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Posts posted by Elora

  1. Looking at Jackpot gave Elora no comfort because he looked like he had been scared shitless by the pandemonium. "It's all so fascinating. They're so into it."

    Oh god oh god, she's talking about me. My reputation is going to be ruined before it even started. Suck it up, Elora! Make a recovery! "HAHA, RIGHT?!" Too exuberant, reign it in! "Yeah, this honestly isn't worth my energy. I probably shouldn't be here right now." Ok, well maybe that was admitting a bit too much.

    Her attention shifted somewhat nervously between Lilik, whose demeanor was off-putting and Jackpot, who -- well -- she didn't want to look at him any longer. It was still difficult to focus with tears welled in her eyes. She reached up with her arm and entered a turn, appearing as though she was stretching her muscles. Quickly whipping her eyes with the cuff of her glove, she finished her rotation to stand facing the statuesk player. He was a little bit more comforting to look.....no....he wasn't really. Something about his cold presence only heightened her uneasiness. 

  2. She had set out to leave the city through the main gate, which wasn't too far from the Alchemist's shop. Before long, her confident stride, which she had taken on in order to to save face upon leaving Jackpot behind, devolved into a slumped saunter. While she was walking, she decided to take in the view. Looking to her side--

    The SAME guy immediately came crashing into her, causing her to fumble forward and regain her footing. 

    "Wh-why are you following me?!", she exclaimed, "I thought we agreed that you would stay behind! Losing your sense of sight sure didn't do any wonders for improving your sense of hearing" Elora grumbled and worked to compose herself, emotionally, and by readjusting her accessories. How did he even manage to keep pace with me? It's not like we really walked that far, but still...

    "AGH!" Elora lifted her hand in the air and waived it around dismissively. "Follow me or don't, it makes no difference to me. You'd just better not be trying to give me the slip! I'm doing this to help you after all." 

    No she wasn't. Whether or not she'd admit it, Elora was looking forward to having a reason to leave the city and to scour the surrounding landscape for plants again. She thought back fondly to her time doing so with Warren, the first Alchemist she'd ever met. Maybe if I succeed in bringing all of the items back to Evangeline I could learn Alchemy too. 

  3. Spoiler

    LEVEL - 

    HP - 20 

    EN - 

    DMG - 5 

    ACC - 1

    MIT - 9






    Weapon Skills: 2H Assault Spear R1 (+3 base damage)

         Blast (2 Energy +2 per target hit) - A pair of horizontal sweeping strokes that hits multiple targets.

         Straight (2 Energy) - Begins with the player bending their knees before thrusting forward with a singular powerful strike covering the gap between you and your opponent.



    Weapons: [Equipped] 2H Assault Spear (Rare)

       Damage - Gain +(1 * Tier) base damage per slot

       Accuracy - Gain +(1 per slot) to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit

    Equipment: "Gemini Bane" Heavy Armor, Uncommon [EQUIPPED] Mitigation 1 (+9 MIT)

    Items: x3 Healing Potions (heals 50 HP), 10 Tier 1 Materials, Immolation Potion (T1)


    Jae-Cheol-Park-39.thumb.jpg.3c9e968fd2f9d1511258bf3820a6671c.jpg"Wow is it humid here!", Elora remarked as she attempted to cool herself down by tugging on her shirt. The fabric billowed, allowing a small amount of air to circulate through it and pass over her skin. Although she had teleported to the floor through a gate in Krycim, the chattering and singing of distant macaques and birds resounded in the troposphere. Excitement to explore the expansive and lush rainforest bubbled up within her. There would be a plethora of plant-life for her to research in addition to magnitudes of materials to be gathered.

    Before long, Elora had made up her mind to venture out of the city's safe zone in order to forage for items. Her best intentions to stay focused on the activity at hand quickly dissipated as she gravitated toward various merchant stalls that were peddling exotic equipment and decor. Mesmerizing patterned prints paired with opulent gemstone jewelry were among the first pieces to catch her eye. The next thing was their price tags. It broke her fixation on the items and prompted her to revisit the task she had meant to be doing instead. 

  4. "Watch it", she heard him warn. She froze from alarm at the sound of his sudden yelling. Before Elora could turn to address Warren, she noticed the fungi pop out of the ground and begin to waddle toward her. At first glance, their approach didn't unnerve her. They appeared too docile and squishy to cause either of them any real harm. However, as they drew nearer, Elora reassessed her sense of security. She was mistaken. All three mushrooms stood at easily twice her height. 

    A flash of red swelled beside her as Warren swept his blade and killed the creatures before they had the chance to attack her. Spores curdled high into the air, then quickly streamed down in a thick cloud before coating the mossy ground a bright yellow color. 

    "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for endangering us, I had no idea that monsters could camouflage so well into the environment like that." As she spoke, she noticed the powder soak into the ground. Soon after, miniature mushrooms began to push through the underbrush, sprawling out in fairy circle-like arrays. "Speaking of which, I have no idea whether or not these little guys are actual mushrooms or just fetus mongrels." Elora approached one of the fungi carefully before it jumped out from the ground and quickly wobbled toward her. 

    "JESUS!" she shouted, leaping up and stomping on and crushing the inch-tall creature beneath her boot. 


    ID#: 152789 LD6 Fail


  5. Elora winced as she felt the effect of one of the Kingsmen's attacks. It was one of the few sensations she could focus on amid the chaos. Players retreated and advanced from every direction, creating a flurry of sounds of metal contraptions banging and scraping against more metal. Yells of horror and calls for reinforcements were quickly overridden by the sound of a deafening scream.The cacophony made Elora's ears ring sharply. Soon, the high pitched noise was replaced by the drumming of her pounding heart. She felt the warmth of her blood...more like pixels...coursing all throughout her body and fueling her anticipation for a fight. 

    Her eyes scanned the masses, looking for some sort of opening she could exploit in order to attack one of the enemies. When a series of players in front of her rushed forward to barrage the monsters, she knew she had found one. Elora joined them in their assault and, upon reaching the gargantuan Goblin, Hefted her spear up to slash at his chest. He deftly swept out of the way, evading her attack with ease. Stumbling forward, Elora watched as the other players closed in for their attacks.

    She quickly scrambled away from the battle before running back into to the crowd of bystanders. Her face burned with embarrassment as she struggled to fight off tears. That was such a pathetic attempt. Why did I even come here? Frantically shoving through bodies, she emerged in a small clearing of individuals. Among them, Elora spotted a familiar figure with long purple hair. "Jackpot?"she called out from impulse. Sh*t. Why did I day that out loud. I don't want to reconnect with him looking like this.


    ID# 152778 BD: 9 Hit, but not enough energy = no damage done (Invalidated)

    ID# 152783 BD: 5 Miss

    Elora: HP 20/20 10/10, EN 1/2, 8 DMG, 3 ACC


    @Jackpot @Dederick

  6. Elora sat there with her hands clasped tightly in front of her mouth, eyes focused forward toward the opposite wall of her small room at The Humming Bard Inn. If she was in the real world right now, gloves would be too warm to wear over her hands, which would likely be covered in sweat. Still, this reality didn't stop her knees from trembling.

    She'd say that the message had caught her off guard, but reading it had hardly interrupted the long stretch of time she spent laying in her bed and thinking about what to do with herself. As the following week went by, Elora had contemplated whether or not this seemingly grandiose encounter was meant for her. She did care about freedom from Aincrad, but it's not like caring was the same as taking action. And what was there she could even do to make a difference in this case? Show up to the battle as weak as she was? Jesus, I don't know. Maybe I could run supplies to different players who need them or something? She had thought to herself, sighing and slumping forward to plant her face inside of her hands. 

    Elora's emotions felt like a pendulum that was swinging between disassociation and a call to action. Today, it had landed somewhere in the middle. Her doubts and her ambitions were all in her grasp, and now, it was time to make a decision. 

    "F*ck, I'm tired of sitting here doing absolutely nothing." She stood up and walked over to the door, grabbing her spear and yanking open the door to the hallway. Besides...you don't want to feel left out anymore...you've been on your own for so long here. It's time to start doing something about it.

    Teleporting to the location of the battle, Elora immediately felt overwhelmed by the crowd of participants. She stood in place, holding her spear close to her, almost like it was a stuffed animal or a possession providing emotional security. With stiff posture and legs pressed together, she gulped and continued to console herself. You can do this. Players were handing out items and status boosters left and right. Elora thanked the man who gifted her a set before proceeding to consume them in preparation for the battle.



    LEVEL -

    HP - 20 

    EN -

    DMG - 8

    ACC - 3






    Weapon Skills: 2H Assault Spear R1 (+3 base damage)

         Blast (2 Energy +2 per target hit) - A pair of horizontal sweeping strokes that hits multiple targets.

         Straight (2 Energy) - Begins with the player bending their knees before thrusting forward with a singular powerful strike covering the gap between you and your opponent.



    Weapons: [Equipped] 2H Assault Spear (Rare)

       Damage - Gain +(1 * Tier) base damage per slot

       Accuracy - Gain +(1 per slot) to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit

    Equipment: "Selective Deflection" (Vanity Armor) 

    Items: Starter Set B "DPS Package": x3 Healing Potions (heals 50 HP), 10 Tier 1 Materials 



    Immolation (T1/10 Unmitigated 6-8) [9/13]

    Field Ration (T1/+30 Max HP) [4/13]

    Antidote 3 Negates up to 3 turns of a DoT [5/34]

    Four Course Meal: Egg Plant w/ Pancetta Set [T1 Antioxidant Feast] [6/6] [2/6] [0/6] [0/6]

    <<A Bottle of Cooking Oil>> Set [T1 +2 EVA Feast] [6/6] [5/6] [0/6]

    x2 Four Course Meal: Omelette Set [T1 +2 ACC Feast] [] [0/6]

    Titan's Strength [6/22] [T1 +3 Damage Potion] [8/22]


    Mit 10 | Antioxidant | EVA +2 | ACC +2 | Damage +2 max 30 Hp

    Consumed Immolation (T1/10 Unmitigated 6-8)

    Field Ration (T1/+30 Max HP)

    Antidote 3 Negates up to 3 turns of a DoT Pancetta Set [T1 Antioxidant Feast]

    <<A Bottle of Cooking Oil>> Set [T1 +2 EVA Feast]

    Omelette Set [T1 +2 ACC]

    Titan's Strength [T1 +3 Damage Potion]


  7. Elora shifted her weight and placed her hand on her hip as she addressed the new player, "Well, I was hoping to complete a quest so that I could build my own set of armor. I need to defeat a Dark Elf and collect the materials he drops. The Armorsmith said that he lives in these woods, but I haven't had luck with navigating in here so that I can find him." It frustrated and somewhat embarrassed her how little progress she had made, especially since she had needed saving from a monster that she knew could spawn here. She looked down and lightly kicked the toe of her boot into the dirt. It squished in an unsettling way. 

    That gave Elora an idea. Crouching down so that her line of vision was parallel to the forest floor, she noticed the wolf familiar had left impressions all over its soggy surface.

    "You know...this ground is pretty muddy. There's a chance that we could track that Elf if we find its footprints somewhere."

  8. Elora's complexion seemed to somber slightly in response to his words, as if what he said wasn't as uplifting as she had expected it to be. "Oh...yeah, I guess that makes sense..." Eyes lowering, she watched as Warren leaned forward to pick another flower. She couldn't help but chuckle at his response to it shattering from his grasp. It was comforting to know that maybe she wasn't the only player in the game to struggle with completing basic tasks. 

    A wave of serenity washed over her as they happened upon a fragrant lush meadow. "No kidding" Elora agreed, marveling at the multitude of colorful flowers in full bloom. Taking a knee on the soft grass, Elora gently cupped one of the pink blossoms and removed it from its stem. This flower resembled a cherry blossom but with curled tips that turned a deeper shade of magenta as they grew out, almost like they had wilted from being held over a flame. 

    44028116_295579037711945_7598850040676745216_n.jpg.cdcbb4ee7d4126fd91370b8a78022d32.jpgOff in the distance, Elora spotted clusters of mushrooms that had sprung up from beneath fallen logs overgrown with moss. "Look at those HUGE MUSHIES!" she exclaimed, excitedly running over to the grove that shaded them.



    ID: 151879 LC18 (1/5 Materials Found)

  9. Elora watched in surprise and horror as a new player materialized from the mist in front of her, diving behind them and obliterating the monster in a single devastating blow. Witnessing an attack like that made her question whether or not she should be more afraid of the spider or of the woman who just killed it. Coming to a sudden halt and turning around, Elora quickly stepped to the side to avoid colliding with the male player who was sprinting toward her. 

    Baffled, Elora needed to take a few moments before responding to her question. "We're, uh...I think we're fine now that you showed up." She was at a loss for words to reinforce the conversation. With attention drawing to her legs, Elora noticed they had been coated in golf-ball sized burrs that must have latched onto her while she was bolting through the underbrush. She began to pluck them off, individually flicking each from her gloved hands and into a nearby patch of grass.


    ID: 151877 LD8 Gathering Failed


  10. Elora eyed the beautiful flowers in the patch nearby as Warren talked, choosing to crouch down and gather one as well. It appeared periwinkle in color and was shaped like a little bell. A few fuzzy-looking stigma peaked out from beneath it, dusting the top of her hand with pollen once she uprooted it. She pulled it from the ground with such force that all of the petals fell from the flower and disintegrated into pixels.

     43880095_295579407711908_3134880841050619904_n.jpg.5a8f03e7952148bcd9723c43f7754c48.jpg"Sh*t" she cussed "Guess I'll need to be more careful with these things..."

    "Floor seven is pretty far away, I haven't even left this floor yet. It just seems so risky to leave when I have everything I need here to survive." She seemed thoughtful for a moment as she imagined all of the amazing creatures and environments that could exist on different levels of Aincrad. Maybe she was starting to get bored of staying stationary after all. "What's it like being an Alchemist? Do you feel like you get to do more for yourself here? And more for others? 


    ID: 151498 LD5 Searching Failed


  11. A young man emerged from the mist, holding his sword in a precarious stance. Elora relaxed and lowered her spear since he didn't appear to be very threatening. "Jesus you scared me..." she admitted, composing herself and straightening her posture. "Sorry for drawing my weapon at you. I don't think I can see even twenty feet in front of me with how dense this fog is." The visual Impairment would definitely be a problem if she kept running into other players and creatures, even worse if it stopped her from finding the Dark Elf and getting --


    Elora jumped back, watching through her peripheral vision as a pair of huge black spikes shot out from beside her, narrowly avoiding contact with her body. Within another second, she was able to turn her head and make out the silhouette of an enormous arachnid snapping its mandibles and crawling toward her and the other player. She had never seen any creature so terrifying in stature. Overcome with fear, she held her spear and dashed into whatever direction was AWAY. "RUN!" she called back to the boy, hoping he wouldn't decide to face the creature on his own. 

  12. 95b0a511ee038f76eee4ca9a22183eba.thumb.jpg.ebc8febb9b1b6348daeb111ec62f7dd8.jpgElora marveled at the gargantuan trees towering over her. In more than one way, It seemed that her journey was looking up after all. Earlier in the day, Elora had made the courageous decision to teleport to the third floor so she could study all the unique plant-life growing in its expansive grasslands, rolling hills, and bountiful forests. With so many new landscapes to explore, she was certain to find herbs far more interesting and useful than all of the boring first-floor ones she'd become accustomed to. Since she was feeling so brave, she even accepted a quest that would allow her to build her first set of light metal armor; all she would need is to kill some dark elf and take the materials he carried.

    The only problem was that she was lost. Distractedly hopping from one plant she saw to investigate the next, Elora had quickly worked her way into The Forest of Wavering Mist. A blurred haze of pixels clogged the details of her map, making it impossible to see which direction she had entered from and where she needed to head next. 

    At the sound of a sharp ticking sound, Elora spun around and drew her spear at what she assumed would be some sort of spider monster. 






    LEVEL -

    HP - 20 

    EN -

    DMG - 5 

    ACC - 1






    Weapon Skills: 2H Assault Spear R1 (+3 base damage)

         Blast (2 Energy +2 per target hit) - A pair of horizontal sweeping strokes that hits multiple targets.

         Straight (2 Energy) - Begins with the player bending their knees before thrusting forward with a singular powerful strike covering the gap between you and your opponent.



    Weapons: [Equipped] 2H Assault Spear (Rare)

       Damage - Gain +(1 * Tier) base damage per slot

       Accuracy - Gain +(1 per slot) to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit

    Equipment: "Selective Deflection" (Vanity Armor) 

    Items: Starter Set B "DPS Package": x3 Healing Potions (heals 50 HP), 10 Tier 1 Materials 


  13. Elora began to walk with him toward the gates of the town. "I think that heading in the direction of Hor...unka village would be a good start? I've heard that it's surrounded by some pretty dense forests, and I'm sure there are plenty of flowers and herbs that would thrive in that environment." 

    She considered for a moment that maybe the game included dangerous plant-life too, ones that could be turned into poisons. Having some sort of field journal to assist them in this situation would be helpful. Maybe she could sketch drawings and record descriptions of how whatever they encountered could be used. 

    As they began to leave the town, Elora thought it might be good to strike up some sort of conversation with the player accompanying her. Breaking the ice before heading out on a long hike might give them something to talk about along the way. That, or it would just make the whole experience infinitely more awkward. "My name is Elora by the way. How have you been fairing since the day we were...you know...trapped?", she decided to ask him.

  14. Elora looked down at the list and sighed quietly, accepting it from the woman. "Thank you" she said, bowing to her before turning to leave. So much for being able to leave the man in her care. At least assisting in this task would give her something to do. Admittedly without it, she likely would have returned to her room at the inn to sleep for the remainder of the day. 

    She stopped near Jackpot at the tent's exit to address him. "You can't just continue walking around like this or you're going to end up hurt, or even worse..." Her previously annoyed expression melted into one of genuine concern. "Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be too difficult for me to find what she needs to make the serum. You should stay here for now, it's too risky for you to leave the city walls." Saying the statement out loud made a pit of uneasiness form in her stomach. No matter how many times she seemed to leave The Town of Beginnings, it never got any easier. It wasn't that she worried about encountering monsters; instead, she held an irrational fear of other players attacking her once she left the sanctuary of the city. 

  15. Elora moved to accept the quest as Warren had. After doing so, she remained seated, contemplating for a moment how worried she felt about wandering outside of the city's walls. In all of her years of playing, she never really had been able to shake the feeling of being under threat once she left the sanctuary spaces. The beginner quests wouldn't require everyone to scavenge in the wild if it wasn't safe to do at a low level. I'll be fine. She did her best to console herself before the voice of the other player interrupted her thoughts. 

    Upon hearing his offer for them to complete the quest together, Elora visibly perked up from her chair. She was close to blurting out her acceptance, but decided to reign in her excitement before agreeing. Standing and walking over to the man, she smiled and nodded in confirmation. "Yes, I think that would be best. I can't say that I'm very knowledgable about different kinds of herbs. I mean, I studied plants in high school because I thought that Botany would..." She was rambling. There wasn't a reason for her to talk about what she had learned; they weren't living in that world anymore, and that knowledge wasn't applicable here. "Well, anyways, I have some ideas on where we could start looking unless you have some locations in mind."

  16. This guy was even more uncoordinated than she could have imagined, his body stumbling and falling in every direction. Her shoulders instinctively tensed and lifted up when he grasped them with his hands. Why can't he just stick to holding my hand? It's so much less awkward than whatever...whatever this is attempting to be. Almost as quickly as he had lost his footing, something that seemed to be happening to everyone today, he was leading her to an Alchemist. She was glad to no longer be making contact with him and was actually enthused to observe how he would manage wayfinding on his own. 

    He announced their arrival to the shop before adopting a distant expression. With eyes glazing over, his countenance appeared to stare into the void or a great darkness beyond.

    "My, uh, name's Jackpot. Merchant. You?" Outstretching an arm to feel something, anything, he disappointedly returned it to his side, empty-handed. 

    "Elora..." She promptly stepped around him and entered the establishment, her voice trailing off midway through the pronunciation of her name.

    Being quickly greeted by a woman named Evangeline, Elora began to describe her situation. "It's nice to meet you Evangeline, I've heard from word on the street about your skill in potion making. My...acquaintance...here is hard of sight. I think he may have been injured in a battle." Elora didn't try with any effort to quiet her voice. She didn't care if Jackpot overheard. This was all for his own good anyway. She continued, "Do you carry any sort of eye drop solution that could be used to restore his vision?" 

    The woman began hunting through cabinets and shelving for something to assist his impairment, but was unsuccessful in doing so. "If I just had those 5 ingredients, then I could create a new remedy for your friend. Oh, but don't worry, they aren't difficult to find. Here, I'll write them down in a list for you. It could be another few days before I get what you need to help him. If you want, it'd be best to gather them on your own and return to me."

  17. After knocking and hearing a "Come in", Elora placed her hand on the door and gently pushed -- leaned all of her wait against it until it gave way and opened with a loud creek. She was immediately greeted with the enchanting site of an impressive amount of bottles, books, and trinkets. Speckles of dust flitted in the air, each gleaming intermittently as they danced through beams of light which shown through circular windows. The spotlights intersected, creating a focal point on an old man who was sitting at a table and finicking with some sort of chemistry set. 

    "Zackariah?" Elora asked as she approached him. 

    "Welcome young traveller. I'll be with you in a matter of moments, I'm just needing to finish up some calculations for my latest experiment. Please do have a seat in the meantime."

    She nodded appreciatively and sat in a just-as-creeky wooden chair to wait patiently for him to finish his work.

  18. "Lost?" Elora heard the man ask in a friendly manner. 

    The inquiry resonated with her in an unnaturally profound way. She quickly shook herself from the feeling. Obviously he was referring to how unfamiliar she seemed to be with her surroundings, but it's not like she carried herself in the fashion of some purposeless vagrant meandering the city. Wait...or was it that...?

    Elora stared for probably a bit longer than she should have at his unusually squinted eyes. Oh...HE'S lost because he's blind... She shuffled her feet uncomfortably while she considered what she should do. It REALLY wasn't her job to play seeing-eye dog with this man who QUITE LITERALLY could not watch where he was going. She wouldn't have even gotten in this awkward situation if he had just been responsible when he decided to take his sweet time moseying through the busiest city in all of Aincrad. 

    GAH! I'll just need to bring him somewhere to pawn him off on someone else. At least that would mean I didn't just do nothing. Reaching out, Elora carefully grabbed a few of his fingers and began to usher him to follow her. Her facial features subtly contorted as a wave of revulsion washed over her. Touching people she didn't know was so gross, and assisting them was about as satisfying as attending Great Aunt Karen's annual Christmas Carol at the retirement home. "I was actually just on my way to finding an Alchemist. I think I've developed some sort of ailment that needs remedying." They've got to have some sort of concoction that he can take to recover. 

  19. Spoiler

    LEVEL -

    HP - 20 

    EN -

    DMG - 5 

    ACC - 1






    Weapon Skills: 2H Assault Spear R1 (+3 base damage)

         Blast (2 Energy +2 per target hit) - A pair of horizontal sweeping strokes that hits multiple targets.

         Straight (2 Energy) - Begins with the player bending their knees before thrusting forward with a singular powerful strike covering the gap between you and your opponent.



    Weapons: [Equipped] 2H Assault Spear (Rare)

       Damage - Gain +(1 * Tier) base damage per slot

       Accuracy - Gain +(1 per slot) to the BD when attacking. Cannot be used to cause a critical hit

    Equipment: "Selective Deflection" (Vanity Armor) 

    Items: Starter Set B "DPS Package": x3 Healing Potions (heals 50 HP), 10 Tier 1 Materials 

    Money: 2,500 Col


    Total Skill Points: 5

    Unspent Skill Points: 0

    Spent Skill Points: 5

    The awkwardly-shaped pebble clattered atop the cobblestone before halting a few paces in front of her. Kicking it along her path to town provided an effortless and welcome distraction to thinking about what she was going to do with her day. The city was always bustling with traffic as other players socialized with friends or prepared to embark on grandiose quests. It was easy for her to become overwhelmed, to get lost in the motion of it all. If only she could just regain her footing and find something to focus on for more than a matter of hours, maybe then productivity would become intrinsic to her. 

    She narrowed her attention to the rock as she prepared to deliver another kick. Swinging her leg forward and making no contact with it, she swiftly drove her foot into the shin of a passing pedestrian. 

    "[censored]!" She exclaimed before even having the chance to look at the stranger's face. Her face immediately flushed with embarrassment for how negligent she had been for not paying attention to where she was going. She could only hope that whoever she had just hurt wasn't looking for fight. 



    The First Few Lessons Are Free : Warren

    Earning a Living : Jackpot

    Worn Out Welcome "Foraging & Forging" : Recon, Lessa

    The Ultimate Showdown : A Lot

    The Gemini 

    Aincradian Sandshrew : Night, Cordelia, Zajcica

    Earning a Living: Cook : Kiluia, Freyd

    The Second Lesson "Pigs A-Plenty" : Freyd

    The Third Lesson "A Copper Rose" : Freyd

    The Fourth Lesson "Fishing for Compliments" : Freyd

    Tanabata : A Lot

    Night At The Galactic Lake : Dazia, Vigilion

    Venemous Warg : Freyd

    Let There Be Light : Kiluia, Vie, Asmura

    Feeding Your Enemy "A Rocky Relationship" : Freyd

    Dragon Hunter Anthology Part I: The Emerald Hatchling : Katoka, Freyd

    Seige the Day: The Battle at Tanabata : A Lot

    Dragon Hunter Anthology Part II: The Quartz Hatchling : Katoka, Freyd

    Dragon Hunter Anthology Part III: The Opal Hatchling : Katoka, Freyd

    Dragon Hunter Anthology Part IV: The Diamond Hatchling : Katoka, Freyd, Haine

    Treant Rivalries "All Bark, Little Bite" : Katoka, Chaser

    "On Treacherous Tides" Halloween Special Dungeon : A Lot

    Training Your Friend "A Quarry-some Couple" : Katoka

    Long Live the Queen "Hook, Line, and Stinger" : Kiluia

    Fixing Freyd's Cloak : Setsuna (#124 - #130)

    Dragon Hunter Anthology Part V: The Topaz Hatchling : Katoka, Freyd, Haine

    A Possible Reckoning : Members of Firm Anima

    Secret Medicine of The Forest : Grimm, Freyd

    Storm of Shadows : A Lot

    Avalanche "The Winter from Within: Freyd

    Trepidation of Transition : Katoka

    Regret & Reservation : Freyd

    Dragon Hunter Anthology 1 : Freyd, Katoka

    "A Cuppa Tea" : Freyd

    "A Body in Motion" : Salem

    "Cooking With Friends!" : tricolor_mina, Freyd, Akane

    "Raid Meeting" : A Lot

    "Paving the Way to Floor 28" : A Lot

    "Paving the Way to Floor 28" (Team Freyd, Raid Boss) : Freyd, Katoka, tricolor_mina, Morningstar, Hirru

    "Break Time in Paradise" : Freyd, Katoka

    "Ominous Omens" : Freyd, Oscar

    "A Place to Call Home" : Freyd




    Earning a Living: Alchemist

    Secret Medicine of the Forest

    The First Few Lessons Are Free

    The Second Lesson, Is Also Free

    The Third Lesson, Is Just As Free

    The Fourth Lesson, Is Actually Free

    Night About the Galactic Lake

    The Venomous Warg

    Let There Be Light

    Feeding Your Enemy

    Dragon Hunter Anthology Part I

    Dragon Hunter Anthology Part 2

    Dragon Hunter Anthology Part 3

    Treant Rivalries

    Dragon Hunter Anthology Part 4

    Training Your Friend

    Dragon Hunter Anthology Part 5


    Dragon Hunter Anthology 1

    Just for the Halibut

    Harbinger of the Night (In Progress)





  21. LEVEL - 33

    PARAGON - 9

    TIER - 4

    HP - 720

    EN - 106


    DMG - 26

    MIT - 98

    EVA - 3

    ACC - 8


    LOOT DICE - 3


    BLGT 32

    FLN - 8

    REC - 8

    STK - 40



    Non-combat: Searching R3


    Combat: Battle Healing R5, Charge, Energist

    Armor Skills: Light Armor R5

    Weapon Skills: 2H Assault Spear R5 (+5 base damage)

         Blast (2 Energy +2 per target hit) - A pair of horizontal sweeping strokes that hits multiple targets.

         Straight (2 Energy) - Begins with the player bending their knees before thrusting forward with a singular powerful strike covering the gap between you and your opponent.



    Weapons: "Essential Verdigris" (T4 Dem Polearm | AA | BLGT | FLN | STK)
    A sage-tinted silver spear with a long and twisted staff resembling vines. Its arrow-headed tip stretches further than a normal spear, brandishing a series of fine serrations down the length of its razor edge. Two large barbs protrude from beneath its blades, offering extra stabby-stabby potential if Elora gets bored with using it normally.


    [EQUIPPED] Defense Mechanism | T4 Demonic Light Armor | MIT 2, REC 2
    Crafting ID: 213911
    An armored set of obsidian-colored greaves, gauntlets, and breastplate. The smooth outer rims of each curvaceous segment are purposely interrupted by decorative spikes. Comparable to the thorns of a rose, they seem to suggest a level of care is to be taken before approaching its wearer.

    [EQUIPPED] Emerald | T4 Demonic Trinket | ACC III, EVA I 
    Crafting ID: 214317-3
    A small green gemstone symbolizing unity, compassion and unconditional love

    [EQUIPPED]  Laurel Wreath (Earn Col equivalent to 15% of player’s EXP earned in thread)


    "Skirmisher's Garb" (T3 Perf LA | MIT 2 | EVA 1)

    "Black Zephyr's Zeal" (T3 Perf Trinket | ACC 2 | REC 1)

    "Justicar’s Vambraces" (T1 Rare trinket: KEEN 1 | ACC 1)
    Acquisition ID: #152309 | Identification ID: #152736 & #152737
    A pair of hardened steel vambraces each engraved in minute script with the first one hundred names on the Monument of Life.

    "Auspicious Gi" (T1 Rare Light Armor: Light Momentum 2 | +8 MIT)
    Acquisition ID: #152782 | Identification ID: #153315, 153316
    Commonly worn by novices during the initial stages of martial arts training, this particular garment is made in the Japanese cut using fine white cotton reinforced with heavier than normal thread, enabling its user to exert greater force without the risk of embarrassing fashion failures.

    T1 amulet (EVA 1)



    19 Tier 1 Materials

    T1 Healing Potions x8 | Effect: Heals 50 HP

    Uncommon DMG Potion | Effect: Adds +1 DMG

    T1 Overhealth Potion | Effect: Adds +50 Overhealth

    Fish - Item Type: Snack | Effect: Adds +1 BD for one Thread

    Poached Egg - Item Type: Meal | Effect: Adds +2 Accuracy

    Lavender Lemon Bar - Item Type: Dessert | Effect: Adds +2 Evasion

    Lemon Berry Palmiers - Item Type: Dessert | Effect: Adds +3 LD

    Well-Done Steak - Item Type: Meal | Effect: Adds +2 Protein

    Venom Snapper - Item Type: T1 Uncommon Potion | Effect: Reduces the duration of a single Poison, Bleed, or Paralysis effect by one turn. If used out of combat, reduces the duration of the next Poison, Bleed, or Paralysis effect that would affect you by one turn.

    Spyglass - Item Type: Consumable [2/3 Charges] | Effect: Use to reduce the number of posts required to search for a dungeon or familiar by 5 posts. Effect lasts for one thread. Item is destroyed once all charges have been used.

    Burning Determination - Item Type: Unique Salve | Effect: Adds +1 Burn

    Gold Star Stickers x1 - Item Type: Tier 1 Unique Consumable | Charges: 3/3 | Untradable.
    Effect: +1 DMG, +1 LD or +15MIT for one thread. Stacks on top of other food/alchemical consumable buffs, but does not stack with Scent of the Wild totems.

    Milky Way Rail Blueprint x1 - Item Type: Tier 1 Unique Consumable
    Effect: +1 CD to a day's worth of crafts or item identifications.

    Potted Tanabata Bamboo Tree
    Effect: +1 CD/LD to a combat roll once per thread. Can be applied after a roll, but not after the combat turn to apply the CD/LD bonus has passed.

    Handwritten Letter of Appreciation x1 - Item Type: Tier 1 Unique Consumable
    Effect: Allows its user to change the name and/or description of an equipment piece.

    Memory of Champions Lost [Consumable]: Lasts 1 thread. | Effect: Treat all scaling enhancement slots on a single piece of equipment as Tier 2 for the duration of the thread. Item has no effect beyond Tier 1.

    Single Tent – (@ 440 col) Item Type: Consumable | Effect: One player uses a post action to use the tent. Grants -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat. Effect lasts for one thread.

    Water Canister – Item Type: Consumable [3 Charges] | Effect: Grants +(5 *Tier) health regeneration while out of combat. Effect lasts for one thread. Item is destroyed once all charges have been used.

    Teleportation Crystal – Item Type: Crystal
    Effect: Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports the player to the town or designated teleportation area they specify.

    Bottled Shadows -- Item Type: Consumeable
    Effect: A vial filled with a black, tar-like substance. When consumed, it causes chills, and often a brain-freeze. Can be used to re-roll a LD of 1 (after the roll is made, in the same post).

    Total Money: 102,994 Col

    Money Spent: 6,560 Col

    Total EXP: 76,421 EXP

    Mats: 42

  22. 401640779_High_Elf.Archer_600.2411082copy.jpg.356fc91ac0b6ae07217b6fd38a7836ae.jpgUsername: Elora

    Elora's Theme: "Ephemeral Emotion"

    Real Name: Róisín Whelton (pronounced ROW-sheen)

    Age: 21 (Joined at 19)

    Sex: Female

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Height: 5'7

    Weight: 140lbs

    Build: Pear-shaped body

    Eye Color: Light blue

    Hair Color: Light green

    General Appearance: Elora doesn't change her appearance often since she'd rather not undergo the process of committing to a different look. Low-maintenance styling that she's already familiar with makes up the bulk of her physical appearance and her wardrobe. The back of her hair rests at shoulder length while the front of her hair is usually tied off to prevent it from interfering with her vision. 

    Attire: Elora can typically be seen wearing cuffed shorts and a high-necked tank top that she dresses up or down depending on the weather. Sometimes she wears leggings beneath her trousers and gloves over her hands while her shoulders are covered with an insulated cape. She sports a pair of thigh-high leather boots which are surprisingly light and sturdy, considering their height. The belongings she travels with are typically stored in a pouch at her hip.



    Speech Characteristics: Elora speaks with a faint Irish accent that becomes more pronounced the faster she talks. She tends to have an air of exhaustion to her voice, as if she has already lost or just never developed interest in a topic of discussion.  

    Quirks: Has an impeccable memory for recalling directions, suffers from excessive slouching 

    Likes: Gravitating to people who know what they're doing, the flavor of mint, distractions

    Dislikes: Over-achievers, repetitive sounds, touchy people, people who ramble

    Fears: Emotional disassociation, snake-like creatures

    Goals: To befriend others who will value her for the things that she has accomplished.

    Profession: Alchemist


    Unmotivated/Nihilistic - Elora often has a difficult time seeing the point to many activities, especially ones that she doesn't excel in right away. Even though she wants to achieve her goals, her temperament usually leaves her feeling listless, trapping her in a constant loop of starting and stopping various tasks. Sometimes described as a nihilist, Elora may occasionally downplay certain events or skills as not mattering in the grand scheme of things, no matter how impressive they may be.

    Easily Discouraged - Elora is the kind of person who wants to try everything at least once. However, attempting to gain expertise in many activities at once usually spreads her energy and her focus too thin. Rather than investing large sums of time into failing and retrying any one thing, she will simply drop whatever she isn't grasping to move on to a new pursuit. Sometimes these decisions can prevent her from trying out new things on her own, even when she is eager to leave her comfort zone.

    anime-high-elf-archer-goblin-slayer.thumb.jpg.c64708622116644db23087d50873f900.jpgProjecting - She has a bad tendency to project the fears and insecurities she experiences on other people. Unable to recognize or come to terms with some of her emotional baggage, she instead claims to see the same manifesting in the individuals she interacts with. This inclination usually arises when she is communicating with people she dislikes, since 'their' flaws are easier to notice.

    Imposter Syndrome - Because she is unsuccessful in her attempts to learn new skills quickly, Elora usually finds herself struggling to accept that she is truly qualified to handle anything. She feels that many of her successes can be attributed to luck and fears that her facade of self-confidence will fall apart when others are watching. Although she tries her best to convince herself that mastery will come easily to her, deep down, she worries that she'll exhaust herself of opportunities to excel.



    Exploratory - When she isn't feeling disheartened, Elora is the kind of person who wants to try everything at least once. Leaving her comfort zone re-energizes her and gives her new goals to accomplish. Her passion for learning can motivate her to set out on journeys of self-discovery or to perform tasks in the hopes of bettering her skillset. 

    Dedicated - One of Elora's biggest redeeming qualities is that she invests large sums of energy into any task that she deems as rewarding. This can translate to anything from growing a plant in the hopes of eating it or to making life-long commitments to the people that she values. She may not make many commitments, but she won't fall back on the promises she's choosen to make. 

    Problem-Solver  - Preferring things that have clear resolutions, Elora often tries to solve her problems quickly and efficiently. Sometimes she will do this by coming up with easy, sometimes rudimentary, solutions to the obstacles that she encounters. Other times, she will evade responsibilities completely to avoid undertaking a role of leadership.



    Elora graduated high school at the top of her class. From the bottom of the roster. Grades didn't come easily for her, and neither did socializing with peers. With no prospects of attending a distinguished college, why would she bother trying to enroll in one at all? After all, it was just a big waste of time and money. Elora wouldn't be fooled by the system. She would learn how to develop a skill and get an occupation doing something she loved. There were just...so many options... She researched what she could do to begin a creative pursuit or to train herself to solve problems with logic. 

    The following year came and went so quickly that Elora felt she had no achievements to show for her endeavours. It was becoming increasingly harder to justify the time she committed to trying out any one skill in the hopes it would be 'the one' for her. The motivation she had possessed after graduating was nothing more than an arbitrary expectation at this point. Slipping into a deep depression, she switched on the NerveGear and left all of her fears and failures far, far behind her.







    Chapter I: "A Hopeful New Beginning" (Began July, 29, 2020Elora joins a guild called Firm Anima in hopes of making friends and being able to prove her worth to others.

    Chapter 2: "In The Wake of What Remains" (Began May 16, 2021Elora struggles to overcome all of her fears surrounding The Storm of Shadows.

    Chapter 3: "To Know My Name" (Began July 28, 2023Elora silences some of her deepest insecurities. She becomes more open and willing to share the details of her real life with the people she trusts.




    Borris.png.50cc21a9e666f1faee6aa1e7d9ea6c6e.pngElora's familiar, affectionately referred to as "Borris", is a small assembly of misshapen magnetic stones. Although their relationship was rocky at first, they soon started to become close companions. Both share a determined spirit, expressed in opposing ways. While Elora tends to be more spontaneous, Borris seems grounded in his demeanor.

    It is not uncommon for this little dude to be found scuttling or rolling around in search of loot -- especially crumbs. He loves to consume whatever spare morsels fall from the hands of players above.








    3d1d91dc269cdf5bd852345ea90ff025.jpg.9c7a383f9b0763df23a10940984244e3.jpgLiam: Older brother (out-of-game)

    I could always rely on Liam until he moved away for university. He was the only one who didn't give up on me no matter how much I screwed up. Now that I'm stuck here, I can only hope that he has. I don't want to be a distraction to his studies or the destruction of his success. 


    bf78b9bde986cc157203f0d0071ae30f59d9b0de_full.jpg.75bde3ff73b37e2f93c69371db830981.jpgFreyd: ???

    Freyd has this thing about him that makes me feel like I can't let him down. His belief in me succeeding is honestly almost as stressful as it is reassuring. I'm worried that one day he'll realize I'm a lost cause, and that I'm not capable of becoming even half as good a player as he is. There isn't any way he'd be able to read this, is there?


    Sinbad_full.747956.jpg.da3f32f56677817ca859007a09238512.jpgJackpot: Acquaintance

    So far he seems like a half-decent guy. I wish he would have a little bit more of a back-bone and own up to the fact that he enjoys hanging out with me. 



    ef25ec16f8f65ea0a5d1c0c11dbbe675.png.c1262b9fae3dcc61eb4f7a479d27f57f.pngWarren: Acquaintance

    I feel sorry for Warren. It seems like he tries really hard but has trouble finding things to show for his effort. Hopefully he'll have better luck advocating for himself in the future. 



    Tsurumaru-Kuninaga-WT4yxwmlI-b.jpg.6a3652d021e746bd1211049cd6fd90d6.jpgKiluia: Buddy

    Didn't he promise me that he would cook me a mint dessert? He seems confident enough to have perfected his culinary skills by now. Maybe he's just been distracted with other things. 


    1718061095_Asirpa_full.2302811copy.png.9ccbb5d0793ba5b9c55cc2264af8edc9.pngAsmura: Acquaintance 

    Everyone seems to worry about her because she's a kid, but I think she can probably handle herself. After all, she hasn't been killed here yet. 



    Gudako_full.2506351.png.00040e41225bf24497d23e663d169306.pngVie: Acquaintance

    Vie is one of those people who cares about Asmura too much. She's basically a helicopter mom. Probably just misplaces her concern because she has trouble dealing with her own problems.


    354117121_27aa5d300be3a49ca608a8fb9b1fc00f(1).jpg.cc6188a2c51095c5b37db1c126324a59.jpgKatoka: Best Friend

    Katoka is nice but seems really unsure of her potential. I think she needs to learn how to stick up for herself when other people won't be around to help her. I know that she can handle a fight, but I don't think she realizes that that same confidence can apply to other areas of her life.




    Elora's Theme: "Ephemeral Emotion"

    Róisín's Theme: "Green Memories"

    Battle Theme: "Spear Wielder"


    Other songs:





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