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Posts posted by Skeleton

  1. The thoughts passing through Skeleton's head as he continued parting clumps of grass had begun to move from chlorophyll and greens, to thinking about colour itself. He had heard of other animals or insects having a much wider range of vision than humans. Being capable of seeing colours unimaginable. Seeing other colours as an entirely different colour itself. This took him a step further to remembering that pink light itself does not exist. The view that would be be seen through the eyes of animal carrying a wider range of vision would be astounding to say the least. You would have to relearn the colour spectrum.

    ID# 130268



    "Wait... How long have I been searching this spot...?" snapped Skeleton.

    It was a question aimed at himself as he was unsure if he was searching the same spot again or not.

    "I should move to a new spot to be safe."

    Standing up he once again scouted the field to see if there were any obvious portions that had yet to be searched. The grass however was too tall and swaying in the wind.

  2. Crouching once more, Skeleton found his vision being overtaken by the grass that he was slowly sifting though, nearly blade by blade and clump by clump. The herbs he was looking for were similar looking to the generic garden weeds that he would see sneaking through the floorboards back home but had a light colour.

    "A lighter colour. Lighter green... If I remember right, chlorophyll gives flora their green, right? So more chlorophyll means.... more green...?"  Skeleton's mind wandered aloud.

    Ideas of chlorophyll count being an indication of brighter greens and if the amount of chlorophyll in a plant indicated possible nutritional value of the plant. Skeleton began to autonomously sift through the grass with these thoughts running through his head, and slightly through his mouth as a mumble.

    ID# 130267


    As Skeleton continued to sift through the grass, he began to blank on the purpose of his search. At one stage he found himself comparing the green of the grass against each other instead of searching for the herb.

  3. Skeleton found himself among an expansive field of grass a short walk away from the Town of Beginnings. He had noticed other players rummaging around and searching for something, and he had hoped it was the same herb as he was looking for. Skeleton crouched down to sit on his heels as he started picking apart the long blades of grass. Noticing something that he could only describe as leafier than the rest of the grass closer to the dirt, Skeleton reached down to grasp what he saw.

    ID# 130266

    LD: 8

    Yanking up what he thought was one of the herbs he'd been looking for, all he found in his hands was a clump of grass.

    "I was hoping to find these everywhere since this is a beginner's quest..." mumbled Skeleton.

    Rising slowly from his crouched position he stretched his arms into the air. Stretched his back into an arc backwards to the point he almost lost his balance. Taking in a deep breath, he began to slowly scan the field.

  4. Skeleton had caught wind of the old man Zachariah's beginner course. He had trouble finding the alchemist's shop but had noticed a few others making their way towards a store while he slowly searched the streets one at a time.

    "I hope this is the one." muttered Skeleton as he pushed open the door to the store.

    The door opened smoothly, lightly tilting a bell above to alert the owner. The old man was mixing potions with a stern focus, repeatedly referring back to a book every moment or so. His head head perked up from the bell penetrating his focus, eyes wide.

    "Ah hello! Welcome to Zachariah's Tincture Workshop. Is there anything I can do for you?" said Zachariah.

    "I was hoping to pick up a quest here." Skeleton said while making a gesture to the general area with his hands. "One to help get beginners started.

    Zachariah's eyes narrowed as he grinned and began waving Skeleton to approach him.

    "Of course, of course!  Come on in, Lad." 

    Skeleton took in a sigh of relief and began making his way towards the counter.

    "The first thing to do in Aincrad is to ensure your safety, and for that you need to learn how to craft a potion that will keep you kicking." explained Zachariah as he swiftly picked up a book, flipped a few pages, and slid it across the counter towards Skeleton.

    "You craft potions using these herbs?" Skeleton questioned.

    "A vial, some water, and some of these herbs will do the trick. Head out and fetch me 5 of these and I'll teach you how to craft the potion." Zachariah instructed.

    Skeleton's eyes followed Zachariah's motions as he pointed towards the herb on the book, to the set of vials on the wall, and to a water tap at the side. His eyes returned to the herb on the page.

    "It's found in the fields just outside of town. That's convenient." Skeleton said.

    "Correct, and quite a few citizens actually grow it in their home." stated Zachariah as he motioned to a few potted plants by the windows either side of the entrance.

    "I'm still going to have to gather the herbs despite you having plenty, aren't I?" Skeleton asked.

    "It's for the experience!" Zachariah announced. "I wish you luck!"

    "Thanks, I'm probably going to need it." Skeleton replied.

    Skeleton turned back to the door, waving a farewell to the potion tinkerer and stepped outside the street once again. Skeleton took a look around to regain his bearings, searching for the exit to the town. Spying one to the east, Skeleton began making his way towards the field.

  5. Roleplays:

    Chronological Order:

    2. Placeholder
    3. Placeholder





    1. http://www.sao-rpg.com/profile/8864-randal/ Received free food, and helping punch a rock. Gathering buddy.
    2. http://www.sao-rpg.com/profile/8824-yukiro/ Arranged a carnival in town once.
    3. http://www.sao-rpg.com/profile/8771-andromeda/ Fell on me then tried to promote her store.
    4. Nobody
    5. Somebody
    6. Anybody



    The Story Thus Far:

    Chronological Order:

    1. Placeholder
    2. Placeholder



    Trivia and other General Info:
    1. Hates brussel sprouts.
    2. Once got divebombed by a girl in a tree.
    3. Something
    4. Something
    5. Aeolus



  6. Profession: Alchemist
    Rank: 5
    Exp: 197





    Total SP: 26       Remaining SP: 13


    1. Placeholder



    1. Placeholder



    1. Placeholder


    Weapon Skills:

    1. One Handed Weapons: Rank 2 (13SP)



    Sword Art List:

    1. [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.

    2. [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.
    3. [x3] Tri Pierce (3 Energy) - Stab target three times, slashing diagonally to cause a triangle effect on each one
    4. [x4] Fad Edge (4 Energy) - The user swiftly strikes the opponent with four thrusts in brisk succession.





    1. Rare Dagger (Damage II)
    2. Leather Body Piece with a Scarf
    3. (3) Starter Healing Potions (50HP)
    4. (5) T1 Uncommon Potion (40HP)
    5. (3) T1 Recovery Potion (40 HP)
    6. (1) T1 Over Health Potion (50 Temp HP)
    7. (2) Tier 1 Materials 
    8. (6) Crushed Bone Blend (40HP)
    9. (3) Ground Bone Blend (20HP)
    10. Primal Scented Salve (+1CD Taming)
    11. (10) T1 Uncommon Salve (Not evaluated)
    12. Matriarch's Stinger (Damage +1)
    13. Ace Brace (+1 EVA, +1 LD)

    Col: 4,360






    Username: Skeleton
    Real Name: Aeolus Gale


    Age: 16 ->18
    Birthday: 14th September
    Virtues: Flaws:
    1. Grounded: Having been the one to be the major groundskeeper for the home from a young age while at the same time attempting to keep both parents from sinking household funds into indulgence, Aeolus learned to think and plan for necessities and for possibilities. Having to keep tabs on both parents had prevented Aeolus from splurging on much for himself as he felt that he himself had to be the responsible adult. 
    2. Calm: Aeolus had tread across eggshells metaphorically for the majority of his childhood, and literally for some of the more unsavory days. Once he determined that it was best to keep a level head instead of getting sucked in to the arguments at home, he found himself much more well off. Physically at least.
    3. Strong Sense of Justice: Despite his parent's indulgence and rather grey morality, Aeolus still retains a rather solid sense of justice. Not necessarily lawful, however he does hold disdain on willful or intentional harm being done to others without valid reasoning. 
    1. Apathetic: Aeolus has a difficult time empathising or sympathising with others without making a conscious effort thanks to the repeated arguments between his parents providing him with an environment where shutting people out made living a little easier. Aeolus will usually think to allow others to handle their own problems without offering help at a first glance.
    2. Unmotivated: Having always been the one to run errands and receiving little feedback from his parents and peers which were distasteful at best, directly insulting at worst, Aeolus found giving little to no effort was the easiest way to avoid disappointing himself. It always gave him the excuse that he didn't even try when things start to take a bad turn.
    3. Evasive: Being embarrassed of his own living situation, and his family, Aeolus dodges many personal questions once they begin to dig deeper than anything surface level. This has cost Aeolus friendships before as he ends up staying rather distant.







    Aeolus took hold of the door handle with one hand while still twisting the key in the lock with the other. The key was being slowly eaten with rust while the lock itself was scratched and battered from what he could only assume was his step father's attempts at clambering back home in the early hours of the morning.


    The sound of the lock functioning as it should felt like a signal in which Aeolus' heart sank at the sound.

    Aeolus pushed the door open, yanking the key out of the lock and directly into his pocket without as much as a jangle from the keys. The smell of the living room began to follow the first current of fresh air in 14 hours out into the street.

    He had left at 6am to go to work. Aeolus receives no shown interest in his well being when coming and going from his home. The smell of alcohol and sweat clung to the air itself, and what snuck below it was the sour burn of cigarettes.

    "Hey! Close the door asshole, it's freezing!" a voice slurred from the room to the right.

    Aeolus closed the door behind him, hearing but not replying. He was after all going to close the door behind him, as he does every time he passes through a door. Moving towards the stairs he passed the door to the living room on the right, glancing at the typical heaps of rubbish and trash that litter the sofa, coffee table, and floor.

    Aeolus' father lived like a pig. The king pig. Reveling in his thoroughly worn, beer drenched shirt. He is always found watching T.V to gamble on sports, and using said gambling as an excuse to drink. The sofa was his throne, his dinner tray, and his bed.

    "You were supposed to clean this place up while I was at work." Aeolus stated matter-of-factly.

    "Ah told you I'd get to it. If you care so much, clean it yourself." his father retorted in almost a sing song tone.

    Aeolus took a deep breath, scanned the room, and saw that his father had made no attempt at cleaning his living space. As per usual Aeolus was fighting a losing battle. It was best to let it go while his father was more interested in the match in front of him.

    Turning on his heels, and making a stride towards the stairs he took a deep breath to sigh.


    Smoke. The cigarette smoke gripped Aeolus' throat, sending him into a coughing fit as he climbed the stairs.

    "She must be in the middle of going through an entire packet." Aeolus muttered to himself.

    Catching his breath he ignored his mother muttering to herself within her locked room at the top of the stairs, quickly making a half-hearted dash towards his room at the end of the hall.

    Yanking down the handle, sweeping open the door, stepping in to close the door as soon as possible behind him.

    Aeolus placed a backpack on to his bed. A bare mattress in the corner of the floor. Zipping open the bag he began pulling out his copy of Sword Art Online.

    Working in a game store, Aeolus was able to snag a copy to pre-order, and today was the release. A temporary escape where he didn't have to gag on cigarette smoke or the fumes of alcohol and sweat.

    Surely anything would be better than this, right?

    Aeolus put the nervegear on.




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