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Posts posted by Noctua

  1. Noctua


    Level 1
    HP: 20
    Energy: 2


    » Rapier - Rank 1 [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [T1 Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Black and Tan outfit (Hat, Tank Top, Jacket, Pants, Boots) [Vanity]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    She was actually surprised that Koga went along with her little white lie. She was grateful for it, but she was also trying to figure out how he was so calm when she just said that. She couldn't even stop picking at her nails, or blushing. But his threat to Lonzo only made questions come up in her mind. Was that part of the act or was it serious? Nora didn't seem to say anything, so Noctua felt like she didn't have to worry about that one at all. So quietly she walked, her mind starting to wonder on if she needed to talk to Koga about things. Because they did have a shop together, and well, if she just made that awkward, she was going to need to know. But she didn't know how she was going to go about that now awkward conversation.

    But soon enough, they were in Horunka and she looked in the direction that Lonzo said the quest was in. The question of going over and finding the quest came up and she just nodded. Nora seemed to take the lead on it, and Noct was a little surprised at that. But, staying close to Koga, but not overly close because now she was confused as all holy heck and didn't know what to do. Noct looked around the town though, wondering why the NPC wasn't out here wanting to give the quest. This didn't seem to be going over very well, and well, it put Noctua on edge.


  2. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 6 (7 +1 -2)


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    Boar Pups


    Boar Pup 1 >>DEAD<<

    HP: 0/// DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Noctua: 1 // vs Koga: 0

    Boar Pup 2 >>DEAD<<

    HP: 0 (5 -6) /5 // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Noctua: 1 (0 +1) // vs Koga: 0

    Boar Pup 3 >>DEAD<<

    HP: 0/5 // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Noctua: 0 // vs Koga: 2


    ID 128346
    BD 10 (7 +3)
    DMG 3 x2 = 6

    Face still bright red, she watched as he used an AoE attack. It missed the second boar, but the third one was gone in a puff of fragments. So, she set her sights on the second boar pup. She charged her Rip Ravine once more and the moment she let the attack go, the two slices into the final boar pup made it disappear. No loot off of it this time, but there was one thing that she couldn't avoid anymore, and that was the question that he asked before she attacked the pups. "What was that for?" That one question had been going through her mind the entire battle and well, avoiding wasn't an option anymore now was it.

    "Well..you made me this...and well... I haven't missed..." There was a lot more that she wanted to say, but nope, she wasn't about to say any of that. If he believed that what she said was all that there was, that was going to be a blessing on it's own. She lightly picked at her nails as she listened for any more boar pups that might want to try and sneak up on them.


    Obtained This Thread


    ID 128347
    LD 7 >>FAIL<<


    Boar Pup Tusk (1)


  3. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 10


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    Her words seemed to have hit something in him because he had stopped walking and soon had his hand on her arm. "Noct, I'm not going anywhere, okay? We made a promise remember? I'm not gonna leave you." She looked at him and nodded slowly. She remembered the promise, she wouldn't forget it. But perhaps it was the feelings that grew daily when she was around him that just made her worry anyways. Resisting the urge to put her hand on his, she let out a slow breath and instead nodded once more. "I know, I just...worry." She looked from him to the trinket that she had made before she managed a small smile. "You're just my only friend ya know..."

    Okay possibly too much information and she looked back toward the trail and looked for anything that might be tameable for him. "Let's go find you a pet shall we?" She looked back at him, still attempting that small smile that she gave him before. The smile that she only showed him lately. It was hard to show anyone else a smile like this, mainly because of the fact that she can't trust everyone like she did him.


  4. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 10


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    "Noct, do you remember how long it took me to tame that thing? I don't really think I can give you any tips beyond keep trying until you tame it." She sighed lightly and shook her head. "Was worth a shot." She figured that she wasn't going to get much of an answer besides that, but she had hoped that there was something, mainly because she was nervous of it taking as long for her as it did for him. She really didn't want to chance that too much you know. But, she continued to walk the road, waiting to see if the animal that she wanted was going to come out sooner or later. It seemed to take a bit, but soon enough, a snowy white owl could be seen on the road, just resting. She smiled lightly as she grabbed the Ghost Treat from her inventory and walked closer to it.

    "Hey there little one. You hungry?" As she said this, she put the ghost treat on the ground and she watched as the owl slowly walked over to it. After a few moments, Noct grabbed the food that the gypsy had given her and she held it out to the owl. "Want some more little one?" She stayed still and watched carefully as the owl moved over to her hand and quickly took the food. Not sure what to do, Noct waited a few moments and was about to frown when the owl opened her wings to fly. But instead of flying away, the owl landed on Noct's right shoulder and made a hooing sound. She slowly reached up to the owl with another treat before she looked at Koga.

    "Um..." That was all that she could manage to say, because now she felt horrible that he had taken so long to finally be able to tame his, and she tamed her's right away.



    ID 128342
    CD 9 >>Taming Successful<<

    Familiar Name: Athena
    Description: A small female snowy white owl with pale blue eyes. She will never grow taller than two feet and five inches in height.

    Items Used: Ghost Treat (1)


  5. Name: Heaven's Tear Drop
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 2
    Roll ID: 128340
    Roll Result: 11
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Loot Die // Ambition
    Description: A crystal clear diamond that is in the shape of a tear drop.
    Post Link: 


  6. It was another day and time to make some new things. She wondered what she was going to get done today, hopefully something that was good. Grabbing her materials for the day, she sat down at her workshop and started to get to work. She wondered if she was going to get some of her order done today, but as she thought this, the first craft failed. The materials weren't salvageable, so she wet ahead and started on the next craft. This process lasted a little longer than the one that had just failed, and from the result of her patience, came a rare trinket. Satisfied with that, she put it to the side for it to be put into the shops inventory soon and started the final craft, only for that to fail within a few minutes of her working on it. There was nothing she could do on that, but write down the information for this rare trinket and start getting it viewed.


    ID 128339
    CD 2 >>FAIL<<

    ID 128340
    CD 11 >>SUCCESSFUL<<
    Rare Trinket Crafted


    Name: Heaven's Tear Drop
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 2
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Loot Die // Ambition
    Description: A crystal clear diamond that is in the shape of a tear drop.

    ID 128341
    CD 3 >>FAIL<<

    EXP GAINED: +1 +1 +5 +1 +1 +1 = 10



  7. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 10


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    She watched as the wolf ran off, and heard the words that came from Koga's mouth. She was worried now, mainly because, well, she didn't know if he might do something dumb. "...okay...I'm good now..." She just stared at him for a moment before she quickly caught up to him. She wanted to touch him or hug him, but she didn't know if she could. Well, she knew that she could, she just didn't know how to really. She didn't want to stop him from his goal, but she also didn't want him to be slowed. So, she walked with him, with her hands in front of her, fingers picking at her nails.

    "You were saying something before Noct, something about a close call? What'd you mean by that. I forgot to ask." No, no, no, no! She had really been hoping that he had forgotten about that. She didn't know what to say, and she started to pick at her nails more. She sighed lightly and looked at him. "Well...um.... I... just um... Well..." Noct, form a darned sentence already will you. Koga might think your crazy after all. "I just um... don't want you to die... or to be alone... or to..." Lose you... With that, and a very flushed face, she went back to staring at her hands and picking at her fingers.


  8. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 10


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    Well, Koga has his familiar, now it was time for her to go and get her own. She knew that animal that she wanted, it just came to finding one out there. She hadn't seen very many of the animal that she wants, so this was going to be interesting to figure out. But still, she looked at Koga and smiled lightly, mainly trying to build her confidence for this. Getting his familiar wasn't that easy, so she knew that it wasn't going to be an easy day. "Whelp, my turn." She started walking, she had to hunt down this darned gypsy. Last time, she just ran into them, literally, while they were hugging. Talk about embarrassing. Just the thought made her nervous. It took them a bit as they walked around the town, but soon enough, they found the gypsy. She talked about using the bait to go out and find the familiar once more and she accepted the food and turned to look at Koga. "Let's go shall we."

    Out of the Town of Beginnings they went, on the hunt for something for Noct to tame. She hoped that she didn't have a hard time, but also that she doesn't have a worse time than Koga did. Sighing as she looked around, she kept to the road. "Do you have any pointers? I mean I know I was there but still..."


  9. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 10


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    Okay, so her attempting anything didn't seem to work. So, instead, she just took a step back again and let the two be. She was curious as to why the wolf was being so difficult, but then, it was a wolf. It was a wild animal. She was now wishing that she had some kind of way to be able to help with win this wolf over. But sadly, she had nothing. So instead, she stood behind him and watched. Well, she was more watching the wolf, at the moment watching Koga might be a bit of a distraction. A distraction that might be bad in case the wild animal decided to attack them. So yeah, eyes on the wolf, stare at the man later. That seemed to be a logical reaction right? "You got this..." The words were more whispered to herself as she wished him luck on trying to tame this wolf. She was rooting for him, and would be the entire time.


  10. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 10


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    She watched Koga attempt to just dangle the meat in front of the wild wolf. There was something in her mind that was just saying 'this is a bad idea' but she wasn't about to say otherwise. There was a reason a wolf came up to Koga, and it was mainly because the boy and the wold seemed like an excellent pairing. She sighed lightly though as she heard the wolf growl at him once more. She didn't want to ruin the chances, but she had the strong feeling that Koga needed some kind of support with him. So, being as slow and cautious as she could, she walked over to Koga's side. "Don't worry Koga. I know you can do it. Just, be calm and show off your normal confidence." She smiled and really hoped that she wasn't about to stress him and the wolf out. That was far from her intentions at the moment, and really, she just wanted to be sure that both of them were to walk away with all limbs still attached.


  11. Spoiler

    Level 1


    Energy: 1


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    So it was either out here or on a bench? He didn't sleep in an Inn like she did? That was odd, but then not everyone could afford it. But with his level and how he was one shotting things, she figured he would have the Col to be able to spend the night in an Inn. "Low spawn rate or not, why not just rent an inn room? That's how I've been staying off the benches." It was a valid question to her. She looked around the hill though just to be sure that there was nothing before she sat down and attempted to relax. It was actually a little hard for her to still do, mainly because things could respawn up here. That was something that she was going to be on the look out for. But that wasn't going to stop her from trying to be friendly, no matter what just happened.


  12. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 7 (9 -2)


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    Boar Pups


    Boar Pup 1 >>DEAD<<

    HP: 0 (5 -6)/// DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Noctua: 1 (0 +1) // vs Koga: 0

    Boar Pup 2

    HP: 5/5 // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Noctua: 0 // vs Koga: 0

    Boar Pup 3

    HP: 5/5 // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Noctua: 0 // vs Koga: 0


    ID 128280
    BD 7 (4 +3)
    DMG 3 x2 = 6

    He started to clap for her and if she wouldn't have been looking at him, she would probably have jumped. "Well done, well done. How do you like the blade? How does it feel?" She sheathed the rapier for the moment and smiled. "It's amazing! It feels so light and seems to be easier to wield." She probably would have started jumping for joy if she hadn't gone over to him and kissed his cheek. Of course, she hadn't realized what she done for a few moments, then she turned bright red before turning around and starting to walk once more. She had no idea whe- okay she knew where it came from but she didn't know that she was going to act on it. So now, she was fully embarrassed and walking with god knows how many paces Koga was behind her.

    She actually nearly ran right into the three boar pups in front of her. Only to stop when she caught the sound of them moving. Oh look, a willing target for her embarrassment to be taken out on. Pulling Faithful Night from it's sheath, she charged Rip Ravine once more, her eyes solely set on the first boar. Letting the attack go, the first hit almost missed, but it still managed to nip the boar's side before her second hit actually hit, making the boar pup disappear into fragments. In her inventory, she got the message of one boar pup tusk received, so at least that was a bonus with it.


    Obtained This Thread


    ID 128281
    LD 14 >>Success<<


    Boar Pup Tusk (1)


  13. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 10


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    She waited until he opened the box to really do much of anything. Just giving it to him seemed to catch him off guard. In her mind, that was only even with how he caught her off guard too. What she didn't expect, was to be pulled into a hug. She was still getting used to that happening at all. But she hugged him back and smiled in secret relief. "You're welcome. I, um, just don't need things becoming a close call again...Please don't ask why, please don't ask why, please don't ask why... But even he had jumped when the gypsy came from no where. At least she didn't only scare Noct, but then, Noct being scared wasn't something unusual now was it? She watched as he put the trinket on his katana and she let out a soft sigh of happiness and relief. the last thing that she needed was for him to not like it right?


    "Alright, well let's see what we find, huh?" She almost felt like telling him to watch what he wished for. Because look at what happened last time one of them said that. But still, she smiled softly as she kept an eye out for basically anything and everything. Things could still kill, even if they wanted to be tamed. But the low growl had her on alert, but she didn't do anything, this could be something that he would be wanting to tame. Looking at the wolf, she backed away from the two of them a few paces. She wasn't about to be the reason that the taming didn't go well. The first thing that he tried was the Ghost Treat. She honestly forgot that they got those from that event. She would have to remember to use her own later on.

    But when he went to use the food that the Gypsy gave him and the wolf growled once more. She wondered if they were going to have to attack the thing, or if it would just run off. Hopefully, Koga was able to tame it. Don't get mauled please...


  14. It was another new day. Time to get to work on making things. She knew that today she should be able to go up in rank for crafting, which meant that she was going to be able to do another craft besides just two today. That was a nice thought now wasn't it? So, grabbing her material that she knew she needed for the day, she set to work. Little clinking noises could be heard as she chipped away at the first piece that she had in her hands. But it didn't take long for it to just disappear in a cloud of fragments. Can't win them all. But she did notice that her Artisan bar said that she was rank two now, so that made her happy enough as she started on the second craft for the day. This failed as well, but she was at least able to salvage the material that she used. Using that, she went right into her third and final craft for the day, only for that to end up failing too, this time though, she didn't get to salvage the materials. There is always tomorrow.


    ID 128277
    CD 2 >>Fail<< +1 EXP (Rank Up)

    ID 128278
    CD 7 >>Salvage<<
    LD 15 >>Successful<< 

    ID 128279
    CD 7 >>Salvage<<
    LD 6 >>Lose Materials<<

    EXP GAIN: +1 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 = 8

    Materials Used: 2


  15. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 8 (10 -2)


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    Boar Pups


    Boar Pup 1 >>DEAD<<

    HP: 0/// DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Noctua: 1 // vs Koga: 0

    Boar Pup 2 >>DEAD<<

    HP: 0 (5 -6) /5 // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Noctua: 1 (0 +1) // vs Koga: 0


    ID 128266

    BD 9 (6 +3)

    DMG 3 x2 = 6

    "Well, that didn't take very long." He had a point there. She was still happy though that she managed to hit the first boar. She watched as Koga finished it off then told her that the next one was all hers. She nodded lightly as she started to prep her sword art, Rip Ravine. She waited, the blade starting to glow its purple color, before she attacked the second boar. Her first hit landed the boars right side before she quickly hit it on the left. That was when the boar burst into fragments before her eyes.

    Wait, that means that she actually killed the boar pup, and in a single hit at that. She was surprised and it showed on her face. She turned and looked at Koga after a few moments and shrugged. "No loot, but at least I'm able to kill things again." Pure happiness and bliss was on her face as she walked over to Koga.



    ID 128267

    LD 6 >>fail<<


  16. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 10


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    She knew what she wanted to do while they were out and about. It involved a box that had Koga's name on it. But there was one small problem as they walked around the Town of Beginnings. She had no idea how she was supposed to give it to him. Sure, he gave her the rapier that she has been using, but he also seemed to air more confidence than she did. Yes, she was still working on that, but it doesn't stop the fact that she still gets overly nervous. Plus it probably doesn't help that she likes him, she was just hoping that her nerves didn't start to get the best of her now. She didn't want him to think something was wrong, but talking was so hard to do when she was nervous. Like right now. Silence. "How'd it go for you today?" Well, the silence was broke, yay. But there was the problem that she knew that he hadn't done too well today while crafting, and here she was with trinkets on the shelves, well, except for the one that was in her inventory.

    You can do it Christelle. "Um, not too bad really. I, um, managed to craft a rare trinket." There was a brief pause as she finally opened her inventory and grabbed the item from it. Not missing a step as they moved and she handed him the box with his name on it. "I also crafted this..." When he would open the box, he would see the midnight blue tassel that had silver beads on the end of it. "I, um, made it for you. It has two accuracy and a recovery enhancements on it." If he was able to understand the last part of her sentence, she would be surprised. She started to talk so fast that she forgot to breath until she said the last word. It didn't take long for someone to talk to them, which made her jump slightly. She hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings, and well, the jump was the result of that.

    A pet hawk? What? Koga seemed to be down to do it though so she nodded lightly. "How about we find you one first. I can always try later too. That way we don't accidentally get things that can't be tamed." Now she was rambling, what was wrong with her? Either way though, she was content to helping him find a pet first. That way, she knew what to do when it came to her turn. And well, she also didn't want to chance untameable beasts coming at them. She was nervous enough right now, a fight probably wasn't going to be the best of ideas.


  17. Spoiler

    Level 1


    Energy: 1


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    "... I'm sorry." She sighed lightly and turned around. She looked at him closely and nodded after a few moments. "Alright, but only because I can tell." She didn't like to hold grudges, and she probably never will. But his stunt almost made her want to hold a grudge. Of course, she probably wasn't going to let him live it down much, but that would be more for when she feels more comfortable around him. Because right now, she currently didn't feel comfortable enough to be in a joking or teasing mood. But, she looked around then at his normal napping spot. "Why nap where monsters can find you?" She looked at him, curious about the answer that she might get. She did try to make her voice sound soft, like it used to be, but caution was bound to still be there.


  18. Noctua


    Level 5
    HP: 100
    Energy: 9 (10 -1)


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]
    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]
    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    Boar Pups


    Boar Pup 1

    HP: 2 (5 -3) // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Noctua 1 (0 +1) // vs Koga 0

    Boar Pup 2

    HP: 5 // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Noctua 0 // vs Koga 0


    ID 128194
    BD 11 (8 +3)

    DMG: 3

    Mama boar, oh god that sounds horrible. "Here is hoping." There might have been a slight sound of fear in her voice for a moment, but she hoped that Koga wouldn't notice. She was never going to forget their last fight. Nope, watching his health drop to red was a bad experience, she didn't want to experience it again. Okay Christelle, stop dwelling, stop thinking. He's alive. Besides, why do you even care.. Got to love it when your mind is the thing that makes you realize that feelings are there, even if you don't want to express them. Especially when you are as anti-social as her and as awkward as her. Things can go horribly. Instead, she glanced over at him and smiled lightly, mainly to herself. Good company, and she wasn't going to let him die this time.

    Should she tell him now that she put points into First Aid, or should she surprise him? She will wait to see if the need comes. Though, she was probably going to focus mainly on basic attacks at first, just to see how things with the new rapier went. But even her thoughts were stopped on this when she heard something to their right. With her hand quickly going to Faithful Night's hilt, she poked Koga and pointed to the bush that she heard it. That was when two heads poked one. Both of them boar pups, and her eyes were settled on the first one. Well, now is the best time to figure things out.

    With her basic attack ready, she went right for the first boar pup, and managed to actually hit it. So far so good! She didn't feel cursed anymore, and well, she watched as the boar pup focused right on her now instead. Now, she felt safe about actually using her sword arts.


  19. Noctua


    Level 5

    HP: 100

    Energy: 10


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]

    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)

    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)

    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    Two accuracy and one damage, if she still managed to hit everything, she might just become a full time healer. Because otherwise, she would be of no help ever, but at least keeping Koga alive would be able to work. "It's perfect." This made her think more on the trinket that she had been working on lately to create for him. She wished that she would have it done soon. A gift like this needs to have a gift in return, so later, she will work on that once more. But as she asked her question of him, she could tell that he was still nervous, just by the smile on his face. This made her laugh lightly before she hugged him. Now, she honestly didn't expect him to hug her back, they both knew that it was odd for her to even be like this in the first place.

    But when he hugged her in return, she could have not only died right there, but she could have buried her face into his chest. She was the perfect height for that after all. But the hug didn't last terribly long, sadly, because they did have a quest to start and finish. There were still two more beginner quests after this one, and well, she wanted to try to do them all for the rewards that they could give. And besides, it gave her more time to spend with Koga-- whelp, maybe she was falling for him. That wasn't going to be a good thing if they ever got out of this game was it.

    She nodded, "Yeah. Though I do hope it's nothing terrible." She walked into the blacksmith after Koga, and she could have cried with what she heard. "Welcome, welcome. Here to give me and my shop a hand I see! Wonderful. I'm running low on some rarer materials. Boar Pup Tusks. They are able to absorb many more vibrations than the adult's tusks, makes for better handles. If you could go get some for me, about three, I'd greatly appreciate it!" Not another one. Sure, this one wanted you to kill things, but come on, another fetch quest basically. Wasn't there an end to these at the beginning? There really should be.

    She sighed as they walked to the plains and shook her head. "It was too much to ask for a non fetch quest wasn't it?" At least she had a new weapon that wasn't cursed, and with her trinket that she made for her profession, she should have better luck hitting things. Plus, who would deny having great company for this quest anyways?


  20. Spoiler

    Level 1


    Energy: 1


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    Was he trying to make small talk now? Yeah, he came in and got the final kill on both of the boars. Cool. But he also just tried to nap while she dealt with them alone. What was going on in this world? But, the boar was gone, so she put her rapier back into it's sheath. All while staring at this guy, waiting for some kind of movement. Already, he was able to one shot the boars, so she wouldn't be hard to kill either probably. Woah, cool it Christelle, not everyone wants to murder people here.. Right those thoughts out of the mind now, she looked at him and listened to him. "Don't let me stop your nap. I can head back to town no problem." For someone who has been doing so well at not letting her sarcasm and sass out while here, it has finally managed to come out. Probably because of how angered she currently was at this entire situation. But, either way, she turned and looked back toward the town. Perhaps sticking with just Koga was the way to go.


  21. Name: Tearful Strands
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 128170
    Roll Result: 12
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Accuracy // Accuracy // Recovery
    Description: A midnight blue tassel with black and silver beads at the end. 'Tears, although a sign a sorrow, can bring peace.'
    Post Link: 

    Name: Simple Button
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 128171
    Roll Result: 11
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Accuracy // Evasion
    Description: A simple button that has a simple snap clip on the back of it.
    Post Link: 


  22. Noticing a note from Nora for a few trinkets and some armor, she smiled lightly. She wrote down the part of the order that was for Koga and left it on his station while she went to work. Right now, she had two perfects and an uncommon to make. She kind of liked having the workload, it was going to keep her busy, that much was for sure. Sitting down at her workstation, she grabbed the materials for the day and started to get to work. A few hours passed, and from her crafting she was able to end the day with a perfect craft. This was the one that she wanted to give to Koga. He had been helping her a lot lately and well, he even made her a brand new rapier, he deserved something as well. The second was a rare craft. Sadly, not within Nora's parameters or her order, but she was going to try again tomorrow. For now, she ended the day perfectly in her eyes.


    ID 128170
    CD 12 >>Perfect Craft<<


    Name: Tearful Strands
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Accuracy // Accuracy // Recovery
    Description: A midnight blue tassel with black and silver beads at the end. 'Tears, although a sign a sorrow, can bring peace.'

    ID 128171
    CD 11 >>Rare Craft<<


    Name: Simple Button
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Accuracy // Evasion
    Description: A simple button that has a simple snap clip on the back of it.

    EXP GAIN: 8 +1(AMB) +5 +1 (AMB) = 15

    Materials Used: 2


  23. She gave a look to Koga as if asking what he meant by his statement. How would that figure that that was how Noct and Yukiro met? She didn't get to actually ask the question, for Lonzo started to talk to her once more. Why her? Why not one of the other seven people here right now? Why did he have to choose the one who didn't do social gatherings or the such. Ugh, this was becoming more and more chaotic in her brain as she tried to stay calm. But under the bar counter, if one was to look, she was picking at her finger nails. Her signature nervous and anxious tick. It seemed to quicken though when Lonzo bought her a drink.

    Quickly she shook her head, "N-no th-thanks." From there, she just focused on her fingers. There was talk about doing a dungeon, and if it could show, her face probably would have drained of all life. She wasn't about to go into a dungeon, this was pushing it enough. A party of hunting boars would have been fine. But nope, a dungeon was crossing her comfort line and she wasn't going to attempt it. Thankfully though, some of the others seemed to have the same 'I want to live' feeling and she let out of a breath of relief. For now, she was just going to sit here, with a drink sitting in front of her and listening to all of the conversations. Chaotic indeed.


  24. Noctua


    Level 5

    HP: 100

    Energy: 10


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]

    » [Rank 1] First Aid


    » Faithful Night [Perfect Rapier [Accuracy, Accuracy, Damage]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    » Owl's Wings [Perfect Trinket [Accuracy, Recovery, Ambition]]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)

    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)

    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    She smiled when she got Koga's response. Good, that mean's he believed her when she promised that she wasn't about to leave him. That thought brought back the dark thoughts, and possibly even the reason why she would look like hell. Sleep didn't come easily when one was stressing and worrying after all. Pushing that aside, yet again, she watched for Koga, and soon enough, here he came but with something in his hands. She was curious as to what it was that he was carrying with him. Did she forget to bring something for this quest? Were they supposed to bring the NPC something for this quest? She was about to feel really dumb wasn't she?

    "Hey Noct. Uh, before we get going, I wanted to give you something." "Hey Ko--- wait what?" Why was he bringing her something? She took the present though and started to unwrap it. She looked at the beautiful rapier and even traced the engraving of the wolf and the owl. "It's beautiful Koga. Thank you." His reasoning for crafting it, she didn't know if she should hug him or not, especially not after last time. She watched as the trade was considered completed and she quickly equipped the new weapon, a smile on her face. There was a tiny question that she did have though, "Why do you seem so nervous? Isn't that my job?" It was a valid question in her mind, but she still wanted to hug him for the gift, and the thoughtfulness behind it.

    Ah forget it. Three simple words went through her mind as she soon hugged him, "I really do love it Koga, thank you."


  25. Name: Keepsake Ball
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 1
    Roll ID: 128092
    Roll Result: 10
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Loot Die
    Description: A simple little ball that has a lid at the top. This allows for the trinket to hold any kind of substance that someone would want to put in it (water, dirt, etc.).
    Post Link: 


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