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Posts posted by Embers

  1. Ember tried to always be honest, if to no one else, but herself. While his talking was, boring, the thing that finally caught her eyes was, well, his own eyes. They were different colours, and Embers couldn't help but be curious. Was this a fashion trend, was he born like this? Or, did he lose an eye. She tried to keep attention on him, but it tapered off near the end. The stance was nothing special, just one of the many tricks her dad taught her while growing up. Why the hell did this 'Thorsten' person care? "What mission? I'm here to do that quest nearby, Worn out or whatever its name is. I need to find a blacksmith, just got no idea where i'm headed"

    If there was something, he seemed to have respect. He was making a promise, no offering anything more than he could. Just like dad used to. Maybe he was worth some effort? A big emphasis on the maybe part. Dropping her stance, her body shifted. She was still ready to defend herself, but it was much more casual of a stance, well versed and adaptable. "My fightin'? My dad taught it to me during our hikes, it's nothing special. He said it would make idiots thinks i couldn't defend myself, and make it perfect to cripple anyone reaching in. Didn't say what style it was..." 

  2. Embers almost started laughing at the kid. She was no shrimp? Oh she was and that was Embers being polite about it. She shook her head and couldnt' stop, she laughed loudly. "Oh kid, you're not dumb. You know damn well what it means, you're short and you're young. That means in my books, you're a shrimp" She would have called anyone else much worse, but a 9 year old deserved some respect, if for no other reason than their ignorance to the reality of the world. But, it wasn't her fault, not yet anyhow. She would become guilty, but that is a few years to come. 

    Embers turned to where they were meant to go for hte quest, but what the kid said made her pause. No need to be mean? What a stupid idea. "And why not Fae? Last i checked, i could say whatever i want. Is it one of those city rules, not to treat children like you would anyone else? Dont' you get sick with all those sheep treating you like a kid? I'm giving you a chance to be you, not some lost 9 year old, don't waste it" She shifted her head as if to say 'lets go', but didn't move herself. Were all city kids this sensitive?

  3. 9 years old. "Jesus christ kid, you're 9 years olds" She wouldn't have believed it if the kid didn't talk about herself in the third person. She'd heard stories from dad, people so broken they talk about themselves like they aren't. Given where she was and this kid was probably just some city girl, it honestly wasn't a huge surprise. The Scythe-weilder stood up and looked down at the young girl. If she was anyone else, she'd just leave. But, she was 9. Dammit! 

    "You said you wanted help no? It's to do this medicine quest right? Look Kid, just 'cause you're a shrimp i'll help, but don't expect it much from me" She hated it inside, but she was 9. Urgh this sucked! At least, last time she found an lost chick, it was a bird and become her companion. This 'Fae' was simply gunna hang around and become a parasite if she got too closer, like all children. 

  4. Medicine quest. She looked at the quest description, it seemed easy enough. With her Scythe and Reaper armour, she'd easily be able to get this done. After all, not much was going to stop her when she set her mind of things. And this is one of them. She made her way to where the NPC who gave out the quest, absent in her own mind as she pressed the accept button. She would have left then, no questions asked. Except, she heard the voice of a kid. Out of nothing more than surprise, she looked and spotted the young girl. The hell...?

    Unable to stop herself, she walked up to the young girl. She wasn't welcoming in appearance. Heavy black 'Reaper' armour, and the Scythe upon her back. She raised an eyebrow at the girl as she walked over and knelt down onto her knees. "How old are you kid?" She asked, there was no restrain in her voice. Unlike when most people talked to kids, Ember didn't care to be gentle. Regardless of being in a game, kids had to experience reality. It sucked for those unwilling to extend the boundary. 

  5. Embers knew, in a way, she was being, ambitious. She was, in part, relying on that damn bird coming to her even though he was in the real world, and she was here, trapped in a game. It was stupid, illogical, yet she was hoping on it. She could yell at herself for it later, but for now, she had a goal. She was getting her familiar. It would have one of those accuracy buffs to ensure she landed her attacks. That was what she knew, much like went hiking. She knew the destination, it was the journey that got her fired up. Mountains, caves, whatever the world would throw at her, she could handle it.

    She reached into her inventory and brought up her Familiars Calling, and starting playing the song. She smirked hearing the song, it wasn't her favorite, but it seemed appropriate to use. "Yeah, maybe so, but these mountains just remind me of...well, the past i guess" She shook her head, somewhat annoyed at how much nostalgia was punching her in the face. "I owe ya one for, well, all this dammit...I owe ya a favor, sure it smartly" She started walking towards one of the mountains as she said that. It was a bite at her, she much prefered having people Owe HER favors. But, Domarus had done more than his fair share to help her so, it was only fair. She did try and be equal and fair.

    Item used: Bullet Proof Wings (Familiars Calling)


    Name: Bullet Proof Wings
    Profession: Performer
    Rank: 2
    Roll ID: #90795
    Roll Result: 12
    Item Type: Song
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect 
    Enhancements: Familiar Calling (+1LD on Familiar Quest)
    Description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seFu9fQ_-FI (Bullet Proof Heart)
    Post Link:http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15482-floor-4-rank-2-crystalized-passion/?do=findComment&comment=530365


  6. An assassin? The hell did an assassin want for her? Was he stupid enough to get into a fight with her? The girl glared at Thorsten, after all, after his declaring to him being an assassin, she was a little more cautious, like a snake. You can tell if it if lethal, but the real question was would it attack? In nature, if you avoided it and made loud noises, the snake would avoid you. Was Thorsten a snake, or a spider? Planning an attack regardless?

    "So what kind of assassin are you anyway eh? Just tellin' a stranger that..." She couldn't tell if he was being serious or not, his flip said one thing. But, what idiot declared that to another? Although, he was offering to help...Well, there were two options. Either a: He helped and b: he died. The girl didn't care either way. "You know what, screw it. But, assassin, you try anything, and i carve you up like a turkey"

    Other than this guy being an idiot of an assassin, the way he talked was so damn long. She wasn't a fan, just use simple damn words and get the point across. 

  7. Embers had been looking at the map as she walked forwards, trying to see if she knew where this quest would start. If she recalled correctly, it said something about a blacksmith. So where was the blacksmith on this floor. Finding that would be step one, and honestly, the hardest. She looked around, and she noticed she was being trailed, albeit at the last moment before the stalker jumped down in front of her. Out of instinct, the girl made fists and dropped into a defensive stance. Unknown to her, it was the stance used by Special Forces within a military. To her, it was what her dad taught her. 

    "The hell is wrong with you? I nearly punched your damn lights out you idiot, jumping out like that. Part of me still wants to kick your ass just to prove a point" She snapped, her emotions getting the better of her as her hair finally settled on her back and shoulders. "What do you want anyway huh? Cause if it's nothing important, i've got places to be..."

  8. The girl exited out of the portal of floor 3 and let out a deep breath. She had checked her list of quests, and this one had come up as an easy one to pull off. Worn out Welcome. Basically, recover some material, murder something, problem solved. All she had to do was find where this quest started, and she was sold. Issue was, where the hell was it? 

    She walked forwards, stretching out her arms as she checked herself out. She was wearing 'casual' clothes, well, casual for her. Plain white shirt, camo pants and combat boots.It was what she normally wore while hiking. She had another two outfits, but, well, there were two that weren't needed. One was some clothes she knew would drive boys crazy, the other being her heavy armour to protect her in combat. Despite being in her hiking gear, the Scythe of Dread was on her back. After all, even wearing this, anyone who messed with her should know they're dealing with Death. 

  9. She hated waiting, loathed it within its entirety. She wanted to get going, but, well..She had to wait for Domaru...actually, no. She had no obligation to wait for him, she had offered to wait but had no need to. She let out a huff as she waited. She wasn't wearing her armour, but casual clothes instead. A white shirt, plain, camo pants and combat boots. It was far from attractive, but it was her comfort hiking gear and that's all she cared about for now. Sure, she could wear herself some skirt and singlet, but it was only Domarus, she didn't have to dress up for him. Not until she smelt interest, then she'd drive him wild....

    It wasn't too long of a wait until she spotted Domarus, and of course, Keres was with him. She had, mixed feelings about the maid. Embers felt like the maids entire existence was to mess with her. But, as long as the girl doesn't try anything stupid, embers didn't care too much. "There ya guys are. I'm sure it'll all work out, besides, Rowan'll show up. Of that i have little doubt"

  10. He was...immune to booze? God that sounded boring! She couldn't hide the look of concern, nor disgust, that passed over her. She couldn't imagine a world where that occured, hated the idea. During a darker part of her life, she lost herself to drinking, day in and day out, always spoiling for a fight purely to run away from the problem plaguing her. After she found herself, the only thing that changed was she drank less. Still got into fights, still drank when she wanted to get the buzz. She wasn't a light weight, but she could throw down with the best of 'em. 

    "That's gotta suck though no? I mean, Whisky? That craps' hella expensive ain't it? Besides, cheap stuff gets you drunk just as well as your Whisky" The girl stretched out once again, smiling at the memories. Most of them were foggy, hazy, but they were fond memories. She missed that buzz in the back of her mind, that tingle over her body. Stupid game. "But, since i can't drink ,i dunno, i might go to floor 1 and just kill some boars or somethin'. I need to get stronger..." 

  11. In nothing more than a numbers game, they won. Four hunters against a single prey, even in the real world it was an easy hunt. Different to what she was used to, but a simple hunt none-the-less. So it actually made the red haired girl grin when she heard the Boar let out its cry and two more cam storming to the field. Now this was a fair fight, and couldn't contain the grin that ate away on her face. Alone she may have struggled, but with three others, well, it was hunting season and she, like a shark, smelt blood in the water!

    She turned to the first boar, the original boar. It was nearly dead, while the others had barely taken a scratch. So the logic was simple. You kill the wounded one first, it was more likely to try something desperate than the uninjured ones. At least, in the real world that was her experience with mountain cats, once you injured them, they would try and take you out with them. So killing it was her option. 

    Scythe in hand, she charged forwards, grinning. "Oh let it cry for help..." The girl yelled at the others nearby as her Scythe slashed across the first boars face, landing a critical strike and, after a second, a shockwave slammed into the boar crippling it. Landing on the ground near all 3 boars, the girl simply grinned. A challenge for the boars to get her. "The more of them there are, the more there is to slaughter!"



    H/2  Shepard  HP: 79/80 | EN: 1/8 | DMG: 2 | MIT: 5

    H/3  Embers  HP: 200/200 | EN: 14/20 | DMG: 5 | MIT: 27

    H/1  Rinne  HP: 20/20 | EN:0/2 | DMG: 4

    H/3  Vigilon  HP: 240/240 | EN: 23/29 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 9

    Large Boar HP: 8/120 | DMG: 36, Bleed: 1 turns, 12 DMG

    Large Boar 2: HP 96/120, 36 DMG

    Large Boar 3: HP 96/120, 36 DMG

    ID: 90920

    BD: 10 <+2 Crit> SA: Whirlwind. 5+2(2x1)= 14 Damage <Boar 1 Target>



  12. The girl had been butchering boars on the first floor when the message came in. If she was honest, she was somewhat surprised it was that blacksmith girl being the one who messaged her. Last time it was Stryder who organised everything, where the hell was he? He was the one Embers respected, the one who she had fought next to and who had originally invited her. The blacksmith was good at her job, making weapons. But that was it, so leave her behind. 

    But, either way, she wasn't missing out on the chance to kill some monsters so she made her way there. Given it was a 'guild 'event, she was taken aback by how few people arrived at first. The blacksmith was there with her dog, some short kid, Hei, who she remembered from last time and she gave a quick glare, daring him to make a Harem comment again. She wasn't part of this whole guild thing, so instead of 'joining' the group, she simply leaned up against a nearby tree and waited. 

  13. Spoiler


    Thread Length: 1 Page/20 Posts

    The monster tamed must be smaller than a large dog and within reason. The tamed monster must also be logically tamed, and as such most humanoid monsters will not be tamable. Staff reserves the right to deny certain types of familiars. If you're worried that your familiar may not be approved before searching for it, please PM a member of Staff.


    1. The title <<(Insert beast's type name) Tamer>>
    2. A familiar (Possibly, view chart below.)
    3. 1 Skill Point

    Familiar Results:
    When feeding a familiar, you have one chance to tame a familiar every 15 posts. That means you may only roll the loot die for the familiar on the fifteenth post. If you don't want a familiar that you tamed without buffs, you may kill it and continue searching. Use the loot die(LD) to see if you do. Familiars may only be attempted to be found in intervals of 15 posts of the attempting player.

    LD 1 - 10 Failure No monster is found or the taming attempt is unsuccessful.
    LD 11-18 Success Monster is found and may be successfully tamed. 
    LD 19+ Success Monster is found and successfully tamed. Player may choose an extra skill from the Familiar Enhancements, submitted for approval via the Evaluations forum.

    Embers had spent too long thinking about that stupid bird, her mind drifting to Rowan for too many times the past few weeks. More so since two days ago. Before, she was in no place to do anything about it, now she was. Through her own determination, she'd found what she needed. She had a song to bring him in, and she had an item that was supposed to help her tame the familiar. She already knew what it was she was getting, no alternatives would do. A white-tailed Hawk. She'd live most her life with a bird at her side, flying on her adventures and sticking loyally at her side, a priceless trait. Never could loyalty match anything. It was why she usually never let strings hold her down, strings to tie her up.

    Yet, there was one string she was pulling. Domarus'.  He'd said he wanted to come, so he would. Ever since she met him, he'd seemed too good to be true. In a way, that made her suspicous of him. No way he'd survive in the real world with his kind giving attitude, or at least, not in her world. Still, she sent him a message. It simply stated a location and for him to hurry up. She'd waited long enough, she wouldn't wait any longer. 


  14. The exit to the cave, thank god. She'd rather the clear sky over her head than rocks, something about it made her feel as if she could fly...if she had the damn wings like Rowan. Cheating bird had what she wanted, the ability of total unquestionable freedom. It was Rowans best quality. Damn bird. She stretched out her arms as she threw a glance back at Domarus still carrying that damn brat for her, he'd live. Besides, she didn't need him for this quest so he was lucky she wanted him around. He could suffer some brat for a bit.

    "After this...? I dunno, hadn't thought about it much. I would take a drink, but...well, booze does nothing here. Can't get drunk here, so what's the point?"

    It was something that bothered her, a lot. Going out with friends and getting drunk, making bad decisions. God she missed it so much! And cursed whoever made this stupid game non-alcoholic. 

  15. So it was 4 against one yes? If this was against a player, she'dd feel guilty, but considering it was a giant slice of bacon that wasn't cooked yet, there wasn't any. The boat did turn to face her however, and she couldn't not smirk. So it did realize the biggest threat eh? Well, she couldn't blame it. Armed with her Scythe, she was tough. Soon, once she got her Familiar, she'd be unstoppable. But, until then, she was very much mortal as the game Loved to remind her. She saw the boar charge in, and leap to the side right as a party invite appeared?!

    Taken aback in her strike, she accepted it as she made her swing at the Boar. However, her strike was deflected by the hide of the boar and the girl let out an angry yell. "Dammit! Stupid creature, i'm gunna tear you apart!" In those moments of inaction, the girl looked at the 3 other players nearby. Two of them were fighting, both the guys, while the female seemed to be just watching them. That's when she noticed her level and it made sense, she was still a low level, weak for this fight.



    H/2  Shepard  HP: 79/80 | EN: 0/8 | DMG: 2 | MIT: 5

    H/1  Embers  HP: 200/200 | EN: 16/20 | DMG: 5 | MIT: 27

    H/0  Rinne  HP: 20/20 | EN: 2/2 | DMG: 4

    H/2  Vigilon  HP: 240/240 | EN: 24/29 | DMG: 6 | MIT: 9

    Large Boar HP: 66/120 | DMG: 36, Bleed: 2 turns, 12 DMG

    ID: 90809

    BD: 1 <Miss> 

  16. It was a shame, Embers only had col, and as she checked, not a ton left after this purchase. OH well, she'd find some bosses and tear them apart or something. But that was for later, right now she had a singular focus, getting her pet, Rowan, back. She sat down in the, admittantly, nice waiting area and hummed to herself. There, sat on the couch, the girl stretched out and waited. She had nothing better to do with her time. Thankfully, the shop owner really had her stuff together and had it done quickly. Grinning the girl got up, smiling as she took the crystal and looked at it. This was one of the songs she adored above all else, if no other reason than it was her fathers favorite. 

    "Thanks Hes, i...i appreciate this.." She would have said more, but the girl was...level 22?! Embers had to do a double-take, she was not expecting that. "Damn, you're a ton stronger than ya look Hes, i'll keep ya in mind and i'll take you up on that offer once i find something worth killin'" 

    Item: Bullet Proof Wings, acquired. 

  17. Embers was getting pretty damn sick of this 4th floor. The blacksmith she visited was here and it annoyed her, but she needed a Performer and she'd heard of a newish one on this very floor. The walk to the shop itself was somewhat nervious, mostly because Embers expected to be ambushed at any given moment by bandits or something, so she kept a close grip on her Scythe. Thankfully, the only occupent was the girl behind the counter. She seemed happy, guess she enjoyed this weather?

    "Sup. I needa place an order with ya" The girl says casually, quickly filling in the order slip and passing it to the girl and placing the cost, plus a little more, on the counter. 500 "This'll cover it yeah?"

    *500 Col sent to Hestia*



    Name: Bullet Proof Wings
    Profession: Performer
    Rank: 2
    Roll ID: <leave blank>
    Roll Result: <leave blank>
    Item Type: Song
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect 
    Enhancements: Familiar Calling (+1LD on Familiar Quest)
    Description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seFu9fQ_-FI (Bullet Proof Heart)
    Post Link: <leave blank>


  18. Not long after Telranya claimed the life of her boar, Embers finally got the swing in she needed. The boar treied to strike her, but the girl was quicker and managed to land a blow across its body, causing it to explode into pixals. She had hoped that it would drop a damn tusk, but it seemed, no suck luck was given to her and she swore loudly as the realization she'd have to cut down a ton more before she was done. She saw another boar, and prepared herself to go on the hunt. In this ideal hunt, she missed Telrenyas reaction to her story. Of course, she could guess as much, given most players of this game lived what Embers would call a sheltered life. 

    The blondie girl spoke about her own version of what made her feel alive, submitting...assessments? In part, Embers didn't understand what the other girl meant. It wasn't something that came up too often for her, she had given up on highschool and never made it to collage or university. She frowned a bit, what the hell was an art school? Was it as literal as the name suggested? 

    "So you're one of those fancy art student then right?" Embers was partly lying through her teeth, but, well. For some reason, she liked the blondie. She couldn't explain it, like a lot of things, but she liked her. So pretending she knew what an arts student did would be a lie she'd carry with her "Well, i'll say, work tasks and me never really settled hand-in-hand, but, well, can't fault ya for knowing what you enjoy" It didn't bother her much what Telrenya enjoyed, as long as she enjoyed it. 

    "Also, you are an arts student. Just cause' you're locked in this damn game don't mean what you achieved out there don't count. The only time its an 'was' is when ya 6 feet under...."



    Embers: HP: 85/100, ENG: 1/10, DMG: 4

    Boar Pup: 0/5 | 3 DMG

    ID: 90763

    BD: 7 <Hit>

    MD: 5 <Miss>

    LD: 3 (Not loot)

    Tusks: 1/3

  19. Embers practically snarled at the boy, how dare he assume she was so useless she was about to die, to a boar of all things. It pissed her off, that some white knight hero thought she needed saving. If she was going to die, that was on her being weak, she didn't need some hero who saw her as some pathetic little princess who needed saving. 

    "You'll pay me back by me kicking your ass..." She muttered, intending to just leave him alone and go back into the swing of her weapon. That's when she spotted it, the large boar. She couldn't stop herself and she grinned, ohh this was going to be fun. Mumma pig did indeed come, and it was time for bacon. The red haired girl grinned as she spun her Scythe in her hands, taking a slow step forwards. She didn't honestly care to 'save' the others, she didn't know them so, in her mind, had no obligation to fight. But it was the strongest monster here, so why the hell not?

    The girl threw herself forwards, using her Sword art, Whirlwind, to clash across the pigs face. Seconds after her first blow landed, a shockwave crashed into the Large Boar, knocking it backwards as the girl spun her Scythe around in her hands. "That's how you hit your target...." 



    ID: 90762 BD: 6 <Non-crit Hit>

    Sword Art: Whirlwind 2EN. 5(2x1)=10 DMG


    H/0  Shepard HP 79/80 EN 3/8 MIT 5

    H/1  Embers 200/200 HP | 18/20 EN | 5 DMG | 27 MIT

    H/0  Rinne ???

    H/0  Vigilon HP 240/240, EP 27/29

    Large Boar 110/120, 36 DMG


  20. Embers knew the boar was coming for her, she'd thrown a rock at it before killing the boat in front of her. Mostly to test out aggro on monsters, partly because she got bored easily since these boars were unable to injure her. Her armour, Reaper, did its job damn well. That and her weapon, Scythe of Dread, finally had 'blood' on it. Well,  no blood given this damn game, but the point being she was happy to test out her weapon by slaughtering weak helpless boars. 

    She spun around and prepared to swing her Scythe at the charging boar, only for someone to take her damn kill! She let out a angry huff as she stared at this player. "And you could do your own and open your eyes" The girl snapped back at him "I saw the damn thing coming, and even if it did get the jump on me, my armour'll take the hit" She was frustrated. She was no flower princess who needed some messy haired prince charming to save her, especially from a boar that could only deal single digit damage against her.

  21. Embers shoudl have seen it coming, yet it still caught her just how much damage Domarus was able to dish out. She knew it was his higher level, and therefore, stronger Sword Arts. Nothing to do with him itself, but rather, the game, but watching him tear through both bats like they were mere paper. It was a drive, she would become that strong where nothing, nothing at all, stood between her and her goal. Still, so far, it was a success. The bats were wiped out, more Domarus than her, but eh. The kid was safe, and now all it was would be to return the idiot to his mother. The kid was lucky she was getting experience from this, otherwise it was on his own stupid head.

    She looked at the glowing crystal, holding it up at the cave. Huh, having this during the fight, well, actually. It made no difference, she'd landed her attack and so had Domarus. She glanced at the kid, and thankfully, he was taking care of him. God she'd struggle to do that. 

    "If you've got the kid, then lets get out of here and return him to his mother.." She muttered Kids yours Domarus, make sure he doesn't get lost again" 


  22. The maid, she couldn't tell if the maid was actively trying to mess with her mind or not. Because the maid was doing it, but not perhaps in the manner Keres intended. She had to actively not think about Keres for a bit, otherwise, well, her mind wasn't hard to hide and she struggled not to show what she wanted. Her order wasn't, well, she was sure Domarus saw it coming.  He knew she wanted Rowan, and that loot items would make it easier for her.

    "Soon" She told him "I heard that Chef people can make my loot chances better, and there is a song or something. I'm gunna get the best chance to get Rowan back...When i do, you're coming along" Not a request or an ask, a statement. She had decieded he was coming, and that was final. 

  23. Yet another dead damn boar. Embers had come down to the 1st floor for a single reason, to test out her newest weapon. The blacksmith had finally crafted her the Scythe of Dread. Now, her outfit was mostly done. A 4 axed Scythe in her hands, black 'Reaper' armour protecting her. The burning-haired girl smiled as she spun the weapon back onto her back and stretched out her arms. Levelling up itself hadn't been too hard, but doing it along sucked. She wasn't too low of a level, but she shouldn't honestly be on the first floor, these monsters were paper before her. And her weapon, with its 3 damage buff, well, nothing was going to last too long against her on this floor. But, the slaughter of boars was nothing she was against, so why the hell not?

    "Ahhh that's a good one, maybe if i kill enough boars, the mom boar will come to stop me. I wonder if i can make bacon out of them, god i could go for some bacon right about now!"

  24. So this was Domarus' shop eh? She knew he had it, just hadn't cared enough to come until today. Mostly because she needed something from him. The while one was well more important than the other, both would help in the long run. The opened the door and was met with Keres, the maid girl she had met many times now. She said a brief 'hello' to the maid before walking into the store.

    "Oi! Domarus, you here, got something i need from ya!" She called out to get his attention, she prefered dealing with him than the maid. He seemed, well, more straight forward. "Cheers for this, by the way. You said somethin' like this'll help me get my bird back, so figured i'd come to you"

    *Col to be sent upon acquiring item*


    Name: Avians' Ring
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 7
    ID:  (leave blank)
    Roll: (leave blank)
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 Loot Dice
    Description: A silver sing that goes on the ring finger. The ring is etched with 'See what you want and seize it. Don't ask for it; don't wish for it. Take it' around the inside and outside. 



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