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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. Dustin continues on. I hope Pick is alright. He's my only friend right now and I'm not sure he'd even say the same. He walks until he finds himself at the base of the waterfall again. "What the h*ll? I was just walking the other way." He looks around for any landmarks or defining features. I'm lost. Where are we again? He runs the direction that the waterfall faces and climbs a tree. Looking around he decides to just sit there and watch the clouds move across the sky. This is nice, I don't know why I'd ever leave this world. He lays back, pulling his hood up and closing his eyes. Finally, some quiet. He hears the waterfall in the distance, very faintly but still there. He opens his friends list and starts removing people. He leaves only Pick and messages him.



    Tell absolutely no one I'm on your friends list. Also, you win. I withdraw from the challenge.

    He sighs, rolls over and goes to sleep. I can't wait for this sh*tty day to end. All I want is to live in my world, not fight for everyone else. He listens to the surrounding world. It's beautiful. I can't wait to roam this world freely. I should've let Asakku fall. But I couldn't, that wouldn't be very knightly of me. I can't just watch as someone dies. I'm not a monster. Not yet at least.

    @Pick @Asakku

  2. [First craft of the day]

    Dustin picks up his hammer and slams it down. "Let's do this, there's no way I can fail again." He repeatedly strikes the material until it starts to take shape. He watches as the black axe with a red gleam appears. Bleed damage, nice. He notices a red smoke coming off of the axe. "A lot of bleed." He looks at the item's stats. It has two bleed slots and it's a rare quality. He looks down to the handle which has a webbed design all the way down and a spider shaped pommel. "The widower." He had decided to name the axe after it's appearance.

    ID: 104790

    CD: 11 (Rare quality)

    +5 EXP

    +<<The Widower>>

    -1 T1 Material

  3. "Pick, I want to race. Who ever gets the most materials wins." He looks over at the girl, who is still really excited about everything, "Who ever loses pays for the Ice cream. No matter what." He looks at Pick, There's no way I'm gonna beat Pick at this, He's basically the god of luck. And I can't let Artemis pay for the Ice Cream. Dustin looks back to the girl with the blonde hair and palms his forehead. "Oh, I forgot. My name is Dustin." He smiles, pointing at himself with his thumb. The guy turned to the outside world and threw his arms up to the side. This will where I will die one day. That day is not today. "We're gonna get ice cream." Dustin jumps up and clicks his heels. He starts humming an old song and walking forward with a little pep in his step. I love this song. He spins, continuing to walk, nodding his head and swinging it to either side.

    @Pick @Artemis 

  4. Name: Phoenix's Wrath
    Your Profession: Blacksmith 
    Your Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 104749
    Roll Result: 10
    Item Type: 2H battle axe
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: 1 ACC
    Description:  a battle axe, it's red, it has a wooden handle and it has a spike on top. This spike is the shape of a phoenix head and the blades of the axe are shaped like bird wings
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16780-f01r1-blacksmith-iron-blood-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=555603


  5. [second craft of the day]

    Dustin looks around his shop, "Okay, I'll try making another one, but that's it for today. I have to adventure soon." Dustin grabs a material and places down the metal and slams his hammer down as hard as he can, over and over. He pick up his hammer and hits the material as hard as he can, this time the weapon begins to take shape. It's a battle axe, but this time it's red, it has a wooden handle and it has a spike on top. This spike is the shape of a phoenix head and the blades of the axe are shaped like bird wings. Dustin sighs, as this is the second coolest weapon he has ever seen and it was a stupid uncommon with 1 Accuracy slot. "Stupid axe. Whatever, I'll call you Phoenix's Wrath" Dustin puts the new axe in his stock book and puts his hammer on the wall.

    ID: 104749

    CD: 10 (Uncommon quality)

    +3 EXP

    +<<Phoenix's Wrath>>

    -1 T1 Material 

  6. Dustin looks at the girl who just commented on how much he loves his sword and glares at Pick for making such a remark too. "This is my sword. Every swordsman knows a good sword is just an extension of one's spirit. And one's bond with a sword can be life or death." Dustin points his sword forward, holding the blade straight out and checking for any irregularities. "This sword has saved my life many times and I can't believe neither of you even care for your weapons." He sheathes his sword once again. She has never failed me before, only I have failed her. The brown haired player struts up next to the strawberry blonde girl and asks, "Do you know of any ice cream shops? I've been looking for ice cream ever since I joined this game. I've always wanted to try it." He steps out of the town of beginnings. This is my world, I have nowhere else, so might as well do everything here. "Hey Pick, Lets do this."

    @Pick @Artemis

  7. Dustin walks forward slowly. Just like Dustin had predicted, once in range the mimic jumped at him. "That's the thing about algorithms, the more their used, the easier they are to beat." He says, ducking under the mimic's attack and stabbing backwards. The mimic catches the end of his blade and falls down. Dustin turns and smiles. Like I said, after a while, fighting in this game becomes easy. I have the next few moves down in my head, all I need to do is execute them just right.  He jumps away, as that was part of his plan. "You appear to rely solely on close range attacks and that tends to be my area of expertise." Dustin spins quickly and readies his sword, with both arms down to his side he angles the blade like a bowstring for his arched back. This is the stance I used to kill bears. Never failed me before.

    ID: 104748

    BD: 8

    Dustin attacks mimic

    13 - 4 = 9

    MD: 3

    Mimic's attack misses

    Dustin: 23/60 HP | 1/6 EN | 4 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 0 MIT | 0 Keen

    Mimic: 9/30 HP | 9 DMG

  8. [First craft of the day]

    Dustin sets down a material to start the battle-axe, requested in an unusual manner. Dustin doesn't like anonymous requests, but col is col. "Ugh, just a stupid rare. I hate this. I'll call you Failure's Triumph. Maybe you'll sell with a dope name like that." He looks at the black battle axe with a blue glare. "Guess I was unlucky to get a rare, would've almost been perfect. The gilded handle, the Ruby red pommel. It's an axe fit for a god." Dustin looks through the enhancements. He sees 2 damage slots. "Just like Fury's hand. Nice." He chuckles, turning to put the axe on Display. "You better sell. If you don't you're rusting in a lake." Dustin smirks, turning to the front Desk and filing the item in his stock book. "2 handed Battle axe, Rare quality, with 2 damage slots." He sets the book back in his desk and walks to the axe. "Make me proud."

    ID: 104737

    CD: 11 (Rare quality)

    +5 EXP

    +<<Failure's Triumph>>

    -1 T1 material

  9. Dustin opens his eyes, hoping to see his brother or father. Instead he sees Pick and sighs. "So close." He pulls the dagger out and drops to the ground. He throws the knife into the water and walks to shore. I was so close to seeing my brother again. He stands on the shore and smiles. "So where we going? I feel like this was a bit much for a day off. I better get stronger at least." He grabs for the handle of his sword and looks down worriedly to where his sword was. Where is she? I didn't lose her, did I? He scans up and down the waterfall and notices a black metal object sticking out of the wall. "Are you kidding me?" He walks back to the base of the waterfall and climbs up to the blade and drops back down. "What a bummer, I didn't get to swim, nor did I get to fight. The only thing left to do is go home." He turns around and takes a few steps, "Or at least to my favorite bench. Also, where's town?" He asks.

    He gazes up to the ledge on which the other player was stuck. He scoffs, "She's so dead, I can't believe the waterfall just tried to kill us." He turns back around and starts off. "Tootle doo, dumble dees." He waves to the people behind him. Pick's cool, but Asakku is a b*tch. He walks away.


  10. Lots of energy, and very lively. Must be pretty fun to be around. He smiles seeing her move forward. He leans over to Pick, "She seems very happy to be doing a boring quest." He looks forward and nods. "I'm not gonna be able to be as ecstatic as her." He walks forward and catches up to the short girl. "You know, this floor is pretty fun if you can find the right spots." This world is amazing, I can't believe the way this world looks and feels. It's almost real. He drops back next to Pick. "You seem to know about about chests and loot and stuff. You know the best spots right?" He looks at the man next to him and leans in to whisper to him. "Fury's Hand is getting old, I think she needs to rest." He looks to the sword and starts trying to comfort it.

    He holds the sword close and hugs it. "You're my favorite sword. The master craftsmanship, the regal etchings on your cross guard. You're the best blade a man could ask for." He sheathes his sword and walks between the two players.

    @Pick @Artemis

  11. Dustin is walking through the town of beginnings and sees a girl getting a quest from the tailor around that area. He walks up to the girl and smiles, "Want some help on that quest? I already have a job, but helping people is always good." He laughs. He tilts his head and looks at her, She's like up to my collarbone. I need to help people, I haven't done anything but screw things up. He rubs the back of his head and says, "You're kinda tiny." He says, turning and walking away. "If you want my help you lead the way, if not, just say so. You can keep all of the col earned on this quest and I'll get you ice cream if you want." Now I seem desperate. I'm just bored and this is the only way to level up. "I need help getting materials for my store." He grabs the handle of his sword and smiles, It'll kill the time and maybe I'll get stronger.

    @Pick @Artemis

  12. "I know! Now give me a minute." Dustin shouts and his blood starts to boil. I need to get her to that ledge up there, but I can't pull her up. Dustin looks around, trying to think of any way to get her up. He thinks back to the shows he used to watch when he was a kid, the shows about heroes. He notices a small rock and grabs Asakku's hand. "I'm gonna need you to trust me on this or this won't work, and we'll both not only die, but drown." He drops her down and grunts, feeling a sudden pull as she reaches the full extent of his arm. If @Pick were here, he'd probably give me a lecture on how we make our own luck and that it's my fault we're here. "Hey Asakku, when I do this, make sure to grab that ledge up there, it's the only way for you to survive this. And you can't die yet." Dustin keeps looking, running the plan through his head and every way it could fail. "I know I'm useless, I know I'm weak, and this world would be better without me. But you're none of those things." Dustin lets go of the rock he had been holding on to and falls. After about two feet he slams his leg into a rock poking out and turns his waist, pulling Asakku up and pushing him down. He spins around ad releases @Asakku, throwing her up towards a ledge. You were right, you did kill meHe lets himself fall.

  13. Dustin Pulls his sword up and smiles at the boar. "C'mon, is that the best you guys got? I was doing damage faster when I was picking flowers the other day." He said, watching the boar charge at him. He watched the boar jump but couldn't dive out of the way. What the heck? I can't move? Well, I'm screwed. He gets hit right in the chest and falls onto his back. He sits up and rolls sideways, avoiding the next attack. I can't counter if I'm on the ground, I need to get some space in between us. He pushes his upper body up just enough to avoid being stepped on and plops forward. He rolls up and runs a few meters. "You're just a baby pig, Why are you so obstinate?" He points his sword. "What ever your reason may be, mine is way more important to me." He says, stepping to the side, making sure the boar can't lock onto his position.


    ID- 104510

    BD- 5

    Dustin's attack misses

    MD- 10

    Boar attacks Dustin

    17 - 3 = 14 HP

    Dustin: 14/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 4 DMG | 0 KEEN | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA

    Boar Pup: 1/5 HP|3 DMG


  14. Dustin rushes towards the boar. "You're dead." He says, bringing his sword down. That wasn't enough I just know it. The boar turns and slams into Dustin's legs and launch him into the air. Dustin manages to land on his feet, but has trouble recuperating and falls down. I need to focus. Asakku should be the last thing on my mind. I need to kill this boar and not die here. If I do, she won't care, I mean no one would. I guess dying wouldn't be so bad. Dustin draws his sword and rushes towards the boar. If I kill this boar in my next move, I'll make a move on Asakku in the future. he sheathes his blade, stopping and watching the boar. She hates me anyways, all this would do is make her hate me more. He smiles. What've I got to lose? You can kill this little piggy. Make sure I save the tusk this time though. Dustin's eyes turn red and he grins at the boar. "Mid day snack? sure, why not?"


    ID- 104050

    BD- 7

    Dustin attacks Boar Pup

    5 - 4 = 1 HP

    MD- 6

    Boar attacks Dustin

    20 - 3 = 17 HP

    Dustin: 17/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 4 DMG | 0 KEEN | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA

    Boar Pup: 1/5 HP|3 DMG


  15. Dustin stands up. "Kadin, you're dead, and I'll never forgive myself. But the thing is, my little brother is dead. He died a long time ago, and you're nothing like him. My brother was strong willed, He was smart, he was cunning. But also he was caring. You are a dead image." He picks up his sword. "It's time I delete you." He says, stabbing him right where the murderer had stabbed him on that day. "Kadin, not a day goes by that I don't think of all the ways I could've saved you. But I can't undo what's happened. I don't want to. It's everything that has torn me down and kicked me in the dirt that has made me who I am." He says, watching his brother burst into blue smoke, (again). "Oh dang. You messed that kid up, you really are a monster. Yeesh. And I thought I was the monster. You killed your brother. The only person that ever loved you." Dustin looks sharply at his red eyed counterpart, who disappears. "And you dad, I never knew my dad too well. But I sure as h*ll know he wasn't a prick like you." He stabs his dad in the hole in his shirt. [OOC: Dustin's only memory of his dad is after the accident, seeing a piece of re bar shoved through his chest.]

    Dustin turns to the black haired woman. "You might be stronger than me. You are definitely smarter than me. But I have managed to like you for a while. I understand why you're not interested in me. But this thing where I try to be nice to you and you treat me like crap. It's done. I'm tired of your crap." He says, approaching the woman. "I wish you could see how I see you. But you can't, so you'll never know why I'm so nice to you." He looks her in the eyes. "You can't just kill me, you owe me ice cream. That and you said only I can kill you. If you kill me, it'll never end." Dustin looks around annoyed, almost taken aback at what she had said. "Oh my... You shut the f*ck up!" He pulls up his blade. As Dustin is about to stab her, he looks her in the eyes. "But wait, you can't kill the woman you care for. You'll be a real monster." She smiles seeing his face morph to a frown. "Yeah, I knew you couldn't go through with it. You're weak, and you are evil, killing your brother. You're dumb, thinking you could kill me." Dustin scrunches his face and looks at his sword. "You b*tch." Dustin stand up, hugging her and stabbing upward, through her heart. "Ironic. You're not supposed to have a heart." He says, looking at her dead body. Dustin looks at her and his bloody hands.

    Dustin's vision, blurry, starts to come back. He sees his feet dangling and the ground a long way below. "Oh sh*t." Dustin says, reaching his hand up to grab on to his sword. When he can't find anything he looks up to see what he's reaching for, and sees a body falling, yet somehow completely unaffected by her impending doom. Dustin thinks how this is possible for half a second and looks up, hurriedly. "Asakku." He lets go of his sword and pushes off of a rock under his feet, towards the falling girl. "You're not dying." Dustin says, catching her hand and moving under the waterfall, grabbing a rock to hold them both. "Asakku, push off of the wall. See if you can make it to that ledge on the other side." He says, looking down at her as she keeps a watchful eye on the waterfall. Great, not gonna happen. Dustin looks up and around for something to hold onto better than a wet rock. He sees a ledge about two feet above his hand. Just my luck, why couldn't I have grabbed THAT? I'd let go, but I can't let her die.


  16. Dustin smiles, "A weapon is an extension of who you are. It's your anger, your hatred. But it's also your will. Your strength. A master is only as good as his blade. This is why no two swordsmen have the same style." Dustin draws Fury's hand. He looks up and slashes down his father's apparition. "You're not him. And you, you have no power here." He slices through himself. He brings his sword up, bringing it down towards Asakku. She pulls out her spear and stabs him with it. "I must be strong in your eyes. It killed those other two like the monster who killed him." Dustin looks at Asakku and starts to cry. "You're right. That was my father. The man who taught me everything I know." Dustin looks down. "I couldn't hope to kill you. You're amazing. You're strong and talented. This game is where I belong because I'm useless in the real world. You have potential and everyone around you can see it." Dustin looks at the spear through his side. "This world has an undeniable beauty. That's why I'd like to see it one more time." He pulls up his sword and slashes at Asakku. "Same move? You must think so little of me." It's not that. I think you're the best. I can't muster up the will to do much else. She stabs at Dustin again. This time the spear goes through his knee. "You're wrong. I'm not amazing, I'm just better than you. As if that's an accomplishment." She walks up to him and smiles, holding her hand out like a gun.

    "There's no f*cking way I can win. You're too strong." Dustin sits there, watching as she pretends to shoot him. I was too weak then, and I'm too weak now. I can never surpass her. I'll never amount to anything. The apparitions that have been destroyed rematerialize. "Think you could kill us off so easily? Guess you really are dumb." "Who do you think you are? You think you can just cut down your father like it was nothing. You're too weak." "You're a monster, letting me die twice. You never cared about me." Dustin stands up, ignoring the pain in his leg and hugging his brother. "Don't you ever talk like that again. You were my best friend, my only friend. You were everything to me. You were my brother." I should've never let him come here. I should've broken his nerve gear. It's my fault. All of the deaths I've seen, all my fault. My father's, My brother's. I shouldn't be alive. I deserve to die. "Kadin look away." Dustin says, turning to Asakku and smacking her. She grabs a spear from thin air and stabs it through his hear. "It won't be that easy." Dustin coughs up blood.

    "You sefish son of a b*tch. You make everything about you don't you?" Dustin turns to his little brother. "You're too weak to do anything for yourself and you're too scared to do anything about it. That's why she hates you. She'll never not hate you. Why not just accept it?" Dustin opens his eyes, looking Asakku in the eyes. "No way am I dying because of you." He pulls up his sword, shaking. He points it at her chest and starts to walk forward. His blade touches her chest and he falls to his knees. The ghosts start to insult him. Throwing out lines about him being weak, and a dork, and too nice. Then Asakku says something and he looks up at her. "You will never be worthy of me. I may not be the best but you're definitely the worst. You are a wuss, you're weak, and you're stupid." Dustin looks back at the ground. It's true. Why do I keep going on? Why do I let this kill me inside. I could end it all. Dustin's eyes move to the blade next to his hand. Tears fall and he grabs it. "Fury's Hand, give me strength one more time."


  17. "I'm sorry, you go ahead. I'm gonna watch the sun go down. I guess I get carried away when my heart starts to race." Dustin said looking at the sky. "I didn't mean any of that creepy stuff I said, to be honest, I had no Idea what I was saying, I just knew it was wrong." Dustin looks up at Enna with a look of genuine sincerity. "In any case, I deserve all the hatred I get from you. I've done nothing but go too far this whole trip." Dustin lays down. "I guess combat isn't the only time I get carried away. This has never happened to me before." Dustin watches the clouds roll by. "I really am sorry. I'll wait two hours after sunset to head back, in case you wanted to know how long you had to clear out." Dustin clenches his fist. I can't believe I lost control like that again. I DO deserve to be lonely, I don't know why I try. Dustin's eyes turn red and he stands up. He looks Enna in the eyes and smiles, drawing his sword. He turns quickly and runs into the woods, letting out a scream of joy mixed with rage. "LET THE HUNT BEGIN! You head home Enna, I'm gonna have some real fun." Dustin shouts back to Enna, trying to scare him off. I need to get him away, I'm too dangerous like this.


  18. Group 2

    Dustin leans forward. "Fine, I guess I'll pay for it. Sorry for being so rude earlier I get carried away sometimes." Dustin smiles at the orange player. "Yeah, I would like to meet this Wyson fellow. I heard he was very nice." Dustin stands up. "I'll be outside, I need sleep." Dustin says, standing up. I've got a bad feeling about that player. I don't know why I'm leaving a lady alone with someone I don't trust, but I am. If I'm in this room with these wastes of space, I'll kill someone. Dustin makes it to the door and looks back to Jevi, sitting at the table. "If anyone can handle a dumb criminal its her." He chuckles, walking out the door. He walks a few feet to the right and leans up against the wall of the inn. Let the nightmares begin. He leans back, closing his eyes and waiting. It's no good, but I'm already out here, guess I'll actually sleep.

    @Jevi @Froppy

  19. Dustin dashes forward, slashing downward at the mimic, but the mimic bites his leg. Having done damage but taken a lot of damage, Dustin backs up. He focuses on the monster in front of him. There's no way I'm losing to a glorified box with teeth. I didn't even lose to those murderers and I destroyed those boars. This combat is incredibly draining too. I need to get a better plan before I get killed out here. I'm in the yellow, but I can still kill this stupid mimic. I do believe the I'll kill this and get some loot. Dustin thinks of strategies and follows every strategy in his head, looking for the one with the least room for error. He sees one and closes his eyes, picturing the battle in his mind. Feeling the shift in the wind. "You're mince meat." He says, looking at the mimic.

    ID: 104746

    BD: 7

    Dustin attacks mimic

    17 - 4 = 13

    MD: 10

    Mimic gets a crit on Dustin

    34 - 11= 23

    Dustin: 23/60 HP | 1/6 EN | 4 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 0 MIT | 0 Keen

    Mimic: 13/30 HP | 9 DMG

  20. Dustin walks over and pulls Enna's hood down. "Hey, I'm gonna need this back soon. My brother gave it to me." Dustin says, winking at the other player. "Besides, it might be fun taking stuff off of you." He says, grinning. Did I just say that? What is wrong with me? Dustin moves in close still grinning, "Maybe we could do something else." What the heck is going on? Why can't I stop? I only lose control like this in combat. Why am I losing control here? Dustin grins, pulling Enna next him on the ground, looking into his eyes. This is as far as I can go right now, I need to take control. Dustin blushes still looking at Enna, "No way am I letting go." Dustin smiles, setting his head next to Enna's. "Unless you want me to." He says pulling away. "Is this going too far? I can tone it down if you'd like." Dustin sits up, "Moment's dead anyways." He says, pulling Enna up against his side, "I'm so glad I brought you here. I wish I could do more, but I don't know many places other than mental h*ll." He turns his head and whispers in Enna's ear. "We can do whatever you want to."


  21. Dustin turns and tackles Enna after walking for about an hour or two. After wrapping his arms around Enna, the taller player spun around, so Enna didn't hit the ground first. They slam into the ground, Dustin's head surrounded with flowers. "This is it. This is the most beautiful spot I know of in Aincrad." He says, looking into Enna's eyes and blushing. This time, Dustin doesn't turn to hide his bright red face. What would be the point? He knows I think he's cute, but I don't think I can tell him how much yet. "I wanna stay here all day!" Dustin says, hugging Enna again. Being in these woods with him has definitely changed my life. I can't tell him why. I hope I see him a lot. Dustin stands up after Enna does and walks over to the pond on the other side of the clearing. It's a small pond, able to be jumped if you strain your legs, But it will suffice. After all, Dustin wasn't here to swim. "So what should we do first? There's cloud watching, sitting around and watching the nature, sleeping, but not 'til you buy me drinks first, Kidding. There's swimming, rock skipping for about 12 feet, and there's always the unspeakables, but let's try to avoid those." Dustin smiles at Enna.


  22. [OOC: Blue is Kadin, Red is Asakku, Purple is his Dad, Green is his combat voice(The voice that controls him in combat)]

    I know this place. This is where it happened. He looks around. That's it, that's where it happened. "You failed me Dustin. Why'd you let me die?" A familiar voice asked. "Don't you F*CKING do this to me. You know I tried my best to save you." Dustin begins to cry, "But you weren't good enough. You'll never be good enough." Dustin drops to his knees as the two voices repeat themselves over and over again until, "Dustin, you really gonna lose to you're younger brother and a girl? I raised you better. You're a disappointment, I wish Kadin was an only child." Dustin screams. "I couldn't do it. I'm not good enough. I'll never be good enough." Dustin grabs his hair and just sits there, crying. "I'll always be a disappointment. It should've been me. It was my fault, I deserve this loneliness. I don't deserve to be alive. I should just die. Die. Die. DIE." The image of Dustin's brother gets beaten and torn in two by a cloaked figure. "NOOO! no no no no no... Not again... NOT AGAIN!" All the sudden Dustin sees his mom, crying by a hospital bed with a young boy in it. "No... She doesn't deserve this... She was too good to us. God d*mmit! It's all my fault. Everything is my fault." Dustin cries and cries. He draws his sword and holds it to his stomach.

    "Now, when did I say we could lose?" A red eyed Dustin appears. "No, I can't take it anymore. I go through this everyday. When will it end? WHEN CAN I MAKE IT END?!" Dustin screams at the opposite Dustin. "You don't recognize me? I'm the one that takes over when we fight. The one you keep locked away in fear of me killing someone you love. You won't be ending it, you'll be taking a permanent backseat. Watching as I go on a rampage." Dustin looks at himself, horrified as images of dead people flash through his mind. All the while, the voices go on, repeating themselves, Pushing Dustin further down the rabbit hole. The images flash through his mind until one image sticks. "Asakku, LOOK OUT FOR THAT MONSTER!" He shouts, running forward, trying to close the infinite distance between himself and the girl who had just turned to blue dust. Dustin kneels by the pile of blue dust in a silent Black void.

    In the distance a small light flickers. It can't be. He looks closer, recognizing the flashes as sparks between two swords. As he gets close he hears Asakku's voice again, "You're worthless. You don't deserve to speak to me. I hate you, why won't you just leave me alone?" Dustin stands still, frozen in the mind of a frozen body. He holds one hand out towards Asakku and drops down. "You're the only person I trust. I can't just lose you." Dustin cries. "I literally want you dead. Reason went out the window a long time ago. I HATE YOU." Dustin looks down at his hands as they become covered in blood. "You're a monster." "You're no better than that man who killed your brother." "One more person at fault to kill. It's you." "I always did hate you, now I just do even more." Dustin freezes, staring at his bloody hands. You're alone and you deserve it. You were never good enough for these people. You're better than them though. Dustin grabs his sword. "Her name is Fury's Hand. Want to know why?"

    @Pick @Asakku

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