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Posts posted by Embers

  1. Embers armoured hand got closer and closer to the chest. Part of her mind was still curious about WHY it was just hanging out here, in the middle of town with players around. BUT hey, no point complaining. However, that's when the chest opened its mouth and the girls hand shot backwards! The hell?! Out of nothing more than instinct, she made her hands into fists and almost punched at it. Thankfully, her brain quickly realized the chest, while alive, was no threat as she took a deep breath. She looked up at the girl who was feeding the chest, gems? The hell did she stumble upon? That's when her crimson eyes saw her outfit, and Embers smirked. She wasn't the smartest, but this girl, well...'cute' was one word for her. Embers brain made a few different ones.

    "The hell is that thing? That chest is like...alive!" As a country girl and someone who spent her free time, back in the real world, exploring and hiking. Mimics were an alien concept to her. Why the hell would a chest, be alive?

  2. The day after the 'special' day, and Embers had enjoyed it her way. Killing monsters. She knew thre was some ball/gala event, but she'd never cared for things like that. The emotional relationship between people always fell apart, trust was critical and it was never there. As someone who had established a sense of self-desire, she had no need for outsiders. She could do her own thing and be happy, other people were usually just issues that got in the way. 

    Today was, in theory, one of those days. She had seen the image by the player Kairi. She frowned, the hell was that quest? She'd never heard of it, and shrugged. She may as well get the experience from the quest. She checked her equipment. Black 'Reaper' Armour that made her look like an armoured Grim Reaper. Check. Her Scythe of Dread. Check. Smirking, the girl walked towards the quest. Would she find this Kairi? 

    Turns out, she found the familiar first. However, Embers being an outsider to gaming, had no idea what a mimic was. So when she spotted a check, she couldn't not walk to it. She'd seen them before, and was unaware it wasn't loot and was a familiar. She frowned looking at the chest, before reaching forwards unaware that Kairi was, probably, right there "Hella weird place for a chest to be..." She'd mutter to herself, unaware the chest was alive. 

  3. Embers frowned slightly at Domarus. Why was he so insistent on her finding a partner? Did he think she wasn't strong enough to look after herself!? Or... The grin that found itself onto Embers face slowly ate away at her mouth as an idea dawned on her. Did Domarus have interest in her? She hadn't been trying too hard to lure him in, but if he lured himself in. This insistence into being a partner, and with him suggesting it. Was he trying to get her to ask for him? With this belief in her mind, she couldn't not start coming up with a few ideas. She gave a smirk to Keres, if she could lure Dom to her. That would drive that maid insane, revenge for being inside her head constantly!

    "I'll have to see if i find another worthy Dom. To keep up with me, levels don't mean nothing. It's about heart..." She gave him a lazy look, as if implying he lacked the heart to be it. It was a lie, but Embers wanted to see what buttons worked on Domarus. Would she be able to taunt him in, or would teasing work better? Ohh, this would be great fun! The amusement sparkled in her eyes.

    But that teasing amusement died instantly as he mentioned the word 'familiar'. Looking around, she quickly spotted the animal that Domarus own familiar had spotted. Up in the sky, flying right towards them, was a bird. Embers couldn't NOT grin as the bird flew towards them. That was a bird of prey alrighty, and not even one of those fantasy ones. An Eagle. It landed on a dead tree nearby, looking at the pair of them.

    "Now then, the real question is this. Will you submit to me, or are you gunna be a little pain and try deny me..." Embers raised her arm and whislted. A clear order. The Eagle didn't move. Embers let out a sigh and whistled again. If this Eagle wouldn't acknowledge her, then she would prove herself the strongest. A third whistle and nothing from the Eagle. 

    Embers pulled out her Scythe, but didn't bother equiping her armour. She could handle this without needing to resort to that. She gave Domarus a quick glare, an order. To stay out. 




    ID: 95585

    LD: 11(+4) = 15

    Result: Familiar Found, Lacks Familiar Enhancements. 


  4. Try and find a combat partner? Embers raised an eyebrow at the suggestion, partly because it was a double-edged sword. Having a partner like that made the pair of you stronger than if you were indivuduals, sure. BUT what if they let you down, or arent' where you need them? Relying on herself made sure that the only person who could fail her, was herself. "Maybe Dom, but i like to keep things simple. Rely on me, and live. Rely on another, risk dying. Seems pretty simple. Like i said, if i use my own strength. No one to hold me down, or prop me up. That's what dad always used to say" Of course, her dad eventually died for that mentality. Killed on a mission where he went in to secure something, she was never told what, and came out dead. Thankfully, she was able to have a funeral for him as they brought back what was left of the body. What could have been a proper moment into Embers mind came shattering to pieces upon learning the fate of the front-liners, however. 

    Embers tried to keep the snort in, and was successful. For about half a second before she snorted and laughed quietly. She couldn't help herself, just some of the things Dom said amused her so much it was impossible to even try deny what she was feeling. The same way she would laugh upon hearing a story that she 'wasn't allowed to laugh at', she just couldn't stop herself. The laugher started trickling out until she took a deep breath. Oh it was too good! Too perfect she couldn't NOT find it funny. "Hahhah! Y-you're kidding right? The only Front-Liners to die, got hit by Pk'ers and not even the boss?" The laughter slowly started to die in her chest, but the amusement was far from gone from her face "Oh man, that's pretty funny. The bosses are just floating distractions" The girl, despite her amusement, made a mental note of the players name. Teayre. A player to either kill, or learn from and THEN kill, depending on her mood at the time. 




    (Post 29, search for fam is 31 bc you have 30)

  5. For a 'guild', this lot were a sorry lot in Embers eyes. Sure, the guild she belonged too wasn't all that but at least they didn't play pretend. She could see half the guild didn't care for this, hell, she was here just to fight. She looked at the Kid, then to the bluenette. If they were the leaders, they had failed horribly in this event to bring the guild together. No disipline, no order. Simple chaos. They could play pretend, but she saw through it with her crimson eyes. This guild was no fighting force, no warriors. They were survivors, nothing more. 

    But finally, the fight had actually started against the small drake. Embers grabbed the Scythe of Dread off her back, and spun it around looking for an opening. However, for her, the opening was clear. The dragon attacked Fae, the young girl. Embers had done one quest with her, mostly after scaring the young girl by mistake. For a few seconds, her vision went blood-red, much like her eyes. And before she knew it, she was swinging her Scythe. 

    The blow conntected, hard. And Whirlwind slammed into it another time, but, the dragons scales took most of the damage. The girl took a step back, between the Drake and Fae. She owned the shrimp that much, after this, it woudl even. Divines she hated being in debt to people. 



    ID: 95485

    BD: 9

    Sword Art: Whirlwind (2)9=18 DMG (-25MIT) = 1 DMG Dealt

    Stats ---



    --- Stats ---

    Rhaegal, the Emerald Hatchling: 17/125 HP | 25 MIT |50 DMG |Special Ability: LD 17+ -> reduce EVA to 0

    Party 1:
    Fae: 57/100 | 1/10 Energy | 9 MIT | Hate: 3
    Pinball: 180/180 | 16/18 Energy | 1 ACC | Hate: 2
    Crozeph: 320/320 | 32/32 Energy | 16 MIT | Hate: 0

    Party 2:
    Hei: 420/420 HP | 39/42 Energy | ACC +3 | EVA +3 | DMG +3 | Hate: 2
    @Saphira:  80/80 HP | 8/8 Energy | MIT: 27 | EVA: 1 | Hate:
    Embers: 240/240 | 2/24 Energy | 27 MIT | Hate:

    Party 3:
    Eatos: HP: 340/340 ENG: 34/34.  5 DMG | 3 EVA | 2 REC | 1 THRN | 9 MIT | Hate:
    Thorsten: 120/120 | 12/12 Energy | Hate:
    Stryder: ???


  6. Would she help other plays clear dungeons and such? Well, it depends. She knew that Dom would do it purely to help, he was kindhearted in nature. She didn't need to spend much time around him to work that one out. Goody-Two-Shoes she used to call people like that, those who are always putting others ahead of themselves. For Embers, there was only a single person who would even be considered to come before herself, and he was no longer alive having died years back. 

    "You're god-damn right i focus on me" The girl said cockily "It's simple. I live my life, so why wouldn't i care about just me first? Sure, getting all those other people is great and all, but they won't make you stronger. By focusing all on me, i can't blame no one. I live by my own hands, and, well, in this stupid game. I'll die because i'm weak, not because i relied on people" The 'law' of the jungle was simple and one Embers had lived by . Survival of the fittest. And Embers ensured that no matter what situation she found herself in while hiking, she survived on her own skill and strength. No one to slow her down, and more importantly, no one to lift her up either. 

    Embers tried to ignore Keres action, but her crimson eyes were drawn to the maid-girl regardless. There was so much about that girl Embers didn't understand, and in part, didn't want to. Each time she looked, it felt like Keres was inside her mind already. The look of annoyance was unmistakable as it passed over Embers face, unable to keep her feelings from showing. She shook her head and looked back at Dom. "That assumes those front-liners can get stuff done. Somehow i doubt the bosses they're up against are pushovers like the monsters down here..."

  7. Embers rolled her eyes. Did this kid not get it? Maybe he was dumber, or more ignorant, than she gave him credit for. The wolf was being killed for her weakness, both physically and socially. In this case, the wolf was physically too weak to ensure her own dominance. Anyone who said females needed protection often found themselves needing protection from her. 

    Lacking the physically power to protect herself, you'd need to forge social bonds. Admittantly, Embers didn't know how to do this, she had always replied on herself and no one else. So this was simply the wolves inability to be strong and social. The wolf was to blame, and the kids inability to let nature to its thing. The fight was cleaned up quickly, but the crimson eyes of Embers met something rather interesting. The blacksmith, was in her own head. But more importantly, she knew that look on her face. She walked up to the Kid, bumping his shoulder and pointing towards his friend.

    "Kid. That look on her face, I've seen some things that'll tear skin from bone. But that's not the face of some innocent girl whose been spoon-fed her entire life. There is something there, tell me when you find out" She could have said what that face was. Embers had a good idea about what she was seeing, but the kid would find out. Then the Kid would, in turn, tell her. And if he didn't, well, it would confirm to her all that she knew. That face alone. Was the face of someone who had claimed a life. 

    A human life. 

  8. The blacksmith girl existed, but opted to silence. Embers glared over at her. Ever since her arrival, Eatos had gone radio silent. Embers would be the first to admit that she knew little, to nothing, about the girl and what she was like. However, her face gave a slight shiver down her spine. That wasn't the face of an innocent girl, that was the face of someone gripped by insanity. The bluenette with now-closed eyes, was hiding something deep. 

    But that was something she could discover at her leisure. Mostly because Stryder was being annoying! More than the wolf, so she did an, admittantly, half-assed swing at it, and glared at the boy. The annoyance in her eyes was that of a painting. Clear and bold.

    "Don't blame fate Kid. Blame this wolf for being too weak to stand up for itself. Blame the wolf for being an easy target and getting run out becasue it couldn't get the allies to compensate for its weakness. And blame your inability not to get involved whenever a lost soul cries out for help"

    It annoyed her a lot. This idiot kid had said to treat this world like the real world, so let it happen. This wolfess was nothing special, just one of the many you could encounter and kill. So what made this one so damn special. Embers had some mind to kill the wolfess, JUST to prove a point to the kid. 



    Sword Art: Whirlwind (2)

    ID: 95259

    BD: 1 0 DMG on Wolf Hunter 1


    Stryder - 445/540 HP 54/54 EN 3 ACC 7 LD +6 DMG H2

    Arctic Wolf - 40/540 -  0 DMG (Injured) -2 EVA, - 1 ACC (Note, just for flavor for the Story i'm doing, will not get hit in place of a player)

    Eatos 360/360 HP | 28/36 EN | 7 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA H1

    Embers:  100/100 HP - 4/10 EN - 7 DMG - 27 MIT H1


    Wolf Pack Leader - 0/160 HP 35 DMG 2 ACC - 1 EVA

    Wolf Hunter 1 - 96/140 30 DMG 1 ACC

    Wolf Hunter 2 - 0/140 30 DMG 1 ACC


  9. In part, Embers felt like this was a bad idea. The wolfess was weak, so its life was forfeit as a result. That's the way of nature, the weak and unneeded were culled for the strong. That's the law of the jungle and, honestly, how wild animals did their business. Getting in the way in it, left a bad taste in the girls mouth. But, whats done is done. Hell, maybe the injured world might even becomes the Kids familiar which he was searching for. 

    One by one, the pair of them went in to fight the wolves. Stryder too one of them low, and the bluenette finished it off. They worked well, even more given they didn't plan it out verbally. Embers, unlike them, had a different plan. Hit the wolf until it died. So that's what she did. She ran in, using her Whirlwind ability to slam the Wolf, injuring it, but not killing it. 

    "That wolfess is weak, she deserves her fate kid. But, if you're so insistent of fighting for those who are too weak. Well, a fights a fight"



    ID: 95221

    BD: 7 <Hit> Sword Art: Whirlwind. DMG: 7(2)=14 DMG on Wolf Hunter 1


    Stryder - 510/540 HP 54/54 EN 3 ACC 7 LD +6 DMG

    Arctic Wolf - 40/540 -  0 DMG (Injured) -2 EVA, - 1 ACC (Note, just for flavor for the Story i'm doing, will not get hit in place of a player)

    Eatos 360/360 HP | 30/36 EN | 7 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA 

    Embers:  100/100 HP - 10/10 EN - 7 DMG - 27 MIT 


    Wolf Pack Leader - 153/160 HP 35 DMG 2 ACC - 1 EVA

    Wolf Hunter 1 - 112/140 30 DMG 1 ACC

    Wolf Hunter 2 - 0/140 30 DMG 1 ACC


  10. Embers confusion was painted by a slight jerk of her head backwards, as well as the frown that consumed her face for many seconds. Two familiar that danced on top of tortoise? What the hell? What were they and how high, or drunk, were they do that that? The game didn’t allow either, so maybe the pets were really like their owners.

    Hearing that Dom liked her, the frown was replaced by a confident smirk. Of course he liked her. She was a force of nature and, in his own way. Sure, he didn’t burn like her, no one ever did. But he was no coward embracing his fate. Domarus was a fighter, a warrior. She did have to question if he was like this outside SAO, hopefully he was but maybe, one day. She’d find out for certain.

    “Of course you like me Dom. You’re not some spineless idiot. Something tells me you’re like this outside this damn game. I’d use that pet drake of yours as an example, but this isn’t our world. Maybe you’d be able to keep up with me in the real world, we’d have to find out” Embers crimson eyes moved from Domarus to Keres. Her opinion of the maid girl was, to keep her distance. She confused, and slightly, worried her. She was cute, there was no denying that. But, even Embers was cautious.

    “I know whatcha mean though. Levels in this game mean nothing, it’s the person who dictates everything. It’s just like the real world, the strong can’t be stopped”  



    (Post 25)

  11. Embers' heart jumped within her chest, and her face betrayed it. He...knew her father!? If this really was true, if he did know Adrian. She tried to keep herself silent. There was 0 proof he knew Adrain. Anyone could just lie, maybe it all pushed this idiots mind into breaking. But maybe not. She'd need, well, information on this Thorsten character. Who he really was. Before trusting him to any capacity. But a battle for another day. For now, she had to go find a Dark Elf. And murder it for its posessions.

    "Assuming you actually knew him, or of him. What was he like?" The girl glanced over her should with firey eyes "Badass who gunned everything down while smoking with a chick in his arms?" Saying those very words made a vile taste in her mouth. But it was merely a test. If he said yes, Embers knew he would be a liar. She knew Adrian and he was nothing like that. To even suggest it made her sick, to defile the memory of the person who raised her to be herself. She would applogise to him, later however. 

  12. If Embers was being honest with herself, she doubted Tel would even consider the Front Lines. So the girl was surprised to hear that Tel had made the decision to try and make it there. But, well, madness could grip even the sane of souls. She'd seen it before, it could occur  to anyone when put under enought stress. Was there something pushing that girl? It was impossible to tell from the outside, and that's all she could see. Embers had always sucked at getting inside the heads of others, and even this girl was beyond her. 

    The boar moved in to strike, but Embers not only brought her weapon down upon it. But after the kill, finally got the final tusk for the best. She let out a loud yell, finally this crap was done! She turned to Tel, only to frown. What was she search for? She doubted she'd be told. Given they'd met today. 

    "Well T. I ain't gunna force ya to open up to me. Dead curious whats going on in that blonde head of yours. But, if you need me. I've got your back" 


    Embers: HP: 75/100, ENG: 1/10, DMG: 4

    Boar Pup: 1/5 | 3 DMG

    ID: 95181

    BD: 8 <Hit> 

    MD: 5  <Miss> 4 dmg

    LD: 12 (Successful)

    Tusks: 3/3


  13. Embers grinned. A frost-Drake and a Fire-Drake. Well, talk about a lovers quarrel. If only they weren't tiny little things. The girl shrugged. Drakes were cool 'nd all, but she wasnt' sure if it was for her. She knew she loved birds, back in the real world, she admired them. But, as she looked at Domarus talk about his Familiar, an idea dawned on her. She had been so focused on Rowan, on her hawk. Maybe, she should accept that she wasn't going to find him? After all, the damn bird was probably just flying around her hospital room in the real world, landing on her shoulder and occasionally peaking at her hair like always. 

     "Damn right you are. I've seen some other peoples Familiars, so docile. I couldn't stand something like that..." She watched as Domarus dispatched the fake loot chest. She shrugged, it was hardly a monster worth killing at this point if she was honest with herself. Hell, it died in a single hit. "A familiar should match its owner yes? Which makes me ask, Dom, what drew that Drake to ya?" 

    The question itself was asked out of nothing but curiousity. The way he spoke about his familiar was of great affection, yet, the beast seemed too prideful to allow it. Had he quelled it into submission? Forced it to accept his rule and leadership? Or had he, like many other players, befriended his familiar first?

  14. The  Kid was finding a familiar eh? Finding some companion to join him through thick and thin. In the girls mind, she imagined he'd have some land animal. He was usually always in a good mood. Maybe he'd get a dog or something? It would make sense to her, get a pet that is somewhat similar to yourself and you'll be fine. She opened her mouth to try and fluster the Kid some more, but he ran off! She felt anger burn within her. How dare he run off like that, she was about to talk! 

    The blacksmith followed, and Embers not long after. How dare he leave while she was still talking to him! She opened her mouth, right as she spotted it. A fight between wolves, and Stryder had stepped in. Hell, even the blacksmith pulled out a Katana and got into the action. Embers watched and was, torn.

    In nature, it was survival of the strongest and the smartest. Obviously the lone wolf was weak and was getting culled. For food or for the pleasure of the hunt. Normally, she wouldn't care much. However, those two idiots had gotten involved. She let out a sigh before charging up to one of the smaller wolves and hitting it hard with Whirlwind and standing between in the injured wolfess and the others. 

    "Rules saw this weak one should die. Can't believe you wanna screw with nature THis badly. But then again, Kid, you and wolves always find each other..."



    ID: 93777

    BD: 7 <Hit> Sword Art: Whirlwind (2EN) 7(2)=14DMG

    Stryder - 510/540 HP 54/54 EN 3 ACC 7 LD +6 DMG

    Arctic Wolf - 40/540 -  0 DMG (Injured) -2 EVA, - 1 ACC (Note, just for flavor for the Story i'm doing, will not get hit in place of a player)

    Eatos 360/360 HP | 32/36 EN | 7 DMG | 9 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA 

    Embers:  100/100 HP - 10/10 EN - 7 DMG - 27 MIT 


    Wolf Pack Leader - 160/160 HP 35 DMG 2 ACC - 1 EVA

    Wolf Hunter 1 - 126/140 30 DMG 1 ACC

    Wolf Hunter 2 - 140/140 30 DMG 1 ACC


  15. The girl was sick of this damn bear! She let out a battlecry, charing forwards Scythe in hand. A single swing, a loud shockwave, and the bear exploded. Embers let out a deep breath, that bear wasn't tough, per say. It was longer than planned, but within expectations. Next time, she'd have to hit it harder....

    She closed her eyes, embracing the fire within. Of course, that would be possible if PEOPLE WEREN'T WALKING AND TALKING NEARBY! The girl stormed through the bush, only to come face to face with Stryder and his blue-haired blacksmith. The hesitation on her face was evident for a few seconds. "The..hell? What are y'all doin' all the way out here? Some romantic date or whatever?"

    If she was entirely honest, she didn't care if they were an item or not. And she didn't care much about either. Eatos, that was the girls name. Guild leaders, well, the kid looked a little young.... She gave a glare to the girl, was this seriously what was happening?


    Embers: 98/100 HP | 2/10 EN | 7 DMG | 27 MIT

    Bear: 0/28 HP | 15 DMG

    ID: 93518

    BD: 10 <Crit>

    Sword Art: Whirlwind <2EN> 7(2)=14 DMG

    MD: 1 <Miss>


  16. Her anger was starting to spike up some more as the bear charged at her, mouth wide open. The damn beat managed to catch her arm, thankfully, Reaper, her armour, weakened its attack dramatically. But, what it also allowed was a clean shot as her Scythe slammed into the bear, and the Whirlwind shockwave through it backwards in the white snow. 

    Embers looked at the health. It was at half from one Sword Art hit. One more, and it was goodnight bear. She grinned and let out a loud yell. This bear was SO DEAD she could already taste meat in her mouth, until she recalled that upon killing the bear. It would explode, meaning there was no eating its meat nor using its fur. She let out a sigh at the realization she wouldn't be able to do her traditional ritual, But hey, why waste a perfect good bear? 



    Embers: 98/100 HP | 4/10 EN | 7 DMG | 27 MIT

    Bear: 14/28 HP | 15 DMG

    ID: 93518

    BD: 7 <Hit>

    Sword Art: Whirlwind <2EN> 7(2)=14 DMG

    MD: 7 <Hit>


  17. Ignorant to the schemes of others, it was a life that she hadn't actively picked. However, it was the curse of the life she lived. She was blissfully unaware of what Domarus had planning, and rather, Embers took a lot at face value. Even Domarus. As someone who lived their life on their sleeve, someone who did the direct opposite was a mystery to her. Beyond her comprehension, and, well, her ability to care.  

    The girl looked around for any wildlife, any sign of a familiar to her to claim. But nothing, yet. She looked around, and let out a sigh. This game, was not the real world. Rowan would not appear, but maybe, there would be something instead. The girl grinned. Maybe, just maybe, she'd find something worthy of her. "Your dragon eh? He looks like a stubborn one, that's for damn certain. So you had to fight him for control?" The girl smirked, now that she'd wished to watch "Well, that better be what happens. Anything that just lies down and bows its head, isn't worthy"

    Embers frowned as she looked at Domarus, a chest...? "What's in the chest? Some loot or somethin'?"

  18. Embers finally managed to get her battle-axe into the damn boar. It wasn't enough to kill it, but it did a decent chunk of damage. Enough for the girl to lower her guard, and the boar ran into her. She let out a grunt, and stood up. This boar had BETTER give her the damn tusk once it died. Otherwise she would be pissed beyond belief. She stretched her arms out as the boar turned around, and a grin emerged on the girls face. It better end this time. 

    The..frontlines? Embers looked over at Telrenya. There was a frown on her face, until it dawned on her. Frontlines, in this context, was different. Here, it sas the players fighting tooth and nail to get them back home. The strongest players this game had to offer. Yeah, she could give a go. She grinned at the idea. A fight like that....

    "Honestly Tel, no damn idea. Unlike some of ya, i don't like my life with a pre-set plan. If i get strong enough, then sure. If not, well, i ain't gunna be too stressed if i'm entirely honest. I'll figure it out as i go, that's my plan Telly. What about you, you aiming for the high rises?"


    Embers: HP: 75/100, ENG: 1/10, DMG: 4

    Boar Pup: 1/5 | 3 DMG

    ID: 93451

    BD: 8 <Hit> 

    MD: 10  <Crit> 4 dmg

    Tusks: 2/3


  19. The red-haired girl simply watched as everyone arrived. The guild 'Guardians of the New Dawn'. If she was honest with herself, it was a stupid name. Then again, most guilds had stupid names. Part of her was, always, curious about then, but she hadn't bothered to join one. Maybe, MAYBE, in the future, but not for the forseeable one. Still, the Kid had brought her along to kill the dragon. He was right to acknowledge her skill, bring an outsider in to help carry the weak members of his guild.

    The girl walked up, having hung back before. She walked straight up to Stryder, and gave him a light shove. She was donning her pitch-black armour, and the Scythe on her back. She would love to know what the others saw. Death itself, grinning. "There you are kid, and here i thought you weren't gunna show up. We gunna get goin' or what? I can't stand waiting around..."

    The girl looked around at the guild, it seemed much like a mess. Where these the 'soldiers' within the guild? She kept the comment internal, but she was somewhat worried about just how capable they'd prove. 


  20. The girl had stood her ground, the bear had backed away. Part of her truly wished this was back in the real world, where she didn't have to rely on randomness that was this damn games mechanics. She'd simply aim her gun and pull the trigger, a bullet would tear through its heart and it would die. That was how it worked back home. Against a predator like this, caution had to be taken. However, not anymore.

    In this game, she could be more reckless. A bear couldn't actually damage her, because of the armour she had. 

    The bear let out another roar and charged! Embers charged forwards, this time, using her Scythe to block its claws, but the claws got in the way of her Sword Art, making it slam to the side and the shockwave making a loud 'bang' sound. 

    "Bloody creature! How Dare you make me miss twice in a row!"



    Embers: 99/100 HP | 6/10 EN | 7 DMG | 27 MIT

    Bear: 28/28 HP | 15 DMG

    ID: 93118

    BD: 4 <Miss>

    Sword Art: Whirlwind <2EN> 7(2)=14 DMG

    MD: 3 <Miss>


  21. Sheer numbers would bear her? In the real world, she'd beaten the odds before and she'd do it again. In this world, well, there were other 'rules' she could use as a weapon. While she much preferred to fight, she had a few tricks. "Don't stress yourself about me Dom, i ain't too stupid. I'm gunna start attacking players, i take what i want but even i have limits. I'm not gunna go out and just attack some player who has gear i want, if that's what you're scared off" She had considered the idea, once. But, well, in a game where you die, it wasn't worth it. If people didn't die for real, she'd of turned into a bandit without a seconds hesitation. But, while she couldn't care for the rules, she had her own. Fighting and kicking the crap out of, hell to the yes. But murdering another person for no real reason other than raw emotion, was, questioable. Animals were fare game, but there was something about killing a human, or at least, the idea of killing a human, that left a bad taste within her mouth. 

    Embers let out a laugh when Domarus said it could end up attacking her. She was a predator, a force of nature itself. A flame that could erupt at the smallest of sparks... "Let it try, i will know my familiar when i see it. It will be the proud one, who knows when to bow its head. The beast of prey who takes what it wants..."  

  22. Embers looked up at Fae, and in that moment, the anger within her eyes was clear. But, the fire slowly burnt itself out and the girl simply nodded her head. She would get the Shrimp down. She shrugged, before placing her Scythe on her ground and looked at the tree. It lacked any clear handholds, but that wouldn't stop her. Leaping up, and climbed the tree easily and reached the branch, a sly smirk on her face as she picked up Fae with her right hand, before slowly climbing down. While part of her wanted to simply drop Fae, she wasn't' sure off the girls HP and that would be a cruel way to die, even for a 9 year old. That wasn't her fault, that would be her being mean. 

    "Heh, guess i lost it a little there eh? I didn't end up hitting you did i? Bloodlust gets the better of me" There was no apology in her voice, no regret. Simply, a statement about who she was and how easily she lost herself to the whirlwind of emotions that burnt within her heart. The girl shrugged her head back to town, the quest was over. It was time to head back.


    Quest Complete:

    - Rewards:

    - Fae: 3 Sp, 200 Col

    - Embers: 3 Sp, 200

  23. The girl was close enough for the bear to spot her, and it turns to face her. The girl pulled out her Scythe, and smirked. Of course, if this was the real world, she'd have a gun and not a scythe. And the chances of her hitting would be perect. She hated the 'randomness' that existed within the game. Her aim, no matter how true, would miss as the game dictated, and she lacked an accuracy bonus. But, she would soon solve that issue.

    The bear charged the girl, and she let out a war cry before charging right at it. The girl swung her weapon, but it simply was deflected off the bears hide. She hadn't expected it to be so tough! The bears claws clashed into her armour, but her HP only dropped by a single point. Stupid creature! She stood up and the bear backed away slightly! 

    "Idiot creature! You honestly think you can stop me!?"


    Embers: 99/100 HP | 8/10 EN | 7 DMG | 27 MIT

    Bear: 28/28 HP | 15 DMG

    ID: 93021

    BD: 2 <Miss>

    Sword ARt: Whirlwind <2EN> 7(2)=14 DMG

    MD: 9 <Crit, +1> 16 DMG


  24. He was damn right. She took what she wanted and if anyone objected, they would have to try and stop her. She didn't care about the 'rules' they lived by, she lived by her own. The rule was simple. If you were strong, you lived. You weak, you die. The girl let out a snort at Domarus and closed her hand into a fist. "Like i said, i take what i want. The rules of society are just that, the rule people who live in cities follow. Take a shot if i give a damn about them city people rules" There was,  in her opinion, only a few good things about modern society. Booze, cute outfits, music and the world beyond it...Maybe the net? 

    Waiting game? She hated waiting around doing nothing! The scowl that erupted on her face said as much. "Bloody...gam..." Embers mind was completely sidetracked by Keres, namely the touching of her hand and the wink. What the...? The girl was somewhat stunned, before shrugging it off. Was that maid, taking a swing? She was 90% certain she and Dom were pounding away at each other. "Right, well, we'll go hunt it down. It'll be proud, it'll be mine..." 

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