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Posts posted by Ennakai

  1. Enna was listening to what Ghost was telling, It sounded like something like this really happened, maybe the writer of the story was still around and Enna could as them about the story.  It was quite a sad story to hear how someone's best friend got turned into a killer, maybe it was because she was tricked or something convinced her Killing in the game did not kill people in real life, yes there were people who did that sadly. Then a question came to Enna, one she did not like answering as she kind of knew a bit too much about this topic, Not because she is a Green player for a red guild or something, no she gets Information from people, sometimes that maybe are in touch with Orange players.

    Enna let out a sigh, Ghost told Enna about the book, and Enna just fell like giving back something, "Well... I'm sorry to say, yes. Yes, there are people like that, Sometimes they work together and sometimes they work alone small and big groups. The biggest group is Laughing Coffin, They tell lies about Killing in the game does not kill outside game, and trick people into killing other players. Orange Players are they known as, they did something to get the Orange cursor above their head, like stealing, killing and much more. Nowadays they are quiet, but they are around. Some are in the frontlines as well."

    Pausing for a second until starting again, "But no worry, They are being looked at 24/7, met some Orange players myself sadly, not the friendliest people. most of them are like me, Hiding from people meeting people one to one, and then attacking when the best time comes out," Enna said then just realizing that she did say, "Not that I'm working for them, I'm an info Broken, I get all this information placed in front off me, I try to make sure things don't go wrong, Like, Um there was a player who made a false rumor that you would get extra loot very strong loot if you defeated a floor boss on floor 10 or even 8, Much too high for the lower players. I got that message out that it was all just fake after getting the right information," Enna said quite not wanting to scare off ghost.


  2. Enna smiled as Ghost asked were to start, "How about the beginning so I get more interested by the characters and the story itself, Maybe I get some Ideas for my guidebooks, I just finished my book on floor 1, you are the first person to have it in their hands," Enna said waiting for Ghost to start speaking about the book she was reading. So far the story sounded good and the characters made an interesting group, Just like the one new guild that popped up, A mute, A big heart monster, A Mother type, and the hyperactive teaser, what was their names again, who cares I know their guild name that is all I need, for now, Enna thought. Enna started to relax still sitting on her knees next to Ghost, It was not for Enna Ghost would have been here alone and unprotected, as Enna always kept a close eye on everything having a something called Lookout Skill, well at least something like that. So Sneaking up on Enna without the skill that allows you to sneak it would be hard.


  3. It was kind of worried a bit and felt even sorry, Why was the girl saying sorry to Enna, It was Enna who should be sorry. "No, No, No Look No damage here," She said showing the girl her stats, as the girl would look you could see the Weapon she was using as a small symbol of dagger was seen, And the girls Level being Level 7 including her HP, Damage, and Main Skill being Dagger Sword Art, Not only that there was also her Name being Ennakai. Enna gave a smile as the girl introduced herself, "Okay... See we got off with the wrong foot, So Hi, again I'm Ennakai, So E-N-N-A-K-A-I and you say it like En-Na-Ka-i Or just Enna."

    She let out a sigh, as the girl still left sorry for throwing her book, "Why are you sorry, you know what they say, Action Reaction, I'm a bit off a tester in that," As she got out a sandwich for her Enna could not resist to feel sorry for the girl because she is the one doing this, "I won't accept that, I have something better," Enna opened her inventory and got out a book and what looked to be a card or something. Handing that over it seemed to be a book called 'Info around  Floor 1 and its Lore' Written by your trustiest Ennakai. and on the Card stood, a Name of a shop called the Frozen Gemstone On floor 4, Artisan at work owned by Ennakai, "That book is just a gift because you seem to like books, The card is a ticket to pay less at my shop for one order. So meaning You come by order 2 items and get half price for both, Or get 1 that is also good," Enna said placing the Book and the Card next to Ghost.

    As then Ghost started talking about the book she was reading, Enna was getting quite interested in the book that Ghost told about, ooh that sounds awesome, That Quin girl sounds like that blond Woman with Highlights, but Enna's thought was stopped as Ghost seemed to stop as well. "Oh No, No No No, Please don't stop, You don't rant at all. I liked the story." Enna said sounding quite hyped to hear more, Well true it was like this always this when it was about books or stories Enna like those type of things.


  4. Enna smiled but then as she got the book threw at her she fell front the tree and landed next to the girl right onto her head. It was for the first time someone did hit Enna as the greeted, first time is a thing sure it was not a surprise at all but still. Enna moved up sitting to her knees giving the girl a smile, "sorry, Nah, I deserve every part of that reaction," Enna said wanting to give the book to the girl but it seemed she was a bit faster with that part. To answer her second and third question Enna pulled her hair back and looked at the girl, sure she was who she was reacting like that. "I ... well not long heard you move around in the woods over there, so I thought saying Hi..." she paused a bit "on my way of course, sorry for scaring you, in fact, your the first one to pull something like that off, so I kind of was not prepared. And I'm fine," Enna said to the girl. The girl told about her book a bit that is was about a group of friends and this got her a bit interested, " ooh and what are the friends doing, going on an adventure, traveling?" Enna said sounding quite curious.


  5. Enna watches As the guy start to talk a bit "Hello Shiro, Nice to see you have a name, as well as your Username," She says with a small laugh. Sure it was quite easy to Say Enna's real name as it was also her Username in some sort of way. As the guy moved to a branch and seemed to misjudged the branch. There he goes without letting me say anything, what will he ... She stopped thinking as he landed on his stomach. "You're heavy, Why not be light like me," She poked the guy in the side as  She then jumping in a tree and making an easy backflip with but did not stick the landing fully as she lost her balance a bit falling to her knees. Even she would think to get up the dusting of her knees, "Let me think of a good song, Um... Do you know Shadows From Lindsey Stirling Do that one if you know it." She said to him walking up to him and poking him again before she moved back going to sit right in front of him again crossing her legs and waiting for his reaction.


  6. Enna was outside of floor 1 getting some materials, She was not having much luck on the floor. the forest she was in was quite nice to be in and she had a good time yet felt like something was missing, And then it came to her, hearing movement and she went to the ground, Looking up again as the sound passed Enna spotted the person that was walking around, Bingo, found what was missing, Time to sneak, Enna thought, moving slowly behind the girl. Following the girl, she seemed to get to a clearing with a tree on a hill. Enna wanted to surprise the girl a bit so she went around behind the tree. Once Enna saw that the girl was reading Enna got interested and moved up behind the tree, Once close she could hear her and she moved into the tree. Slowly and quiet moving up the tree once she was above the girl as she was reading, Enna tried to think of the first words to say and went with her normal way off saying Hello and going a nice greeting. "Hey there!" She said from above from out of the tree, First it was a bit unclear was the voice of Enna came from. "What you reading there," Enna said as she ended handing from the branch right above the girl, upside down Enna was holding on to her clothing a bit making sure it was not falling down, but her long, dark purple hair was affected by gravity and was hanging down.

  7. Enna listens to the music and how nice it was, Sure she did not know much of music but it was always nice to listen too, even more, as the player before her was playing the Violin, an Instrument Enna had seemed to like quite a bit because of the music she would listen too at school while waiting between class and well other things. Not only that Enna liked the Violin because it gave a fantasy like feeling to it. As the player stopped Enna started clapping for him, "Nicely done, Nicely Done for sure. It was great to listen too." Enna paused standing up with one smooth motion, "Now on to business, Well Hello there, the Name is Ennakai or Enna for short, Info Broker and Artisan on the side. As a Nice person here, I would Like to know the name of the potential Performer with his Violin," Enna said handing out a hand to greet the guy properly.


  8. Enna started Smiling and skipping around the guy, So he gave up running, I win Now time for Mission two, Listen to his Music, Enna though as she skipped around him a bit. "Well Let's see, Your Music Is fun to hear, So please just keep doing what you doing, Just act Like I'm not here just like before. You already have been playing when I was around," Enna says to him being quite blunt about it that she was following him for a longer time. She came to a halt right in front off him and took two steps back sitting in front of him on the ground. "Please play for your Dear New Public, So please enjoy me," Enna said to him. Enna started to tease him a bit slow but that was normal for Enna to do, at least to people who ran from her."And Please If you start playing, I'm not here to Kill you, I'm just your friendly neighborhood Info Broker, So please keep up what you did before," Enna said laying now to the ground knowing the area was clear as this player did not seem like someone who could kill.


  9. The guy seemed not keen on Enna following him, but this made it more for Enna to follow the guy. As he jumped up to the same branch Enna was hanging from he looked down as he quickly looked away saying Sorry, Ooh wait did he just, HAHA this is going to be even more fun, Enna thought as she got up from the branch starting to follow the guy quite fast even giving the guy a small head start Enna seemed to catch up quite fast. As he was getting to sit again Enna did not stay in the trees but jumped down slowly walking up to him not saying a thing, It almost looked like Enna was going to kill him slowly making her way to the guy. She then went with her hand to the back of her body as she got close. Once getting close It was almost like she would get out her Dagger and kill the guy but then with one quick move booped the guy on the nose, "Boop!" She said before going a few small skips back holding her hands behind her back and smiling to him, "Still going to run, If so, can we switch roles, you are easy to find!" Enna said with a smile on her face


  10. Enna was a bit surprised by the reaction and giggled a bit as well, as the player then started running of sadly Enna was now getting interested in his playing and tailed him slowly. It seemed that the guy then lost his guard again and Enna came close again listening to him playing again. slowly getting closer and closer Enna was in the tree right next to him as he was done again Enna would pop out again. Once he was done Enna did the same thing again hanging upside down from the tree locking eyes with the guy, "Hey, you know running like that only gets interesting, Tho I can see why you did not want me around, But really Love your music your just like Pipe Piper, But then with a Violin and not rats but Me," She said still hanging from the tree. She scanned the guy up and down as he was quite new to her, New faces were always fun to say Hi too.


  11. Enna was moving in the trees again of Floor 1, it was quite fun to do this every time again. I Keep doing this, wonder what will happen today, Enna thinks moving around in the trees. It was quite simple to do for Enna as she was quite good at it cunning and quite fast made it easy. As then she came to a stop and heard a violin, moving slowly to the sound Enna spotted a guy playing the violin. She did not want to disturb him and she waited until the player was done. As the player was done playing his Violin Enna let herself hang from her legs as they wrapped around a branch not far away from the guy, she was upside down looking at the guy, her dark purple hair hanged down as well. Holding on her clothing a bit she smiled at him, "Hiy there!" She said still hanging upside down giving a small wave with one hand, "Magnificent Music, I like it, Come here often?" Enna asked the guy hanging from the branch upside down. 


  12. Enna shugged a bit to what the girl was saying and he did not really care what she said, sure it seemed like that the girl was a bit smarter than the rest but still never drop guard. As she then changed into her swimming suit, Enna did not move at all, as he was quite used to see things like this happen, but then as she jumped into the water and taking a small dive Enna took a turn for the best and his mind went a bit wild, Why the hell is she so confident about doing that, most would not even try to do something like that, he thinks, looking at her as she came out asking him a question as it seemed Enna did not move at all not getting pulled over by her charms, "Well, maybe a guy then if you want, but strong no, more like fast and cunning. And um... Maybe," Enna said to her. As she then leaned against the rock Enna was on, "Boars are weak and slow, yes why not but are you sure you want to fight in that armor," Enna said pointing at the girl's Chest not being faced by her charms well at least for now.


  13. Enna got busy after everyone seemed to have left the shop, getting ready to close Enna made some last minute items seeing that she got quite far in making then Enna started to get some res for herself and made sure it was all clean and good again. It seemed it was time for some other things and Enna turned around the shop sign from open to closed, "AND Gone," he said fast jumping over the counter and started to write a book about the small things and lore behind some items. It was quite a nice thing to do after crafting but Enna wanted to get out again and seek people for good stories like Enna seemed to have with Dustin.

    Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results. XP Gain
    27/10/2018 108286 3 11+3=14 Salvage Succes 2
      108287 11   Rare 5
      108288 11   Rare 5
      108289 7   Uncommon 3
      108290 7   Uncommon 3
      108291 10   Rare 5


  14. Enna was floor 1 trying to get some training in her own way as she jumped from branch to branch in a forest of floor 1, It was quite fun to do and not even hard for her. As she did this she was trying to see if anything interesting was happening beneath her as he then started to hear someone move around, Sure this area was known to get player here, but it was quite an old spot nowadays and Enna knew that most players would be going to the new spot on floor 1. She started to follow the sound and saw a guy walk around maybe if he looked up for one bit he would See Enna in the trees, as the then came to a clearing and seemed to sit down. Clueless loner, Interesting, Let's say Hello the Enna way, She thought to get down from the tree slowly without a sound.

    Slowly moving up to the guy Enna started thinking about a way to greet this guy, maybe by blade or scare, Maybe by yelling loud in his ear or being a sneaky person and talk to him from the shadows. Then she got an Idea, as he was sitting there quite clueless at a farming spot on floor 1. Enna moved slowly up to him and as she was close she took a sprint and Jumped over his head landing right in front of him turning with a spin and sitting down as well. "HEY!" she said as she sat across from him now, "You are either brave or very very stupid, let's see which one," As she jumped to her knees getting out a dagger and holding it pointing to the player's chest as she gave him a smile.


  15. Name: The Devil's Gambit
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 108267
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Jewel
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 Prosperity
    Description: A pair of lucky dice that are claimed to be cursed by a demon of Greed. They absorb the soul of their enemies and convert it into extra col.
    Post Link: [Lick]

  16. She was getting back to crafting and ready to make the item for Black, It took a bit before she was done. "Rolling the dice, Fitting" she said before walking up again and Poking @Black "Big Boy, I got your Dices, Made A Neckless from them, I hope you like them, Ooh and why you don't see me much, Well one, I'M SMALL, and two I stick around the shadows or my shop," She said handing the Dices to Black with a smile as she seemed to have put a small chocolate sweet next to it. "Take care Black," she said before Jumping over her counter of the shop and laying behind it on a small sleeping bag or something like that.

    Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results. XP Gain
    28/10/2018 108262 8   Uncommon 3
      108263 2   Fail 1
      108264 4 2+3=5 Salvage Failed 3
      108265 5 17+=20 Salvage Succes 3
      108266 1   Crit Fail 1
      108267 12   Perfect 8

    Lost 5 Materials

    Item Crafted


    Name: The Devil's Gambit 
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 108267
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Jewel
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 Prosperity 
    Description: A pair of lucky dice that are claimed to be cursed by a demon of Greed. They absorb the soul of their enemies and convert it into extra col.
    Post Link: [Lick]


  17. Name: Bead Necklace of Finding
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 108238
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Jewel
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 LD
    Description: A chocolate brown bead necklace that grows warm whenever the user is nearer to loot.
    Post Link: [Lick]

  18. Enna got busy again and was thinking of giving up for today until she got the must keep going for some reason, With a lot of work and passion she got to use and started crafting on the Item from the girl with two color hair, It took a bit longer and for sure it was getting late as well but Enna did not give up once she was done she rushed upstairs again to see @Neopolitan Still waiting, "Sorry Miss Neopolitan for the wait, But I got your Item here. I Even did a small gift to it," As she gave the Neckles to Neo with a small Chocolate sweet tight to it, "A small gift for the wait, I hope you like it," Enna said for for jumping over her counter and waiting for Neo to go out so she could close her shop, It mead that Black had to wait a bit longer.

    Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results. XP Gain
    27/10/2018 108238 12   Perfect 8
      108239 3   Fail 1
      108240 11   Rare 5
      108241 2   Fail 1
      108242 4 20+3=23 Salvage Succes 2

    Lost 4 Materials

    Item Crafted:


    Name: Bead Necklace of Finding
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 108238
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Jewel
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 LD
    Description: A chocolate brown bead necklace that grows warm whenever the user is nearer to loot.
    Post Link: [Lick]


  19. Enna looks as Dustin hits his target even Cutting it as well, "Nice hit Dusty boy, Seems I'm buying drinks then that still Alive Nepent there and well let us see," Enna said before rushing in with his dagger moving quite fast low to the ground. getting close to the plant Enna cuts it in the lower part on the thing it is standing before doing a powerful thrust into the things lower torso killing it quite fast. Enna turned around to look at Dustin, "Ooh It seems I'm buying drinks now, DARN I wanted o have a good drink with the plants, some herbs in my tea or something would be nice," Enna said jokingly, as he then turned to look at the sounds of some moving trees, "Here he comes again, He really does not like Us cutting down its friends," Enna said as the Nepent Variant walked up, but it did not seem to be agro to them quite yet, "DUSTIN, Hold up, it is not agro to us, Just wait a bit until we got our Energy back for an all-out attack on that thing, and let me get the last hit so we get that small bonus as we loot it, higher chance to get the item," Enna said walking up to Dustin slowly.

    ID: # 108237

        BD: 10

           Ennakai's attack Crits | 5+2=7 | 7*2=14 DMG |

        MD: 6

    Ennakai: 97/100 HP | 6/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 3 LD | 0 HATE

    @Dustin147/160 HP | 6/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

    Nepent 2#: 0/7 HP | 3 DM

    OOC: Wait 3 Post before getting to him, We need our energy,

  20. Enna looks at Dustin as he starts to gather as well, Sure Enna has seen Dustin work before but then in combat, as he was a bit reckless then but seeing him now seemed like another guy. As Cosi did not seem to want to do a competition Enna nodded at him as he reeled in another fish. "well I seemed to been losing anyway," She said before she got a quite powerful pull from her rod and not even a weak one, "Ooh Big guy, big guy!" she said trying to get the thing that was on her fishing rot. With a bit of help from the dock as she planted her heels into the dock itself. A few seconds later a big shadow came up while Enna was busy trying to get whatever was on her line got to get up. Then with one strong pull, she seemed to have got sadly 1 Material, all the commotion for nothing, "Darn, All that power behind one small fish, This is quite Unfair, I was more thinking of getting a Chest or something, Like getting a Loot Box and open it," She said  sounding a bit down as she did not get something big after all that power went into it.



    CD 1-4: | CD 5-6: 1 Material | CD 7-8: 2 Materials | CD 9-10: 3 Materials | CD 11: 4 Materials | CD 12: 4 materials (LD: 15+ Treasure Chest fished up!)

    Role ID: # 108236 CD: 6 | 1 Material



  21. Enna was trying her best but seemed not to have much luck in her end of crafting trying quite a bit Enna seemed to fail on fail as then a Uncommon item came but sortly after that she started to fail again, she was not having her day and she already had two orders standing ready for her shop. Both being perfect items was going to be hard but it was going to be even harder if she did not even try so she kept going until she fell asleep on her workbanch and she went into a deep sleep not getting the items she wanted to craft.


    Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results. XP Gain
    25/10/2018 108167 2   Fail 1
      108168 5   Salvage Failed 2
      108169 8   Uncommon 3
      108170 2   Fail 1
      108171 6 10+3=13 Salvage Succes 2

    Lost 5 T1 Materials,

  22. Enna was waiting for people to come by until a girl with two colored hair came along she was quiet looking around a bit, Enna Knew this person but the person herself did not knew Enna, "Hello there Miss Neopolitan, How may I help you. I request I see," Enna said looking at the paper, "Sure This can be done, I'm Enna By the way, Nice Guild Flag as well Miss," She said pointing at on off the flags hanging from her ceiling. Enna looked on the paper again and was looking if she could make this Item quite quick or not, "Miss, It will take some time, Have some hot Coco and please take a seat in the nice warm waithing area," She said getting the Girl some hot Coco. @Neopolitan

     As she was about the leave down she heared the bell again and she turned around to see that it was from the same man again "Hello there and Once again Welcome to the Frozen Gemstone, How Can I help you today Black," she said walking up to him. As he gave her the request as well Enna Nodded and booped him on the nose, "Go and sit over there, I will be doing that lady's request first," Enna said now Finaly moving down. @Black


    Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results. XP Gain
    16/10/2018 108050 11   Rare 5
      108051 10   Rare 5
      108052 7   Uncommon 3
      108053 11   Rare 5
      108054 1   Fail 1

    Lost 5 Materials

  23. Enna Giggles at Dustin as well looking over to Cosi who seemed to get something out of the water, She then Turns to Dustin "I don't know from the drink, But I still one Gummy from you," Enna said giving Dustin quite a hard stomp in the shoulder not holding back on the real strength Enna had. Enna walked up to Cosi who seemed to be doing well by finding a 4 Crafting Materials, "Got some Place on the Dock?" Enna Asked skipping her way over to the dock making the dock move a little bit, once Enna was standing next to Cosi she got out a fishing rod as well and with one good swing got it into the water. It took Enna not long to Fish something up as well " And HOPA!!!" she said getting out the water some crafting materials as well. "Sweet, three of them in one try, Is it fun!" Enna said sounding quite happy. She then turned to Cosi and Smiled, "4 VS 3... Is going to be a close game for sure," she said poking him in the side and waiting for him to throw his rod as well again. Then Turned to Dustin, "Dusty, Oi... Got any Luck?" She asked him.

    Action: Fishing

    ID: # 107735 CD: 9

         3 Materials Fished Up.




  24. Enna crafted a bit until a lady with Blond hair seemed to walk wanting the have an item on display, "Sure take it, Nobody seemed to want it, Miss, So that would be Col or Materials," Enna said to the Lady. as the paid Enna walked back down and went on crafting for herself trying to become more skilled in crafting, It went well even got some New items out of it. As she got a smile on her face and went back up waiting for the next day as she took herself a spot on the sofa laying down on it until someone came in.

    Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results. XP Gain
    16/10/2018 107723 11   Rare 5
      107724 11   Rare 5
      107725 8   uncommon 3
      107726 4 20 Salvage Succes 2
      107727 10   Rare 5

    Lost 4 Materials

  25. Enna smiled a bit and then giggled at what Dustin said, "I always seem to get you, Dustin. I won't hold back, You know I'm Fast," Enna says poking Dustin multiple times in the side quite fast after each other. As Dustin sat down Enna turned to Cosi who seemed to remember now who She was, "Ennakai In Pixels and Data, Yep Yep. I went there to get some materials sorry If I stole them before you came. Do you have the journal with you or does someone else has it?" Enna asked the guy now moving Closer to him poking him as well now. Enna wanted to know if their journal or well at least notes were still around for some good use. But Enna did not want them back as She already got a new notebook to write things in, "I Don't need it back if you do, But now on to business, Cosi you have a Shop on floor four. Why not come past the Frozen Gemstone more, I got some Nice things in there, ask mister Dust over there." Enna says pointing at Dustin's neck as there was a Jewel around his Neck. Enna and giggled a bit knowing she was going fast and not even introducing herself properly, reaching out her hand to Cosi, "Let's start again then, Name Is Ennakai, Just call me Enna, Info broker as job and Artisan on the side," She said waiting for him to accept his hand.


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