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Everything posted by Katoka

  1. Standing up Katoka brushed herself off despite not really being dirty, "Freyd hasn't messaged you yet?" she asked, though now that she saw the look on Elora's face after say that she regretted it. "I'm sure he has his reasons, you know how he is." she shrugged a bit in an attempt to lighten the mood, "The fact that he's showing up online means he's at least ok. Unless we need to go beat him up." she pressed her fist against Elora's arm playfully. "For now let's just... Walk. Maybe find something to eat along the way? I'm stating to get a small bit of my appetite back." she held out her ha
  2. Katoka was surprised by the new person that had entered her home, but she quickly composed herself and gave him a sweet smile as he sat down. As he introduced himself she arched a brow at his mention of having eyes for Sam. She did reach out and grip his hand to shake it, though she did it a bit more firmly than needed, "As long as your eyes and hands remain where they are then I don't think we'll have any issue Lium. It's a pleasure to meet you nonetheless. I'm Katoka, Sam's soon to be wife." She let go of his hand and turned back to Sam, "And I'm not mad at you love, just send me a mess
  3. Katoka sat, sipping on a cup of tea that had gone lukewarm long ago while reading a book she had picked up recently. She hadn't had a whole lot of time to really dive into it like she had wanted, what with the wedding planning, game devastating storm of shadows, and the build up of dishes in her sink. Thankfully she had tackled the one that she despised the most that morning and was treating herself to a much needed rest for the time being. The breeze was cool and the day was just the right temperature to really enjoy the outside without getting too hot or cold. The blonde turned the page and
  4. "I fought because I was furious. I was angry at myself for not being strong enough to help you and for this damn game for doing that to us." Katoka released Elora and placed her hands on her cheeks, smooshing them together to make her lips stick out in a funny way. "We're fine now. We survived whatever this was. Reset, or purge, or whatever it was the system did. Now let's just. Be happy for a bit ok?" She let her face go and scooted next to the elven woman, placing her back against the bed. There arms were lightly touching, just enough for the other to know they were both there without having
  5. "I fought," she managed to choke out through the sobs, "I got so angry. I fought and I killed and the rage that filled me was terrifying. But when I lost you I couldn't stop." She pulled back so that she could get a better look at Elora. There wasn't a mark on her. No scratches, no dirt, she wasn't wet from the rain like she had last seen her. "In the end I was fighting back to back with Setsuna from the guild, we... We went down together." Kat felt a shiver run up her spine. Taking Elora's face in both of her hands and gave her a tear filled smile, "We don't have to figure out what we wa
  6. Katoka watched as the door to Elora's room fell inwards and crumpled to the floor. She blinked a few times, very confused at how weak the hinges must have been to come loose from her light knocking. Her gaze drifted to the form of her green haired friend, holding out what seemed to be a metal flower in front of her. "kat..." She managed to croak. Katoka stepped slowly into the room, after crossing the threshold she covered the remaining to distance to Elora in two bounding steps. The samurai wrapped her arms around her, pulling her close into a tight embrace that would probably have
  7. Raw, bone chilling cold was the last thing Katoka remembered before she let herself succumb to her vantablack prison. With a gasp of breath the samurai bolted upward from her bed in her home. She was coated in a cold sweat and sucking in rapid lungfuls of air as her eyes darted around rapidly. Had it all be a horrible dream? For her to be in bed now it must have been. An alert sounded from her hud and a window popped up in front of her. As she read the word on the window she felt her blood run cold. System Update Complete. Welcome to 3.0. Please take the time to consult the update no
  8. Current Level: 37 Current SP: 130 Link to SP Tracking: [link] Item Upgrades: 2.6 | PRE-CONVERSION 3.0 | UPGRADED ITEM #1 Item Name: Item ID: 170449 Item Tier: 2 Item Type: Katana Item Rarity: Perfect Item Enhancements: Damage II // Bleed Description: An exquisitely crafted katana smithed from crusite to be agile and deadly. It's edge honed so sharp it could cut enemies in twain with little effort. When the light hits the metal of the blade just right, it seems to almost glow. The Ts
  9. As Jevi was consumed by the darkness Katoka felt herself snap back into focus for a moment. Her anger was still there, but now her tunnel vision had broken. She cut and slashed at the new tendrils of darkness that lashed out at her. Beasts crawled from the rising tide and she dropped them one by one. A crackle of electricity rippled down her arm and leapt from her katana as she drove it into the chest of a hulking bear. "I can't let them die for nothing." she gritted her teeth. More power crackled through her, snapping to life with every strike and thrust. "I won't go down without a
  10. "Ar-are you alright?" stammered a man to Katoka as she strode past him. She stopped and turned, the fear in his eyes barely registering to her. She didn't answer. Instead she continued walking, passing NPCs and the few remaining players as one real path to some semblance of safety was revealed. The cries of those around her were muffled, almost like she had cotton in her ears. They were all distractions now, the only thing that mattered was finding the thing that did this to Elora. Her fury rolled off her in waves, like a campfire that had grown too large to control. From the shadows arou
  11. With a shaky hand, the small samurai reached out and gripped her katana. Lifting it felt like trying to pick up a steel girder, but her muscles strained and her bicep bulged, half dragging it around in the mid until she managed to return it to it's saya. Her hair hung limply around her face as she stared at the ground, her chest heavy as she attempted to catch her breath. Despite the pain in her limbs from the constant running and motion from the past few hours, she felt numb. Katoka knew the pain was there, she felt it in a way, but a cold numbness had wrapped her body in a cocoon
  12. Attempting to steer the horse that both her and Elora were mounted on bare back was proving to be difficult, the lack of reins and a proper saddle definitely not helping. Feeling the arms of her friend wrapped around her, Katoka leaned into the beast and attempted to spur it into motion when it happened. Time seemed to slip into slow motion for a moment and the samurai wasn't sure what was really going on. How long had they been running? It seemed like it had been hours, but surely it hadn't actually been that long. Could it? Kat felt her eyes begin to squint slowly and a bolt of lighting
  13. The sky above the samurai boomed, lighting forked and crawled and continued to send shivers down her spine that the cold never could. Everything about this storm was disturbing to it's core. Katoka's attention snapped back into focus as her elven eared companion sprinted off to help someone, she hesitated to chase after but let her go. As long as she was within her eye sight then she could be there faster than the lightning could strike. Her focus turned the horses, bucking and scared for their own lives. An almost white mare reared up near the blonde, fear in it's digital eyes. Kat stepp
  14. Katoka kept her katana ready, quickly surveying the people in the group around her. She was beginning to feel the exhaustion in her bones now. She was wet, cold, and had been on the move for cardinal only knew how long, not to mention how many times her body had been pumped full of simulated adrenaline. She was surprised she was able to keep her blade as steady as it was. "We need to move up the mountain as far as possible, the path Elora and I just came from is out. A mudslide block us off from out original group. Let's head this way." she said aloud to everyone, pointing to the path opp
  15. Katoka was going to retort but she knew that Elora wouldn't change her mind. Instead she let the moment wash over her like the disgusting ichor around them. She could hear the sounds of the wildlife around them, also attempting tp flee like the rest of them. What was even happening? Would Cardinal really wipe out not only it's entire player base, but it's NPCs and wildlife too? What even was this storm? Elora's last reassuring squeeze gave Kat a bit of confidence. A flash of lightening illuminated the sky as she drew her katana, large tentacles of inky darkness reaching from the sky above
  16. The warmth of Elora's hand was a comfort Katoka needed at the moment, so she help onto her green haired friend without hesitation. Her heart was pounding in her chest from the adrenaline that was pumping through her veins. Was this finally going to be it? After all this time of fighting and training were they going to die to this? She could hear strange noises in the distance, howls and groans, grunts and barks. What was happening? "Elora?!" Kat called out as she trailed behind, giving her hand a squeeze, "Elora if something happens to me..." she trailed off for a moment but she shook her
  17. Katoka took a deep breath and pushed aside her fear as best she could. Elora was scared, after all it had been twice now that she had to pull her aside from a possible death. If she panicked then Elora would panic too and that wasn't goin to help either of them. "If we stay calm then we can find a way out of this mess. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure we get out ok." Kat promised her friend, and she meant it. Their path immediately in front of them may have been obscured, but that didn't mean there wasn't another way to get out. While the samurai looked around she didn't noti
  18. The cold was beginning to set in. Katoka was beginning to shiver as her, Elora, and the others with them continued up the mountain pass. This time she had stayed back with her friend and helped those she could cross the narrowing path that Elora had previously fell from. She made sure once everyone had crossed that her green haired companion was ahead of her so she could keep a watchful eye. By the glow of the crystals it seemed they were coming up to a cave that seemed promising. "Let's a make our way inside and see if we can take shelter from this storm!" she called ahead to the group.
  19. Cordial Remedy Sitting on floor 22 rests a Japanese style convenience store. As you enter the shelves are lined with various bottles, jars, and crystals. Hanging from the ceiling are a few string lights and bundles of herbs drying in various places. At the back of the store there is a wooden counter with a large leather bound ledger and other various nick knacks strewn about. A single silver bell rests nearby with a sign reading, "Ring twice for service if no one is present." ----------- Rank 8 Alchemist | Total EXP: 1817 ----------- Prices Order Form
  20. The ever rising levels of black rain were disconcerting on many levels. Katoka didn't have time to focus long on these feelings, she had people to evacuate. As she led the party of NPCs and players into the mountains she saw the rising pools of dark liquid even here. Maybe even this wasn't high enough. Taking the mountain path she continued to trek, staying in the field of view that the glowing crystals provided and within sight of the party. The rocks were slick and the path was turning into a disgusting mud slop beneath her feet. The winding mountain pass began to shrivel into a emaciated cl
  21. A chill ran down Katoka's spine. "We need to go, now." she said to Elora, "Something feels off." She reached out to take her green headed companion's hand to give it a squeeze for reassurance before turning to the crowd, "Don't think too hard! Just walk quickly and carefully and we'll make it to higher ground!" With a mask of determination she began trudging through the rising liquid towards the hills ahead of them. She would look back occasionally to make sure everyone was following. The glow of the stones various individuals had grabbed were giving off enough light to let Kato
  22. Despite being worried for her friend's safety, Katoka was glad Elora was there to lend assistance. She was someone that the blonde could trust, the strangers around her she was sure had good intentions but she didn't really know many of them. Assisting in making sure the rowdy bar folk exited the tavern, drinks in hand, Kat stepped up beside Elora to survey the gathering dark ichor at their feet. "We need to get them moving, this is bad. Like really bad." she felt her skin crawl looking at the substance. Looking to her left at her friend she nodded, her face a mask of determination as she
  23. "Here, this is not the place and time to lay about," The red headed woman standing above her offered her a hand, Katoka took it and got back to her feet. Her cheeks were slightly pink with embarrassment as she attempted to brush some of the dirt off of her. It was a futile effort considering she was covered in mud and the inky rain that had begun collecting on the ground. "Thanks," she said nodding to the woman, "I uh, slipped in whatever this gunk is. I don't know what is going on here, but something feels off." she looked out at the NPCs and how some of them had begun making their way t
  24. The water, if you could even call it that, fell hard around Katoka. She was standing under the awning of a flower shop as she observed the collection of players and NPCs scramble about to escape the storm. Taking a moment she looked once again at the viscous liquid on her skin, it was thick and dark like ink, it even felt heavy as it dripped off of her onto the ground. The pools of darkness gathered on the ground spreading quickly as the potholes and crevasses overflowed into one another. The sounds of doors slamming around her snapped her back into focus as the Samurai began to look around fo
  25. As the sky began to darken Katoka looked up and squinted at the clouds rolling in. The wind pushing them over the town on floor 7 was colder than what she had grown accustom to the past few hours. Her skin erupted in goosebumps and she rubbed her arms as she shivered, "What the hell is this?" The samurai had been scouting shops and things on this floor wanting to get a gift for Sam, but she had never visited this area before. As she stood outside of the shop she watched the growing mass of clouds move quickly into place, coming to almost a complete stop overhead. Arching a brow at the str
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