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Posts posted by Mace

  1. At that point Mace felt a bit back for speaking in that tone and turned around quite Red, not of shame or so but from Anger. It almost seemed like she was about to explode on him but then she let's out a big breath and with quite a lot of speeds sits on the ground crossing her arms and legs, "S...Sorry," she says Low, Then she looks up at him again, "SORRY OKAY, No need to school me," she said sounding Angry but also a bit sad. Mace really did not have any friends in the real world or here, and this guy seemed to have lost more then her, at least she still got her twin brother alive in the real world. "I know, I'm Dumb No need to rub it in," she said low and sounding now not angry anymore but more sad, as she starts to look at the ground.


  2. Mace stands up and looks at the other player who called herself Kataware, Okay Yeah, Sure you right there, But why bother coming up to me, she thinks quick looking as the girl walks out of the bush. It seemed like she was real unarmed at this point and was no threat at all, Yet. "There is always a try," She says turning her way to where the boar ran of to. Guess I have to follow it by just looking then.

    The girl then asks her name but Mace was not really one to give it fast to strangers, "What do names matter, They are just useless in this death game now," she say looking back at the girl. Mace did not really care for names and it was only a few times she really gave her name away, last time she did it herself was on floor four at a fire she made but she looked at the girl again inspecting her giving a small sigh to her.


  3. Mace looks how the boar runs of, with its tail between its legs, "Mph, well... Sadly," She said low ready to put her weapon and shield back onto her back. But then she hears someone say hello to her, With one quick turn she stands face to face with a girl, It looks almost if Mace was going to attack the girl, "WHAT THE HELL!" she says to the girl who seemed less harmless then Mace herself as she was not holding any weapons in her hand. She looks the girl up and down  and put her shield on her back but does not put away her War-hammer away just in case. 

    It was not clear to Mace why a person would walk up to a random, for all she could know she was a PKer but maybe she already looked at her green tag above her. She looks at the girl quite angry, "What is it, You lost, the settlement is that way," she turns around looking where the boar ran of to as it is completely out of few now, "Thanks... Now I lost it," she said kneeling down to look for the footprints of the boar. 

    Battle Stats:


    Mace | 20 HP | 2 EN | 4 DMG | 0 EVA | 27 MIT | 0 ACC



    Rank I | Warhammer

    Vanity, UncommonRarePerfectDemonic

    Battle Ready/Equipped

    Battle Ready * | Equipped **

    Rare | triumph Hammer [DMG 2]**

    Perfect | Valkyrie's Wall [MIT 3]**

    Vanity | Beginners Heavy Armor **

    x3 Starter Healing Potions [Heals 50 HP] *


  4. Mace was not amazed by what Dustin said, Yeah Yeah, go and play the hero and that, It just a game so why would I even try to be happy, She thought giving the guy a look like Piss off with those words. She walks past Dustin bumping into him on the way back, "Don't Push your Luck, I still don't trust you," She says looking back at him as she start making her way to the settlement, "We are acquaintance as much, Making Friends is Useless, They just stab you in the back when they don't see use anymore." It was very clear to Mace the guy was trying to push her to say that they were friends, But she would never accept it. It was only a time that could tell as for now she would be hostile to most people she met in this game. "Are you going to stand there all day and wait for the Wasp to spawn on your head or something," she says to him as she keeps walking her own way to the settlement.


  5. As the guy took the lead again in the attack He seemed to get a good hit on the wasp and hit it to the ground as is was freaking out on the floor, So that is what Paralyze looks like on monsters, Well to bad for them, She thinks. As then the guy gets back to her saying something, "SCARED! ME... NO JUST CAREFUL," she said giving him a quite powerful push with her shield. She walked over to the wasp that was still freaking out and she looked back at the guy, Well It seems like I have the final hit, She thinks before pulling her hammer up and smashing the wasps Skull, as a lot of blue polygons come from the impact as she hits the head of the wasp representing that she demolished the wasps head with that blow. After that she lift up her hammer from the wasps Skull and it explodes into blue polygons. The Menu pops up for both of them congratulating them of their victory and an Item was added to there inventory.


    ID: 106322

    BD: 10

    Mace's Attack Major Crits

    DMG 4+2= 6

    Dustin: 200/200 HP | 12/20 HP | 5 DMG | 23 MIT | 1 EVA | 1 Paralyze | BH: 2 (H:2)

    Mace: 20/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 4 DMG | 27 MIT | 0 ACC (H:3)

    Wasp Queen: [Paralyzed] 0/50 HP | 20 DMG (Dead)


  6. Her Party member seemed to do more Damage then her quite a lot more but this was because he used a sword art and she did not of course. But Mace was getting quite tired just for this It was only because of her Energy getting low in game. Mace took a few steps back as the wasp moved up to her, She did not flinch however at was just blank staring at the wasp. She gave Dustin a small mhp, and stepped back, "You seemed to know what you doing, Why don't you get the Hate," she says walking right next to him even moving past him as she was standing behind him. I need to lose My hate more from this thing, One good hit and I'm gone, She thought putting her shield right in front of her. She was a bit scared of dying while the wasp looked angry as hell But it seemed she was angry at the both of them now and had to choose to go for either Her or Dustin.


    ID: Skipping Turn

    Dustin: 200/200 HP | 15/20 EN | 5 DMG | 23 MIT | 1 EVA | 1 Paralyze | BH: 2 (H:1)

    Mace: 20/20 HP | 2/2 EN | 4 DMG | 27 MIT | 0 ACC (H:1)

    Wasp Queen: 28/50 HP | 20 DMG


    (OOC: If you want please let the wasp attack you, As I can not stand the risk of getting a crit and die from its attack then,)

  7. As the guy gets up and moves closer to her as he whispers something in her ear, Wait what Why did you now warn we quicker you Idiot, She thinks turning around to Face the Wasp as well. It was at that moment as she sees the guy attack and miss as well, It was no wonder as the Wasp looked quite quick, Mace looked at her energy and knew that she did not have the Energy to use a sword art she had. Once the Guy missed his attack Mace ran in and swung her War-hammer right against the Wasps face. Mace looked up at the thing as it turned his head to her after her hit and it was looking Angry,  F*** It wants me now, well I have my shield so come and get me, she thought just staring the wasp into the bug eyes with out any sign of fear at all.



    ID: 106280

    BD: 6 (Hit)

    Mace's attack hits

    DMG 2

    Dustin: 199/200 HP | 18/20 EN | 5 DMG | 23 MIT | 1 EVA | 1 Paralyze | BH: 2 (H:0)

    Mace: 20/20 HP | 1/2 EN | 4 DMG | 27 MIT | 0 ACC (H:1)

    Wasp Queen: 48/50 HP | 20 DMG

    (OOC: I Think you messed Up with the MD because If I read this right the Queen Wasp should attack after me so meaning if you control the Queen Wasp It would attack before your next attack)

  8. "Floor 1," and it became white a few seconds later Mace was on floor one. It was quite busy here and people walked around, people she did not even know she could trust. Mace heard a few things about how Floor one was maybe one of special floors. She did not want to be around people at this time and just walked head down to the exit of the main settlement and to the forest. Mace wanted to see if she could fight one of the weaker monsters on this floor as it seemed they did nearly up to no damage to her.

    Once out in the floor and at the forest Mace took out her shield and War-hammer and started looking around for any boar she heard about that would be so deadly. As she then got the the edge of the forest she heard a sound. Turning to the sound see locks eyes with a boar as it seemed quite angry that Mace came here. Well, you don't look so deadly at all, so let's tango, she thought getting ready to fight the boar. But once Mace got into a fighting stance the boar turned around and ran away, WHAT THE, YEAH RUN OFF, She thought but as the same time she was quite sad she was not unable to battle the boar.


  9. Mace walked to where the location was going to be until she hears something moving up to her with high amount of speed, She grabs her weapon and shield at the ready, not knowing what was going to pop out. But as it got closer Mace saw who it was but did not let down her guard, Ooh It that guy again, He did came back, She thought looking at him as he moves in. The guy stops and falls to the ground right next to her, "um... Hi?" she say to him watching his moves as he sits up. As he then seemed to say his Sorry for leaving her behind and all, "Ok, We okay now, got it out of your system?" she asks him as she then looks at his face, Darn he has the same face as Ichizo when he was sorry, She thinks putting her weapon back on her hip and her shield on her back again. She reach out a hand to him so he could get up, "This does not mean we are friends, Ok!" She says with a cold tone holding out her hand to him.


  10. Mace let out a other Sigh, "Not If other players have the same plan as us," she said walking. Dustin then said the thing about running and ran passed her, What the hell, I'm going to leave him on his own if he runs off, She thought not even starting to run put just taking a slow jog. "Are you Stupid, Haven't you seen my shield," she yells at him pointing at her shield that was  4'9 tall almost as Tall as herself as she was 5'47". The guy was really going to run even with that, It seemed like he was having fun but Mace on the other hand was not having Fun at all and even stopped jogging as she took just a normal walking speed. I knew he was a no good, Leaving me here, Seems like I have to do it myself, She thought not even paying attention to the party bar that was there. She puts her hand on her War-Hammer and one hand behind her back so she could get her weapon and shield fast if there was going to be an Attack on her soon.


  11. Mace Listens to what the boy says, Ooh that is something I am Interested in, She thought but then the boy said about being in a party, "Yeah Yeah, I know the drill I'm Not dumb," she said getting into a party with the guy whose name was to be revealed as Dustin. It then also was just revealed that Mace was Level one with a total MIT of 27. The boy had maybe 10 times more HP then herself but she did not care at all.  Then as Dustin takes out his sword, out of reaction Mace holds her hand on her War-hammer just to be ready if he ends up being a bad guy. The guy then tells the name of the sword and Mace just sighed, "Yeah okay fun, I don't care," she said without any emotions. She then turned to where the quest marker was pointing and she looked at Dustin, "Hey Idiot are you going to keep making out with sword or are you coming," she said very blunt to him wanting him to get a move on and keep walking.


  12. As Grimm seemed to see it as a thanks what She was saying, she just shrugged it off. As then Grimm asked he was considered different she laugh a bit "You are a not different, You seem to trust people too much, I can just throw my War-Hammer at you and you be already dead," He told about COOPERATION and team work, but Mace did do teamwork but trusting them was not a part of it. "I COOPERATE with people, Never trust them. I just leave them if They are acting stupid and dumb, just like you," she said without emotion. Grimm seemed much more of a talker and Mace got irritated by it a little bit, When is he going to shut up, for real I don't care, she thought as he asked about if she was a Tank. "Blind and Dumb wow you are a great example to not me NOT TO FOLLOW," she said to him "And yes You are a idiot," she paused a bit and looked at the sandwich she got from him and eat it up, "I think you deserve one thanks," she said with a low voice


  13. Mace came down on Floor two, she has not been here only passing by here to get to floor four where the snow was, It was busy around here and many people trying to find others to party, She was not the type to do this but it seemed others were. Her golden shield on her back almost being 4'9 tall and her war-hammer she looked at the way out of here, then she hear a guy shout something about helping killing a monster, What the hell is that kind of way to ask, you could end up teaming with a killer if you do it like that, She thought not paying attention to were she was walking. Then out of nowhere she seemed to be facing the guy that shouted. ""Mph, Maybe... What is it in for me," she said only caring about what he had to give at the end.


  14. Mace lets out a small mhp out at Grimm as he ask if she was hungry, Yes I AM HUNGRY, wait what is he doing? she thought. Mace looks every move off Grimm closely from him opening his inventory by the menu and him getting a sandwich out into his hand. As Grimm then stands up Mace becomes very stiff and it seemed like he was ready to hit him with her War-hammer, but as he gives  her the sandwich mace let out a fake smile and takes the sandwich, "Thanks U guess," she said quick taking the sandwich and eating it. Well Now he worried about me... What next Ask to be friends or so, She thought eating the sandwich while staring him down. Then she thought about it, she helped him and now he was helping her it was her own fault he did it but still she was not fully trusting him, "Okay, I let you In on one thing, I trust no one around here, Not even the nice and innocent looking person there is... but you seemed to break that," she said to him as she was eating the sandwich he gave her


  15. As Grimm asked why she was holding her War-hammer , Mace looked up at him like he did something wrong, "I don't Trust you, Who in the hell, In right minded comes to this floor unprepared," she snapped at him not wanting to talk at all. It stayed quiet for a long time and Mace was just looking at Grimm the whole time seeing if he did something fishy, Who are you really, Why did you even come here, And what do you want, Can't he just leave. I would not care if he freezes to death... maybe, She thought having a small argument with herself in her head in why she gave the guy a potion of warmth. Then at that moment her stomach started to growl a bit, as she forgot to eat this morning. In her shame she tried to hide her face, She did not want the boy to help her, It was her own fault to not bring food or even eat in the morning


  16. The Settlement on this floor always seemed to busy for Mace liking, She did not like it around people she would not even care for them at all, Just as the lakes on this floor Mace's heart has been frozen. She wanted to get out off the Settlement and left as early as she could, the sun was no even up yet. As she walked out of the settlement you could feel the warmth of the settlement disappear and feel the cold wind on the floor. She opened her Menu fast and took out a <Potion of Warmth>  too keep her body warm from the wind. She was now walking for quite sometime and ended up in the forest not far from the settlement there it was that a snowstorm began to come up, Mace took out her shield and held it against the wind. Her shield gave her some cover but she needed to find shelter. 

    She then spotted a small cave-in at the side off a slop off a mountain, she walked in and to her surprise it was quite cold inside the cave-in. She swiped down her menu and started to make a small fire to give a full party heat, the Fire was quickly made and Mace sat down at the fire. She did not trust it at all so she got her shield and War-hammer at the ready, While her shield looked to be almost 4'9 with wings of gold mounted on it while her War-hammer she had was just a giant block decorated with gold and blue.


  17. Mace lets out a sigh, What do people don't seem to understand in, Don't talk, she though. It seemed like the guy was just really unprepared for anything not even knowing if Mace was pure and not one of those people who worked with a PKer. As the guy thanked her again she was getting a bit worried that this guy was really just that blind, "Why would you care, Names are just thing you forget later on, So Grimm I won't give my name," she said with uninterested. She really did not care at all and looked at Grimm for a bit still holding her war-hammer in her hand as it was laying on the ground, "But if you really insist in knowing, GRIMM, the name is Mace," she said to him with no emotion at all, it was quiet after that and Mace looked into the fire for a bit not wanting to start a conversation at all.

  18. The fire was giving quite a lot of warmth for a full party, maybe it was just the system but who knew. Then she hears it a voice of someone, she turns around to face a guy standing there shivering in the cold, there goes my peace and quiet, Idiot, thinking it is a good idea to go out now without preparing, she thought looking at him with out any emotion on his face. "Stupid aren't you, Sit down and don't talk," she said to him pointing at the other side of the fire. If he sat down he could see that she did not have wings but her shield did. How do you mess up this bad, get a potion of warmth and it will be fix, she thought. She opened he inventory and got out her war-hammer it was a giant block of metal with some blue and golden decoration on it. Not only she got her war-hammer out she seemed to also get a potion out. she threw the potion at the guy "Here, and now don't go die on me here, Or if you want to then don't drink it," she said to him. as the potion had a description of 'Potion of warmth, It will give you a buff to cold resistance mostly used on floor four' Mace did not trust the guy at all and that was to see as she was holding her war-hammer in her hand while she could grab her shield at any moment.

  19. Mace walked around on floor four, she really likes this floor and was quite happy here. She loved the snow and all thing around snow, making angels in the snow, snowball fight, It was all possible on this floor, But however Mace was not here to play, she was here to find a place to seek rest seek calm. Once getting out of the settlement she headed to a forest that she could see. As she walked over there it seemed she was the only person up to early as it was clear that she left behind footprints in the snow. It took her not long to get to the place she wanted, once at the forest she started to look around for anything to rest at. Getting out her shield she places it in the ground behind her as it was standing 4'92" Tall in the ground. She said down at a cliff just on the edge of the forest, that was clear of snow and she sat behind her shield, Wish snow came to every floor, it would make it quite a bit more realistic as there was always winter or summer, she thought looking out to the distance as she sat on the edge of a cliff looking out over the tundra in front of her.

    She opened her Menu and looked to see if she could make a fire, and yes she could as so she did. It was very easy to do in game and Mace seemed to do it almost entirely out of nothing. "Brr.. a lot better," she said low getting her hands to the fire and started to hum a bit. She was alright being alone and happy people did not bother her at all, maybe why is because she was so cold to people just as the temperature here on floor four. The fire was warm and nice to sit by and Mace began to warm up a bit more, even if the cold did not bother her at all she still knew staying in the cold would make for a nasty debuff to her. Her shield seemed to be blocking all the wind that was coming from behind and as well if you walked up to her you would only see a golden shield with to wings on it standing tall at 4'92" and some light from the fire.


  20. Mace walked into the shop very quiet, and looked around for anything of interest. But it seemed as well that this shop had a 50% discount for players under level 15 so Mace walked up to the counter and wrote down on a paper about what kind of item she wanted, It was not really something special for her it was just a shield.  It took her not long to write down what she wanted on the shield and leaves a note with it, saying "Contact me once it is done, I only pay If I see it finished." Leaving the shop again as she goes on her own way again.

    Name: Valkyrie's Wall
    Your Profession: Blacksmith
    Your Rank: 10
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: Shield
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: MIT 3
    Description: A Golden outer lines of the shield with two wings as its form, while 4 arrows sit in the middle as they shine blue, As it stands 150 Meters tall.
    Post Link: [Leave Blank]



    Username | Mace

    Real Name | Izami Tokunaga

    Age | 19/21    DoB | 5-19

    Gender | Female

    Height | 5.'47" 166Cm   Weight |  112 lbs.


    Izami or Iz for short had a weird young life being the twin of her brother was not always the best but both herself and her brother Itza were loved by her father and mother. At the age of five, however, their mother died and they were left alone with there father. At first, it was bad their father was losing his job and they were forced to move out of the house to an apartment in Tokyo. Itza her and Izami were told by there father not to speak when not spoken too and Izami as the young girl she was back then doing as her father told her and almost never spoke to anyone only if got asked something, but her brother was more of the speaker and talked quite a lot to other people. A few years later it got better and their father met a new wife and got set up with a job. But sadly Izami was not keen on this new wife of their father and did want nothing to do with her. at the age of 10, Izami and her brother got into two different friend groups they did not speak to each other outside of school were mostly busy doing their own things. A few years later the new wife of their father left for a long time and did not get back, Izami was blamed for this because she was not on good terms with the new wife of their father. Their father would yell at her and say she was better off staying away forever, And so she kind of grew away from her own family.

    At a later age, she got the guts to leave the house and only come back in the evening and leave in the very early morning, Her father thought she left their house for good and did not care for her anymore. Mostly After school Izami went only to a park where she met an older woman by the name of Areana, the woman like that Izami came to her every time after school and told her she should speak more often as she always been quiet and just did not speak much at all. One day the woman invited her to come to her house and Izami walked with the woman to her house, she stayed there all night and even slept there. the woman then asked why she always came to her and did not go home, Izami simply said, She does not have a real home. After the next day, the woman asked If Izami wanted to stay at her house as long as she wanted even getting the key to her house. Izami liked it and stayed with the woman for a long time.

    Once she moved to another school and the school asked if she wanted to live in the dormitory, Izami said yes and moved into the Dormitory. Her father then founded out that his daughter was going to a school and he looked her up to see what she was doing. He found her one day in the park and walked up to her with her brother, he asked if she wanted to move back in with them and was very sorry for what he did but she did not trust him and did not even open her mouth to him and only spoke to her brother. Her father left as her brother stayed that day at her room in the dormitory speaking about things, while she was listening to what he was saying. And from that day own her father paid her funds for school while he bagged to her to come back but she never wanted. She grew cold to other people as she seemed to walk into there so-called friendships and in the end was cast out of most things as she did not like the way they acted. One day she got a package from her father and inside it was a Full Drive headset, she heard about this and went the next day to the store to buy a game that was called SAO.

    Virtues And Flaws

    Smart Izami was quite smart and knew quite a lot of things about tech nature and other things, however, she was not a wonder kid but still quite smart. She knows a few languages where under France, English, And Japanese of course. Not only that she knew mostly what to expect from things and was almost barely surprised by things and how it worked. Knowing a lot made her one of the smartest people there were in her classes and most people came to her for homework.

    Go-Getter, She has never given up on something she was doing and always wanted to end the things she did. She wanted to make sure everything she did was done and perfect if things were left unfinished she would blame herself for not making sure it got done. Being like this has always given her fuel to keep going and not to stop with the plan she has.

    Never Scared, Somehow Izami seemed to be never scared of things, in haunted houses, she would just walk in and come to the other side out laughing. Most people would say there is at least something you are scared of but Izami never has seen it what she is scared off. People have tried her to scare her quite a lot but never seemed to succeed. This may be because Izami has grown cold to people and a lot of other things. But never has Izami been scared in her life fighting and keeping her head up, even ending up laughing when people tried to scare her.

    Cold Izami has grown cold to people and other things not caring for them at all. some people even called her mean because of this but Izami did not really care for things as it seemed the real world did not care for her in her eyes. Losing her Mother and then running away from home and ending up living alone, with no one to care for you left Izami cold. She does care for people only truly cares for her brother, but as seemed to care for really close friends and people she really trusts and are friends.

    Quiet Izami never spoke to people at all, it seemed she was short worded to them and spoke every so often. People were amazed that Izami even spoke at all. But she stayed quiet because her father once told her not to speak to anyone and it seemed that she stayed this way at a young age. She only speaks shots sentences or not at all to people who she does not care for, but once she cares for you she could talk of your ears for a quite long time.

    Trust Issues Izami grew up with quite a lot of trust issues to other people not wanting to talk to people at all. There were but a few people she trusted and those were the old woman in the park and her brother. If she did not trust you she was very cold to you and did not really want to talk to that person only if you forced her to she would talk. But having trust issues with people made her quite dangerous to be around as she would end up leaving you behind more than once.


    Level 19 | HP 380 | DMG 4 | MIT 53

    2/50 SP Used


    Rank I | Warhammer
    Rank II | Block
    Rank III | Heavy Armor




    Vanity, UncommonRarePerfectDemonic

    Battle Ready/Equipped

    Battle Ready * | Equipped **

    • Perfect | Taunting Smasher [Taunt 1, DMG 2]**
    • Perfect | Valkyrie's Wall [MIT 3]**
    • Vanity | Beginners Heavy Armor **
      • x3 Starter Healing Potions [Heals 50 HP] *
      • Empty
      • Empty
      • Empty

    Full Inventory

    Rare | triumph Hammer [DMG 2]**
    Perfect | Taunting Smasher [Taunt 1, DMG 2]**

    Perfect | Valkyrie's Wall [MIT 3]**
    Vanity | Beginners Heavy Armor **
    x3 Starter Healing Potions [Heals 50 HP] *



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