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Posts posted by Anemone

  1. "Ugh, do I look so pathetic?" There was a hand gesture and a introduction to his name, it was a sweet name, as far as Anemone could understand from it. But she was a bit hesitant from the handshake, but what harm can be done from that? With a smile smile sketched on her face, the woman lifted her body off from the wall and placed her hand forward to meet his hand. The two connected, but of course being a woman and all, all her fingers save for her thumb were pressed into his palm. With a small bounce of her hand to signify the meeting the meek girl finally spoke, "My name is Anemone. It is nice to meet you and Fenrir." She continued to smile at both. 

    He had requested if she were lost during the greeting. The woman shook her head lightly, her eyes falling to the ground and she attempted to make her story vocal. Damn, why couldn't people just read minds so she didn't have to speak all the time to new people. But then again, if people were reading her mind...The woman became rather flustered very quickly and shot her hands over her reddening face. She must look like a total and complete goofball the way she was acting just now, "Sorry. I'm not lost. There is  quest or something that too far from here about some wurms. I have no combat skills to serve me, so I have been asking around for players to help. But no one wants to bring a Support along. I can heal! And...I am a good scout for things. Oh! Would...would you be interested in helping? I can't do much in payment, but maybe I can offer another service?" @Aereth

  2. Anemone had ended up in Rig, somehow or another, but she was not completely and utterly insane. No, she stood there at the edge of the safe zone looking out as if she were trying to find something. Once again, she was pondering and wandering about the city asking for players to help her with a certain quest. Many didn't take the time to listen to her request nor did they honestly care if she was a Support character. If she could not do damage, they were not interested in the petite woman. She sighed, but she wore a smile on her face none the less to hide her disappointment. She leaned against one of the walls of an establishment and scanned the small city with her bright fire red eyes. Many people were somewhat put off by those extreme colored orbs of hers, and she was not sure why, she just enjoyed bright colors and red was one of her favorites. 

    None the less, she stood there against the wall watching people come and go without even noticing her. She gnawed on her lower lip as the day would soon pass her up altogether, "Come on, there has to be someone who would be willing to help me out. I should just start dancing around and getting naked or something, then I'm sure any guy will want to help me. Ugh!!" Anemone fought herself on the matter of what men found so appealing to the other women in this game, but not her. Perhaps she was just too naive and too quiet for them. She loved romance, Knights in shining white armor and coming to rescue her. Of course, this was a life or death kind of game. No one had time for real romance. But that's not what this was about! Shaking her head, "Silly thoughts...This is no time for thinking about that." 


  3. Floor 7 Dungeon Map [Advanced]

    Letting out a squeak of a yawn, Anemone unfurled her arms from where she had them nestled up to her chest. The morning had come, the sun was out and bright, and the birds were chirping. Today was a special day however, thanks to her new friends @Sey and @Itzal, they had both agreed to go on a Dungeon Run with her. This map was one she found earlier on this floor when she was collecting materials with a member of the Blood Oath Guild, Beatbox. He was quite the gentleman with her and shared many of his materials with her which had been a life saver for getting her profession ranked, although still an inexperienced worker. But happily she stood up and pressed a simple button on her menu and the long coat cape wrapped around her slender arms and the twin tail cape fluttering towards the ground. Fixing her pigtails and making sure they were nice and springy, the woman nodded to herself and dashed out the door. With arms up close to her chest she ran out into the midsection of the city and would appear at the very edge of the border of the safe zone of Nimbus. There she gathered her wits and held the map item in her hand and waited for her friends to come join her. She was so excited to start the day, she hoped she didn't make the meeting too early for the others to join her. 

  4. Anemone nodded happily to her new friend, Sey. She was excited that she was able to find so many materials although probably not nearly as much as Sey had gained in his search. But those were the skills that would come at a later date. Speaking of late, Anemone stood up in the tall wheat fields. The golden fibers swaying softly as the rich sunlight was now closing over the horizon. 

    "You know? I have some weird dreams, and maybe it's just the night sky that's blooming before me, but I really enjoy this world. I can do things here I could not do in the other. Don't get me wrong, I miss my old life, well...I think when this is all over, I'll be a much better person coming out of it. We might be trapped in this prison world, but I don't see why we can't enjoy and make the best of our time here right?" With her arms folded to her back and looking up at the moon as where it would appear to be, she looked over her shoulder @Sey and smiled with closed eyes. 

    Anemone did have some weird dreams; she was a sucker for anything romantic and this coming of night air was making her all wishy-washy with that feeling. She really enjoyed this floor a bunch. Turning on her heel, she continued to smile softly at Sey, "We should head back now." With a low bow, "Thank you very much for the help, today Sir Sey. You were a great Knight. I am sure one day you are going to make a woman very happy, Tee-hee." her giggle came out softly as they made their way back to the settlement and after a brief parting, they had gone their separate ways. 

    Thread Reward: +1 SP Each, +200 Col Each
    Anemone Loot: +5 T2 Materials, +1 Advanced Sub-Dungeon Map
    Sey Loot: +16 T2 Materials

  5. Name: Side Salad with Tangerines
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 1
    ID: 76259
    Roll: 10
    Quality: Uncommon
    Type: Snack
    Enhancements: Prosperity +1 
    Description: Side salad with fresh greens, sliced carrots, tomatoes, and baby spinach. Side comes with small slices of tangerines. A healthy snack in a cute little container! 

    Name: Roasted Leg of Lamb
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 1
    ID: 76260
    Roll: 12
    Quality: Perfect
    Type: Snack
    Enhancements: Vitamins +3
    Description: A roasted leg of lamb smothered in lemon sauce that will tantalize any taste bud! [+3 LD for 1 Thread]

    OOC: Thank you for reviewing my Evaluations! 

  6. The kitchen was full of amazingly, mouth watering morsels. Anemone had been slaving over the oven for the last several days when she was not out collecting materials or going on full blown adventures!...to the first field to pick ingredients. Yeah, well, she was still working on that. But she was becoming a bit more spirited in the ways of getting players to help her, of course the ones she had met so far were quite fascinating and battle hardened, she still had small uses here and there but nothing that would be comparable to a DPS or a Tank.

    In her small daydream, Anemone shook her head coming back to the forefront of reality. Using her nose to smell for the freshest ingredients, the woman began to mix around some freshly harvested lettuce and tomatoes, or these ingredients looked different than the otherworld names but in the end tasted just the same. Perhaps with this set up, she can create something especially nice. 

    tem 1: 
    ID: 76259
    CD:  10 [+3 Exp]
    Notes: Not bad! I think this will make a great appetizer! 

    Item 2:
    ID: 76260
    CD: 12 [+8 Exp]
    Notes: Wow! This roasted leg of lamb looks delicious!

    +11 Exp, -2 Mats

  7. "Eek!" the woman had let out a small little squeaking noise as her feet quickly shuffled away from a boar that was attempting to sink its tusk into her behind. The woman kept running well past the safety zone of the city and dashed in and out of people before she heard a monstrous boom of a player's voice and skidding to a stop with a group of players closely gathered. The woman had stopped before running into any of them thankfully, but she had dared not to look back to see if that boar was continuing its chase. Thankfully the game had stopped it from coming into the city and where she was mildly safe for the moment. She had not heard what was said from the mountainous giant of a man that was standing as tall as said mountain, nor did she look up to see the others. 

    Anemone was hunched over with both hands on her knees gathering her breath as she finally looked up to see the trio of people. First through the sunlight she was able to notice that it was Sir Sey, a player she had met recently. The other two...She looked up, flaming red hair on both shoulders, one very long the other short but with a massive grizzly beard. One had..."Oh my, that woman's back must ache everyday...Poor girl." Were her thoughts when Anemone caught sight of the massive...well, ya know... It seemed they were all joined together by something though and Anemone was not aware of what was going on exactly and it seemed Sey was more or less just waking up from the look and expression on his face. 

    Then there was another, blonde hair and golden features. A woman who showed both bravery and steel in her presence, Anemone was not brave or of steeled nerves like this girl was, she looked more combative than she did at least. A small sigh escaped her lips followed by a smaller smile towards Sey.

    "Ah, good morning, Sir Sey." Her passionate fire red eyes looked at the two other people, they were massive giants compared to her petite form as she had to crane her neck slightly to look up at their faces, "Good morning, and to you as well, Miss." A short bow shot to them all before she seemed more inclined to stand behind Sey and slightly dip her eyes away from the gathered group. 

    @Mack (Wasnt sure who to tag next)

  8. "No, I don't think I am hurt...other than nearly having a heart attack. I should have been more aware of my surroundings. Sorry about your arm, I just kinda went into flight mode there. Hey! At least I didn't run away towards the town this time. Last time something like this happened...DO NOT tell him that story, Anemone. Put your foot in your mouth now." the woman grew a small rosy blush on her otherwise pale complexion and held up both hands, "No, nevermind. It's too embarrassing. My apologies, Sir @Sey, I didn't mean to startle you like that. You were quite quick getting that spear out though to protect me. I am quite useless it seems..." her voice shrank with her body as she shamefully looked away from him from the hot expression on her face. These were the facts of life for her, she could  not cope with danger very well and her instinct were to scream and hide in terror until it went away. If she could perhaps just build some sort of self confidence, perhaps she could be of more use. 

    She swallowed hard and brought her hands to her forefront, "Did you want to leave the Prairie? I think I have a good bit of materials for now that should suffice until I am ready to go out again. I was actually enjoying my time with you, you are quite kind and you were so ready to tell me that story! I just messed everything up in the end..." 

  9. ID: 76168
    LD: 18+ 8 = 26
    Advanced Dungeon Map Acquired FLoor 17

    "Oh! I was gonna join that event, but then...I realized I didn't have my equipment." Anemone gave herself a small knock on her head, she had been wanting to join more events, or join more parties of players recently because she was feeling a bit more appreciated from others. Perhaps the last year or so while she was here, she just wasn't meeting the right people. The woman smiled up @Sey when he mentioned the story about Nerius. She clapped her hands together, "Oh please, do tell if you have the time. I am a sucker for stories. Good, I didn't mention love stories to him. Great way to be not awkward, Anemone. That's the ticket---" As Anemone was shuffling about in the grass with her feet she let out a horrifying screech. Something had run across her foot, and she had no idea what it was, but it was green and slimey. Her face although as pale as a milk, sworn it had gone straight to a stark white. She flailed her arms and ran towards Sey grabbing ahold of his right arm and nearly jerking it off as she hid behind him.

    "Oh sorry, something touched my foot...and then I saw it slither over there." The woman used her pointing finger across the distance where she was and suddenly the ground began to shake with a small tremor. Then the ground had split and shown a way towards a dungeon. The woman shook her head, "I don't think we have the right party for this..." she said clicking on the pop up she received and quickly released the vice grip on his arm, "My apologies..." she said in a quieter voice. 


  10. ID: 76120
    LD: 7+8 = +1 Material

    As Anemone heard the voice of her partner being called back from behind her, the woman had snatched up the remaining batch of small mint leaves that she could find with her fire red peepers. "Ugh...Well, I think there aren't anymore over here since I just grabbed the last bit. I can always share though." She had picked herself up and dusted off her knees as she made her way back towards @Sey. She didn't know much about the combat of the game, she never once swung a sword or dagger, she never threw a punch, she never had to take a hit for the most part, she had been very thankful she never had to get into a situation like that. 

    Her bright sun kissed eyes looked at Sey as she smiled, curling her hair with both fingers as she seemed to be nervous about asking him certain questions, "So, do you have any tales of adventure since you have been in SAO?" It was a fairly simple question she thought, non intrusive of anything of course he could always not answer it. She would not feel bad, but she was a sucker for a good adventure story even if she would never be as so bold to be in one. 

  11. "Mitigation..." the woman murmured lightly, moreso talking to herself rather than the person who may have been a few feet away. "I have a ways to go when in investing into equipment, right now I have just a few things on me. But having something to protect me might be a good idea. The woman looked around and nodded happily, "Yes. I believe it will take some time finding those little Mints." she said with another small giggle, laughing at her own joke if one could even call it that. She brushed the curly tendrils of soft silken hair from her shoulder as it sprang back in place. Her red fire engine eyes scouted out anything, mint or otherwise, that could be harvested in this field. 

    ID: 76035
    LD:14 + 8 = +1 Material

    Running her hands through the golden wheat field, the woman found a small patch of green sparkling leaflets. Settling down into the ground she scooped her hands into the earth and brushed away some of the soil. Nodding to herself, a small hand poked out of the wheat and she signaled for @Sey, "There might be some more over here if you want to check." her voice barely rising over her shoulder to meet his ears. 

  12. Name: Frozen Strawberry Yogurt
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 1
    ID: 76001
    Roll: 10
    Quality: Uncommon
    Type: Snack
    Enhancements: Prosperity +1 
    Description: A small drinkable pouch of softly frozen strawberry yogurt! A unique drinkable snack that will increase the amount of col earned from defeated enemies. A yummy and healthy treat! 

    OOC: Thank you for reviewing my Evaluations! 

  13. Today she wanted to make something special. Anemone was ready and rearing to go in her small kitchen in the back of Poseidon's, but she had no clue what she wanted to make. Perhaps a few different kinds of beverages to spice things up instead of the normal everyday item. So she wondered what she could use to make a beverage snack item. Perhaps a yogurt shake? Or maybe even a decadent custard pudding? Of course pudding was not a beverage type, but she was interested in making all kinds of unique food items. Of course they would naturally be healthy and delicious at the same time. Anemone would consider herself to be a health freak, she enjoyed nature and exercising and staying in shape when she exercised...usually running away from mobs, or IRL; crowds of people. With those thoughts swept aside, she patted her hands to get ready for the work ahead, "Ok! Let's do this!"

    Item 1: 
    ID: 76001
    CD:  10 [+3 Exp]
    Notes:  Yay! My first fine creation!

    Item 2:
    ID: 76002
    CD: 3 [+1 Exp]
    Notes: Oh my! I don't think it's supposed to look that runny...

    +4 Exp, -2 T1 Mats

  14. "Yes. Overlooked. I can add that to my list as well," she giggled out softly placing a hand over her mouth to stifle some of her laughter. But when he brought attention to combat and surprising someone she shook her head. The curly pigtails springing up and down and bounced as she moved her head, "Oh, no. I'm not into violence. Many people have taken the damage route, but I don't believe I am capable of hurting anything. I just want to Support my team the best I can whether it's healing or finding a dungeon, or a treasure or materials. I can do things, but fighting monsters or attacking another human being. No, I could never do anything like that." She wouldn't know what to do with herself if she was in a confrontation like that. Run and hide? Or just run away? Those were her best options. But she never took up arms against a mob before, nor has she ever tried to attack anyone either. She was also not very easily manipulated by another's actions, well...most of the time. There were some instances when she was confronted with those Tax Collectors, but she was thankfully saved by that Gallant Knight, Seul. 

    Thinking about him for just that moment made her blush a little. When Sey mentioned Mint plants, her bright fire red eyes lit up. 

    LD: 6+8 = 14

    "Hmm, I don't see any over here. But I would love to get some. I could probably make a splendid tea with some mint leaves...Gotta look harder." @Sey

  15. Anemone was titillated that the message arrived in her inbox that the item she ordered was ready for pick up. She didn't exactly dash towards Birdie's store, but she did make quick work of finding it through the masses of people crowding the Shop District of floor one. Finally arriving, the short woman shifted her hands to her knees to gather back some of her breath. With a deep and slow inhale, she stood erect and fixed the pigtails in her hair as she slowly made her way towards the counter, "Ugh, excuse me. I am here to pick up my item..." The soft voice came out of her like a whisper, could be hard to tell if she said anything at all to Birdie as she placed both hands on the counter to acknowledge that someone was there in case her voice had failed her. Surely enough the item she had waited for was revealed to her, "Did @Seul pay you already? The craftsmanship is very well done, I am glad I stopped by this location. Thank you very much Miss Birdie." Several bows were made to the shopkeeper as Anemone decorated her neck with the necklace. This will definitely help out her healing abilities now. That was two of three equipment pieces she had, just one more to go.

    +1 Avacyn's Wings

  16. 36 minutes ago, Bhairyuu said:

    Heya, Anemone, I would love a chance to RP when I get around to being free again. I'll let you know soon. Hopefully, we do get the chance to do so sometime. Your character seems pretty chill and interesting too.

    Of course! Feel free to contact me whenever you'd like. 

  17. Anemone placed her apron on for another day of cooking adventure. Her last journey into the depths of her kitchen didn't seem to make anything quite good, although the dried apricots she had been able to create were a sign she was moving in the right direction. However, not all things were as they seemed. Today's menu would have to also be simple and efficient. She wondered what kind of food snacks she could create for today? Perhaps a golden wheat bun with some jam? And perhaps a slice of strawberry cheesecake? Those two items sounded simple enough. With Anemone feeling pretty good about today's crafts, she began her experience as a Chef with her good foot forward. The items she had summed up in her mind made her extremely hungry from just the thoughts. At least this way, she could fill her own belly without having to break the bank and order someplace else. 

    Item 1: 
    ID: 75823
    CD:  9 [+2 Exp]
    Notes: That looks delicious! I'll save it! 

    Item 2:
    ID: 75824
    CD: 4
    Notes: Goodness! That is not good at all...

    +3 Exp, -2 Materials 

  18. "I actually might be too nice for some people. I don't have much of a backbone and I am not very good with confrontations. I stand my ground by mumbling and trembling over my words most of the time. I speak in a quiet voice and rarely do people hear me over the whoosh of the wind. But thank you for the lovely compliment, I hope that's what it was. I enjoy helping others as much as I am being helped. It's all good fortune on us. Gotta spread that cheer." 

    ID: 75822
    LD: 20+8 =  +1 Material

    As her hand skimmed over the wheat, there was a bright golden bushel just right in front of her. As if it was made of golden oats. She marveled at the wheat for a moment before nodding to herself and collecting it in a small bundle, "Well, looks like I found my wheat. This is gonna make some very delicious bread items in the near future. How is your luck over there?" She looked over her shoulder as she stood up and brushed her hands clean and found him not finding much. She left out a soft trill of giggles and stood by him, "How about I help you?" her arms swung back behind her as her body swayed gently in a cute manner as she looked him over, "Is there anything in particular you are wanting to find?" @Sey

  19. "I've met a very nice scout by the name of Itzal, he helped me with a quest not too long ago and I was simply amazed by how easily he was able to find and gather so many materials at once. It's a skill I wish to obtain one day as well, but right now, I too have collect the Skill Points necessary for such abilities." Brushing her pristine cloak with both hands, the woman made a generous nod to Sey, "Well, you are doing a fantastic job of being good company. I know I can be a little tough to chew on sometimes. I am surprised however. Normally, I run into a person and I get some major backlash, but this week has been full of surprises for me."

    ID: 75793
    LD: 4+8 = no Materials

    When Anemone had squatted down in the golden field, she brushed her hands against the fibers of the long wheat reeds as she attempted to pick out a bushel that would seem good for harvesting. As she scanned with her fingers around the area, there seemed to be no acceptable nodes for her to collect the resources. "Darn, I would really love some of this wheat here if I can just find a node..." @Sey

  20. There was a section closed off to all customers located in the kitchen of the Cafe. With the shop decorated as it was to be a Greek Themed under the sea sort of cafe, the woman was pleased with how well everything turned out to be. Now the only thing left was to get cooking. She could only do so much in a day until her rank in Cooking advanced. But she would do everything she could to get to be a moderate cook. Much like in the real world there were stations and areas of her kitchen that needed attention. Her first order of business was to attempt to make small snacks for any welcoming Hero. She pondered at the idea of what kind of snack she could make without it being over the top for her current tank. Perhaps yogurt? Or dried fruit? Those seemed like a few good ideas to start.

    Item 1: 
    ID: 75708
    CD: 1 [+1 Exp
    Notes: Is it supposed to look like that? 

    Item 2:
    ID: 75709
    CD: 9 [+2 Exp]
    Notes: Hey! These dried apricots look yummy! 

    -2 Mats, + 3 Exp

  21. Yr63vdT.png
    Rank 4: 141/160 EXP
    T1: 7
    T2: 3

    Welcome! On Floor 17 located west side of main settlement is a small passageway with a staircase leading down. The steps are lit with blue lights and the walls feel cool to the touch. Going down these steps you are welcomed by the fresh scent of food with a small hint of oceanic perfume. The underground Cafe is dimly lit to set a more personal mood for its occupants. The underground cafe is round and roomy, and in the middle of the room is decadent bar with comfortable bar stools to order any kind of beverage if you are just killing some time or want a more solitary space of your own. There is a VIP section in the back where Friends of the Owner are more than welcome to relax. The room is surrounded by glass and shows off many things in the ocean. Sometimes whales and dolphins come by, but much of the marine life is constantly moving around the massive tank world. Guests will always be entertained and feel at ease in this location. So order up something to eat or take something to go home with! Either way, you will enjoy the many flavors of our Greek Under the Sea Hospitality! 

    Adventurer's Notice: Time from time, Anemone will be willing to sell her Dungeon Maps that she discovers. Of course, she will want to be part of the adventure. If you see that a Map is on sale, feel free to fill out the form below and hand it over to Anemone. She will record your name, level, role and which map you wish to join. When enough players have signed up, she will send all participants a PM and see if they are available and then the adventure will begin! You may also hire Anemone personally for Material Gathering, or Dungeon Seeking of your own. The mats and the map will go to you at the end of the adventure! Prices determine on how many materials you wish for her to collect and the price of the Map (should you wish her to find you a map) will depend on the floor level and difficulty. 


    For Sale: Pre Made Items
    Perfect || Rare || Uncommon || Good
    Dried Apricots [Free]
    Golden Wheat Bun + Jam [Free]
    Frozen Strawberry Yogurt [+1 Prosperity] [Offer]
    Side Salad w/ Tangerines [+1 Prosperity] [Offer]
    Roasted Leg of Lamb [+3 LD: 1 Thread]

    Dungeon Maps For Sale: 
    Advanced || Intermediate || Beginner

    Order Form:



    Item Type: Snack, Dessert, Meal
    Tier: 1 or 2



    Dungeoneer Form:




    Role (DPS,Support,Tank):
    Difficulty (Advanced, Intermediate,Beginner):

    Resources Log:




    +/- Materials || Date || Post Link
    +8 Materials [T1] - Jan 21st || +17 Materials [T1] - Jan 27th || +24 Materials [T1] - Jan 27th || -2 Materials [T1] - Jan 27th [+3 Exp] || -2 Materials [T1]-Jan 29th [+3 Exp]
    -2 Materials [T1] -Jan 30th [+4 Exp] ||  -2 Materials [T1] - Feb 1st [+11 Exp] || +5 T2 Materials [Feb 2nd] || -3 Materials [T1] Feb 2nd [+4 Exp]
    -3 Materials [T1] Feb 4th [+14 Exp] || -3 Mats [T1], -1 Mat [T2] Feb 5th [+11 Exp] ||  -4 Mats [T1] Feb 7th [+9 Exp] || -3 Mats [T1], - 1 Mats [T2] Feb 9th [+14 Exp]
    -4 Mats [T1] Feb 11th [+10 Exp] || -4 Mats [T1] Feb 12 [+8 Exp] || -3 Mats [T1] Feb 14th [+9 Exp] || -3 Mats [T1] Feb 19th [+6 Exp] || +8 [T1] Materials March 10th || -4 [T1] Mats, +4 Exp March 12th || -4 T1 Mats, +20 Exp 3/19/17 || -3 Mats, +9 Exp 3/29/17 ||


  22. "Oh great, now you got him feeling sorry for himself. Smooth. Ahh, well, no one is as lame as I am. They could write a Bible on the many notorious dealings of lame that I have accomplished here in Aincrad. First one being, that it took me a little over two years to do my first actual quest. The second being I gave all my hard earned equipment to a little girl who 'borrowed' it. I was swindled in the end. Now everything I have or given to is pretty precious to me, like this Lucky Coin. A great friend gave me this treasure and it has been such a joy and help keeping it around me." 

    ID: 75697
    LD: 14+8 = 1 Material

    Thumbing over her Lucky Coin, Anemone squinted her eyes from the sun and located a small bush of what appeared to be wild grapes. She smiled softly while picking them and was talking to herself while doing, "Maybe he likes Wine?" Picking the small group wasn't too hard on her fingers and that Lucky Coin was giving her all kinds of great luck. She smiled back over at Sey, "We should probably both work on out Self Worth a little bit huh? I know I am not completely useless, and I'd like to think I can do something right. For yourself, you have some combat experience right? So at least you can defend yourself. I can't even do that." @Sey

  23. ID: 75654
    LD: 19+ 8 =27 
    Advanced Dungeon Map Gained

    He wasn't disappointed by her lack of trying to heal him. She let herself down though and that was quite the something she needed to work on. Building confidence was a difficult thing for her, she was never sure of herself or the way she acted. She was a peculiar girl with many oddities about her, none of which she found to be good traits. Above all else, it was difficult to be a woman in this game. She had admired others from a distance and the way they were able to talk to guys so easily. She would stammer and sputter out sentences but she was never good with the opposite sex. However, when Seul came into her life it was something new and treasurable. She didn't feel like she had to try so hard, but at the same time, she wanted to be this perfect vision for him. But she could not understand why. Any time she thought about him, and his face, his eyes...she would get this warm feeling in her heart and she would light up like a bright red rose. 

    Beatbox was a gentleman through and - "OH!" Anemone had tripped over something, a rock, a snake? Something had grabbed her foot, perhaps it was even outcropped tree root. But one thing had lead to another. Her arms flailed and she smacked right into Beatbox behind him. Her soft body pressed up against him for the moment before she tumbled over, a loud noise then popping off as the side of the mountain soon showed an unexplored cave. The woman was given a pop up indication that a Dungeon had been discovered and she looked up at Beatbox, "I-I didn't mean to run into you like that. Something got caught on my foot...and then..." she pointed at her menu, "Looks like a pretty crazy dungeon." @Beatbox


    Thread Rewards: 1 SP Each, 200 Col Each
    Anemone: +1 Advanced Dungeon Map, +24 T1 Mats

  24. "Dieing? Oh! No. None of that here," she smiled back waving her hand back and forth. Certainly not. She would not succumb to the terrors of this game, if her life was in danger she knew exactly what she needed to do. There were friends now she could call on, "I think if I am in trouble, I have a few friends who might be able to get me out of a few messes. Not that I don't trust you, but I am sure they would come to our aid should we need them." The woman smiled, and agreed to the bargain. 

    Though she was a little embarrassed about him protecting her, in a weird way she did kinda ask for that although him coming right out and saying that seemed like she was more of a mess than he might bargain for. With a cute simple smile she nodded, "Alright. Well then let's get things rolling." The woman placed both hands over her back once more as she started to walk away from the borderline of the Settlement. Looking out to the rich golden fields ahead, the woman could breath in the intoxicating fresh air that filled her digital lungs. The light pink and white eye shadow coming in a hue as her eyes closed as she inhaled all that air. Breathing gently, the woman looked over her partner. 

    ID: 75653
    LD: 10+ 8 = +1 Material

    "Have you been to this floor before? It's my first time and I already am in love with it. Back home, I never got to travel...I actually cursed at my parents for putting me into a Dorm at University because they thought it would help with my social awareness or lack thereof. I sound kind of geeky, but I assure you I am. Teehee." She laughed lightly when she spotted a closed formation of herbs easy enough for picking without disturbing the wildlife nearby.  @Sey

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