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Posts posted by Anemone

  1. She was looking at him with high adoration when they began walking away from the field of boars. When he said he couldn't wait, and that he'd be the first in line the rose color on her cheeks turned almost a cherry red. She could not stop herself from blushing so hard and it made up for the fact that she wanted to do her best to please him as well. If all this work was for nothing and all she could serve him was a pile of slop, then there was no reason for him to come back to see her. So she had a mission, to serve him the best darn meal he ever had in Aincrad. That would require some time and the right amount of ingredients to fully achieve this goal. With a hand over her cheek from the swelling of the redness of her blush, Anemone made for the NPC with a small trot of her feet. 

    She had to wait in a small line to get things moving as others were turning in the quest line for materials, she would have to remember that in the future. She looked back at Seul with a small smile, waiting there for her to return, "Am I really starting to like this guy? Or am I just having these weird feelings because he was being kind to me? I mean, he did give me this Lucky Coin..." Anemone was standing in that line, holding and examining it as she was waiting. She would make it into something that she could possibly wear on her, it was so precious that she wanted to show it off to everyone. Although as lame as that would be, it was the first gift she got from anyone in this game. She moved up the line and she finished what she needed to do. A small parade of pop ups accompanied her menu and she was given some extra Skill Points and the Title of her shop. She now only needed to pick a location.

    Anemone shuffled back towards Seul and smiled brightly at him, "I am officially a Chef. Well, a rank one chef, but that's something to go off of. My afternoon now belongs to you, @Seul." She smiled happily, titling her head to one side as she nervously said those words. Whatever may come, let them be good feelings.   


    Earning a Living Quest: SP 1 || Mat Roll from Locker
    Thread Rewards: +1 SP Each, +200 Col Each

  2. Once again, another sweep of his blade had one shotted the noble lions to their digital grave. Anemone stood there still awestruck by his power as a Knight. She smiled back when he said he was fine, but the HP bar trickled down a little. He had got hurt in a sense that he took damage for her. She dug her toes into the dirt, hands locked behind her back as her eyes grew upon his person, "Thank you for coming out to help me today. It has been nice to get my material gathering out of the way, but I fear this is only the beginning. I have a lot more gathering to do, but I really do wish to pay you back somehow. I must insist on this." Although she had said that, her words were fragile like she was. Despite trying to have a commanding tone, all it came out was like fluff to people. She was never taken seriously, or not so seriously. 

    ID: 75642
    CD: 7 (Fail)

    Anemone would try her hand at healing the slither of health he lost from the attack. Standing in front of him she placed both hands outwards and the slow green aura started to produce, "This is the easy part," she said with a small smile. She focused on the orb attempting to create a mist or something that would be able to heal him, but the green lightly slowly started to fade away, "Aww, no!"  Defeated expression on her face, "Sorry. That happens sometimes. Even my main ability, the only thing I can really do to help someone, seems to not work at times." @Beatbox

  3. "Oh!" her word was a little louder than her normal quiet voice, she would smile and take a step back embarrassed by the small outburst of her voice. She placed both hands behind her back, "Well, I know we have hundred floors to get through, but it seems like to be a very small world for the two of us to come by one another. I too am a Chef in the making. Still working on getting my shop situated, I was actually thinking of making a place here because I just love all the culture surrounding this place. Still deciding on that. If you wouldn't mind me tagging along with you Sey, I would like to collect some materials as well. There is safety in numbers," the woman frowned a bit when she said that, she had no combat skills to call her own. 

    "I should point out that I am not very combat oriented however. I spend most of my time as the Healer for some groups, when I am actually invited that is. I am not exactly a go-getter when it comes to adventuring on my own. But I have other skills, not exactly the most desirable for DPS people." her arms locked behind her back, giving way to a form where she felt like she was putting in an application for her own services to him, "If you find that I am just getting in your way..." she wouldn't force him to protect her by any means, but the plain was so open there didn't seem to be too many mobs spawning in the area. If she could navigate away from those and just collect the materials here and there, she would be fine? Maybe. @Sey

  4. "Oh I don't mind!" Her voice was hurried to get that out, like she didn't want to miss the opportunity. When he asked, her body reacted along with her voice, taking a few steps closer to him with her hands up to the level of her neck as they were clasped together. She smiled awkwardly at her behavior attempting to not freak him out by her sudden movement. She had no idea what possessed her to do such a thing either, they had only known each other for a handful of minutes and already she was being charmed by this guy. HER! Of all the people! Her mind fluttered, her heart rate was jumpy, her palms were getting sweaty and she was nervous.

    "It has been difficult to go sightseeing with anyone. I am usually a pretty closed off sort of person not that I am mean or anything, just that, well as you can tell I am a hot mess sometimes. I can be relatively soft spoken, people don't tend to hear me when I speak. I am obviously shy around people I don't know, not very socially inclined. And I could do it alone, but..." there was always that fear that someone could just grab her hand, hurl her outside the safe zone and play stabbing games with her until she was no more.  Her thoughts were morbid until that voice to spoke to her again and the sound of a trade chime.

    When the item appeared, she looked at it with a hand drawn to her face and looked up at him as well. A gift? For her? She was almost in tears now. Her eyes were tearing up, "I have never been gifted anything before. A Lucky Coin? I'll be sure to treasure this forever, Seul. Thank you." Feeling the heat from the blush on her face, the woman accepted the item in her inventory. She knew what she could do with this item and it was both a treasure and a useful item. She would honor it. 

    "Well, if you wouldn't mind walking back with me to the Quest NPC, I can turn this quest in and we can do what you would like to do next." @Seul


    Item Accepted: 

    Lucky Coin [+3 LD]

  5. She smiled, he was right. The action of one can't be the full actions of the many. There was some very unnerving tales about the woman he mentioned, and Anemone dared not mention that name to anyone besides her own mind in fear of setting some kind of triggered sequence. The Knights of the Blood Oath stood for many things it seemed and Beatbox was a member of that guild and he had shown her nothing but kindness to her from the start. The woman swept her hair from her face and nodded, "I understand that your guild is very ambitious. I am glad to know that you and your Guild are making strides in helping clear the floors. You probably don't get this often, but thank you for the hard work you put into dedicating yourself to that goal. Some of us, like me, depend on the combat prowess of your guild." 

    She was a bit nervous in saying that, she didn't want to sound like she was kissing his butt or anything, but showing some kind of gratitude which everyone should be respectful of doing to those risking their lives to save everyone. That was a Hero in her eyes and also Seul belonging to that same group, again she had wondered why he left. When she thought of the person, her face lit up like a pale pink rose on a December morning. She held her hot cheeks for a moment before being snapped to reality when the relentless lions had once again appeared. Shuffling her feet, she clapped her hands when he finished them off once again, "Bravo." she said with a small girlish smile. 

    ID: 75640
    LD: 10+ 5 = +1 Material

    She seemed to be getting pretty luck with finding materials on her own today, although that was nothing compared to what Beatbox was hoarding and giving to her. They were raining down on them like some kind of storm, she was quite grateful for his help. She bowed in service to him once again thanking him for his help. @Beatbox

  6. Anemone had reached the end of her travels as she walked in a particularly straight line just looking up at all the marbled structures. But her feet continued to move along the path of the city as she eventually moved towards the border of that and the safezone out. Her hot as fire eyes looked towards the horizon as she saw a person standing there before the ending of the zone, much like she would have done looking out had she been in his spot. Perhaps he wanted to party? Perhaps he wanted to be left alone? She was not good in directing stimulating conversation with anyone, although she was getting a bit better at it. She gathered the courage she needed and walked slowly as to not sneak up behind him. 

    As her feet clicked against the smooth surface of the ground, the woman came up to his right side and looked past the horizon. There was a gentle glow over the line of the land, and the sun was high enough to provide light for another few hours before diminishing into the darkness. But what caught her eye was the vast field beyond the city, "There was a floor raid with three hundred soldiers here once plus the Raid Boss himself. As it stands, there were amulets that helped clear the way of the three hundred soldiers which eventually lead to the clearing. Kinda neat that they had a special battle like that as a floor raid, huh?" the woman smiled, she was able to say all of that without falling over and fainting from anxiety. She turned to the person, hands behind her back as she smiled, "My name is Anemone. Are you going out on an adventure today? Why??? Did you just say that? You sound like a Role Player or something! Ugh!" It was a constant mental struggle for Anemone to chose the right words, but today...was not that day. @Sey

  7. When Anemone heard of a Greek themed floor, she wanted to visit. It was on her bucket list back home to visit Greece one day and to soak in all the culture it had to offer. But now she was given a chance to go back in time and visit the likes of Athenaia, one of the many settlements of the Floor. When she arrived, her eyes had to adjust to the stark white marble constructions of the Town. It looked so authentic and rich in the atmosphere around her. The woman placed a hand over her mouth, she was simply awestruck by the creative mind who came up with such a floor. There were many Wonders Aincrad had to offer its citizens and she had to peg that this place was one of those places that felt special to her. 

    She had been scouting around the other floors as well to eventually build her shop. This floor and its collection of culture seemed to ring true to her, she could definitely find a cozy spot somewhere around these parts to create her shop...Maybe. But in order to do that, she needed some worthwhile materials as well. It was a two fold mission; gather materials for her future shop and to gather materials for items she needed for her shop and items she needed once again for her own self worth. Now then...now came the trouble in finding someone to help her out. There lied the challenge. 


  8. She gave the little creature a small expression when Beatbox mentioned he might have to let it go soon because of his levels, "Well, I am sure your little friend could still become a friend and companion for you even if its not a magical familiar. I have been wanting to take that quest as well, but haha..." the woman's voice faded off, twisting the curls of her hair with a finger as she looked down, of course the continuation of that sentence would have included her being too squishy and soft to tackle any monsters in an attempt to persuade them to join her. 

    When the Mountain Lions had returned, the woman questioned the area they were in as they were sure spawning a great deal in this area. Not that she minded now. Beatbox had given her enough time to adjust to his Study Knighthood that she didn't feel so anxious about letting him do all the hard work, "The Knights of the Blood Oath must be pretty exemplary for you to be a member. It shines in your decorum that you are indeed a good man in a good guild, despite what others have said." She cringed a bit when she said that, "Not that the guild is bad. I have heard some stories here and there, just rumors probably." The woman felt a bit ashamed about saying that to the guild he was in. 

    "I apologize," she squeaked in a low tone. Clearing her throat, the woman took a few steps to the left of the party and gathered a small bunch of exotic looking berries from the mountain brush. @Beatbox

    ID: 75635
    LD: 18+ 5 = +1 Material

  9. He did look like a hardened warrior. Nothing was gonna stop him on his next attack. But Anemone made a slight noise when something popped out of his cape? The beast charged forth towards the Mountain Lions as Beatbox delivered the final blows to them and once again trading off the resources to her inbox. The woman relaxed as he had requested, placing a hand over her chest and sighing in relief that he was not hurt. There was an adorable creature though sitting it's legs on his knee. She looked at it with a cute smile, "Another familiar. The second I have met so far personally. The first was a feathered dragon, but this one is just as cute. I'm glad you are safe." Apparently there was nothing for her to worry about after all. 

    Beatbox was able to take down the mobs without so much as a blink of an eye and it showed that he was no stranger to wielding that sword of his. She just felt so useless with being a support only character. But she would not let that damper her spirits. He knew very well what he was getting into when he agreed to join her, but she was eternally thankful for that as well. 

    ID: 75632
    LD:18 +5 = +1 Material

    Sweeping a hand over her curly pigtail, the woman unknotted her finger from the tendril and looked around the space given to them. A glint from the corner of her eye got her attention and thankfully it was close enough to her and the Beatbox to where she can easily uncover the item. Kneeling for the moment on her knees, she swept away the dirt and uncovered a few herbs in a small patch. @Beatbox

  10. "Oh..." the woman wasn't disappointed by the answer given to her, but she had wanted to know more about the man who saved her from those Tax Collectors. She but down on her lower lip, wanting to ask more questions but it was probably for the best to leave it alone for now. As she turned to look for some more materials, the mountain lions seemed to gather around them again. Her expression changed once more; a face of worry. Of course he was able to take them out in one swipe like last time, but it seems his sword art didn't register for this group. 

    Anemone stood behind him, her face showed a bit of anxiety when he missed but she wasn't about to run and hide. No, she can do this...even if it meant passing out afterwards. With her feet sliding apart gently, she would raise both of her hands as if she was about to deflect something out of her path. If need be, she could always heal him for bits and pieces of health back if he should be stricken by those Mountain Lions. Of course, she would not exactly feel safe looking for materials when a battle is on going behind her. Besides that would be outright rude. So she would relax her body and lift her hands ready for whatever event to roll her way. @Beatbox

  11. Anemone had shifted her body when Beatbox spoke to her. He had said something rather interesting that caught her off guard, "Seul was in The Knights of the Blood Oath? I wonder why he left...?" It was of course none of her business as to what guild he belonged to, but he seemed like a very good judge of character and to be with the Knights, that must have been a difficult decision to make. The woman swept her left pigtail as she collected the resources. But she was not expecting the Lion's to come and try and ambush them.

    She had drifted to behind Beatbox as he made short work of the mobs. Her heart was beating heavily, even if they looked weak, a mountain lion that looked like a mountain lion was still in fact a mountain lion. And Anemone was not one who wished to be mauled today or a kitty's chew toy. "Oh that was quite brave of you, thank you for catching those mobs. You aren't hurt are you?" she looked at him with a somewhat worried expression, but the smile on his face was big and wide and he traded off the materials he collected from them off to her, "You are kind, Sir Beatbox. So umm..." the woman was somewhat hesitant to ask the question, and when she was about to ask, that perfectly china doll white face blossomed another pink blush.

    "How well did you know Seul?" 

    ID: 75627
    LD: 1+5 = No Mats

    Her eyes gravitated towards Beatbox as she asked her question, but she was keeping her eyes peeled as well for some materials that could be gathered. It seemed her keen eye was focusing more on the Sir Knight rather than the materials as she spotted none. @Beatbox

  12. She glowed a light pink in her face as she watched the man now named Beatbox pay for his beverage and get ready. It was nice to know he was pretty galant about the way he was coming off, extending his out to her own. She graciously accepted it and stood up from her seat. Knights of the Blood Oath was a name she had heard from many people. Anything from the woman named Opal to the large Axe Wielder known as Mack. Their names have come from different points of origins in the stories she has heard from them, it was rare to see the Red and White though on a person. Perhaps the guild was rounding out its member base again? She got up from her seat and smiled, "Thank you very much, Sir Beatbox. And please, call me Anemone. I don't think I am quite exotic enough to be called a Madame." She wore a simple smile as she too dusted off the fabric of her clothes from the dust build up. She was a bit of a neat freak when it came to that, wearing mostly white herself she did try and look as pure as she could be.

    Fidgeting lightly with the tendrils of curly hair from her right pigtail, the woman and her Knight Escort moved from the small cafe shop to the border of the settlement, "I suppose you'll be keep an eye on me as I go and get my materials? I seem to have some odd luck finding Knights who wish to escort me out. Its either a total flop or they are eager to help." As Anemone shifted with a small sway, her hands locked behind her back as she turned to the person next to her, "How is it in your guild? The Blood Oaths are Floor Sweepers, right? If I am using the correct term here." Soft smile on her face as the burning orbs of fire danced left and right as she searched for her first set of materials.

    ID: 75623
    LD: 17+5 = +1 Material

    From the corner of her eye, she saw a small plant that smelled like mint. She bent over slightly and began to uncover the dirt from the ground and brushed away the dust from the leaves. A pop up indicated she had successfully resourced a material. Happy with that, her bright red eyes looked back at Beatbox, "A good start already," @Beatbox

  13. The gesture was nice and the woman sat down, folding the tails of her cape beneath her legs, she would not want another incident like the one that just happened. Gosh was that embarrassing. Even now, her perfectly porcelain white face was a tad bit stained in the color of a rose. Her fire engine red eyes sat upon him and his garb for the moment before tensing her body and moving them towards the table. When he spoke, her eyes widened by his questions. They were mostly odd ones, no one asked her if she ever needed someone dealt with before. That was peculiar, maybe this guy is some kind of mercenary. He might be looking for payment. She would have to be upfront with him about that. 

    "N-no, nothing like that. Umm, I am a chef in training. I want to get some of the exotic materials on this floor so when my shop opens I can make some interesting food. But I am not very combat oriented to do things like that. I can't really protect myself well, my skill points have been invested in support skills." The woman raised both her hands as a shiny green aura began to glow between them, "I can heal moderate damage, and I am good at searching things out. Perhaps not as great as another person I met not too long ago. But I am working on these things." her voice was slow, choppy and seemed rather aloof in a sense as her eyes moved away from his own once again. 

    "Do you think you could help? I honestly can't pay you for the service, but perhaps we can come to some kind of deal in the future when I open up my shop." @Beatbox

  14. Anemone had scurried off from the moment she had stepped out of the safe zone and bolted back towards the town when something rather large and green was about to run her in with some sharp claws. The woman had bent over, palms on her knees as she was breathing steadily after witnessing that sense of aggro. These monsters were a lot more vicious than the boars on the first floor, while they had an aggro sense, they were not as determined to hunt you down and kill you like these rabid beasts were. The woman leaned back up and her flushed pale face got some color back in it, "Yep, I'm gonna need some kind of help if I wanna get those materials out there." She had to look as pathetic as she was when it came to addressing people. So Anemone decided to be a brave girl today and she would get someone to come with her, even if it meant risking a fainting spell.

    With her chin up...and then quickly going back down, she caught an eye of a group of players much taller and much more heavily equipped than herself. They were in a circle talking about some rare treasure or something on this floor, "Uh, E-excuse me..." her words came out sweet but low, her voice didn't carry to their ears. With her brows furrowed, she tapped one of the Knights on the shoulder, "Um, excuse me. Can your group help me?" The man turned around, his eyes looked like something fierce, his body language told her to get away from him but the words he spoke were not very threatening. "I'm sorry, we are kinda busy right now. We don't have time to play with you." Anemone gave a small smile and a slow bow as they walked away giving a small sigh in the process. Out of the corner of her eye, she something contrasting to the rather dark nature of the floor. In red and white uniform, the woman gathered her energy once again and her courage to ask the individual. 

    "I'm sorry to interrupt you during your meal..." The woman said with her shy voice, arms behind her back locked in position while one legged seemed to rub against the other as she talked. Her eyes had been fixed on the ground, "I was wondering if you could- WHAP!" A powerful wind had rolled along the area picking up one of the twin pieces of her cape and slammed right into her face as she was attempting to speak to the Knight. Her body frozen in place as she fought the material of the cape and beat it down with her hands, "Ugh! I was so close to asking him for help! WHY!??" Nervously she retained her composure and started to stutter a bit, "I ugh..." @Beatbox

  15. When Anemone arrived on floor seven, she was not expecting to see what she was expecting. The city of Nimbus was one that looked to be sculpted by the personal angels of God himself as she looked on in awestruck disbelief at the creation that was the main settlement. She allowed her sun kissed flame red eyes to search and look at the shiny glowing rocks that lit up the mountainous fortress. She had heard about this floor, but was never up to snuff to participate in actually being here. But now that she was a little more confident in herself, or getting there, she felt looking at more floors might be a fun little adventure.

    She was in training to be a chef, the profession seemed like a very encouraging aspect of her life here in Aincrad and she wanted to at least make the best of it. But in order to do that, she needed to be a master of knowing the ingredients of this world. And that eventually meant going out and supplying her soon to be shop for materials. The woman was tip toeing on the edge of the safe zone looking out beyond the border, attempting to persuade herself if she stuck out towards the side and darted back and forth from point A to point B, then she could collect the spawning points without having to aggro the beasts that lurk around. The last thing she needed was to get into combat with something ferocious and all she had was a maxed out ability in First Aid. Chewing on her finger, the woman looked around to see if anyone was nearby who could perhaps help her, "Not like anyone would anyways..." she thought as she looked out once more to the plethora of spawning points out past the safe zone.  @Beatbox

  16. 10 hours ago, Baldur said:

    No! You don't want to group with that noob Seul! :P Be my heal monkey! ;)

    Anyways, can't wait to see what you do with this new character. Hopefully once things settle down for me, IRL and site design wise, I'll be able to RP with you again :)

    You know for you, I'll always be available to rp, Bal. Just let me know when you got things settled. :D

  17. Taking his hand, her small one was dwarfed by his own as she felt the warm clasp of his fingers over hers. The brief contact sent a signal to her brain to pull away, but she steeled her nerves through the anxious scenario and was helped up to her feet. She gave a quiet, "Thank you," and he began to study (?) her face. Her ruby red kissed eyes looked up at him for a brief moment before swinging them down towards the ground, "Ugh, do I have more of that juice on my face? Why is he-" when he asked the question, her mind had turned off and went blank. She wasn't exactly sure what he meant, were they not already out to begin with? Perhaps he truly was enjoying her company, she knew she was enjoying his. 

    She cleared her throat and rested her eyes on his once more and nodded, "I don't think there would be a problem with that. I don't exactly have anything to do after this quest, most of my days are pretty built up with lots of lame." Her soft smile radiated off her facial expression like a orb of purity, her hands knitted behind her as she felt slightly embarrassed by her own comment. True enough, she never really planned out her day. She would either be at a cafe sipping on some water or perhaps just walking around and steering clear of any dangerous involvement with the mobs. But today not only had she got on her feet to do something productive, she was going into her own business soon and then there was this guy; so perfect and sweet and honorable. She could not even stop the hot blushes that bloomed on her face when he spoke to her. 

    "Um, what did you have in mind, @Seul?" Amidst all this she had quite frankly forgot she needed to collect a few materials, but it seemed she was pretty close to what the quest needed. So she would be happy with what she had and perhaps start the afternoon with this guy beside her. Although she was still probably a little unsure about him. He could very well be sweet now, but that didn't mean something could flip a switch and trigger him. She worried constantly about these things, but she swept that under the rug and smiled up at him once more notifying him she was OK. 

  18. "Ane?" She thought about the short version of her name, and although it was a different sound, she didn't seem to mind it all too much. Whilst she had retrieved the nuts and berries the node had produced, the woman had scampered back to her knight. He was doing a very good job of protecting her, both in a physical form from the boars that spawned and mentally from the mishap that happened earlier. She still had strong feelings attached to that situation and whenever she thought about it, that hot blush would cross over over nose and face and burned hot against her white as snow cheeks. It was quite a peculiar day, she had never thought she would finally have the courage to get on and do this quest.

    When he mentioned the view was nice, the woman had smiled and stood there for a moment. A cool breeze had whipped by around them in the afternoon sun. The boars, while intimidating to some, seemed less expressive and violent with a Knight like Seul on guard to watch over her. She was something of a Christian woman at heart, and she felt the strong semblance of guardian angel in and around Seul's captivating eyes, he was quite watchful. She placed a single finger in her mouth and began to chew on the tip to find another good spot where she could find more materials, "Would you mind going a little deeper with me? It might be a little harder to hit that right spot for the materials, but I think it would make for much tastier outcome with the collection." She had looked at Seul with an intense gaze as she had said those words, "Oh, my. You look a little pale. Are you feeling alright, Sir Knight? Perhaps we can just look some more in this area?" 

    ID: 75331
    LD: 1+5 = 6

    When Anemone had sought out something close by, she got on her knees and looked down at a peculiar looking fruit. It seemed fresh and interesting, but nothing she had ever seen before, "I bet this might taste really good...if I could just...reach...Oooh! Ahh!" with a small squeaking sound, Anemone had shifted and fell on her butt. When she had reached for the mysterious fruit, it had gushed some kind of liquid in her face that was slightly white in color with a very salty taste. She looked back at @Seul and waved her hand, "I'm ok!" with a somewhat low voice as she used one of her twin cape pieces to smear away whatever had squirted up at her. 

  19. Anemone smiled, it was good that someone didn't mind protecting her while she collected the materials although his voice seemed a little shaky when he was saying that, maybe there was something she wasn't reading in regards to the comment. Thinking nothing more of it, the materials were dismissed into her inventory and she took a moment to pause and speak with her Knight, "So a Performer than is it? I have heard this game actually reproduces perfect pitch when the Performer is performing. I have seen many talented musicians during my time on Floor One. When there was that parade celebration for the clearing of the floors, there was always loads of entertainment." Feeling a little better about the situation she was in, Anemone was able to talk without tripping over her words so much. The man who had been keeping guard was someone she had romantized about for a long time. She knew about relationships, but never had actually ever been in one. She had a picky taste when it came to other men, but due to her insisting personality and lack of tact when it came to social recognition, she was very rarely ever asked out to do anything. 

    So having him here kinda felt like a little date of some kind, or so she thought. They were kinda together now, somewhat alone in an empty field. She didn't see many other player's around. He was being a gentlemen, he defended her honor against those Tax Guys, and he continued to stay with her even now. He even said he was enjoying his time with her. That was almost the perfect set of words anyone could say to her, and she had let her smile grow a little larger than what she normally gave to someone. Not that she was afraid to smile, just that...

    "You have a nice, warm soul. My parents told me about people and their auras. And I feel you have a very passionate one. That's just my opinion though. You aren't like many others I have talked to." 

    ID: 75224
    LD: 20+5 = 1 Material

    She squinted under the sun as she smiled at him, arms crossed over her back as she peered up at him. She lifted one finger at him, a gesture to wait for a moment as she was still doing her quest of collecting materials. She had bent over for a moment to retrieve some more nuts and berries from a small bush. With her head tilted over her shoulder, "Still clear back there?" she asked with a slightly louder voice so he could hear her. @Seul

  20. As they entered the workshop, Anemone continued to be the defiant little ball of joy that she was when speaking with @Seul. "Really, you don't need to do this for me. I can honestly get it on my own, it'll just take a little longer than usual..." But her eyes were met with kindness once more, the same kindness he showed during the Quest they had just recently embarked on. "Well if you insist..." When they arrived at the counter, Anemone gave a small, simple smile to the Owner and took one of the slips to process the order.


    Name: Avacyn's Wings
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 6
    ID:  (leave blank)
    Roll: (leave blank)
    Item Type: Lucky Charm Necklace
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Combat Craft +3
    Description: A silvery necklace with the insignia of an Angels Wings. Not just an ordinary, but Avacyn's wings. With this necklace, she hopes she can help provide better protection and healing rates to those around her without them suffering from too much damage. Avacyn, although fictional, is someone that Anemone has greatly looked up to for a long time. 

    "Thank you, Seul. I promise, if you ever need anything from me. I hope you won't hesitate to ask." The woman was flustered as she curled her hair around with one finger in the nervous fidget mess that she was usually in. She had looked up to him with fireborn colored eyes and then back at the female at the counter, with a small smile she though, "My white knight? Has he actually come?" 

    OOC: Seul will be paying for me. :D

  21. "Ah...You what? I think you need to get your head examined! No one really enjoys being around me unless I am useful to some degree," there was a hot burning blush against her pale complexion. She had looked up at him with those burning ruby red eyes for a brief moment before feeling embarrassed by his words, "I ugh, don't know how you could enjoy being with me since we just met. But I am glad to have you on board." She did a small little bowing curtsey with her twin winged cloak flaps and then smiled back at him while attempting to not be rude and look into his eyes. Her foot turned and she once more gestured towards him to follow her. But instead of taking the lead, she ended up walking side by side him.

    There was a comfort thing about this man next to her. A sort of aura that seemed to radiate from his individual being. The woman began to twist her hair with a finger as she would do so nervously, causing the springy hair to become even more so, "So, umm. What do you like to do, Seul?" She asked looking up at him for the question then reverting her gaze back at the stoned path that was now leading out of the city and towards the opening field where the boars had begun to spawn. She took a moment to collect her courage, she didn't engage the mobs in this area. Albeit, she could probably take a few blows. She wasn't squishy in terms of levels, but she wasn't that high either. Boars wouldn't be too much of a threat. 

    "Umm, I guess we can go out searching in the field then. If its not too much trouble, would you mind watching my rear while I try and gather the supplies?" In a totally innocent way she had said that, not meaning her butt of course, but to make sure none of the boars deciding to make a run at her while she was bending over and foraging for materials to bring to the NPC

    ID: 75153
    LD: 18+5 = 23 [+1 Material]

    With the sun basking its heavenly rays down on Anemone, the woman delicately stood and bent over the ground picking up several berries from the spot where they had spawned. She had a keen eye thanks to her Search skill and it was very helpful for gathering these supplies. She was very thankful to have picked it up, because she could also perhaps act as a scout for a team in the future. Not that anyone would ever ask... With her lifting her body up from the hips, she smiled back at @Seul, and held out a few of the berries, "I found some!" a small energetic voice peeping out of that otherwise very shy and quiet usual tone of hers.

  22. "Well..." when Anemone had mentioned she went to Church and pray, she wasn't exactly sure how to decipher her religious beliefs. But it would have been an overly complicated matter to begin with from the start. Both of her parents were Botany Scientists, therefore they saw logical things. But they were also awestruck by the beauty of creation. Someone or something magical had to draw all these pretty flowers and people in the world, a higher being or something. Anemone had been going to church for a long in her real life world, but that had stopped for a long time when she was trapped. She didn't know if it was the Devil's Luck to be pitted in this game or if it was a challenge from God. But Itzal's voice had a tone when he asked if she was Christian, for all intents and purposes, she was. "Yes, I am. It's good to see another as well. Normally the Church is pretty barren when I go to it. But I still make the effort on Sundays; server time." The woman brought her hands back behind her back and she gave a soft giggle, "Another Performer. Who knew the two guys I would meet this week would both be Performers." She stifled a small laugh with her hand and tipped her swaying hair back. 

    ID: 74953
    LD: 15+4 = 19

    "I think the ability to make music is a wonderful thing in this world. Everyone needs music in their lives." The woman got down on her knees and began to scour the ground and grass, peeling the emerald blades back as she found several mixed nuts in a grouping. "Lucky me, at least I can do one thing that's good." she shifted her hands and gathered them into a bundle before reactivating her inventory to store them. Small as she was, the woman lifted herself from off the ground and patted her knees, "Do you go to Church, @Itzal? It would be nice to have someone to come to Pray with me sometime. Though, if you're not interested..."

  23. When she was pulled towards the ground by gravity, she leaned back and sighed a bit, planting her hands on the ground to keep her up. That was a lot of hard work for nothing. She swept her hand over her long, curly pigtails and sat on her knees before moving up and erecting herself. She gave Itzal a soft look as he spoke of not being very helpful in the last raid, "That's more than what I could have done to be honest. When the last raid was going on, I was at the Church praying for everyone's safe return. After I heard about the Player Killers from the earlier floors, I have been going to the Church and praying for everyone's safe return. Call me superstitious." The woman bent over a little and patted her knees down as she took in the sunlight from above. 

    Even if the forest was manipulating the light, she felt the warmth of the glow on her pale face and she smiled lightly before Itzal, "No. It doesn't seem like it wants to come out. It has special healing properties but there are other plants that can achieve that other than the Mandragora." The woman cleaned her hands off with a quick swats to brush off the dirt. 

    ID: 74912
    LD: 4+4 = 8

    With her keen red eyes, Anemone sought the ground around her but found nothing of note. Even the Mandragora plant seemed to vanish before her eyes as it fizzled off to some other location. Unable to find anything else she looked towards Itzal again to make some conversation, "What is your profession if you don't mind me asking?" @Itzal

  24. "Oh! T-that's good." The woman's feet shuffled lightly against the pathway. She was happy that the crowd of people had cleared, she didn't do too well moving through crowds of people. Being a petite woman, she could easily get lost in a sea of people and people don't really notice her and knock her shoulder or something as they walked. Not even a simple "Excuse me," but then again. 

    There was a quiet passing of time between the two of them, Anemone thought she had said something stupid or perhaps he was just not interested in talking with her at all. So she cleared her throat and continued towards the Food District and her intended path. She had walked this path several times but had never actually gone to investigate the quest. Which brought up Seul's next line of questions. She was happy to know he was at least somewhat interested or perhaps more so in just passing the time. 

    "I plan on becoming a Chef," she said turned her head to meet him, so she was not being rude and talking away from him. Her cute smile on her soft delicate face shone as she made her reply and then some, "I think the best way to set everyone in a good positive mood is to make really yummy foods for them. I know it won't end conflicts with a simple meal, but whenever I am full I seem relatively happy." She turned her head back as they made their way to the Quest NPC, Charlotte. Anxious and excited, Anemone took a few quicker steps towards the NPC and began to gather the details of the quest. She examined them carefully and nodded her head and went back to Seul. 

    "Alright. So I have to gather some ingredients and return them to the NPC. Would you like to continue? I am sure there are more exciting things to do in Aincrad than watch a girl picking berries and fruits from trees and plants." @Seul

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