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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. ID: 105108

    CD: 2

    ID: 105109

    CD: 1

    ID: 105110

    CD: 11

    Dustin started crafting again. "I can't believe I waited so long to get started." He hit the first material until it broke. Crap, I can't let it get me down though. I need to get better. He pulls out another material and starts crafting again. "No way can I mess up this time. I've got this in the bag." He fails on the first hit. Breaking the material in half he pulls out another. I'm just gonna make the sword. He hammers away and makes the sword. "I did it. I made a weapon." He picks up the red sword. He analyzes every detail of the sword and sets it down. This one I can give to that heavy armored guy.

    +7 EXP

    +<<The Flame's Oath>>

    - 3 T1 Material

  2. "I most certainly will not. Pick, you agreed to help me, and I'll help supply your store too." He walks over to Pick and looks down at him, "Besides, I'm not in it to make money, or to make the most weapons. I do it to make the best weapons." He turns and looks around. "If I make a good weapon and that weapon saves someone's life, I've done my job." He walks away. "In short, I do it for the people. I do it so one day, we can see the real world again. By that day I'll be dead, so if I can make a sword that kills kayaba, I'll be happy." He draws his sword. I planned to use this sword, but that won't work, she's getting way too old. She might break soon if I don't retire her. Sheathing his sword and walking over to Artemis, he smiles. "Fighting to help people is why I'm in this world. I just come out here to take in the scenery. I think this world is rather beautiful. It's a new life." He says, looking to the sky. "This world could've made so many people happy. Too bad Kayaba lost his way." He clenches his fist. Kadin would've liked Artemis. She's a lot like him.

    ID: 105107

    LD: 10 (fail)

    @Pick @Artemis

  3. "Sorry about insulting you like that, I was trying to get you fired up." He smiles to the other player. "Hey, I've been looking for this land shark, swimming around here. You know where it is?" Dustin sheathes his sword and pulls his hood back up. I need to kill this thing. It'll be fun, but I can't just kill it alone. "Better yet, you wanna help me kill it? You should be able to handle it." The brown haired player compliments his, trying to convince him. I am a bit worried though, we might not be enough to kill this fish. He sits down, looking off to the horizon. "Either way, I'm going after it, you don't have to risk your life to help me." He looks at his health. I want to be the strongest player. Then I can really help people. If I'm not helping people, then I'm worthless. And if I'm worthless I might as well be dead. Standing up, he walks over to the old man. "Name's Dustin, by the way." he extends his arm to shake hands.


  4. Dustin looks on as the other two gather materials rather quickly. "Man, I am gonna have to pay." He kicks the dirt. Disappointed, the brown haired player pulls his hood over his eyes and lays his head back. "I already got materials, why do I need more?" Watching the clouds roll through the sky and waiting for something cool to happen started to bore Dustin and he walked away. He walked to a tree and sat down. I never expected to win, but I did expect to find stuff. This made me so bored that I thought a challenge would spice it up a bit, but now I'm just sad. He lays on his side, still wide awake. "And the worst part is I already slept. Ugh, this blows." He puts his hands over his face and exhales sharply. "That one looks like a bunny!" He shouts, pointing to the sky.

    ID: 105056

    LD: 9 (fail)

    @Artemis @Pick

  5. Dustin looks through the news for anything related to this experience and finds nothing. "Must just be me. I thought it had something to do with the forest." He lets go of his sword and sits down. I'll look for anything out of the ordinary later. Right now I should rest, in case this is all in my head. He removes his cloak, and pulls up his hood. There's no one here, so there's no reason to hide my hood. He sets his sword next to him, but close enough that if anyone were to attack him, his speed would allow him to grab his sword and counter before they had the chance to hit him. I want to be the fastest player in Aincrad, but if I have to push other people down to get to the top then I'll be fighting alone on the front lines. I have to make more friends, but in order to do that, I'll have to become stronger.

    ID: 105054

    LD: 16

  6. Dustin makes his way deeper into the forest, not ready to leave these memories behind. His heart clings to them, but too much for his brain to even look at them. These memories always make Dustin dangerously optimistic, or hopelessly Depressed, so he shoves them down. Today he can't hold them down at all. These memories keep swelling up and he feels like he is about to burst. I don't like this place, but I'm so at ease here and I haven't been in a while. It's so settling it's almost unsettling. Grabbing his sword he continues forward. It's not like I could do anything if anyone were to show up, but if I had to, I could at least try to intimidate them. His legs start to weaken and his heart feels heavy. He gets the urge to cry, even though he hadn't cried since his brother died. I miss them, I miss them all.

    ID: 105047

    LD: 1 (fail)

  7. Dustin, having gotten a bit courageous, makes his way up to the twenty second floor. He managed to do so without getting a scratch miraculously. He then heard about the forest of memories, and decided to see what all the buzz was about. He made his way to the Forest and looked around. Having wandered through the forest he begins to feel at home. The brown haired player begins to wonder, taking his mind on a journey through his memories, to a place where he could never return to. He thought of home. He thought of the way he used to play with his dad, he thought of letting his brother beat him at his favorite games. He thought of his mom nursing him back to health when he was sick. He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. "That's all over, none of that will ever happen again." He says, looking up to the sky, longing for a glimpse of reality.

  8. Name: Beauty
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 105013
    Item Type: 2H Battle Axe
    Tier: 1
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: 1x ACC
    Description: At first appears dull, but upon closer inspection faint etchings become visible. Once you know they are there, they are visible from great distances. The whole axe is grey including the handle and pommel.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16780-f01r2-blacksmith-iron-blood-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=556092

  9. Dustin watches as the Little Templar that could attacked The old Samurai. "No way are you gonna even hurt him." He rushes forward and slashes the shortest knight of the year's back and chuckles. He steps back, avoiding it's angry and aimless slashes towards him. The Helmet with some bones turns and locks swords with Dustin, who was looking at the other player, and was more worried about him at this point. "I hope this little ant didn't scare you out of your boots. Come on, you appear to be stronger than me, Do it. Finish him." He tries to pressure The much older man. I genuinely hope he can fight, after all, that big shark was spotted around here and I'm not fixing to die today. I might tomorrow though, we'll see how this goes. He slides his blade up and uses the guard of his sword to push the enemies sword away and turns to put distance between them.

    ID: 105026

    BD: 6

    Dustin attacks Mad Templar

    21 - 4 = 17 HP

    Dustin: 97/120 HP  9/12 EN | 4 DMG | 5 MIT

    Mad Templar: 21/80 HP | 28 DMG | 0 MIT | +1 Bleed


  10. Dustin stands up and regains his focus on the annoying little brat in the helmet. He lunges forward, slashing down at an angle and back up at the same angle and back down to his right. He doesn't move away this time, ready for any manner of attacks to come. He watches the deranged Templar recuperate and finally shakes his head, launching himself back. He stares at the tiny thing and laughs. "Oh man, I wish I could see your face right now." He says, dropping his sword arm and looking upward, now standing straight up. "No way am I gonna lose to you, look at your little arms." He pulls his sword up and rests it on his shoulder, tilting his head and watching the helmeted freak. Sh*t, time to move. He starts to run around the Templar putting in between him and the elderly man.

    ID: 105014

    BD: 9 (Crit +1)

    Dustin uses snake bite on Mad Templar

    4 + 1 = 5 x 3 = 15 DMG

    36 - 15 = 21 HP

    Dustin: 97/120 HP  9/12 EN | 4 DMG | 5 MIT

    Mad Templar: 21/80 HP | 28 DMG | 0 MIT | +1 Bleed


  11. [Second and third craft of the day]

    Dustin picks up his hammer and returns to his anvil. "Time to start again." He starts hammering away and the material breaks. "Great, what else is new?" He says, pulling out another material and starting right away. This time the axe begins to take shape, but it appears to be a boring axe. All grey, very dull. But, this axe has no glare. I has no real defining features, until he looks at it closely. It has very faint etchings on the blade that can only be seen if you know they are there. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder right?" He says, in remark to the etchings on the axe.

    ID: 105012

    CD: 3 (fail)

    ID: 105013

    CD: 10 (Uncommon quality)

    +4 EXP


    -2 T1 Materials

  12. "Now I understand." Dustin says, pulling down his hood. The player draws his sword and spins, slashing downward at the templar locking swords with the other player. His attack was successful so Dustin moves to the side. "How about this? You distract him while I eat away at his health?" Dustin says, trying to keep out of the Templar's reach. "Also, sorry about getting in your way like that, I thought he was just a malnourished player." He points his sword towards the Knight of little arms and smiles. "Maybe we just kill it here, That way I don't get too tired." His brown hair uncovers his now red eyes. I can read his every twitch. I see his next attack before he even knows what he's doing. He locks his gaze on the little man in the rusty helmet, and gets into his battle stance, stooping low and grabbing his sword. He holds his arm back and uses his other arm to aim his slash.

    ID: 105010

    BD: 7 (success)

    Dustin attacks templar

    40 - 4 = 36 HP

    Dustin: 120/120 HP 11/12 EN | 4 DMG | 5 MIT

    Mad Templar: 36/80 HP | 28 DMG | 0 MIT | +1 Bleed


  13. [First Craft of the day]

    Dustin starts his craft early that day and regrets it soon after. I woke up early for this? He sets his hammer down and walks away for a while. Loud crashing comes from the back room and once again Dustin enters, this time with a book. "THE ART OF SMITHING REQUIRES A MUTUAL RESPECT FOR THE SWORD AND THE HAMMER." He shouts at the hammer. The player picks up the hammer and tosses it across the room, I hate this stupid job. I wish I picked like fisherman or something. OOh or a librarian. That would've been cool, I'd just sit around all day, help people get their info and leave. I should've been a librarian.

    ID: 105008

    CD: 3 (Fail)

    +1 EXP

    -1 T1 Material

  14. Dustin walks through the barren land, the wind blowing and pushing his cloak's hood into his eyes. "Stupid cloak. You make everything difficult." He says, pulling the cloak from his eyes to see a green glow in the distance. I don't want to find out what that is. I guess I have no choice, considering I have no idea where I am. The player sighs and starts the long journey to the green object. When he gets close enough to see a tiny man, the green disappears. Out of the cyclone in which the playful green glow resided emerged a man, whom to Dustin seemed rather elderly. Should I help or stand and watch. It's not my business to interfere, but I don't know who started it. He draws his sword and leans on it to watch. If either gets carried away, I'll step in.

    The brown haired player watches as the Elderly man moves, seeing if there's any warning to each movement. Nothing, it's almost spontaneous. That armor does a good job at hiding his movements. Grabbing his sword, Dustin sheathes it on his waist and turns to walk away when he hears the old man take a step. Dustin turns and moves quickly to get a better view, but mistakenly steps into eye-shot of the heavily armored one.


  15. [Third Craft of the Day]

    Dustin picks up his hammer and starts the crafting process. "I know how to make this axe. I know what it requires." He keeps hitting the material. All it takes is the right hits in the right place. He sets his hammer down having broken the material. Who designed this crafting process? Kayaba? Was it not enough to trap us in this death game? Did you have to try to make us want to die? He asks himself and throws his hammer. "I'm gonna use my sword to kill you Kayaba. The first chance I get you're dead." He points his sword to the sky. This is my oath, I will destroy you and clear this game. I will see my mother again. He sheathes his blade and sits in the corner. "I will make the blade that kills you. Whether I survive to drive the sword through your chest or not."

    ID: 104947

    CD: 8 (Salvage craft)

    LD: 2 (Fail)

    +2 EXP

    -1 T1 Material

  16. [Second Craft of the Day]

    Dustin grabs a material and starts working on the next try right away. "This customer has waited long enough. I need to get this done." He says, picturing the axe as best he can and hammering away. He keeps hammering until he feels his hammer strike the anvil, at which point he is brought back to his senses. "Crap, I failed again. Dustin learns the art of smithing, I failure at a time." He chuckles to himself. "Nah, that attitude will only make it worse. I can do this." He says, breathing calmly and picking up his hammer. He hits the anvil one good time and goes over to his desk to record the results of the craft. I need to get better or I'll never beat out the other Blacksmith.

    ID: 104926

    CD: 4 (fail)

    +1 EXP

    -1 T1 material 

  17. [First craft of the Day]

    Dustin pulls out a rock and starts hitting it with his hammer. It's taken me so many tries because I'm so impatient. I need to find a way to get it through my head that I can't rush perfection. He hits the material one last time and it cracks. No. Not again. Please no... He starts trying to force the pieces back together. "No... Don't break. All I've done is try my best. Maybe my best isn't good enough. Maybe I have to improve myself." He says, wiping his anvil of the dust. "I have to be at my best to become the best."

    ID: 104925

    CD: 8 (Salvage)

    LD: 3 (Mats lost)

    +2 EXP

    -1 T1 Material

  18. [Second Craft of the Day]

    Dustin tries to picture a rapier in his mind as he repeatedly strikes the material on the table. "I can do this. It's not that hard." He hits the material again and again until it splits in half and he breathes out heavily. He closes his eyes and opens them sharply, drawing his hand with the hammer back and throws the hammer across the shop. He shouts as loud as he can and kicks the table. "All I want to do is complete a request." He sits on the floor in his dark shop alone. I regret taking this job. All I ever wanted to do was help people. It's my one purpose in life.

    ID: 104895

    CD: 6 (Salvage)

    LD: 6 (mats lost)

    +2 EXP

    -1 T1 Material

  19. Dustin gets hit in the head by the apple and kicks up like in those old kung fu movies. "Pick you cocky son of a-" He cuts himself off, so as to protect the girl's innocence. "Mother. You could've just tapped me in the arm you prick." He picks up a rock and draws his arm back. He acts as if he will throw the rock, but stops himself. "You're lucky I don't hate you." He turns and looks around for a material. I never should've challenged Pick to this race. He is better at gathering by far. He draws his sword, "Next time you'll know the reason I call her Fury's Hand." He says, swinging his sword around and sheathing it quickly. He makes his way over to the girl and leans in to whisper. "How do you do it? All I do is fail." He stands back up and makes a face as if to say, "You gonna tell me?"

    ID: 104893

    LD: 12

    @Pick @Artemis

  20. [First craft of the day]

    Dustin puts a material down and begins crafting. It's not that difficult to make an axe, it's making it perfectly. He slams his hammer down and the axe begins to take shape. "I swear if this one doesn't fit the requirements I'm gonna be so p*ssed." He looks at the axe and it's the exact opposite of the axe requested. It has a white blade and a white smoke coming off. The handle is black and the glare on the blade is actually black. "This is so cool. It sucks that it's only an uncommon." He picks up the axe and sets it aside. I'll try making a rapier next, maybe then my luck'll change"For now, I've got to take care of the void axe." 

    ID: 104875

    CD: 10 (Uncommon quality)

    +3 EXP

    +<<Void Axe>>

    -1 T1 Material

  21. Dustin looks around and lays back. "I'm a man of my word. The challenge is still on, I'm just gonna rest my eyes for a bit." He rolls onto his side and uses his cloak as a blanket. "I'll keep searching soon." He lays there with his eyes closed and he uses his arms as pillows. I'm so tired, why did I run around like that. He continues to lay there, not moving, laying on his side. I want to sleep, but what if Artemis kills Pick and steals our stuff. It's probably not gonna happen, but even still. I've seen the orange player guilds do worse. He lays there, listening to the surrounding world. He listens to the leaves rustling, to the wind blowing. To the breathing of his two adventuring buddies. He lays there and thinks of all of the ways he could stop Artemis is he had to, until he starts to snore. 

    ID: 104874

    LD: 12

    @Pick @Artemis

  22. [Second Craft of the day]

    Dustin grabs a material. "I hope I get it right this time. I need the experience and I need the col." He thinks of the described design of the axe and tries to picture it as clearly as he can in his head. Focus Dustin. You can do this. You need to make sure you know what to make and that you understand how it works. "You know what to do. Just hit it and make sure you focus on every hit. You can do this. You're gonna be the best Blacksmith in Aincrad." Dustin hits the material and it splits in half and disappears. "Dang it." He throws his hammer across the shop and shouts. Why can't I do this?

    ID: 104818

    CD: 3 (fail)

    +1 EXP

    -1 T1 Material

  23. "I'm gonna start this show." He says to Pick. "I'm gonna look for a treasure chest." He looks around and runs around. "I refuse to pay for this ice cream." He runs, skimming his hands across the ground. I need a new sword anyways, so a chest would be amazing. Also some armor would be awesome. He runs back to Pick and drops his shoulders. "Nothing." He says, kicking dirt and sighing. I should focus on just finding some materials on the ground. He draws his sword and stabs it in the ground. "I will win this challenge and I will be the strongest player." He pulls his sword out of the ground and sheathes it quickly. He looks around and then down to the ground. He sits down and slouches down.

    ID: 104792

    LD: 10

    @Artemis @Pick

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