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Posts posted by Spangie

  1. Spangie raised a brow at the girls mistake but shrugged it off. "Its nice to meet you Ara!" she smiled. What did I come to ask her..? Darn I forgot again.. She rubbed her chin then pointed up at the sky. "Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you if you knew any good shops around her. My equipment is pretty crappy so I wanted to find a shop that sold stuff," she said sheepishly, finding it hard to admit she was such a low leveled player. Well I am.. I probably won't ever be as good as those front liners. she sighed but gave a reassuring smile. "You seem like a more experienced player than me so I just wanted to ask you," she gave a small laugh and fumbled with her fingers.

    Wow, I am really making an idiot of myself, what am I doing? she gave a mental face palm but held her sweet smile. Maybe I shouldn't buy too much.. I wasted more than half of my Col for this cloak, I still have to gain some more.. she thought to herself. Aghhh! I'm thinking to much, my head hurts now! She huffed. "You don't have to if you don't want to though."



  2. Spangie strolled through town, looking through shop windows and cafes. Her bright smile was plastered on her face and her cloak was waving in the air. I wonder if anything interesting is going to happen today. Probably not. she shrugged and went back to skipping around the small shops and restaurants. I want to buy some gear. Is there any good places around here? she looked left and right to see if there was any low leveled shops. I don't see any.. she sighed dejectedly. Maybe I can ask someone! she piped up, scanning the crows for any players. 

    She spotted a purple haired girl and sprinted over to her. She looks nice, maybe she knows some info around here. "Hey! Excuse me! Do y-" she lost her footing along the way, tripping in front of the player. "Oof! Dang, that would've hurt a lot in the the world," she muttered to herself, slowly rising up. Forgetting the other player was there, her eyes widened and she bowed apologetically. "Ah sorry, I was being really clumsy there!" she gave a bright smile and held out her hand. "My names Spangie!" 


  3. "W-wait. Really? I mean I'd love to help you!" she gaped in awe at the NPC"Just five right? That shouldn't be too hard," She gave a thumbs up at Maggie. "If its that easy, I don't love to do it!" only a few moments later a small notification popped up in front of her.

    You Have Accepted The

    ' Earning a Living ' Quest! 

    She clapped her hands together. "I'll get you those materials in no time splat!" she said, her grin growing wider. It would be totally worth it if I get to have one of her crepes! And maybe I can open my own little cafe too! Her mind buzzed with excitement.

    "Well don't keep me waiting, shoo!" Maggie chuckled and pushed Spangie out of the kitchen. "Now go!" She pointed out the front door with a grin. Spangie nodded enthusiastically and rushed out of the restaurant. Yay! This'll be exciting!

  4. Spangie twitched her hands impatiently, axitety rushing in her veins. Ah.. I'm so excited! She thought happily, waiting for the perfect moment. And if a son cue, a small message popped up in front of her. Her eyes scanned through the message and her grin kept on getting wider. She dismissed the message and sprinted forwards The Hanger. Whooo, it's finally donee~

    She entered the shop with a loud bang and bent over, heaving on her knees. "Ah, thanks so much by the way! I'll definitely come back here again in the future," she grinned widely at Hei. Her smile only grew wider as she saw her order, finished beside him on a small table. "Iters perfect, again, thank you so much!" she let out a happy chirp and snatched up the cloak. I love itttt~ 

    "Thanks for the third time, be coming here again, see ya!" she said at an extremely fast tone and sped out the door, excited to try on her new cloak.


  5. The blonde player stepped inside with a sigh. Where is this guy name Lyle? She thought, peering around the blacksmith shop. She had hear clanging and wondered closer to the sound. She peeked over the corner and saw an old man that's reinded her of Santa Claus. "Ah hello!" she chirped. "You are Kyle I assume?"

    The blacksmith looked up and put his tools down, wa,king over to her. "Right you are ma'am. Who do I own the pleasure of visiting me?" His voice was a small smooth as honey.

    "My name is Spangie! I have a package from Zackiriah!" she glowed, holding the package up to him. 

    Lyle examined the package and nodded his head. "Of course the geezer wanted to give me something," he sighed, stroking his beard. "Say, you wouldn't mind helping me later if I need it would you?"

    She nodded her head. "Of course! I'll get going though, see you later!" she smiled, waving to him, he returning it. Once she was outside a small note appeared in front of her.

    You Have Completed the

    ' First Few Lessons are Free ' Quest!

  6. Spangie walked slowly to the blacksmith shop, admiring the scenery in front of her. People getting along happily on a blue sky day with a shining sun radiating above them. Today's weather feels so great.. she said happily as she inhaled and exhaled large intakes of air. I wish everyday could be like this at home. It just rains there. She sighed. Home.. I miss it, her voice was sad and depressed.

    "No matter! I'm not at home, am I?" she said to herself, earning suspicious glares from the people around her. Her hands clutched the box as if it were her own life. "But I'm here in Aincrad, and I'm alive," she said, a warm glow emitting from her.

    She hummed a familiar song she would hear a lot in the real world but her legs kept her going. She stumble down upon a small shop labeled ' Tealeaf's Armory '. He wasn't kidding when he said I would know right away. She thought to herself as she stepped into the shop.

  7. Spangie tilted her head. "What is it?" Oh no. Please don't tell me I have to gather even more materials! Her eyes widene at the thought of having to go through that torture again. "Do I have to gather materials again?!" she gasped, covering her mouth with her hands.

    "No," Zackiriah laughed. "I'm not that cruel, but I just need you to deliver a package for me," he crossed his arms and nodding his head to a small package on the counter. "I need you to give it to a guy named named Lyle Tealeaf, hes a blacksmith and he dont live too far away from here so it'll be a few minutes walk. You'll know right away it's his shop when you get there, that sound good to you?" He said, raising and eyebrow.

    Spangie nodded and gave a fake salute. "Yup, I'll get right on it!" she said, grabbing the package with one hand. She was about to leave when she turned back to the old NPC"Thanks for your help Zackiriah!" she hollared gleefully. Zackiriah gave a smile and waved goodbye, signaling for Spangie to go already. And she did.

  8. Spangie reluctantly grabbed the funnel and asked. "What do I do with it?" What can I do with it? she said in her mind, her brows furrowing. Maybe he needs to do something with it. Is it something important? She bit her lip, asking herself only questions only an idiot would ask.

    "Put it over this glass bottle, I'm going to pour the potion into that and it'll go into the bottle, easy enough," The old craftsman said, grasping the rim of his pot. "You ready?" He asked, lifting the small pot up. Spangie gave a gulp and squeaked out a small 'yes'. "Good," was the last thing he said before poured all the remains of the pot into the funnel which filled the glass bottle quickly. After a few seconds of pouring, the bottle was completely filled. 

    "That's so cool!" Spangie said excitedly as the NPC put the pot down. She held up the potion high in the air. "Does this mean I'm done with my quest?" her body was shaking from happiness as she set the potion down on the workbench.

    Zackiriah shook his head. "Not just yet, I need you to do something for me first."


    ID : 96760

    Roll : 5, Success!


  9. Spangie carefully picked up each one and dropped it one by one into the pot. The mixture started turning a milky blue and to a green that was similar to the leaves of the forest she was in earlier. "Wah.. that's so cool!" she exclaimed as her hands touched the rim of the pot. The colors are so pretty.. she breathed, her blue ocean eyes fixed on the pot, which was now a bright pink, those of what is like a flamingos feathers.

    Zackiriah chuckled, making his chest heave up and down a few times. "Ah yes.. it is fun to watch sometimes," he commented on her enthusiasm. "Get ready, its almost done," he gave her a thumbs up and remained quiet after that.

    Spangie stood there, gazing in awe at the concaution for a few more minutes before the pink turned into a smooth red color. "It's finished now," Zackiriah huffed, grabbing a small glass bottle and a funnel. "This is the part where you have to help me, okay?" Spangie nodded her head firmly. Zackiriah heaved and handed her the funnel. "Hold this."

  10. Spangie opened her inventory and took out her item she one by one, each falling softly to the wood workbench. Zackiriah eyes them but nodded approvingly. "These look great, you did a fine job.." he sounded like he was missing something. Oh my goodness, I totally forgot! I'm such a clutz!

    Her eyes went wide and she gave an apologetic bow. "A-ah! I'm really sorry! My name is Spangie. I should of told you before I even started the quest.." she trailed off, feeling embarrassed at her actions. Such an idiot! She banged her palm against her forehead. I was so excited to start the quest that I actually forgot to introduce myself. She told herself sheepishly.

    The craftsman nodded and continued. "Right.. Spangie. You just need to put those materials in that pot, which will quickly start brewing by itself, got it?" Spangie gave a determined nod which made the old NPC chuckle. "Get to it then."

  11. Spangie nodded enthusiastically and grinned from ear to ear. "Yup! But what are we making? You haven't told me yet," she said sheepishly. Oops.. it probabaly says it all in my quest, I should've checked. She groaned and gave herself a mental face palm. "A-ah, I forgot to check my quest, sorry.." she stammered, muttering near the end of her sentence.

    Zackiriah gave a hardy chuckle. "Haha.. it's okay, I've seen it plenty of times. We're making a healing potion though," he said, pointing to the tools on a workbench. "And you're going to help me," he said in a deep and smooth voice. E-eh? I don't know anything about potions though!

    "B-but I don't know anything about potions!" she exclaimed. 

    "It's okay, I'll guide you through it, now bring out those items," he said in amusement. Do NPC's ever get mad at something? The ones I've met are always cheerful and kind.. are there some that are programmed to be mean and cruel? She sighed. I'll probabaly never know.

  12. Spangie smiled gleefully and bounded over to Zackiriah, careful not to bump into anything. "That was quick," he said gruffly. But he gestured his hand and patted the table. "Why don't you pull those materials out and we'll have a look," he said warmly, a small smile plastered on his face. How do NPC's work? Do they have certain set ups for different situations? Like if someone was trying to rob them, would there be program for them to react? Spangie bit her lip in concentration, but then shook her rad and gave the same warm smile that Zackiriah gave.

    "Sure!" she said brightly and opened her inventory, taking out each material separately. "It is enough right? Oh please don't  tell me I read the quest wrong and got the wrong amount of materials," she said, her voice deep with question and concern. I'd have to day the same thing again if I read it wrong!

    "No, you're perfectly fine," Zackiriah chuckled and stretched his arms. "Are you ready to start?"

  13. Only a few minutes later, she was already at the town entrance. That was fast.. she said happily to herself and strolled down the towns roads. "I can finally finish this quest, haha yes!" she said to herself loudly, earning a couple odd looks from passing players. Who cares? She shrugged it off. Seeing Zackiriah's shop within eye distance, she started skipping slightly faster. A few seconds later, she had arrived at the entrance of the craftsmans shop. I'm here.. she thought as she entered the shop with tingling hands.

    "Hello? Zackiariah? I'm done with my quest!" she shouted loudly, but warmly. She stepped in the main entrance and looked around. Zackiriah was mixing some kind of potion. He looks sort a busy, should I ask him later? She quirked her head.

    The alchemist looked up from his potion making set. "Ah, finished already? Well come here then. We got lots of work to do."


  14. "H-hey! What do you mean by that?" she puffed. Her eyes flaring. What a meanie. She pouted. It was until her called her nosy and  hit her on the forehead again she puffed again. "Stoppppp!" she whined, hating to feel defenseless and weak. Her gaze was burning when he called her annoying but she covered it with a forced and irritated smile. But when she heard that he was actually goi g to help her, she gave a genuine smile, reverting back to her old self. "Oh yay!" she said happily, wanting to run around. "Can we leave now? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?" she said, seeming to even annoying herself. Am I really this annoying? She thought worriedly. Haha, nah.. Just excited. She said, smiling to herself. 

    "What kind of familiar would I even want?" she started casting her thoughts out loud. "Maybe a bird or some kind of cat or dog? Do they ever have those kinds of things here?" she blabbled carelessly. 


  15. Spangie brung her excitement to a close but smiled gleefully. I'm so close! She started shaking from happiness. "Well I better get going if I want this done then!" she said to no one and continued to walk, hoping to get to the edge of the forest. I hope I can find something along the way! She glowed. She ended up skipping quickly, plants and trees blurring past her. Her feet caught on something and gave way under her. "H-huh?! Wahhhh!" she wailed as she flew through the air. 

    What kind of deja vu is this? She thought as she pushed herself up with her elbows. She glanced behind her to find that her feet her tangle down in a mess of vines. "Ugh, what the?" she muttered under her breath as she clumsily untangle the vines. As the vines quickly left her feet, she gave a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god.. I thought I was stu-" she stopped talking as she held a vine in her hand. This eis material, I've found material! She said in her head excitedly. "I've found it!" she hollowed and stored the vine in her inventory. This means.. she didnt finish her sentence and broke off into a run.


    ID : 96721

    Roll : 19, Success!


  16. Spangie happily hopped around from tree to tree, hoping to find a few more materials, just two, c'mon. She said in her head. "Two more and I'll be done," she said, a smile creeping up on her lips. Zackiriah will be so happy! she thought excitedly as she bounded through a few trees. She stumbled upon a tree who had a huge gaping hole in the center. Woah, that's huge.. she thought as she peered in the whole. Maybe there's some materials in there? But there might be a deadly snake or something.. she gulped at her last thought. Worth  a shot.. she shrugged and cautiously put her hand in the hole.

    She felt something smooth and round, and when she pulled it out, it was a small apple like fruit but it was more blue than red. Useful. she said to herself and placed it in her inventory. Then her eyes went wide. "I only have one more to go, whooooooo!" she raised her hands high in the air in excitement.


    ID : 96658

    Roll : 20, Success!


  17. "I found one!" she cried happily, holding the flower close to her chest. She let out a sigh if relief and placed it in her inventory. Two down, three to go! she thought happily as she ventured farther into the forest. Her skips made multiple leaves crunch and echo but she didn't mind, her thoughts elsewhere. It was up until she saw a brightly colored something on the floor that caught her attention. She shook her head and looked down, there stood a large plant, small berries clung to the stalk of it. Oo.. Can I use this? Spangie thought as she crouched down. The berries on the plant were almost grape like but were a orange color. "Pretty.." she breathed as she tangled her fingers in the plant.

    She shook her head. There is a task on hand. She told herself as she plucked a small stalk off that held a few berries. "I found another one! Yay!" she said happily as she placed it in her inventory. "Three down, two to go!"


    ID : 96634

    Roll : 17, Success!


  18. Spangles warm glow turned into a sad smile, "Yeah I know but it can't hurt it actually live once in a while,"" she said, slowly. Before long she was radiating with happiness. We'll make it out of here eventually! We just don't know when.. she thought with excitement, though it soon turned depressing. When Minato made a bitter remark on her equipment she smirked. "Don't you go judging my equipment, it's beautiful just the way it is," she said proudly, putting her hands on her hips.

    She smiled and put her hand on her lips. "Shhh. You don't want a bunch of player killers hearing that right?" she said seriously before snapping back with her gleeful tone. "But will you help me? Please, please, please, please?" she clapped her hands together and pouted. Pleaseeeee. I really want to do this quuuuestt. She groaned in her head.


  19. Day one point something million.. Spangie grumbled to hersel as she trudged on the crunchy leaves. "The almighty Spangie has been searching for decades, only finding nothing everyday," she muttered to herself, intentionally trying to sound like a narrator from a documentary. With my luck, I might as well give up the quest.. she gave a dejected sigh. Her gaze was constantly down, but her mind was always somewhere in the clouds. Her mind snapped back to reality when her face impacted with a stone wall. "Ow," she sad blankly, rubbing her forehead. It was when she looked up, she saw it.

    Dozens, dozens of tiny white flowers growing on a few vine like plants. They were hanging down from a small but steep rocky cliff. I found  something.. I found something! She cried happily in her head as she gazed up at the snow white flowers. They were at least two meters off the ground and it took multiple tries for Spangie to gain the lowest one. But when she finally had it, her smile was glowing as bright as the sun. Yesssss!


    ID : 96584

    Roll : 19, Success!


  20. Spangie let out a happy screech as she found a small tree a little taller than her. It was earing a red yellow fruit. Yes! I finally found one! She said happily as she got on her toes to reach up and pick the fruit. Just then a small rustling echoed from a nearby bush made her freeze. W-what's that.. her lips quivered into a small cry. A small shadow appeared making Spangie fell onto her back. "Eek!"  she shrieked as her spine impacted solid ground. She stared with wide eyes at the sky. What just happened..?

    She slowly brought herself up, a few of her limbs shaking. Is it gone..? Her eyes still wide, she looked left and right. Oh thank goodness it's gone.. she sighed with relief and looked up. "W-wait what?! Seriously?!" she screamed at the tree, its branches now empty of the fruit that was there a few minutes ago. The creature must've taken it when I was on the ground.. And I was so close too. She sighed depressingly.


    ID : 96574

    Roll : 10, Fail


  21. Sponge's face lit up as she found out the boy was indeed as friendly as her. "I was particularly looking for a restaurant of some kind, maybe some kind of sweet shop? I don't even know if theres any around here," she gave a laugh, "I'm a total wimp so I don't really know my way around the floors yet," a small smile glowed on her face. He looks friendly, maybe I can be friends with him! she thought, spacing out into what she called 'Derpland'. Maybe I can find some food here? Sweets sound so good right now. She sighed happily at the thought of a sweet and soft cookie in her mouth.

    She shook her head and clapped her hands together. "Haha.. sorry I spaced out again! I do that a lot!" she gave a nervous laugh. "But yeah, I'm trying to find a place to eat. A cafe or a bakery of some sort sounds really good at the moment," she said, her eyes going wide for a second. I haven't introduced myself yet! "Ah, sorry! I haven't introduced myself yet! My name is Spangie by the way!" she said gleefully, holding out her hand and the other one scratching the back of her head nervously. She gave another bittersweet giggle and spaced out again into 'Derpland' gazing, out from behind his shoulders blankly. Those flowers look really pretty.. she said to herself, eyeing a small patch of tulip like flowers behind him. She shook at head and went back to looking at the male player.


  22. Sponge gave a bright smile. "Thanks Hei! My name is Spangie by the way," she said gleefully before spinning around over to the box. What a cute way to order equipment.. she sighed happily and took a small paper out of the box. Now what do I want..she tapped her her lips with her finger. She spaced out, looking at all the designs on display before reality hit her. Oh right! She told herself before excitedly filling out the order form. "Ill pay right here so I don't have to worry about it later," she had told him after she was finished with the form. This is so exciting!


    Name : Leaves of Autumn Cloak

    Your Profession : Tailor

    Your Rank : 7

    ID : Leave Blank

    Roll : Leave Blank

    Item Type : Cloak

    Quality : Perfect

    Enhancements : Loot Die ( 3 ) 

    Description : A short and white cloak that has small leaf like fabric attached to it on the rims, almost as if leaves were stuck onto the cloak. It has two small buttons around the collar that attach together.


    -1,100 Col


  23. Spangie slowly edged over to a small puddle. The reeds around it were plucked clean, leaving only the bottom part of the stems. I guess people were here too.. she sighed to herself. "Why is it so hard to find materials.." she gave a depressed grumble and went on searching. By now she was well out of ideas on where to search. Maybe I should try looking under rocks? No, that'd be just dumb. She shook her head. Maybe in the trees? Can you even climb in this game? She gave another shake of her head.

    "Why can't I find anything?" she said out loud. Why is my luck so crappy? She added in her head. I told Zackiriah I would finish this quest. Her thoughts went back to the old NPCI don't want to disappoint him..


    ID : 96540

    Roll : 2, Fail


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