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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. Dustin charges, stabbing the boar head on. As he jumps back he spins on one foot, gearing up for another attack. His left shoulder facing the next boar and his blade resting on his left arm. "Phew, thought I'd have to do something there." He says, squinting his eyes, "Make sure you don't die. Wouldn't be the same without you hating me." He holds his sword, and points it at the boar. "While she kills your friends, I'm gonna cook you. Little Booger-eater." He insults the pig. If I time this right, I could get it in the eye. He spins his blade and clenches something in his other fist. He puts the object, in his inventory.

    Maybe I can impress the girl enough to stop hating me. Nah, it's better this way. He clenches his teeth, pushing the mud under his feet back as he steps forward. Jumping into a tree, catching a branch and swinging up into the tree, he crouches down and aims the tip of his sword at the nearest boar. I'll just continue to be annoying to her anyways. "I'm extending the deal. If this boar hits me, I'll do whatever you want, within reason." He says, focusing on the boar.


    ID- 103527

    BD- 7 (success)

    Dustin attacks the boar pup

    1 - 4 = 0 HP

    MD- 7

    Dustin's attack killed the boar pup

    Dustin: 20/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 4 DMG | 0 Keen | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA

    Boar Pup: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG


  2. "I've got a lot of training to do. Besides, I've played a lot of RPGs and the loot is always better the higher up you go." Dustin mentions. "It's been fun, but I need to get going on that quest to get a shop up and running." He stands up and walks over to the man. "Besides, I prefer to fight for my loot." He smiles, looking down at his swords handle. Dustin lowers his entire body and jumps, grabbing onto a branch and climbing up. "I need more friends to get customers, and I'm not making many here." He explains, swinging his feet, "You're welcome to keep searching, I'm gonna sit up here." He says, leaning against the tree and drawing his sword. He shifts his body so he hangs on the branch by his legs. He stabs the tree a foot or so beneath where he just sat and climbs back up, resting his foot on the blade and the other on the branch. Having gotten comfortable he starts thinking. What if I meet the one working at this shop. Maybe, it is a possibility however I can't get my hopes up. It would be cool to have more than one friend.

    "Hey, Pick. You seem like a genuinely nice guy, how are your skills when it comes to making friends?" Dustin asks. Mine have never been good, I'm a bit too nice. Dustin drops down, pulling his sword out of the tree in the process. "We should head back to the coffee place, I like to flirt with the NPCs to see their responses." Dustin smiles, gesturing towards the safe zone.


  3. ID- 103499

    LD- 18 (success)

    "Please, I need a new cloak." He begs. He stands up and throws his arms up, "How am I supposed to get girls to like me if I look like an idiot all the time?" He walks away and digs around on the ground for a bit, standing up and saying, "3, so not many." He makes his way back to his spot and sits down. "Sorry, I feel like I'm making you do all the work." It's not easy being green, is it? Whatever, I'll be rich soon, and he'll be helping my business. "And by the way, I say it's a knife fighter mentality because think, you don't want to fight, so you pick the lightest weapon. This is for 3 reasons, one is because you don't want to be weighed down by something you're not gonna use. Two is because you want something easy to deploy when it's needed, so when you're in danger. Three is because you can run away much easier when you don't need to fight." Dustin turns to the man, "So was I right?" He asks, raising one eyebrow.


    Total Materials: 3 

  4. The next boar pup turns and rushes at Dustin. Dustin jumps over the boar, slashing its back mid-air. As the boar squealed, Dustin hunched over, waiting for another attack. That was close. Almost messed up my hair. "Hey, pig face. You almost hit me." He chuckled. I could've seriously been hurt, but I can do better. Dustin moves around the boar, keeping his distance. "My attacks rely on speed, I've always been weak so I have to fight smart. That's why I love fighting." Dustin smiles, keeping his eyes fixated on the tiny boar. "You and this boar have something in common." He shouts to Asakku. "You're both tiny and hate me." Dustin locks eyes with the boar and stays that way for a few seconds before lunging to the side, readying his sword for a charge.

    Dustin stands still, his sword resting on his shoulder. He watches the boars move and studies their attack patterns. When he sees the open moment, he'll strike. "If this boar hits me, I'll do whatever you want." He watches the boar prepare for another attack and he shouts at the top of his lungs.


    ID- 103498

    BD- 7 (success)

    Dustin attacks Boar pup

    5 - 4 = 1 HP

    MD- 2

    Boar attack misses

    Dustin| 20/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 4 DMG | 0 Keen | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA


    Boar Pup| 1/5 HP | 3 DMG


  5. ID- 103479

    LD- 4(Fail)

    "I do agree with you on that one." He says, standing up from yet another failed search. "I only like making swords, not luck." He smiles. He turns to the luckier man and sits down. "So you avoid combat unless you have to fight. Sounds like a knife user to me. My brother was the same way, but a lot less careful." Dustin mentions, looking over his shoulder. He turns back and stares off in the distance. He sees a few players fighting monsters, and stares enviously.

    "I don't want to take you shopping, seems too girly for my taste." He says, "Unless you know where to find a new cloak, then I might follow you." Dustin smells his cloak and pretends to be disgusted. It has been a while since I've been in a real store. "I guess we could go shopping when I get enough money." Having spoken his mind, Dustin sits in silence.


    Total Materials: 2

  6. Dustin walks over to Pick. "You sir are a gentleman and a scholar," He smiles, "It'll be a pleasure doing business. Also, to clarify, I don't like fighting other players. I love fighting monsters." Combat is the second best pass time, behind unsuccessfully flirting with girls. He walks over and tries to dig for more materials. "Lady luck, why do you hate me? I've only bamboozled you like thrice." He makes his way back to his spot. "Imagine all the people I'll meet while working in my shop." He grins, "Imagine all the cool kids, and ladies." He laughs, "I'm kidding, girls hate me."

    Dustin lays back with his entire body outstretched. "I need to get a new look. I look like a dweeb." Good thing I don't have many friends in the real world to disappoint. I bet my mom is devastated. "One day, I'll tell you my story, but not until I complete my goal." Dustin claims, grabbing his swords hilt. "I will be closing my shop for a few weeks eventually, but that'll be when I'm on the front lines." He says, with a huge smile on his face. 

    ID- 103476

    LD- 14(fail)


  7. "I can't leave my shop too often, and I might have to add a small charge to deliveries, depending on the trouble it causes. But other than that, it seems like a decent deal." He explains, nodding. It'll be nice to have someone help me, it's tedious to do that stuff by yourself. Dustin walks over and starts digging, finding another material. He pockets this material and heads back. "I must say, I was not expecting to make a business deal while out here." He smiles. Good deal, I wish I got more money, but it's no problem, the job will probably help with that. Besides, I don't do this for money anyways. "What if on the side, I ran a bodyguard business?" Dustin rubs his chin, "That might work, but I would have to get stronger in the mean time." He stands up and walks around for a bit. "If I charge enough, I can help people with anything, even sparring. And I could give them new gear. If I choose cost based on how much they have, I could lose everything." He mumbles quietly in his spot.

    ID- 103461

    LD- 20 (success)


  8. "I might be a blacksmith." Dustin replies plainly. He rubs his chin and sits up sharply. "I've got it!" He shouts, "If I can manage to get my hands on of those elegant suits you have there, we could be gentlemanly mercenaries. Helping the weaker players get materials and SP when they need it." Dustin explains excitedly, standing up and grabbing his sword. "And I can find these weaker players by setting up a shop on the first floor selling spare materials we find on jobs." Dustin paces around, thinking out the logistics. "If we find an excess of 20% materials per job, then when we return, we could give them the exact amount they ask for, and still get the materials to run a shop." Dustin starts to pace faster and slips, catching himself moments before his face hits the ground.

    "Sorry, thinking a bit far ahead." He chuckles. "You'll keep 50% of the materials and col we get per job. Also, your weapons would be free." He continues, digging for another material. "Still nothing." He says. "Hey, thanks for the help." He walks back up to his spot, "And you'll see my combat skills, all in due time my friend." He smiles politely.

    ID- 103456

    LD- 14 (fail)


  9. "The name's Dustin, and sure, I'll take quests with you, it sounds fun." Dustin bows sarcastically. He walks over to search but finds nothing. "Essentially I've only fought low level monsters and a few players. But I haven't lost yet and I don't plan to." He mentions, looking at his sword. "This beauty right here saved my life." He hugs his sword. Dropping his sword back into place he moves back to his spot and sits down. "Ever had a snowball fight?" Dustin asks, looking up at the snow falling to the ground. He sits in silence for a while until he drops back suddenly and jolts up. "Sorry, I almost fell asleep again." He watches Pick, studying his behavior and mannerisms as if preparing for a play. Dustin walks up to shake his hand and says, "I'd rather have you on my side than on my blade." He smiles.

    ID- 103449

    LD- 5


  10. ID- 103446

    LD- 20 (success)

    "What did you have in mind?" Dustin asks, fidgeting with his sword. He sheathes his favorite toy and walks over to start digging. I hate gathering, I prefer killing things, but it's whatever. "I got something." He says, putting the materials into his inventory. He chuckles, "I already owe people ice cream." If I owe one more person ice cream, I'm gonna split. Banana split to be precise. Dustin bursts into laughter, seemingly out of nowhere. He pulls down his hood and exhales, looking at the sea of snow.

    It's always so fricking cold. He kicks snow and sits down. "Look at that." Dustin says in awe at the density of the snowfall. "Almost too thick to see through." He wraps himself in his cloak tightly and lays back. "Your turn, and this is... cool." He laughs a little. Dustin stand up and pats Pick on the shoulder. "I can't help but notice you said you hate violence. I personally love it, I'm not very useful in any other scenario." He chuckles.



  11. Dustin stands up slowly and and follows the man until he drinks some thing. Dustin rubs his eyes, "That looks delicious." He smiles, "Sorry, lets get going." He turns and walks with a hint of excitement. Sleeping is awesome, being dead would have it's perks. He spins around, walking backwards. I hate this floor, but I grew up in a snowy place. That's why it calms me." He says, starting to smile, "Plus, it's pretty... chill." He bursts out laughing. Smacking his knee he continues to walk forward, still laughing a little. I should see how good his luck is. Looking for materials with someone can be dangerously boring if they don't find anything. Dustin looks up at the sky and continues walking.

    "How long have you been visiting this floor?" He asked, "I used to visit this floor when I got homesick or missed my brother." He looks at Pick, "He hated violence too, you know. He got killed because I wasn't fast enough to save him." He clenches his fists and turns to walk forward. "That's why I need to get stronger. Anyways, sorry for being so down in the dumps." He smiles, rubbing the back of his head.


  12. Dustin looks at the man with a confused expression. I'll feel like I'm using him if I take all of the resources. "Deal." He says, "Thank god you're not a fan of combat. I love it and can lose control." He smiles. He rubs his chin and looks at the table. "I'll reimburse you for this coffee when I've made enough to do so." He says. I really am poor. He sets his sheathed sword in the seat next to him, and waits for the coffee. He starts to bounce his leg up and down and look around as if he were nervous. "I hate this floor," He continues, "Reminds me of home." He stands up and walks to the door. "I gotta go do something." He explains, walking out the door.

    A few minutes pass and Dustin walks back into the cafe, looking a lot more calm at this point. "Sometimes I like to walk in the snow. It calms my nerves." He chuckles awkwardly. "I hope you know your way around, cause I don't have a clue. It all looks the same to me after a certain point." He sits back down and drinks the entire coffee in front of him in one go. Putting on his cloak, Dustin smiles at the waitress and stands up. "It's on him." He says, pointing to the man across from him. "I'll be asleep outside, wake me up when you're ready to go." He finishes, walking outside and sitting against the wall and falling asleep.


  13. Dustin readies his blade as he charges towards the boar, and lunges, stabbing it right in the side. The boar explodes into particles having died. Dustin picks up a tusk and jumps up. "HECK YEAH!" He shouts to @Asakku, way off in the distance, "Kick his rump roast!" He adds. He runs past her and looks for another boar, smiling, blinded by his blood lust. "Where are they?" He shouts, in a more excited tone. I'll kill them all, every last one of them. "All of you are dead!" He shouts, pointing to a few boars. He lingers there for a bit, waiting for the right time to strike. He looks back at her and watches her fight the boar. She's pretty darn good with that spear, I bet she loves combat. Must have a lot of pent up anger in her heart. Same reason I fight. He grabs his sword tightly and turns back to the boars.


    ID- 103411

    BD- 10 (Crit +2)

    LD- 20

    Dustin attacks boar pup, Boar Pup dies.

    5 - 6= -1

    MD- 5 (miss)

    Boar Pup misses

    Dustin: 20/20 HP | EN: 1/2 | 4 DMG | 0 Keen | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA

    Boar Pup: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG


  14. Dustin walks into the shop and just sits down in front of Pick. "That's a nice suit, but you must be cold." He mentions leaning back in his chair. He takes off his cloak and slouches down. "So, what'd you get me?" He asks. Dustin leans back a bit too far and falls out of his chair. "Stupid chair, trying to kill me." He mumbles, kicking the chair. He picks it back up and sits down. He slams his fist on the table. "I need col!" He shouts. "Wanna get some materials and col with me? I'll let you take 55% of it." He bargains. He stands up and walks to the player sitting across from him and extends his arm to shake hands, and smiles. "All I ask is a little help while I smack some nerds... I mean boars." He adds, throwing up a thumb to try to reassure his new acquaintance.


  15. "I don't really see any monsters." He sighs. I was really hoping to show off my totally okay combat skills. He pulls his hood off and looks around. He closes his eyes and listens, breathing much more calmly than before. I'll be fine, so long as I put my training to use. "So do you have any real world combat experience?" He asks to spark a conversation, "My dad never let us use guns to hunt, so I used a sword, and that's why I use one here." He sighs, looking at his swords handle. "I also used to get into fights in school. But those were halfwits, not animals literally made to kill us." He smiles and looks at her. "I wonder what favor of ice cream to get." He says, changing the subject, "I'll shut up and think about that." I lied, I'm probably only gonna talk more now that I've said that. He looks across the land and moves behind @Asakku, poking his head over her shoulder, pointing to a silhouette off in the distance, "Is that a boar?" He asks, smiling. "Race ya to it." He laughs like a child, making a break for the shadowy figure. "Last one there pays for the third helping of Ice cream!" He shouts.

  16. Group 2

    Dustin dances around as he trudges through the snow. "If anything goes wrong, I'm sure my baby here will get us out of it." He mentions, hugging his sword. He smiles and starts humming an old song. As they approach the inn, Dustin's nerves get the better of him and he stops dancing and humming. "I frickin hate the cold." He whispers loudly. "But its... cool." He snickers, nodding and looking at Tsu. The second he makes eye contact with Tsu he stops laughing. "I'll shut up now,"  He says, pulling his hood over his eyes. This doesn't seem like too much trouble. Besides, I've got the scariest person ever here with me. I'll be fine. His knees start to shake a little bit. "Hey, just so y'all know, so far, I've only fought like 3 people and trees." He warns them. He crouches down, even though he's wearing dark clothes, and continues on. He stabs a broken sword into the ground outside of the inn and stands up, ready to enter.

    @Jevi @Froppy

  17. "Yes!" He shouts, throwing his hands into the air. He follows her and looks around. "What kind of place has ice cream in this world anyways." He rubs his chin. "This sucks." He says throwing down his hands, "I don't have facial hair yet." He pulls his hood over his head, and continues walking. "Sorry, I promised not to talk too much." He mentions, with no emotion on his face. He grabs his sword, "But once we start, My sweet mistress of death is drawn, I cannot be contained." He says, rubbing his cheek on the blade. He starts to talk to his blade as if he were talking to a blade. "Sorry Asakku, if I had to choose between buying you ice cream and buying this blade ice cream," He points at her, "Fury's Hand will be getting her first taste of something other than tree bark." He looks at her, and looks at his sword. "Besides, she's far more beautiful."

    "She's getting shy." He sheathes his sword. He chuckles, and smiles at @Asakku.

  18. "I thought I saw a dark cloud over this store." Dustin chuckles. What are the odds? "I didn't think you'd ever come down here again, knowing I'm down here." He looks at her, and turns to walk out but suddenly stops dead in his tracks. "Hey, I could use your help with this quest, I'm not the best with these boars." He smiles innocently, "Ya know, for old times sake." He sways back and forth on his feet. He holds his sword, and draws it. "My baby here is a bit nervous," He says, hugging the blade, "and I promise, I'll let her do the talking this time." He sheathes his blade. He puts the sheath on his back. I've been practicing, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to kill them. He notices a dark figure on a corner, and flips his lid. He looks down and sees its a piece of bark. "Oh, left overs from practice." He says, stabbing the piece with incredible intensity. He smiles at her, then he frowns. "I know I'm not impressive, or talented, or smart, or funny..." He continues on for a few minutes, "...or cool, or strong, but hey! I am pretty average, and you cannot deny that." He laughs. 

    "So will you help me?" He continues, "I'll owe you two ice cream sundaes." He smiles.


  19. He looks at her and smiles. "My brother used to make the same exact face when he pouted." He chuckles.He pats her head, "I'm not trying to console you or anything, just trying to bother you." He laughs. I've forgotten what it's like to have fun, I'm usually just mad. He looks around, "But seriously, where is this blacksmith shop?" He groans. He rubs his chest, "Right in the sternum," He laughs. He sits on a nearby staircase and pats the spot next to him smiling. "So, you don't like water?" He asks. He thinks for a second. "AHA!" He shouts, smiling at her. "Wait, it'll take some refinement before I tell you my secret plan." He smiles mischievously. He stands up quickly and makes his way the rest of the way up the staircase. "There it is!" He shouts, running towards the door. He walks in only to realize he forgot the supplies on the stairs. "I carried it because it helps me stay connected to the real world. Can't put a large box in your pocket in the real world." He laughs, dropping his head. "I might if I got rid of this." He says, pulling out the rock he had thrown at her. He quickly walks out the door and back to the supplies. "It's been fun." He smiles at her and walking up the staircase. He trips on the last step and just lays there on the ground.


  20. Exasperated, Dustin walks over to the crafting station and asks for the materials, giving Zackariah the quest materials from the forest. He crafts a rare quality potion and hands it to Zackariah. He sits on the counter and swings his feet. "What next?" He asks. Maybe if I checked my quest log I'd know. "Hey Asakku, wanna get a sundae after this quest?" He questions, "Completely platonic, I swear." He smiles. He walks towards the door, grabbing the supplies he has to deliver, and walks out. He pulls his hood down and starts humming music again. He stops suddenly and looks around. "So where is this stupid store?" He asks, impatiently.

    "I know this town, but I don't know this store." He mentions. "No money, no need for a blacksmith." He adds. He walks up a staircase and turns around to walk back down. He does this repeatedly. "I know, I'll just check every single house in this town." He claims, "No, too much work for her little legs." He mutters to himself. He spins to face her almost instantaneously and holds out his hands, almost dropping the materials. "Sorry, I just don't want to make you work too much. Especially after helping me for so long."

    ID- 103206

    CD- 9


  21. "I'm sorry," He apologized, dropping his head. He climbs out and jumps up and down to dry off. He puts on his cloak and grabs his sword. "Let's head back." He says. "Didn't know you don't like water, I just wanted to take a break from the stress." He pulls his hood up to cover his face and walks towards her. He looks at her and says, "You're the strongest person I've met, but stress is stronger. Promise me you won't let it get to you." He says, smiling. He turns and walks towards town. He says next to nothing on the way back. He keeps on walking into town, but he sees a sign for a restaurant. "Hey, I owe you a drink right?" He smiles, "How about an ice cream sundae?" He laughs and continues on, "I don't have the money to spare." He says, chuckling. I hate being so weak. I played this game to get away from that.

    He spins around and starts dancing, humming to the beat of an old song. Dancing as he walks, he looks like a fool but smiles as he goes. He even starts singing, not the best, but not too bad. He stops all of the sudden and moves towards the store and steps inside. "Hey, ya old coot! Why's this quest so long?" He shouts stepping into the store. "This respectable lady had to sleep in a forest." He adds, pointing to the aforementioned "respectable lady."


  22. "Ow!" He shouts, rubbing his shin. He stands up and starts walking. "Before we go to town, I have something to show you." He motions for her to follow. He makes his way through the woods, looking at the tops of the trees. When he sees the tallest tree around, he starts to climb. He sees an open area in the trees and drops back down. He heads in that direction. He sees light through the trees and smiles. "We're almost there." He says. He looks at her and chuckles, "Hopefully I didn't waste my time." He says. I hope she likes this. He gently pushes her into the clearing. It's the beautiful clearing from before. "I found this beauty on the way back to the old spot." He explains. He removes his cloak, putting it on a rock and jumps into the pond in the middle. He splashes her with the cold water and laughs.


  23. He pushes himself off of the ground and walks to dig. "Finally." He says. "It's done." He opens his quest log and notices he has to do more stuff. "What?" He asks, like he heard bad news, "There's more?" He falls to his knees. "But I'm sooooo tired." He whines. He stands up, slouched over and walks towards her. He stumbles to the side and catches himself on a tree. "I guess it's back to town right? What a bummer, I was having the time of my life out here." He chuckles. He slumps down, "I need to sit down for a bit." He says, catching his breath. "I ran for 30 minutes straight. I was scared I would never find my way back." He explains, looking at her.

    He walks over and reaches up to give her a high five, holding it too high for her to reach on purpose.

    ID- 103182

    LD- 19 (success)


  24. He laughs and looks at her and smiles. He stands up and digs some more. He walks back and lays down a few feet in front of her. "The stars are beautiful." He mentions. I wonder if she hates everything I say or me more. "It's okay, I hate me too." He chuckles. He sits up and fidgets with a flower he had pulled until he sets it down and stands up. "I'm going for a walk." He starts walking to the edge of the clearing. He looks around and takes a few steps forward. He sighs and continues on. He just keeps walking and walking until he reaches the edge of the forest. I had no idea this is where I was headed. He turns to walk back but realizes he got lost. "Son of a lion taming housewife." He mumbles. He starts wandering aimlessly for a while when he reaches a clearing. This one is different, it has flowers and stumps and rocks everywhere. He sees a little pond in the center. "So that's what this area is." He says, picking up a stick and slamming it into the ground.

    A few hours pass and he finally stumbles into a clearing and sees her. He takes a few steps in and falls to the ground, letting out a sigh of relief as he watches the sun come up.

    ID- 103181

    LD- 3 (fail)


  25. "I just slept." He says, picking up his cloak. "Besides, boars aren't scary." He says, pushing her to the side laughing. He heads back over to the digging spot and grabs something. "Easy peasy, lemon squeezy." He chuckles at her. He reequips his cloak and walks over and sits next to her. "I should've brought food." He mumbles, grabbing his stomach. "I've always wanted to try Ice cream." He mentions. Ice cream, apparently the best food in the world. He pulls the rock from earlier out and balances it on the tip of his sword, until it falls on his nose. He looks to see if she laughs.

    He looks at her and yawns. "You know why I'm always such a lively person?" He asks, "It's because I never let myself be bored. You're the only real person I've talked to for days, but I'm still sane." He continues, "Probably." He mumbles.

    ID- 103173

    LD- 11 (success)


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