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Posts posted by Sam

  1. The shadow's hand brushes from one of Sam's shoulders to the next. It grabs at he clothing with a small tug and a grin as it says "I have no boundaries. I see something I want and well I simply can't control myself. I break bubbles of others for simple knowledge when I could just ask but instead I get touchy. I could care less if they don't feel comfortable with how close I have gotten." The shadow grabs a small piece of Sams hair with a grin painted across its face. "NO...I'm not like that you freak. You can't be me," Sam yells as she pushes the thing backwards from her and pulls out her weapon. The shadow figure rushes back in front of Sam with a large smile and Red eyes staring into Sam's saying "Say that again...I dare you!" Sam glares into this things eyes knowing that most of the things that the shadow said was true but Sam didn't want to accept that she was that person any longer. "You...Are...Not...Me," Sam says in a stern but very pissed off voice as she pushes the shadow back once more but this time it falls to the ground laughing.

  2. "I guess the last of the lessons quest line. The fisherman needs our attention this time. Lets head docks to have a chat with him to see what he wants us to do." Sam sents a party invite to all, along with a quest share. Sam started heading to the docks where they had all been once before. While walking Sam askes the group "Do you know what quest Raidou wants to bring us on? It's a bit nerve racking not knowing.

    Getting to the docks Sam has a coversation with Pete. "So you want us to use your boat and this fishinh pole to fish out a sword fish an kill it? Really thats all?" Pete responds with "Yes Mam, and I will be coming along as well. The danger for most is unknown so don't die okay?" saying with a smile. Pete gets his boat ready for sailing out 4 people including himself. Sam looks back at the group with a half smile saying "This should be easy right?" She waits for the others to talk with Pete. 

  3. The shadow can tell that Sam is getting angry and keeps going with the words, trying to keep the tension going saying "I say everything on my mind with the truth to each word yet.." it pauses and appears right in front of Sam with a huge grin. "My words come out more hurtful then helpful. I have to tell everyone everything even though it's not my place to do so," the shadow grabs at Sams face with two fingers but Sam jerks her face away. The shadow simple laughs and turns away. "You have yet to tell me who you are you fiend" Sam says gritting her teeth as she was trying to hold in her anger. Small amounts of blood drip from Sams palms as she digs her nails in deeper. Turning back to Sam saying "Well isn't it obvious? I am you and all that you stand for," with a large grin as it moves closer to Sam and lightly touches her shoulder.

  4. Sam was surprised by the voice it spoke back saying "I just love being in everyone's business. I can't help myself, I really don't know how to make friends any other way," the shadow says with a grin painted across her face as she starts to slowly walk around Sam. "I just have to know everything about everyone I meet..." the shadow peers behind Sam and whispers in Sams ear saying "even if they hate me in the end." The shadow walks to the other side of Sam with a small laugh saying "No, I can't simply talk to them and know them like a normal human being. I have to be nosy and interfere with their personal life." Sam swiftly turns to the thing and scream "SHUT UP...That not true," a huge smile paints against the shadows face. "Isn't it though, I mean, even our friends we've known for 5 years left us because we were soo annoying." Sam clinches her hands tighter in one another causing her nails to dig slightly into her skin.

  5. Sam wakes suddenly from a chime to her HUD. "OH GOSH WHAT TIME IS IT!!!" Sam screams to an empty room freaking out because she wanted to get up early with Eruda. Not seeing her around, Sam checks the time as it was only 7am. "Dam...I was hoping to get up a bit earlier," saying as she gets to her feet. Running around Eruda's shop grabbing her things and rushes out the door. Looking back realizing that she didn't shut the door, she runs back and does just that. Sam runs toward the beginning city as she opens her HUD and digs through the guild chat to confirm her team up this time around. She then sents a message to Griswold, Shiina, and Kasumi saying "I'm heading to the starter city now, Ill meet you guys there for the quest," not worried about how the message sounded she sends each with the chimes of her HUD unleashed. 

    Arriving at the quest board and accepting the fourth lessons quest...Sam stands there trying to catch her breath before the others showed.


    Sam - The Red Rose:

    Level: 11

    HP: 220/220

    EN: 22/22

    Weapon: Grand Cleaver - Stone (Damage 3)


    Misc: Silver Band - Farore's Wind: +3 Loot Dice

    Damage: 9

    Loot Dice: +3


    Two-Handed Battle Axe (Rank 3): 5 Damage

    Battle Ready:



  6. The shadowed figure seems to blink forward, closer but not yet in view. A low evil laugh echoes around Sam. With each flash of lightning, the figure gets closer, more visible. As it gets closer, Sam realizes that it looks like her. Long black hair streaming down each shoulder with a gloss to it due to the rain fall. Sam says softly to herself "Did I miss the part where everyone said I would be fighting myself..." Sams words fall silent as she was standing face to fave with a duplicate of herself standing in front of her. It was wearing the same clothing, her body was the same height and the same measurements as hers. Sam stares intently at the figure as she says "Who are you" assuming to already know what this imposter would say back. Clinching her fist together by her sides Sam waits for a response from this thing that looks exactly like her. 

  7. Leaning against the concrete wall, never being in this type of situation before, Sam's chest starts to pound from the fear that is running through her veins right now. Rain pouring down causing her to be drenched from head to toe now. Flashes of lights all around her from lightning in the sky. Loud crashing of thunder shaking the ground beneath her feet. Sam closes her eyes to trying calming herself from not being able to see anything. Sam suddenly hears a faint crackling of twigs in the distance. Her eyes flash open but can't see anything so she screams out "Who's there?" hoping to scare it away before it gets any closer. "Why did you guys sent me out here dam it," Sam thinks to herself as she stares out into the distance. Sam jumps a bit as she sees a shadow of sorts within the thickness of the fog. "THIS WILL NOT END WELL FOR YOU IF YOU COME ANY CLOSER," Sam yells out terrified now but trying not to show that fear. 

  8. The rain became harder to see through and at second glance Sam notices that thick fog was slowly rising up from the ground. A breeze of wind also starts up. "What the hell is this" as she watches the fog move upward slowly. Sam begins to get nervous about the situation she was in and makes haste through the forest trying to get through what looks like a storm starting to brew. Running and jumping slightly over rocks that become clear within the fog below her. Eventually, Sam has to stop because the thickness of the mist was now all around her. Not being able to see anything she begins walking slowly forward with her hands out in front of her. A flash of light in the sky followed by a crash of thunder that rumbles the ground of which she stands on. Sam started to get scared now, as her feet hit a different texture of the floor beneath her. As she continues to walk forward slowly her hand run into something solid. Feeling around it for a moment and realizing it was a wall of sorts, she places her back against it and looks outward into the dark grey area.

  9. Not seeing anything, for now, Sam continues walking through the forest blindly. Knowing that by heading just straight, she was not going in the same direction twice. While slushing through the mud, she feels some droplets against her head. Sam adjusts the silver plate on her arm with a small frown beginning to form. "I hope that whatever this thing they want me to face isn't that dangerous. They say it could be... Hopefully, they aren't just sending me to the wolves to die. I would really hate to think that Eruda or Raidou would do that to me." Looking down at the bracer that covers her arm she grins a bit. The rain begins to come down a bit harder but Sam didn't seem to mind. She brushes her hair away from her face and continues walking. Going further though, the rain started to become heavier. Sam knew that she would be soaked before this quest was over with.    

  10. Sam walks through the tree lines and it begins to darken. Looking up she realized that the large trees were blocking the sunlight from coming in. "Not a fan of darkness but I guess I will have to manage." With each footfall, there is a crunch of leaves beneath them. Sam not paying much attention to any danger around starts observing nature in her view. The trees looked like dark oak and others of just plain oak. Pretty basic for a jungle-based area. Glancing at the grounds there were a few boulders placed deep within the soil which were covered in moss. Walking deeper into this forest the dirt starts turning to mud, almost like it was raining before she came this was. Opening her HUD to check the quest, all she sees is a large green circle in the forest she stood in. "Oh, that's just great. Very helpful thanks," she said as she closes her HUD and begins searching around for any movement in the distance.

  11. Sam smiles just a bit as Gaius ends the last creature's life with ease. Sam walks to pick her gem up from the ground, a pearl of sorts. Putting her weapon away she takes tightens her grip on her gem as she says while thinking of Raidou words "I know I might not seem like much but I will prove that I am worth all of your time eventually. I am joining Firm Anima and if you guys don't like it or me...Then I guess I will just have to change your perspective of me somehow. I could give a dam less how long that would take." Sam looks to Gaius and Setsuna with confident eyes. Placing the gem in her satchel she gives Simmone a quick glance before walking out of the cave as she heads back to Hannah.

    Everyone else collects their gems as well and follow Sam in toe with no words. Arriving at Hannah's one by one, each party member gives her the gems and in return is handed a package to give to the fisherman, Ol' Pete who is at a giant lake nearby. Sam, Simmone, Setsuna, and Gaius all deliver their packages and heads off in different directions after everyone's HUD chimes at the completion of this quest. 

    Sam walks back to Eruda's shop and sits in her cot for the sun was about to set. Eruda was still not back, but Sam knew that she would see her anytime soon. Opening her HUD at looking at the Firm Anima guild invite, Sam closes her eyes and accepts this guild invite knowing that it would be her best course of action in order to survive this scary setting.


  12. Watching all the others shift through the caves grounds, Sam tries using her arts again. Slicing through the air with the intent to hit her target but again it goes right over its head. Sam stands there and starts thinking. What would she of done with her group of friends, if these people were them. What would she do in a situation like this... Sam glances around to everyone's location. Finding Setsuna behind the pillar and Gaius getting ready to attack again in the distance. 

    The creature roars with an echoing voice as it begins to run in Setsuna's direction. At that moment Sam angrily screams "NO" as she runs behind it and kicks it in the back. The creature stops and turns toward Sam for just a moment before she yells out to Setsuna "NOW" hopefully giving her that half a second opening she needed to end this fool.

    Activating Whirlwind!

    ID# 149944 results: Battle: 1 Misses! vs Cave Guardian #1

    ID# 149945 results: MOB: 6-3=3 Misses! vs. Setsuna


    Sam    180/180 | 15/18 | DMG: 8 | LD: +3                
    Setsuna    260/260 | 20/26 | DMG: 9 | EVA: +3 | LD: +2 | DSG [1/3]        
    Simmone    260/260 | 26/26 | DMG: 1 | EVA: +1 | REC: 2 [CD:6+] | ACC: +3 | CONC [0/3]    
    Gaius    260/260 | 15/26 | DMG: 9 | MITI: 9 | HM 2: +2 | LM 2: +2 | REC: 1 [CD:6+] | DSG [1/3]

    Hatred:    Mobs:
    (0,1,0,0)    Cave Guardian #1    HP: 11/20    DMG: 5 (50 on First Successful)
    (0,0,0,2)    Cave Guardian #2    HP: -46/20    DMG: 5 (50 on First Successful)
    (0,1,0,1)    Cave Guardian #3    HP: -43/20    DMG: 5 (50 on First Successful)
    (0,0,0,1)    Cave Guardian #4    HP: -34/20    DMG: 5 (50 on First Successful)

  13. Sam watches everything happen so fast. Setsuna does some damage to a few of them. Gaius brings in the wind and kills all but one while causing openings for Setsuna for the final hits. Seeing a nod from Setsuna, Sam knows what is wanted from her and tries to create the opening. Using the sword art that she only used once before, Sam sees her weapon glow red and swings wide. Two gashes fly through the air going right over the Cave Guardians' head hitting the wall behind him. "DAM IT" Sam calls out knowing that this was her chance to show them what she could do but failed. Knowing that all eyes were on her from her team she looks down to the ground highly disappointed with herself. 

    Setsuna waits for the opening that never comes. The creature swings in the direction of the blue light that darts past him but misses. The Cave Guardian roars at its failure and focuses on the blue light once more.

    Activating Whirlwind!

    ID# 149940 results: Battle: 5 Misses!

    ID# 149941 results: MOB: 2-3=0 Cave Guardian #1 Misses! vs. Setsuna


    Sam    180/180 | 16/18 | DMG: 8 | LD: +3                
    Setsuna    260/260 | 21/26 | DMG: 9 | EVA: +3 | LD: +2 | DSG [0/3]        
    Simmone    260/260 | 26/26 | DMG: 1 | EVA: +1 | REC: 2 [CD:6+] | ACC: +3 | CONC [0/3]    
    Gaius    260/260 | 15/26 | DMG: 9 | MITI: 9 | HM 2: +2 | LM 2: +2 | REC: 1 [CD:6+] | DSG [0/3]

    Hatred:    Mobs:
    (0,1,0,0)    Cave Guardian #1    HP: 11/20    DMG: 5 (50 on First Successful)
    (0,0,0,2)    Cave Guardian #2    HP: -46/20    DMG: 5 (50 on First Successful)
    (0,1,0,1)    Cave Guardian #3    HP: -43/20    DMG: 5 (50 on First Successful)
    (0,0,0,1)    Cave Guardian #4    HP: -34/20    DMG: 5 (50 on First Successful)

  14. Sam feels a hand on her shoulder and glances down to see it was Simmone's. Sam watches as Setsuna stops Gaius with a face plant to the ground. Sam jumps a bit at the notion but walks carefully to the side of Setsuna with caution saying in a whisper looking into the dark cave "You take the point, I'll follow and give support" as she struggles to find the right words to say to her. Sam didn't want to piss Setsuna off even more than she was. Sam takes her weapon out and crouches next to Setsuna waiting for her to walk it first to evaluate the situation knowing that it could be dangerous. Sam looks to Simmone and the light in her hand with a small nod. Sam starts to think of what Raidou had told her earlier about how they didn't need to like each other but they had to work together. With that understanding, Sam waits for the next step and order from Setsuna.  

  15. Listening to these words Sam was amazed by what he thought. Sam takes her dagger out knowing that he was right. They did have that uncommon and nothing else really matters as long as they all got out safely. Sam uses the hilt of her weapon to bash against this ore with multiple repeated hits trying the break free whatever this rock had to offer. Raidou's words gave Sam some relief, enough to focus on the task at hand. Eventually, jagged rocks and blue minerals filled the ground beneath her. Sam kneels down to collect the materials that seemed most valuable. "Your right. If I think of more end game and not the in-betweens then I will get much further. I can't be stressing on whether or not people like more just that they can and will actually work with me. I will focus on that and see where that gets me." Sam scrambles through the rubble and picks up a few that look more potent than the others.  

    ID# 149930 results: Loot: 14+3=17 Success!

    2*T3 Materials Obtained!

    Total T3 Materials: 7

  16. With Setsuna and Gaius yelling at her she frowns a bit and excepts the party invite, which she thought was already done but apparently she didn't press the right button to do so. Looking to Simmone with some tears trying to build up but knowing that if she showed weakness that this would only get worse. She really wanted to be apart of this guild but she wasn't sure she was actually welcomed to do so. Sam nods to Simmone and makes haste toward the cave. Getting to the cave entrance Sam is at a loss of what to do. The last team took orders from her, no questions asked but Gaius and Setsuna were not the willing types. Sam shuts her mouth and waits for the others to take action before she pisses them off even more as she thinks of ways to fix what she messed up horribly.

  17. Sam sees the ore on the wall but her mind was blank of what she was doing. She brushes her hand across the ore trying to observe the content but can't seem to focus on such a thing. "How can I entrust my life in the hands of people that hate me. I have done nothing but made mistakes while working with your group. Even though Eruda is letting me stay at her shop right now, I don't even think she is 100% on my side either." Her mind goes darting to Setsuna specifically. "I know trust is a big thing in a group like yours but how can I get them to trust or even like me..." Sam looks at the rock with a blank expression. She was finding it very hard to focus with everything on her mind. "How can I make them like me...It took me years to get my friends to accept me but now..." Sam stares at the ore on the wall trying to organize her thoughts.

    ID# 149925 results: Loot: 4+3=7 Failure

    0*T3 Materials Obtained!

    Total T3 Materials: 5

  18. Sam watches as Setsuna falls into a slunder. Simmone approaches, greeting her and with a smile, Sam says "Good morning right back. I'm sorry to wake you so early," as she looks back to Setsuna. Gaius moves to them with some hefty word to give. Sam stands from the fountain's edge and says "Well it looks like everyone is here so yes Gaius lets get this over with," seeing how persistent he was to put an end to this quest before it even started. Sam taps Setsuna on the shoulder to wake her before moving opening her HUD and looking at the quest details. Knowing now that they had to speak with Hannah once more, Sam starts moving toward the grove that she was last seen. 

    Sam makes haste toward the grove and has a conversation with Hannah about the quest. Hannah mentions the darkness of this cave that they were about to head to and Sam looks at the gang with a confused look saying "Does anyone have something the light this area we are about to go to because I really rather not go in blindly looking for these gems that Hannah wants." Sams HUD chimes with the updated information and a marker revealing a location. 

  19. Raidou silence says it all. Not having any words for her as she watches him gather a few more material. "I'm sorry to offload like that. It's just something that's been on my mind. Usually, I have no problems focusing, but this game..." Sams words fall to nothing. Shifting through the remainder of the bottom of the crate and finding nothing more. Getting to her feet, she glances at Raidou who was gathering. Sam searches around the area to find more material of value but can't seem to pinpoint anything. "Eruda was trying to teach me how to push everything out of my mind, to focus on what was important. I just can't stop thinking about everything and it's so frustrating to know that this stupid game is causing me to think of everything that I wouldn't normally think about. It..scares me...I think I am scared of what might happen in the future," She says and she looks to something shinning against the wall in the distance.

    ID# 149920 results: Loot: 3+3=6 Failure!

    0*T3 Materials Obtained!

    Total T3 Materials: 5

  20. Eruda gets home late to her shop last night and tells Sam who she will be going with in the third lesson quest. Her heart sinks a little as she hears Setsuna's name knowing that she didn't like Sam very much. Sam sits in bed for half the night staring at the Guild invite that Raidou sent here earlier. Sam manages to fall asleep for a while. Waking up she decides that if today went well with Simmone, Gaius, and Setsuna then she would accept this invitation for the guild.

    Getting out of bed, Sam realized that Eruda had already left. Looking at the time as it was 6:30, Sam sents a message to Simmone, Gaius, and Setsuna saying "I will get the third lesson's quest set up. meet you at the fountain in the town of beginnings." With three separate chimes of her HUD, the messages were sent and she gathers her equipment and heads out to the quest board.

    Sam gets to the quest board accepting the third lessons quest and sents an invite and quest shares to all three and sits on the edge of the fountain to wait for the others to accompany her.


    Sam - The Red Rose:

    Level: 9

    HP: 180/180

    EN: 18/18

    Weapon: Grand Cleaver - Stone (Damage 3)


    Misc: Silver Band - Farore's Wind: +3 Loot Dice

    Damage: 8

    Loot Dice: +3


    Two-Handed Battle Axe (Rank 2): 4 Damage

    Battle Ready:



  21. Looking to Simmone with a smile saying "I am looking forward to it then," then looking to Fox saying "Agreed and you will be a great asset to the Firm Anima team which reminds me..." Sams words trail off and she shifts her body to Raidou. Walking to Raidou "So it's simple that either my friends are dead which would really suck or they just really don't want to be found. I am doing these quest with your guild yet I'm not apart of it. Do you think I could join Firm Anima," Sam says sadly thinking about her friends who have yet to appear. "I need to be apart of something more than just myself and I know I wasn't sure before which is why it never came up. I will learn how your guild does things and I promise I will work hard," Sam didn't know if she even had to explain herself but she did anyway just in case. Sam was tired of using all her free time on false hope for her friends and she wanted something better to look forward to. 

  22. "Hmm still sounds brilliant. I am hoping to be similar but not hidden within the shadows. I would prefer to be that last thing they see before they evaporate into nothing" she says with a smirk painted across her face. Even in the light Fox's movement was precise and quick. Looking to Simmone she smiles "So I'm looking to get my shop soon...where would you say be best for such a building. Oh, and you have yet to show me your ways. How you do things, maybe you could bring me to your shop later and teach me a few things if you don't mind." Sam looks to the girl in the mask who was darting from creature to creature with no problems. "Hmm, I rather do enjoy watching others fight. Everyone has a different fighting style even with the same weapon as another," as she watches more get wiped out and another item drop. 

  23. Sam makes haste toward the fields to meet the others as she calls out to Simmone "You coming" with a small grin as she glances back at her over her shoulder. Watching the girl destroy the pathetic creatures as it drops one item needed for the quest. Noticing the large weapon she carries Sam says "Nice weapon you got there." Sam pulls her THBA out for mainly just show. "Your style is well rounded as well. What made you want to be a merchant if I may ask?" Sam continues to watch as each was just sliced in half and turned into data. Saying to herself "I think I am going to like this one." Looking to Simmone as she was behind. Looking for Raidou to check what he was up to, thinking that he was most likely out gathering something around the fields like he did when he went with her on Earning a living quest. 

  24. Sam notices Simmone and the figure she was eyeing talk to her. Sam gets up from the edge of the fountain at walks to Simmone's side with a smile hearing every word that was spoken. "Hi there Simmone. Nice to see you again." Looking moreover this figure now seeing that she was a female. "I am Sam and I guess I am that other friend that Raidou sent. Nice to meet you Fox." Sam looks around awkwardly before saying "Sorry I am used to being on the other side of this. Firm Anima is helping me as well so being here helping you..." her words fall silent as she looks to Simmone. "Well, it's new. So what are we doing today?" Sam was trying to be friendly but instead sounding like a lunatic talking so much. Sam opens her mouth to say more but metaphorically puts her foot in mouth so she didn't scare the girl away. 

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