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Posts posted by Miaki

  1. Entering a raging fury mode, <> was back up and angry as ever as he took all the hits from both the players. Miaki rushed in while it was distracted and attacked with his katana.

    Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    Miaki slashed the mummy with a thin line across the side.

    Shanok: 15/17

    Miaki : 59/61


    Lord Vaasegn : 6/25

  2. Miaki clapped hands with Clarence before his friend took out a blue teleportation crystal and warped back to the <>. Silverwing landed on Miaki's shoulder as he took a final look around. "Time to get the 'ell out of here buddy. Let go somewhere more comfortable." His previous discussion with Clarence about Nikki got him thinking. "I got an idea. Let's go see what Nikki is up to, maybe we can go on an adventure with her to the 6th floor." Holding his crystal high he teleported out of the forest and traveled to the fourth floor.

  3. <> was back up and angry as ever as he took all the hits from both the players. Miaki rushed in while it was distracted and attacked with his katana.

    Battle Dice Result: Missed

    Miaki felt a rumble and tumbled over and missed.

    Shanok: 16/17

    Miaki : 61/61


    Lord Vaasegn : 9/25

  4. Miaki was starting to feel the effects of getting tired. "My gawd we've been out here forever. I am sooooo tired now I'm not sure how much longer I can go on like this. I just want to get back to an inn and pass out." He said, beginning to feel himself sway about while walking. He suddenly heard the sound of his falcon spotting something. "Hey, looks like we've got something." He said as he ran ahead to see what Silverwing found.

    As he got closer he spotted a wooden chest tucked away under some large ferns. "Good find here buddy." He said as he began to open it.

    Loot dice 18 natural roll with +1 from gentleman's fedora and +1 from familiar.

    10 mats found!

  5. They both attacked <> without ceasing. Silver and steel filled the air as they cut the mummy into ribbons.

    Battle Result: Hit! 2 DMG!


    Shanok: 15/17

    Miaki : 59/61


    Lord Vaasegn : 10/25 -Paralyzed for 1 turn- Can't attack or evade

  6. Shanok stunned the towering beast with his curved sword. "Nice job Shanok!" he shouted as he swapped places with the man.

    Battle Result: Hit! 2 DMG!


    Shanok: 15/17

    Miaki : 59/61


    Lord Vaasegn : 13/25 -Paralyzed for 2 turn- Can't attack or evade

  7. Both Shanok and <> missed each other by a mile. Miaki rushed in while it was distracted and attacked with his katana.

    Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    He rushed forward and slashed horizontally at the mummy.

    Shanok: 16/17

    Miaki : 61/61


    Lord Vaasegn : 19/25

  8. Shanok's gauntlets activated and reflected damage to <> causing it to howl. Miaki rushed in while it was distracted and attacked with his katana.

    Battle Dice Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    He rushed forward and slashed horizontally at the mummy.

    Shanok: 16/17

    Miaki : 58/58


    Lord Vaasegn : 21/25

  9. At hearing Sakuri's question about the brigade and it's origin, Miaki decided to be the one to fill him I. And give him some background into the brigade 's history. He slowed down his pace for Sakuri to catch up and coming between himself and Clarence. Miaki then began to recall the formation of the brigade and it's development since then. "Well originally the <> was a very closed group consisting of six of us. Seven if you include Keith's wife Cicila. We didn't have a set leader per se but we all pretty much looked to Keith as our leader on an unofficial status. All of our decisions were made by the <> which consisted of the six original members: myself, Keith, Zelrius, Clarence, Shanok, and Daeron. Our goal was pretty self-centered honestly. We did what we wanted and whatever would benefit the brigade as a whole." Miaki thought back to those times when they had first gotten things started and how well things seemed to have been going.

    His tone dropped a bit as he recalled the near disbandment of the brigade. "Things were going well until one of our former members blatantly killed a player in a horrific manner. It nearly broke us. Keith left and placed me in charge and I left for a while feeling unable to take up the responsibility." His mind lingered on the short time he went on a journey of self-reflection which led to a reunion with a few players. "One day when a few of us were in the labyrinth, we found the boss room and it was like nothing we'd ever faced before. I knew that we would need a lot of people to take it on and so I took up my post as leader and contacted two of the other top guilds to begin planning and building alliances." He realized quite a lot had changed since the brigade was first formed. "Now I'm picking up the pieces with the help of those still remaining." He looked to his three commandants that were with him. He wouldn't be able to do much of it without their help and support. "Were no longer that self-centered group we once were and are going through some changes. But I feel that ultimately we will come out far stronger than before."

  10. All three of the combatants in the room were missing each other like drunken idiots. It was really quite the spectacle to watch as they missed each other with incredible grace. Miaki brought up his blade and went for the large mummy before them.

    Battle Dice Result: Missed

    Without warning the floor began to quake and Miaki stumbled, failing to attack entirely.


    Shanok : 17/17

    Miaki : 58/58


    Lord Vaasegn : 25/25

  11. The giant hit Yunah with the side of his foot. Miaki was glad to see that atleast it failed to stomp her out of existence. He twirled his katana with the flick of his wrist and dashed forward. "Switch out!" He instructed as he swapped places and aimed for the giant's ankle.

    Battle Result: Missed..

    Swinging his blade in a horizontal slash he missed the giant's ankle as it kept moving about

    Miaki: 59/59

    Yunah: 12/15

    <>: 16/30

  12. Miaki was shocked to hear that this man, Nero the <> faced the infamous Vile the <>. Not only did they face each other but they had brought each other down to extremely low heath before calling a draw. Just how strong was their guide? Keith Yudai, who both Nikki and Miaki knew as one of the likely top players in Sword Art Online. If Keith couldn't deal much damage or face Vile and do well then that monster was a serious threat. If Nero could have brought Vile down to low health like that then they should make a point to get to know them better. But something told him that that if Nero wasn't heard of yet then that was for a reason and Miaki didn't feel like crossing a man who could potentially run him through easily especially if he brought Vile down to size.

    As they navigated the streets Miaki finally faced the question he had nagging him in his head. "You seriously went against Vile and lived? How did... How have you kept yourself under the radar so long?" Clearly Nero had his reasons for remaining unknown to most for now and Miaki wasn't in the modd for prying into manners that were not his concern. Right now he was focused on helping NIkki gain the unique skill for herself that would make her all the more powerful with a spear.

  13. Miaki was surprised at how quickly Nikki's mind was made up on living together. Soon as he mentioned that he had been a nomadic type of person in Sword Art Online moving from one place to the next, she became insistent on moving in together and at her own place even. The more he thought about it the more he liked it. A cozy, warm place on the fourth floor seemed exciting and romantic. His mind lingered on the days to come where they would spend time together in between raids and meetings and enjoy each others company by a warm hearth. With his hands up in surrender Miaki chuckled lightly and smiled. "Okay, okay. It's settled." He liked the idea of moving in and was glad to be given the invitation.

    After hearing her agreement to continue working with their own guilds and that they could accomplish more continuing where they were he nodded. "And with the relations that have been building between our guilds it will be all the easier." He had been glad to have started building strong ties with Captain Saix of the Ebon Vanguard and Shark of the Knights of Christ. "We'll take things one step at a time if anything rises from it. Hopefully, no one will stir up anything but I'm optimistic. But enough of that for now." He said wanting to shift the topic again and move their night along while they waited for their food. "We can talk about guild politics some other time. This is your night and I want it to be everything you want it to be and more." Miaki tried to think of what to bring up next but was coming up blank.

  14. All three of the combatants in the room were missing each other like drunken idiots. It was really quite the spectacle to watch as they missed each other with incredible grace. Miaki brought up his blade and went for the large mummy before them.

    Battle Dice Result: Missed

    Without warning the floor began to quake and Miaki stumbled, failing to attack entirely.


    Shanok : 17/17

    Miaki : 58/58


    Lord Vaasegn : 25/25

  15. As deemed by the Justice System (i.e. Player Support and GM team) as well as the Admin team of SAO. The trial records of the player <> who also goes by many other names on this site have been approved of going public. The following is a transcript of his plea.

    Alex's Hearing

    [6/30/2014 7:58:54 PM] Shark: Player support team will hear your case. If valid arguments can be reached WITH evidence, this case will be moved up to the GM team

    [6/30/2014 7:59:22 PM] *** Shark has changed the conversation topic to "Alex's Hearing" ***

    [6/30/2014 8:01:55 PM] *** Shark has changed the conversation picture. ***

    [6/30/2014 8:03:09 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Please have patience with my response time and do not try to get my attention. I have been asked by Shark to handle this and that I shall but work and other IRL things will take priority.

    [6/30/2014 8:03:55 PM] Shark: I am not taking part in this hearing so do NOT try to get my attention

    [6/30/2014 8:09:54 PM] *** Shark added Zuzu :3 ***

    [6/30/2014 8:10:11 PM] Shark: 2nd member of the player support team

    [6/30/2014 10:13:00 PM] lockes30: Guys. So, I was crafting Friday night. Next thing I know I got a message in my box called "abusing the crafting system" so I opened it. It said that for abusing the crafting system I am now banned. I didn't abuse it.

    [6/30/2014 11:12:10 PM] *** lockes30 added Keith Yudai ***

    [6/30/2014 11:14:03 PM] lockes30: Keith is my lawyer :)

    [6/30/2014 11:17:30 PM] lockes30: Miaki, can you post?

    [6/30/2014 11:20:37 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Would the defendant like to make a statement?

    [6/30/2014 11:22:00 PM] lockes30: Am I the defendant? (Sorry, never ban to court)

    [6/30/2014 11:23:02 PM] *** Shark removed Keith Yudai from this conversation. ***

    [6/30/2014 11:23:23 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Yes.

    [6/30/2014 11:23:37 PM] Shark: No lawyer is allowed at the early stage

    [6/30/2014 11:23:42 PM] lockes30: Keith is my lawyer!

    [6/30/2014 11:23:49 PM] lockes30: Fin

    [6/30/2014 11:23:56 PM] lockes30: Fine

    [6/30/2014 11:23:58 PM] Shark: im sorry... did i stutter

    [6/30/2014 11:24:18 PM] Shark: Judge Miaki, please proceed

    [6/30/2014 11:24:42 PM] lockes30: I think it was my turn to speak

    [6/30/2014 11:24:57 PM] lockes30: But go ahead, Judge

    [6/30/2014 11:25:15 PM] lockes30: My battery is gonna die!

    [6/30/2014 11:25:29 PM] lockes30: Fine, I'll go.

    [6/30/2014 11:25:36 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Thank you Shark. Alex, you are here regarding your abuse of the crafting system on the SAO-RPG website. How do you plead?

    [6/30/2014 11:27:20 PM] lockes30: Endr, you mean. I was crafting on Friday and wanted an extra post....o I made a post of m hanging up the racks of armor. (Or weapons)) can I continue?

    [6/30/2014 11:27:53 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Would you please present the link to said post.

    [6/30/2014 11:28:42 PM] lockes30: Shark shall do the honors(for I am banned)

    [6/30/2014 11:29:13 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Which shop was this? I will search it myself.

    [6/30/2014 11:29:30 PM] Shark: pfft... not gonna happen... I am no baleif

    [6/30/2014 11:29:34 PM] lockes30: Thunder Dragon Forge.......

    [6/30/2014 11:30:00 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Please stand by while I examine the evidence.

    [6/30/2014 11:30:12 PM] lockes30: I think I had atypoand put thuner dragon forge

    [6/30/2014 11:32:02 PM] lockes30: (May I ask what shark is doing)

    [6/30/2014 11:32:19 PM] Shark: watching fairy tail

    [6/30/2014 11:35:14 PM] lockes30: (Aren't three

    [6/30/2014 11:35:35 PM] lockes30: Aren't there 2 judges)

    [6/30/2014 11:35:56 PM] lockes30: Not three, meant to put there

    [6/30/2014 11:37:14 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Shark is here to witness and provide any input I request from him and is here on a purely provisional case.

    [6/30/2014 11:37:33 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: You will be working with myself and Zauis.

    [6/30/2014 11:38:04 PM] lockes30: Did you check

    [6/30/2014 11:38:47 PM] lockes30: So I can continued before my battery des

    [6/30/2014 11:39:23 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Did you complete your <> quest and get approved by Saix?

    [6/30/2014 11:40:37 PM] lockes30: Yes. H updated my journal with three mats, said reason was complete earning living blacksmith, then locked the topic

    [6/30/2014 11:42:37 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: I shall chck that thread now

    [6/30/2014 11:43:32 PM] lockes30: Hurry pleas, only have 28% batty left

    [6/30/2014 11:47:53 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Alex, I may or may not be able to settle this matter tonight. I will try. You should not babysit your phon and save your charge.

    [6/30/2014 11:49:56 PM] lockes30: OK. I'll back on in maybe fen minutes. Ten. I'll playpokmon!

    [6/30/2014 11:52:38 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: From what I see your topic was not locked and you mentioned getting 4 materials in your post yet you claimed to get three.

    [6/30/2014 11:58:04 PM] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: When i comes to your shop I will give you credit for keeping track of your crafts and level.

    [6/30/2014 11:59:30 PM] lockes30: Back. Expected you to post bycnow

    [6/30/2014 11:59:56 PM] lockes30: I did it twice

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Where have your crafts gone? Only one is listed.

    [12] lockes30: And Ender

    [12] lockes30: I planned on using the rest I think....or maybe I forgot to record the last one.....that was when a said sent me the message

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: I am looking at your shop and see nothing about the follow item

    [12] lockes30: That's.......odd.

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Item: Dragon's Bane

    Quality: Perfect

    Shop:Thunder Dragon Forge

    Description: +2 damage +1 battle dice; this sword is a piece of beauty. Crafted from a neon greenish colored stone, this sword can lay it down. hard!

    [12] lockes30: What was I crafting?

    [12] lockes30: I crafted that one for me, I was just waiting approval

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Half of yur posts in here are 2 lining roleplaying and not crafting.

    [12] lockes30: What do you mean? And can you not do both?

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: I am reading alot of posts that involve you grabbing something else then the nex post you craft it.

    [12] lockes30: I wanted to make a lot of posts in my shop to make it look like I craft a lot of the time like Seld's does....and wanted to hurry and get my level up

    [12] lockes30: Like post level not Rank

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: That is abusing this system which is not allowed. There are many other ways to get your posts in

    [12] lockes30: Oh. Well shouldn't I have received a warning before being BANNED?

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: That is up to the GM's discretion.

    [12] lockes30: So, now I am.......

    [12] lockes30: Banned........

    [12] lockes30: Forever?

    [12] lockes30: No! This can't be.........what did I do, I am so stupid! Uggh.

    [12] lockes30: 3% bitterly left. Goodbye! Please do not ban me forever! I have a guild............

    [12] lockes30: 2 guilds

    [12] Shark: should have thought about that xD

    [12] Shark: [11] Shark: How many warnings did you give alex with his crafts?

    [11] Saix: Several

    [11] Saix: Both the first time, and the second 'final warning'.

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: I will consult GM Saix and perhaps raise this to.... Thank you Shark.

    [12] Shark: [12] Pygmy Giraffe:

    <<< The first time he was crafting and using [censored] without ever getting it approved

    [12] Shark: [12] Pygmy Giraffe:

    <<< I had to warn him several times that we didnt allow people to use stuff without having it approved.

    [12] Shark: [12] Pygmy Giraffe:

    <<< That was the huge fiasco, he made more than 1 +1 crafting items and was using them to create new items.

    [12] Shark: [12] Pygmy Giraffe:

    <<< And was giving them out and using them in topics and what not.

    [12] Shark: [12] Pygmy Giraffe:

    <<< That was the original problem

    [12] Shark: [12] Pygmy Giraffe:

    <<< Once he came back from his first ban on his 'final' warning; I sent him numerous suggestions for how to do the Earning a Living

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Both the defendant and prosecutor have spoken. I will consult Shark and Saix regarding this matter and see if it warrents raising to their full attention.

    [12] *** (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli added Keith Yudai ***

    [12] Keith Yudai: Keith Yudai slams hands on table...

    [12] Keith Yudai: OBJECTION!|

    [12] Shark: OVERRULLED

    [12] Keith Yudai: Keith Yudai pulls out paper and looks at it with a look only a ace attorny could make

    [12] Keith Yudai: Clearly, in his portfolio, Alex... Oh, Alex is guilty. Sorry bro.

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli slams gavel

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: OVERRULE- i'm sorry, what?

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Oh, continue.

    [12] Keith Yudai: Keith Yudai slams hands on desk

    [12] Keith Yudai: I WILL!


    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Keith... There isn't a crime here buddy.... I think you might be in the wrong case forum...

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: I mean there is a crime but...

    [12] Shark: The jury has reached a verdict.

    The ban on Alex stays... PERMANENTLY

    [12] Shark: CASE DISSMISSED

    [12] Keith Yudai: Back in December, when the site was still new, it was common for systems to be cheated and abused. But now, we have witnesses! Our testimony stands as set! We have not one, not two, not three, but countless who have been a witness to your crimes! You alaby no courage, no justice, no hope! Now, it's time to pay for your crimes!

    [12] *** Shark removed lockes30 from this conversation. ***

    [12] Keith Yudai: Keith Yudai slams hands on desk

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli watches Lockes taken away.

    [12] Keith Yudai: OBJECTION!

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli slams gavel

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: OVERRULED

    [12] Shark: OVERRULED

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: Dissmissed sir

    [12] *** Shark removed Keith Yudai from this conversation. ***

    [12] *** Shark has changed the conversation topic to "The SAO Trial Stand" ***

    [12] Shark: players who demand a trial will be added here

    [12] (Miaki) Michael J. Miceli: I will be ready for them.

    If players have a case to make they should contact the SAO Staff to have it brought before the system. All cases will be handled fairly and with a clear mind (and maybe some comedy in the end).
  16. As they walked into the poorly lit room Miaki got the sudden impression that things were about to get a little hairy. He'd played enough video games to know that when you have a spacious room with low lighting, a center piece, and no music then it was boss time. Be drew his blade slowly and scanned the room without turning head. Shanok investigated the sarcophagus and looked up with a confused expression. It was empty. That is when he heard something with a raspy voice moan behind him.

    Spinning around he saw a towering bandaged figure blocking the exit. It was a mummy with the name <> floating over it. "Well aren't you a pretty looking one." With his blade already ready to go Miaki lunged at the boss with his katana.

    Battle Dice Result: Missed

    Without warning the floor began to quake and Miaki stumbled, failing to attack entirely.


    Shanok : 17/17

    Miaki : 58/58


    Lord Vaasegn : 25/25

  17. "We could... We could move in together?" Nikki suggested to him. The wheels in Miaki's head began to start turning as he processed everything that came with marriage. Including living together. Together. The thought brought up a warm feeling in his chest as he thought it through more. The idea of sharing a space with someone, especially Nikki who he cared deeply for, was exciting. Living together in the same space while living through this death game was an idea he could get behind. But where? Her next words answered this very question. "If you were interested.. I have a steady place... Its not much but it is cozy."

    Where ever Nikki lived would probably be the best. Likely somewhere on the fourth floor. He remembered their first meeting where she told him that she would return to the floor in the mid afternoon before it was too cold. That would be nice. He loved the snow and where he lived when he was little used to get quite a bit. The idea was much better than anything Miaki could offer. He himself slept in random places from an inn on some floor to his alchemy shop on the sixth floor which was more of a cot.

    "I'd like that if you are fine with it. I can't offer anything myself. I'm kinda of a nomad when it comes to where I live. I pick random inns on whichever floor I'm on and stay there or sleep on a cot I keep in my shop on the sixth floor and that is in more of a broom closet. It'd be crowded enough if three people were standing in there so I can't imagine two of us sleeping in that." He wanted to leap forward and kiss her again and again hugging her and shouting at the top of his lungs that he was in love and everyone should hear. But he restrained himself and simply looked into her eyes while taking a sip of the wine glass he had which he completely forgot about.

    "What about guilds? I really think we should stay in our respective ones. You make a huge difference for the Ebon Vanguard and Captain Saix treats you like family. I couldn't take you away from that. Plus I'm trying to keep the Azure Brigade above water and make it the strong guild it has the potential of becoming." It was important to iron out all the details if they wanted to make this work. And did he ever.

  18. The Giant took its balled up fist and bore it down on Yunah. Miaki watched as she attempted to block the incoming blow. The giant's attack was too strong however for her and she took some damage. Miaki watched her health bar drop a little but remain full for the most part. He twirled his blade and rushed forward with full speed to attack the giant.

    Battle Result: Hit! 2 DMG!

    Swinging his blade in an upward arc he hit the giant in the thigh.

    Miaki: 59/59

    Yunah: 13/15

    <>: 17/30

  19. Miaki sheathed his sword and looked around. Who knew how much of the vast network of tombs and passages they had yet to explore but they had what they needed and could come back at anytime. "Alright then, we do have enough supplies for you to make some stuff. Sure let's get out of here." He kept his left hand on his saya just in case something came out of the darkness to attack them. For now it was quiet as a tomb.

  20. Miaki narrowed his eyes and gave Clarence a dulled expression clearly not buying his horrible attempts at masking his words with coughs. In a monotone voice he said to Clarence, "Careful now. You might choke on what you just ate and I might have to decide if I want to save you or not." He was of course joking and knew Clarence could appreciate it. Nikki had only just returned the other day from her time in isolation from others. Miaki had seen her in a tavern on the fourth floor, her favorite floor, and before they knew it all of Aincrad knew of her return to world. Did he hold feelings towards her? He couldn't say. The last thing he wanted to do was settled down or slow down in any form. He was running full steam tired of everyone dragging their feet. They were finally moving with the 8th floor about to be cleared.

    Clarence looked around and searched for any sight of he elusive chest in the area. "I'll call out our second set of eyes." He said bringing up his silver whistle again. He blew it and called in his falcon Silverwing. "Let's see if he can help us out." Miaki said as he signaled the falcon with the wave of his arm to begin searching for the next chest. "If there is one in the area we will find it in no time at all now."

  21. After missing the skeleton multiple times Miaki hoped to finally end it once and for all.

    Battle Dice Result: CRIT! 4 DMG!!!

    He sliced through the skeleton and killed it in magnificent glory.


    Shanok : 17/17

    Miaki : 55/55


    Iron Skeleton#1 : 1/13

    Iron Skeleton#2 : 0/13

  22. After missing the skeleton multiple times Miaki hoped to finally end it once and for all.

    Battle Dice Result: CRIT! 4 DMG!!!

    He sliced through the skeleton and killed it in magnificent glory.


    Shanok : 17/17

    Miaki : 55/55


    Iron Skeleton#1 : 4/13

    Iron Skeleton#2 : 0/13

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