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Posts posted by Tala

  1. "Bro--!" Tala looked up, startled, as she looked to see who it was that entered her shop so..happily. It was a nice change really. He didn't say much else besides just writing down his request. She looked it over and nodded lightly, "I'll start working on it right away, I'll send a message your way once I get it finished." She was going to have to go searching for the track that she had for this request, but it was going to get done. Just as she was getting ready to go and do that request, a second person came in. That's odd. She turned to see that it was NIGHT and she smiled at the woman. She took the music sheet and she nodded. "Sure thing, and thank you! I've got one request before your's but I'll get started on it soon I promise. Once it's ready I'll send you a message!." She quickly went into the studio and started to hunt down that song. Hours later, she had three failed salvages and a single perfect to account for the session. She sent Basuke a message letting him know that he could come and get his song, and tomorrow she would start on her friend's request.


    ID: 132120
    CD: 6 (5+1) >>salvage<<
    LD: 5 >>fail<<

    ID: 132121
    CD: 7 (6+1) >>salvage<<
    LD: 9 >>fail<<

    ID: 132122
    CD: 7 (6+1) >>salvage<<
    LD: 1 >>fail<<

    ID: 132123
    CD: 13 (12+1)
    LD: 10
    >>Perfect Support Song<<


    Name: Song of Furry || (You are not misreading this, and neither did Basuke mistakenly write it.)
    Your Profession: Performer
    Your Rank: 2
    Item Type: Support Song
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Familiar Sight
    Description: You know the thing where one wolf howls, and then the rest of them join him? It's like that, except less cool, and the user is a human. Contrary to popular belief, it sounds like the pouring of water. || (It's a crude scrawl of Basuke as a stickman, and a stick-cat screaming with full pointed teeth. And a dog. And a fish.)

    EXP GAINED: +2+2+2+8=14



  2. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 14/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    She was successful in getting him to stop teasing her at least, for now. It was bound to happen again with these two. There wasn't a moment when they weren't teasing the crap out of each other. It's what the siblings did after all. But she also wasn't going to voice that she was a bit hurt that he didn't believe her still. Again, she couldn't blame him. Just like she knew he wasn't bad at relationships, just expressing the feelings that go with relationships. Either way though, she liked to play it as him just being horrible with relationships, made it more fun for her.

    "Join the club sis. If it weren't for the pay off, there is no way in hell I would've let you take this quest. But, gotta admit, a Familiar that boosts your stats? That's pretty invaluable. Worth the hell this game puts you through to get it...well...almost...makes it excusable at least." Ha, that was nearly laughable, if she weren't freezing. "How did you survive this when you did it? I mean I know you're just as cold as I am..." She honestly doubted that he was having an easier time in the snow right now.


  3. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 14/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    ID: 132099
    LD: 14 (11+3) >>No Familiar Found<<

    "Thanks, Tala, I appreciate that...really..." She smiled knowing that he was going to be fine. Nothing to worry about. Nothing at all. No, he wasn't slightly irritated with her comment. Nah, he was fine. Her thought process was an interesting one, gotta give her that. But she knew that he was going to respond about her sticking her tongue out at him and she glared at him, "Oh shush you."

    She sighed momentarily as she shook her head, "Okay brother." She didn't believe that was all when he explained, she figured that there had to be more, but of course, he wasn't going to say. He was going to blame it on the fact that he was terrible with relationships. Boy, was that a funny thing to hear him admit, even though it didn't make her laugh in the moment. But still, she looked around for a moment. She could have sworn that she heard something, but there was nothing to be seen so she grumbled as she continued to walk. "I'm starting to hate this quest..."


  4. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 14/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    "Poaching? Is that what we're calling it now? I thought we were just taming a mob, not selling it on the black market," she rolled her eyes at his new found joke.

    "I don't know if I should be offended, or take that as a compliment..." "Probably safe to say both big brother, both. You really shouldn't make it easy for me to tease you, but you do," she stuck her tongue out at him and instantly regretted that when the cold hit it. She grumbled at her own stupid choice then, knowing that he was going to say something on it.

    "Eh, yeah, a bit. But c'mon Tala, when was the last time you dated someone just because you liked 'em? You've typically got something up your sleeve." She sighed once more and shook her head as she opened her mouth to say something and just closed it. No point in trying to argue that she meant it this time, he probably wouldn't believe her with her track record anyways. "Your turn."


  5. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 14/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    "Eh, I dunno about that, I think he might've liked to see this floor again. I'm sure you figured this out, but this is the floor I found him on." She shook her head with a smile on her face. "So I'm not the only one poaching a wolf from this floor, sounds about right."

    She got him to chuckle with how she managed to trick him, "You make it easy to do and it's fun." She grinned as she thought back to how many times she has trick him into saying things for her.

    "I would if it weren't you who were saying it," she stared at him, actual hurt showing in her eyes this time. "That's a little harsh there don't you think?" She knew that he had a point, but she wasn't about to admit that today. Nope, instead, she focused her gaze back ahead of her as she went back to seeing if there was any hint at all of a wolf for her.


  6. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 14/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    "...That hurts, Tala. That really hurts. And touche." She sighed and rolled her eyes, "Oh we both know that you just left him behind so that he doesn't freeze to death along with us." Her own odd way of apologizing to her brother, isn't she just lovely?

    "Only slightly miserable? I dunno about you, sis, but I'd rather be by a fire right now. An actual fire, I know you're gonna say, 'oh, but we are fires, look at our last name!' or whatever." She laughed as she shook her head, "See I wasn't going to, but you just went and said it anyways, which just makes it perfect." She couldn't help but find that pretty funny, and laughing seemed to help keep her warm, a bit at least.

    Uh oh, she knew that smirk. "You first. You and Yukiro, spill." Damn, he hadn't forgotten. She sighed lightly then, "Would you believe me if I said that I like him because he's nice to me?" Valid question, and answer. Of course, would Koga believe her was the question. But it wasn't a lie either, she did like him, she just didn't know if she was going to keep him around after her plan is done and over with.


  7. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 9/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    "And here I was thinking the system was just trying to spare some poor mob from your wrath," she looked at him ad shook her head, faking a frown. "Now that was just plain mean brother. I mean, I'm not as mean as you for leaving Okami back at the shop," there was a smile on her face then as she gently threw the sarcasm back at her dear older brother. Two could always play this game, and it always alternated on who would win. She found it to be fun.

    "Anything to make our lives more difficult I suppose." There was a small nod as she agreed, "Difficult and slightly miserable." It was true, she was just a tad miserable in the snow. She didn't like it, at all. It was cold and wet, and it just wasn't the heat that she liked. But her mind did jump back to the one question from earlier. Should she continue to act like it was never brought up? She asked herself this as she walked right next to her brother, watching for a wolf of her own to come on out of hiding.

    "Tell me brother, what do you find so fascinating about your owl?" She was curious and it was going to help with her grand master plan that she had started planning earlier. But, she was also curious as to if this woman was even right for her brother in the first place.


  8. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 9/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    ID: 131959
    LD: 11 (8+3) >>Fail<<

    "Hey, I couldn't have finished that guy off if you hadn't gotten that chip damage in. Literally. I think that was exactly enough damage to off him." She looked at him and nodded lightly before she sighed. She didn't know exactly what was the best thing to say right there. Either way, they were on the hunt again at least, so walking and searching.

    "You know it, would it really kill RNGesus to just let me have one good item drop?" She laughed lightly, "Probably as much as it would kill to give me a familiar brother." It was just their luck, it was horrible. Someone had something against them, and it showed every time that they actually wanted something. Like right now. There was no sign of a wolf anywhere that she was able to tame.

    "Not desert rats like us, sis," she snorted at that response. Boy wasn't it the truth. "Just our luck for the best floor for this to be covered in snow." She leaned into her brother and she sighed. She had a feeling that this was a mutual warmth stealing operation now, but that didn't seem to matter as the walk continued. At least, he seemed to have forgotten about the question from earlier that she never answered.


  9. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 9/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    "Feel better now?" She looked at him and nodded lightly, "A bit yeah. Too bad it's crap damage." She shrugged that off though as her brother soon dispatched of the fox. Well, at least that was done and over with. She sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest then and she walked over to her brother. She heard his sigh and she couldn't help but laugh, "Bad loot?" She knew the feeling of that all to well. It seemed to be the Kasai crap luck with loot rolls. "Ready to keep goin'?" She nodded lightly as she started to walk once more. Walking was going to help keep them warm right? She sure hoped so because right now, it felt like she was about to just fall over dead from the cold. "Why would anyone want to live on this blasted floor?" She grumbled her words, knowing that Koga probably heard them still anyways.


  10. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 8(10-2)/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    Fox: HP: 40(46-6)/130 || DMG: 30 || Hate: vs Koga: 2 // vs Tala: 1

    ID: 131877
    BD: 8 >>HIT<<
    Sword Art: Rage Blow
    DMG: 3*2=6

    "Man, do I gotta do everything around 'ere?" All she did was glare at him. She could say some words, but that would involve her breaking his concentration, and damn, someone needed to kill this thing. She obviously wasn't doing that job. She looked up at her sword in the branch and sighed. Yeah, I'm so not helping in this situation at all. She nearly jumped from her thoughts when she saw Koga pull her sword from the branch, knowing him, he had some kind of joke in his mind about it. She nearly cringed though when he shoved the sword into the dirt, the poor thing what did it ever do to Koga?

    "C'mon. Let's kill this Fox and get you you're Familiar. You'll feel better after that." She stared at his had for a moment before she took a deep breath and pulled herself up with his help. "I'll feel better if I can manage to get a hit on the fox really." Her words were mumbled as she grabbed her sword from the dirt, with effort, thanks brother. Once she had her sword and was situated, she started to channel Rage Blow once more before she went for the attack, her sword actually cleaving the Fox's chest this time. Her damage was minimal, but hey, she finally hit the damn thing.


  11. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 280 || EN: 28 || DMG: 9 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 2 || REGEN: 1

    Koga and Noctua were focused on the gorilla, did that mean that they made up? She really hoped so honestly. It was Yukiro though who she stared at longer. He came to a skidding halt and knelt before her, just before he flicked her on the forehead. "Hey..." "What is WRONG with you!? What, are you trying to kill us!?" He was shouting and he had a good reason to, but she still shook her head. "Not us, just me." But within moments, he was scooping her up and moving her out of the sight of the giant gorilla. Well, that was good for her, but bad for them.

    "Of course I came! I said I'd always be there for you, right?" Her attention snapped back to him, pure shock actually showing on her tired and beaten face. "..." She couldn't even think of a reply on that on, go figure. "If you really feel bad, go right your wrong, no matter how much it hurts." What did he mean by that? "What? How?" She sighed though because he was soon off to help her brother and Noctua. They hadn't made up, had they? She sighed as she pulled herself back to her feet. She was going to help them. One tiny problem, her katana was at the gorilla's feet.

    That must have happened when the gorilla flung her into the rock. She sighed as she watched them, hoping that one of them would be kind enough to throw the katana over to her.


  12. Name: Luring Taming
    Your Profession: Performer
    Your Rank: 2
    Roll ID: 131847
    Roll Result:  CD: 12 (11+1) // LD: 6
    Item Type: Support Song
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Familiar Sight
    Description: An assortment of sounds that mimic random animal mating calls, it’s pretty weird to the human ear.
    Post Link: 


  13. She still had that order to make and she was determined to get it done. It was a very specific sound that was wanted, so it had taken her some time just to get a vanity song crystal with the wanted sounds. But, now that she had it, she was ready to try and apply it to an actual song crystal. The first try, took to it right away. It wasn't a masterpiece, but it was still complete. So she sent a quick message to @Randal to let him know that he was able to come and grab his support song. Once the message was sent, she started on a second craft for the day, only for that to be a rare masterpiece. Not horrible, she would take the results for the day.


    ID: 131847
    CD: 12 (11+1)
    LD: 6
    >>Perfect Support Song // +1 Familiar Sight<<

    ID: 131848
    CD: 11 (10+1)
    LD: 17 >>Instant<<
    >>Rare Masterpiece Support Song<<

    EXP GAINED: 8+5=13



  14. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 10(12-2)/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    Fox: HP: 94/130 || DMG: 30 || Hate: vs Koga: 1 // vs Tala: 0

    ID: 131846
    BD: 5 (3+2) >>FAIL<<
    Sword Art: Rage Blow
    DMG: >>MISS<<

    "Don't sound so damn happy about it. There are some things I will never subject myself to, and that is one of them," she laughed at his answer. Oh how she loved her dear big brother.

    Perhaps the face planting into the snow was revenge for deciding to ignore her brother's question. It made perfect sense in her mind really with how she looked at it. Either way, she rolled to her back as she watched her brother hit the fox. Of course he would hit it, why wouldn't he? She sighed as she got back to her feet and looked at the fox. She was going to do this. "Wanna try that again, dear sister?" She grumbled something under her breath as she grabbed her sword to try again. Only, for some reason, snow didn't like her. Right as she channeled Rage Blow once more to use it, her sword got stuck on a tree. "...." All she did then was plop her butt on the ground and crossed her arms.


  15. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 12(14-2)/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    Fox: HP: 130/130 || DMG: 30 || Hate: vs Koga: 0 // vs Tala: 0

    ID: 131777
    Sword Art: Rage Blow
    DMG: >>MISS<<

    "Fine, you win then. Took me days to find mine. Total pain in my ass. Worth it. But Christ on a crutch..." She looked at him, a mixture of surprise and happiness in her eyes, "I don't think I've ever heard you give up that fast big brother." She couldn't help but chuckle either way though. It was kind of funny to her to hear him give up right off the bat. It was new to her, but she enjoyed it either way. Sure, she had her moments of being a horrible little sister, but what were little sisters for?

    "Do you even need to ask, Tala?" "Fine, next time I'll just drag you around town without asking. See if you want to be asked then." She grinned at him, a grin that he should know means that she was going to go along with what she just threatened. If he can kidnap people, she can do the same to him. But she wasn't going to say that aloud.

    "So, I've been meaning to ask. You and Yuki? What's goin' on there? Never really thought he'd have been your type." Uh oh, she knew that tone. It was the 'serious brother' tone. She sighed and rolled her eyes, about to open her mouth to say something, when a bright orange fur pelt caught her eye instead. Now was her chance to avoid that question altogether. Perfect for her, horrible for him. She unsheathed her sword and went for the fox, channeling her sword art, only for an unseen rock to catch her foot instead.

    So, here she was, face first in snow, not wanting to move. She was starting to hate this game.


  16. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 280 || EN: 28 || DMG: 9 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 2 || REGEN: 1

    Okay, she was going to be fine. She wasn't going to die, maybe. She didn't know anymore. She lost track of how many times she has been hit, all except for the nearing red health bar that she had now. The fact that she was close to dying didn't seem to do much to her except to make her slash a green blade through the giant monkey that was attacking her. After this, I don't want to visit any zoo that holds a damned monkey. No. Her thoughts, such a wonderful though process while you are literally getting your ass kicked by a monkey.

    She was back on her feet after a moment of sitting. She had gotten back handed by the monkey. Funny how that happens isn't it? She wanted to back hand someone else for so long, never did, and now the game is making her feel what she had wanted to do to someone else. Either way, she was up and running at the gorilla once more. But she heard some kind of screeching behind her, and it did distract her. She had hoped that nothing was going to be coming from behind to attack her. One on one death she could handle, but a mob of monsters versus herself, well, she would be mad.

    That was when she felt the hard slap. It hurt as if she had been slapped across the face by another chick for flirting with her man. She flew, right into a boulder. Okay, that hurt and her health was officially in the red now. Awesome. She was starting to think that she was hallucinating as well, for she could have sworn that she just saw Yukiro. Wait, that was Yukiro. Not far behind was Koga and Noct- wait, was that Noctua? Holy crap she has changed. Wait...what were they all doing here? "Wh-what are you guys doing?"


  17. She was still going to work on that request. She didn't realize yet that she didn't have the sound that was needed until the end of the day though. This was mainly because she took another look at the request just to be sure. So, she knew that she was going to have to go and get the sounds, that could be done tomorrow. So in the mean time, she looked at the three failed crafts and the one uncommon. Not great, but not horrible. She could work with it for today, but she needed to do better. Only way to do that was to practice.


    ID: 131628 (daughter pressed a button so the description didn't get to be put in)
    CD: 3 (2+1) >>FAIL<<

    ID: 131629
    CD: 3 (2+1) >>FAIL<<

    ID: 131630
    CD: 3 (2+1) >>FAIL<<

    ID: 131631
    CD: 9 (8+1)
    LD: 4
    >>Uncommon Support Song<<

    EXP GAINED: +1+1+1+3=6



  18. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 14/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    ID: 131515
    LD: 8 (5+3) >>FAIL<<

    "I dunno that forced familial bonds constitutes love, but okay." She mocked pain just then, knowing that it was a joke. She knew that he would know that she was joking about being hurt from the comment anyways. It took a lot to have her brother hurt her in any kind of way anyways. She was just too used to his way of joking to be phased by it.

    "You say that as if you haven't known me your literal entire life." This time, the scoff was real when she looked at him. "Well, fine then. Guess we will just have to see who tames a familiar faster than won't we." Yup, there she was, turning this into a competition. Is there anything you won't turn into a competition Tala? Probably not to be honest. Right now, she was looking around, trying to see if she could find something, ignoring the cold no matter how much it wanted to bite at her.

    "Okay, other than this taking absolutely forever, do you think I can drag you for food afterwards? As a thank you for enduring this terror with me?" She still loved her brother, that much was always going to be seen. Her offering to buy him food, well, that was her own way of saying thank you.


  19. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 280 || EN: 28 || DMG: 9 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 2 || REGEN: 1

    Now, she hadn't planned on literally walking right into a gorilla. Instead, she planned on attempting to track it, to see how it was going to act. But, that plan was out the door quick enough. Either way, she had found her grave probably. She looked at the stats that it was showing her, and she knew that it wasn't going to end well for her at all. Well, that was probably going to be the best course of action. Either way, she got up and off of the ground. Unsheathing Kiba, she looked at the giant gorilla and she smiled. "Well, let's have fun with this then shall we?" She still had her health in the green, just a little of it was gone for now, so that wasn't so horrible.

    But as she had charged it to try and use Ra Setsu on the gorilla, just a simple smack with a giant hand was all that was needed to stun her instead. She went skidding across the ground before she tried to right herself. She was rightfully dizzy and now sore. Hey look at that, even her health was feeling the effects as it fell just enough to turn her health bar yellow. Well, she knew that this was going to be suicide, that was how she kind of wanted it at the moment. She laid back on the ground for a moment to catch not only her breath but her bearings.

    She wasn't going to go down without a fight though, that wasn't the Kasai way. Soon enough, once the stun was fully gone, she stood up and looked at the Gorilla. "Wrong move buddy." She managed to spit out before she channeled Ra Setsu once more. Only this time she managed to get the first slash across the gorilla, the the punch stunning it, then the second slash. Good, progress. She moved back, wondering if this was worth living through. She hadn't even thought to ask what the item was that this thing was going to drop, she just wanted out.

    But could she actually leave? Or was this going to kill her in the real world. There was no true way to prove anything still, even though they all knew that they were stuck here. Questions and concerns. Was she really ready to just leave Masato all alone? No, but was she going to, more than likely. All because she decided to pull some stupid stuff. She sighed for a moment, only for her to wish that she still had to breath as she got thrown into a rock. The rain made the surface slippery, but she felt the full effect of the hit, as did her once more lowering health bar.


  20. Spoiler

    Level: 14
    HP: 280
    EN: 28
    DMG: 9 || MIT: 9 || ACC: 2 || REGEN: 1

    » Curved Sword - Rank 1
    » Katana - Rank 3

    » Kiba [Perfect Katana [Damage // Damage // Damage]]
    Arrow Ring [Rare Ring [Accuracy // Accuracy]]
    Mythic Jacket [Uncommon Light Armor [Mitigation // Regen // Light Momentum]]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    » (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    » (5) Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    » (1) Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    » (1) Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    She was pacing in her shop. She knew that she needed to apologize, but she didn't know how. She couldn't face them, any of them. Not Masato. Not Noctua. Not even Yukiro who she might have hurt the most. Finally, she knew what it was that she was going to do. She had heard of a rare hunt on the sixth floor, and well, she didn't know if she was wanted around anymore. Perhaps that could help take her out of this misery. So, walking from her shop, she locked the door and made sure that it said closed before she walked to the teleporter. She stepped on the moment that it was free, "Telepost, Krycim!" And then, she was gone in a flash of blue light as she looked around the sixth floor. Rain was hitting her head, and hard at that. She didn't bother getting mad at that factor. She moved from the teleporter and stopped before she would be officially out of town. There were two messages that she needed to send.


    To Koga

    Masato, I'm sorry I messed everything up. I promised to try and be nice to your ow- to Noctua and I didn't even try. I'll leave you both be from now on. I won't bother you. Everything about her cheating on you with that guy, well, I hired him. Please don't blame her, she is blameless in all of this. It was all me.

    From Tala

    The moment that the message was sent, she sighed lightly as she clicked on the second name.


    To Yukiro

    Yukiro, I don't know how to fully apologize and I probably won't ever be able to. I just want you to know that the feelings that I tried to hide, they were true. But, I won't bother you for I know that you must be angry at me or hurt. I don't blame you. I am deeply sorry.

    From Tala

    The second message was sent. She didn't think that she could send another one, mainly because she didn't have the third person on her friends list. Oh well. She left the town then and started to hunt down this beast that she was told about. She didn't think that it would take too long, it was supposed to be a giant gorilla after all. Modeled after King Kong or whatever the broker said, she didn't pay the best of attention to that fact. Now, what she didn't expect, was to be walking, and then flying into a tree. That hurt. She fell to the ground, her back still against the tree and she turned to see what it was. Oh hey, the gorilla found her. Fun.

    @Koga @Yukiro @Noctua

    Notes: Gonna go Tala, Koga, Noctua, then Yukiro

  21. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 74(64+10)/140 || EN: 13(12+1)/14 || DMG: 4 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    Was it bad that she just wanted to smack her brother for that smile that was on his face as she had stopped her attack? Probably not, but hey, self control was a thing and she apparently had it right now. Either way though, she got a new weapon and a new pretty skill to use with it. What could go wrong?

    "I take it we're celebrating? My treat then. The usual joint?" She rolled her eyes, "No, I just want food before you kick my ass again." Oh that lovely sarcasm, it really was a family trait wasn't it? "Of course we are celebrating!" Any and all sarcasm was soon erased with a happy smile as she grabbed his hand. She was going to lead him to their normal place for ramen and tea. Both sounded amazing at the moment, but that could be the fact that she literally just got her ass kicked by her own flesh and blood. Oh well, she will repay that favor one day.

    For now though, it was time to celebrate the new skill.

    Thread Summary:


    +2 SP (1 thread & 1 december bonus)
    200 Col
    Katana Skill Line
    >> Tier One Perfect Katana <<Kiba>> [Damage // Damage // Damage] (Gift from Koga)

    +2 SP (1 thread & 1 december bonus)
    200 Col


  22. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 14/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    She watched her brother facepalm, and it made her laugh. For some reason, it was funny to her that she had managed to make him facepalm. She didn't know why, but she found it funny. Then came the groan and she chuckled once more. "Oh you know you love me brother dearest."

    "Oh, don't worry about it. I wanna see if it happens to you first." "Well, isn't that just mean." She pretended to pout for a moment before the travel happened to the fourth floor. She looked at her brother when he joined her on the floor and she let out a frozen chuckle. At least she wasn't going to suffer alone this time. "Alright, you ready?" She nodded, "Ready as ever. Let's see what I can find today." She didn't want to wait any longer, so she started to head out of the town.

    It was time to hunt down herself a wolf.


  23. Spoiler

    Turn 6

    Tala: HP: 64(89-1-12-12)/140 || EN: 12(11+1)/14 || DMG: 4 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9
    [Burn 1/2 <<-12 HP>>] [Blight 1/2 <<-12 HP>>]

    Koga: HP: 236(240-4)/240 // EN: 22 // DMG: 6 // EVA: 2 // MIT: 0 // ACC: 2 // BRN: 12 // BLT: 12 // FALN: 2 // REGN: 5 // RECV: 1

    ID: 131285
    BD: 6 (6+2-2) >>HIT<<
    DMG: Failed Because Of The Duel Ending

    Her hit to his leg, well hit, but he retaliated by hitting her in the shoulder. She watched as the Burn and Blight came back on her bars and she sighed. She was still going to attempt this though. Just as she had gone to hit him again though, the two DoTs went off and the duel was over. She stared at the winner tag over his head before she sheathed her own Katana then. "Game over sis." "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." She grumbled before opening her skills menu. She started to scroll through everything and finally saw the one that she wanted.

    She smiled at this fact as she kept the Katana equipped before looking at her brother once more, the menu now closed. "So, other than kicking my ass, did you have any other plans? I feel like some ramen might be in order." Quickest way to the siblings hearts, food. To her, she just wanted ramen at the moment. She kind of figured that the smile she had on her face would prove that she got the skill. Now, she wanted to pay her brother back, and not in the way of finding out how to kick his own ass.


  24. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 14/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 3 || MIT: 9

    ID: 131283
    LD: 19 >>SUCCESSFUL<<

    Tier 1 Material (2)

    "So, after we got the sword, I may or may not have kidnapped Yuki, tied him to a chair, and force fed him a meal in thanks..." Tala stared at her brother at this point. He did what now? Yukiro had nothing to say, she didn't exactly blame him there. She wouldn't want to say anything on it either. But at the moment, her gaze was solely focused on Koga. "So..you kidnapped him? Weren't you warned about that before brother?" She gave him a pointed look, it was a tease, but also her attempting to make him remember things. Like being in trouble for kidnapping someone before.

    She shook her head though and looked over at Yukiro who was purposely not looking at her. "Hope he didn't do too much damage Yukiro." As she looked away, she noticed something sparkle and she bent down to grab the materials. Well, at least she was able to tease her brother and grab some materials, she could use both.


  25. Spoiler

    Tala: HP: 140/140 || EN: 14/14 || DMG: 3 || ACC: 2 || MIT: 9

    "Tala, you have infinite inventory space. You could have equipped a coat!" She stared at him for a moment before she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Have I mentioned I haven't left this floor, like ever?" She tried to grin to, hopefully, make her brother not wanna smack her. But then, she hadn't left the floor much, if ever, so it was valid in her mind. "But! I have one now!" Good for you Tala, good for you.

    "You realize in this case, I too am an apple..." She clapped happily right away. "Look brother! We are twins then!" She giggled before the entire conversation, or lack there of, with the gypsy happened. She really hated that NPC but there was nothing she could do if she wanted to get a familiar. "Serves that crazy woman right." Tala looked at Koga before she headed to the teleporter. "I feel like there is a story to tell!"

    She wanted to know, and just before she stepped onto the platform, she equipped her new found winter jacket, thank you mistakes for learning from. "Teleport, Snowfrost!" She soon vanished in the pillar of blue before she was standing in snow and already grumbling before moving aide to let her brother have room to get over.


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