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Posts posted by Anemone

  1. Anemone didn't know what was happening to be exact, but she felt nervous about the situation all together. She held her hands behind her back and examined the event as it unfolded just hoping that a confrontation wouldn't extend any further. When Morgenstern said that the party should move out and get things things rolling, Anemone squeaked a little and jumped at the opportunity to agree with him, "Yes! I believe that is a grand idea," she said nervously, "I have the path mapped out, so we should hit the required mobs and then the boss shortly after." With her arms swinging forward and placed over her front, she looked at everyone with a smile. Maybe for once she could lead, she knew where the spawning points were so she could quickly backtrack behind the group should the mobs find her a little too appetizing. With that, she began to walk. Hopefully everyone was paying attention to her lead, but she felt a little weird with the situation still hanging in the air. She decided to brighten the event up a little.

    Turning on the back of her foot, she began walking backwards to examine the party as a group. "Umm, are you guys ready to have a fun adventure?" she had asked that like an unenthused Girl Scout Captain trying to get her group on friendly terms once again to break the ice. But perhaps the question itself was not necessary in itself. Anemone began to twist her hair in her finger as she turned around and walked once more to make sure she didn't make a fool of herself and trip up. 

    OOC: OK, lets start summoning Mobs!  @Beatbox || @Aereth || @Vargas || @Hikoru || @Morgenstern

  2. A flurry of light had shattered over the area netting the team another victory. Anemone felt exhausted after so much work, in between worrying if her healing skill will kick in and the other two getting too hurt during the process. Her bright red eyes fell on the members of the team and their question, "Two more groups like that according to the map data. So we are half way there. If we continue following this route, we'll be hitting the spawns we need to kill and then finally the dungeon boss." She had kept a close eye on their HP levels, they were safe for the time being. That last minute effort to get that healing in on Itzal had given her a sense of relief. 

    However seeing that their energy had once more extinguished they had to rest up. Anemone smiled and placed her petite body on a solid rock formation where she waved her hand at her body, "It got a little warmer outside because of all this trekking. I do believe I am getting the vapors." Had she been alone, she would have undone a button from her shirt for more breathability, but around two men that would probably cause even more distress for herself. Eyes on the dirt and then the sky, Anemone had placed both hands on her knee and waited it out, unsure of what to say next. 

    ID: 77590
    LD: 8+8 = 16 [+4 Materials]

  3. Anemone could do nothing more but watch the events unfurl around her. She was pretty much useless at this stage now that her Healing ability was a no-go from here. When Itzal had tagged back with Sey, there were whispered words between the two guildmates. She could not tell the words apart, "Great, they're probably thinking I'm pretty useless as well..." It was the same ol' story. Find some people to hunt with, fail to heal the members, get kicked to the curb. That was the lonely road Anemone had found herself on most of her time spent in SAO. She could really not help but do anything right for others. As sweet and caring as she was, there was always something that was gonna hold her back from her potential. Sey had leaned in on her after his attack, calling upon a book or something. Anemone smiled not sure what to make of the situation, but she knew Itzal was still hurt from the last attack. With her hands placed on the invisible thread once again, latched to Itzal, the small green light began to form around her hands and the pulsating light began to seep through the white threads until they finally struck Itzal. "Finally..." she said to herself, her healing powers had finally awakened just before the next round would get under way. 


    ID: 77575
    CD: 7+3 = 10 
    Heal: Success! +408 HP Itzal

    [4] @Itzal:  1,020/1,020  <>  66/102
    [2] Sey:  700/700  <>  30/70
    [0] Anemone:  640/640  <>  64/64

    Goblinx4:  12/520

  4. Anemone had come away from the trees mid through the second phase of the battle where Sey had landed on the Goblins in his attack. The snow haired angel shot forward running towards the back of the group and stretched out her hands when she noticed that Itzal had suffered a direct blow from the four Goblins. Holding onto his Thread of Life, the woman began to charge up her healing skill which soon began to glow as it normally would. Not even making it to the band, her the glow of light fizzled and the light faded away. Feeling a little upset, Anemone looked to Itzal, "I- I will keep trying!" she said loud enough for them to hear her, yet, their was a small squeak in her voice, she was just not having a good day with the healing. 

    ID: 77513
    CD: 1+3 = figures
    Heal: Failure

    [4] @Itzal:  748/1,020  <>  66/102
    [2] Sey:  700/700  <>  30/70
    [0] Anemone:  640/640  <>  64/64

    Goblinx4:  108/520

  5. "It is a pleasure to meet you all! Thank you so much for assisting me in today's dungeon run!" Her gentle red eyes had fallen upon Aereth and she placed both hands over her mouth when she had noticed the orange cursor thanks to Beatbox's remark. Her eyes followed the man body language as he would put his hand on his sword. Immediately, without thinking Anemone took a step between the two people to make sure there would be no confrontation, "Please. I am sure he has his reasons. Although it is a bit frightening for myself to see that cursor, I can say without a doubt that Aereth is a good man..." her eyes were fixed on him once more, a slight blush crept over her snow colored cheeks. A small smile then formed, and she looked to Beatbox, "He saved me numerous times in a quest we had together on an earlier floor. I owe him a great deal, so please..." she didn't know what words to say or to form, she looked back at Aereth, he didn't need to give an explanation as to why, and she wouldn't force it out of him either. But he was so gallant and heroic, why would he do this? There could be any number of reasons. 

    Anemone cleared her throat, "Let's just try and make this a happy day, OK?" She didn't want the tension to build between anyone since they would all be partying with one another. Still with that kind smile, she looked at everyone and nodded, "Shall we get things started? The location actually isn't very far away. There should be an uprooted cave entrance in the Prairie not far from here." she said remembering how embarrassed she was when that snake slithered across her foot like that which startled her half to death and almost yanking off Sey's arm. 

  6. "Oh that is grand news. Excuse me for interrupting your party. My name is Anemone. It is nice to meet you both. I feel much safer now," she kinda blurted out that last part. Not that she didn't trust Sordell, but none the less, he did look like a shady type of character. She was always very suspicious of those rogue kinds. But he didn't seem all that bad. With a brave smile on her face, hands hooked around her back and looking at the small party she wondered what the next option was going to be for them. She already had a path laid out before her on her map, but with these two joining the party, "I suppose, if you wish to look for some mobs in the area, I wouldn't be opposed to that. It might be easier to accumulate materials that way rather than looking for them." She had said, her fiery red eyes shifting to the newcomers. Nonetheless, didn't she see them somewhere else before? Her eyes narrowed slightly at the one with the scruffy beard and then the other one next to him. She wasn't very subtle about it and her eyes widened with a surprised look.

    "Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I swear I have seen you two somewhere before but I just can't put my finger on it. In anycase, I do have a path planned out along the mobless area, but we can deviate a little bit. I suppose a little adventure never hurt anyone." Swinging her hands around to her front, and with a constant smile on her face, she began to walk along her given path from the map, but she then giggled slightly to herself as she began to move away from it to 'spice' things up for herself. 

    ID: 77480
    LD: 16+ 8 = +4 T1 Materials

  7. Just after talking about it, the woman was already sheltering behind Itzal and Sey as her Protectors. The spawn of goblins came once more in their crude ways banging and clanking their weapons. The woman furrowed her brows and gave them a mean look, they were just AI however and nothing more than that. Itzal took off the ground and ripped through their leather like skin tearing their HP to pieces with his attack. Then came along Sey and his mighty spear. Spinning that thing around like a madman as it launched the group of Goblins up into the air. 

    Anemone squeaked and ran behind a tree as the Goblins came crashing down in a comical sense one after another, doing yet another good deal of damage. "Nice team work!" she shouted from behind the tree, one arm up in the air and cheering the guys on. Once again, feeling some what useless as she was more or less being carried through the events. Her eyes traced back to their HP bars, yet no one seemed to have taken any damage yet. That was at least a good sign, if she didn't have to heal that means they were still Healthy. 

    [1] @Itzal:  1,020/1,020  <>  84/102  <-18 en>
    [1] Sey:  700/700  <>  43/70
    [0] Anemone:  640/640  <>  64/64

    Goblinx4:  318/520  <12x9=108 dmg>

  8. ID: 77385
    LD: 14+8 = [+1 Material]

    Anemone had chewed on her lower lip thinking about what Mack had said about how only officers cared about being called Sir, wasn't a Vice Commander an officer type of person? She was perplexed, but the rough trotting and shenanigan blitzing bear cub known as Chewie had found himself in center stage up to his old clever antics again. The brown mass of fur and muscle pointed to his open mouth declaring some food items to stuff its face with. Anemone had finished preparing a juicy steak in her shop prior the engagement and she was able to successfully salvage part of it to keep for herself. Opening her menu and tossing the good item into the mouth of the bear cub.

    "That's Chewie, he is Si-oh! Umm, Vice Commander Mack's familiar. He's just a goofball." Anemone said towards the now introduced Aries. She gave a warm smile, "Thank you Mack. You are such a pal," still smiling the woman nodded her head at the mention of his energy needing to be refilled, "Oh. So you say. Well, if you ever need some recovery items Mack, I have a shop on Floor Seventeen that might help with that. I can make some pretty decent M.E.A.Ls," she said eyeing the brown bear cub with her bright red eyes. Unless it was smart enough to understand spelling that is, then it might trigger another begging attempt. The woman rolled her bright fire engine red eyes at the Vice Commander, "Then we have a deal! Even if I don't find a dungeon for you, I am sure I might be able to find one later. If I find any good map data, I'll send the coordinates to you directly."

    That wasn't so difficult now? The woman had thought it might be exasperating to talk as much as she did. In fact she was feeling a little dizzy from it all, but she waved her hand at her face to cool herself off and looked around the shaded area. Right where Chewie was, there was a nice glowing rock. Kneeling down and scooping it off the ground, she cleaned it off and put it in her satchel which was carried off into her inventory. @HighNoonMich   

  9. There was a bunch of other stuff going on that Anemone was not quite well aware of. The sliding of the bear known as Chewie came crashing towards her shins doing his usual 'put some food in my mouf' routine and Anemone had pet the cub on the turf of his head. Revealing a tasty morsel, a few pieces of dried meat to staunch the hunger of the beast. She lifted her body up and found that no one was quite ready to taste anymore of her items. It was well enough to know that Aereth would take one of the highly intoxicating beverages, hopefully he would be alright with it. She packed up her things and the party was set in motion. Everyone seemed to swarm for the entrance and bear arms at Freylise. 

    Anemone felt a bit of dread welling up inside her being as she shot all the players a look. They had been prepared for something like this it seemed, while she had nothing more than her normal gear on and no real combat experience. When she realized what was going on, the party of players seemed to split off around the main Baddie. The flower girl had noticed she was pitted into a certain group, where each name was highlighted along with their HP Values and Hate. She took a deep breath to explore each person who was within her group and she nodded her head to get accustomed who might be who. She knew some of the people, but not everyone. Then the attacks began, nervousness was building up inside of her, but she remembered the kind words Itzal had told her before going off in his own party. She would do her darndest! Rolling up her sleeves, she watched as the others took charge and attempt to strike down the Boss, and Seul swinging that overly large beastly blade at the Murder of Crows who swarmed the area around Freylise. Anemone kept an eyeful on those who's HP bar might dip, she concentrated long and hard on each individual. For the moment, everyone was in the clear and she was happy for that. 

    ylise the Fallen Angel of Love - HP: 1674/1870 - MIT: 65 - ACC: 4 - EVA: 2 (PAR 0/1, BLD 0/2)

    • Abilities:
      • <<REDACTED>>
      • <<REDACTED>>
      • <<REDACTED>>
      • <<REDACTED>>

    Corrupted Love Crows x4 - HP: 550/550 - MIT: 35 - ACC: 3 - EVA: 1

    • Abilities:
      • <<REDACTED>>

    Group 1:

    1. [6] Morgenstern 840/840 HP 84/84 EN

    2. Hikoru: 

    3. [0] Aereth: 560/560 HP <> 54/56 EN

    4. [3] Seul: 995/995 HP <> 74/98 EN

    5. [2] Dominion: 360/360 HP 35/36 EN

    6. [0] Anemone: 640/640 HP <> 64/64 EN


    Group 2:

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

    2. Domarus

    3. Zandra

    4. Beat

    5. Shield

    6. Hakai

    Group 3:

    1. Hydra

    2. Sey

    3. Hidden

    4. Teion

    5. Beatbox

    6. Itzal

    7. Vargas

    Group 4:

    1. Mack

    2. Macradon

    3. Khrysaor

    4. Soredell

    5. Yamato

    6. Kasier

  10. "Oh! I am so sorry!" She apologized hastily bowing profusely at the person in front of her. "I did not mean to jump to such wild assumptions. There was a group of players called Laughing Coffin I heard about and they used a lot of ninja like people in their guild. I wanted to be sure you were not one of them, of course...this guy could be leading me into a trap or something. Perhaps I should just take his word. Smile!" With his hand stretched out, the woman smiled and her small trembling hand finally made way to his. Of course she shook his hand as a proper lady would. She attempted to not be rude any further.

    "My name is Anemone, I am strictly a Support role so even if I did wanna hurt you, I'd probably only deal a very insignificant amount of damage...oh! Not to say that I would hurt you! I don't very much enjoy player on player violence, I think it's sad what some people do to others. Like killing them or something," she smiled faintly, "But if you are out looking for some materials I might be able to help you along. I got a decent Search Skill. Why don't we partner up for a little while? Let me make it up to you since I was so rude to you earlier." It was at this time she noticed another pair of individuals not too far away, one of them looking over in the direction of herself and Soredell. She smiled back at them and gave a small wave for...no apparent reason. She looked back to Soredell, "I have a map that I like to go by that will keep us relatively safe from the mobs in this area. We can go around most of the spawn points and pick up the collections located across the border. Safe and easy." 

    When she had mentioned her plans, she wondered if those two other fellows would like to join as well. Speaking up and with another small wave, "Would you two like to join us for some material hunting? You look more combat oriented than I am." Of course two other green crystaled players, they couldn't look be too bad and they looked rather familiar...Did she see them somewhere before? @Soredell @Shield @Beat

    ID: 77325
    LD: 6 +8 = and the streak ends

  11. Anemone kept her hands over her mouth during the rest of the combat phase. Her bright red eyes on the Protector the entire time and making sure his health was not falling down to too dangerous levels. As the flame aura seemed to spark for another attack, something odd happened with Aereth. Seemingly before her eyes, he transformed into the same Serpent her was fighting! Was this some kind of trick or illusion or something? She never seen anything like that before, and perhaps he had access to a unique skill? But the two serpents fought one another, twisting into one another before the other faded into pixels. That was the end and as the Serpent seemed to slither towards her, she took several steps back before the illusion wore off and it was now once again Sir Aereth. Hands over her chest she was so elated that he was still in one piece. 

    As he got closer to her, he was about to hand over an item, but Anemone fell forward and wrapped her small arms around him, hugging him tightly in an embrace, "I was so scared you might have lost to that thing. I am so happy you are ok." It took a moment for her to register what she had just done and quickly removed her arms from his body and smiled while looking down at the ground. "Thank you for protecting me, I know you got injured a little bit while doing so. You were quite brave out there. I think you should keep the quest item. I have no use for it." She was happy enough to have earned the experience and the skill points which she knew what to use for when she had gathered the requirements. For now, it was time to head back.

    "Thank you for helping such a stranger like myself. I would have been in the city all day looking for help if you hadn't showed up. You have my gratitude. And don't think I forgot about that Austrian Pork Roast. I'll have that fixed up for you in no time! Oh, I suppose we should head back for now. Think you can be my Knight for a little while longer to reach the main settlement?" @Aereth

  12. Placing both hands on her knees, Anemone bowed. "Thank you both very much for the encouraging words. I just have a bad habit of things." She shifted and placed her hands over the ties of her pigtails and corrected any out of position threads of hair before nodding to Sey. "Yes, I believe if you both are up to snuff we can move on now. From what I gathered there is still quite a lot of mobs to take on before we can reach the Boss. All three of us have our work cut out for us." Anemone spoke with a small voice as she placed her hands behind her back and she waited for the others to make a move before she did. Of course she stayed in the back and was helping keeping an eye out on the rear of things to make sure they were not ambushed, but at the same time she started day dreaming about random things. 

    Mostly wondering what she was going to make for dinner this evening. She had a full belly at the moment, but that didn't stop her from preparing for a feast for herself tonight and of course she would live through this little adventure. She was with veteran fighters of this world, and both of them were protectors. What could possibly go wrong? She smiled at herself and felt a slight bit of nervousness creep over her, what an odd thing to think now of all things. @Itzal

    ID: 77304
    LD: 10+ 8 = [+1 Material]

  13. OOC: Aereth got to the Double Assyrtiko first, Seul. Sorry. (Also he RPed it out instead of just yanking)

    Anemone smiled and happily nodded. She was getting comforting words from the individuals who had helped her slowly break down the anxiety she always placed on her worthless self. While they were comforting now, the battle would surely put her in her place is she was ready to help out others on a larger scale. Nodding to @Aereth, she handed the small alcoholic bottle to him, "Be careful with that Sir Aereth. That is quite a potent drink." Their encouraging words were helping her spirits. But she felt saddened that others have already been vanquished by this Lost Soul. She placed a hand to her heart and looked around everyone else. She still had two items available to give out if they wished to take them. If nothing else, she would gather her things and prepare herself mentally for the upcoming battle. "Stay focused, do what you can and don't pass out. Whatever you do, you don't wanna be a burden to these people." Somewhat encouraging words to herself as she coached herself with those thoughts. She was nervous, it was true and evident on her face. But she could get through this right? 

  14. There girl squeaked when she heard a voice and once more nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the player in front of her little display table. The woman gave the man a worried look, "Um, yes. They are alcoholic beverages. But they'll increase your damage output, but at the same time you will be more prone to being hit. If the boss has an AoE, it will give them an advantage against you as it will inherently boost their accuracy. These are Tier 2 items as well, so it's probably more suitable for those who are at least level twenty-five and over..." The woman smiled at the Ninja-Guy, "Oh! But if you ever need T1 items stop by my shop on Floor 17!" the woman waved her hand to summon her menu and showed her map data, "I'm located here. If you ever need some food items, feel free to stop by!" She smiled once again, it was good to perhaps gain some customers while she was out doing this, at least for the most part it would be good for business, unless...she died. Then, that wouldn't be so great for business. @Soredell

  15. "Oh goodness gracious!" Anemone almost flipped out. Getting spooked like that as someone spoke to her as she was gnawing on her bottom lip. The woman was nearly given a heart attack from the stranger's voice. When her hand had lifted up to sweep away the menu, her bright fire red eyes shot the man a look and she nearly jumped out of her skin, "Oh! Dear me...you gave me another fright with that gear on!" Anemone wasn't one for raising her voice, but it was loud and sharp enough to cut through the air at the individual. She gulped silently looking him over from head to toe, he was decked out in some ninja looking assassin gear which made her pale snow white skin, almost translucent. She stammered a bit now getting her bearings. 

    "Ugh, yeah I am about to go looking for some materials...Oh great, he's probably gonna drag me by my hair and slaughter me out in the fields now. Defend yourself, woman! Nice...weather we have, huh?

    But he's a green crystal! He hasn't hurt anyone! He looks harmless!

    Anemone was having an inner monologue moment as she was studying this individual and then she blurted out something strange, "So, killed any people lately...?" she asked in a beyond nervous laugh tiptoeing backwards, "Oh great job at being Subtle!" Her bright red eyes scanned the area, there had to be something she could use to defend herself if she were about to be ambushed by the League of Assassins or something. Her eyes quickly moved left and right, nervous smile still on her face.

    ID: 77274
    LD: 10+8 = [+1 T1 Material]

    Ah-ha! She found a sharp, jagged looking rock. Yes! If this guy made any weird movements, she could probably bash his head for a quick blow and make a run for it. She quietly picked up the jagged rock and smiled innocently as to not alert him of her plans or to make any sudden movements that might get her killed. @Soredell

  16. Anemone had left with the others. Her body shimmering and sparkling as her normal adventure gear replaced her ballroom gown. It was nice enough to feel like a Princess for one evening, but now she would be faced with a very dangerous scenario. She would be entering her first boss battle and her nerves could never be more shot. Everyone seemed to be grouping up in parties. Anemone was beside herself getting lost in the crowd as she stood there, one leg behind the other and looking at the ground with her hands fidgeting behind her back. She had a few food items she had been able to make from her very own shop, though perhaps no one would be interested in such things? It wouldn't hurt to at least give out a few samples, hopefully everyone wasn't too full from the snacks from the event. 

    Using a nearby table (who knows where she got that from) Anemone began to place her things upon it. There was not much to look at, but it could be helpful for anyone who decided to take a bite or drink from the numerous beverages and food items she had on display. Clearing her throat, "Ahh excuse me!" her voice quiet and muffled over everyone else. She felt defeated as no one was paying attention to her. Eyebrows furrowed and she scowled, "E-Excuse me!" a much louder voice rang out till the attention was drawn to her, "I ugh...umm...I have some items available if anyone is interested. They might help during this boss fight?"

    ***Items on Display***
    Double Assyrtiko +4 Dmg, -2 Evasion [T2 Alcoholic] Used by @Aereth
    Bottle of Kotsifali [+6 Dmg, -3 Eva] T2 Alcoholic
    Herb Roasted Leg of Lamb [+1 BD for 1 Thread] 
    Notes: Don't be that douche to take an item unfit for your role. 

    First Aid || Rnk 5 || 40% Heal
    S&D || Rnk 5 || +5 LD
    HP: 640 || EN: 64 
    Battle Ready: None 
    Equipped Items: Lucky Coin: +3 LD || Avacyn's Wings: +3 Combat Craft
    [Linked Items in Signature] 
    Party 4: 5th Spot 

  17. Name: Herb Roasted Leg of Lamb
    Profession: Cook
    Rank: 4
    ID: 77271
    Roll: 11
    Quality: Rare
    Type: Meal
    Enhancements: Herb [+1 BD]
    Description: A massive leg of lamb. Slowed cooked over a rotating fire. Peppered with grinded herbs and smothered in a spicy unique tasting sauce. Will really help you focus on battle with a belly full of this good meat!

    Thank you for reviewing this and my other Evaluations! 

  18. "Ok...so that last batch didn't turn out as well as I had suspected..." Anemone gnawed on her bottom lip as she chewed it thoroughly. She was pacing around the Kitchen of her shop when she realized she was running out a good deal of materials. She sighed, "I'm gonna have to go back out eventually and look for more. I suppose I'll just have to use what I can for now." The woman washed her hands and began to get ready for her 'come back' day. Yesterday didn't serve her so well in the art of food crafting, but every craft was a foot forward for her and that was enough to keep her going. Taking a rather large knife and some thin lean pieces of meat, she began to chop and roast, fillet and bake. Of course out of these wonderful ingredients she would have to make something at least somewhat appetizing. She was becoming more content with herself, and this was the beginning of more of those confident days ahead of her. 

    Item 1: 
    ID: 77270
    CD: 1
    LD: 18 
    Notes: Materials Rescued! 

    Item 2: 
    ID: 77271
    CD: 11 [+5 Exp]

    Item 3: 
    ID: 77272
    CD: 2 
    Notes: >.>; Well...    

    Item 4:
    ID: 77273
    CD: 7

    +9 Exp, -3 Mats [T1]

  19. ID:77269
    LD: 17+8 [+1 Material]
    CD: 6+3 = 9
    Heal: Success! +412 HP!

    "Oh goodness! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that. It is quite unfortunate that you are lost. And you seem sincere enough, but..." It would be a total waste if Anemone had stopped to lead the woman out of the forest. She looked around and heard the ending of the battle where Mack had decimated the Soldier Ants. "Ah!" when his towering figure had looked over, Anemone gave a wide sweeping wave, "That's Vice Commander Mack of the Knights of the Blood Oath. I am sure he'll help us. Oh my manners, forgive me. My name is Anemone." Anemone gestured the woman to follow her as she lead the duo towards the Grizzly looking Knight with red hair. "Good afternoon, Sir Mack. It's another beautiful day, wouldn't you say so?" She asked, only mildly tripping over her words this time instead acting like a total goofball. 

    "This woman seems to be lost and unfortunately as you know, all I have are Support skills. Would it be too much to ask if we stuck around you until you headed back to the main settlement? I still have some materials to collect out here and I don't think I would be able to help this girl out if things got dicey. If not, I am sure I can think of something..." She wouldn't want to unload all her problems on the Vice Commander, perhaps she can strike a deal with Goliath VC. 

    "How about I help you find a dungeon around here. If I find anything in particular, I'll send you the map and data of the location in return for your services. I can also heal your wounds in battle as well." With her hands exposed to the air. A light breeze came washing over them, glowing green for a moment till a full golden aura like enchantment collapsed around Mack, healing him for a decent chunk of his lost HP. @HighNoonMich @Mack

  20. Anemone was startled by the noise and the clamber. She was enjoying her time with the gentlemen until an abrupt stop had ceased the lievrly music. Being a woman of small stature, she couldn't quite gather or see what was going on. The voice was heard however above the whispering of the attendants, so a Boss had come to ruin things. Perhaps someone who had lost someone they loved in this world, it was a fantastic story to her. But much like fantastic stories, this one seemed to come alive like an adventure book she read back home. She sighed lightly, and could do nothing more here. If people were gonna risk their lives to help, then she could do so as well. Her eyes were on @Vargas and @Aereth, "I suppose it has finally struck midnight, will you two be going in to help? I think after all the encouraging words you guys have given me so far in our trips, I feel as though I might be a little helpful." Grabbing her dress and lifting it up to move towards @Beatbox side she smiled.

    "You won't be alone. I might not be able to do any damage, but I will heal the best I can do in this predicament."

    Notes: Place Anemone accordingly, she's a Healer Support so I will wish to be placed in a group where one is needed. Thanks. 

  21. Anemone had whispered the name of Nimbus, the main settlement of floor seven to the portal on floor one and was whipped away in a glory of light. Coming back to this very atmospheric floor had been good for her. She was studying bits and pieces and even laid out a travel path to collect the material nodes along the way. And that was her plan for today, she didn't need much help from anyone but it was interesting to find that people would stop by and talk to her on the way out. Sometimes they would party up with her, often times it was just a quick chat before they needed to move onto something else. 

    With the help of her friends recently, she had been encouraged to talk more and to not be so shy around people. Her defenses were still as high as they could be, but she was learning to accept people at face value instead of if they were hiding a knife behind their backs. Sweeping the hair from her face, the young woman moved with the grace of a dove through the small crowds of people that had gathered around. It seemed many people were off on adventure this morning. "Good day to you," she would say to a random stranger passing by. They would not say anything but give a simple head nod. That was enough for Anemone, and that was a surprise she was able to say that in a loud enough voice for the person to hear her. She smiled and was on her way, with a backpack slung over her shoulder and dropped down to her waist, she was quite ready to move out. 

    Lifting a hand and peering at her map over her ghostly menu, she traced over the path she had created the night before to make sure she would hit all the gathering spots, "Everything looks okie dokie to me. I suppose all that is left is to go out there and get them. And hopefully not die in the process. I should be ok though..." 

    @Shield || @Beat || @Soredell

  22. ID: 77225
    LD: 20+8 = +1 [T2] Material

    Anemone was humming to herself, watching half of the combat ensued by the Goliath Vice Commander and half on anything suspicious in the forest. Of course she was quite well aware the fact that this surrounding could be intimidating, but with that Hulk swinging his axe around and slaying all the mobs in the area, it left little to her mind to worry. Of course, he could go into total rage mode and ... Anemone shook her head several times, why on earth would the Vice Commander want to slay a little defenseless girl? As Anemone cleared those webs of thoughts from her mind, she knelt down and collected a small pile of mushrooms that seemed to gather in one spot. Picking one from the batch, she examined and placed it in her sack and would continue on. 

    Of course then she heard the quiet break of leaves and twigs snapping underfoot. Anemone gulped, was she being watched as well? She had turned her head and her bright red eyes caught glimpse of another woman in the forest. She looked lost? Or perhaps that was just some kind of ruse. Anemone was beyond cautious but if the woman needed help, perhaps Anemone could do something. Balling her hand into a fist and relaxing her fingers. She would walk up to her an address her, "Good afternoon, are you lost? Please tell me you are lost and not some crazed psycho killer or something..." Anemone's voice was small and meekish, quiet and barely heard when she did. But it was loud enough over the cleaving sound of the axe and the grinding of the Ant Soldiers from beyond the combat zone. She didn't look...threatening? @HighNoonMich


  23. It was the top of the morning! Sun shining! Birds chirping! It was a fantastic and positive day. Anemone had awoken fully refreshed and ready for the day! With a few quick clicks here and there, she had materialized her adventure gear and was ready for an adventurous day, whatever that day may bring. So long as it wasn't too terribly dangerous for the shy girl. Making sure everything was in perfect form, she left the Inn Cottage and began to stroll about the sunshine of the lower floor. There had been something interesting stories told late at night, there was a party of players that hung out at certain inn where Anemone was invited to listen in. Sometimes they told ghost stories or stories from their home from the real world. Although she never participated in telling others about her life, she was happy and enjoyed the time spent while listening to those stories. One incredible evening, she heard a fantastic adventure a party had told reminiscent of a Movie back home. There was something interesting about that tale and Anemone was cautious yet interested. 

    Appearing at the portal plaza, the female shrank from the darkness all around her. The massive overgrown trees had cut off a majority of the sunlight exposed to this floor, and the people were dressed a bit like barbarians she had seen in movies with neanderthals. She chewed on her bottom lip as she moved along the rooted bridges of firn and other tough roots. Her bright red eyes scanned the otherwise green location until the brightness of red hair shot out like a flame in the dim light. On the precipice of the safe zone she could make out a rather large and intimidating figure. She wondered if it was one of those Barbarian NPCs that were roaming about. He stood tall like a statue and didn't seem to move. She moved towards the figure and finally at the right angle she noticed who this player was. 

    "Ahh! Sir @Mack, good morning to you!" she had said with her small voice, but she spoke up to a level to hope he could hear her. Although the last time she spoke to him, she didn't quite have the nerve or courage to speak up. He is quite intimidating. 

    Notes: Was given permission from Mack to join him. :D 

  24. "Look out!" Anemone cried out with a point of her finger. She wouldn't want him to get distracted, again perhaps it was her fault for that. The Serpent wasted no time in attempting to strike the poised Knight. Aereth went head long into the face of danger, his sword glowing as the attack took off. The sword fizzled out, it reminded her many times on how her healing would not work as well as she thought. The serpent boss however did not learn from experience. As the reptile chose to attack Aereth again, it was quickly struck with fire once more. Whatever that was, it burned its scaly skin alongside the face of the serpent causing it to hiss and sway. Aereth must have some kind of different type of fire active armor or something, she had wondered to herself. 

    But in anycase, the Serpent might end up dieing if it continued to strike Aereth. Of course, she would not allow those wounds to remain vigilant on his body. With her hand on the thread again, she would focus her Healing skill and treating those wounds from the distance. It was the best she could and with the quest boss almost defeated, they would be safe soon enough. As she attempted to heal, there was no light, no glow no nothing. Much like the fizzled out sword art, it had no chance of sparking. She mentally beat herself up for that, but perhaps on the next go she would try to get him patched up, "Hang in there, Sir Aereth!" 

    ID: 77214
    CD: 1+3 
    Heal: Failure

    [3] @Aereth: 486/520 <> 36/52 <> EVA: +1(Armor)-1(Environment) <> ACC: +3(Ring)-1(Environment) <> 36MIT
    [0] Anemone: 640/640 <> 64/64

    Amphis Serpens: 57/175 <> 70 DMG <> 45MIT

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