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Posts posted by Mace

  1. Walking in Mace looked left and right and started admiring the place a bit. it was quite a nice place for someone like Cosi to be in most of his time in Aincrad, and even mace would have loved to live in something like this in real life. Altho in real life, Mace just lived in a girls dormitory so having a small room and an open kitchen was all she kind of had but still this was something else. "It looks... Nice, From all the things here and all the places I have seen it feels quite homey even for a store. Taking care off all the things here and the other things around here it seems like you take good care of this place," Mace said placing her big shield against the wall next to the door and her war-hammer she had disappeared in her inventory and she looked around a bit, "do you have books I can read?" She asked Cosi before going on, "Sorry, I should not ask for something like that, Just ignore the question," Mace said looking around the house a bit more.


  2. Mace listens to Cosi what he had to say, and was surprised that it was not in the main settlement at all, "Oh, so just around here then, Fun," she said following Cosi as they walked past trees branches and snow. Sure it was going to take a bit and that was alright because she did like walking around here, she looked around a bit and seemed to remember the place and it seemed that this was quite close to a spot she has been before. As then snow fell down again and they seemed to see a house there, quite cozy for sure, "Ooh Cool, always wanted to go inside a house like that," She said as the looked at the house, she then looked to her map and it seemed that she walked passed here once before, "Ooh I have been here before, See that clear spot at the cliff, right there I have been sitting as well, quite a nice few if you ask me, Sadly I got bothered by a Freezing player," she said pointing at her map and showing Cosi what she meant. She then walked around the house for a bit before ending back at the door waiting for Cosi to open the door.


  3. As Cosi accepted her request a small cheer came out but was gone fast as she started to look around, after that an even small cheer came out. For sure you could she Mace was getting happy now. She followed Cosi to the main settlement and was quite happy, "How far Is your shop into the Settlement, Otherwise I do wish to join you, maybe even help clean up the place if you want," Mace said slowly turning to the normal Mace she was before but still quite friendly to Cosi. "But I think you should open it, there are not a lot of people who do your kind of work," She said following Cosi just one foot behind. She was happy but still Mace was the same person she always was opening her door to one person and one person alone, that person seemed to be Cosi at this time, Maybe Cosi could convince her more times to come if he asked her, and if she did not want maybe he did need to act like the big brother and carry her with him even if she did not want.


  4. Mace looked at the shield Cosi got out and she looks at it, Sure it was quite nice looking a bit smaller than hers and sure was a different form. "Nice shield, It really looks cool," she said inspecting the shield he had. as he then says he identified the item himself and how he had it for a while and ending up saying he maybe had to open his store again, Mace nodded at Cosi and smiled, "Maybe you should, I hear this Girl of the Frozen Gemstone is getting quite a bit of money on the side," She said. She then looked at the sun as it was almost midday now and the snow stopped falling, "Ni-san, I'm Happy that I met you..." She paused opening her menu as a few seconds later a friend request was sent to him, "I would Love yo spent more time with you and all, So, please... PLEASE accept it," she said to him wanting to become friends with him, As Cosi looked close as she had her menu open you could read Friend list but there were no people listed at all. Meaning Mace never made friends with anyone in this game after two years already have passed and if Cosi was to accept it He would be her first friend in the list.


  5. She giggled a bit as Cosi pushed her hand away, but then something he said got a spark to her, "Wait so you are the other Shop owner on this floor, Why are you always closed then, and Not open like the... um ... Frozen Gemstone," she said as she poked Cosi one more time before stopping completely poking him. As he then asked her about what kind of build she was making, she thought a bit sure maybe she was a bit of a tank already having the max enchantment off Mitigation but she was not trying to be a tank, the shield was more of a way to protect herself. "Well, I have my shield and well very fitting War-hammer," she said opening her inventory and showing a blue scutum with gold markings off a mace with two wings, and her war-hammer looked like a flanged mace with a small spike on the top. the big shield drops in the snow while she still holds the war-hammer, "I'm going in the way of trying to use the war-hammer skill to stun my opponent. I just have the shield as a bit of own protection it maybe is one the better once having an MIT of 3,"  she said putting the war-hammer away into her inventory again keeping the shield ut for Cosi to look at.


  6. Mace looked a bit confused but that was taken away quite simple, "Well you stayed nice even I was hostile, That is something. Not only that you played with me in the snow that was so much fun," Mace said to him before standing next to him looking at the clouds, "What are you thinking about Ni-san?" She asked him wanting to know. As she started wondering herself, about how she could around in this world, Sure it felt better to be here than in the real world, the only thing she missed was her brother, But he was the only one that cared for her. I think if mom still was here Dad would have cared as well and would not abandon me like he is doing now, I really don't care about him He can die for crying out loud, She thought to look at the sky as well before looking back to Cosi and started to poke him a bit in his side, "What you thinking off Sleepyhead?" she said again just making sure he heard her the first time as she kept poking him until she got an answer.


  7. Mace nods at Cosi with a smile it was quite rare for her to have this must fun with anyone apart from her brother, but then Cosi lets snow powder fall on her face, the First thing she did after that was grab snow from the ground and just throwing it to were Cosi was. Even if it did not hit her at all she still seemed to try her best. It seemed Cosi was done as well and it seemed he was wondering off a bit. She stood up quite fast and walked over to him, "Cosi... Um... Thanks," She said before giving the Blond a hug. This time it was a true story, almost a fairy tale as Mace's Frozen heart has melted at this point and was embracing Cosi with a Warm Hug. The Hug took a minute or so, and after that Mace lets got, "Thanks Cosi,  I'm so happy I have met you here, On the greatest Floor ever." She paused taking a few steps back from the hug, "You are the Greatest Cosi!" She said without noticing that she said it. Mace seemed to be happy about things and her cheeks were red from the cold altho she did not really bother. Somehow her smile on her face seemed to be one of the best smiles she ever gave to someone.


  8. Still trying her best to be quiet she moves up to the tree that Cosi was behind, but then as he jumped out she was caught off guard and got hit by two snowballs One on her torso and the other on her arm dropping her own snowball on the ground. A small Eek Sound came from her before grabbing another hand full of snow and throwing it at Cosi hitting him in the leg. as he then was behind another tree, giving her a few words, "Hiding isn't always the best tactic, " she said before finding out that she was still quite in the open and she ran to the nearest tree giving a return fire while doing it. once behind a tree Mace started laughing, for the first time Mace was having fun in this game and as she stopped she let out a small sneeze. She started thinking of a good way to get Cosi with some snowballs and then she got it, Grabbing some more snow for a snowball Mace took a full on sprint to Cosi's location and Jumped behind his tree firing two snowballs into him before landing in the snow. She started laughing again while she was laying in the snow starting to make a snow angel.


  9. As Cosi stood up to start the Chase Mace took a sprint, both now throwing Snowballs at each other, Cosi threw one just clipping her shoulder, "Almost got me there, haha" She said with a laugh as she was now outside the mouth of the cave, Luckily for her it was not cold because of her armor and she used a warmth potion. "It was a surprise I don't warn for surprises," Mace said getting ready for a full-on Snowball fight. As he Threw another snowball at Mace he seemed to miss her by quite a bit, "Aim Up Up and Miss, FALL 2," She said running a circle a bit.She threw another snowball at Cosi but he seemed to duck behind a tree. "Seek Cover From my Fury," She said as she kept throwing a few more Snowballs at the tree Cosi was hiding behind, It was quite fun and Mace seemed to be laughing quite a bit now as she was having fun with Cosi. Mace took another hand full of snow and tried to sneak up on him very slowly but the snow was kind of giving her away as she moved. SSSH Be quiet Snow, I need to do this, She thought, moving up to the tree where Cosi was at.


  10. It was a first time Mace started to talk to someone and this time she even liked it quite a bit, Not sure how but Mace kept talking, as then Cosi responded to her by saying she was just a little bit cold. She nodded to him as he said that, True I can be cold at sometimes, but it just happens I think. She looked at Cosi as he asks about what they were going to do stay here or do something like going someplace else, Thinking about it to go somewhere else was hard as Mace really did not have a place to go to or call home or even stay for the night she was mostly in the outside world hiding from other players. "Um... You are not being Pushy, I just don't have anywhere to go, For real, I really don't have a place to stay at so I'm here most of the times." Mace stood Up and walked to the foot of the cave where snow was, She grinned a bit and kneeled down at the snow, Before Cosi knew what was going on Mace turned around and threw a snowball at him, "Got you," Mace said with a small Giggle in her voice before taking a small sprint outside and waiting for Cosi to come as well.


  11. Mace's her face turned to a smile once Cosi was finished answering her first question, "Seems we both like snow then, Happy to hear that," Mace said to Cosi as his answer seemed to please Mace a bit. The Snow Is always great even if it did not snow too much from where Mace came from she loved to come to this floor. The ice the snow, both always looked cool. after that, quite an interaction Cosi answered her second question, and it seemed he did not believe in the lies that were told, "I'm Glad to hear that, I'm happy to Help if you want," Mace said and she seemed to be happy and calm as she was getting more and more talkative now and seemed to trust Cosi quite a bit more, No matter what it was Mace liked it to have someone to talk to even if it was a bit hard, the mistrust the scaring people, It was all good as she had Cosi to talk to, "Cosi, I'm a bit Scared for things around here, I trust no one but... Um, YOu seemed to have broken that, But I need someone to talk to Cosi, And I'm happy you are willing to listen to me while I cry a bit about what to do. Thanks for even coming here, And sorry I was so hostile at the beginning," Mace said opening her inventory and getting out a cookie as she started eating it slowly munching down on the cookie she had.


  12. Mace was amazed by the fact that Cosi was okay with her calling him brother or Ni-san from time to time, "Thank you Cosi, I think I understand," she said as she got a smile on her face now. and she looked him into the face, "I'm Happy you did came here,  So now that I trust you, I hope. What was it that you made you come here in the first place, I mean on this floor, of course, Not many people like this floor and try to stay away from it for most parts. I know I like the snow and all but what about you?" she asked Cosi wanting to know why he was on floor four in the first place, and mostly the reason why would make up a personality of a person, actions and face would make a person. Mace then looked at the outside of the cave and a small wind came in blowing her dark blue hair in the wind a bit, as she made an 'EEK' sound as it did so, "Ni-san... I mean Cosi, Is it true about the things they say on floor one, the once about them never clearing the game and be stuck forever, I'm kind of scared for that, I just want to get out of here," she says to Cosi as it seemed Mace loses up a bit and becomes more talkative to Cosi and seemed to lose his hostile ways.


  13. As Cosi seemed to not take it and just said not to worry Mace smiled and Chuckled to herself "You are Just like him, Always telling me not to worry about things too much, And always ending up helping me calm down," she said a bit mumbling but still good to understand, "Cosi, are you okay... Um if I end Up calling you... Ni-san from time to time?" she asked him wondering if he was okay with this as Cosi was quite like her own brother minus that Cosi looked much older than her and he had a whole different face then him, "Not that I want you to become my Brother, It is just... Um... You act just like him and ... well, I kind of see him on you," she said looking with quite the serious face looking him right into the eyes. She wanted to have at least someone she cared about and Cosi seemed to fit that role quite easy, not only because Cosi had the same character about him but also that he just kept quiet and accepted who and why she was like this. "If you want... Of Course, And um... I'm okay If you end up calling me Oni-Chan but ... Um, that is up to you, But if not just call me Iz Or Izami," She said still quite a serious face.


  14. It started to grow Quiet again and Mace looked up at Cosi who was sitting on the other side, She started to smile a bit to herself. I'm Happy He is here Itza, You have always helped me even in the hardest time when mom died. You were always so nice and still are, being quiet when I asked and just letting it be for as long as I did not want to speak, It is weird that you are here, She thought to herself as she looked at the fire and then back to Cosi as she was lost in her own mind she opened her mouth, "I'm Happy you are here with me Itza, I would know what to do without... YOU!" She snapped back and looks really sad this time, "I'm Sorry... I'm really Sorry, Cosi was it right? I'm Sorry I thought you were someone else," she said to the guy who was sitting on the other side on the fire as it moved around slowly, What happened there, Did I get lost in my own thought.


  15. It grew quiet all a sudden and Mace looks a bit passed her shield, Mhp He decided to be quiet, Well at least better now than later, She thought as she looks to the horizon again. Then as she hears someone stands up she looks at Dustin and sees him waving her over to come. As the then gives her an offer to hit him in the safe zone. You really are stupid, Darn I could have asked for a better Rivel that is not as stupid as him but maybe he will learn from his own Rivel being me, She thought as she stood up taking her shield and ran up behind him. As she got close to Dustin she gave him a solid hit in the back on his head, "Stupid, You have a lot to learn from your Rivel I see," she said to him and she walked next to the guy on there way to the safe zone.

    Thread Summary:

    Dustin | 200 Col | 4 SP

    Mace | 200 Col | 4 SP


  16. Mace was quite surprised that the guy kept it short and She appreciated it quite a lot as he did this. She gave a weak smile too him and it seemed she lost her heat she was having on him and accepted him being. He is just like Itza, Quiet, Nice, Caring, Maybe he is not so bad, Mace thought looking at him letting go of her war-hammer. As then he asked for her name as well saying his own, "Do you believe that I don't believe in name, But you can have it for now so, the Name is Mace," she said low looking down at the fire and getting a bit sad after saying that. She never gave her name to anyone willingly. And it felt weird a bit to give her names, She looked into the fire thinking about her brother and seeing how this guy Cosi was more looking like her brother. Just respecting her because she wanted to be quiet and accepting that she did not want to speak at all, she even looked a bit happy and while looking down as well thinking about this



    As Dustin explains that he did not like her that way but more like she is a good person in her heart Mace looks past her shield "You going a bad job anyway," she said quick and moved back. Then the question came from who made the shield, It was simple and not hard, "a guy on floor one, Think his name along the ways of Mac or something," she says. Sure this guy was a bit weird but he meant the best altho Mace did not want to get to know him more, she was just angry at him because of the things he said. then a bit of a weird question came, but she tried her best "Fair I think, I just don't trust people, they stab you in the back when you trust them the most, So I'm returning a favor to everyone and don't make any friends at all, And since you are not my friend, you are my rivel so you don't get any special treatment at all," She says to him. But then she looks confused at him as he gives her a cookie, What the hell, I... Sure, She thought, taking the cookie and eating it in silents. 


  18. She puffed a bit as said she was nice and not weak at all, How can you be sure, you are much higher level then me for sure, She thought. But then as he says she is beautigul she snaps, "DON'T YOU DARE AND SAY THAT,  I will Smack you, If you keep at it like that it will happen and it be the only time it touch you," she said turning to him ready to hit him. but then she lets her arm go down and Looks at him, as he speaks about combat. Yeah Sure Combat that maybe the only thing I'm good in, in this stupid game, She thinks turning back to the sun again. "Yeah... Not that I did it to show off or something, Just did what every other person would do," she says and gets her shield out and puts it between her and him, "And if you like the shield, Please look at it and not me." she said to him as the big shield was not between them and she could not see him any more only his feet.


  19. Mace listens to what He is saying and slowly as he speaks about hiding behind a shield and being the scary night, She becomes quite angry "SO YOU ARE TELLING ME IM WEAK, HIDING BEHIND A SHIELD, AND ... AND..." She says in a bust out, as she then starts to eat at the sandwich again. She Puffs at him and looks Angry, "Just the Moment you act Nice to someone they call you out," she says then and looks at him with quite an angry look as she then finishes the sandwich. He is just like the rest, Being nice Unlit they got what they want, He is just like my father, He can Piss off if he keeps going like this, she thinks and looks to the horizon he was speaking of. Her Angry look goes down and she gets a small smile on her face as she looks to the sun. Wonder if my Twin Brother is okay being in the real world, I miss him, She thinks as she looks at the sun again.


  20. Mace looked at the girl, She seemed keen in knowing her name at all, Mace let out a sigh and look at the way where the boar went to, "Mace," she said quickly and turned back to the Girl. Why does it really Matter I will die soon and who would care to know my name, No one did, She thinks. "Are you going to say more or just stand there like some weird person, It is not normal for someone to walk up to someone from the bush," she said to her still holding her Mace just, making sure she was ready for anything that could happen.

    Mace did not trust the girl at all, and coming out of the bush made it even harder for her to trust someone. But whatever this girl was trying to get out of it Mace did not really want anything with it. Mace did not believe in Friends she did not believe in them because they would stab you in the back.


  21. Mace looked up as the guy sat down following him close, As he showed that he was okay by tugging at his scarf. "Suit yourself," she said, It was quiet after that, A first time in ever. Mace always asked people just to be quiet when they went and sit with her but they always seemed to start the conversation. Wow, This guy is just playing the long game or is really just going to be quiet like I ask. It stayed quiet for a good 15 minutes after that and the guy still did not speak to her, He was really being quiet. This was quite weird for her as all other people just started talking and Mace was quite amazed by this. She was thinking of starting to talk but she did not want to but in the end, she nodded to herself. "Um... You are different than those others, They all were calm but you are... Just um... Calm" she asked him with a low voice hoping he did not hear it but it was just a bit too loud for that. "Thanks for being quiet, I think," she said then to Him and looked back into the fire.


  22. As Dustin stayed calm and relaxed, Mace was still on edge, How... How can he be this calm around a pure random... Well Rivel, she thinks to herself a bit. She looks how Dustin sits to the ground and Commoned on her hair, "T...Thanks... I MEAN, I DID NOT DO IT FOR YOU, AND I DON'T NEED YOUR COMPLIMENTS," she says to him getting a bit red again, What the hell am I doing with this guy, He seems to just play with me or what,  She thinks to herself again. Then Mace sees Dustin grabbing two sandwiches, Wait and what do guy have with sandwiches, And why the hell are they giving them to me. Mace was confused and Angry at the same time, but she sat down next to Dustin accepting the Sandwich. Mace starts to eat it right away and then she pauses for a second, "Why are you being so Nice to me, I have been a Jerk to you the whole time," she asked him taking a bit of distance between them.


  23. Mace Looks at the guy again, "Ok, How would you like it If someone would Come to you and ask for something you have and not want to share. How would you know How I can trust you, I don't Trust you, why the hell should I be friendly to you, why should anyone be friendly, No one I cared for did that for me, Not not even My darn Father, you are just like him. And even after I thank you... you say I'm being Harsh, Well Next time I don't thank you at all." he says getting all worked up and unknowing telling about that know she did not want to say at all. She then grows quiet right away and a tier falls down her cheeks as it reflects by the light of the fire. Mace was getting calm but not in the way you would think, Her face just seems Sad now and is completely red from the burst out from a second ago and of the silent crying.


  24. Mace looks at the guy, she mhp to herself, Rivels... that sounds like something friends would do, and you still did not stab me so maybe, she thinks looking at Dustin. maybe today she could drop it for a few seconds, "Um... I know I can see it, But what is your name... Mine is Mace," she says to him standing up, "NOT THAT I WANT TO KNOW, Just... If we are going to be... Rivels, I do want to know your Name," she says to him. She now was standing in the face of the tall male player as she was a bit red on her face, Why am I doing, what is going on here, Get a control of yourself Iz, She thought to herself as she backed off from the guy again at a normal distance.


  25. Mace was looking into the fire and her shield next to her having Valkyrie kind of design on it while it was quite big around 4'9" feet, As she then hears a voice calling out to her greeting her, What the hell do I have with meeting people at a fire, I really need to stop making fires I think, she thought. She looked to the guy and lets out a sigh, "Sit, Please Don't talk," she said very uninterestedly and kind of desperate. Why do people want to sit at my fires, are they so special or something? I know it gets cold on this floor and all but why do out if you are not prepared at all, she thinks as she thinks about the last time she was on floor four and she met someone, "Need warmth potion?" she asked him quickly before getting her attention back to the fire just looking at it almost as she was staring into it getting closer and closer in her mind, She did not want to talk at all and just wanted to relax.


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