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Posts posted by Kimi

  1. Kimi was struggling to get away from the mimic, but as it neared her she kicked it away. "Can you not?!" She said furiously. "Unlike you, I actually have places to be." She said more angrily. As she said that Kimi bolted away from the mimic, luckily for her it seemed that she kicked some sense into that mimic and it was hesitant to follow. As she ran further and further away losing sight of the field she saw her party members just ahead of her. Kimi waved very obnoxiously and she panted. "H-h-hey guys. Sorry to keep you waiting." She said catching her breath. "Anyways lets get going back now? I don't wanna travel when its dark." Kimi said as she took the lead towards the Safe Zone. Getting back to the safe zone was quicker than finding the field boss because they already knew their way back.

    ID# 96165 results: got away

    LD: 20

    Quest Summary


    1. <<The Matriarch's Stinger>> This incredibly potent venom can be applied to a weapon to provide an additional +1 damage for the duration of one battle.
    2. 4 SP
    3. 133 Col


    1. <<The Matriarch's Stinger>> This incredibly potent venom can be applied to a weapon to provide an additional +1 damage for the duration of one battle.
    2. SP
    3. 1 T1 Mat
    4. 133 Col


    1. <<The Matriarch's Stinger>> This incredibly potent venom can be applied to a weapon to provide an additional +1 damage for the duration of one battle.
    2. 4 SP 
    3. 134 Col
  2. Kimi listened contently to the story and paused for a bit, "Wait?! Spencer's gay?! I had no idea." Kimi said in slight shock and with a nervous laughter following. "Sorry, I just don't really see these things you know?" Kimi stared at the nearby pillar thinking of how when they first met she thought he was cute and adorable. "Yeah nothing really screamed, 'Im Gay' when I'm around him." She said as a joke. Kimi tried hard not to laugh nervously, but it escaped as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Well this is news to me, at least I know now. Anyways I digress... Really weird NPC that french guy, and of course it had to be a french person to do all the love making thing." Kimi thought for a bit if she met someone like him before, but nothing came to mind. "Hopefully we don't run into him again. Wouldn't want him to make a scene for us. I'll probably die from the embarrassment." She said hoping that they wouldn't run into him again especially since he was touchy. "Anyways, yeah I don't recognize too many people aside from those that really stick out. I like to imagine that not to many people here know who each other are, but that's just me."


  3. Kimi stopped herself as Minako mentioned not wanting to talk about her job, "Sorry, just got caught up with myself." She said with a nervous laughter giving a slight blush of embarrassment. Kimi listened as Minako mentioned wanting to talk about cloths or boys to which Hestia responded casually. The three of them made their way out of the settlement and into the desert before continuing. "Hmmm I don't know too many boys, but there is this one guy I do know." Kimi looked towards Hestia as she was thinking. "His name is Spencer and i've been in a few quests with me. I'm not sure what your type is, but this guy is tall and has blond brownish hair. He's really nice and can be adorable sometimes." She said trying to suggest him. Kimi tried to think of anyone else, but she wasn't to sure who might be of interest for her. She gave another shaky laugh as she said, "Well honestly I'm not one to looks for guys or girls, really i'm open to anything, but for the meantime just enjoying being in the middle." Kimi said that with a little suggestive voice to joke a bit.

    ID# 96076 results:

    CD: 8

  4. Kimi watched as her friends took out one of the ant warriors with great ease, "Nice job Kairi!" She said with a cheerful voice. Kimi watched as the ant Kairi just struck pixelated and finally vanished. Kimi turned her attention to the remaining ant that was already very low on health points and said reassuringly to Hestia, "Yeah I got this." As Kimi went on to try to hit it, the ant was on full guard and managed to dodge her attack. "*tsk* Thought I had that." Kimi said in a sad tone. "Here Kairi he's all yours." Kimi said towards her as she backed off a bit so that she could recover from her missing. She was really feeling the fatigue from the fight and said, "We really need to take a break after this, i'm not sure how long we can keep this up." Kimi looked at how everyone was doing and could see that soon they would be in a dangerous position if fighting continues on.



    ID# 96075 Delayed Sword
    BD: 2+3=5 Miss

    Group 1

    • [3 l 3] Hestia: (860/860) HP 60/78 EN | 3 DMG | 1 ACC | -1 EVA | 131 MIT | 24 Bleed (8+) l 28 Thorns | 12 Burn (8+) | Paralyze (8+) | 1 Regen | 1 Recovery (+10 HP at start of my turn 1/3 turns)  -10 ENG for Howl
    • [0 | 0] Kimi: (420/420) HP | 20/42 EN | 11 DMG | 3 ACC | 18 MIT | 7 Thorns | 12 Burn (8+) | 2 LD
    • [1 | 0] Kairi: (400/400) HP | 14/40 EN | 13 DMG | 2 ACC | 2 EVA | 18 MIT
    • [0 | 1] Ryo: (500/500) HP | 22/50 EN | 16 DMG | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 7 MIT

    Group 2

    • [1 | 1] Telrenya: (680/680) HP 19/68 EN | 15 DMG | 4 ACC | 3 EVA | 86 MIT
    • [0 | 2] Spencer: (320/320) HP | 25/32 EN | 5 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 29 MIT | 1 Regen | 1 Recovery | 14 Thorns


    • Ant Warrior 1: (0/385) HP | 132 DMG
    • Ant Warrior 2: (38/385) HP | 132 DMG

    Total Loot

    • 6,985 Col
    • (11) T2 Materials
    • [Rare] T2 Weapon (Ryo)
    • 2x [Rare] consumables (Ryo)
    • [Rare] T2 Armor/Shield (Kairi)



  5. Kimi rubbed off the dirt and dust that collected on her during the fight as she walked back to Kairi. "It alright those guys were weak anyways nothing you can do about that bit." Kimi said with a shrug trying to give reason of her finishing them off very quickly. Kimi thought for a while trying to gather word that might actually be of comfort to her. After some pause she finally broke the silence, "You weren't worthless on this quest, Trust me. I've normally gone questing alone, but I always love having company, and having you around was very pleasant." Kimi said with a warm friendly smile. Kimi went to pat Kairi on the back before scratching her neck and saying, "Lets get going?" Kimi walked for a bit back towards town with Kairi at her side. Tracking their way back took a little time, but they knew where they were going. As they went along the path Kimi mustered up some voice and said, "Well Kairi, it was really nice to meet you and get to do this quest with you. Hopefully next time we can do another quest in happier terms. I'm sorry for not being that great at cheering you up." Kimi paused for a moment thinking if she should talk about herself before continuing. "I've never had many friends in real life, and for the few that I had I never get the chance to meet them. I really did enjoy the time out here with you." She said with a honest smile. 

    ID# 96055

    LD: 10+2=12
    No Treasure found.

  6. Kimi held Hestia's hand as they looked for another way to make it down there since the lever she pulled did nothing to help her. The silence in the tower was deafening and Kimi was nervous as they might also stumble upon another trap. As she walked around for a bit investigating the area, Kimi heard a cry for help coming from Spencer in the pit. "I'll be right there! Just give me a moment." Kimi said in a panic. Kimi felt her blood run cold as she just realized her opening whatever was in the pit may kill her friend Spencer. She let go of Hestia's hand as she started to scramble for ways to get down to him, but nothing was showing another option. Kimi cursed as she stopped for a moment to look down at whats going on. The pit was barely lit by any light, but it was just enough for her to see down there. After getting a good glimpse of what was going on Kimi saw that Spencer was fighting a mimic and he was backed up into a corner.

    Kimi looked back at Hestia with worry in her eyes as she said, "Sorry I don't think there's enough time." Kimi jumped down into the pit and angled herself in such a way to hit the Mimic. As she fell she gathered some energy to attack the mimic from above with her Five Swords technique. Kimi delivered her attack with such force it seemed to crack the surface of the Mimic making it stumble a bit, but it also managed to hurt her in the process. Kimi also used the force of her attack to catch her fall as she landed right besides Spencer. "Hi, How are ya?" Kimi said in a joking manner trying to ease the seriousness of their situation.


    ID# 96074 results:

    BD: 9 +1BaseDMG

    [H: 2] | Kimi | HP 420/420 | E 34/42 | 9 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 3 | LD 2 | MIT 18 | 7 Thorns | 

    [H: 0] | Hestia | HP 790/790 | ENG: 76/76  | 3 DMG l 104 MIT l x2 Paralyze l Regen (+10 HP if hit) l Recovery (+2 ENG) on CD:6+ l rest look in sig  -10 ENG Howl

    |H: 0 | Spencer | HP 320/320 | E 32/32 | 4 DMG | 20 MIT | ACC 1 | 14 Thorns |

    | Mimic | HP 310/360 | 108 DMG | -50HP, Stunned



  7. Kimi watched as Vigilon finally got away, "Good now its just me left. I hope i don't keep them waiting." Kimi hated seeing herself as a burden so now that she was alone she could focus more on trying to escape. As she picked herself up from the previous tackle and the mimic followed suit. As she got up the mimic quickly rushed to tackle her to the ground once more, but completely missed. After seeing this a voice screamed in her head, "Now's your chance!" and Kimi bolted away towards the side of the forest in which the group first entered. The mimic managed to pick itself right up and follow at a decent pace so Kimi wasn't out of sight just yet. Kimi felt that it would only be a little longer until she could leave. Kimi ran through bushes and other shrubbery that might slow down the mimic, but nothing was working.

    ID#96013: Partial success
    LD: 10+1= 11

    (OOC: So so Sorry i got bad luck :c) 


  8. Kimi paused for a little while absorbing what just happened. "Yeah i'm good I think. H-he was... weird." Kimi said with a nervous laugh. "Did you know that NPC? Never seen one behave like that before." Kimi asked Hestia as they backed away from him. "Well either way you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." She continued on to say. The two went back to the pillar they were at before with Noodle following closely behind. "By the way Hestia where is Kuro, I thought he might be here to give my little Noodle a partner to dance with. Or in the very least someone to have around." Kimi said looking at Noodle walking around doing his best to seem formal and cute at the same time. "The two really seem to get along well also." She said getting closer to Hestia to lean on as she watched the other player in the masquerade ball converse. 

  9. Kimi blushed a little bit as everyone she was with right now was used to the idea the game doesn't hurt you. As she flailed about trying to get the burn status effect off Kimi bumped into the Manticore. She looked up slowly to see the Manticores gaze fall upon her, "Uhh... hi" Kimi said in a nervous shaking voice with a broken smile. The Manticore lowered its head closing in on her and let out a small growl. Kimi in return let out a small "Eeep" as she instinctively gathered energy around her fist and performed her Embracer sword art. Kimi didn't expect much to come out of her quick reaction of a sword art, but as she went for her attack she felt a nasty squish. Kimi didn't notice until later that she poked the eye of the Manticore making it back off in anger as it tried to recover. "Ohhh!? I did a thing!?"



    ID# 95990 results: Embracer

    BD: 6+3-2=7 Hit, Stun

    Group 1

    • [0] Teion: (624/720) HP | 69/72 EN | 14 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 1 REC | Burn (1/2)
    • [2] Kimi: (383/420) HP | 30/42 EN | 9 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 3 | LD 2 | MIT 18 | 7 Thorns Burn (2/2)
    • [2Jomei: (1034/1230) HP | 111/135 EN | 17 DMG | 4 EVA | 4 ACC | 2 Savvy | B. Healing (24 HP) Burn (0/2)
    • [0] Hestia(785/810) HP | 76/78 EN | 3 DMG | 1 ACC | -1 EVA | 104? MIT | 28 Thorns | 24 Bleed | Regen | Recovery | Burn (1/2)


    • Manticore: (199/647) HP | 65 DMG | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 50 MIT | 24 Burn (successful attacks, excluding 8-10) Stunned

    Manticore Abilities:

    • <<Double Attack>>: Uses both BD and MD to attack twice each turn.
    • <<Partial Phase>>: Deals 24 DMG minimum on successful attacks. Base Damage from <<Fire Breath>> does not have Partial Phase.
    • <<Fire Breath>>: Natural rolls of 8-10 deal 40 AoE DMG and applies Burn (24 DMG per turn for 2 turns), in addition to regular attacks. Base Damage from <<Fire Breath>> is mitigatable and does not have Partial Phase.



  10. Kimi watched as Krysta managed to get away, "At least one of us managed to escape this monster." Kimi uttered to herself trying to shake up the mimic. In truth she was glad that Krysta got away because Kimi felt she needed to stay behind to distract the mimic since she  was the higher level amongst the two. As Krysta made her escape so did Vigilon, but he didn't make it far due to tripping. Soon the mimics grip on Kimi's leg became loose and she attempted to run away, but it seemed that the monster wouldn't let that happen. The mimic followed behind Kimi tackling her, but dealing no damage only slowing her down. "Persistent one aren't you?" She said a bit frustrated. Kimi was hoping she would at least get far enough from the queen spawn area so that she doesn't attract unneeded attention to herself while kept the mimic busy. 

    ID# 95912 results: Running away: Fail
    LD: 6
    MD: 2 miss


  11. Kimi took the completment to heart as she doesn't normally get any, but coming from Hestia really made her face fluster for a bit. Hestia then went on to saying Kimi was burning up with embarrassment as she said, "Damn you for making me say it. We're together in this, alright?" She said putting her head down to hide her face from what she just voiced. Kimi quickly made her way to the table with Hestia in hand to sign up for the couple contest. As they arrived Kimi noticed a tenseness in the air as they approached a NPC who was standing nearby. The NPC then went on to greet Hestia and mentioned someone else which Kimi would've questioned until she clarified what was going on. "Hon Hon Hon, Young love is best, no? Why, if I were younger I would like myself a Demoiselle as yourself." He said placing a hand on Kimi's naked shoulder which sent a chill down her spine. Kimi quickly moved out of his way and signed up for the contest before moving back. "Oh ho? Sensitive to the touch Chérie?" The french NPC said towards Kimi as she moved away. 

    [Kimi has entered the Couples Contest with Hestia] 

  12. "You alright there?" Kimi said with some concern as she witnessed Kairi falling down onto the ground. "Don't worry about falling happens to me all the time, trust me." Kimi said jokingly to lighten the mood. She glanced back at the new Nepents that showed up, "Alright which of you wants to go first? Or maybe both of you." As she said that she prepared more energy to her leg and ran up to perform another area of effect attack she knew. Kimi performed a leap a few a meter or two towards the Nepent Varients and used her Crescent Moon technique hitting the two of them. As she landed a safe distance away from her enemies. The two Nepent Varients disappeared, but only one of them dropped the item that Kimi was looking for. "Ayy look i got one, but you need one to right?" Kimi asked looking back at Kairi.

    ID#95852  LD: 18+2=20

    received Nepent Ovule



    Kairi - HP: 400/400 - EN: 38/40
    | Kimi | HP419/420 | E 33/42 | 9 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 3 | LD 2 | MIT 18 | 7 Thorns |  

    Nepent Varient 1: ID#95839  BD: 3+3=6
    Nepent Varient 2: ID#95840  BD: 10

    Crescent Moon

    Nepent Varient 1: 0/15 | Mit 5 | DMG 10 -22HP
    Nepent Varient 2: 0/15 | Mit 5 | DMG 10 -22HP
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10
    Drops the quest item <Nepent's Ovule> on an LD roll of 12 or higher, failure will have you fight the normal Nepents again until another Variant spawns. This loot roll must be separate from the attack roll that defeats it. Failure to find the <Nepent's Ovule> will result in the players having to fight the Normal Nepents again, to draw out an additional Variant Nepent.



  13. "Well that's nice." Kimi said towards the thought of there not being in much of a slower relationship. "Well you know how it is. You live life fast it'll pass by fast." She said in a more reassuring tone. Kimi was growing slowly tired of dancing and asked, "Wanna get off the stage? We've been here for some time now and we also gotta sign up for the couples contest." Kimi said suggesting, but blushing at the idea they are together now. Kimi hesitated for a moment as she placed her hands together and looked down. "So does that mean we're together now." She slowly said as she raided her head to look Hestia in the eye. She paused for a little while to let the question sink in as she was slowly growing red. Kimi grabbed Hestia by the hand and slowly pulled themselves out of the dance floor to make space for anyone else who wants to join.

  14. It was comforting to have Spencer and Hestia by her side because she knew both of them were tanks. "Ok I guess i'll go." Kimi said a bit hesitantly as she walked beside Hestia. Just as Spencer was going to reassure her of them being able to protect her Spencer fell through the floor. "Eep! Spencer NO!" Kimi said a bit frightened at being separated. Not too long after Spencer yelled from down in the hole after giving a very sarcastic comment about the trap. "You sure you don't want us going down there I don't really like the idea of being separated." She said with worry in her voice. Kimi looked around the room for a moment to find if there are any kind of lever like in shows she used to watch and as she passed by a torch on the wall to try to pull it down it actually worked. Kimi heard something open up from within the pit from which Spencer was. "Spencer? I think i opened up something down there."

    ID# 95821 results:

    LD: 16+2=18 

    Found treasure


    "Alright lets get this done." Kimi said hyping herself up for the fight. Kimi made her way out in front of Kairi and started to gather energy into her fists. Her fists they glowed with a blue hue as she began running up to the weird looking creatures. Right when she was in close proximity of all four of them she performed her Aggressive Twins sword art and unleashed a flurry of heavy hits onto all of them. Though the hits were intended for all of them on little Nepent managed to dodge her attacks and retaliated, but died in the process because of her thorns enchantment. "Well as expected these guys are weak." Kimi said watching each of them disappear one by one after she finished her onslaught. Right as they all poofed away Kimi heard a rumbling from the ground nearby and two more odd looking version of the Nepents she just slain emerged.


    Kairi - HP: 400/400 - EN: 40/40
    | Kimi | HP420/420 | E 38/42 | 9 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 3 | LD 2 | MIT 18 | 7 Thorns |

    Nepent 1: ID#95799  BD: 10  MD: 5
    Nepent 2: ID#95800  BD: 1  MD: 7
    Nepent 3: ID#95801  BD: 10  MD: 4
    Nepent 4: ID#95802  BD: 5+3=8  MD: 3

    Nepent 1 - HP: 0/7 - DMG: 3 -22HP
    Nepent 2 - HP: 0/7 - DMG: 3 -7Thorns
    Nepent 3 - HP: 0/7 - DMG: 3 -22HP
    Nepent 4 - HP: 0/7 - DMG: 3 -9HP



    Kairi - HP: 400/400 - EN: 40/40
    | Kimi | HP420/420 | E 38/42 | 9 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 3 | LD 2 | MIT 18 | 7 Thorns |

    Nepent Varient 1: 15/15 | Mit 5 | DMG 10
    Nepent Varient 2: 15/15 | Mit 5 | DMG 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10
    Drops the quest item <Nepent's Ovule> on an LD roll of 12 or higher, failure will have you fight the normal Nepents again until another Variant spawns. This loot roll must be separate from the attack roll that defeats it. Failure to find the <Nepent's Ovule> will result in the players having to fight the Normal Nepents again, to draw out an additional Variant Nepent.



  16. Kimi watched as Jomei charged in dealing a massive amount of damage to the towering Manticore. Her eyes widened a bit as she witnessed a good third of the monsters health drop even through its thick hide. "Nice one!" Kimi exclaimed towards Jomei. Kimi stayed back away from the Manticore and watched Hestia heal Teion. "Ohhh that's neat I didn't know you could do that." she said surprised. "Sorry about that screech earlier, still not used to seeing people take hits like that." Kimi said scratching her arm a little nervously. Right as that was going on the Manticore let out a roar and shot fire from its mouth engulfing the battlefield with flames with Kimi in the process. "Ahh!" She couldn't help, but let out a small screech. Thought there wasn't any pain in the game her brain received the psychological part of it. "Still not used to not feeling anything." Kimi said in a nervous laugh trying to rub off the flames.

    Combat Stats


    ID# 95788 results:   BD: 2+3=5 Miss 

    Sword Art: Embracer 

    Group 1

    • [0] Teion: (648/720) HP | 70/72 EN | 14 DMG | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 1 REC | Burn (0/2)
    • [1] Kimi: (374/420) HP | 30/42 EN | 9 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 3 | LD 2 | MIT 18 | 7 Thorns Burn (0/2)
    • [1Jomei: (1125/1230) HP | 120/135 EN | 17 DMG | 4 EVA | 4 ACC | 2 Savvy | B. Healing Burn (0/2)
    • [0] Hestia(809/810) HP | 76/78 EN | 3 DMG | 1 ACC | -1 EVA | 104? MIT | 28 Thorns | 24 Bleed | Regen | Recovery | Burn (0/2)


    • Manticore: (388/647) HP | 65 DMG | 3 ACC | 2 EVA | 50 MIT | 24 Burn (successful attacks, excluding 8-10)

    Manticore Abilities:

    • <<Double Attack>>: Uses both BD and MD to attack twice each turn.
    • <<Partial Phase>>: Deals 24 DMG minimum on successful attacks. Base Damage from <<Fire Breath>> does not have Partial Phase.
    • <<Fire Breath>>: Natural rolls of 8-10 deal 40 AoE DMG and applies Burn (24 DMG per turn for 2 turns), in addition to regular attacks. Base Damage from <<Fire Breath>> is mitigatable and does not have Partial Phase.



  17. "Well i've always seen you as someone I can rely on, someone who is trust worthy and dependable." Kimi said answering Hestia's question. "I've just always played with the idea of Jomei as guild dad and Telrenya as guild mom for a joke. Also since they kinda hold that position there so it makes sense." Kimi said shrugging giving a little giggle. "If you were thinking about what kind of feelings i've had for you since we met. I'll be honest and say I didn't hold many special feelings, but there was always something that was there when we quest together." Kimi said pondering the times they spent together trying to figure out her exact feelings. "I've never really noticed it, but something was there and I want to explore it." Kimi let that sink in for a moment hoping that Hestia wouldn't get the wrong idea. Hestia then went on to mention a couples contest which Kimi completely forgot about. "Sure i'm all up for it!" She said excitedly trying to take her mind off the serious topic. "I'm not really sure what to do though." Kimi said bushing a bit, "I've never been in a relationship before."

  18. Hestia mentioned that she thought Kimi saw her as a sister figure and Kimi could only say, "I've never seen you as such. I only kept the guild mom and dad thing, but for you it was different." Kimi kept her head buried still, but made sure she was still able to be heard to Hestia. Hestia then went to exchange her feelings and thought on what was happening now. Kimi finally took her head off Hestia's shoulder as she felt the heat from her face die down. "Taking it slow would be nice." Kimi said with a very pleasant smile. "I don't want to rush into things without knowing what i might get myself into." Kimi giggled a bit at her joke on how both of them were emotional messes. Kimi resumed dancing with Hestia since they just shared a meaningful moment and didn't want other people gaze get to them. "I hope this is the right thing." Kimi thought questioning herself as she really wanted to know Hestia more before anything else. The feelings though really drove her to confess a bit and even kiss her so that was a nice spectacle for the surrounding crowd. "At least my feeling for you are clearer now. I really do like you and want to take things slow." Kimi said looking into her eyes as they continued to sway back and forth to the music again.

  19. As Kimi recovered and just realized what she did. Her face lit up again and her mind flooded once more with mixed feeling and plethora of emotions. Hestia then asked Kimi what she felt for her which only made Kimi's emotions flair up. "I-I-I'm not too sure myself." Kimi said with a shaken voice as her head was still buried into Hestia's shoulder. "You said just go with what i'm feeling and I feel that I like you, i KNOW that i like you." Kimi said making it more clear before continuing. "but I want to get to know you more also." Kimi was screeching inside herself trying to clear up all the things that were running through her mind, but nothing was helping. She let out a little shaking sigh as she knows that she probably made it weird between them. Tears started to swell up within her as she thought about what happened if she ruined what they had. 



  20. Kimi said in a broken sad tone, "I don't know~! I just keep finding things on a whim its feels weird." Kimi look at Spencer feeling a bit sorry that despite all of the things shes found she hasn't seen a single track of the penguins that they have been searching for. "Also for the tower, what do you think are the chances of it being. I don't know, trapped maybe." Kimi said with a little worry in her voice and shrugging. "Hearing all of your stories and how its usually happening around you makes me kinda hesitant on going for a little adventure." Kimi said honestly with a slight shaking voice. Kimi looked at Noodle to see what he was thinking, but the little shark pupper didn't care to much for what they were planning to do. Noodle just sat and watched Kimi blankly as she was mentioning that before going off into one of the ruined houses and returning with a stick in his mouth.

    ID# 95744 results:

    LD: 4+2=6

  21. Kimi looked at Hestia and said, "Well shes a fairly popular streamer that my brothers used to watch when they tried to convince me to stream to." Kimi gestured at Minako trying to explain to Hestia why she was excited. "Being locked up in the house for most of my time, my brothers tried to convince me to stream as a way to talk to my friends or play with them since i couldn't any other way." She said telling a little bit about herself. Kimi turned the conversation to Minako, "Anyways she was my brothers favorite streamer and would talk about what games she played from time to time." As she said that Kimi thought it was best to save the conversation for when they get going on the quest. "How about we go on to do the quest and talk about it then, It'll kill some time for sure."

  22. Kimi paused for a moment to take in what Kairi just said. She was lost for a bit but understood what she was talking about. The duo walked in silence towards the quest area already entering the forest. Kimi walked a little while in silence gathering her thoughts to how to respond to Kairi. "I'm not really sure what to say honestly, but you have the guild to talk to if need be." Kimi said trying to be more comforting. Thought Kimi worried all the time about people she cared about cheering people up wasn't her strong suit since she spent most of her life separated from friends and was taken care of by her brothers. Kimi decided to be more honest and just say, "I'm sorry, but whats going on with you i can't help to much. It wasn't really my strong suit to begin with and it sounds heavy what you're going through."

  23. After all that Kimi said to start conversation she was really just curious to what Hestia would say about her confused feelings that flooded her mind more and more as she stood there on the stage with Hestia in front of her. The two didn't share to many moments, but Kimi was always fond of having her by her side and looked forward to seeing Hestia in each quest they did together. She never really noticed until now how much she relied on her from time to time as someone to talk to.

    Soon Kimi's heart started to slowly race as the redness on her face became almost unbearable. She kept her head down not daring to show Hestia how badly she was blushing from all that is happening. Kimi hoped that Hestia would skip over the mention of how she felt, but she already voiced what was on her mind. To no surprise Hestia brought up what Kimi said which flooded her mind with different feelings and gave her butterflies. One thing that Hestia voiced reached her ears as everything else seemed inaudible and that was, "To let her feelings guide her." 

    As that phrase echoed inside Kimi's head clearing up the mess of feelings she had. Kimi cursed in a very low whisper, brought up her head, looked up at Hestia, and quickly tip toed to plant her lips onto Hestia's. The moment was only for a split second as Kimi held onto Hestia tighter burying her face once more into her shoulder. Even thought it was only for a moment she felt as if it paused the world for a bit.


  24. As the first group of ants fell Kimi cheered on the group, "Great work you guys. If we keep it up at this pace we can make it through this dungeon in no time." Kimi had a bright smile as she didn't really expect them to be making such progress at a quick time. While in the midst of celebrating Kimi wanted to look around for anything else using the magnifying glass that Ryo lent her, but sadly nothing was of use around her. Following her failed investigation for anything cool Erin yelled from their back line. As Kimi looked back she saw two more Ant Warriors headed there way. "Ugh man. Looks like the funs not over yet." She said as she returned the magnifying glass back into her inventory and equipped her ring. Kimi looked at Hestia and said, "Lets roast these ants. Gonna make them feel the burn."


    LD: 4+7=11

    no treasure found

  25. Kimi was left in shock at hearing about a mummy and being attacked and chased by zombies. "How do you get yourself into these situations?" Kimi said in utter confusion. "I never thought that someone could experience all this in the game." She continued giving a very *what the f**k* face. Kimi gathered her thoughts hoping she wouldn't want to run into the same situation and began searching more of the ruins. While searching she found a open chest, but as she checked inside she spotted a recording crystal. "Ohh cool, didn't think anyone would be leaving some materials around. There are a lot of chests around. Hopefully i can find one that hasn't been searched yet." Kimi noticed that there was that there was a ruined tower not to far from where they were. "Hey you guys, there's a ruined tower at the end of the main road. Wanna check it out?" Kimi said pointing at the towers direction.

    ID# 95733 results:

    LD: 20

    T1 Material Found 

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