliments her skills. They have a good start despite the hounds dealing some kind of thorns or return damage. While the place remained to be an annoyance with its burning temperature it was no excuse for them who were considerably high leveled to just croak so fast. A single high tier player is dangerous, add two to the mix and disaster is sure to erupt. They just have to make sure it was in favor of them.

    Crozeph dashed forward, Skadi already unsheathed and ready to strike the two remaining targets "we've gotta put a little impression for them Skadi" he uttered. Launching himself a few feet off the ground, Crozeph made a plunging attack to the second infernal. The attack was strong enough that ice jutted on one gash he made as he pulled out his katana quick to attack the next one but unfortunately it wasn't a killing blow. Crozeph tried to hit the other and freeze it but the environment was proving to be a hindrance for consistent freeze effect. It even made him miss his attack on a stunned monster "can't hit them all huh" he muttered.

    [2, 2, 2] @NIGHT | HP: 1270/1345 (-25-25-25) | EN: 120/130 (-10) | DMG: 22 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 5 | BH: 65 | LD: 3 | FIREPROOF | TAUNT
    [1, 0, 0] Hidden | 1097/1100 HP | 99/108 EN | 16 DMG | 79 MIT | 4 ACC | 2 EVA | 22 BH | 8 Holy | 108 Vamp. Off [Rested 1/2]
    [0, 2, 0] Crozeph| HP: 1,025/1,050 () | EN: 93/94(-5+4) | ACC: 4(+3) | DMG: 15(+3) | EVA: 1 | MIT: 54(+30) | FRZ: 1 | REC: 2 | BH: 28 | LD: 1 I -6 DoT damage

    ID: 166172 BD: 9 I CD: 9 I Amatsu No homura hit! 18 + 1 critical x 8 SA = 152 - 45 MIT = 107 damage
    ID: 166173 BD: 1 I critical fail

    Infernal Hell Hound #1 | HP: 0/350 (-241) | DMG: 125 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | THORNS: 25 | STUNNED
    Infernal Hell Hound #2 | HP: 112/350 (-107) | DMG: 125 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | THORNS: 25 | STUNNED I FREEZE
    Infernal Hell Hound #3 | HP: 219/350 (-131) | DMG: 125 | MIT: 45 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2 | THORNS: 25 | STUNNED

  5. Worried was an understatement but Crozeph was willing to let it all go now. His fiance just did a feat Crozeph would never even dare and the weird part is he got dragged along with her. While Yuki leveled up fast, Crozeph was able to gain levels also. It was like he mowed down quests yet he barely remembers he did it all. Body pain was non-existent inside the game yet Crozeph felt tired of it also. If someone as lazy as he was tired of doing it all, what more to Yuki who went through quests like a freight train.

    "You deserve this for all that hard work," he told her as he continued to wrap his arms around her. While they quietly drifted on the lake in a boat, Crozeph gently tightened his arms as he hugged her "looks like both of us will be joining the frontlines at this rate" he told her, his voice almost matching the calm ripple of the lake water.

    His thoughts were nowhere near to an epiphany but he now understands a few of his own feelings. It might be bliss or just a rush of chemicals in his brain but Crozeph was holding on to this person. Everything he has been planning so far was so wide it included people. Now as he and Yuki is almost lying down in the boat, he is starting to understand something that he easily misunderstands and that is holding on to someone.  "Hey Yuki, I have a gift for you," he told her. Crozeph opened his inventory menu and scrolled for something out of Yuki's sight.

    "I got this for you, I was thinking of giving it before you go into the floor boss battle since I was a coward but somehow it is you again who helped me not to be one," he said "or to put it simply, stopped me from whining like a bitch" he added. Soon enough he held on to a necklace. While the trinket looked normal the pendant was quite intricate on its design. The pink gerbera daisy pendant looked liked it was a real daisy, Crozeph wasn't sure if Yuki would like it but instead of wasting seconds of his life thinking about it, Crozeph eased himself and made Yuki wear the necklace "I'm not really good at choosing gifts, I hope you liked it" he told her. "I hate all these crowds and how everyone is frolicking but with you here, things got better, they're all almost nonexistent" a poor attempt to act romantic, Crozeph should stick to spouting wildfire insults or sentences that lack coherence in thoughts.

    "I'll keep on holding on to you Yuki, I guess its not just the good food or your contagious cheerfulness. If things happen or you know…" he leaned his head on hers almost whispering to her ear "…if shit hits the fan and I lose you, I can still live but I'm not sure if I can see myself as someone who is still alive. Our relationship might not be something that has been going on for years yet all of a sudden I just held on to you every time I get the chance to" the voice may be calm yet there was always a hint of sadness. A contradiction yet again and it made Crozeph mad at himself while at the same time he felt happiness with Yuki in his arms. It only took a few seconds as tears began to well up and with that Crozeph said it "I don't want to lose you."

    Then it happened…

    A meteor shower, while it's not impossible inside the game it was still enough to stop most from their tracks and get a lot of attention except Crozeph. He buried his face to Yuki's hair hiding his tears and holding on to her as if she was going to be taken from him. Quite a pathetic display maybe but does it really matter? He was quiet, at times foul-mouthed, a magnet for danger, yet with Yuki in his arms, he was all of a sudden vulnerable. He wanted to go home but kept it to himself, Yuki might be enjoying the meteor shower and he didn't want to ruin it.


  6. Hi, I don't know what to say but I'll do my best to explain things to anyone reading this so here goes:

    Do you want to raise your net worth inside the game?
    Do you want to gather materials and unidentified items in a less risky way?
    Or you just want someone to talk to while grinding for levels (not me)?

    I'm Crozeph of Jacob's Ladder and runs a shop on floor ten, The Night's Watch. Me and my trusty friend Shirogane go out and gather materials, unidentified items, and search for dungeons anywhere. If you feel the urge to have a few people go with you on grinding then we are willing to help you, or if you are willing to tag along with us. Dividing of loot is not a problem because we will only be taking 1/4 of every type of loot and the rest is yours, and so, here are what we can offer to you if you plan to join the newly founded (and unofficial) Supplies Procurement Squad. Here are things you can expect for joining us:

    • Free Buffs (over-health, immolation potion, MIT, and other buffs you need)
    • Healing when things get rough during a battle (courtesy of Crozeph)
    • If you are fearful of fighting multiple mobs, you can go gathering with Shirogane and avoid combat
    • If you want to slay and loot these dastardly creatures then Crozeph's got your back.
    • Free loan of equips should you need an upgrade on enhancements (assuming you find something to your liking in his storage)
    • We won't take much from the total loot (we only want food and dungeon maps)

    If you have further questions, please message Crozeph or you can visit him on floor ten. Just look for a shop with an insignia of a crow and you're good to go.

    Have a nice day!

  7. There was no hostility between the two but sometimes Crozeph worries about how Hidden is direct to people. He's not dumb either to just tell Hidden about it, the girl might be dangerous to him but he bears no ill will against her, the disappointment was justified and she was probably one of the people who helped him realize how shitty his equipment is.

    "Yuki never replied, she must be busy and I'm not sure if she's coming anymore. I'm sorry I dragged you into this Night" he told the other one. Here they are near the lair of an evolved Cerberus. "T-this one still has that damage-dealing environment right?" he asked both of them. With Night the damage-dealing would be much higher and will make things go faster.

    "Y-yeah Yuki is busy I think, I was hoping the two of them to be here but I guess it'll be just the three of us," he told her. Crozeph checked his equipment and made sure every buff he has in his pocket is already part of his stats "I'm good to go, how about you Night?" he asked "I'm really sorry again if you got dragged into this" he told her.

  8. Safe, for now. The girl seemed to know what she is doing and Crozeph sort felt like he was leeching off her skills in this quest "I mean I'd be willing not get in your way if you want me to…" she disappeared after a few minutes as soon as the campsite was visible. Tents, some logs to sit on and a campfire in the center, it looked like a vacation spot for him. With the girl blending with her surroundings, Crozeph was sure of it, she is going to do the opposite of what he was planning to do.

    Crozeph opened his inventory and tried to switch out a vanity weapon, it would be a pain if Skadi suddenly bursts out icicles if he attacks "this should be enough to fend them off, at least she didn't have the disguise…" as he stood still, one of the bandits had already disappeared from the campfire and a dagger was placed under his chin "why are you here?" he asked Crozeph.

    A sudden turn of events, while he had no plan of hiding, it looked like he stood out too much that one of the bandits spotted him quick. "This is humiliating, I bet Schwarz is looking at me now with disappointment in her face just like…" yes, for sure it would be like how Hidden looks at him. "I-I'm just here to gather some materials," he told the bandit behind him "we may be called bandits but we are not fools!" the man took his vanity pickaxe and pushed him forward by using the pointy end of the dagger.

    "Boys, we got ourselves one of those paid adventurers who are sent to finish us off," he told the three sitting. Crozeph was slammed on one of the logs to sit while one of them held his pickaxe "how bold of you to come here alone, perhaps we should take our time killing you" he told Crozeph. On the bright side, no one seems to have seen the girl who was with him earlier and Crozeph sighed at the thought of it "is there gonna be a massacre?" he thought.

  9. Crozeph nodded, it was normal for her to not recognize him after all. He had a lot of changes when it comes to his looks and the way he is dressed right now. "I understand but I'm not from or going on a date I just happened to be in a safe zone so I felt no need to equip some items," he told her. It has been a while since he last saw her and he was glad to see she was doing well. "Maybe this could ring a few bells…" Crozeph tried to remember where he placed some of his equipment when he was still on tier one.

    "I use to have black hair and wore a samurai armor and also we did a few quests. You were the first person to do the tanking for me so I remember you well" he said as he tried harder to remember quests they've done before "we also prepare first really good before venturing out to ensure that we survive and also…" he raised a finger when he remembered something "I have a shop on floor ten because I'm a merchant" it's a long time but he was hoping it would make her remember a few things.

    "So what brings you here? I just took a look at the player request board if anyone was doing quests where I can tag along how about you?"

  10. ID: 161238
    LD: 11(+6) stars gathered
    total: 117

    "You're not wrong with that, I wasn't a tournament material or rather the club preferred to have those who are already well-trained to fight for our school, I can't even land a strike fast enough," he said. Crozeph continued to pick up stars, they could at least gather a lot and contribute it to the community event being held "since we both can't contribute to the crafting part of things, might as well we gather all these and send it to them."

    The easter event from a few months ago yielded nice results for Crozeph, he even got a unique ticket that he gave for Yuki to use. Now he can do that again and for what reward? He doesn't care as long as he gets to do some contribution. "You think we can get around four to five hundred stars on this one?" the place was still littered with stars and the two has no plan of stopping yet.

  11. ID: 161236
    LD: 2(+6) stars gathered
    total 100

    "I joined a kendo club in high school, well technically I was held at gunpoint or something like and then joined a proper dojo before I started college." Crozeph could remember himself getting dragged to the kendo club. It was a good experience but he suffered greatly in the eyes of other practitioners when he joined the dojo of his best friend's grandfather. Not that he hated it, he just saw another example of why he sees himself as a nuisance to others.

    "I'm not that good with it though, the game sort of enhanced the mediocre kendo skills I have, once you join Jacob's Ladder you'll see Baldur, now that's a man of skill and dedication," he told her as he picked up stars beneath his feet.

    "You'll get to know them more once someone from the pillars organizes a farming party, that way you can know the others while also leveling up, pretty much everyone from Jacob's Ladder will be helpful for you, it'll be ironic if a guild whose main purpose is to help players struggle on helping a member."

  12. ID: 161233
    LD: 3(+6) stars gathered
    total: 92

    "Yeah that's the plan defensive skills and then get your battle healing and mitigation maxed out as fast we can." Crozeph saw how Yuki was so tanky the more she ranked up her mitigation and shield skills. This can also be done with Shirogane but the only difference is that she won't be having a lot of thorns "giving you an option to deal damage is fine but really, I know you won't be engaging yourself in battles so I figured we should waste the limited space you have, attacking will only happen if you're by yourself." He has been talking too much about it but Crozeph just wanted to make sure Shirogane knew what he was planning.

    Their talks made it easier for him to lose track of time and also makes the star gathering less boring. Seeing as stars are littered in the area, Crozeph began picking what he can see "so how was your celebration of the Tanabata? Are you having fun?" he asked her.

  13. "Talking to you helped a little, thanks Crozeph," Jeca told him. A weird thing to hear for him, he wasn't even trying to help her, he was just being himself. "If the time comes that I'm too much to handle for my friends, will you be there to slap some sense into me even if it would mean you have to kill me?" she asked him again a weird question "I'd just slap you and keep you alive, there's no fun in slapping someone dead here" he replied to her. Jeca finally laughed as she heard his reply "there, I'm seeing glimpses of it but I think you're more of a sadist than violent" she said before she turned around and waved her hand goodbye.

    "I guess I am a sadist at times," he said to himself. There was nothing left for him also in the place plus he can go home early now to Yuki's house and invade her storage of foods. He stood up and looked at his surroundings, there were a lot of them and he was sure that some will slowly succumb to the dread, not even Jeca is spared "she'll be fine if she stays with her friends" he though.

    Crozeph made it back home to Yuki's house and rested for a while before he started practicing his swings in the backyard, he has to prepare for the frontlines so that he can still make it before anything. Slowly he's gaining some strength and its all thanks to his fiance and now he must make good use of it while he can.

    Thread Summary
    1 SP [completed page] + 3 SP [quest] + 1 SP [lockdown bonus] = 5 SP
    400 col [completed page]
    Armor of Sands [T1 MIT II/Thorns I] - An armor made out of iron sands and was dropped Sando Satsu. It has a blackish color that gives of a feeling that it can damage anyone who tries to hit it.

    ID: 159066 I LD: 16(+1) CD: 12 I 1,800 bonus col I 1,350 loot col I 1,800 lot col I T2 rare trinket
    ID: 159720 LD: 3(+1) CD: 10 I 900 bonus col I 1,350 loot col I x2 T2 bonus mats
    ID: 159719 LD: 11(+1) CD: 1 I x4 T2 mats I T2 rare trinket I 1,350 loot col

  14. He was about to take another step to go deeper into the mining area when he heard someone "I heard a girl, there's a ghost woman in this place also?" he thought as he looked around. He wasn't even inside and he's already hearing things. "My mind is playing tricks on me again, I guess my nerve-gear was struck outside and…" his thought was broken when a girl landed and moved in closer asking him if he was to take on the bandits. Her appearance was surprising for Crozeph there was a sense of gentleness in her eyes and the graceful movement of her hair but the tone of her voice, familiar as if she is someone not to mess with "Schwarz?" he uttered but quickly covered his mouth with the sleeve of his haori.

    "This girl is giving off strong Hidden vibes," he told himself. Things got worse when she asked him if she knew him somewhere while revealing her weapon, a dagger before him. Crozeph was already traumatized by how Hidden made him realize not to take dagger users lightly and this girl in front of him was starting to act like she was an instrument of déjà vu "whoa, whoa, I come in peace, I mean yeah I'm here to take on the bandits" he told her "I'm sure of it, this girl is Hidden's twin without being hidden." Crozeph took a step back with both his hands slightly raised "she looks cute though but why am I scared?" he asked himself again.


  15. "I've got to set locations where I can find sub-dungeons and materials, having a disorganized plan is not a plan at all," he told himself. Crozeph had been thinking of finding dungeons on floor eight but that would mean it would be a waste to go to someone of his level, an intermediate dungeon on the higher floors are good but whatever he finds down the beginner floors is safe enough. He walked around the settlement of Floor eight and saw some bulletins regarding a request, even the name of his fiance was there "classic Yuki, tanking for others again, I wonder when she'll get bored but then again this is her I'm talking about, might as well assume that she never gets bored of battle" he thought as he closed his menu.

    To be fair there were no quests available for him already that would be rewarding, having done a lot in a span of few weeks made things troublesome for him in Floor eight so now he was in search of dungeons. He looked around and scanned the place for anyone who seemed like they are interested in having him tag along. "People who look like they needed something…" it wasn't like he saw a ghost but after months of moping and sulking in floor ten, Crozeph kept on seeing familiar faces ever since he got used to the sunlight even though he still hates it.

    The face was familiar although the clothing was casual, the girl was familiar to him because she used to have the job Yuki is doing now "Hestia?" he thought. Crozeph wore a black, long-sleeved formal shirt and grayish pants paired with black shoes. He was wearing casual too and slowly he made his way towards her "hi, this might be a bit weird for you but I wanted to make sure, is that you Hestia?" he asked her. For sure she wouldn't be able to recognize him so Crozeph had to introduce himself again "it's me Crozeph, the katana guy from back then?" he told her.




     Crozeph [Level 47]
      | HP: 960/960 | EN: 94/94
      | ACC: 4 | DMG: 15(+3) | EVA: 1 | MIT: 54
      | FRZ: 1 | REC: 2 | BH: 28 | LD: 1

      Total SP: 192
      Allocated: 190
      Remaining: 2

    ** Rank 3 Merchant - The Night's Watch
    ** WARNING: Mitigation cannot fall below 0!
      Hide contents


    • Lamina De Skadi [T2 Perfect]
      -- Freeze +1 
      Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) remove the enemy’s action on their next turn. Frozen opponents lose any evasion properties. Striking a frozen enemy before the effect ends will end Freeze and deal an extra (12 * Tier) unmitigatable damage. [Must hit to activate the status condition.]
      -- ACC +2
      A katana with a black hilt and an azure blade like a clear,  blue, lake water. The name translates into "Blade of Skadi" a goddess who also represented hunting and winter, signifying its use as for hunting or attacking foes by freezing them. When equipped, the user 's breath will be like one who is breathing in a cold place and the freeze effect is seen as some kind of water splashing that freezes upon contact with the target.
    • Cloak of the Oath [T2 Perfect]
      -- MIT +2 

      -- EVA +1
      -- A
       black haori who belonged to a vice-president of the Shinsengumi. Enables the wearer to withstand attacks and also evade it.
    • Caster's Mystic Code [T2 Perfect]
      -- Recovery +2

      -- ACC +1
      A platinum band for the wrist with runic inscriptions worn by a Babylonian king who had access to magecraft. This item gives a boost on accuracy and ability to restore energy to cast more spells just like how the previous owner wanted it to work, it glows a vibrant blue when it activates through the lettering.

    [Battle-Ready Inventory]

    • Blessed Marble [+1 EVA +1 Life-Mending]
    • Dimensional Backpack


      Hide contents

    Mod Count: 3/8

    1. Katana | Passive | RANK 5/5
      > Finesse R3 -3 EN on SA > Precision +1 ACC
    2. Light Armor | Passive | RANK 4/5 
      > Athletics +1 base damage I +(10*Tier) HP
    3. Battle Healing | Passive | RANK 3/5 [+27 HP regen]
    4. Curved Sword | Passive | RANK 1/5
    5. First-Aid | Active | RANK 3/5
    6. Extended Mod Limit | Passive | RANK 3
    7. Searching | Passive | RANK 1 +1 LD


    • Survival | Passive I +15 Regen OOC
    • Meditation | Active I +10 EN
    • Familiar Mastery: Fighter | Passive | RANK 3/3 +6 base damage

    Misc. Buffs

      Hide contents
    •  Relaxed | Passive | House buff
  16. Spoiler


    ID: 161197 BD: 7 Picasso Golem # 1 hit
    ID: 161198 BD: 1 Picasso Golem # 2 miss
    ID: 161199 BD:10 Picasso Golem #3 hit
    ID: 161200 BD: 6 Picasso Golem #4 hit

    Picasso Golem #1 HP: 698/818 -(120) I DMG: 168 I ACC: 3
    Picasso Golem #2 HP: 818/818 I DMG: 168 I ACC: 3
    Picasso Golem #3 HP: 682/818 -(136) I DMG: 168 I ACC: 3
    Picasso Golem #4 HP: 698/818 -(120) I DMG: 168 I ACC: 3

    [0, 0, 0, 0] NIGHT | HP: 1175/1175 | EN: 41/112 (+1, -13) | DMG: 26 | MIT: 54 | ACC: 4 | LD: 8 | PRSOP: 6
    [0, 0, 0, 0] Zajcica | HP: 1040/1040 | EN: 96/98 | DMG: 9 | MIT: 161 | EVA: -1 | BH: 54 | REC: 1 | HM: 2 | THORNS: 74 | BLD: 36
    [1, 0, 1, 1] Crozeph | HP: 680/680 | EN: 68/68 | DMG: 15 | MIT: 74 | ACC: 6 | EVA: 3 | FREEZE: 1 | REC: 2 | LD: 2


    As they continued to talk about the dividing of loot, there it was again. It seems weird that mobs are patrolling the area and they always happen to be in the area where they would walk. "I'm beginning to see a pattern and I'm not liking it," he told them as he stood up. Should it be the grotesque creatures that infested the floor then Crozeph is gonna have one hell of a hate for them and with that he held Skadi up and waited for the mobs to appear and make a quick AoE attack.

    The mobs appeared and they were golems as tall as him, Their body made up of so many rocks and gems that are jagged they were the almost the definition of "edgy" or it’s a pun which we can all ignore. The face however made Crozeph burst to laughter, rubies, and other gems of different colors made up their face that they reminded him of a painting made by Picasso. He laughed like that blonde asshole in Fate and then uttered fire "is that even a face? Not even your mother or you can love that" he uttered. The four of them turned their head a hundred and eight degrees to reveal a mad version of their Picasso face "oh shit" he muttered.

    Crozeph didn't waste any time and moved forward and spun around twice, unfortunately, their hard bodies were too much for Skadi because one bounced it off but luckily one of them was frozen solid when the water Skadi secreted seeped inside the tiny crevices of it body "I think they got angry" he told them.

  17. He looked at her with a confused look in his eyes, it seemed like Jeca was beginning to enjoy the thrill of killing the accursed mobs who kept on barring their only exit in the game. "Don't enjoy it too much woman, text flavors of items may not affect us here but PK guilds exist because of it" he said in a serious tone. It was probably rare to hear about PK guilds nowadays or about player killers going around killing for any reason give them but they still exist.

    It was a reality Crozeph accepted but also kept him wary "you have friends, let them be your medicine when you feel like you're crossing the line." Jeca stood up and picked up her weapon "I guess I should be making my way back so I don't go insane" she told him. "You're already insane woman, just not on the bad side" his reply made her smile, at times it was weird that Crozeph's serious and depressive tone is topped by his unhealthy choice of words.

  18. "Speaking of, I wonder what made you change your look. It kinda brightened up your demeanor but your eyes are still sleepy as ever" she told him. Jeca crossed her legs and stretched out her arms, she was also back from a solo quest "have you ever tried to be so violent?" Jeca's out if thin air question was not that surprising to Crozeph, sometimes questions like this surface from people who are anxious about the death game "I am violent, you just don't have a chance to see it plus…" he closed his in-game menu "I make it quick, I hate wasting time or it depends on who I am wasting my time to" he added.

    "I don't like tapping on that side either, I don't want to be a savage here" Jeca sighed at what she heard "I guess I should watch myself then" she looked at her battleax and gave faint smile "sometimes it can get to your head when you're strong enough to handle more than one enemies."

  19. "Brotherly instincts? I'm not that kind of person. I don't want Shirogane's resolve to be extinguished by her fears that's why I'm doing my best to support her for that and if that is seen as brotherly instinct then so be it" he replied to Jeca as they sat on a bench in the plaza "Well she did make good progress after going with you so I can't complain, though I do have this problem with Gerard treating her as some kind of weakling that needs to be kept out of harms way even if it's not necessary" Jeca's words might have made sense as he saw Shirogane fight boars and still tremble but in the end, she mustered her courage and cultivated it, that was the start and he only needs to water it or add fuel to her fire.

    "She did have this fear of fighting, the mere impact of her weapon is enough to make her hold back" he said as he opened his inventory and shuffled for the item he got from Sando Satsu. "There are things that we can only get if we start from something small, mostly everything but for her, it was a good start" he was sure that Shirogane can do it, only time and circumstances can tell when.

  20. "Maybe Yuki is tired from all the leveling she's been doing these past few weeks" he thought as they remained in the boat slowly drifting. Somehow he wasn't getting unwanted attention now, how ironic, people looked at him as if he was living a miserable life alone inside a boat and when Yuki came in everything seemed normal. Crozeph eased himself again and gently pulled Yuki towards him with her head and back on his chest "here, you try to rest even with this festivities going" he told her. He wrapped his arms around her and held a pen and another paper to write his next wish. "I know you've been doing a lot of quests and farming to level up to make sure you're ready for the frontlines and I'm so proud of you" he added.

    Funny thing though is that the lights and lanterns are not annoying in his sight anymore, he also doesn't give a shit on the noises the people made. He pressed his cheeks on her head resting "I'm sure you've done this most of the time right? I never wanted to celebrate things like this because I was alone" he looked at the lights where the festival is being held "I don’t hate it, I just don't want to be part of it. It always felt like it wasn't for people like me, or maybe that's just what I think." Crozeph held the tanzaku and began writing his fourth wish, Yuki still wrapped in his arms "even with that, you managed to change everything in a matter of minutes" he said.

    What would you wish for someone you would like to know better?



    "Even with me staying with Yuki and us deciding to get married, I still want to know a lot of things about her. How was her life before all this? What kind of house would she like outside of this game? Her favorites? Things she doesn't want to cook for me like, I don't know, bats? It might seem like a lazy thing to ask or wish for but I'm not really good at knowing people aside from what I can see, I'm dumb when it comes to asking the right questions. I wish I could know things without putting her in a bad mood."

    Wish #4: Know her without cooking up a recipe for bad moods.



  21. Spoiler


    ID: 161054 BD: 2(+4+1) Nemean Lion hit 
    ID: 161055 BD: 6(+4-2) Nemean Lioness hit
    ID: 161056 BD: 8(+4-2) Nemean Lioness hit
    ID: 161057 BD: 8(+4-2) Nemean Lioness hit

    Nemean Lioness #1 | HP: 415/512 -(97)| DMG: 170 | MIT: 47 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2
    Nemean Lioness #2 | HP: 415/512 -(97)| DMG: 170 | MIT: 47 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2
    Nemean Lioness #3 | HP: 415/512 -(97)| DMG: 170 | MIT: 47 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2
    Nemean Lion | HP: 776/838 -(62)| DMG: 135 | MIT: 82 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -1
    [0, 0, 0, 0] NIGHT | HP: 1345/1345 | EN: 112/130 | DMG: 19 | MIT: 99 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 2 | BH: 67 | BRN: 36 | BLGT: 72 | BLD: 36 | LD: 7
    [0, 0, 0, 0] Zajcica | HP: 1410/1410 | EN: 113/120 | DMG: 3 | MIT: 202 | ACC: 3 | EVA: -1 | BH: 70 | BLD: 36 | TAUNT | THRNS: 84 | FL. AURA: 30 | FR. THRN: 21 | 
    [BLEEDING: 15/2]
    [1, 1, 1, 1] Crozeph | HP: 960/960 | EN: 76/94 (-11+4) | DMG: 18 | MIT: 48 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 1 | BH: 27 | FRZ: 1 | REC: 2 | LD: 1


    Crozeph could only smile at the result of the battle, it seems that they are now the nuke duo. "Must be nice to be on a higher tier" he thought as he watched the fragments disappear after the lions tried to claw on Yuki. He looked around and saw where Yuki was talking about "then maybe I should try another incarcerate again?" he asked before pulling out another one of the crystals "or I could just try to move in and…" Crozeph quickly engaged the pack with its leader on it "I just need to find a way to hit them all" he thought.

    It wasn't an easy task but Crozeph managed to hit the three lioness guarding the lion.

    The pack leader however was good enough to use them as meat shields "pathetic" he uttered as he finished his attack on the three. The Nemean lion thought he could escape but Crozeph lunged forward and made two quick slices at its face "too shallow" he quickly moved back and assumed a guarding stance just in case.

    He raised his katana to his shoulder level and made a good distance from Yuki, should they tried to gnaw at her again. Not that it would matter anyway with the radiance of Yuki's armor is enough to deal a lot of damage to them.

  22. "I'm not a fan of disguises and assassinations" he told the guards as they explained to him the options he has when it comes to doing the quest, a quest he has postponed for so long. "There are four of them lad, they are bandits so don't go expecting they'd give you a clean fight" one of them told him as the cart continued on its journey. "I'm used to fighting multiple targets, I can't deal with them in one go but I can pick them off one by one" he replied. They shrugged their shoulders at his reply. Maybe they took it as a joke or maybe they're used to players like him acting them he knows what's best.

    "I just need to find some way to gain some EXP and skill points to max my healing skill" he thought. It might be a good way to also hone his skills when it comes to using AoEs which he always fails to do right "if only I could hit a group of mobs in one blow without missing one" he thought. The cart stopped and soon enough he was in the mining area.

    "You be careful there now lad, you never know what might happen in places like these and by that we mean what other people can do to you" the cart moved along and left him standing.

    Crozeph shrugged his shoulder and looked at the place, a mine with trouble lies ahead. "Just like last time, make it quick and optimal" he thought.


     Crozeph [Level 47]
      | HP: 960/960 | EN: 94/94
      | ACC: 4 | DMG: 15 | EVA: 1 | MIT: 54
      | FRZ: 1 | REC: 2 | BH: 28 | LD: 1

      Total SP: 192
      Allocated: 190
      Remaining: 2

    ** Rank 3 Merchant - The Night's Watch
    ** WARNING: Mitigation cannot fall below 0!
      Hide contents


    • Lamina De Skadi [T2 Perfect]
      -- Freeze +1 
      Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) remove the enemy’s action on their next turn. Frozen opponents lose any evasion properties. Striking a frozen enemy before the effect ends will end Freeze and deal an extra (12 * Tier) unmitigatable damage. [Must hit to activate the status condition.]
      -- ACC +2
      A katana with a black hilt and an azure blade like a clear,  blue, lake water. The name translates into "Blade of Skadi" a goddess who also represented hunting and winter, signifying its use as for hunting or attacking foes by freezing them. When equipped, the user 's breath will be like one who is breathing in a cold place and the freeze effect is seen as some kind of water splashing that freezes upon contact with the target.
    • Cloak of the Oath [T2 Perfect]
      -- MIT +2 

      -- EVA +1
      -- A
       black haori who belonged to a vice-president of the Shinsengumi. Enables the wearer to withstand attacks and also evade it.
    • Caster's Mystic Code [T2 Perfect]
      -- Recovery +2

      -- ACC +1
      A platinum band for the wrist with runic inscriptions worn by a Babylonian king who had access to magecraft. This item gives a boost on accuracy and ability to restore energy to cast more spells just like how the previous owner wanted it to work, it glows a vibrant blue when it activates through the lettering.

    [Battle-Ready Inventory]

    • Blessed Marble [+1 EVA +1 Life-Mending]
    • Dimensional Backpack


      Hide contents

    Mod Count: 3/8

    1. Katana | Passive | RANK 5/5
      > Finesse R3 -3 EN on SA > Precision +1 ACC
    2. Light Armor | Passive | RANK 4/5 
      > Athletics +1 base damage I +(10*Tier) HP
    3. Battle Healing | Passive | RANK 3/5 [+27 HP regen]
    4. Curved Sword | Passive | RANK 1/5
    5. First-Aid | Active | RANK 3/5
    6. Extended Mod Limit | Passive | RANK 3
    7. Searching | Passive | RANK 1 +1 LD


    • Survival | Passive I +15 Regen OOC
    • Meditation | Active I +10 EN
    • Familiar Mastery: Fighter | Passive | RANK 3/3 +6 base damage

    Misc. Buffs

      Hide contents
    •  Relaxed | Passive | House buff


  23. "Is this an out of season April fools joke?" he told himself as he sat on the kotatsu of Yuki's house. He has been staying quite a lot in her estate, not that it was weird but he had been waiting for some kind of field trip with Jacob's Ladder and until then he is to enjoy Yuki's meals and warmth. That was the plan and also if she ever goes out on a quest again she'll sure drag him along unless she wants to test the limits of her armor which was almost similar to the dagger of the person who sent him a message.

    Shivers went up his spine as he saw the name, this is probably one of those times where she would assemble their ragtag team of misfits to take on something "who am I kidding, I'm the only misfit there" he told himself.

    30 minutes later

    "I see no tank" he asked Hidden nervously as he arrived in the area "I know you're not one for tanking but who's willing to get slapped by…" Crozeph knew that this quest was an evolved version of Cerberus and that it would be stronger "mind if I call on my friends?" he asked her and quickly turned around to open his HUD "fuck at this rate I think Hidden's plan is for us to kill it quickly which is not gonna work with my damage output. I need someone who can tank or anything, I'm expecting Red and her daughter to be here but I guess they're out somewhere living their life peacefully while I'm here to be a…" yes it was the thought of doing the tanking that made him more nervous.

    There was the idea to invite Yuki but given that Hidden might find him incompetent again would mean she would say mean things that Yuki would never let go unpunished. "I guess I have to deal with this, I hope Yuki agrees with me and…" he type another message again sending it to the nuke woman he and Yuki trusted to deal damage. He also began munching on whatever buff he could find inside his inventory because in case no one comes, he'll be needing all the health he can get.


    to: @Zajcica
    I'm scared, you can track me right? I need your help


    to: @NIGHT
    I asked Yuki to go to the location of the gatekeeper, if she doesn't come because she busy you're my only (k)night in shining armor

    Liquor of Light [DMG III]
    Tiger Biscuit [T1 probiotics II]
    Le Beefus Healthus Pointus [Overhealth III] 
    Perfect Udon Bowl [ACC III]
    Fiery Dragon Roll [T2 MIT III]


     Crozeph [Level 47]
      | HP: 960/960 (+90) | EN: 94/94
      | ACC: 4(+3) | DMG: 15(+3) | EVA: 1 | MIT: 54(+30)
      | FRZ: 1 | REC: 2 | BH: 28 | LD: 1 I -6 DoT damage

      Total SP: 192
      Allocated: 190
      Remaining: 2

    ** Rank 3 Merchant - The Night's Watch
    ** WARNING: Mitigation cannot fall below 0!
      Hide contents


    • Lamina De Skadi [T2 Perfect]
      -- Freeze +1 
      Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) remove the enemy’s action on their next turn. Frozen opponents lose any evasion properties. Striking a frozen enemy before the effect ends will end Freeze and deal an extra (12 * Tier) unmitigatable damage. [Must hit to activate the status condition.]
      -- ACC +2
      A katana with a black hilt and an azure blade like a clear,  blue, lake water. The name translates into "Blade of Skadi" a goddess who also represented hunting and winter, signifying its use as for hunting or attacking foes by freezing them. When equipped, the user 's breath will be like one who is breathing in a cold place and the freeze effect is seen as some kind of water splashing that freezes upon contact with the target.
    • Cloak of the Oath [T2 Perfect]
      -- MIT +2 

      -- EVA +1
      -- A
       black haori who belonged to a vice-president of the Shinsengumi. Enables the wearer to withstand attacks and also evade it.
    • Caster's Mystic Code [T2 Perfect]
      -- Recovery +2

      -- ACC +1
      A platinum band for the wrist with runic inscriptions worn by a Babylonian king who had access to magecraft. This item gives a boost on accuracy and ability to restore energy to cast more spells just like how the previous owner wanted it to work, it glows a vibrant blue when it activates through the lettering.

    [Battle-Ready Inventory]

    • Blessed Marble [+1 EVA +1 Life-Mending]
    • Hypnosis [instant] x2 152619,152613
    • Lullaby [instant] x2 152625, 158326
    • Dimensional Backpack


      Hide contents

    Mod Count: 3/8

    1. Katana | Passive | RANK 5/5
      > Finesse R3 -3 EN on SA > Precision +1 ACC
    2. Light Armor | Passive | RANK 4/5 
      > Athletics +1 base damage I +(10*Tier) HP
    3. Battle Healing | Passive | RANK 3/5 [+27 HP regen]
    4. Curved Sword | Passive | RANK 1/5
    5. First-Aid | Active | RANK 3/5
    6. Extended Mod Limit | Passive | RANK 3
    7. Searching | Passive | RANK 1 +1 LD


    • Survival | Passive I +15 Regen OOC
    • Meditation | Active I +10 EN
    • Familiar Mastery: Fighter | Passive | RANK 3/3 +6 base damage

    Misc. Buffs

      Hide contents
    •  Relaxed | Passive | House buff


  24. Crozeph nodded his head "sure I'll pay for it" he told her. They were already getting things done faster than he expected, maybe the priest had other players to talk to for marriage "I don't think a lot of people would prefer getting married here" he thought. There was the case of Shirogane's friend who got married just so her husband could get her unique sword.

    Crozeph opened his in-game menu and began the payment for the rings.

    "Whether they are expensive or not, I still prefer having rings than bands. After all, the rings represent our commitment to each other" he said as he transferred the payment. He felt happy thinking about it and a bit weirded out by how easy it was for them to plan things. Maybe the convenience of the game mechanics and both their firm decisions to get married made things easier "I haven't given thought about what kind of custom ring we should have" said.

    "The rings didn’t have to match, it might be something that represents you or her or maybe the soon to be wife prefer something," James told them. Crozeph nodded again "well we can always think about it anytime before the wedding."

    James took note of their request and accepted Crozeph's payment "also don't forget to write your vows to each other" he told them "the rings give enhancements also which I want you two to tell what you want it to be once we have finished this preparation and planning."

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