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Posts posted by Kimi

  1. Kimi grumbled for a little bit while thinking, "She really looks familiar, but i just can't put my finger on it." As Kimi retracted to how Minako introduced herself, Kimi finally remembered. "OHHH WAIT! I know you!" The person who was standing before Kimi was a streamer her brother once followed for a long time. "Wow, really didn't think i would be meeting someone famous here." Kimi said extending her hand for a handshake. "Well i'm glad to have you around. I'm not to fond of doing quest myself also, but i still get them done from time to time. I mean if there's no one around then I go on my own." Kimi said with a heartwarming smile. As Hestia mentioned that they should get going Kimi began checking her equipment really quick and readying herself for what was to come in the quest. "By the way Minako, what have you been up to all this time? I thought someone as famous as yourself would get noticed somewhere down the line." Kimi said in a friendly and curiously.

  2. Kimi spent her time in silence just enjoying her time with Hestia. As she looked down at the floor to check their footing Kimi saw Noodle in his little tuxedo bobbing his head back and forth to the songs that swept over the whole ballroom. "Ahh hes being so adorable." Kimi said in a low voice looking at Noodle. Kimi scanned around the dance floor and saw that the place was really filling up with more and more people of all different characters. "This is turning out to be a bigger event than i thought it would." Kimi said to Hestia averting her eyes from the public. "I bet Guild Mom and Dad are probably talking about us since we're here dancing." Kimi said with a warm smile and flustered cheeks. Her heart started to speed up and her face reddened more as she mustered up a bit of courage to say, "I know it might sound strange, but I can't really express the feelings i have right now with you." Kimi looked down to hide her face and paused for a moment to let that sink in before continuing. "You and the guild family.. I've been going on for a while without real direction and when i decided to do something with myself here. I ended up running into you guys and it really gave me something to be happy about, something to really look forward too." Another tear started to form up again at the edges of her eyes once the words left her mouth. 

  3. "Dang, do things like this normally happen around you? Because earlier you mentioned some other things that had happened." Kimi said trying to think of what Spencer mentioned back when they were near the settlement here on the fourth floor. Either way Kimi listened contently as she went back to going through whatever houses were left back in the main road of the ruins. The snow wasn't deep which was nice, but she really wished for there to be more than just materials and skeletons. Hopefully soon they would find some penguin tracks so they can find Spencer his cute little tuxedo friend. Noodle was going around sniffing at the ground looking for anything of use and came back to Kimi with another recording crystal in his mouth. "Good find Noodle." Kimi said with a pleasant smile.

    ID# 95673 results:

    LD: 14+2=16

    T1 material found

  4. "Well we got plenty of time till we get back to the real world. I don't mean it in a negative way, its more of we can still spend time with each other now and when we get back to the real world things would just be more fun." Kimi said trying to reassure Hestia. "Ohh no its fine." Kimi said to Hestia. "Even if i were to go i'll probably just be awkward since i'm not sure what to do." Despite only dancing for so long it felt as if it had only been for seconds. Kimi looked around to see if anyone else joined them, but it seemed to just be them and Kairi who was with someone else. Kimi knew better than to bring up Kairi when right now it should just be the two of them. Kimi laughed for a bit saying, "How long do you think we have been up here? Time really seems to stop when we're like this." Kimi said to Hestia blushing then looking back down at her feet to make sure not to trip. 

  5. "Jesus that's some scary stuff you guys been though." Kimi said nearly forgetting the thing Hestia and Spencer mentioned earlier about throwing a party. She then went on to say, "I'll probably host a party soon after i get everything settled down and set. I still feel like i'm lacking decorations, food, and what not. Personally i've never thrown a party before because i used to be locked up in my room all the time back in real life." Kimi thought for a moment thinking of when and what they would do if they come over. "It does get lonely sometimes, but i do have a maid in my household. So i got that going for me apparently she has been there for a long time taking care of it, and i guess she just kinda came with the house." Kimi searched around a little more for penguins, but couldn't find a thing. She did happen to find another recording crystal, but at this time she wasn't sure if finding all of these were such a good thing since Spencer was still having a hard time finding penguins.

     ID# 95672 results:

     Loot: 13+2=15

    T1 Material Found

  6. "Thanks Spencer, its because i don't wanna absorb all the luck." Kimi said laughing a bit. "Yeah i don't really have many stories aside from that, well i do have one other, but its not really pleasant in my opinion. It was on how i learned that Noodle can adapt to his environment. I mean i wouldn't mind telling you, but its more of don't ask don't tell." Kimi said shrugging. As Kimi went on to look for more materials Spencer told them a bit of how the guild was formed and came to be. The whole story left Kimi in awe since it was a false competition and someone went out of their way to plan it all also the fact that it just happened to be a death mansion which she hasn't hear of before. Kimi did a nervous laugh as she said, "Don't go scaring me like that Spencer i have a really old mansion to myself and i'd rather not think of it as a death mansion." 

    ID# 95667 results:

    Loot: 17+2=19

    T1 Material Found

  7. "Yeah everything is just so perfect and beautiful i really hope there's a way to capture it. Though really just being able to experience it with you is all i need." Kimi said this while look back at Hestia. As they continued dancing for a bit finally getting used to it and no longer stumbling Hestia went on and mentioned life outside the game when everyone finally makes it out. "Well really i always believed we'd meet up some time when we are out. So i'm not too worried about it. It will be hard at first, but eventually we'll see each other soon." Kimi said this with confidence in her voice to reassure Hestia. Kimi went back to having her head resting on Hestia's shoulder and closed her eyes. A little while later Hestia went on to mention a after party, but Kimi responded, "I'd like to go, but i wasn't invited and i don't want to be rude and show up out of the blue. Though if i go i might just stay in the dress because it looks really nice. Its no too often we get to dress all fancy." Kimi laughed a bit as she mentioned fancy.

  8. Kimi continued to dance in silence absorbing everything around her. She just wanted this moment to last for a while where she could ignore everything around her and just have a good time, but she knew better than that. "So whats on your mind?" Kimi said taking her head off Hestia's shoulder and looking into her eyes. Kimi just wanted to start casual conversation as she was still there with Hestia. It wasn't often Kimi asks whats on Hestia's mind and now was a really good time to see what she was thinking about since they are here for fun. Kimi kept her eyes on Hestia's as they were still holding each other close waiting for a response. "Its funny because i never thought i'd ever see each other without armor or something. Every time we meet we're either doing quests or helping someone out." Kimi said laughing lightly a little bit. "This really is a nice change of pace from our normal routine."

  9. "Well i'm not too full with stories, but i did face plant a rock two or three times with a friend of mine when i finally decided to do something about not doing anything. Aside from that I don't have too many stories." Kimi said just shrugging as she passed by from house to house. Kimi looked around if she could find anything under the snow. She kicked around the snow to find anything and while doing so she kicked up a recording crystal. "Alright cool another one." Just as she said that she remembered Spencer and said, "Omg Spencer i'm so sorry for taking up the luck again. I'll remember not to go looking for materials again." Kimi had a hint of sadness in her voice as she can't go looking for materials again, but it was needed since Spencer wasn't having too much luck on his side for finding stuff. 

    ID# 95661 results:

    LD: 13+2=15

    T1 material found

  10. The moment felt a bit locked in time as they were dancing. Kimi chuckled a little bit saying, "I'm glad i can poke a bit of fun. Being in here is really nice, its like we're so far away from the reality of the game." A tear came to Kimi's eyes as she uttered those words to Hestia. She pulled back swiftly and took her hands off Hestia's waist to wipe the tear away. "Sometimes it can just be so stressful, and with moments like this everything just seems to disappear." Kimi said smiling at Hestia with some tears remaining in her eyes. She wiped the remaining tears and went back to holding Hestia's waist. Kimi let out a sigh of relief and went back to burying her face into Hesita shoulder. "I'm glad to have you here with me." She said in a low tone as she went back to swaying back and forth.

  11. The pace of Kimi and Hestia were linked to more than just the song now, Kimi felt as if she was really just moving to the rhythm of her heart. Kimi couldn't help but blush more as she realized this. With her head still down she knew that it was rude not to look at her partner so she picked her head up once more revealing that she was blushing the whole time. As Kimi was just about to say something Hestia spoke up about singing, "Yeah we could go out and start singing, but that means we can't dance." Kimi said with her face still flushed teasing a bit at Hestia. She went on to pull Hestia a little closer so she hide her face on Hestia's shoulder. "Sorry about that, just wanted to poke a little fun at you. Just give me a moment." Kimi said a bit muffled with her head still buried in her shoulder.

  12. "Well i've always been alone or at least i saw myself as alone. Now i got a few people i go out with to quest, but still i go alone from time to time." Kimi said answering Fetu's question. "As for being trapped in the game, no one knew at first so i guess its the same as you. Hearing about a new game and trying it out. Then the whole getting teleported to the center of the town of beginnings and getting the news of being stuck in the game. I've waited for someone to do something about it, but since i was practically being useless I told myself no more and went on to try making a difference." Kimi said trying to explain everything that she has been doing so far. Kimi thought back to the time she decided to do something about being stuck in the game and to where she was now. She had a long way to go before she made it to the front lines like their guild leader, but she wanted to enjoy whatever she could now before she was stuck with that responsibility. 

  13. "There you go." Kimi said in a low voice, "Just like that." She said with a bright smile. Kimi noticed as Hestia felt a bit rigid and stiff once her hands were placed on her hips. Kimi giggled as she said, "Don't worry i'm not going to bite." As she said that she was being a bit silly and did a chomp to the air. Kimi was struck by a little giggle fit as she did that before going back to helping herself as well as Hestia into dancing. "So now..." Kimi gathered her thoughts a bit trying to remember the steps she took with her brother before. "Well the songs a bit slow so lets just go from there." Kimi continued as she began to move, stepping side to side slowly while holding Hestia closer because it felt more appropriate. 

    Kimi tried to pace herself to the beat of the song, but she started to notice that it was going slowly to the thump of her heart. Slowly heat started to rise to Kimi's face as she realized what she was doing being so close to Hestia, but that didn't stop her from dancing still. Kimi kept her face low for a moment as she tried to calm herself while still holding on to Hestia's hips.

  14. "Ohhh no trust me i don't know a thing about dancing, but i just wanted to try it since it sounded like a lot of fun and also since i have you by my side." Kimi said in a low voice while smiling. "I pretty sure if we just move side so side while holding hands like in movies it would pass for dancing." She said chuckling a little bit. Kimi tried to remember the time she spent with her brothers back in the real world when she was helping them as a practice dancing partner for their prom. She took Hestia by the hand gently and walked towards the middle of the room where you dance, placed her hands on her hip and told Hestia, "Well i'm not sure where you would place your hands, but you can put place them around my neck." Kimi was blushing a bit as she did this and said in a low voice, "Don't think about the crowded too much. Its just us for now." Kimi just repeated what her brother said to himself when practicing dancing.


  15. "Wow... Nice that you could do that during Halloween. Not to sure what i would be wearing for a costume then, I've never really had a chance to go out in real life myself, but i make the best of what i got." Kimi said with a smile towards Hestia. "Well I think you look great in the dress. I've never was really given an opportunity to wear any, but now is a better time than any." Kimi said with a smile. As Kimi looked around she saw that Kairi was dancing with someone at the moment and thought to herself, "Well this is supposed to be a ball i suppose i should be dancing too." Kimi placed her hands in front of her before asking Hestia, "How would you like to go for a dance? I mean this is supposed to be a ball, and i don't wanna leave myself out of it." She said with a smile offering her hand to dance after. 


  16. "Yeah i'm fine, i guess. They didn't hurt me, but i guess i hurt myself with tripping like that." Kimi said laughing at herself for a brief moment. "Nice job you two! Thanks for carrying me." Kimi said with a smirk. Right as she finished saying that a roar was heard from the top of the mountain. Kimi looked up to see that it was the manticore that they were searching for and it was headed directly for them. "Really? we just fought some bandits." Kimi said as she glanced over at the rest of the party. As it finally landed the Manticore slashed at Teion across her shoulder leaving a burn effect on her. "Oh My God!!! are you ok?!" Kimi overreacted yelling with worry in her voice. After Kimi saw that happen she went ahead to attack it with her Delayed Sword technique, but as she performed it the hide of the monster felt too thick for her to do damage.



    ID# 95652 results: Delayed Sword  BD: 6+3=9 hit 45Dmg

    Group 1

    • [0] Teion: (655/720) HP | 70/72 EN | 14 DNG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 1 REC | Burn (0/2)
    • [0] Kimi: (420/420) HP | 32/42 EN | 9 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 3 | LD 2 | MIT 18 | 7 Thorns |
    • [0] Jomei: (/) HP | / EN | 
    • [0] Hestia: (/) HP | / EN | 


    • Manticore: (646/647) HP | 65 DMG | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 50 MIT | 24 Burn (successful attacks, excluding 8-10) -1HP

    Manticore Abilities:

    • <<Double Attack>>: Uses both BD and MD to attack twice each turn.
    • <<Partial Phase>>: Deals 24 DMG minimum on successful attacks. Base Damage from <<Fire Breath>> does not have Partial Phase.
    • <<Fire Breath>>: Natural rolls of 8-10 deal 40 AoE DMG and applies Burn (24 DMG per turn for 2 turns), in addition to regular attacks. Base Damage from <<Fire Breath>> is mitigatable and does not have Partial Phase.



  17. The duo finally made their way out of the Town of Beginnings and headed towards to where the quest was to be taken. "I don't wanna bring up things you don't want to remember, but i'm going to be honest I'm rather curious to what happen. Well the details at least." Kimi said in a low voice. "You don't have to bring it up if you don't want to, its just me being curious." She said once more being a bit more cautious. Kimi paused for a while as they walked towards the forest so that Kairi could gather her thoughts on the subject. While that was going on Kimi tried to lighten the mood by say, "Well.. other than that what have you been up to as of late? Hestia mentioned you when we had a few quests together." During the conversation Kimi was giving warm welcoming tones in her voice.

  18. "Hey Hestia so how do you find the event so far? Is this a first one for you, because it is for me." Kimi said trying to spark conversation. "The dress really does look great on you. Kinda wish i had one for myself like that, but i'm stuck with this." She said chuckling a bit. Kimi placed her hands behind he back and leaned in towards Hestia for a quick moment just to take a look at the intricate details of her dress. After inspecting it a little more now she looked down at Noodle who was also fashioning a nice tuxedo and tiny bandana like mask over his eyes. "What do you think Noodle?" Kimi asked her suave familiar. Noodle while standing just offered a little nod and what would perceived as a thumbs up. "He's super adorable isn't he." Kimi said giggling as she pat Noodles head.


  19. "Well i'm working on myself to make myself worth something and that is a place to start." Kimi said trying to help. "Honestly i'm not sure what to say. In this game there will be lots of baddies from monsters to people, its just how we handle each one." She wasn't too sure what to say to cheer Kairi up since she hasn't been exposed to many people, but Kimi knew she had to say something. With that said Kimi gestured to go out to do their quest. "Here how about we overkill some of the monsters, maybe that will clear your mind a bit." Kimi said giving a warm smile trying to cheer Kairi up. Kimi waited to see if Kairi was up for clearing her mind a bit before they left, She didn't want her to go forcing herself to do a quest. Kimi put Noodle back on the ground so that he can go roam at his own will.

  20. "I got you Hestia. We got pretty good synergy." Kimi said with a lot of confidence in her voice. Kimi then ran up to the remaining Ant Warrior who was stunned. Kimi began gathering energy again to her limbs as she was running to her enemy and performed her Delayed Sword technique. She let out a onslaught of heavy hits to the Ant Warrior, but as she finished she saw that it still had some Health Points left. "Well at least its easier for others to finish off." Kimi thought to herself as she backed off a safe distance from the ant. "Come on guys its almost finished. You got this Kairi!" She said cheering her on. Kimi glanced around the tunnel to see if anything else was hiding in the shadows. "Wow we really make a good team guys" Kimi said after seeing how the battle was going. The fight was going better than she had expected.



    ID# 95638 results: Delayed Sword  BD: 5+3=8 Hit   

    Group 1

    • [4 l 4 l 3 l 3] Hestia: (857/860) HP 69/78 EN | 3 DNG | 1 ACC | -1 EVA | 131 MIT | 24 Bleed (8+) l 28 Thorns | 12 Burn (8+) | Paralyze (8+) | 1 Regen | 1 Recovery (+10 HP at start of my turn 1/3 turns)
    • [2 | 3 | 3 | 3] Kimi: (420/420) HP | 20/42 EN | 11 DMG | 3 ACC | 18 MIT | 7 Thorns | 12 Burn (8+) | 2 LD
    • [0 | 0 | 0 | 0] Kairi: (400/400) HP | 38/40 EN | 13 DMG | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 18 MIT
    • [2 | 0 | 0 | 0] Ryo: (500/500) HP | 35/50 EN | 16 DMG | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 7 MIT

    Group 2

    • [0 | 1 | 0 | 1] Telrenya: (680/680) HP 43/68 EN | 15 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA |  86 MIT
    • [0 | 0 | 1 | 0] Spencer: (320/320) HP | 24/32 EN | 5 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 29 MIT | 1 Regen | 1 Recovery | 14 Thorns


    • Ant Warrior 1: (0/385) HP | 132 DMG
    • Ant Warrior 2: (0/385) HP | 132 DMG
    • Ant Warrior 3: (142/385) HP | 132 DMG | (Stunned) -55HP
    • Ant Warrior 4: (0/385) HP | 132 DMG



  21. "Well, i didn't do too good tripping and all." Kimi said a bit flustered as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah i wanna explore the ruins a little more, its not often you find them and there are not to many in game. As far as i know though." Kimi said to Spencer before looking around a bit more. "Imma go look around." she said as she went though some of broken houses. She first started with the ones the skeletons came from and as she was exploring it she found a treasure. "Ohhh nice!" but from closer inspection it has already been picked clean of whatever it held. "Hmm guess i can't always get the good loot." Kimi said chuckled to herself. Kimi continued on to more of the houses, but all of the ones shes explored so far have been emptied and picked clean of whatever they held before. 

    ID# 95637 results

    LD: 3+2=5

    no treasure

  22. Kimi was greeted quickly as she came through the warp gate, "Its great to see you too!" Kimi said as she exchanged a welcoming hug. Kimi then walked beside Hestia on their way to the quest giver. "I've been rather alright the past couple of days. I really needed the break though because I'm normally busy." Kimi said with a sigh of relief. Kimi followed up that sigh by walking around with her hands resting behind her head. "Today is hotter than normal." Kimi said as she stared up into the sky. As they approached the quest giver, the duo was greeted by a cheerful girl who quickly introduced herself as Minako. "Uhh hi, I'm Kimi it's nice to meet you." Kimi said slightly confused at what was going on. Minako went ahead and tried to invite them to do the traveler quest with her to which Kimi replied, "Sure I don't really mind."

  23. Kimi was enjoying herself on the fourth floor with Noodle by her side watching the snowfall gently unto the ground. As Kimi was throwing Noodle into the thick pile of soft snow leaving an indent of her beloved Noodle, she received a message during their play time. Kimi went through her menu to pull up the message screen. "Ohh its from Hestia?" Kimi thought as she read through the message. After reading it through Kimi sent a quick reply after. 



    Hey Hestia hows it going, yeah i haven't finished the Iron Guardian, but hopefully once we get this Traveler quest out of the way it would be a ton more easier to get through. Anyways i'll be seeing you soon imma head over now.

    Kimi sent the message away and started making her way for the portal and even switched out of her cloths really quick to something more suitable for the fifth floor. She then proceeded into the fifth floor and was welcome by the desert arid breeze.

  24. Kimi was stuck in silence as she wasn't too sure what to say after hearing what Kairi said. She looked down at the ground for a bit and thought to herself that it wasn't too uncommon that people would give up on life in this game, but she didn't think that would be among the people she wanted to get to know. "Why would you want that?" Kimi said with a very concerning look. Kimi offered to give Noodle to her for petting purposes, "Here pet Noodle for a bit, It always helps me get by depressing times. Especially with how cute he can be. You can go ahead and feed him, his favorite snack is cookie." Kimi gave Kairi a cookie for noodle then paused for a moment before saying, "Do you wish to talk about it? Or would you rather forget the whole things?" Kimi rubbed the back of her neck trying to figure out what to say. 

  25. "Yeah i hope so." Kimi said to Jevi as she did a once over at her dress. "The dress really does look great on you. I'm not to fond of wearing dresses myself, but its a nice change of pace." Kimi said as she fluttered with the length of her dress playfully. Kimi looked at what everyone was wearing once again because she didn't get a good look at first and said, "I think everyone here is dressed very well. I'm still waiting on that one person who shows up to parties WAYY overdressed." Kimi said chuckling at the thought of someone wearing a very poofy dress. "Honestly i'm not to sure what to do in these kinds of parties so excuse my being a wallflower." Kimi said brushing the back of her neck with her hand. Kimi looked around the room to see if she could spot anymore people she knew, but with the masks and everyone wearing clothing shes not used to seeing it made it hard fulfill that.

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