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Posts posted by Spangie

  1. She quickly followed after him, an excited squeak as she walked side by side with him. "Yay, let's go!" she cheered, her familiar barely clinging onto her shoulder. She stuck her tongue out and enjoyed the sweet and silence of the atmosphere, it feels nice today.. sure there were some problems but it's nice! She glowed happily and added a skip to her steps. "Aw okay, we'll fi-" she tilted her head as she watched Pinball grit his teeth. "Hey are you okay..?" she leaned forward, peering a bit at his face. He looks like he's in pain, or sad.. she thoight, her lips quirking into a frown.

    "I dunno, I can eat if you're feeling up to it," she pointed up on finger. "I could really use some sweets to hype me up!" she gave a mischievous smile, some cookies sound good right now.. she giggled at his attempt to look serious. "Noooo, stop being mean to innocent players!" she pouted, a small whine came from her.

  2. Spangie nodded her head excitedly, "Yup!" she gave a wide smile, her familiar chirping excitedly next to her. Hush.. she put her fingers to her lips and glared at the bird, it soon quieting. "What's the quest? Is it hard?" she questioned, tilting her head.

    The blacksmith gave a shake of his head and laughed. "I enjoy your excitement but it's not hard, it's quite easy actually," he scratched the back of his head. "I just need you to kill boars for me, see I'm running low on items they drop," he told her, crossing his arms. I have to kill something?! It can't be that hard.. they're just boars! She gave a gulp and nodded her head.

    "Can't be that hard heheh.." she chuckled nervously.

    You Have Accepted The

    ' The Second Lesson, Is Also a Free ' Quest !

    She gave an aspirated sigh and closed the pop up. This will be just.. fun..

  3. The Second Lesson, is Also Free : 


    Spangie skipped along the road happily. Where was Lyle's shop again? She stopped, a dumbfound look on her face. She scanned the area, it was around her right? She narrowed her eyes, a few second later she found what she was looking for. Oh yeah, right there! She said to herself, bouncing excitedly, she sprinted towards the shop, a broad smile on her face.

    She brushed into the blacksmith shop with a loud bang. "Hey Lyle, you said you wanted help with a quest right?" she hollared, looking around the shop. Lyle was in the far corner, a dumb struck look was on hi she face. He set down his tools and gave a hardy gruff of a laugh. Did I do something funny? Well I guess I did just burs into his shop with no excuse..

    "Yes, yes I did.." he chuckled. "You want to take it?"


    Spangie's Stats

    LVL : 8 | HP : 160 | EN : 16 | MIT : 18 | DMG : 5

    Equipped :

    - Leaves of Autumn Cloak [ +3 Loot Die ]

    - Vermillion Dagger [ +3 DMG ]

    - Phoenix Feather Armor [ +2 MIT ]

    Battle Inventory :

    - 5 Standard Health Potions [ Heals 50 HP ]



  4. "Yeah, I guess trust doesn't come too easy in this game, huh.." she crossed her arms and gave a small chuckle. I guess I just talk to random people though, I never guessed that some of them may be dangerous.. she sighed to herself. "Yeah.. that's true I guess," she grinned, taking another sip from her cup. I take the first step.. even if it's the most stupidest one you've ever seen. She smiled to herself. I guess I am kinda weird.

    Spangie's face became the color equivalent to a tomato instantly. "W-wha?! Nonono, I'm not interested in anyone.." she sighed, looking off in the other direction. "And I doubt that anyone is interested in me," she gave a forced laugh and pointed to herself. "I mean who would want to date this?" I haven't even ever thought about dating, much less about relationships.


  5. Spangie nodded her head. "It was definitely exciting," she giggled, letting Apricot soothe her feathers. She sheathed her dagger and wiped her forward. "Yeah, I think I've had enough excitement for one day.. heheh.." she joked, twirling in a circle. It was nice doing this, before today, I haven't been fighting at all. This was a fun experience. She grinned widely and sheathed her dagger. "What do you want to do when we get back? Are there any good shops we can check out back at the town?" she poked her cheek, tilting her head. When's the last time I ate? I am a bit hungry.. she shrugged. "We can do whatever you want though, I don't care," she smiled, spinning another time. Have I ever felt this free in real life? 


  6. "I'm not going to make it that long," she chuckled, trying her best to lighten the mood. "It'd be best to make a run for it while we can," she sighed, getting ready to take off. I'm at half of my energy, I definitely wouldn't have made it.. she thought to herself as she dashed off to the side of the clearing. "C'mon Pinball!" she cupped her hands over her mouth to make it louder. It's not that hard.. she gave a small frown to herself and yelled louder. "You can do it!" 

    Apricot join her a few seconds later, accompanying her shouts with shrill tweets and chirps. Why was this chest harder to fight than the giant one before? The other one looked so viciously, this is just a chest with a purple tongue! She exclaimed in her head.

    Combat -

    ID : 97870

    Roll : 14 + 3 = 17,  Success

    Spangie runs awayyy!

     - Players -

    [H: 2] Pinball : 373/440 HP | 0/44 EN | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 9 DMG

    [H: 1] Spangie 100/100 HP | 5/10 EN | 18 MIT | 5 DMG | 

    - Enemies -

     Chest Mimic: 111/220 HP | 66 DMG

  7. "No, I actually want to help this time!" she shook with determination. "I don't want you to be the only one who's doing something!" she gripped her dagge and glared at the mimic. You can do this, you're prepared. She hushed herself and took a long inhale, then softly exhales. She dug her boots into the dirt and dashed straight to the chest. "Hyah!" she made several fatal stuns to chest, immobilizing it for a few moments. Rebounding, she gave a sigh of relief and looked at Pinball. "I think I made it a little easier.." she found it hard to speak with a lump in her throat.

    Apricot swooped down fro, whoever she was again and landed on Spangie's shoulder. I'm too tried to even scold at her right now.. she huffed and gave a small smile to Pinball.

    Combat -

    Spangie Attacks Chest Mimic - Side Bite

    ID : 97863

    Roll : 6, Hit!

    10-0=10 DMG + Stun

    -5 EN

     - Players -

    [H: 1] Pinball : 373/440 HP | 0/44 EN | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 9 DMG

    [H: 0] Spangie 100/100 HP | 5/10 EN | 18 MIT | 5 DMG | 

    - Enemies -

    [ Stunned ] Chest Mimic: 120/220 HP | 66 DMG

  8. Spangie watched as Pinball launched himself at the chest, only to be ravaged and thrown back. "Oh my gosh!" she stumbled over to the wounded Pinball. "D-don't worry, I'll help! Just wait!" she stuttered, pulling out her inventory again. Do something! Someone getting wounded next to you and you can't do anything! She told herself harshly as she scrolled down her inventory.

    "I-I found it!" she yelped, equipping a bright yellow orange armor with white pads. "Hold on!" she sputtered, standing up a bit straighter. "Take it easy though," she told him, giving a small and genuine smile. I don't want a person dying in front of me. She shuddered and gripped her dagger.

    Lets see how hard this monster really is. She thought, a ripple of fear ran through her. "Can't be that hard, I hit the monster before right?" she muttered to herself, her grip on her dagger. You can do it, you can do it.


    Combat -

    - Equiped Sunsets Pierce [ +2 MIT ]

    Players -

    [H: 0] Pinball : 373/440 HP | 10/44 EN | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 9 DMG

    [H: 0] Spangie 100/100 HP | 10/10 EN | 2 MIT | 5 DMG | 

    Enemies -

    Chest Mimic: 220/220 HP | 66 D,G

  9. "Yeah you sure do," she grinned, her gaze now focused on the chest. What could be in there? She thought, scratching her head. She nodded to Pinball, a smile for his concern appeared on her lips. "Yeah.. and thanks," she thanked and backed off, just behind Pinball to look over his shoulder. She watched as the chest opened into a mimic with a long and slimy tongue, Ewwwww! She gagged, just looking at the chest. The chest licked the players cheek and he stumbled backwards, Spangie barely dodged him, stepping to the side just in time. Apricot gave a call of warning and concern, flapping her wings wildly. "H-hey! Calm down!" she hollared at her familiar, a few seconds later, the bird seemed to calm down, her feathers still ruffled.

    She looked back at Pinball, "are you okay? Did it hurt you?" she knelt down next to him, checking for any red marks or hits. Satisfied with her search she went back to glaring at the horrendous chest mimic. "H-hold on.. wait a minute!" she panicked, opening up her inventory. Found it! She puffed, equipping a scarlet dagger with a feather like blade.


    Combat -

    - Equips Vermillion Feather

    Players -

    [H: 0] Pinball : 440/440 HP | 11/43 EN | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 9 DMG

    [H: 0] Spangie 100/100 HP | 10/10 EN | 5 DMG

    Enemies -

    Chest Mimic: 220/220 HP | 66 DMG

  10. Spangie shrugged bashfully. "I only did 1 damage, not even a fraction.." she sighed meekly, face palming herself. "Oh I'll definitely use this sometime soon," she chuckled, closing her inventory. It'll be of really good use when I do another quest to kill something.. she sighed. She watched him remove his equipment with a quirky smile. I don't even have that much stuff. She joked with herself and watched him jog over to a treasure chest, bringing herself along with him, she gaped.

    "Wow, how did you find that? I wouldn't even think there would be something here," she giggled crouching down to touch the chest. It feels so authentic, she thought to herself as she touched its grainy surface. "Okay.. I do feel a bit unfair since you basically did the whole quest today.." she pouted, looking up at him.


  11. "W-wow.. we actually did it.. we did it!" she gave an excited yelp, and jumped excitedly. "I mean you basically did it, I barely did anything," she rubbed her arm in disappointment. I was too weak to do anything. "But yay us!" she grinned and punched him playfully. "I was so scared.. that thing is the biggest creature I've ever seen!" she said stretching her arms wide, with just as wide eyes. Apricot came swooning down from a nearby branch and landed and Spangie's ruffled hair. "Aw, where were you the whole time?" she giggled, petting the birds head gently. The Phoenix gave a shrill coo and buried its head in its wings.

    "Oh yeah, the item!" she grinned, scrolling through her inventory. She nodded her head, "it has a pretty cool name, huh?" she sighed, smiling at the black wispy cat. "So.. what now..?" she said with an awkward cough.


  12. "Alright, I will.." she nodded, a nervous glint got stuck in her throat. "Stay back Apricot.." she whispered to the bird, who was happy to oblige and follow Spangie. She carefully trudged behind Pinball, quickly finding herself looking up at the huge beast. "It's huge.." she cupped her hands over her mouth in shock? Fear? She doesn't even know anymore. We're really fighting this thing? 

    Spangie numbly took out her dagger, a tight grip forming around it. You can do it.. she breathed in and out, still afraid for her life. The beast was giant, a huge ring of cleared forest circled it. "You can do this," she whispered to herself and braced herself to fight. I'm not losing to this's game. After Pinball had maneged to land a successful attack, she took it has her chance and go after the beast. Dashing forwards the monster, dagger in one hand. "Hyah!" she had maneged to lay a single hit, not even doing a quarter to the Byakko. At least it's something.. she sighed. She gave a small smile to Pinball and an identical thumbs up. "Go for it!"

    Comat -

    ID : 97824

    BD Roll : 6, Successful Hit!

    Spangie Attacks Byakko - Basic Attack

    2 - 40 = 1 DMG

    [ - 1 Energy ]

    Players -

    H : 1 Pinball : 440/440 HP | 27/43 EN | 3 ACC | 3 EVA | 9 DMG

    H : 1 Spangie 100/100 HP | 9/10 EN | 2 DMG

    Enemies -

    Byakko 54/150 HP | 40 MIT | 60 DMG


  13. She bounced a bit and held her hands behind her back, leasing forward. "You seemed like someone who would express their feelings on something other than show it, wether it be music, writing.. art.." her voice trailed off as she mentioned art, a little tang of sadness rippled through her face but then she clapped her hands together. "But then again I could be wrong heheh.." she gave a small chuckle at the end, a grin plastered on her face. But I showed my emotions right? Art was just something I loved to do.. she told herself, yeah.. I never hid anything.. she smiled and continued skipping along, a few finger gun shots here and there with Pinball.

    Spangie gave a tiny squeal a small the roar echoed the forest, her familiar chirped loudly and flew off her shoulder, hovering a few feet off the ground. That's loud.. I wonder how big it is.. she gave a nervous gulp and nodded to Pinball. "Y-yeah, o-of course I-I am.." she could feel her body trembling and tried her best to stop it. You can do this, it's going to be fine, nothing's going to harm you. She gave a small puff of nervousness and nodded her head with determined eyes. "I'm ready."



  14. "I guess we are.. even so, you got to admit this is more exciting then real life right? Meeting random people, taking jobs with them.. it feels weird coming out of my mouth," she giggled and lifted herself up. I wonder what the game makers were thinking when they made SAO. They can destroy all of us at a touch of a button and poof, our brains are turned into mush. She frowned but quickly covered it with the usual smile. "Just like time itself," she waved her arms in the air but brought it down to scratch her chin. "Hey have you ever tried writing, you sound like you'd be really good at it.." 

    Spangie put her hands on her hips and grinned. "When am I not?" she giggled and clapped her hands together, scaring Apricot in the processs. "To the gates of Valhalla!" she took steps that looked robotics and pointed at the sky. "The sky isn't the limit, whooo!" she yelled excitedly and dashed around in zigzags.


  15. She gave a small smile and the cat and to him. "Are you ever glad that you got stuck in this game?" she whispered, barely audible to Pinball. If I never got stuck here, I wouldn't have met Apricot or nay of these wonderful people.. but if I never go at stuck here, I would be at home, with my family.. she buried her head in her arms. "L-like you would've never met Zomekko if you never put the Nervegear on your head right?" her voice was sort of muffled when she spoke, considering her head were in her arms. I wish this game didn't mess with my feelings.. I love being here.. yet I hate it.. she gave a sniff and slowly rose.

    "But weeping isn't going to do us any good, right," she gave a quick smile and looked down at the wispy cat. "Wether I die today or tomorrow, I honestly regret nothing." she gave a giggle and pointed into the unknown abyss. "Onward! To victory!" she gave a joking laugh and grinned. If I die in this game, I die myself.


  16. "Woaaahhh.." she crouched down with wide eyes and a huge grin. "I've never seen nay familiar like this! It's so cool!" she said brightly, her familiar growing a bit stiff. "Huh, what's wrong Apricot? Look it's another familiar.." she said gently as she poked the colorful bird. Oh.. it's a cat.. and you're a bird, makes sense I guess? That's kinda cool how hey incorporated that into a game. She tilted her head. "That is one of the coolest things I've seen in this game by far," she looked up at Pinball and gave a small giggle.

    She wanted her hands to just phase through the cat but kept the urge. It's rude to just touch people's pets! She argued with herself and bit her lip. "D-do you like pet it sometimes? Or does your hand just go right through?" she asked curiously, still crouching and staring intenetly at the cat.


  17. Spangie squeaked excitedly as she has made another successful item. Things are turning around huh? She looked at the plate, a full grin spread across her face. "All this food looks actually really good.." she sighed, rubbing her stomach. Apricot was sleeping peacefully on her head, making her hair tangly in all place. What do I name it? She asked herself, scratching her chin. Oh I know! A Few Minutes Later - Spangie let out another's happy squeal as she cooked something again. Maybe it was all bad luck in the past, I'm actually cooking stuff! She thought excitedly as she scrambled to the counter, setting down the plate.

    Spangie chuckled as a frying pan of ash fell into the trash can. Well I guess not all days can be perfect.

    Crafting :

    ID : 97793

    Roll, 9, Uncommon, Success! [ +1 Uncommon Item | -1 Material | +3 EXP ]

    ID : 97794 

    Roll : 11, Rare, Success! [ +1 Rare Item | -1 Material | +5 EXP ]

    ID : 97795

    Roll : 5, Fail [ -1 Material | +1 EXP ]

    Overall :

    +1 Uncommon Item | +1 Rare Item | -3 Materials | +9 EXP 

  18. Spangie squeaked as they took off to wherever they were going, feeling slightly less anxious when he reassured her. "T-thank you.." she maneged to choke out and give a small smile, Aprictot innocently pecked her shoulder, probabaly trying to loosen up the tension that was roaming her body too. She nodded her head slightly at his question and chuckled. "Heheh.. thanks. It means a lot," she looked up at him, feeling slightly more confident, and grinned. Don tell worry, you'll be alright.. just pixels, just pixels, just pixels.

    Spangie tilted her head as she noticed a small jar with a black like fog or mist in it. "What's that?" she asked rather bluntly, pointing her finger at the jar. It looks scary but cool at the same time. She pondered as she locked her gaze at the jar on his belt. 



  19. Apricot fluffed out her feathers and went back to napping on her shoulders. "Oi, when did you get so lazy?" she puffed as she poked the birds wings gently. She sighed and went back to smiling, "thanks, I really appreciate it," she grinned graciously and accepted the party invitation. My legs feel like jelly, is this what it's like before you battle something? She gulped, quickly realizing she was in fact a low leveled player, I acted so tough.. ohh.. what am I going to do? She bit her lip nervously, what if it kills me? I've never done this! She slowly started to panic, her hands were shaking in state of anxiety.

    What will happen if I die here? Will I really die in real life? Will it hurt? She nervously gulped again and hugged her elbows, fear radiating from her once determined and brave face. What if I really die in this game?



  20. Spangie's eyes widened, "A-are you sure? I mean I wouldn't want to be a burden to you.." she  scraped the ground with her feet, "I wouldn't want to get the way and of you and your quest.." she said sheepishly her eyes trailing on the ground. "B-but if you want me to go with you, I will!" she said clapping her hands together, detirminiation spread across her face. I probabaly won't be doing much damage to the.. creature anyways.. she thought sadly. I'm just too weak.. she gripped her hands tighter and pursed her lips. I can't do cra in this game.. she sighed and put on a happy face. "Then yes. I would love to party up with you!"

    Spangie held in a laugh when she watched the boy get all flustered. She shook her hand she in a reassuring way. "No no! Nothing bad!" she giggled, "It's just a bit unusual, not bad though! It just make you think, like why you chose it. It's an interesting pick, don't worry!" she chuckled and gave an assuring smile. It uses a lot of imagination though, first time I enjoy heard of a name like that.



  21. "Oh.. that's kinda sad.." she said, a depresssing sigh flew out of her lungs. "Makes ya a bit angry that it burns stuff, like this right?" she said waving her hand around in the air. "Even though it's fake, it's too pretty to be destroyed," she gave a bubbly giggle. It really does make me a bit mad.. I know it's a game of kill or be killed but the thing had to ruin such scenery? She thought bitterly but gave a gentle smile. "Well you certainly look capable of killing whatever's it is.. unlike me," she said with a chuckle, gesturing her hands to her equipment. "I wouldn't have taken that quest for my life.. I'm such a wimp and that monster would probabaly just eat me up.." she scratched the palm of her hands, I'm too weak for this game..

    She gave a smile when he introduced himself. At least he's not a total introvert or something. "Pinball? That's an interesting name, it's a good one no doubt but it kind of makes you think," she grinned softly and bent down a little to pet Apricot, who ended up climbing on her arm and plopping herself on Spangie's shoulder. 


  22. Spangie shook her head, "I'm sorry, I'm a real clutz!" she gave a small chuckle and scratched the back of her head nervously. Apricot shook her feathers roughly and gently hopped down onto the ground, a small chirp emitting from her. I need to watch where I'm going.. this isn't the first time this actually happened.. she let out a sigh and looked up at the male player, a grin plastered on her face. She cocked her head at his last sentence, do I really look that weak? She thought worriedly as she scanned her equipment, I guess it's what I get for moping in inns since this game came out.. she puffed.

    "Oh, sorry.. I may not look like the strongest and surprise I'm really not.." she gulped nervously and did the most saddest jazz hands you've porbabably ever seen. "Heheh.. I honestly came here for the scene, I had no idea there was a monster here.." she scratched her chin, of course you didn't! You never know anything that goes around in Aincrad! "I don't know anything about gaming, so I'm finding it pretty hard to cope being here," she gave a wary smile and held her hand out. "Sorry for my clumsiness, at least let me make it up to you by introducing myself," she said brightly, "My names Spangie, nice to meet you!"


  23. Spangie skipped excitedly down the roads of the town, her familiar perched carelessly on her shoulders. What a pretty floor! She gaped soundlessly as she took in the views of the settlement. This game is so cool! I mean it would be wonderful to go to a place like this in real life! She thought excitedly, circling as she held her head up at the sky. "I wish I could paint this.." she muttered, a small smile forming on her face. Wha I'd do for some art supplies.. Apricot gave a shrill chirp and went back to resting. 

    A giant canvas.. she stretched her arms wide, achrilic paints.. she waved her fingers in the air, some fine brushes.. my sketchbook, pencils, erasers, or maybe even my p- her eyes went wide as she impacted something sturdy. "Oof!" she let out a breathless sigh and rubbed her face. Looking up she realized she had bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" she said quickly, giving an apologetic bow. What an embarrassment! 



    Stats : LVL : 5 | HP : 100 | EN : 10 | EVA : 0'| ACC : 0 | DMG : 2 | [ Sad.. Ik.. ] 

    Equipped :

    - Vermillion Feather 

    - Leaves of Autumn Cloak [ 3 Loot Doe ]

    Skills :

    - Rank 1 Dagger

    Battle Inventory :

    - 5 Tier 1 Healing Potions [ Heals 50 HP ]



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