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Posts posted by Miaki

  1. Miaki parried the skeleton multiple time before attacking it again.

    Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    Miaki's attack struck the skeleton across the chest.


    Shanok : 17/17

    Miaki : 55/55


    Iron Skeleton#1 : 5/13 - stunned

    Iron Skeleton#2 : 3/13

  2. Miaki parried the skeleton multiple time before attacking it again.

    Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    Miaki's attack struck the skeleton across the chest.


    Shanok : 17/17

    Miaki : 55/55


    Iron Skeleton#1 : 8/13 - stunned

    Iron Skeleton#2 : 5/13

  3. Miaki parried the skeleton multiple time before attacking it again.

    Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    Miaki's attack struck the skeleton across the chest.


    Shanok : 17/17

    Miaki : 55/55


    Iron Skeleton#1 : 11/13 - stunned

    Iron Skeleton#2 : 7/13

  4. Miaki began coughing on his crab meat and looked at Clarence in surprise. He brought his free hand up and cupped it under his mouth "Dude, that was sudden. Who the hell said anything about marriage?" Clearly surprised by the sudden shift in their causal talk that didn't seem to bother Clarence in the slightest bit. "Right now I'm not even with anyone. I haven't even given the idea of settling a thought." His voice began to trail off. "My minds always been about pushing to the next floor and the one after that."

  5. Miaki parried the skeleton multiple time before attacking it again.

    Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    Miaki's attack struck the skeleton across the chest.


    Shanok : 17/17

    Miaki : 55/55


    Iron Skeleton#1 : 12/13

    Iron Skeleton#2 : 9/13

  6. After Kyoki drew her dagger and began defending the young children. Miaki followed suit with the draw of his katana, <>, a silver flash was emitted followed quickly by the shattering of plants as he flanked them before they had time to focus on him. One vine shot towards him and wrapped around his left arm but a quick cut from his blade made short work of the vine. The carnivorous plants were no match for the duo who shredded through the plants as if they were nothing.

  7. Miaki heard from his Commandant Clarence about the death of a player known as <> dying at the hands of Vile, the <> and <>. But unlike the past actions made by Vile, this time things were different and Miaki was presented with the idea to call another meeting with the top guilds.

    Using the same large meeting room where the scouting report was held, everyone was called together once again to formally address the threat showing it's face in Sword Art Online. The building, held high above the rest providing some privacy and prevention of any interruptions, was once again about to be the host of another joint-guild meeting.

    The room was a nice rather large room with an open bay window which overlooked the catwalks below. A long table was in the center of the room where most of the leaders he had recently been coming to know were seated. Miaki was sitting down next to Nikki with Clarence beside him. His friend looked nervous which he could understand. Some people were just not skilled at public speaking, especially in front of people you didn't know. He gave Clarence a reassuring pat on the back. "You got this bro. Just focus your eyes on me or Keith or whoever it takes. Pretend you are just reporting to one person. You'll be fine. I can jump in there if you need me to." He gave him a wink and with a final pat said, "Break a leg."

  8. Miaki parried the skeleton multiple time before attacking it again.

    Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    Miaki's attack struck the skeleton across the chest.


    Shanok : 17/17

    Miaki : 55/55


    Iron Skeleton#1 : 12/13

    Iron Skeleton#2 : 11/13

  9. Miaki was in a meeting on the eighth floor when he was interrupted by a message from Commandant Clarence. He stood up from his meeting and excused himself from the players in the room. Once he was away he pressed he blinking icon marked <>. The display appeared in a small transparent window. Which caused Miaki to tremble briefly with fear. It read:

    Who the heck is Vile! He just attacked a kid named Maker! Help!

    Miaki without a moments hesitation wrote a reply back which stated his next orders.


    He took a deep breath and hoped Clarence would obey and run for his dear life.

  10. A small band of low level players wearing starter armor were surrounded by <>. The carnivorous plants seemed set on making the dinner bell that was ringing from the sound of the children's cries. The players were a couple of kids no less older than 15 years in age. Some of them were cowering behind shields while the rest were improperly holding their weapons with no chance of making them useful.

  11. The handsome spear user calling himself Nero was as charming with his words as his looks. His voice beckoned all in earshot to listen to what he had to say and Miaki found himself under this man's spell. Nero was certainly intelligent or well informed to know just who he faced before him. What else could he possibly know? He was certainly knowledgable of more than he let on but Miaki was too taken to this mysterious player to know better.

    His grip on Nikki's hand loosened ever so slightly as he stepped ahead of Nikki, leading her almost, as they approached Nero. He had offered to escort them to the Rusty Nail, a place that sounded like it was kept reserved and only special access could get oneself inside. Miaki already bent on whatever Nero had in mind. But he felt the slightest tug from Nikki and turned to face her, breaking the trance-like spell he was under. He regained control of himself and shook himself mentally. "Very well Nero. Lead the way."

  12. Welcome <>, Miaki here. Player support, front liner, and Brigadier General for the <>. First you need to start by making a journal. I suggest a nice look of the tutorials section. Once you make a journal then you can look into the quests section and look at different ones that can help you. I think we have a new quest called "Worn Out Welcome" that can get you some decent gear.

  13. Feeling a small nudge from Nikki against his leg caused Miaki to turn his head and face her. She was smiling and gave him a little wink which he wasn't sure to make of. Maybe she was signaling about getting started, or maybe she was saying she was excited about the adventure to come, or maybe it wasn't supposed to mean anything at all. Just something between them, it didn't matter to him. He gave her a small grin and watched her up addressing everyone.

    "Alright Ladies and Gentlemen. I believe we have a creature up on one of my mountains that needs to be dealt with. If there are no further delays I think we should head out before we lose the good weather."

    Miaki and the rest of the party stood up and appeared ready. Yunah walked up beside him opposite to Nikki, she silently looked up to him stating herself being ready. He gave her a comforting look then spoke up. "Nikki is right. The weather outside is beginning to clear up and who knows how long we'll have it this way." Giving everyone a moment to make themselves ready he made his way to the door. Waiting to open it. He had almost forgotten to equip a winter cloak, without further delay he opened his menu and got a olive green winter cloak to materialize over his clothes. As everyone reached the door he opened it bringing in a small winter chill. "Better bundle up if you haven't already."

  14. Soon as the statue named <> could move again the being attack Ryujin. The damage dealt was minor in comparison to the numbers it was up against. Miaki was worried about the lower leveled player with them named <>. The spear and lance user was easy pickings compared to the rest of them. Miaki saw it was his time and switched out with her and attacked <>.

    (OOC: Sword skill cooldown 2 turn(s).)

    Battle result: Hit. 2 DMG!

    The gash he left in Repentance was clean as he saw the health bar shrink a bit.

    Ryujin: 31/31

    Rosalia: 9/9

    Miaki: 57/57

    Saix: 19/19

    Repentance: 55/80 - under bleeding effects

  15. The statue with the red name floating above it calling it <> attacked Miaki with the weapon it held in it's hands. Fortune held out for the <> as the attack missed the strawberry blonde haired fighter by mere inches, he took a quick strike before the towering figure had time to react.

    Battle result: Missed

    As before his katana scratched <> but showed no signs of it being effective.

    Zauis: 42/51

    Miaki: 59/59

    Angel: 59/80

  16. Keep a strong attitude and a love for writing and you will do well here. Im with <> if you have any questions. Many people here are up for taking quests and plenty are willing to RP with you especailly to get you integrated and welcomed into the game. Might I ask which site and friend you learned of us from?

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