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Posts posted by Embers

  1. Embers nodded her head. She indeed had a hawk. It was a gift from her father on their first hiking trip, to ensure she never got lost. Rowan was the name she picked, from a book she had been reading at the time, and it had stuck. The Hawk became a proud beast, and she adored it. They were completely inseparable. She wondered if the bird was with her in whatever hospital, before smirking. There was little chance of the bird not being in hospital, unless they dragged it out. 

    "Yeah, dad gave it to me when it was a younglin' and he grew up with me. I know this is a damn game, but i'm hopefully gunna get him back. Or, well, somethin' similar. Here is to hoping that eh?"

    The girl spotted another boar, and swung her axe at it, but missed by just a fraction. But the boar missed her also. "I better get one, i'd hate to have a familiar that just sits about, that ain't ma style..."  



    Embers: HP: 75/100, ENG: 0/10, DMG: 4

    Boar Pup: 5/5 | 3 DMG

    ID: 92993

    BD: 5 <Miss> 

    MD: 4 <Miss> 3 dmg

    Tusks: 2/3


  2. The girl watched her target, but her eyes were lost. She wasn't seeing the game around her, but rather, a dead target. She pulled out her Scythe, walking slowly forwards towards her target. The Nepent threw its tendrils forwards and they, once again, crashed into the black Reaper armour the girl wore. 1 damage. She smirked and kept her slow walk towards the target that was dead. Her eyes a firestorm, her soul burning.

    The girl let out a battle cry, the cry of the damned, fueled by rage and emotion, before she threw herself forwards. Her Scythe cut through its face in half, and with the other half of her scythe, she snagged the loot she needed. Landing on the ground, the girl looked back to where Fae was. But, seeing the girl missing, there was no panic. Nothing but emotion of war on the girls face. 

    "Maybe it'll put up more of a fight...bloody coward..." She muttered walking forwards to where Fae was, unaware where the girl had done and slowly losing her interest in where the shrimp was. 



    Embers: 186/200 HP | 4/10 EN | 6 DMG | 27 MIT 

    Variant Nepent: 0/15 HP / 5 MIT / 10 DMG - Ignores MIT on MD of 10

    ID:  92991

    BD: 10 <Crit, +2 DMG>

    MD: 7 <Hit>

    Sword Art: Smash 6(2)=12 Damage

    ID: 92992

    LD: 15(+3)=18 <Loot acquired>


  3. Well, Dom was right, in...parts. While it was true she had wanted to find out if she had a belonging, she did doubt part of it. There was very little, in this game, that she couldn't do if she desired for it. If she wanted to take this world by bloody storm, she could. She would need time to make herself stronger, but that was of little concern. Back in the real world, she'd worked her body hard, too hard some might argue. But, she got to be unstoppable in the real world, and she would be in this.

    At Domarus offer, the girl smirked and raised her right hand. Sitting on her finger was a ring, one he'd made. With the words 'See what you want and seize it' facing him. "I already dealt with that, besides, i take what i want, and get what i want. That's how it works..."

    After some time of hiking, she found a small flat section and sat down. She gazed upon the world, well, floor, before her. It was so similar, away from society. Just herself, her wits and power to survive. No other people to slow her down, and even Domarus and his damn maid seemed to be able to keep up. She looked around, but, nothing. No sign of any animal. She let out an angry growl, how dare that damn buzzard...


    ID: 92935

    LD: 6(+4)=10

    Result: No familiar found


  4. Embers wasn't the hugely fan of the fourth floor. It was cold as hell, and the area was kinda crappy. But it did has a plus, which was the monsters here weren't walk-overs like the others. It was a good place to farm herself up some experience with her weapons. The snow could be survived, and now, she spotted what she wanted. There was some, bear lookin' thing in the distance. Scythe on her back, she began a slow and lazy walk towards it. No need to rush this hunt. 

    Like her dad taught her, approach the wild beasts carefully. While the game made it, well, safer, it was still the correct decision to hunt her pray down carefully. But, if the bear was to stop her early. Well, it would die like all the rest. After all, she was Larissa 'Embers' Williams, and the world would bend to her will. 


  5. Ember usually couldn't stand cheering for her, often times it only occurred in a few places. Namely, fights. Half the time, well...most, she was the one starting the fight. But for some reason, to hear someone shout out support. The girl blinked, then blinked again. What the hell? She looked around. She was, back home? She found herself, somehow, in a bar. One of the many bars she had kicked the crap out of a LOT of people, namely because she really really wanted to just beat someones face in for staring at her too long. She knew this wasn't where she was, but why...Ohhhh. That's what it was huh? Her dad had warned her about this happening, well, time to let her body go for the ride.

    Using the girls lack of movement, the Nepent struck, but this time, her armour easily deflected the blow, refusing the damage down to only a single point. The red-haired, crimson eyed girl, started laughing. Loudly, proudly. Laughter of a conquerer. She slowly opened her eyes, and stared at fae. There was nothing kind about the smile the girl gave her.

    "You're right shrimp. Obliteration is on the table for that plant, and anything else that stands in my way" The smile on her face was barely human, more of an angry beast than the girl who had willingly thrown away her Scythe to prove she wasn't a threat. Slowly, the girl began walking towards the plant, a grin eating up her face as her Scythe hung lazily to her side. She was Death, and this plant, her victim. 


    Embers: 187/200 HP | 8/10 EN | 6 DMG | 27 MIT 

    Variant Nepent: 3/15 HP / 5 MIT / 10 DMG - Ignores MIT on MD of 10

    ID:  92899

    BD:  2 <Miss>

    MD: 6 <hit>

    Sword Art: None. 


  6. Embers had no idea Telreya was unaware what a familiar was, after all, in her mind, she'd learnt very early on from the Kid. Namely when he went out trying to find out, and failed horribly. So she assumed it was an expression everyone knew. While Telrenya tried to figure out what a Familiar was, the girl focused back on her fight. This damn boar was really starting to annoy her, and this stupid axe wasn't getting in there.

    The boar charged in, but out of nothing but her anger for the boar, the girl threw herself forwards and brought the axe down hard on the damn creature. It exploded, and there it was, the spoils of war. She would have been pissed, beyond measure, if it hadn't dropped its damn tusk. Taking it down, that was now 2 out of the three done. Just one more idiots blood to spill.

    A baby dragon eh? The girl could do that, some bad-ass familiar monster would suit her. But, well, there was only one option. 

    "I'm getting a Hawk...or at least, that's my plan" She turned to face the blonde girl and her eyes, they seemed, less emotional if only for a few moments "Back home i had a bird, a Hawk called...Rowan. I know getting a familiar, well, you don't always get what you want. But i'm getting myself something like him, to sit on my shoulder like usual"


    Embers: HP: 75/100, ENG: 0/10, DMG: 4

    Boar Pup: 1/5 | 3 DMG

    ID: 92914

    BD: 9 <Crit> 

    MD: 3 <Miss> 3 dmg

    LD: 19 (Tusk acquired)

    Tusks: 2/3


  7. He wasn't wrong, and the way he worded it. She was indeed unsatisfied. She had, well, hoped, she would get a sense of belonging from joining a place like an online gaming guild. People who, often, were similar to her by disregarding standard social rules. But there was no shift inside of her chest, but the fire that had always burnt within. How he noticed, however, was confusing her more than anything. She'd grinned, so how did he know her true reaction? She let out a sigh, before realizing, she didn't care how he knew.

    "I dunno, part of me has always wanted to fit in. I thought, maybe i'd feel something joining a gamin' guild. Ohh well, just means i'm still a lone-wolf" It hadn't bothered her too much, but it lingered in her mind for a step longer than usual. She smirked. She was a lone-wolf, a firestorm that burnt itself to solitude. She didn't need anyone but herself. The girl look up at the mountains, and kept going forwards, despite the poor footing that would catch a less-experienced hiker by surprise. To her, ohh this was how it was meant to be. Herself and the world, the elements trying to stop her and her takin them on. It was far from the most interesting hike she'd had, but, well, there was a 'purpose' for this one, unlike most others. 


    (Post 13)

  8. Ember was entirely unaware that her outburses were causing the other girl distress, and even if she did, she wouldn't stop herself. It was how she lived, her heart on her sleeve and a smile on her face. She hated hiding what she felt, it just wasn't her if thats what she was doing. She would live as herself, and if it came to it, die, as herself. A smile on her face, blood on her fists and booze in her blood. Well, at least in Sao, some of that was possible.

    The girl took another swing at the boar, and once again, her battle-axe was simply too slow and missed the nimble monster. She kicked dirt at it out of anger, but manage to not swear. She threw a look over at Telranya. God this was embarrassing. She was meant to be in her element here, yet, Tel had finished so far ahead of her! She only had one tusk, while Tel had three!?

    "Tel, you'd be a damn lifesaver" She yelled out at her friend, friend? Yeah, friend. "But i'd be a waste of your time. I have, a solution, to my crappy aim. You know those, Familiar, things? I'm gunna grab me one of 'em, that'll get me aim on point. Don't get that wrong, your offer is kind, and if i didn't have a plan, i'd take you up on it in a heatbeat'" 



    Embers: HP: 75/100, ENG: 0/10, DMG: 4

    Boar Pup: 1/5 | 3 DMG

    ID: 92900

    BD: 1 <Miss> 

    MD: 7 <Miss> 3 dmg

    Tusks: 1/3


  9. While Fae shot around the forest, hunting down her Nepent, Embers didnt' bother. While ordinarily, she was all for adventure, she had a feeling. A gut feeling. She was an animal, a preditor, and this Nepent, was one also. She was standing, tall and proud, in its territory. Any damn predator would not stand for it, and it would strike. Given Shrimp could deal a killin' blow, she had no doubt her Scythe would carve it open. She grinned a violent grin, ohh let it ambush her. She would deal it a punishment worse than it would.

    "Come on! You have 1 shot to kill me, otherwise my Scythe will tear you apart!" She yelled, a clear challenge. She would LOVE for it to be one of those sneaky monsters, god, there was nothing better than getting her Scythe into a damn idiot who thought it would kill her in a pathetic sneak attack. And true enough, the monster struck her from behind. The tendrills piercing her armour, but there was no pain. There was just the grin of the girl, the grin of a devil. She spun around, and her Scythe landed a crushing blow on its center, and seconds later, the Whirlwind Shockwave connected. The monster was nearly dead! Idiot, it had one chance. 

    She spotted Fae nearby, but gave the Shrimp a one-handed shove to keep her back. This was her fight, and while she could congradulate the kid on getting the flower, she had her own war. She spun her Scythe around her, before taking stance. Feet apart, ready to charge forwards. Her Scythe lined up behind her back, and her face. Those ruby eyes burnt with violence, a forest fire of emotions that the violent smirk barely contained. "Com on you damn overgrown plant. Take your best damn shot, because if you don't kill me in the first shot, i'm tearing you open" While it was a monster before her, Embers didn't care. Anything, and anyone, would die if it stood before her! 


    Embers: 188/200 HP | 8/10 EN | 6 DMG | 27 MIT 

    Variant Nepent: 3/15 HP / 5 MIT / 10 DMG - Ignores MIT on MD of 10

    ID:  92899

    BD:  6 <Hit>

    MD: 10 <+2 crit>

    Sword Art: Whirlwind. 6(2)=12


  10. Embers didn't look at Fae after she killed her first. Either the kid called out for help, died or was successful. Embers had no point to watch over her like some over concerned parent. The second Nepent was close by, and with a single slice of her Scythe, and the use of the Whirlwind Sword Art, it exploded. Embers barely look at what should have been the corpse as Fae seemed to also be able to kill her target. That was two down for her, and the shirmp managed to pick up two kills also. 

    "Well, that's two dead. Now then, where the 'ells this boss monster or whatever the hell it is?"

    The girl looked around, her hair swinging onto her black armour. She moved and rested her scythe on her shoulder. Where was this damn thing, and when could she cut it open?


    Embers: 200/200 HP | 8/10 EN | 6 DMG | 27 MIT 

    Nepent: 0/7 | 3 DMG (2/2 slain)

    ID:  92693

    BD:  8 <Hit>

    Sword Art: Whirlwind. 6(2)=12


  11. Embers watched Tel take down yet another boar! She was doing better than she honestly expected, hell, doin' better than her. While that wouldn't be the hardest thing in the world, she couldn't not be somewhat impressed by it. Sure, the girl had her flaws but who the hell didn't have flaws? Embers looked away once again, mostly at Tel, only for the boar to strike. However, Embers was quick enough to use her weapon to deflect the blow, even if she wasn't able to strike back. She let out a frustrated groan, why was she struggling so much on just a damn baby boar!

    "Hell to this stupid game! Just let me kill the damn thing already!"


    Embers: HP: 78/100, ENG: 1/10, DMG: 4

    Boar Pup: 1/5 | 3 DMG

    ID: 92601

    BD: 2 <Miss> 

    MD: 1 <Miss> 3 dmg

    Tusks: 1/3


  12. Despite joining a guild, nothing in Embers shifted. She had, wondered, if maybe the idea of belonging in a place, would shift something inside of her. But there was nothing, the same feelings of exile and independence she'd forged within herself at a younger age. In a way, she was a tad upset. But there was no point dwelling. She pressed the accept button, and smirked. Well, even if there was no internal sense of belonging, she had people who would help make her stronger. Who cares beyond that?

    Embers laughed, loudly, as Domarus gave her a slight warning. In part, she got why. She was far from the kindest person on the block. "Don't worry, i just say it how i see it is all. I'll avoid tarnishing the reputation of your guild if that's what you're worried about" The girl looked at the mountains just ahead, and to the path that made itself clear on the left. However, despite the pre-made path, the girl opted to completely ignore it and head straight into the rocky sections of the mountains. This was more her style. She did one glance back to ensure the others hadn't cowered away from a little challenge like this. 

  13. Embers would lie and say she fully understood this guy, but then, there were many people she didn't care to work out. He seemed to, stuck up, was the word that came to mind. As they arrived at the blacksmith shop, she glanced at Thorsten. Honestly, if he did know her old man, she'd love to know what he did. What sort of merc he was. "Adrian Williams i..was, his real name" She wasn't sure if he had a nickname, or a callsign. She wasn't sure that mattered to her, she just wanted to know what it was her father did. And assuming his boy was correct, well, it would be a start, as much as she did doubt it.

    The girl walked up to the blacksmith "Heard ya got a quest or somthin' eh?" The NPC nodded, offering the girl armour as long as she went to get the material. While the armour was pointless, the experience coming from the quest were not. "Consider this done" She said, and walked over to her silent 'partner' "Com' on, we've struck ourselves an deal" 

    If the name, Adrian Williams, would bring any memories of an individual within Silver, they wouldn't be the most pleasant. Williams, had been a brilliant merc part of a small company which specialised in high-risk operations, no questions asked. Williams was a jack-of-all-trades, and was known for his uncontrollable emotional outbursts. The talents merc would vanish from service, every few months for a month or so, before returning as if nothing had happened. 

  14. Embers let out a soft laugh. In this world, people like her indeed ruled, where people like her. Dumb, but physically strong, they ruled this place. She looked over at the next boar, her next victim, and launched herself forwards. She knew that, with no energy, she wouldn't be able to rely on a Sword Art, but that didn't prevent just slicing it open with her Battle-Axe. Spinning it in her hand, she spun around and landed a sweet blow, right as the Boar ran into her legs, once again. She was hurt, but her health was good enough. The boar, however, limped away in the red zone. One more blow...

    She spotted Tel tripping over, but instead of criticizing her, Embers felt a laugh escape her. "It'll help if you stay on your feet Tel!" She called out laughing as she did "Ain't no battle you'll win lying down!" 


    Embers: HP: 78/100, ENG: 1/10, DMG: 4

    Boar Pup: 1/5 | 3 DMG

    ID: 91756

    BD: 8 <Hit> 

    MD: 8 <Hit> 3 dmg

    Tusks: 1/3


  15. Embers watched the girl vanish, and shrugged. There was nothing more she could do that this point, after all, she may have been only nine years old, she seemed more mature than most. She watched Fae throw herself into battle, and successful kill the monster in a single strike. She couldn't stop the grin, maybe there was hope for her yet. 

    In her watching, one of the Nepents managed to sneak up behind her. However, Embers was more than aware it was there. She grinned as she pulled out her Scythe and swung it widely at the creature, hell, it was small than her. No need to be afraid of it! With a single swing of her Scythe, the Nepent exploded into pixals. One hit, one dead monster stupid enough to try and sneak up on her. She let out a sigh, and gave Fae a nod. 

    "These pests'll go down soon enough Kid"


    Embers: 200/200 HP | 8/10 EN | 6 DMG | 27 MIT 

    Nepent: 0/7 | 3 DMG (0/2)

    ID: 91755

    BD: 9 (+1 Crit)

    Sword Art: Whirlwind. 7(2)=14


  16. Embers frowned as she started walking towards where the blacksmith was. What did the hikes have to do with it? WAs everything so, sneaky, with this guy? They had been hiking because it was their thing, not because he was teaching her something that no one else was allowed to know. It was simply that he wanted to teach her, and they were a hiking pair. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and laughed "Do you always read into stuff like this? He taught me because he wanted me to be able to look after myself" She said casually, because there was no need to think about it anymore then that. Males could never keep their hands to themselves, so she was taught how to use her hands against them. 

    "My old man? He was, well, some sorta merc? He didn't speak bout work much, but i'm pretty sure he was part of a mercenary company that goes around on raiding missions. Spec Ops deal, that sorta crap"

  17. So not only was he in a guild, he was the big wig on top. She pursed her lops as he explained the guild, well, namely the name. Why use greek? It seemed silly not to have a simple name, but then again, most guilds had some ridiculous name that had like two hundred meanings for what the owner wanted of it. To Embers, it seemed overally convoluted. Why not have a simple name, and give meaning through action? Well, guilds were meant to be to help players level up. Even if his wasn't that active, it would be worth getting something of an allience. Plus, if she was going to be trading favors with him, it made sense to have him as close as possible, to ensure he didn't backstab her. 

    "Sovereign Union huh? Well, i'll admit i don't know much about guilds and whatever, but if they're what they say on the can, then it might be worth getting involved" It wasn't that she HAD to join, but rather, it would benefit her to do so. After all, the more levels, the stronger she was. "So i'll be joinin', assuming you don't have an issue with a gal like me"

  18. Embers grinned. Finally, Tel was growing some backbone and no longer stuttering, there we go! She listened as Telrenya explains the school, and to Embers, it sounded like nothing short of hell itself. Studying, exams, urgh! All the things Embers loathed, sitting down and learning through a book. Learn while doing, that was her style and was why she dropped out of high school and never made it to university. She knew her own path wouldn't work with it, so instead, she left and went to do her own thing. Why be a sheep when you can be a wolf? 

    She spotted a Boar and went straight in, right as Telrenya went in for her own. Embers used her Sword Art and wiped the boar our with a single strike, grinning as she did. Nailed it. Although, her victory was shortlived as the boar didn't drop any item for her. She was still stuck on 1 tusk, while Tell was sitting at 2. 

    "You're damn right there. Books and pens won't save ya hear Tel. When you get back to the real world, you'll been your booksmarts, but in this world, well, lets just say people like me have the edge" People like her, too distracted to learn through books. People who hated being bottled up and fed like sheep, who hated the way city folks operated. 


    Embers: HP: 81/100, ENG: 0/10, DMG: 4

    Boar Pup: 0/5 | 3 DMG

    ID: 91347

    BD: 5 <Hit> Sword Art: Whirlwind. 4(2)=8 DMG

    MD: 10 <Miss> 3+1= 4 dmg

    Ld: 8 <No tusk found>

    Tusks: 1/3


  19. Embers was a little annoyed the girl rejected her, but, well, it wasn't up to her. Fae could do whatever the hell she wants, and did not need her approval, nor anyones really. Embers nodded her head "Sneaky littl' one aren't ya? Good, that'll keep you alive" She said simply, bluntly, as she stretched her arms out and cracked her fingers in excitement for the upcoming fights. The girls weapon seemed pretty basic, but maybe it was good? She didn't know, but if Fae said she was alright, then let the kid suffer if she did it wrong. 

    "2 each? Sounds pretty basic, well, if you need help call. Don't be prideful" In her earlier levels, she had a player who was too prideful to call for help. In the end, it had killed them. Hopefully Fae wouldn't fall victim to that. But if she did, Embers felt confident she'd be able to complete the quest so, while it would suck, it wouldn't plague her forever. Eve in a world like this, Fae was as human as her. Humans died, that's how the world worked. 

  20. Ember was entirely oblivious to the torture Domarus was going through, unable to see past his face and smile. To her, he seemed like someone who just wanted to help everyone, nothing less. Not that she needed help, but she wasn't prideful enough to reject him out of spite. Rather, she could use him to make her stronger, before overpowering him entirely. The song continued and she found it impossible not to think of the past. Mountains, this song. It was a regular hike with dad, years back. She'd always miss those old days, and the old bastard with them. 

    At being asked for a destination, the girl pointed up at one of the mountains. "There'll work" she said simply. She was hoping for it to be a hike, if for no other reason than memories that lived within her. She glanced at Domarus and Keres, wondering if they saw her as weak, before realizing she didn't care too much. She would be herself, and if they didn't like it, they could piss right off. As she started walking, one thing did pop into her mind "Oh, was gunna ask before everyone got in that fight at the halloween event, you're one of those guild people yeah?"

  21. So someone else had offered to protect the girl, at least this world isn't filled with scum. Embers wasn't sure who it was, but hopefully they were a high level to keep the girl safe, and fast enough to get to wherever was needed in time. "Good, although, you should have messaged him the second you felt threatened. It'll ensure he gets here in time" It was a simple warning, because some Pkers would not hesitate, and might be a high level. Fae wouldn't survive a strong opponent taking her on. 

    The girl swung her Scythe onto her back and pointed into the woods "Quest is somewhere in here, it's got a bit of combat. I'll keep an eye open for ya, if you need help call for me. Done?" She was facilitiing Fae's weakness, making the girl weak. After all, having someone else do your fighting for you, it was the mark of a coward. But, after learning what she had, she would protect Fae, at least, for now. For this quest, she would protect Fae. After that, well, it was on her. She hoped they'd find the mobs soon, her vision was still partly blurred from her blood rage, and she couldnt' wait to unleash it. 

  22. The situation was beyond Embers control. She knew she wasn't the smartest around, words wouldn't be enough. She didn't know what to say to get her point across, so she did what she did best. Action, by removing her weapon, it was proof. She had no intention to harm. While in truth she had martial arts, it was the point of discarding her weapon was to put her faith in the younger girl. 

    "I have no intention to take back what i said Fae, i don't regret it" She said simply. Embers didn't feel guilty about this, rather, annoyed. How DARE someone try and kill a 9 year old, a child who doesn't get the choice of who they are yet. More than anything, it filled her with a blood rage. A fury that was, very very, hard for the girl to control. Still, she did nothing as she watched Fae disarm herself. So she had choose to trust her. If she was a Pker, Fae had just killed herself. But, that was for later. 

    "It doesn't kid. Like i said, i ain't the kindest, or the smartest person you'll meet. But i'm honest, and the last thing i will do it hurt you" Physically, that was her promise. This girl was, innocent. Normally she hated it, but being young has its perks. "I don't expect you to trust me Fae, but live with the knowledge that if anyone, ever, tries to kill you. You contact me, and i'll sort them out" Without waiting for a reply, the girl walked over and passed Fae's knife back to the girl, before grabbing her Scythe and putting it back onto her back. 

  23. Embers had NOT expected the kid to react like this at all. So the surprise and shock that came out on the big girls face was unmistakable. Some Player killer had, taken a crack at Fae? Ember felt part of her vision blur, and not for a good reason. A blood rage, and they were far from pretty. The girl watched Fae pull out a knife, and it finally clicked. Fae thought she was planning on killing her. That's why. Embers looked at the ground, stupid. But she didn't arm herself with her Scythe. "I see, you think i'm a player killer. That i'm one of those detestable scumbags who pray upon the weak" The girl shook  her head in disgust "Sure, i ain't the nicest around kid. But i not a vulture and i ain't a killer"

    She looked at the young girls knife. Had she been forced to kill last time? It would explain far too much. The girls amber eyes glowed softly, a fire that was slowly dying "Listen Fae, i won't say i know what its like to have some idiot try and kill me. But, i will say this. You can't let one stupid idiot, make up your view on everyone..." She lowered her arms to her side. In her mind, there was a simple way to do this. She took her Scythe, and threw it onto the ground out of her reach "If you honestly think i'm here to kill Fae, then you need to make a decision. You either run away from that which plague you, realize i'm not the enemy, or, use that knife of yours and take things into your own hands... Make you decision kid" 


  24. Embers was at a damn crossroad. On one side, there was that part of her that felt bad for Fae and should be a big sister to her. Take care, shelter her. But, was that her? Or was that was the city wanted from her as usual? She rolled her eyes, even if the other girl couldn't see it. Did she expect everyone in this game to be squishy and kindhearted? "Welcome to the real world Kid. It ain't nice, and people like me exist everywhere. Consider it lucky that i ain't no Pker leadin' ya to your death. Worst you'll get from me are words" Meanie. She'd been called that, and worse, for years. When she was Fae's age, those words were like punches, each hitting her in the gut. Now, they were tools to piss people off, but never herself. After a while, she became immune to verbal insults. People often, and quickly learn words don't stop fist from punching you, hard, several times, in the face.

    "Kid, i'm say it once. To me, you're not different from anyone else in this game. I don't care if you're only 9. You can die the same as everyone else, so.." She wanted to tell the kid to be careful who she trusted, but was it worth it? 

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