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Posts posted by Miaki

  1. To those of you who haven't heard already I will be away for nearly 2 weeks starting on the 5th on a trip to Alaska. Now what does that mean for here? It means you'll have to find someone else to bother with questions regarding navigating Aincrad. And please, for the love of the Cardinal system DON'T go to the GMs or Admin first unless you need a flag/floor boss to attack or need something approved. There are plenty of people in the community that have the answer you are looking for and they are more than willing to provide you with the answer. If you are on Skype then shout out for help and see what you get. I should have internet on occasion but it is not certain at what capacity I will have it. So don't count me fully out especially for a certain boss raid. I'll still be around but I'll likely be around only a little bit and at certain times.

  2. Miaki was leaving town to go scout out a dungeon he had heard about from a few travelers. He wore his trademark fedora and trench coat with his katana tucked away underneath when he heard the sudden heard the cry for help from a young girl. Immediately stopping, he looked around to figure out which direction the cry came from then rushed off to investigate. So close to the city he saw a little girl in a white dress that was caked in dirt and torn apart. She was being chased by several pursuers and Miaki saw one of them grab hold of her and begin dragging her away.

    Gritting his teeth, the <> rushed towards them as fast as he could possibly run. As he got closer he screamed at the top of his lungs to intimidate the captors and confuse them. Drawing his katana, he brought it to his head and charged a sword skill to close the last of the distance. "HEY YOU!" He shouted, not very original but the sight of a small child in distress wasn't time for crazy one liners.

  3. Zauis healed himself up again before <> had time attack. Soon as he downed the last of the healing potions Miaki had provided him with, which nearly returned him to max health, he rushed in again and struck the weeping statue and paralyzed it. 'Go time!' He thought as he rushed in to deal another hit.

    Battle result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    His katana cleanly cut through the statue leaving a satisfying gash.

    Zauis: 50/51

    Miaki: 59/59

    Angel: 54/80

  4. Greetings to you Raab! Welcome to Aincrad. Looking forward to seeing you active around here. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. I've glanced at the Skype chat and see that people have already referred you to me with questions. Its true. As <> my job is to help you. If you see me around hit me up and I should be able to help.

  5. <> evolved into a new feminine form. She was covered nearly head to toe in vines and various types of flora. Miaki stared at her with a sense of excitement and wonder having a flashback to one or two older games he played that faced gigantic plant bosses. Only instead of a controller or mouse and keyboard in his hand, he had his silver katana. The next thing he knew the creature encased herself in a chrysalis shielding her from their attacks.

    He heard Nikki inform everyone that she was healing. "Break down that shield everyone! Yunah! Prepare a healing potion and engage!" He rushed forward evading a few stray vines and held his katana high up ready to strike.

    (OOC: Sword skill cooldown 1 turn(s))

    Battle Results: Missed!

    Just as he was a couple meters away from the Guardian, a large vine whip blindsided him and sent him flying across the floor several meters. "Damn it! Should've seen that one coming. Yunah! Go! Hit her hard and fast!"

    Keith: 65/67

    9Lives: 15/17

    Zelrius: 51/53

    Shark: 39/41

    Nikki: 30/32

    Miaki: 57/59

    Yunah: 11/15

    Haine: 59/61

    Ruri: 51/53

    Saix: 17/19

    Zero: 15/17

    Seldentar: 27/29

    Daeron: 35/37

    Lightfiyr: 25/27

    Vandal: 13/15

    Grim: 35/37

    Ethereal: 21/23

    Clarence: 27/29

    Ayane: 15/17

    Shanok: 13/17

    <> 83/128

    <> 8/20

    <> 0/12

    <> 0/12

    <> 0/12

    <> 0/12

  6. Miaki nodded to Shark as the Commander of the Knights of Christ entered the meeting room. Another key player that would be essential for combating this vital threat. "Shark good to have you with us. We're about to get started but I shall give you and everyone else here a preliminary report. Some of you may have heard about a player known as Vile. Keith, Saix, and Ruri I believe, have encountered this villain before. At this time all we've had were reports from those three about this character. That is until now." He said while taking a glance to a nervous Clarence who was standing away from everyone else waiting to present his findings.

    "Commandant Clarence was on the first floor with another player when Vile made an appearance. Clarence retreated from the scene but unfortunately the other player did not." He held his breath a moment then continued. "What we will play shortly is a recording captured by Clarence which shows Vile and a few other players killing the other player whose name was Alex. What you will see shortly is rather graphic I should warn you and some of the players are blurry in the image." He surveyed the room looking at everyone present. "I'm gonna give the others a little bit more time. In the mean time I'd like to formally introduce two of my Commandants. Shanok and Clarence."

  7. <> surrounded herself with her stone wings for a moment, almost as if she was shielding herself. Miaki watched her movements carefully then realized what was about to happen next. "AOE ATTACK! LOOK OUT!" He shouted just as the stone being began to expand her wings in a quick fashion, firing dozens of stone feathers. Miaki back flipped to evade the attack and watched Ryujin and Rosalia attack her. As soon as Rosalia's lance struck true the <> rushed forward to switch out and attack the being.

    (OOC: Sword skill cooldown 1 turn(s).)

    Battle result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    With a stabbing motion, Miaki thrust his katana into the statue, aiming for one of her wings. Repentance began to shift around as he closed the distance and instead he clipped her wing with his blade.

    Ryujin: 29/31

    Rosalia: 9/9

    Miaki: 57/57

    Saix: 19/19

    Repentance: 48/80

  8. Dinner was served and Nikki and Miaki began to cut into the lamb and vegetables on their plates. They had gotten well into their meal while keeping up a small conversation when Nikki changed topics and asked him what was he expecting from a wife. In truth he hadn't really thought of Nikki performing the stereotypical roles of a wife. Instead he saw the spear and shield tank who lead players in battle and trained them to be the best they could be. And he wanted to be with that person.

    He put down his fork and with a warm smile looked at Nikki. She looked absolutely amazing in her blue dress. "Abigale, to be quite honest I never thought about the cooking or anything exactly. Personally, He said bringing his free hand to his chest to show sincerity. "you could be the worst cook in the world and ruin even the easiest low level recipes and it wouldn't matter to me. I do not expect a housewife. I know you well enough to know that that would be degrading to you. I want us out there doing our best for the people of Aincrad together. We can get along just fine with getting food in restaurants or buying something that doesn't require a cooking skill for us to have in your-... our home. If you want to try some of those things though I won't stop you. I never thought about it until just now but maybe those things would be fun for us to do." He now took her hand which held the engagement ring with both his hands and looked deep into her eyes.

    "What I do care about and want in a wife is someone who is loving and supportive. Someone strong enough to pick me up when I fall down and to back me up when I need it. Abigale... If you can be that for me than that's all I truly need in the end and I promise to be that person for you. To be the one to protect you and love you. Hold you and support you. But I too need to know what is best for you. What you need or expect from a husband. I know I will make mistakes but I will do my best to be the best because you are all that matters to me now Abigale." Several tears of hopeless love began to run down his face. "I love you." He said. His life had never been any better ever before in his entire life. For the first time ever he was happy to be trapped in this world. Sure he accepted it and enjoyed his time in Aincrad but this moment was the first time he ever felt truly happy and thankful to be stuck here.

    By now Aincrad was covered in a complete night sky. The skies above were blanketed in bright stars and swirling galaxies. It was a beautiful sight. As perfect a night as any for him and Nikki to spend time together. Miaki gazed up at the sky and looked down at some of the catwalks below. For a moment he thought he saw a player of a small stature watching them from a distance. He glanced at Nikki then back to where the player was. "Is that an information broker watching us?" He asked himself for a moment. He discarded the thought thinking it could be just some passerby. His mind was too focus on his new fiance to be distracted by meaningless thoughts.

  9. Miaki shielded his eyes from the blinding sun after being under ground for hours. "When we get back to town... Drinks are on me bro. Let's get out of here." They left the tomb behind them to later explore. With a pack full of new materials and some experience gained from battle they returned to the main settlement.

  10. With a sliver of health left on it's heath bar, <> let out a blood curling howl. Miaki wanted to end this expedition and return after he had time to rest. "Time for bed mummy!" He shouted as he rushed forward and attacked the towering monster.

    Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    Miaki slashed the mummy with a thin line across the side. It let out a final roar and vanished....

    Shanok: 11/17

    Miaki : 59/61


    Lord Vaasegn : 0/25

  11. Entering a raging fury mode, <> was back up and angry as ever as he took all the hits from both the players. Miaki rushed in while it was distracted and attacked with his katana.

    Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    Miaki slashed the mummy with a thin line across the side.

    Shanok: 15/17

    Miaki : 59/61


    Lord Vaasegn : 3/25

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