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Posts posted by Mace

  1. "EEK!" was the first thing that came out of Mace, as she was getting grabbed by Sonya, at first mace was quite stive and did not move as someone would do in a horror movie. "W...what Are you doing, I'm not c...crying!" Mace said trying to hide now everything being quite still and not moving a muscle at all. This was new to Mace for sure, what was going on, why did this player care so much even if they just met. It was not like something like this would happen in the real world or so. Listening to what Sonya was saying, It seemed they got a bit off wrong quite a bit, as it seems Sonya had a brother in the game. Slowly Mace became less stive and she calmed down a bit staying quiet for a few seconds as a small tear fell down while she tried to hide it. Once Sonya picked her up again and set her down on her laps Mace seemed to lean against Sonya not even noticing it herself, She felt save just like those many years ago when her mother was still around. "I... I did not lose my brother, I have no one in this game to look after my stupid actions... I'm weak without my brother and it is the first time I'm separated from my Twin brother, He is in the real world waiting for me, I feel he is worried but I don't know why, I feel like he is right here by my side every time, always," Mace said letting go another tear, before kind of making it feel like her twin brother was by her in the real world now just by the side of her bed and kept a good eye out for her.

    It was going to be something new but Mace took the hot chocolate and moved away from Sonya's lap, sitting next to her again, "Sonya, could you please not talk about this, I don't want anyone to see me so weak," Mace asked Sonya as they whipped away some tears. mace was not keen on being shown the weak side of her, It meant she was just fearing something, But in all truth Mace did not fear anything, not even dead as they did not see a reason to stay alive anymore as her mother was dead and her father abused her, and only her twin brother was still thriving and supporting her. "I go to the church with you, If you don't speak about this, I want to join a group that fights against the dangers of this world, Somone who seeks the murderers around the players," Mace said meaning that she wanted to join some police force just like her mother did until she got shot by one criminal. 


  2. Mace does not move at all as @Hestia placed a hand on her shoulder saying she will allow her to help and even train her to get better at what she wants to do, a small smile gets out but she is holding it back a bit, "Thank you, Miss Hestia, I will not fail you, And If you need help with the flyers I can help you there right away, More hands make easy work my brother always said. Ooh, Name is Mace by the way, Not that it really matters as she just going to die all one day but That is the name you can use to call me," Mace said yet again without any emotions at all but showing nothing but happiness in her eyes. Even if Mace looked quite emotionless to most people she still was easy to talk to once she was getting happy.

    She then looked at @Dustin as he was getting talked to by Hestia and Mace stood next to her, once she was done talking to Dustin, Mace spoke up to Dustin, "He Rival! If you are going to do things like that I will have to stop you, I won't let my rival kill people because of something they did to them. If everyone did that it would be chaos here, so how about you help Miss Hestia here and not kill him," Mace said without any fear even if Dustin sounded quite a bit aggressive and more.

  3. Mace was acting like she was not paying attention to Sonya but she was listening carefully to the words she said until she was done, "I never said I was friends with Miss Enna, She...  Just helps, and Second I did not get ditched, I ran away from the house because my father and my twin brother was the only one who cared about me after that," she said quick only finding out she spoke too much and she became red taking another sip from her chocolate milk and cleaned her mouth after it, "I did not say anything about that, Forget it... Please," She said not wanting to people to start caring for her as she did not want to hold back anyone she met but it seemed she did need to be loved by people as she was still quite young and all. 

    Mace looked a bit unsettled now as she kind of spoke her mind in front of someone she did not know well and she never did this as she trusted no one she ever met. It was really a bit that Mace always kept, "Could you please forget what I said and just... Drink ...w...with me?" Mace said trying to sound nice while stuttering a bit sounding calm and careful at the same time.


  4. Mace looked around to see more and more people walk up as the girl asked her how she would help Mace started thinking a bit, "Well... I may be low level but I can still make sure people stay put, Not many players use warhammers, and it has the best stun." Mace said before another man walks up looking quite a bit disappointed in seeing the name form the guy. Mace started thinking why someone would be disappointed in hunting someone down, but then she heard him and the woman talk about him being in his guild. Then a few others walked up and Mace her eyes weighted once they saw a familiar face, "D...Dustin, Arg... You are here too, Not that I want you to be here or anything but ... ug Ignore me please," She said fast seeing Dustin walk up to the woman saying he was going to help no matter what then it came to Mace, "Yeh! Dustin, I'm not letting my rival get ahead of me," She said before the woman started talking to everyone.

    The woman was called Hestia and it seemed like they were going to play the police around here, It was really needed if you thought about it as it seemed the murders were going up quite a bit, Mace listens and this gave her even more reason to get better and join Hestia in taking down the orange players. Once Hestia was done talking Mace walked up once again, "Miss Hestia, Please let me join, I may be young and lower level now but I know what it is like to lose a loved one to a criminal, it well... Nothing! But not minding that now Even if I am a big risk in taking I can still fight and maybe even act as a Riot or maybe a guard or something like that." Mace said to Hestia sounding really serious and without any emotion at all, seeing that she was not fazed by anything. Not even scared for the higher leveled player Hestia said.

    @Hestia @Dustin @Mishiro @Kirbs @Stryder @Jun

  5. Mace walks around on the first floor seeing people walk around doing all kinds of things. On her back was a 4 feet shield with two golden wings and a Mace in the middle, And some beginner Heavy armor. slowly making my way over to the plaza. It was, even more, busier here, But it was the only option for quest and information. once walking up to the bulletin board she sports a person hanging something up, slowly making her way to the thing the player hang down she took a good read at it, it was about people being hunted for their crimes. It was something that seemed a bit like her mother's job as she was finding criminals. Mace took a look at the thing again before walking up to the player tapping on her shoulder. "Sorry If I bother you, did you hang up those things about the criminals?" Mace said sounding very dry and without any Emotion on her face.

    "If so, I would like to help look for them... Not that I need to, I'm just weak... But... I just want to make it saver... Not for anyone special or anything," Mace said sounding a bit nervous now and her face showed a bit off not fear but more nervous look. It was just Mace her nature to deny everything and even more, but sure she was not good at making friends or even opening up to anyone, and how could she really trust anyone at all.


  6. Mace looked as two cups of hot cocoa came up to them, Mace was quite fast and paid for her own drink. As then she took a few sips from it and looks to Sonya was they apologize for something Mace did not understand at all. What state was the player talking about, it was not like she saw someone die of is scared of losing someone, as the one she cared about was not even in the game and was safe from all bad things that happened inside the game. Then they spoke about being friends with Miss Enna, "I... no... I not a friend with her... She helps me but I, not a friend," She paused for a second She sounded worried and became even a bit red, "I have no friends and I have no need for them," Mace said then. Even if she denied it you could see she was not telling the truth.

    As then Sonya smiles and says that she was just keeping her safe, and it sounded like she was not meaning it, "N...no I mean it, What are you T...thinking you... I...Idiot" Mace said getting a bit red again before taking quite a few sips from the hot cocoa as she then stopped she had a chocolate Moustache. "N...not that I was trying or something!" Mace said trying to show off even if her age was nothing to believe from as she was just 17.


  7. Mace looked around to see where it went and she was quite surprised by how fast the Nepent was, She looked around to hope and see the monster pop out but it seemed like it was not going to happen, "Gone!" Mace said fast looking around trying to see if she could find the monster but of no luck, what seemed to be happening was just a game of who shows his face first, It seemed that it was none of the three around here now. Mace Looked At the guy who has changed into different armor "Were Is it!" She said holding her shield in front of her and keeping a close watch to the grounds movement and the surrounding trees. It was not every time a monster was hiding from her and maybe it was not going to be the last, this Nepent was quite a good monster to fight but less intimidating than the wolves she has fought before, however, they still could not hurt her as either did this thing. "Is not fair!" Mace said looking still to the ground waiting for the monster to show its face and get smacked in the face by her hammer.

    ID: # 109776 | BD: 5 | Miss
    MD: 2 | Miss

    Mace: Hp 79/80 | En 5/8 | Mit 27 | Dmg 4
    @EmerathHP 380/380 | EN 36/38 | MIT 5 | DMG 7 | ACC +3 

    H[0/0] Nepent: Hp 7/7 | Dmg 3

  8. Mace does not really pay attention to what Shiro was saying but she also did not really care, He seemed to do his job in hitting the monsters and paralyzing them. once she then Looked at the other Wolf who seemed to be less Paralyzed and moved to Mace to attack, But Mace was not having any of it and swung her shield at the White wolf. It seemed not to get off a good hit and just tried to get out of the way from the shield but then did not see the Hammer incoming with a full might of it as well hitting the white wolf quite a bit. She then turned to Shiro, "No... will get My hate if we switch," She said quite making sure the white wolf was not getting any closer to her or Shiro. She then heard the next thing asking why she had the shield, "Started game with it, kept it because it is good," Mace said quite fast showing really no emotion at all and you could just see she was cold-hearted by how she was acting now and how she was before.

    ID: 109773 | MD: 5 | Miss

    Basic Attack | ID: 109773 | BD 10 | 4+2= 6 Dmg

    -1 Energy | Basic Attacl

    +1 Energy Regen

    @Mace | HP 77/80 | EN 1/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4 
    @Huginn | HP 31/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para 

    Wolf Hunter  | HP 20/30 | DMG 9 [Paralyzed 0/1]
    Alpha Wolf    | HP 22/40 | DMG 12 

  9. Mace looked back at the guy as he spoke it seemed like those things were going to be interesting, If the plants were hidden in plain sight it would mean that it was going to be hard for her to spot them. Mace Nodded a bit to what he said and kept walking on "So... I look like your Brother, Thanks for the saying that, you look like a ... hobo," She said being a bit misunderstanding what the guy said bit also taking what he said as a bad thing. She huffed a bit as he spoke again, "Stories are good But don't think I accept you being around me, I just keep you around for the Stories you could tell me," Mace said with a grunt before taking a stare at something not far from them.

    It seemed to get to location But there was no Nepent around to be seen until a vine jumped them both on then and hits Mace on the back, Lucky for Mace she was still holding her shield on her back and she took it out the moment it got hit and made a small dodge to then stare at the plant. Her face was emotionless and you could see nothing then pure focus on the girls face she was ready to fight this thing but was not sure how to go about this thing.

    ID: # 109739 | BD: 4 | Miss
    MD: 10 | Major Crit | 3+2= 5-27= 1 Dmg

    Mace: Hp 79/80 | En 6/8 | Mit 27 | Dmg 4

    Nepent: Hp 7/7 | Dmg 3

  10. Mace was walking as the guy walked behind her, she did not really show it to him but he already got her interesting. Even if Mace did not show it she was quite happy that at least someone was going to be with her, she did not know many people at it seemed that at least one person. Once getting a bit faster while she was listening to the guy but then he started to ask her something. "How are we relatable, Just because I use a warhammer does not make me want to be like your brother, I just use it because of the high stun," Mace said turning around looking at the guy as they walked back as he then asked the next thing Mace looked a bit angry, "If you really bored you should not be with me, I will just smash plants. And Following those two would be just a waste of time, they were weaker than me so they probably wanted me as a meat shield," Mace said.

    She then turned around as her face became red, "Not that I like that you come with me, It is just... Um... Just that... Your stories sound cool," Mace said low before turning again walking back yet again, "Not that I like your company, you just here okay, I really don't need a babysitter." Mace said sounding angry again. It was clear Mace did not want people to care about her but this not want to push people away at all but really tried hard.



    Mace looks on how Shiro got hit and she looks at the Alpha wolf get back his attack and moved in right away, going for ... Mace. As is moved in to bite, but its head just head first into Mace her shield and is backs of right away, as it seemed a bit hurt, "Worry not, I can deal with them, you get into a tree or something once you get hit again," Mace said taking a swing at the Alpha wolf but missing her chance to hit it. yet again mace was emotionless and was just swinging around her Hammer in the hopes to hit it was going down. The wolf was however still trying to get at them, and Mace started thinking a bit, What if the Alpha is down and use the switch tactic, it would mean Mace got the hate from the monster Shiro was fighting. It was a good plan, it was either that or Shiro needed to run as she really could not take damage from these beasts, No matter how hard they tried.

    ID: 109688 | MD 2 | Miss

    Power Strike *2 | ID: 109688 | BD 4 | Miss|

    -2 Energy | Missed attack 

    +1 Energy Regen

    @Mace | HP 77/80 | EN 1/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4 [3|0]
    @Huginn | HP 31/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para [0|3]

    Wolf Hunter  | HP 24/30 | DMG 9
    Alpha Wolf    | HP 28/40 | DMG 12 [Stunned 0/1]

  12. It was clear to see that even if Mace said that she did not care, she seemed to have a great listening ear as you could see that she was doing that. As Sonya said about that she wanted to look for a friend that maybe was here Mace got out a small grin but kept her face away from Sonya so she did not see it. "It is pretty here for sure, great places and few here wanna see them," She said as you could hear a sudden shift in her voice that sounded happy and calm. But then it went back to the toon from before, "Not that I wish to show you around... a Low level like you should not be alone here," Mace said sounding just like before a bit angry and pushy as well. But you could hear that Mace did like it here quite a lot, one because not many people came here and two because she loved the snow.

    It really took not long for them too to enter the safe zone again and it was quite a big area around the settlement as well. Mace was quiet the whole time as Sonya was walking behind her she could see that Mace was walking less aggressive and more like to her age and body, like a real woman and girl now. A small stone gate came into few and a few feet away from that was a shop with the name 'Frozen Gemstone' an artisan shop. But it seemed like the shop was closed at the moment as the owner of this shop was quite busy a lot, "That is Miss Enna's Shop, Just outside the settlement but still in the safe zone." Mace said pointing to the nice looking building with a glass dome on top. As they then walked into the main Settlement.

    Mace walked a bit as Sonya followed her behind again Mace became quiet, before going into a small shop operated by NPC's. Mace walked up to a table and sat down as her shield and Mace disappeared into her inventory. "So, Why did you want to drink," Mace asked wanting to know why a random wanted to drink with her, not that she was really bothered by it but more of why people trusted others so easy. "I came here just to make sure you got here safe, Just make that clear okay. It was not that I was worried or something but I ... Eyeah," Mace said breaking her own words before she said more.


  13. When hearing the voice Mace turned around but seeing nobody, Then looking up she saw a guy sitting in the tree right above her. Mace her face looked without emotions up to the guy and just looked a bit unimpressed as well. "Who said that I make friends," Mace said with a disappointed face until seeing the Familiar of the guy. She scanned the guy up and down and nodded upon seeing his hands and knew right away he was one of those guys who beat a rock. 

    Once the guy started talking again Mace looked the other way, "Why are you telling me this... I did not ask for it," She said sounding uninterested to what he was telling. Even if she did not sound like it, she did care about it and her face kind of gave it away. But once he asked about what she was going to do she turned to him quickly with a surprised look, "WHy do you want to know, And why should I tell you," Mace said huffing a bit to the guy before letting out air "Ok, but stop asking," She said with a sigh and turned now fully to him, "Doing this Medicine quest," She said quick before moving past the gate of the village before coming to a stop and turning to him, "I be going now, I will allow you to follow,"  SHe said sounding happy but then "NOT THAT I WANT YOU TO," She said sounding a bit angry as she said that. 

    It was clear that Mace did not trust him but she also wanted to hear a bit more about that Familiar of his. Her face was turning from mad to interested in his story quite fast. But she did not want to show it that she was interested in him at all and his story. s you could say it she was a bit of a Tsun but a bit more aggressive in trusting anyone. At least Her face saw giving away she did not trust him and eyed him the whole time and while everytime he spoke she did listen but was acting like she did not care.


  14. Mace looked how the guy seemed to help fighting landing quite a good hit on the Gray wolf as he gets a shocking effect off the wolf. As he then moves behind the shield and Mace and she nods knowing that the Gray wolf was paralyzed by his weapon. As he then introduced himself as Shiro, Mace got attacked by the White wolf as that happened and it slammed into the shield "Mace," She grunted as the wolf hit the shield. Before she smashed into the wolfs with a very powerful hit and the Hammer turned blue as they hit the head of the wolf making it fly quite a bit away, "Name Is Mace," She said Before going back to focus in the combat. Mace was always quiet only when she needed information she would speak a bit more, but normal Mace would just nod and point most of the time by giving small hints and it was her normal day to day life not saying a thing. And While in combat, you could see that Mace did not have any emotion and was just a blank stare at the wolfs.

    ID: 109650 | MD 7 | Hit | 12-27=1 DMG

    Power Strike *2 | ID: 109650 | BD 10 | High Crit | 4+2=6*2=12 DMG 

    -5 Energy | Power Strike

    +1 Energy Regen


    @Mace | HP 77/80 | EN 5/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4 [2|0]
    @Huginn | HP 40/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para [0|2]

    Wolf Hunter  | HP 26/30 | DMG 9 [Paralyze 0/1]
    Alpha Wolf    | HP 28/40 | DMG 12 [Stunned 1/1]

  15. As the wolf Hunter attacks Mace she slams the shield against his attack making the wolf attack the shield. The wolf moved fast and Mace was trying to take a good swing at both of them. But before she could attack the Alpha Wolf went for the attack and Mace placed her shield in front of her as the wolf smashed into the shield but Mace was not even pushed back by the attack and seemed to have no trouble defending against the monsters, Then with a wide swing Mace moved her Hammer to the Alpha wolf but sadly swinging a miss. "Sees we will have to work together if we want to make sure we get out of this," Mace moved to the guy with her shield up high waiting for any monsters to move in. "Stay behind the shield I will tank them, You just focus on hitting them," Mace said standing in front of the guy without any fear of being hit by them and with no emotion as well. It seemed almost like Mace as a Robot without any programming but to be a wall of protection. The wolves seemed to have a basis on who to attack first and it was just because Mace was a higher level than him.

    Action:  Power Strike *2 | ID: 109630 | BD 1 | Miss
    -2 Energy | Missed attack 

    +1 Energy Regen

    Mace | HP 80/80 | EN 5/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4
    @Huginn | HP 40/40 | EN 2/4 | 2 DMG | 1 Para

    Wolf Hunter  | HP 30/30 | DMG 9
    Alpha Wolf    | HP 40/40 | DMG 12

  16. Mace was walking around hearing about a quest in a village on floor 1, Mace did not really like floor one of the many people around there but it was most likely going to be the best chance to level up a bit more for sure. Walking into the Village, Mace was wearing some blue and white leather armor with a 4 feet tall shield on her back with two golden wings and a mace on it, and on her hip was sitting a Hammer with quite a nasty spike on it for sure. Once inside the Village Mace talked to the quest giver and she accepted the quest so she could start leveling up a bit. Her Dark blue hair moved on the wind a bit and she got a light smile off enjoying the loneliness here.

    walking to the gate of the Village two other players walked up to her, "Hey there Girl, How about you join us in that quest, it would be fun," One said while the other moved around Mace a bit inspecting her. "Piss off," Mace said fast putting her hand on her Hammer. "Ooh ooh, A fighting one, this will be even more fun then, Why don't you join us then," One said again grabbing Mace her arm trying to drag her with them, but something happened that both players did not suspect and the one grabbing her got smashed in the face by Mace with her fist, "KEEP YOUR HAND OFF ME," She yelled at them before getting her Hammer up pointing it at them.

    The two players looked at each other and back to Mace and nodded, "Okay we get it, you witch. No wonder nobody was with you," they said leaving Mace alone walking off to the wilderness again. Once they were out of few Mace placed her Hammer on her hip again and got a weak smile, "See your little sister is not weak, next time I will show them who really is the boss here," Mace said low looking up into the air with a smile. forgetting about her surroundings a bit


  17. Mace turns around with a smile, "I knew you would come back, They always do... Murderer," Mace said getting ready to fight if needed. Mace took up the shield right in front of her body and it was protecting her from any incoming hits. As then the question came about if she knew an orange player with a dagger with Paralyze, Mace was confused why the hell a murderer like him would ask that kind of question to someone and why the hell would so even know an orange player. "Your Dumb or something, I don't care for those guys, Why would I even try to speak with one," Mace said sounding even angrier than before. "If you don't want to fight then Piss off, It is useless to go and Fight another green player to get something out of nothing," Mace said.

    Before Mace could say another word a fast beast jumped past her slamming into her shield as she turned to the sounds. Two wolves showed up One white one looking and a normal gray wolf, They Gray wolf was called Wolf Hunter while the white one was called Alpha wolf, "Darn It, Talked to long they respawned," Mace said trying to take a swing at the Alpha wolf as it moves away from the incoming attack. "If you don't want to fight Me, Fight those two there," Mace said holding her shield no longer in the direction of the boy and was facing the wolves now.

    Action:  Power Strike *2 | ID: 109605 | BD 3 | Miss
    -2 Energy | Missed attack

    Mace | HP 80/80 | EN 6/8 | MIT 27 | DMG 4
    @Huginn | HP -- | EN -- | 

    Wolf Hunter  | HP 30/30 | DMG 9
    Alpha Wolf      | HP 40/40 | DMG 12

  18. Mace looks first confused at the green player as they seem not to walk in on them. Mace still hold her hammer with a tight grip until the player confirms that she heard all the things Mace said, and at that moment you could see a  shift in emotions But still quite angry looking, "Forget that... NOW! No need for you to know," mace said fast as the grip on her Hammer shifted to a tight to a quite lose one. Mace did not want anyone to know her weak spot and well Now the woman knew it quite a bit. Then as the woman got the guts to keep talking to the quite aggressive looking Mace asking if they wanted to go back to town and get some Cocoa. "What the hell, Are you mad, How can I trust you," Mace paused a bit before going on, "Okay I will come, But not because you asked to. And the name is Mace, Not that you should care," Mace said walking up to the woman and more of like taking the lead back to the town holding an eye back to the woman behind her.

    "What brings a low-level player here anyways, NOT THAT I CARE!" Mace said trying her best not to sound interested in what Sonya had to say. Also, they seemed to be trying so hard it was quite easy to see that Mace was quite a Tsun. Mace placed her shield on her back and the Hammer on her hip as it moved slowly around there, It seemed Mace was quite tens in her movement and also her Dark blue hair was still a bit covered in snow. She seemed to be into something that made her act like this even tho speaking to the sky hoping to one day be seeing her brother again in the real world where he is and she was not.


  19. Mace was trying to still grab her Hammer until she got it and once having the Hammer in her hand it began to glow Blue and she hits the wolf and with the first contact shattered into crystals and then a hard cling came out from the hammer hitting the shield. It was loud that it made some birds fly off and at the snow, you could see some air pushed the snow around her. "Arg Got you," Mace said before starting to laugh a bit as she opened her menu to look at her stats. Mace lets her arms rest in the snow and looks up "See Itza, your Little twin sister is not weak, And It also seems she is not the noob anymore. I Hope I will see you again, Maybe I could even show you the new shield I got and what your sister can all do with this Hammer," Mace said with a smile until her eyes spot a female player as then her smile and entire face turns annoyed.

    She still sitting in the ground looking at the player, It seemed like the player was a green player and for sure they would not harm her but never can be sure, "Who are you!" Mace said quite demanding, "Did you hear what I said," She said to the female player wanting to hear her answer. She was kind of hoping she did not hear what she said to the sky about her twin brother Itza. She knew that is looking a bit crazy to be talking to the sky and all but still she believed that it was something that the people could see. Mace stood up cleaning off the snow, "Come on Lost your tongue, SPEAK!" Mace said sounding a bit angry.


  20. Mace was taken back by the guy as he ordered her to move as he then took with the same speed he came, "Arg Coward," She said yelling after the guy not wanting to pay any attention to the player running off now. Mace lets out a sigh and looks on how the guy takes off, He is too shady to be innocent of anything, and if he is nothing special he should lose that hood of his, Mace thought lowering her guard and seeing how the guy ran off. She looked around for a bit waiting before leaving, waiting to see if the guy came back. For sure something was going to happen she just knew it and she was prepared to fight, He looked fast but there was no way he would get past her shield, as she had a fast reaction with her shield, holding of almost every attack that came at her. If he comes I will just smack him down, I don't care he looks shady as hell, Only if he is orange he will get smacked in the face for sure, She thought holding on to her Hammer waiting around to see if the player really came back and if he was an orange player or not, If so she would try to beat him down.


  21. (OOC: This combat is RP no reward will be given by this)

    Mace was standing eye to eye with two wolves. Wearing a white scarf and a dark blue winter jacket with brown fur around the hood. With two white steel wings like a Valkyrie on her head and a 4 feet shield with an imprint of two golden wings and a Mace. While welding a Warhammer in the other hand. The two wolves seemed to be getting low while Mace seemed to have no damage dealt with her at all. With no fear in mace her eyes at all, she swung her Hammer at one wolf letting it fly as it seemed to get hit into the red. as the other wolf moves up to attack as well Mace puts up the shield knocking the wolf back. But then from behind the other wolf attack dealing almost no damage to the girl before it got a hammer to the face and exploded into polygons. "Your friend is dead, your next," Mace said with no emotion at all.

    The wolf moves up to attack but takes a side step and attacks from the side clawing at the shield Mace holds in her hand. Mace swings her Hammer at the thing but does not seem to hit it at all, trying to push the wolf of the shield Mace feels a great push from the wolf and gets pushed into the snow. Mace Dark blue hair got covered in snow and the wolf kept clawing at the shield dealing no damage at all as it was just trying to attack failing to hit Mace apart from her shield. Looking a bit to her other hand she sees that she dropped her Hammer and tries to grab it but it is getting hard as the wold keep clawing away at the shield pushing Mace more and more into the snow, "I won't let you," Mace grunts trying to grab her hammer.


  22. Mace was still looking in front until a sound behind them made them turn with a quick swing of their Hammer, "WHO IS THERE!" Mace Yelled turning around looking quick angry and not drop of fear was seen in her face. She saw someone with a spear run off and stared at him "Whoever you are, Face me, I ain't scared of you," She yelled again before lowering her weapon but still holding on to it walking to where she was thinking the person went too. It seemed like something was about to go down and Mace started walking a bit following the sound of movement.

    Once getting to spot Mace sees someone and still holding up her guard moves to the players sitting there. Then she placed the Hammer on his shoulder as it was quite heavy even just for a hammer. "Speak! Now!" Mace said demanding to hear what the guy had to say about himself, "You failed to hit me, didn't you!" Mace said still keeping the Hammer on his shoulder ready to swing it at any time, "Don't move, Or you lose something, And I will make sure I hit. My calculation never fails me," Mace said sounding quite angry and demanding. 



    Mace was on floor 3 for some fast leveling after having done some fast leveling on other floors, Mace was much untouchable by most monsters on this floor now and even if they tried to attack her with power she would just push them away easy, No matter what was going to happen Mace needed to show how strong she truly was and did not want to be all brain and no muscle. She was wearing her normal combat armor. Her so-called Valkyrie wings on her head, being two White metal wings on the side of her head and wearing a white and blue battle dress with normal trouser and combat boots. Her shield was a targe shield tied up to her arm. It was quite long as it was 4 feet long and had also two golden wings on them and a mace in the middle. In the other hand, she has a mace, A long pool with a sharp spike at the top.

    She was looking around calm a bit and was wondering if something was going to happen maybe a monster would show up or maybe even another player. staring out at the settlement Mace looked to get a bit of a smile. She still had to grow quite a bit to be ready for real dangerous combat and that would take quite a lot for sure. "Itza would be proud of me to see me now, coming up for myself, seeing how strong I am. But I have a long way to go Itza, Trust me your little twin sister is going to beat this game and come back to you," Mace said low with a smile looking up at the sky losing a bit of her surroundings as she was standing here at the top of a hill.


  24. As Cosi said to her she needed to move the box on a shelf or beneath a work table, she nodded and moved the box she had to the shelf, they seemed to have a bit trouble at first but then with by standing on her toes she got the box onto the shelf. She turned to Cosi and looked what she could do more to help him. "So... why did you never get to using the shop you own, I'm sure people would come here if they heard about it," she said picking up another box and putting it next to the other box on the shelf, "Like I would come here if I needed to sell things or get items identified," she said as she was standing on her toes again and placed the box down next to the other one. For sure this was not the best way to learn each other a bit more but it was okay for Mace as she did not want to get into a big conversation at all as she was not really keen on talking at all and just taking things slow was her get go option. 


  25. She looked around a bit as she was told before she moved up to the shelves and looked at the names, they seemed interesting but not as what Mace was looking for. She did not want to read NPC made books but player made books like that small guild book or some of the others. as she then moved around, even more, she slowly followed Cosi into the back. In the door opening she stood still and looked at the mess in there, "Well you have some dust to clear here," she said moving in and looking at some of the things there, It seemed some boxes were around and she picked one up as the dust that was on top of it just disappeared and she moved to box to the side, "Really dusty in here isn't it," she said as she opened the box looking inside it. In there were just some normal things around and it seemed like those items were needed for this thing to do as a shop owner. "I don't know what all this stuff is but it looks important," she said looking a bit more and moving some things left and right.


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