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Posts posted by Sam

  1. Sam is trying to focus but can't seem to at the moment. Her eyes dart toward Raidou and Eruda as words fall between them leaving Raidou walking away in the end. Sam was confused now by this act but as she looks more closely at Eruda, something was different. Not able to pin point just what changed, Sam walks to another patch near Eruda. Sam rubs both her eyes with 2 fingers as to try getting her head as clear as she could. Crouching down to this patch, Sam looks to Eruda one more time before attempting another gather.

    Yet again Sam has let her feelings and opinions get in her way. Sam sits there staring at the herbs as curiosity and thought flood her mind. "Come on SAM. What is wrong with you today" Sam says angrily as she can't find the differences in the leaves beneath her feet.

     ID# 144716 results: Loot: 1+3=4 Failure

    Total T1 Quest Materials: 1

  2. Listening to Raidou now Sam just nods saying "Couldn't agree more" as she continues to pick through the material in front of her trying to find any other herbs that may be still present. Apparently Sam was a bit distracted because as she goes to pick another herb from its home it snaps. Sam grabbed it wrong and broke the leaves the were attached to this fragile plant. "Ugg" Sam say as she stands to her feet. Her mind was racing trying to get into a better state of mind. "I need to focus dang it," saying as she scans the area for a different patch of herbs trying to clear her mind from her friends and how alone she felt without them. Sam makes haste toward a red patch that she seems in the small distance in attempts of clearing this quest as fast as she could. Crouching down she begins to investigate. 

    ID# 144689 results: Loot: 5+3=8 Failure

    Total T1 Quest Materials: 1

  3. Following in toe with Raidou as he makes a mad dash toward a herb patch in the distance that's located outside the city. Walking to Raidou as he kneels down to try gathering from this patch but having no luck Sam says "I was simply commenting on the facts. I think better when I do. I was not trying to make you uptight or uncomfortable. I was also not trying to insult her either. I was simply just stating what I observe. It's how I know what I do and I am sorry Raidou if you felt like I meant either of you any harm in doing so."

    Sam glances around for some herbs of her own to gather from to get this quest over with. Sam wasn't irritated or anything because she knew that she may have overstepped like she always does. Sam sets her sights on a yellow patch that seems to glow within the early morning sky. Sam smile just a bit before also getting to her knees and focuses on each small stem in the ground eventually she realizes that the good herbs gave of a brighter color than the others. With a small pick of the herb like a flower, Sam places it in her satchel.

    ID# 144581 results: Loot: 11+3=14 Success 

    Total T1 Quest Materials: 1


  4. Sam watches Raidou gesture toward the corner out of her view. With a raise of a brown and very curious about what Raidou asks of her, she walks toward the darkened area wanting to find out what Raidou was so interested in. Now seeing a treasure chest Sam looks to Raidou with a small nod and inspects the box. Moving her hands lightly around the outside of the container to check for anything that would do her or Raidou harm. After a moment of in-depth investigation, Sam places both hands on the front of the chest and snaps it open with no issues. Finding a small number of goodies inside she turns to Raidou saying "Thank you Raidou. These should be yours though." Sam picks the items up and walks to Raidou. She takes his hand places the content upon it. "I will see you again soon for now, but for now takes these as thanks." Sam smile at Raidou and hops out of the hole to figure out her thought.

    Total T3 Materials: 12

    ID# 144439 results: Loot: 4

    [4-7] = (Floor * 50) Col, (2) materials, (2) uncommon consumables

  5. Sam looks back to Raidou listening to every word with focused eyes. "I agree. You can not force what is not wanted. My actions toward my friends caused a downward spiral of rippled effects and now..." Sams words fall as her voice fades to nothing, thinking of her next words. A small sigh escapes her as something inside her hits, like an avalanche of rocks forcing her back into reality. "Now I have to make my own choice. If they want to push me out and make the stupid decisions they always have then so be it but I can not wait around for them any longer. It's been proven that they don't want to be found and that's fine with me. I just have to change my fate. To keep myself going and find another group who would have the same thinking as me. I need a team, not followers that have not the first clue of what they are doing. People who will appreciate my hard work and not just put it down." Sam says all this with an understanding but slight anger pushing through. Sam walks past Raidou toward the exit. Turning back toward him saying in a more gentle voice this time "Thank you Raidou. You have opened my thoughts to the bigger picture. I hope to see you again soon but right now I have some thinking to do." Sam waits for a response before walking out.  

  6. Sam nods to Raidou in understanding as she was already opening her HUD to do such thing seeing that she did show up with Raidou so Sam would think nothing less. Sending Eruda a quest share Sam glances at Eruda with a smile saying "Sam, nice to meet you. Hope you can keep up" as her smile turns to a grin. Closing out her menu Sam turns to catch up to Raidou who already seems a great distance from them.

    With haste, Sam catches up to him and says in a teasing voice "She's pretty cute, how did you get so lucky" with a small chuckle. Sam keeps pace with Raidou but turns her head back at Eruda with a smile. "Eruda doesn't seem the talking sort though" as she starts jogging, heading toward her destination. Getting to the building where the marker leads her, she walks in and talks to Zackariah about the quest. A few minutes later Sam walks back through the doors and waits for Eruda to do the same as she did. 

  7. Smile smiles a bit and says "Fair enough. They did choose you though. This to me means that they look up to you. I actually envy that about you. Those friends of mine use expected the same of me once. It makes me a bit sad that they are missing but it was their choice. The stupidity that may cause them the very thing that I am trying to avoid now. Honestly, I try not to let it bother me too much that they left me alone. Maybe I was too hard on them but I just did what I thought was the right chain of action and in this game, it would have been very helpful for their sake and possibly mine." Sam's smile became blank as she spoke the truth to Raidou. Sam tries to dig through the crate again but finds nothing more inside. With a small huff sound Sam walks a bit deeper, trying to see what else this cave has to offer.

    ID# 144435 results: Loot: 7+3=10

    0*T3 Materials Obtained!

    Total T3 Materials: 12


  8. Sam finished the last of her bread as her HUD chimes. Quickly opening her messages Sam reads what Raidou had to say with a small nod of recognition she doesn't respond. Instead, she hops off her chair and looks to the keeper saying "See ya tonight" with a smile. Sam heads out the door making her way to the quest board. Not seeing anyone here yet she takes to the board with easy motions and swift hands she takes the quest "First Lesson" and forms a party. Sending a party request to Raidou, Sam closes her menu and stands against the edge of the quest board with a small yawn. "Hmm" Sam says as she opens her quest and starts reading over the requirements of what needs to be accomplished for completion. After skimming over all the details needs Sam closes her HUD and folds her arms against her chest waiting for Raidou to show surprised that he is even up this early. 

  9. Sam stops to listen, glancing toward Raidou with a raised brow. "You may think that what your doing for your team is something that needs to be done for the great good, but really other people would see it to be an act of kindness. By the way your words are said and I quote -you have a guild to take care of- just being there for them would surely be enough in their eyes." Sam walks to another area of the cave to look for another node.

    Finding another crate with a silver trim this time Sam decides to approach this with a more gentle touch. Taking out her dagger she placed the hilt in a small crack and pushes her blade against the hilt downward causing the top to pop and her knife to fall on the ground. Sam smiles as she collected the leather pieces and bolt inside. After she picks her knife up and says "Kindness is not a word to take lightly but Raidou, even if you don't think it, you are a very kind and thoughtful man." Sam takes a huff of breath and scans the area for yet another area full of materials.

    ID# 144430 results: Loot: 18+3=21

    2*T3 Materials Obtained!

    Total T3 Materials: 12

  10. Sam awakes early in the morning after a long day of gathering with Raidou. Conversations that partook that day makes Sam smile. A small yawn before looking at the time. "I wonder if Raidou would be awake at this time, I could really learn more from him" saying as she opens her HUD as to send Raidou a message. Sam quickly sents a message saying "I could really learn more from you smart guy. Could I follow you again today? Looking for my friends at this point is useless and I need to get on with my life regardless." Walking downstairs from the inn she stayed at she walks to the desk keeper to buys some bread to eat for the day. Waiting for a response, Sam sits on a stool and eats her bread. In doing so she glances around the inn and sees no one. "I really am an early bird aren't I" looking to the keeper. She nods with a smile toward Sam. "Every day since you started staying here," the keeper says as she proceeds with her work. Sam eats her bread quickly.


    Sam - The Red Rose:

    Level: 3

    HP: 60/60

    EN: 6/6



    Misc: Silver Band - Farore's Wind: +3 Loot Dice

    Damage: 1

    Evasion: 0

    Loot Dice: +3



  11. "That is nice of you. I remember being an Alchemist in another game. It was..." Sam cuts her words off to think of the right word then continues "Different. I can see why you would like it though. You seem different than most. It's really refreshing." Sam looks to Raidou with a smile. 

    Scanning around now, eyes meet with a small web in the corner near her. Taking out her dagger, she takes the hilt of her blade with the tip between her 3 main fingers and begins gently wrapping the web with a small circular movement on the end of her hilt. A slight flick of her wrist and the reflective silk snaps from the wall. Sam takes the spool off and puts it into a separate pocket in her sachel so it doesn't stick to anything else in it.

     Without looking at Raidou "And just so we are clear, I am here to learn and maybe make a friend." Sam looks to Raidou at the point with a grin saying "Don't worry either, you are definitely not my type." Sam lets Raidou take that as he would without much more explanation than that as her feet walk deeper into the cavern.

    ID# 144428 results: Loot: 17+3=20

    2*T3 Materials Obtained!

    Total T3 Materials: 10 

  12. Sam sets the completed Potion that is mainly green with a hint of red flowing through the weird liquid. With a nod of the head she moves to the last potion. With the same intentions as the last she picks the bottle up and begins to focus in on it. With her other hand she starts to drot words down on the flip side of this paper. Looking to the liquid with more keen eyes this one seemed different from the last. "So not every like items are the same. I'll take note of that" Sam says with an understanding now. The potion begins to glow the same color as the last as she begins to understand more and more how identification works. With a little more time Sam seems to perfect this notion as the bottle glows red then blue and then nothing. She smiles and places the potion on the desk and pushes them both toward Bill. He nods and hands her the key and Sam sets off to find a location to her new shop.


    T1 Unidentified Perfect Consumable 

    ID# 144179 results: Loot: 5

     ID# 144180 results: Loot: 13

    ID# 144181 results: Loot: 13


    Name: BIG BUFF
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 1
    Roll ID: ID# 144179/ ID# 144180/ID# 144181
    Roll Result: LD:5/LD:13/LD:13
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +1 Protein,+2 Damage
    Description: Red liquid
    Post Link: 



  13. Sam walks to the first unidentified potion and begins to look it over before picking it up. After a moment Sam takes it into her hand. With focused eyes on the liquid inside the small bottle, it starts to glow a little in her grasp. With a raise of her brow, turning the bottle in every direct examining the content inside. The more she focuses on the substance the more light it produces. Sam takes a pen off the desk and what looks like a blank piece of paper and drots down what she sees. The liquid begins to change color, as Sam looks closer. With every careful word that Bill explained to her, Sam manages to get the gist of what lies in this clear bottle. Looking to her notes and scribbles a bit more, crossing a few out and writing something else beside it. Her eyes gleam a bit as the colors change once more and she finally gets an even resolve of what this potion was.

    T1 Unidentified Perfect Consumable

    ID# 144176 results: Loot: 8

    ID# 144177 results: Loot: 15

    ID# 144178 results:  Loot: 19


    Name: Recovery/Damage
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 1
    Roll ID: ID# 144176/ID# 144177/ID# 144178
    Roll Result: LD:8/LD:15/LD:19
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +1 Hp Recovery, +1 Damage, +1 Mass Recovery
    Description: Seems to be mainly healing with a bit of humf to it.
    Post Link: 


  14. Sam glances back to Raidou just in time to see the shatter of the red mineral source that she previously was working on. Sam lets a small cough escape as a small dust cloud forms and evaporates soon after. With a wipe of her face for any dust that may have surfaced on it Sam asks "So what is your expertise? You collect all of this but I don't feel like you would use all of it." As Sam scans around the same area she keeps herself busy. Seeing a small crate in the distance, Sam smirks a bit before making her way toward it. 

    Sam stands in front of this wooden container trying to determine how to get it open. Thinking that her knife wouldn't do it this time, her mind begins to focus in on the box for options on how to approach this. Looking down at her foot and back toward the possible loot holder, Sam uses her strength and height to her advantage. Stomping with her heel first, Sam breaks it open. "Hmm" Sam notes with a short laugh and gone as quickly as it came. Collecting the contents of bolted thread, Sam begins to scan around for more gatherable materials. 

    ID# 144025 results: Loot: 12+3=15

    2*T3 Materials Obtained!

    Total T3 Materials: 8 

  15. With very little effort, Sam finds another nod only feet from her. "I can see why you like it here" as she takes out her dagger in attempts of getting something loose from the rounded surface. As Sam is just about the smack it with her hilt she stops. Raising a brow as she inspects the nod further. It doesn't have the same marking as the last. Small pointed shining stones that are evenly placed within this dark grey rock. "HHmmm," Sam says trying to figure out the best way to approach this situation.

    After a moment of carefully looking this over, Sam takes the tip of her dagger, placing it in the crevis of the gem and its holder. Sam puts her other hand over the gemstone and gently moves her blade back and forth with her other hand mimicking the movement. Eventually, a blue opal of sort pops free. Smiling, Sam continues this process with another piece littered upon this tapestry. 

    ID# 144020 results: Loot: 17+3=20

    2*T3 Materials Obtained!

    Total T3 Materials: 6

  16. Sam scanning across the cave, glance down at Raidou who seemed to have a small fortune of materials pilling next to him. Thinking to herself DAM, Sam shakes her head to refocus. Searching for something, anything to gather, she walks a bit further into the cavern to get a better idea of what materials were actually in here. At the same time wondering why this spot was where Raidou chose. Sam was determined to keep the quiet though and tries to figure out that answer for herself.

    As her feet carefully hit the floor, Sam notices a nod against the wall next to her. Inspecting it's colored form with veins of red in all shapes spread across this rock. With a grin, Sam takes out her dagger and hits the hilt against it where she thinks something might break free. After a few hits, Sam manages to break a few fragments of this red material. A few chunks and stone with no color land beneath her feet. Sam crouches down and observes each piece. After collecting and placing in her satchel, Sam searches the area for more materials.  

    ID# 144016 results: Loot: 17+3=20

    2*T3 Materials Obtained!

    Total T3 Materials: 4

  17. As Sam keeps pace with Raidou, a yellow fog fills the air she breathes. Sam covers her face with her had as to not inhale what could be dangerous. Following the red cloak through the mist around her, Raidou disappears. With no hesitation, Sam starts to run toward the mysterious vanishing place. Seeing a small break between the walls of what now looks like a cavern area from her previous gaming experiences, Sam hops and glides in. Seeing Raidou to his knees on his robe, Sam walks around him and watches as he was quickly gathering Gold plant fibers across the ground in front of him. Hmm, Sam thinks as she was learning how he determined the good quality vs the bad. Without saying a word to Raidou, Sam looks around for her own to gather.

    With little to no effort, Sam finds a yellow patch of her own. Crouching down she mimics what Raidou does to show what could be collected. With tiny sparkles washing over the herbs she gently picks the ones of value and gets to her feet to search for another.    

    ID# 144014 results: Loot: 18+3=21

    2*T3 Materials Obtained!

    Total T3 Materials: 2

  18. Being so early there was nothing and no one around yet. Sam closes her eyes and tilts her head back to breathe in the cool air. A chime to her HUB brings her back and with a quick hand across the menus she read back an answer. With a nod of confirmation, Sam hops to her feet and steps to the wrapping pad nearby. Calling out (Floor 21) her body is depleted into data as it was over the minute it started, Sam's feet land to solid ground. Shifting her eyes around for a moment to get a lay of the land, Sam's eyes come across Raidou who seemed to be moving swiftly toward the exit of this town. "Thank god, someone who finally is the same pace as I am," Sam says as she moves fast across the grounds of the unknown town, which she would inspect at a later date. Without a word, Sam walks at a few feets length behind Raidou wonder just how far out they were going.    

  19. Sam wakes early and spends a small-time searching around the beginning city for her friends. Doing this every day since they all first got here, well Sam has made a habit of doing this. Figuring that one day she would find them if she spent a portion of each day in this hell looking for the only people that she really cared about hoping that this hell of reality didn't swallow them alive before they could really swim without her. After a couple of hours in the early morning breeze, Sam decides to call it an uneventful search yet again and heads to the quest board to see what she could get away with doing. With the understanding that she is weak right now, Sam's eyes are set on gathering for now so she accepts the Nature's Treasure quest. 

    While walking away from the quest board, Sam realized again that she still had not a clue to what was really out there. With her being a very low level still, Sam thinks carefully about her next actions before diving right in. Sam swiftly opens her HUD and scan through the recent quests, as her eyes set on one name. Sending a message to Raidou figuring that he would be the safer bet to protect her if this situation went south. The message Sam sent: "Hey this is Sam. Still not able to find my friends so I was wondering if you would assist me in this Nature's Treasure quest since I am really not able to do anything else right now" and with a press of the send button, Sam walks to the fountain, sitting at the edge, staring toward the floor 1 exit into the field while she waits for a response from the one who helped her before.     


    Sam - The Red Rose:

    Level: 1

    HP: 20/20

    EN: 2/2



    Misc: Silver Band - Farore's Wind: +3 Loot Dice

    Damage: 1

    Evasion: 0

    Loot Dice: +3




  20. Spoiler

    Name: Bleeding Smite
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 1
    Roll ID: ID# 143604/ID# 143605/ID# 143606
    Roll Result: LD:17/LD:11/LD:10
    Item Type: 2 Handed Battle Axe
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +1 Damage, +1 Bleed, +1 Paralyze
    Description: Pure long black hilt with made of metal with the head of this ax a red color.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19258-fo1pp-e3-everythings-different-now/?do=findComment&comment=604510

    Needs eval

  21. Appreciated the honesty just nods and heads off to get her quest done. Arrival at the building with Bill he explains what has to be done now. Placing each item on the counter-top and spreads them out. With a couple of short glances at all her choices, Sam chooses to get the weapon identified. A few steps that were named through this process as Sam learns her craft in the art of money-making. After a few long minutes, Sam finished up. With a glow of the weapon, a large black hilt with a large ax head attached to it takes its form. Sam smiles as she successfully processes the perfected weapon in her hands. With a nod to Bill who allows her to keep this 2 handed weapon for herself but informs her that she has 2 objects left to identify. Sam looks to the 2 potions laying on his desk to contemplate how she would deal with them.

    T1 Unidentified Perfect Weapon

    ID# 143604 results: Loot: 17

    ID# 143605 results: Loot: 11

    ID# 143606 results: Loot: 10


    Name: Bleeding Smite
    Your Profession: Merchant
    Your Rank: 1
    Roll ID: ID# 143604/ID# 143605/ID# 143606
    Roll Result: LD:17/LD:11/LD:10
    Item Type: 2 Handed Battle Axe
    Tier: T1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +1 Damage, +1 Bleed, +1 Paralyze
    Description: Pure long black hilt with made of metal with the head of this ax a red color.
    Post Link: 

    T1 Unidentified Perfect Consumable

     T1 Unidentified Perfect Consumable


  22. Hearing what Raidou had to say about her remark, Sam smiles. Continuing her goal to finish her quest quickly with haste, Sam scans around the area more closely than before. With little effort, for now Sam knew exactly what she was looking for in this large forest, Sam's eye catches another glowing object not too far from this one that she just found. Sam runs to this glowing tapestry to gather what lays within. Collecting the small bag with yet another potion that was unrecognizable to her, Sam begins to walk back to the group. 

    "Hey, guys I know that I don't look like much but I could conclude to be a great asset to your team. I'll let you guys think about it but seeing how I can't find any of my friends I would be a very lone wolf" Sam says with confidence that always seem to be a thing for her. "Well, thanks for helping me out and keeping me from harm's way," Sam says as she begins walking toward the quest marker now that all 3 items have been found. Looking back to Simmone she says "Thanks for the tips. They were all very helpful" with full sincerity in each word as she walks away.  


    ID# 143580 results: Craft: 11, Loot: 20+3=23

    T1 Unidentified Perfect Consumable 

  23. While searching for her next target, Raidou appears next to her with words of wisdom. "Yea, you're probably right..." Sam pauses for a moment to look at his name continuing "Raidou. I shouldn't get reckless in this game. It never ends well" agreeing with what he said. "I'll go this way" as Sam points toward the group "to find these last two items." Sam turns toward the group walking a few steps forward before turning to Raidou looking him over. Raising a brow with curiosity flowing through her mind she says "Your stance and words make me think leader and without thought came to my aid as to be genuinely concerned for my safety. Very interested to who you might be now Raidou," with a smile of recognition Sam turns to the others as she scans the area with the notion to find the second quest item.

    Something with a small shine appears in the distance a few yards from the group. Sam turns to Raidou saying "Regardless, thanks for caring" and turn back to head toward the shining object. A small bag lays on the grassy lands, peering inside is a single potion that she didn't recognize. Smiling Sam places it next to her other quest item and starts scanning the area for more loot.

    ID# 143538 results: Craft: 10, Loot: 15+3=18

    T1 Unidentified Perfect Consumable 


  24. "Hmm some parcels that can't be opened" Sam scans around for a moment seeing nothing of note yet so she proceeds into the tree line to look about the large bushes around. Sam's hands scrabble through some brush and after not finding anything in that one she moves to the next. After a few minutes of no luck, Sam stands there for a moment to think and search. "This is harder than it looks" saying while she scans the area for a noticeable area that this something she was looking to obtain was visible. With a careful slow movement of the head, Sam manages to find a large boulder in the distance that seemed to have a small glowing light behind it. "Gotcha" Sam remarks as she heads in that direction. Spotting a small chest behind the rounded surface, Sam opens the chest to find some form of weapon. "One down, two to go" Sam calls out to the group as she places the unidentified weapon in her bag and begins the search for her next target.


    ID# 143512 results: Craft: 3, Loot: 16+3=19

    T1 Unidentified Perfect Weapon

  25. With haste in her steps, Sam opens her HUD to accept the invite of her newly find party. Smirking at the long black haired female as she fixes her clothing. "And how can you teach me, useless you are a Merchant yourself?" A short laugh that ended as quickly as it came, Sam keeps pace with the others now seeing them on her mini-map. At the arrival of the group, she finds the other two party members gathering away. Short after she sees the black-haired woman doing the same. Sam looks to her quest and travels to where the nav marker which was indeed Torunka Village. Following where it takes her through the town, Sam finds herself in a building with an NPC Merchant Trainer named Billy. They have a very interesting conversation about how and what the quest will consist of before Sam walks back to the group still gathering from the same patch.

    Sam places the ring that Kasumi had given to her and watches the team learning, as to follow pursuit in the next gathering attempt.

    Sam Equips Silver Band - Farore's Wind (+3 LD)


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