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Posts posted by Sam

  1. "Wow, that was..." Sam couldn't find her words. "You, I mean he reflected all of those. I am sure that I would have hit you at least once if it..." Sam was just so surprised at the way Raidou moved with that thing within him and not seeing it anywhere in sight around him. "So what are you gonna call him so I can stop calling him it or thing? Are you going to show it to the team?" Sam was now talking super fast, excited for what this creature would head Raidou with in the future. She begins to dig through the boxes again saying "I'm sure that they will all think it crazy weird too but I just know that they will grow to like him too." Finding a silk blue fabric in the mess of broken material inside this container, no even paying much attention to it but she places it in her bag saying "If you don't want anyone to know about him them I can try keeping my mouth shut. It might be hard for me though because well it's me and I have problems." Sam stops her talking realizing that she was talking WAY too much. Turning to Raidou with an apologetic face "Sorry," she yawns once more before rubbing her eyes waiting for Raidou to say something to anything that she just said.

    ID# 154242 results: Loot: 18+3=21Success!

    1*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 4

  2. Sam was trying her best to go through these crates but she was so focused on the other task that she wasn't able to gather. This she was okay with though. Looking to Raidou over her shoulder he was indeed gathering. She glances around the cave and sees a small roundabout a bit deeper into the cave. Sam grins and walks around the corner out of view from Raidou. Taking all the remaining vials out of her satchel which was like 5 of them she holds them against her chest. Peeking around the corner, Raidou was still gathering and paying no attention to her as far as she was concerned. Thinking to herself -NOW- she comes back around the corner quickly with Raidou into view again and starts pelting each vial one by one at him. each one being seconds apart. Once they all were thrown at him she watches him carefully to see his reaction. 

    ID# 154041 results: Loot: 11+3=14 Failure! MAKES PERFECT SENCE!

  3. "Yea saw nothing but you break that vial with no damage caused," turning back to the crates trying her hand once more to focus. She was now determined to get something anything from these large settings of containers sitting in front of her. Taking out her dagger Sam takes the tip to the small spacing of the box and forces it open with little effort. Placing the knife back to her belt she looks inside the top crate. Due to her height, it was easy but if she was any smaller, she would have had to climb up on the other boxes to see inside the top one. Sam's hands move the sutt inside around causing a small bolt of thread visible. Looking to Raidou for a moment she sees that he is focused again on the gathering thing again but decides to wait just a bit longer before throwing a hand full of the vials at him. She decides that she will trow multiple next time to see how the thing reacts to that.

    ID# 154038 results: Loot: 16+3=19 Success!

    1*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 3

  4. Raidou whips up to his feet catching the vial instantaneously. The movement though was really strange like he said. Almost like it took him over for a split second for a form of a defensive mechanism. Sam was in an awwed state as she could take her eyes off Raidou from what she just saw. "Did it just take you over, you didn't seem like you just then..." Sam closes her eyes for just a moment and rubs them with both eyes. "Either that or I'm just too..." Sam shakes her head and tries to refocus on the crates. Sam just looks down at the containers but her mind goes blank. Looking back to Raidou she tries to piece together what her mind just saw. It was hard to do so though because she really has never seen anything like this. Sam being a gamer as seen a bunch of weird crap but this was certainly a first in her book.

    ID# 154036 results: Loot: 1+3=4 Critical Failure

  5. Sam starting to look over the crate more in-depth but her mind was not able to focus on the gathering task. The only thing it was thinking about was making sure that the Goo thing did its job in protecting Raidou. Looking to Raidou over her shoulder she finds him actually getting something out of his gather. Sam smirks and silently takes a vial out from her satchel, for now, was the perfect time to throw it. Primetime, Raidou was restricted and not paying attention to what Sam was doing. Sam focuses on Raidou and throws the vial overhand this time with more force than the last hoping that he would get hit. Sam closes one eye and winches a bit as the vial was flying through the air toward him in what seemed like slow motion. She watches his clothing for anything abnormal to come out to save him.

    ID# 154034 results: Loot: 10+3=13 Failure

  6. Continuing through this hole trying to find anything else that may have been of value, she was desperate to find more than just two from this source. All Sam managed to do was grab a small stone from what remained inside. With a sigh, she looks to Raidou as he seems distracted still. It was understandable as the dark goo was very interesting and if it was her, she too would find it more interesting that gathering. A small yawn escapes her face as she surveys the area around for more to attempt gathering from. Sam touched her satchel with the vial but thinks -No, not yet- as she walks past Raidou to a couple of crates positioned against the wall standing on top of each other like a pyramid. Getting closer and taking a better look at these crates, they had a silver trim against each of their edges. 

    ID# 154032 results: Loot: 4+3=7 Failure

    0*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 2

  7. Watching the black tendrils move quickly from Raidou's inner sleeve to catch the vial instead of him. "Wow it's fast and okay will do," said with a grin and a very amused voice. Thinking to herself -I will throw it harder and quicker next time, I hope that it does it's part because I don't want to hurt Raidou.- Sam focuses back on the gem filling hole sticking her hand through and feeling around. "Ouch," Sam says in sudden anger voice. Pulling her hand out quickly, something had bitten or pinched her finger. "Come here you little bugger" saying as she sticks her hand back in moving it quickly around the dark hole trying to find what made her finger red. Her hand takes hold of something that started to squirm in her grasp trying to getaway. "No, you don't" as she pulls it out and finds a crap moving around anxiously. "Get out of here, I am trying to find stuff," saying in a grump voice as she sets it on the ground. It walks away quickly and she continues what she was doing.

    ID# 154030 results: Loot: 7+3=10 Failure!

    0*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 2

  8. Sam continues to feel around this hole in the cavern's wall. Her fingertips come across something jagged. Wrapping her hand around it she pulls her hand out making it clear into view that it was a gemstone that she didn't recognize. Its color was a unique blue with golden lines coursing inside of it. "Very interesting," she says as hand tilts to either side as she looks closer at the pretty stone. With a smile, she places it with the other that she found and looks at Raidou. He seemed to be having a difficult time gathering himself, more focused on the thing in his clothing she guessed. Sam takes an empty vial from her satchel as Raidou gave her a quick glance and to her, that meant it was time. "Catch," saying as Sam tossed the Vial underhand toward him hoping that his catching was as good as everything else he did. 

    ID# 154028 results: Loot: 17+3=20 Success!

    1*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 2

  9. Sam takes the handful of vials from Raidou with a nod and sets them in a separate pocket from the material she gathered earlier. Searching around for somewhere to gather from she sees a small hold that was not the one Raidou found his little friend in. "Hmm," Sam thinks as she observes the small crack in the wall. Taking a small dagger out, one that she would find of use later so she never got rid of it, she places the bladed tip in the partial open crevasse and begins a circling rotation trying to get the hole big enough to put a hand through. After a moment she removes the dagger and tries sticking a hand inside. It fit but barely. Feeling around her hand touches something rounded. Sam takes hold with a smile and removes her hand finding an opal gem in her grasp. Placing it in her bag she continues digging around waiting for Raidou's call out for the vials.

    ID# 154025 results: Loot: 15+3=18 Success!

    1*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 1



    Sam: The Red Rose
    Level: 16
    HP: 320/320
    EN: 32/32

    Damage: 10
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Grand Cleaver - Stone: Damage 3 (3 Base)
    Armor: Fire Brand - Din: Accuracy 3
    Misc: Silver Band - Farore's Wind: Loot Dice 3

    Two-Handed Battle Ax [Rank 4]

    Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Sapphire Ring - Nayru: Prosperity 3
    Teleport Crystal*1


  10. "Okay, you have a point there. Bringing that back to the team without knowing its true nature would be stupid. Tell me what I can do to help and I will do my best." Sam says with confidence in each word said. Sam looked back down to the patch of herbs and gets to her knees. Waving her hand slower over the herbs looking for one of value to her. With a small huff not finding anything of note, she stands back to her feet and looks to Raidou. "This is way more interesting now. Let's see what you got Little buddy." She walks to the closest wall and leans her back against it looking toward Raidou wondering how he would prove that it was not a danger to others.

    Sam starts to think of the things that she would have to do after helping Raidou with this task. Checking on Eruda and asking Simmone about sharing shops with her so she could learn Simmone's ways of being a Merchant knowing that she still had a lot to learn before she could consider herself as a true merchant.

    ID# 153913 results: Loot: 7+3=10 Failure!

    Total T3 Materials: 4

  11. Sam looks to Raidou as this weird creature gathers for him and also takes another crap vial of his. "I like it...I want one now..." she stares at the goo mesmerized at its actions. "Maybe not that guy but...I want one." She looks back down at the herbs and back to the slimy figure. "I really am no good at this gathering thing, well not as good as you. Maybe I could get a friend of my own that buffs my damage output a bit more. I find myself being better at combat than this." Sam sighs and starts to wave her hand over the base herbs again trying to find another one to collect.

    Not able to find much more than what she already had she frowns saying "See, no good," as she gets to her feet with a small yawn. "When you actually go to train that thing I want to tag along if you don't mind. I would really like to see how this whole thing unfolds. Now if you don't mind I am going to get cleaned up. This experience has made me feel a bit gross. If you decide to do this later today let me know and I will be there." Standing there she shivers a bit thinking about the whole thing waiting for a response before leaving to clean up.

    ID# 153908 results: Loot: 2+3=5 Failure!

  12. Sam's eyes grow wide as she watching the sludge peel from the ground up Raidou's arm, disappearing into his clothing. "Okay, I am officially freaked. I am really curious though how this creature will help with fighting or something." Sam rubs her eyes trying to wrap her head around what she just saw. Sam searches around not wanting to give up on gathering just yet regardless of what she just saw. Seeing a different her patch that wasn't engulfed in slime came to view. She heads toward it and gets to one knee, feeling the wetness of the ground against it. 

    Moving her hand above the green base herbs, Sam finds a large one that was glowing brighter than the other around it. Smiling, she picks it with a snap of the stem off the damp soiled ground. Sam places it in her satchel and starts again. Looking to Raidou with a worried but smirk painted on her face she says "You're not going to randomly explode are you. That thing looked crazy dangerous. We have not the first clue of what it is capable of. Just be careful with it okay?" Sam looks back down at the patch with a smile.

    ID# 153899 results: Loot: 15+3=18 Success!

    1*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 4

  13. Sam walks slowly to Raidou looking him over closely trying to figure out exactly where it just went. Glancing up to his health pool, but it seemed to be fine. "I have never seen anything like this either, even in the other games I've played. It's doesn't seem to want to hurt you or me for that matter... Maybe you just gained a new slimy friend??? Try calling it out or summoning it or something. See what happens." Sam raised a brow highly confused at the situation trying to give out options that might help them figure it out. Slowly walking back she looks down at the herb patch shakes her head twice and looks for something else to gather.

    Sam seemed to be way too interested in what just came out from the hole Raidou tried to gather from. She looks to him to see what he does next with this thing he found.

    ID# 153891 results: Loot: 6+3=9 Failure!

  14. Getting those thoughts out of her head seemed to give Sam a clear state of mind. "Finally," she says as she was able to pinpoint another herb from the patch. Placing it into her bag she here's Raidou say something and she looks up toward him to see a black goo fall to the ground from where Raidou was standing which wasn't but a few feet from Sam. It started to form a puddle of sort across the ground, extending and getting bigger within the floor of the cave. Covering the herbs that Sam was working on she jumps to her feet and slowly steps back. It didn't try attacking them though which was weird because it was moving like it was alive. "What the hell did you just find," Sam calls out as she was amazed by this thing of black goo. Not sure what to do she steps back toward the wall waiting for orders from her guild master.

    ID# 153717 results: Loot: 16+3=19 Success

    1*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 3

  15. Sam looks intensely at the patch with a hand slowly going over fiber. Slightly listening to Raidou, she can't help but smile. A larger herb comes into sight as her hand waves above it. She examines it against the others around it. Thinking to herself it's bigger than the rest and it does have that deeper glow to it, so all I have to do is look for the large ones within the faint glow herbs...Noted. Sam picks this one with a snap of the stem from the damp soil. She couldn't hold her other's thoughts any longer as she looks up to Raidou saying "Eruda might have a hard time soon. She was supposed to meet with her sister this morning but she never showed," Sam pockets the herb and looks back down to the patch. One last attempt for this patch then it was on to the next. 

    ID# 153709 results: Loot: 13+3=16 Success!

    1*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 2

  16. Sam shook her head to get everything out of her mind. She didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of Raidou. She had done enough of that in previous encounters. She managed to focus enough to find another plant that looked of value but when picked, it crumbled in her hand again. "There has to be more here than just one herb," she says determined now to get another from this patch. "So do you have anything else planned today?" Sam says as she starts observing the coloring of each fiber trying to decipher the true nature of how to notice the ripe ones from the others that were not. She knew that the smaller ones were not ripe and that the glowing ones were potential picks but what was she missing. Sam moves her hand over the patch to try finding what that main element was. The key to success, there had to be something that she couldn't wrap her head around.

    ID# 153692 results: Loot: 11+3=14 Failure!

    1*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 1

  17. Sam focused more on the coloring of the fiber. Finding another that looked viable she picks it carefully with a sounding snap. This time it stayed whole and with a smile, she places into her satchel. As she observes the patch more her HUD chimes. Knowing that it would eventually she opens the message which was from Eruda as she already expected saying: "Did Freya show up?" Sam quickly responds with "No I waiting for a while and no one appeared. Sorry! I couldn't wait any longer." Sams HUD chimes once more as the message was sent. Sam was holding her tongue trying to decide whether she should tell Raidou just in case Eruda goes into freak out mode like she has a few times before. She could only imagine what Eruda's reaction to her sister would be. Sam tried to refocus on the patch in front of her as she wipes her brow finding it hard to do so. 

    ID# 153687 results: Loot: 12+3=15 Success

    1*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 1 

  18. Sam smiles as he okay's her being here with him. She was not going to mention anything about last night for now because the day was going to be free of tension. Scanning around for something to gather, her eyes catch upon a bright patch of yellow herbs just a few feet from Raidou. Heading that way and kneeling to one knee on the damp ground, she was not worried about getting dirty. Cleaning her clothes and a shower would be an option later.

    Using the technics that Eruda showed her before she was sorta rusty for she hasn't been out gathering for a while. A keen eye looks at each individual fiber as she sees a slightly brighter herb amongst the patch. Gently taking it between her fingers, it snaps free from the damp soil but crumbles in her hand like dust. "Dam," she says as she continues looking through this patch for more.

    ID# 153681 results: Loot: 9+3=12 Fail

    0*T3 Materials Obtained
    Total T3 Materials: 0

  19. Sam wakes early still leaning against the wall in Eruda's shop. The room was still empty as Sam thinks of what was said last night. Looking at the time it was just about 7 am. "Crap, I was supposed to meet Eruda's sister at the fountain," she said as she quickly gets out of bed and gathers her things and runs out of the shop almost hitting the door frame not being awake yet, closing the door behind her. 

    Sam sits on the edge of the fountain in the town of beginnings for a half hour and no one showed up. "Oh man Eruda won't like this but I can't just sit around all day waiting," saying with a frown painted across her face. Thinking that if Eruda asked what happened she would tell her that no one showed but until then she would move on with her day as planned. Sam was going to the caves today before Eruda said anything to gather things for the guild vault knowing that she could help with at least that. Stepping to the warp gate saying "Floor 21," Sam reappears on the designated floor and makes her way quickly to the caves that she was so familiar with. Covering her face with the fumes in the air she slides through the hole in the rocks landing in the cave. Seeing a red robe glow through the dim light she knew that it was Raidou in the distance. She hesitated for a moment before saying "Do you mind if I join you today" hoping that he would be okay considering the previous conversation that they had, the same that Eruda yelled at her for.


    Name: Sam
    Level: 15
    HP: 300/300
    EN: 30/30

    Damage: 10
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Grand Cleaver - Stone: Damage 3 (3 Base)
    Armor: Fire Brand - Din: Accuracy 3
    Misc: Silver Band - Farore's Wind: Loot Dice 3

    Two-Handed Battle Ax [Rank 4]

    Extra Skills:

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Sapphire Ring - Nayru: Prosperity 3

  20. Sam sits up against the wall and pulls her knees and blanket to her chest. Looking around the darkroom she sighs as she causes Eruda to leave and sleep elsewhere. Wondering where she wound up hoping Eruda would be okay for the night. Sam frowns and starts thinking of different housing arrangements. Maybe she could save for a small hut or something, knowing that she had a shop to still make, but she didn't want to be alone. With her friends being gone and not wanting to wear out her welcome with Eruda, she didn't know where else to go. Her mind started to think of others in the guild who might allow her to stay with them. "Simmone seems to like me. Maybe I will ask her tomorrow if I could stay with her or maybe share a shop with her since we are both merchants. This way maybe I can convince myself to stay out of Eruda's and Raidou's business." Sam yawns once more and leans her head against the wall as she starts to finally fade off into the dreamland. 

  21. Sam was laying in bed staring at the ceiling now thinking of her previous actions. Thinking out loud to an empty room saying "Maybe Eruda was right, I need to drop this. Eruda has proven time and time again that she can handle herself. I really do hope they at least give it a chance. This game is hell but everyone should have that special someone, including me..." Sam yawn as she was obviously tired but she couldn't get her mind to stop thinking. Her HUD chimes and looking confused she opens the message as it was from Eruda saying:


    "I am meeting my sister in the morning. I will be out in the cave that Raidou always gathers in. Please meet Freya at the fountain on the first floor at 7 am and bring her to that cave which I am sure that you have been too."


    Sam more confused that Eruda was still talking to her after what just happened sends a message back saying "Okay," and with that, she thinks wow Eruda has a sister??? Her HUD chimes as the message was sent off to Eruda.

  22. Seeing Griswold get closer to Rain, he calls out to her to grab oils or butter or whatever she could find. His upper body bursts into a magnificent flex as Sam says "Oh uu okay were are really doing this..." as she runs to the table with all the foods on it saying "Excuse me...sorry.. coming through" as she bumps into a few people on the way. Looking at the table of foods and deserts saying frantically "There has to be something here to...this will work." Sam finds a small open vial of what looks like oil and a stick of butter next to a plate of toast. Running past the people once more saying "Excuse me... sorry... coming through" she gets to Griswold as he changed his poses every few seconds. She was focused on the task at hand...oiling Griswold's chest down for a shine effect and a show that she hoped would be a great one. This was an easy task because she had no interest in men. Sam dumps some of the oil onto her hand and begins the rub but quickly for she didn't want a hand or arm to the face while doing this. Once the oil was done she uses the half stick of butter on the rest of him. Standing back now that her hands were slimy and greasy she cheers Griswold on raising her hands in the air jumping saying excitingly as she looks at the masterpiece she created "YEA YOU GO, BIG GUY. YOU LOOK GREAT." Sam could give a dam less about how people looked at her so her reaction to all this was legit. His skin now was shining against the sun above them, Sam was soo proud.

  23. Arriving at Gatsby's place she has a conversation with him letting him know that the threat was now forced to data. was excited to know that it was dealt with, thanking her for the speedy services. She smiles from the appreciation and with that her HUD chimes. The quest was completed as she started to walk away and head back toward Eruda's shop to try getting some sleep. Arriving at Eruda shop, opening the door she sees her sitting on her bedroll with a small book. "So Raidou it stubborn" saying to Eruda. Looking up toward Sam she says "What did you do this time?" with a sigh and exhaust to her words. "I just tried to nudge him a little, that's all," Sam replies as Eruda gets up from her bed almost angry. "Why would you do that Sam. We have an understanding and now he is just going to think of me as... Sam, you need to stop with this matter. It is very complicated and you don't understand. Please stop trying to understand" said with eagerness in her voice. Sam didn't know about Eruda's sister yet and it just proved that she really couldn't speak with Sam about anything personally because it would get out of hand quickly. "You can stay here but I am going to sleep elsewhere," Eruda says gathering her stuff and walks out the door. Sam sits on her bed with a frown saying "I'm sorry" under her breath to an empty room again and sits there staring at the door hoping that Eruda would come back but never did.

    Eruda sents Raidou a message saying "I'm sorry about Sam. I had no idea" and walks to the warp gate heading to the guild-hall. There she falls asleep at the table hoping that she could get some sleep before needing to meet with her sister in the morning.

  24. Raidou hands her a vial of something and she drinks it. "Thanks, Raidou. I really don't know where I would be right now without you or Eruda helping me. I have been staying with Eruda in her shop. She has proven time and time again that she cares about me." Sam gets to her feet and picks her weapon up, putting it away. "She cares about everyone in the guild even though she doesn't really know them." Sam yawns as she tries to make her point "You and Eruda would make a great couple if it ever came down to it. Just based on facts of what I know about you both, you are one in the same when it comes to leadership and you both would do anything to protect the ones you care for no matter what. Just think about it okay!" Sam smiles as she starts to walk back to Gatsby's place to let him know its complete. Sam was really glad that she got accepted. She knows from this point forward that she was going to be better off.

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