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Posts posted by Dustin

  1. ID: 105280

    CD: 5

    ID: 105281

    CD: 3

    ID: 105282

    CD: 12

    ID: 105283

    CD: 7

    Dustin pulls out a material and starts hitting it, picturing a rapier, but forgetting the proper shape of the guard and the material breaks. "I can do better." He sets the next material down, this time he feels optimistic. He hits the material and continues to until it breaks again. He grabs one more material, this time focusing on just the order form. He pictures it as best he can and it starts to form in front of him. The pearly blue and pale yellow rapier begins to cool. He looks at the enhancements and it appears to have +2 DMG, and +1 ACC. "This'll have to do." He says, logging his creations for the day.

    +13 EXP

    + <<Judgement's Light>>

    -4 T1 Materials

  2. Dustin sits in the town on floor three. “This is my favorite place. The nature is just so beautiful. I love this world.” He says, sitting on a bench. Looking down, the player’s brown hair covers his eyes and he begins to rub his chin. He begins thinking of ways he can get stronger. “I could look for a field boss. Ooh, I could kill that Minotaur thingy. I heard that’s around here.” He murmurs to himself. The boy walks to the biggest area in town and starts shouting. “Anyone want to help fight a Minotaur thingy? Come on, it’ll be fun!” Dustin laughs. He was nervous, he was definitely going to fight the boss, but he wouldn’t survive on his own. He needed people to help. Also, it’s never a bad idea to make new friends. “Anyone?” He shouts in a last ditch effort to get a response.

    Dustin: 160/160 HP | 16 EN | 5 DMG | 1 EVA | 14 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 keen


    Fury’s Hand: rare, +2 DMG

    Death’s Reach: rare, +1 EVA, +9 MIT

    @Rithe @Neopolitan @Pinball @Kataware


  3. Dustin equips his blue swimsuit and runs into the water. "No way am I missing out on meeting new people." He says, quickly turning around and running up to sign up for the competition. "I'd like to be a part of the competition. My sweet bod may not be perfect, but it is decent." The boy laughs. He looks down at his small yet defined body, stretched onto a tall skeleton. He is in peak physical condition, (For a seventeen year old) Not too big, but not tiny. His blue shorts match his white open shirt and blue aviators. "I'm in is what I'm saying." He says, making his way back towards the beach. Having signed up, Dustin smiles walking down the beach. Bring on the ladies. He thinks to himself. Hopefully I don't end up hating everyone in this game. I would hate to explore this beautiful world all by myself. He sits on the beach and watches the ocean. I love nature. It's so natural, it's awesome.

  4. “What do you mean? About me knowing you?” He asks, completely confused. “Or about your secret. If it’s the latter than no, it’s not my business to tell.” He says, looking into Enna’s eyes. This time he doesn’t blush, or get flustered. His heart rate stays exactly the same. I’ve never been so at ease. It’s weird. He looks at Enna’s purple hair and gold cape. “I like your cape.” He points out and thinks back on what he said. “Oh, you know Pick? Yeah, he’s one of my best friends.” He laughs and moves on. He’s my only friend other than Enna. He lifts his sword and rests it on his shoulder. “With all that sick gear, you must have amazing stats. I just stick to farming small monsters.” He says, looking at his old sword. This is my favorite blade, but she’s about to need to retire. “Oh yeah, you know Fury’s Hand.” He says, holding his sword as if it were a child. He gently caresses the blade and hugs the sword. “A beaut isn’t it?” He says, pointing the reflection right at Ennakai, so he can see his face.


  5. Dustin looks at Ennakai. Good, he doesn’t hate me. “Okay, I’m down for anything.” He says, accepting the party invite. Dustin dances as he walks, like he usually does and hums his favorite song. The song he hums every time. Holding his sword’s pommel to his mouth like a microphone, he mouths the words. He spins and does finger guns at Enna and laughs, trying to get Enna to dance too.

    As the two adventurers make their way towards the village, Dustin laughs. “So, my good sir, you’ve gotten stronger since last we met.” He says, joking around. “Well so have I, not much, but I have. I also became a blacksmith, so if you ever need a new weapon or something, swing by. It’ll be in the house.” He smiles, holding up his sword. “Even if you don’t want a new weapon, just tell people about my store. I’d owe you one.” He looks at Enna, right in the eyes. “By the way, that adventure we went on a while ago, it was one of the best adventures I’d ever been on.” He smiles, completely trusting Enna at this point.


  6. Dustin walks into the town of beginnings and smiles when he sees Ennakai by the gate. “Hello friend.” He waves and walks over, sitting next to him. “We should go on an adventure. It won’t be so weird this time.” He says, looking at his right hand. A smile is drawn across his face and he looks off to the horizon, “I was about to head on a quest, wanna come?” He smiles innocently. Standing up and laughing he runs back out into the fields. “Come on, we can’t be out too late.” He shouts back to Enna. I hope I don’t get weird again. Whatever, so long as we don’t get too close I should be fine. Besides, I could never like a liar like him. He smiles. I just can’t trust him, even though I was in the wrong. Still, he is pretty cute. And he’s fun to be around. We could be friends. Drawing his sword he runs forward, “I’m gonna run Aincrad one day. Right now, I’ll settle for killing Flowers.” He chuckles. His cloak blows in the wind, his hood still covering his brown hair and blue eyes.


  7. Dustin walks in the shop and smiles. "Thanks for the item, but I can't just take it for free. Here's 200 col." He says, grabbing his new item. "Feel free to drop by my shop whenever you want. Or don't either works, it's on the house." As he picks up the item a grin draws across his face. "This is so dope. I should make a heavy variant of these. But instead they're shaped like actual skulls. That would be so awesome. Thanks again and wow, you finished so quickly." He says, walking out of the store. After he'd equipped the item first, of course. Now to stock up on potions. He laughs, waving through the door. Dustin smiles, examining the skull stitching. It's so frickin cool.

    -200 col

    +<<Death's Reach>>

  8. Dustin sees the opening and smiles. "This is way too easy." He holds his sword at his side and rushes in, his sword glowing blue and he slashes upward at the shark, dropping back down at an angle and slashing the shark. Finally he slashes across the monster's belly in a diagonal cut, so precise that the shark begins to puff up. It pops into blue polygons and Dustin sheathes his sword before they completely disappear. Tilting his head toward the sky, he laughs. "We did it. That one was for you Kadin. And thanks to that man over there." He runs over and stands before the player who had helped him overcome this obstacle. "You're frickin awesome man. Feel free to drop by my shop at any time, I can make you any weapon you want. It's on the house." He laughs. "also, message me anytime you want someone to hunt these things with." He drops to the ground and laughs. "Thank you Kayaba. I love this game." He lays back in the sand and watches the sky.


    ID: 105248

    BD: 10 (Crit +2 DMG)

    Dustin uses Snake bite on sand shark

    4 + 2 = 6 x 3 = 18

    17 - 18 = 0 HP

    Dustin: 115/120 HP | 4/12 EN | 4 DMG | 5 MIT

    Sand Shark: 0/125 HP | 50 DMG


  9. Dustin runs back, avoiding the shark and scrolling through his inventory. "I hope I can find it, this could make the difference between life and death." He pulls out a potion. The bottle drops to the ground and Dustin smiles, watching his health start to climb back up to the top. "I needed that. I'll attack soon. I don't want to waste this stuff. It helps to have had it though." He laughs. I hope I get another potion soon. I might have to start buying them soon. I could also buy armor with regen. That would be so nice. The shark burrows into the ground and everything goes quiet so Dustin looks to the more experienced player. "What should we do? I don't have enough strength to go after it yet." He shouts, trying to keep the shark focused on him. I don't want it to be so distracted on him. He may be stronger, but I'm probably faster. He judges the old geezer and thinks to himself. I could've taken the damage, but all that would've done is help him, putting me in more danger. If I die before this shark is dead, then I'm not helping. He starts to rub his chin, completely oblivious to the battle that was soon to re surge.

    Dustin: 115/120 HP | 6/12 EN | 4 DMG | 5 MIT

    Sand Shark: 49/125 HP | 50 DMG

    +40 HP

    -1 T1 uncommon healing potion


  10. Dustin walks into the nice shop and smiles at the man. "Are you the owner?" He asks, making his way over and filling out a request form. "No need to rush, I know how annoying it can be to craft in this game. Anyways, shoot me a message when it's done and I'll come and pick it up." He makes his way to the front of the store and turns quickly. "Shoot, I'll have to pay later, I don't know if i have the col right now." He chuckles walking out. "I'll pay when I pick it up!" He shouts through the door. He turns and walks away, happy with the order he'd filled out. I should get dope shoes to match later.


    Name: Death's Reach

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Rank 7

    ID: leave blank

    Roll: leave blank

    Item Type: Light Armor

    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: 1x EVA, 1x MIT

    Description: Shoulder pads that have stitching patterns of skulls on the edges. They are black and incredibly light.

    Post Link: leave blank


  11. Dustin, still charging at the monster, activates a sword skill and slashes at the cloud of sand where the shark used to be. "Where'd you go? I need to kill you so I can get stronger." He shakes his head and his eyes revert back to their normal color. I could've done some serious damage had he not disappeared. I'll just have to kill him next time. Having rushed back, the players brown hair, now full of sand, blows, obstructing his vision. "We should switch next time. That way we can attack much faster." He looks up at his health bar and sees how low he is. That's almost half of my health. Holy cow, I'm in over my head. Plus my legs are still tingling. This all just sucks. A smile crosses his face, and he leans forward. But at least I'm having fun. He runs in again, still trying not to get in the old coot's way. "We need more damage." Dustin shouts to the other man, who is doing all of the work.


    ID: 105235

    BD: 2

    Dustin's attack misses

    Dustin: 75/120 HP | 5/12 EN | 4 DMG | 5 MIT

    Sand Shark: 49/125 HP | 50 DMG | 2 hate to Kioshi | 1 hate to Dustin


  12. ID: 105260

    CD: 6

    LD: 20

    ID: 105261

    CD: 3

    ID: 105262

    CD: 7

    ID: 105263

    CD: 3

    Dustin grabs a material and starts hammering away, yet again. This was almost a habit at this point, so Dustin had become adept at not throwing his hammer. He hits the material and gets frustrated when it breaks in two. He closes his eyes and breathes, grabbing yet another material. I wish I could just go out and help the weaker players, that would make things way easier. He breaks the next material and turns to grab another. All I do here is craft crappy rapiers. I hate rapiers, their awesome speed, pointy blades. They're a recipe for Disaster. My trusty one handed sword here is all damage I need. Perfectly balanced for easier control. She's a beaut. After about twenty hits nothing happens, "I guess it's just a dud." He sighs, putting it back into his inventory.

    +6 EXP

    -3 Materials

  13. ID: 105231

    CD: 2

    ID: 105232

    CD: 9

    ID: 105233

    CD: 10

    ID: 105234

    CD: 11

    Dustin pulls out a material and starts hammering away. "This is gonna take so frickin long." He hits the material and the first one breaks. He quickly pulls out another and starts anew. The rapier forms, its blue and sparkles with lighting all around it. "It's got paralyze." He looks at the stats and the only enhancement is 1 paralyze. He sighs, naming it Medusa's Eye, named for it's big blue gem of a pommel. He makes another rapier, but this one looks plain other than the red glare on the blade. "I guess it will be the countess's fang" He makes a final rapier and is excited. The blade is sky blue, and the sword is super light. The blade is sharper than any blade he has ever made before. "So it's got two damage enhancements. Nice." He smiles, logging his three creations in his stock book.

    +12 EXP

    -4 T1 Materials

  14. Dustin jumps in, ready to attack. His sword glows blue and he jumps up, but overestimates the height of the shark's fin and misses by the width of a hair. "Son of a... gun. I thought I had that. Guess I'll have to try harder." He leaps back, trying to avoid an attack from the monster in front of him. Having attacked and retreated, Dustin looks over to the tin man and shrugs. All I have left to do is avoid oncoming attacks and stay alive. He steps away, pulling his hood down and focusing on the monster in the sand. He listens to the sand move over the shark, and out of it's way, and looks for anywhere it could be. I can do this, it's like fighting a bear in the snow. Or hunting chipmunks in the forest. I just have to be patient and wait. He clenches his sword and laughs, "I've got it." He smiles, this time much more sinister than before. His eyes turn red and turns sharply towards the shark. "Sushi tonight I guess." He shouts, rushing towards the flailing fish.


    ID: 105222

    BD: 5

    Dustin's sword art misses

    Dustin: 75/120 HP  7/12 EN | 4 DMG | 5 MIT

    Sand Shark: 81/125 HP | 50 DMG | 1 hate to Kioshi | 1 hate to Dustin


  15. Dustin keeps making his way into the forest. "I guess it's down the rabbit hole for me. I've got nothing better to do." He says, stretching. I can't just kill time by fighting pigs anymore. I need to kill something stronger. I'll start farming on floor three. That would be awesome, this is why I am going to be the strongest player. "I can't help but want to draw my sword and cut down all of these trees." He draws his sword and looks at a tree. You're done for. I'm gonna eat some vegan beef jerky. He starts hitting his sword against the tree. It's done. I'm so bored. He slams his sword into the tree one last time. "I hate you Kayaba. You made this game so boring. I'm gonna f*cking murder you." He says, jumping up and swinging his hands at the sky.

    ID: 105200

    LD: 3

  16. Name: Dread
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 3
    ID: 105198
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Two-Handed Battle Axe
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3x Accuracy
    Description: A black battle axe that is light to wield to ensure the user's flexibility. It's blades are sharp enough to pierce a rock, and ensures accurate contact as the user does so. It's completely pitch black, with pixelated trails of smoke coming from within the axe to send dread down the throats of victims.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16780-f01r3-blacksmith-iron-blood-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=556354


  17. ID: 105196

    CD: 1

    ID: 105197

    CD: 5

    ID: 105198

    CD: 12 (Perfect quality success)

    ID: 105199

    CD: 5

    Dustin picks up a material and starts hitting it with his hammer. "I can do this. I've got the experience and the skill. I know how to make this axe." He hits it and the material breaks in half. He sets another one down and it cracks in half. "I can do this, these crafts are my lifeline. I need this for the col." He starts to picture the axe in the request and keeps hammering. He strikes the material one last time and smiles. "I did it." He jumps up in excitement. I actually made the axe. He examines the axe and recognizes the smoke, trailing from the axe. He feels the chill that the axe was made to give. "This is, hehe, perfect." He says picking it up. He hugs the axe and spins around. This is so awesome. He walks to the front of the store and sets the axe outside, setting it right where the note was left.

    +13 EXP

    + <<Dread>>

    -4 T1 Materials

  18. Dustin walks past the man, not realizing he stopped. The man draws his sword and the brown haired player grabs his. "Oh sh*t." He sees the shark burst from the sand and he rushes towards it. Jumping from the ground, he spins in the air, dropping back down slashing the shark at a downward angle. He brings it back up at the exact same angle and back down at a new angle. He dashes back and drops to his knees. That was rather difficult, I can't believe the shark is that difficult. I should've known though, it's a boss. He runs to the other side of the shark and shouts, "We need a plan." He looks over to the heavily armored player and runs towards him. "I don't think we can take this guy without one." He is very skilled with his sword but, I can't let him do all the work.


    ID: 105180

    BD: 8

    Dustin uses snake bite on Sand Shark

    4 x 3 = 12

    93 - 12 = 81 HP

    Dustin: 120/120 HP  9/12 EN | 4 DMG | 5 MIT

    Sand Shark: 81/125 HP | 50 DMG | 1 hate to Kioshi | 1 hate to Dustin


  19. ID: 105151

    CD: 11 (rare success)

    ID: 105152

    CD: 7

    LD: 5

    ID: 105153

    CD: 8

    LD: 18

    ID: 105154

    CD: 1

    Dustin picks up his hammer. "I need to find a way to properly make this axe." He says, slamming his hammer down. The hammer strikes the material and it starts to glow. Taking the shape of an axe, Dustin get's excited. He sees the red axe and just throws his hammer falling to the ground and shouting. "I hate this stupid job." He sits with his legs in his arms. I've done nothing but mess up. I hate this stupid game. He pulls himself up and slams his hand on the table. He kicks the table and walks out of his shop.

    +<<Red Axe>>

    +10 EXP

    -3 T1 Materials

  20. Dustin looks around, "This place is pretty boring, but I can't possibly guess where we're going." He looks around and checks his map. I seriously have no idea where I am, but I can guess what floor I'm on and that's all I need. He check out the layout of the map and smiles. I can definitely get to the teleport gate from here if I need to. He draws his sword and continues walking with his sword out. "Don't worry, just being prepared. I don't want to be caught with my sword on my back." Groaning and throwing his head back, he puts his hands on his face. No way can I do this alone, I'm so under leveled. The players brown hair covers his eyes and Dustin begins to feel uneasy. I feel like we're getting closer, but I can't tell where we are. He tightens his grip on his sword, he doesn't want to see anyone die tonight, but doesn't know if he has any control over that.

    lifting his sword he rests it on his shoulder. "What level are you?" He asks the man, trying to make conversation. It's so quiet, it's unsettling. The sand blowing over the dunes of sand makes a beautiful pattern in the wind. The wind, cooling down the players, drudging through the sand, carries sand grains around in a beautiful swirl of pixels. Dustin has never seen sand blow in the wind before and he smiles. Been a while since I've been up here.


  21. [first second and third crafts]

    ID: 105137

    CD: 3

    ID: 105138

    CD: 4

    ID: 105139

    CD: 2

    Dustin grabs his hammer and starts hammering away. "I have to do it right this time. I need the col. And I want to help people." Dustin breaks the first material, having been distracted by his want to be successful. Dang it. I needed that though. He pulls out his hammer and keeps going, holding the material to keep in the right state of mind. I can do this. I need to make sure I know when to stop. He stops, but the material breaks anyways. "Dang, why'd it break that time?" He sits down. I'm so tired. It's the worst thing to have to craft like this everyday. I wish I could hire someone to help me. Kadin definitely would've helped. He sets his hammer down and laughs. "He would've run the shop by now."

    +3 EXP

    -3 T1 Materials

  22. Dustin looks around, yet again to no avail. I can't believe I wanted to get all the way up here. He sets his head back and looks up at the trees above him. All I want to do is stay in this world forever. I never want to leave. Dustin looks down at his hands. It’s not m  fault, but I can’t help but feel I let it happen. I didn’t do anything about it. I should’ve helped him. I could’ve helped him, but I didn’t. I’m useless. “No, you promised yourself you wouldn’t do this anymore. When you do this you get weaker.” He nods and stands up, walking deeper into the woods. These woods go crazy deep, it’s ridiculous. I’m lost too, so I’m gonna be here for a while. This frickin sucks. He grabs his sword and started swinging it around like a bored child with a stick. He grabs the end of his sword and starts spinning it, until he notices how dark it’s gotten. Better get to sleep, I need to get on a better schedule anyways.

    ID: 105111

    LD: 9 (fail)

  23. Name: The Flame's Oath
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 105110
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: 1H curved sword
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: 1 DMG, 1 ACC
    Description: A blade that starts red towards the handle and grades to black as you move up the blade, The cross guard is a flame, that starts in the middle at the top of the grip and diverges to either side of the blade. The pommel is a Phoenix's head.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/16780-f01r2-blacksmith-iron-blood-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=556220


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