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Posts posted by Noctua

  1. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 20 (17 +3)

    Energy: 1


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    Thread Crafting Results


    ID 127895
    CD 1 >>Critical Failure<<

    Lost 1 Material

    ID 127896
    CD 2 >>Failure<<

    Lost 1 Material

    ID 127897
    CD 1 >>Critical Failure<<

    Lost 1 Material

    "For dragging you out here and nearly getting you killed..." She really was sorry on that front, and it was taking everything in her power to not turn around and grovel at his feet at the moment. But instead, she kept heading back to the town.


    Okay, this was not going well for her at all. Koga didn't seem to mind the wait thankfully. She didn't know what to say to him though, so instead of trying to pester her brain for a reply, she instead focused on trying to make this trinket that she needed for the darned quest. But that wasn't going over very well at all for her, and it was actually disheartening. Did the system do this when it thought that someone wasn't going to be the right fit for the craft? Either way, she was soon failing an attempt, started over again, failed the next attempt, started again, and failed the next attempt. Three straight failures that resulted in her losing the materials. She was now down over half the materials that she had even gathered.


    Obtained This Thread


    Uncommon Consumable (2)
    Tier One Crafting Materials (6)
    Rare Weapon (1)


  2. Already, there were more people than she knew what to do with. She only knew two of them, and the others were strangers. But now, another guy was being invited into this little gathering that seemed to be taking place. Keeping to herself, she just focused on listening to everyone and for anyone who might be wanting to talk to her. But when Yukiro said hi to her, a soft, yet still shy, smile showed up on her face. "It has, yeah." She noticed that Koga sat on one side of her and Yukiro the other, but both boys seemed to be joking around with each other, at least, so she hoped. She wasn't in the mindset to sit between two feuding guys, in fact, she was never in that kind of mindset. "He, um, helped me fight some boars one day. Didn't want to bug you so I attempted to go alone and changed my mind and ran into him, literally..." That was her response to Koga as she looked down at her hands then.

    But when Lonzo said her name and a hello, she looked at him and nodded lightly. "I-it's nice to meet you too..." Of course, she didn't know for sure if that was going to be the correct answer to say, but right now, that was what she was going with. Noct nearly hid behind her hands when another person came to their little group. This one was another woman, so at least the numbers of ladies to men was starting to even out. But still, another person who she didn't know. She didn't seem to be paying much attention to Noct at the moment, so she opted to just stay in her little quiet bubble and continue observing the group.

    Lonzo seemed to ask for a place to stay and it was Nora who spoke up first. Talking about guilds and a guild hall. Nope, that wasn't the scene for Noct at all, if she thought that just being around six people was bad, imagine an entire guild. No thank you... Wait what? Noct wasn't even talking and she was now being lumped into the group of loud people? Well, that sounds about right, guilty by association right? But this new girl who came up also didn't seem to be all the friendly right off the bat. Perhaps it was because of the head hurting that she was talking about? Either way, that didn't seem to stop Nora from suggesting a dungeon run.

    Group meal and then a dungeon? Was she going to be able to do that? Even as she thought it, Koga seemed to as well, but the way that he put it, nearly had her blushing as she shook her head. "I can try." She wasn't going to force him to leave his friends or anything, besides, if anything, she could always go back to her home while he went out and had fun. Just thinking on this, it was as if they had to be together, that wasn't the case though, right? Nora seemed to be interested about his weapon though, and Noct quietly reequipped her rapier. The silver weapon showing up with it's owl winged hilt guard being easily seen on her hip while the bar counter hid the blade itself.


  3. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 20 (17 +3)

    Energy: 1


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    Thread Crafting Results


    ID 127885
    CD 9 >>Salvage<< LD 15 >>Success<<

    ID 127886
    CD 1 >>Critical Fail<<

    Lost 1 Material

    She instantly felt horrible again, he had lost his health while she lost barely any. A quiet sigh came from her though and she nodded. "I'm so very sorry Koga." But upon the mention of food and town safety, he was on his feet and ready to go. She didn't exactly blame him there, but she knew that she needed to craft this item. "Okay, I craft, then afterwards, we go and get food because you deserve it." Yeah, that was her plan of action right now. Quickly, yet carefully, she led their way back to town and to the Artisan's shop where she had gotten the quest. Showing the materials, she was given a spot to try to craft.

    She went over to the crafting table and she commenced to attempting to make a small trinket from one of the materials that she had gained on the quest. After a while, she failed the craft, but not horribly, the materials were able to be salvaged at least. "Go ahead, try again." Noct nodded lightly as she tried once more, only to have that blow up in her face, literally. She looked over at Koga, half expecting him to be laughing. "This might take a while..."


    Obtained This Thread


    Uncommon Consumable (2)
    Tier One Crafting Materials (6)
    Rare Weapon (1)


  4. Spoiler

    Level 1

    HP: 20

    Energy: 2


    » Rapier - Rank 1 [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [T1 Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Black and Tan outfit (Hat, Tank Top, Jacket, Pants, Boots) [Vanity]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    She was bored, and she wanted to find something to do at this point. She had gotten so used to going out and fighting things now, that it was almost feeling second nature to her. So she decided to check out the quest board to see what new might be up there. Or even old that she just never got around to actually looking at. When she arrived at the board, there was a letter with a sticky note next to it. She knew both the names, but not the players well enough to feel completely comfortable going alone. So, what did that girl do? She opened her messages, selected a certain thread and sent a quick message.

    Hey Koga. Found this interesting quest. Two others are already wanting to join it. We should join them.

    And...sent. She pulled the quest from the board to be sure that no one else decided to join before she headed over to the fountain to meet her potential partners. Once there, she saw two faces that she recognized from that one night in the tavern. This was going to be an interesting party wasn't it. Walking over, she waved slowly. "Hey. I should have another on the way." Of course, if either of them remembered her, they would know who that other person was going to be.


  5. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 13 (20 -7)

    Energy: 0 (1 -1)


    » Rapier - Rank 1 [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [T1 Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Black and Tan outfit (Hat, Tank Top, Jacket, Pants, Boots) [Vanity]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Alpha Wolf

    HP: 30 // DMG: 6 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 0

    Wolf 1

    HP: 20 // DMG: 6 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 0

    Wolf 2 [BRN (2) // BLT (2)] >>DEAD<<

    HP: 0 (8 -24) // DMG: 6 // Hate: vs Koga: 2 // vs Noctua: 0


    ID 127856
    BD 3 >>Miss<<

    Alpha Wolf vs Noctua 9 >>Critical Hit<<

    ID 127857
    Wolf 1 vs Koga 9 >>Critical Hit<<

    Koga hit the one that she failed to, thank god. She watched though as status effects were put onto the wolf and she ignored that one. She knew that it wasn't going to last long. In fact, that was proven when it attempted to go to attack her, it just burst into red fragments the moment that the damage over times kicked in. Good, one down, two to go. She set her sights on the second smaller wolf that was still alive and well. But again, her rapier missed her mark, and the alpha decided to take revenge for her trying to hit this wolf. The alpha charged at her and when it's teeth drove into her arm, she winced. "Damn it, ow, get off!" She suddenly felt like she was yelling at a very untrained dog.

    But the wolf did it's damage, taking her health down and she stared at it. Now, she was started to get agitated yet again. The second wolf, well it was running right at Koga for an attack, but her eyes were now solely trained on this horribly trained wolf in front of her.


  6. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 12

    Energy: 0 (1 -1)


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Boar 1

    HP: 5 // DMG: 4 // Hate: vs Koga: 1 // vs Noctua: 0

    Boar 2 >>DEAD<<

    HP: 0 (1 -3) // DMG: 4 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 2


    ID 127853

    BD 8 (7 +1) >>Successful Hit<<

    LD 2

    CD 11

    Final Kill Loot
    24 Bonus Col
    Tier One Materials (2)

    Okay, this was starting to get really, really, really, really annoying and Noctua wanted it done and over with. She knew that she was trying to get him to take the final hit for the chance of bonus materials, but at this point, the boars were going to kill them if they weren't careful. So, she decided on a basic attack against the second boar. This was going to break whatever curse or jinx was on them all since everyone seemed to be tripping. She managed to stay on her feet as she ran right at the second boar and dug the tip of her rapier into it's chest. She watched as it turned into red fragments and disappeared. Turning, she looked at Koga and pointed at the other boar. "All yours." She was going to recharge her sword art, just in case, but she was going to attempt to let him kill this final boar, just for that chance of loot. He needed it, especially since her quest just blinked green at her for the collecting of materials.


    Obtained This Thread


    Tier 1 Materials (6)
    Unidentified Rare Weapon (1)
    Unidentified Uncommon Consumable (1) 


  7. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 20

    Energy: 0 (2 -2)


    » Rapier - Rank 1 [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [T1 Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Black and Tan outfit (Hat, Tank Top, Jacket, Pants, Boots) [Vanity]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Alpha Wolf

    HP: 30 // DMG: 6 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 0

    Wolf 1

    HP: 20 // DMG: 6 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 0

    Wolf 2

    HP: 20 // DMG: 6 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 0


    ID 127848

    BD 3 >>Miss<<

    Alpha Wolf vs Koga 7 >>Hit<<

    ID 127851

    Wolf 1 vs Koga 7 >>Hit<<

    ID 127852

    Wolf 2 vs Noctua 5 >>Miss<<

    She gave him a curious look but said nothing on it. My oh my, wasn't someone being mysterious now? But there was still the smile on his face, so she knew that he took her words as the joke that they were meant to be. But what she didn't expect, was for his explanation of their new weapons and the stats on them to be interrupted. Okay, no thats a lie, she was expecting for things to come and attack sooner or later, but not this soon, and not in a pack of three. There seemed to be an Apha and two subordinates with it. Great... And already, it wasn't going to plan. Koga landed on his ass after one of the wolves tried to nip at him. She took her rapier from her hip and she stared at one of the subordinate wolves.

    She would start off small and pray that this wasn't going to go bad. But, as she charged her sword art, the wolf came lunging at her. She released Rip Ravine too early, causing it to miss, but she was still able to side step away from the wolf trying to attack her. Narrowly. But Koga, well, he had two attacks coming from not only the Alpha, but the other wolf as well. "Yeah, but first we got to land the damned hit...."


  8. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 17

    Energy: 0 (1 -1)


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Boar 1 >>DEAD<<

    HP: 0 // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 2

    Boar 2 >>DEAD<<

    HP: 0 (1 -3) // DMG: 3 // Hatevs Koga: 3 // vs Noctua: 1


    ID 127831

    BD 9 (8 +1) >>Successful Hit<<

    LD 15

    CD 7

    Final Kill Loot

    Tier One Materials (4)
    1 Rare Weapon
    1 Uncommon Consumable

    She really didn't want to have to deal with this boar for another round, or have to have Koga kill it for her. She was here for the quest, she could do it. This was the mindset that she had when she charged up her basic attack and lunged for the remaining boar. She watched as her blade connected and stabbed right into the boars side. The boar turned into red fragments around her blade before the fragments disappeared. Looking around for a moment to make sure that there were no other boars lurking, she slumped to the ground and sighed.

    "That seemed insanely harder than it should have been..." Not wanting to move from the ground just yet, she opened her inventory to see what she got. "Hmm, a rare weapon and another uncommon consumable. Oh! I got the last of the materials that I needed though!" She looked over at Koga as she said this, happiness and tiredness showing on her face. Slowly rising back to her feet, she put her rapier back on her hip before she walked over to Koga. "Let's go back to town now. Neither of us need to do another fight, and the sooner I can craft this item, the sooner I can buy you an apology meal."


    Obtained This Thread


    Uncommon Consumable (2)
    Tier One Crafting Materials (6)
    Rare Weapon (1)


  9. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 20

    Energy: 2


    » Rapier - Rank 1 [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [T1 Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Black and Tan outfit (Hat, Tank Top, Jacket, Pants, Boots) [Vanity]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    Okay, his response made her laugh. She hated the term just as much as he did, but to her, that was just priceless. "What are you going to do if I say it again hmm...?" She smiled as she nodded, and soon enough, the party invite was sent her way. "Let's go and fetch your materials shall we." Okay, now, she might be pushing it, but it was all in light humor, or at least, she was hoping so. There was still a smile on her face and her voice seemed to be lighter and happier than when they first met. So yeah, she felt like she was in a happy and light humored mood. Here's just hoping Koga was too, it seemed like he was at least.

    They were off, and he had a valid point, on her hip was her new rapier, the beautiful silver one with the owl wings for a hilt guard. She loved it, the design was so her. "I'm excited to see how quickly things die now. Perhaps we won't have to stress so much today." In reality, it should be easier right? These new weapons of theirs were amazingly made, and it was all because of that event that happened. Sure, she wasn't sure about going then, but now, she was glad that she had. Besides, with the few close calls that they had before, some old fashioned revenge would be nice anyways.

    "So, what is going to be the first thing that you attempt to create?" She was curious and at this point, she didn't have to worry about her curiosity with Koga. She's asked so many dumb questions already, that this one was probably just an oddity. But, that was also in her mind.


  10. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 12

    Energy: 0 (1 -1)


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Boar 1

    HP: 5 // DMG: 4 // Hate: vs Koga: 1 // vs Noctua: 0

    Boar 2

    HP: 1 // DMG: 4 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 2


    ID: 127829

    BD: 2 (1 +1) >>Critical Miss<<

    Okay, so, the boars were apparently tripping over their own feet. She could work with this. But sadly, Koga missed the attack on the critically low boar. That is okay, they failed their own attacks, Koga and Noctua were still in the game. She didn't have the energy to do much, so she was going to opt for a basic attack, work on getting the other boar down to low health and hope that Koga can finish it off. So, here she went, she was the only one standing, surprisingly. "Noctua...please just smack one...and don't trip." Whelp, now he has gone and done it. Instead of her even making it to where she wanted to be to hit the boar, whatever managed to make them trip, hit her as well.

    One foot went right in front of the other, and she did a roll on the ground and looked up at the sky above them. This is getting to be really ridiculous... Here she was, ready to attack, tripping over her own feet. She grumbled as she rolled from her back slowly to her feet once more. Looking at Koga, she sighed and shook her head. "Something really doesn't like us..." But there was no time for that, as she watched the two boars, one still focused on Koga, and the other, solely focused on Noct. She could handle this, she knew it. Okay, she was hoping that she could.


    Obtained This Thread


    Tier 1 Materials (4)


  11. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 17 (20 -3)

    Energy: 0 (1 -1)


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Boar 1

    HP: 0 (2 -4) // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 (2 -2) // vs Noctua: 2 (0 +2)

    Boar 2

    HP: 1 (5 -4) // DMG: 3 // Hatevs Koga: 3 (1 +2) // vs Noctua: 0


    ID 127779

    BD 7 (6 +1)

    MD 5  >>Hit<<

    Okay, he damaged the boar pretty bad. She nodded as he told her to finish it off. That shouldn't be too horrible really. She didn't have the energy to use a sword art right now, so she was going to have to settle with a basic attack for now. If this wasn't a hit, perhaps she could get Koga to hold off for her to be able to recharge? At the same time, she didn't want to, she didn't want to chance him getting too hurt. Decisions. They were difficult. But right now, she knew that she needed to attack, the boar was getting ready for it's own attack, and she wanted to see about getting the thing killed before it could attack Koga.

    Right as she went to charge the boar, her rapier hit it, but not enough to kill it. Looking at the enemy list, it had a single health left. This agitated her, but she learned her lesson after last time to not let that get the best of her again. So, instead, she turned and looked at Koga. "Koga, if my next attack doesn't hit, kill it!" She wasn't going to risk him holding out for her to fully regain her energy, she would continue searching if it meant keeping her only friend alive and well. But even as she said that, she watched as the boar charged at Koga, connecting with the man.


    Obtained This Thread


    1 Uncommon Consumable
    Tier One Crafting Materials (2)

  12. Spoiler

    Level 1

    HP: 20

    Energy: 2


    » Rapier - Rank 1 [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [T1 Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    • [x2] Rip Ravine (2 Energy) - Two quick slashes into a target

    » Black and Tan outfit (Hat, Tank Top, Jacket, Pants, Boots) [Vanity]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)

    There was the ding of a message soon to be quickly followed by the sound of a locking door. She promised to help Koga get his profession done, and that was exactly what she was going to do. Only this time, she gets to laugh at him while he does the initial fetch quest. Of course, the laughing wasn't going to happen anyways, she liked him too much to be mean to him. Wait... Nope, she didn't know what she meant by like when she thought about it, so she just continued on. Okay, maybe she did, but she wasn't going to admit it because, let's face it, they haven't known each other long, and well, who knows if he even feels the same. Yep, not saying a word on that one, ever.

    Soon enough though, she was walking up to Koga and smiled. " Well, well. Let's go get your fetch quest done shall we?" She stopped beside him and waited. She was sure at this point, he was going to know the better places, and he needed to invite her to the party. At least, as long as he already grabbed the quest. That was probably the only reason they weren't in a party currently, she wasn't about to lose her profession to blacksmithing. Nope, she liked Artisan, it seemed to suit her perfectly well.


  13. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 12

    Energy: 0 (2 -2)


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Boar 1

    HP: 5 // DMG: 4 // Hate: vs Koga: 1 // vs Noctua: 0

    Boar 2

    HP: 1 (11 -10) // DMG: 4 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 2 (0 +2)


    ID 127821

    BD 11 (10 +1)

    DMG 3 +2 x2 -0 = 10

    Calm and serene. Get your head back in the game. Don't let Koga die. Don't die yours- "Any time now, Noctua!" Crap, that's right, she was supposed to be fighting things. Her energy was full and she was slightly mad, not only at herself but the game. Mad at the boars. She didn't want to have Koga's death on her conscious. So with that, she started to charge her sword art, Rip Ravine. She waited for the perfect moment, the blade of her rapier turning purple in color from the attack. The moment she knew that it was ready, she used the skill. The first slash hit the boar right in the side, and she watched as it's health dropped to yellow, but it was the second hit from her rapier that did some good damage.

    The moment the blade hit the boar again, it was a critical, and she watched as the boar's health dropped to dark red, signifying that the thing was almost dead. It would be perfect for Koga to be able to kill for the loot if he could hit it. "Koga, attempt to kill this one!" She would find a way to help him with the other without actually killing it. She wanted this quest done and over with soon, and hopefully this was going to be the way. At the same time, she was going to apologize like none other after this fight was done with.


    Obtained This Thread


    Tier 1 Materials (4)


  14. Noctua


    Level 1


    Energy: 0 (2 -2)


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)


    ID 127814

    BD 2  <<Miss>>



    Boar 1

    HP: 11 // DMG: 4 // Hate: vs Noctua 0 // vs Yukiro 0

    Boar 2

    HP: 11 // DMG: 4 // Hate: vs Noctua 0 // vs Yukiro 0

    She was kind of grateful that she broke the silence with her question. Of course, it was starting to seem like he was accustomed to the silence too. Perhaps being in silence was going to be good for them? She let that thought go soon enough though, for he was answering her question. He didn't seem to do much, but he also did more than Noct did, so that was saying something, or was it? Then, the question was turned around to herself. "Oh, um, I mainly just stay in town. I am working towards becoming an Artisan though." The part on friends though, she only had one. "But, um, my only friend would be Koga, if you know him."

    But then, with how social Koga tends to be, at least he was more social than herself, people probably knew him. They stopped at a hill soon enough, and there were some boars roaming not far away. She tensed up a little but shook her head. "I can try to go about it alone, but honestly would prefer help. I don't have the best luck at hitting things." And it was soon being shown as two of the boars spotted them and came over, rearing for a challenge. Once looked at Noct, while the other looked at Yukiro. Puling Graceful Repose from her hip, she started to go for just a basic attack, and missed. The tip of her sword narrowly missing the first boar's shoulder.


  15. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 12 (16 -4)

    Energy: 1 (0 +1)


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Boar 1

    HP: 5 // DMG: 4 // Hate: vs Koga: 1 // vs Noctua: 0

    Boar 2

    HP: 11 // DMG: 4 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 0


    Not attacking this round, regenerating energy instead

    Well, here she was swearing a bit, when heard Koga's voice in her mind, lingering. He was right, she needed to take a step back and relax a moment. So that was what she was going to do. She felt instantly horrible though, because it was more than likely her own fault that they were getting their butt's handed to them currently. But now, there was nothing that she could do about that, except for just stand her ground. But, that second boar had a different thought, it didn't want her to hold her ground. In fact, it was more interested in dropping her health more, only this time, with it's own critical hit. Her health was now yellow, and well, she ignored that for a moment. Instead, she just stared at the boar that seemed to have something against her. She knew that Koga had been hit again too, she could see it in the party list. This was stressing her out, but she needed to calm down, she needed to relax.

    Bringing her head back into the battle and not in the stress where it had been just mere moments before, she saw her energy regenerating, and she was going to use this to her advantage, and hopefully, not let herself or Koga die today.


  16. Well, at least he wasn't mad. This was shaping up to be how her last party went. That was a good sign for it, it meant that she might walk out of this with a friend later on. But, she got a compliment, maybe? Could that be considered a compliment? She didn't know, but she did know that she was starting to relax just a little bit. She nearly laughed though when he accepted her party invitation before she could even finish warning him. "Oh? I'm not used to meeting others who are new to it too. I know that they are out there, but, yeah..." She kind of figured that most of them were dead at this point, or just too scared to leave the Town of beginnings, quite like herself. But here she was, trying to fix that at least.

    Wait, he was willing to show her a good place for training? "Oh, okay. I'll follow you then." Of course, she didn't know the best places, so this was going to be a great opportunity. She nodded lightly, mainly to herself, before she started to follow Yukiro. Silence, she lived in it, but she wondered if she could rack her brain to think of something to get them talking about. But, the anti-social person in her was trying to say no. But finally, "What do you do outside of training and leveling Yukiro?" Okay, she really needed a lesson in small talk.


  17. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 16 (20 -4)

    Energy: 0 (1 -1)


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Boar 1

    HP: 5 // DMG: 4 // Hate: Koga 1 // Noctua 0

    Boar 2

    HP: 11 // DMG: 4 // Hate: Koga 0 // Noctua 0


    ID 127784

    BD 2 >>Fail<<

    This was not going well at all, because her failed attack, didn't mean that the boar's was a fail. In fact, it hit her, and thankfully, not horribly hard, though she did drop in health, which she didn't like. At all. Taking a moment to glance at Koga's name in the party list, it seemed that it wasn't going well for him either as he dropped health as well. Okay, so maybe charging head first into the fight wasn't the best of ideas, but she wanted that awkwardness gone. Only downfall, they were both hurt, one boar almost dead, and the other trying to decide who it wanted to attack. So, taking the moment into her own hands, she waited a moment to fully think. That was when she charged for the boar, only to miss once more. A string of profanities came from her as she turned around to get ready for the boar's next move.


  18. Well, it was good to see that Koga knew people, now she didn't feel like she had been accidentally monopolizing his time. She just quietly watched though as Koga met this new guy and she merely just looked at him when he looked at her. There was nothing else that she was willing to say at the moment, and thankfully, Koga knew that she wasn't doing this out of spite or anything. She just wasn't a social person, no matter how much she wanted to be one. She heard a thud moments later and looked at Koga, whose face was now planted in the bar's counter. She just stared at him for a moment, at least, until Nora's voice pulled her attention away.

    "I'm, um, Noctua." Noct attempted to return the warm smile that Nora was giving her, it might seem a bit strained though. Hopefully, it didn't seem like she didn't want to be here, because she did, but boy was this odd and difficult for her at the moment. It wasn't until a familiar voice came up behind them that she relaxed a little bit. Now, she was starting to feel okay. There was the odd man who didn't seem to acknowledge her much, the warm and friendly Nora, her friend Koga, and now her possible friend, Yukiro. She turned to looked at Yuki, still holding the smile she attempted for Nora.

    "Hi Yukiro." That was when Lonzo spoke up once more, suggesting a group gathering and food basically. She nodded lightly, her was of saying sure she would join in. It wasn't until Nora noticed the person who was watching them though, did Noctua get a slight chill down her back as if they were being watched. She looked in the same direction of Nora and watched him. He had a familiar, but he was looking as if he could use some company. At this point, one more person wasn't going to kill Noct and her social skills, right?

    Maybe she needed to take a page from Koga's book and just..talk? It seemed to be working for him as he conversed with the people here at least.

    @Lonzo @Nora @Koga @Abalasster @Yukiro

  19. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 17 (20 -3)

    Energy: 0 (1 -1)


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Boar 1

    HP: 0 (2 -4) // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 (2 -2) // vs Noctua: 2 (0 +2)

    Boar 2

    HP: 9 // DMG: 3 // Hatevs Koga: 1 (0 +1) // vs Noctua: 0

    MD 7 >>Successful<< (ID 127781)


    ID 127779

    BD 11 (10 +1) >>Critical +2<<

    LD 6

    CD 1

    Final Kill Loot

    60 Bonus Col
    1 Uncommon Consumable
    Tier One Crafting Materials (2)

    Koga seemed to have the same idea that she had, and she nodded as she fully focused on the boar with basically no health left. She knew that she didn't have the energy to do a sword art, so instead, she opted to wait until the boar was going to be weak. Of course, this was going to be risky, but as it started to get ready to attack, she hit first. She watched as her hit was a critical one, and the boar burst into red fragments and disappeared from the enemy list. Turning around she quickly looked to see how Koga was doing with the other boar. He hit the remaining boar, and she watched as it's health dropped.

    But that seemed to anger the boar as it returned the favor, hitting Koga once more. If she hadn't felt horrible before about dragging him out with her, she sure did now. He just took two hits while she took a mere one. She was going to have to hope and pray that she got the materials that she needed and soon, or he was going to be in trouble, and she wasn't about to take the opportunity. Don't die on me Koga...


    Obtained This Thread


    1 Uncommon Consumable
    Tier One Crafting Materials (2)


  20. Noctua


    Level 1


    Energy: 0 (2 -2)


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Boar 1

    HP: 11 // DMG: 4 // Hate: Koga 0 // Noctua 0

    Boar 2

    HP: 11 // DMG: 4 // Hate: Koga 0 // Noctua 0


    ID 127778

    BD 2 >>Fail<<

    "Both, it depends on how hard the boars hit." She chuckled lightly then, happy that she wasn't feeling as closed up into a shell that she had started off in. Perhaps that was a good thing after all? But even still, she could tell that she was horrible with talking, because her last comment seemed to have been confused, or just said wrong. "I d-didn't... I.." Wait what was that? Was there something ahead of them? She tore her eyes from Koga to look out, and sure enough, she saw two boars charging right for them.

    The first thing in her mind was, this was the perfect opportunity to run away from this now awkward conversation. Without really thinking, or even wanting to use a sword art, she went right for the first boar, only to have her basic attack miss. Well, this was already going horribly for her. How else can this get worse? Oh wait, that's right, there are two boars.


  21. She offered a shy smile when he introduced himself. She was making friends, right? But then, it was like she wasn't. He was going to go off on his own? She could believe that he was going to be safe, but she didn't know how well it was going to work for her. But she wanted to get stronger, so why not? "Oh, um, yeah. I'll come with you." She turned and jogged a little to catch up to him. Once she was walking beside him, she took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I'm really horrible with social interactions." Might as well get that out of the way right then and there. That might make things a little easier from now too. Or it could make it worse, only the moments afterwards would be able to tell her that. But she opened her interface and found Yukiro's name and sent him a party invitation.

    "Before you accept, I want to let you know that I am still new to gaming in general." Not just this game, but all games. She was learning as she went, literally. Sometimes it was easy on her, and other times it was horrible. It kind of depended on the company she took it seemed like, and right now, there was only one person who she has actually teamed up with, and multiple times at that. But, she needed to make more friends, so why not start right now?


  22. She shook her head once more at his second apology. "B-blame is mine too." Geez Noctua, learn to talk to people will you? She tried to keep from sighing as she thought that against herself. She wanted to break out of this, and darn it, she will. But she looked at Yukiro again once he spoke and she looked towards the exit then back at him. "S-sure, if you want to." You know the bad part about being so anti-social, that you know when a smile is being faked. But, ignoring that factor she nodded after a moment and attempted some kind of smile of her own. "Um, I don't need favors?" There was a short pause as she tried to think for a moment before shaking her head. It was almost as if she was trying to make sure that she didn't need anything to be done.

    Well, except for a confidence boost, but that was going to take a while on it's own. "I was mainly going to go to try to train." She can attempt a conversation right? That wouldn't be too hard for her to do? Well, maybe it would be but she was going to attempt it anyways. She didn't know how else to go about the small talk that most people liked to go by when they were literally out of every conversation starter. But then, how may of those people ran into someone like Noctua, who didn't know how to talk to others really? "Oh, um, I'm Noctua by the way." She offered her name then, hoping that this might get a little better for her by knowing this person's name. Perhaps then, she can think of new ways to talk, like she did with Koga. That would work right?


  23. Ugh, hunting did not agree with her today, but then, did it agree with anyone? You either lost your life or you won, the odds weren't exactly fair either. Her and Koga just got done with their boar farming and she was beat, but not wanting to go home. She didn't drink, but Koga had mentioned a tavern and she decided to go with him. Silently, she followed him over to the bar and she asked for just a water. She would eat at home to save her Col right now. She nearly jumped though when she heard him randomly talk to someone else, and she took a peak around him to see. There was another girl there, Nora she was guessing, and some guy. She knew neither, and waved a quiet wave. "Hiya." Nope, not much else that she was willing to say at the moment, but this was already going to be interesting to see unfold.

    @Lonzo // @Nora // @Koga

  24. Spoiler


    Level 1


    Energy: 2


    » [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    » Jack's Graceful Repose [Perfect Rapier [Burn - Blight - Cursed]]

    » Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    » Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    » [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)


    Thud! And there she went, landing on her butt on the ground. Looking up, she wanted to see what she ran into, only to see it being a who, with the guy apologizing to her. Wait, why was he apologizing? It wasn't like she had been watching where she had been going either. But, rising back to her feet, she shook her head lightly. "I-it's okay. I am o-okay." There was that stutter that showed her social anxiety to the extreme. But, there was no need to be nervous right? She didn't know anymore. There were nice people, like Koga, and there were rude people, like everyone else. She just needed to figure out where this new person landed on that scale.

    "A-are you okay?" She was trying to talk through the stutter at this point, to not seem so shy or nervous. Whether it was working, well that was going to have to wait to be seen. Instead, she started to dust herself off, out of pure habit from the real world, wondering if dust actually did fall off of herself here. Once she felt like she was clean and undusted, she looked back at the new person in front of her. What was he even doing walking to the exit of town? Oh right, she was one of the only ones who didn't exactly leave town, he might be going back out to level.


  25. Noctua


    Level 1

    HP: 17 (20 -3)

    Energy: 0 (2 -2)


    >> [Rank 1] Rapier [DMG +1]


    >> Rare Rapier [DMG +1, ACC +1]

    >> Vanity Black and Tan Outfit [Light Armor]

    Battle Ready Inventory

    >> [50 HP] Healing Crystal (3)



    Boar 1

    HP: 2 (12 -10) // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Koga: 2 (0 +2) // vs Noctua: 0

    MD 9 >>hit (crit +1)<<

    Boar 2

    HP12 // DMG: 3 // Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 0

    MD 6 >>hit<< (ID 127775)


    ID 127706

    BD 4  >>miss<<

    He didn't make a comment on her reasoning for his profession choice. Not knowing whether or not she might have offended him, she just didn't bring it up again. Instead, she continued to walk and look for a material, when he seemed to dismiss her apology. Looking at him, she noticed the smile and she felt a bit better on it. At least he didn't seem to be pissed about being dragged out here right now.

    But that was before the boars showed up. It stared with a simple rustling of leaves and bushes, and then two boars showed their ugly faces. "Right, stupid boars, and two this time." At least last time it was just one of them and her learning. Now, she was still learning and there were two of them. But she figured that Koga could take one, which he nearly one shot killed, and she could take the other.

    But as she looked at the second boar, she saw it gearing up to attack, so she attempted to take that as her opportunity to hit, but, just like before, she missed. Only, this time, the boar didn't. The second boar head butted her right in the chest knocking her back a few paces. Her health was still in the green, but there was some of it missing now. "Ow..." But as she looked over to Koga, she could see the boar that he attacked was gearing up a hit, and she watched as it connected with him, only able to cringe as she set her sights on that boar instead of the one at full health.


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