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Posts posted by Aquan

  1. Aquan turned to look at Grimm, smiling and nodding to him. "Yes I'm Aquan, nice to see you again Grimm." He looked around a little bit. "Shall we get started? I'm not sure how long all of this materail is going to take, hopefully not all day. Besides this is a chain quest, so don't feel like you have to stay with me the entire time." He nodded to the main, making sure he knew that he was not required to be with him through all of the quests.

    He walked out to the outskirt of the town and began his search. He remember at the beginning of his rise in levels, Valentine helped him out by pointing out where some materials might be and where others might be hidden. He began to look in those areas, hoping to find something. Luckily he did. Aquan quickly scaled a tree and plucked a piece of fruit from the branches, putting it into his inventory. "So," he tried to make conversation, "what do you usually do from day to day?"

    ID: 178203 LD: 14 + 1 = 15 [1 Material]
    1/5 Mats

  2. "You look pretty strong. I'm looking to test my skills. If you beat me, I'll teach you a hidden skill. What do you say?" Aquan blinked and just stared at the hooded figure when he was propositioned by the man to train. He did not seem like a player, so he believed that this was some sort of quest for him to complete. "I usually do quests with other people, I'm not that high leveled," he thought to himself and hit accept, preparing to send a message to some players for assistance when he needed it. However, he sees that the quest does not have a required level for him to complete it. "Oh.. I can do this." He thought, knowing that anything that was out of his depth would alert him as such. 

    For a moment he debated whether or not he should complete this quest without some higher level supervision. "I have to do some things by myself. Just waiting on people like Valentine or Chase to help me wont do much for me in the long run." With that he nodded and followed the NPC to where ever he was suppose to go for this quest.



    HP 100 | EN 10 | DMG 2 | LD 1 | SD 1 | EVA 1 | 

    Level: 5
    HP: 100
    EN: 10
    LD: +1
    Stealth Detection: +1
    DMG: +1
    EVA: +1

    Searching, Rank 1
    1 HSS Rank 1

    Uncommon Tier 1 Light Armor: Evasion
    Rare Tier 1 1 HSS: Paralyze, Bleed (12 Unmitigable DMG for 2 Turns)

    Guild Buffs
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.



    HP 50 | DMG 25 | MIT 8 |

    • Critical Hits: DMG + (Player's Level) on a natural MD 9, DMG + (Player's Level x 2) on a natural MD 10.
    • <<Disguise>>: +1 ACC to <<The Gemini>>'s first attack.


  3. Aquan did not expect to get a message back as fast as he did. He looked at his HUD and quickly began writing a respone.

    I'm on the First Floor in the Town Square, I'm just walking around, it should be easy to find me,

    Aquan sent the message and looked around the area. The players and NPCs alike were not moving a lot, and it was not that crowded. The first floor became less and less crowded as the days went on. More people begin to level up and leave the area behind. He was excited for that to be him one day, but he knew he still had a long way to go before he could get to that point. Aquan looked up at the sun again and relaxed, feeling the virtual rays keep his body warm. "I wonder if the leaves and the plants take in sunlight and keep themselves living. I have not seen much evidence of things altering and changing, so hopefully things stay the same. There is a beauty in a never changing color that stays with this floor. It does get a bit tiersome to look at every single day, but hopefully I'll get a change of scenery one day. Maybe after this quest chain I can finally get myself out of here." He continued to talk to himself.

  4. "I suppose I can do this quest now. Don't have much going on, and need to get some more experience. I hope I can hold on to the materials like I did when I got my profession." He muttered and accepted the quest. He knew from other low levels that this quest leads into a chain, and it can be a bit tedious. He did not mind it much, knowing that he would eventually get it done and over with and get some more experience to level up. "Now, should I do it alone? Or should I do it with someone." He instinctually thought of asking Valentine for help, but knew that he could not help him that much with the quest. He thought that it might be a good bonding experience for the two of them, but with how many quests they did together he thought that he might let the man relax before harassing him for even more assistance.

    He thought on the guild for a moment, deciding to ask Grimm, someone he did not interact with much, but was also close with Valentine. He frowned slightly, thinking about their relationship, being the only other men he met that are interested in men. He quickly ignored that emotional thought and drafted a message to the man.

    Hello Grimm, we have not gotten a chance to interact between the two of us. Would you be interested in adventuring on the first floor? I have some quests I need to do.

    He quickly finished the message and sent it to the man, taking a stroll through the city while he waited for his response.

    @Grimm Reaper

  5. Aquan let the soft sunlight wash over his body as he sat on the bench. He began to wonder if someone could get a sun burn from the sun. So far he could not think of anything that would point him to yes, but it was still something he would like to find out eventually if that is for sure. "Well so far it is a no, so I shouldn't try to-" He gasped and sat up as a man with ginger hair came into view. For a moment he thought he was going to be attacked, even though he was in a safe zone, but quickly calmed down when the stranger began to talk about giving him assistance. "O-Oh.. Yeah I would appreciate getting some assistance with that quest." He paused and looked at the man, "I'm surprised you have not completed that quest, you seem to be a higher level so it's strange. Usually higher leveled character would complete all the quests below them in order to level up faster, it is the smarter approached." He did not mean it as an insult as his words slowly faded away.

    He quickly snapped back to Freyd walking up, boisterous and full of life, offering to help the player as well. "Oh, did not expect two people to assist. But I'm happy to have two higher levels to assist me when I need it." He paused again, looking between the two players. "I'm Aquan, I believe you are Freyd, I recognize you.... And you are?" He turns to the ginger man who startled him half to death.

  6. Aquan strolled through the town, not really aware of much that was going on around him. Ever since he started leveling more with Firm Anima and getting his barings in the world, he started to feel a lot better about what he could do, and what the world could help him with. He knew he was still a bit of a lower level still, only at level 5, so he decided that his best bet would be to seek out others that could help him, and hope that it would be enough. He heard of the Nepents and the Secret Medicine of the Forest quest that was on the first floor. He didn't think he could handle it alone, but if he were to do it with someone higher leveled, he could probably get through it without major issue.

    Aquan wandered up to a job posting board and placed an ad on it, hoping it would draw people in.

    Low Level Player looking for help in the Secret Medicine of the Forest boss Quest. One or Two people are prefered, at least level 5 or up.

    Aquan nodded and sat on a bench near the bulletin board. He was hoping someone would pick it soon so he could get back to creating this better build for himself.

    @Jomei@Freyd - The Whisper in Shadows


    Level: 5
    HP: 100
    EN: 10
    LD: +1
    Stealth Detection: +1
    DMG: +1
    EVA: +1

    Searching, Rank 1
    1 HSS Rank 1

    Uncommon Tier 1 Light Armor: Evasion
    Rare Tier 1 1 HSS: Paralyze, Bleed (12 Unmitigable DMG for 2 Turns)

    Guild Buffs
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  7. Aquan blinked once, then again, then the dragon was gone. Valentine made quick work of the dragon, taking it out in only 6 hits all together. "Wow... That was.. You made swift work of that dragon." He nodded and smiled to the man. "I hope to be at the point soon where I can take on quests easier. I know that it will take a long time for me to get to the point that you are at, but I feel like I could get there without major issue. Just going to take more time to train me up to that point. I appreciate you helping me out with all of these quests. I'm hoping to get a familiar soon and complete some lower leveled quests with others in order to increase my level. I will probably contact more from the guild too..." His verbal stream of consciousness slowly went inward as he thought about his plans.

    "But yes," he said, snapping back to the verbal conversaiton. "I'm happy to get food with you. Maybe I can see the other types of cusinies there are to decide what I want to do with my shop." He smiled a bit and sheathed his sword, walking over to the man to get ready to leave.

  8. Aquarian looked around the area, unsure of where to go from their position. He was aware of some Firm Anima members holding up in a tavern nearby, but beyond that he didn't know what he could possibly do. He sighed and turned to the couple, his eyes going wide as the shadow went up their bodies. Aquan began to run to them, but a two people interviened and pulled them apart. Aquan gave a small sigh of relief and ran up to them, shouting slightly over the storm. "There's a group at the Tavern near by. Freya and some other Firm Anima members are in there, we should head there with them!" He yelled to @Jevi@Grimm Reaper and @Valentine

    His eyes turned to Jevi and he gave her a small nod. "My name is Aquan. Thank you for helping these two. I think you should come with us to the tavern. At least a roof above our heads. I'm not sure what that might do in a storm like this, but being grouped up against this weird situation would be better than nothing." He called to the woman.

    [Tagging @Freya because they are mentioned in this post]


    ID: 178160

    LD: 11

    Giving Or Receiving: 4 to @Grimm Reaper

    Final: 7


  9. While the shop is new, it feels very welcoming. Nature's Harvest Smoothies is located on the 8th floor amongst the canopies. While the wind sways the buildings from time to time, the shop is completely safe and secure, nestled between two trees. Aquan is usually behind the counter, either cooking or writing down some notes on a pad of paper. Coming into the store, you are welcomed by a smile and Aquan asking you. "How can I help you today?" The shop itself is simplistic in design. Some potted plants at the front of the store, some art depicting the menu and different smoothie combinations you can get. It is all painted in a warm green that can sometimes mix in with the moss and greenery that is littered around this floor. The door is usually propped open to let the breeze in. The inside of the shop has a couple tables for people to rest and relax. There are many house plants and other foliage inside the store, making it seem as though you never left the outside. Be sure to ask Aquarian, or Aquan as his friends call him, about any plants or nature questions you have, he would love to answer them.


    Flavor Enchantment Type Food Types Food Type Cost Per Slot Description Minimum Amount of Slots
    Banana Accuracy S, D, M, F 100, 100, 100, 100 A Shot of Banana 1, Caps at 2
    Mango Evasion S, D, M, F 100, 100, 100, 100 A Shot of Mango 1, Caps at 2
    Strawberry Mitigation D, M, F 125, 125, 125 A Shot of Strawberry 1, Caps at 3
    Raspberry Loot Die S, D 100, 125 A Shot of Raspberry 1, Caps at 3
    Orange Vitality S, D 100, 125 A Shot of Orange 1, Caps at 2
    Cherry Ambition D, M 125, 150 A Shot of Cherry 1, Caps at 3
    Pineapple Antioxidants S, F 100, 150 A Shot of Pineapple 1, Caps at 3
    Peach Probiotics S, F 100, 150 A Shot of Peach 1, Caps at 3
    Coconut Over Health M, F 175, 175 A Shot of Coconut 1, Caps at 3
    Guava Protein M 175 A Shot of Guava 1, Caps at 2
    Chocolate Prosperity S, D 100, 100 A Shot of Chocolate 1, Caps at 3

    Key: S = Snack, D = Desert, M = Meal, F = Feast.

    Snacks in Stock




    ID: 178331 CD: 10: 1 Slot of Ambition [Cherry Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 178522 CD: 9: 1 Slot of Evasion [Mango Smoothie] Tier 1

    ID: 178621 CD: 9 LD: 20: 1 Slot of Prosperity [Chocolate Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 178621 CD: 9 LD: 20: 1 Slot of Prosperity [Chocolate Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 178622 CD: 10: 1 Slot of Vitality [Orange Smoothie] Tier 1

    ID: 179104 CD: 9: 1 Slot of Loot Die [Raspberry Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 179105 CD: 9: 1 Slot of Loot Die [Raspberry Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 179106 CD: 9: 1 Slot of Loot Die [Raspberry Smoothie] Tier 1



    ID: 178332 CD: 11: 2 Slots of Accuracy [Stronger Banana Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 178624 CD: 11: 2 Slots of Evasion [Stronger Mango Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 178625 CD: 11: 2 Slots of Evasion [Stronger Mango Smoothie] Tier 1


    Deserts in Stock




    ID: 178399 CD: 9: 1 Slot of Prosperity [Chocolate Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 179237 CD: 7: 1 Slot of Prosperity [Chocolate Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 179240 CD: 8 LD: 17: 1 Slot of Prosperity [Chocolate Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 179240 CD: 8 LD: 17: 1 Slot of Prosperity [Chocolate Smoothie] Tier 1



    ID: 179456 CD: 10: 2 Slots of Evasion [Stronger Mango Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 179713 CD: 10: 2 Slots of Accuracy [Stronger Banana Smoothie] Tier 1



    ID: 178631 CD: 12: 2 Slots of Evasion, 1 Slot of Accuracy [Stronger Mango Smoothie with Banana] Tier 1
    ID: 179241 CD: 12: 3 Slots of Ambition [Strongest Cherry Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 179514 CD: 12: 3 Slots of Prosperity [Strongest Chocolate Smoothie] Tier 1

    ID: 179610 CD: 12: 3 Slots of Loot Die [Strongest Raspberry Smoothie] Tier 1


    Meals in Stock






    ID: 179800 CD: 11: 2 Slots of Protein [Stronger Guava Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 179857 CD: 10: 1 Slot of ACC, 1 Slot of EVA [Banana and Mango Smoothie] Tier 1
    ID: 179858 CD: 12: 3 Slots of Loot Die [Strongest Raspberry Smoothie] Tier 1

    ID: 179862 CD: 12 LD: 15: 2 Slots of Protein, 1 Slot of Over-Health [Strong Guava Smoothie with Coconut] Tier 1
    ID: 179862 CD: 12 LD: 15: 2 Slots of Protein, 1 Slot of Over-Health [Strong Guava Smoothie with Coconut] Tier 1


    EXP/Level/Dice List


    Critical Fail and Fail crafts: +1 EXP
    Salvage crafts: +2 EXP
    Uncommon crafts: +3 EXP
    Rare crafts: +5 EXP
    Perfect crafts: +8 EXP

    Rank 6
        [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
        [2] = Fail (Lose materials)
        [3-5] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
        [6-9] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
        [10-11] = Rare item (2 slots)
        [12] = Perfect item (3 slots)

        [1-12] = No additional items.

        [13-17] = Yields 1 additional item.
        [18-20] = Yields 2 additional items.

    [412-639 EXP] Rank 6 - Mentor Cook: Able to craft Tier 6 equipment. 7 crafts per day.

    Guild Buffs


    Trading hall

    Every member of Firm Anima receives an additional +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's. (10+ for alchemy crystals, 6+ for others). If you are rank 9 you also get +1 crafting attempt/day. If you are rank 10 you get +2 crafting attempts/day.


  10. "Oh, a message." Aquarian was lounging on the first floor when he received the message form Grimm. He did not know the player that well, so he was surprised to see the message pop up on his feed. He quickly read over the message and sent a reply to the man:

    Dear Grimm,
    I will meet you on the fourth floor at your home now. Thank you for the invitation

    He nodded to himself and set off to Grimm's home on the fourth floor. He went to the teleportation pad and said the correct word to send himself off to the winter floor. He shivered slightly when his virtual avatar finally set foot on to the floor. He pulled his newer leather armor tight around his body and set forth to find wherever he was suppose to go.

    After getting lost a few times, Aquarian was able to find his way to the man's house. He nodded approvingly at the establishment and went to the front door to knock on it. "Should I knock? I mean he is expecting me. However, it is the polite thing to do." He thought for a moment, his brain over analyzing the smallest thing. "I'm going to knock." He knocked a couple times on the door and brought his hands to his mouth in order to warm them with his breath.


    Level: 5
    HP: 100
    EN: 10
    LD: +1
    Stealth Detection: +1
    DMG: +1
    EVA: +1

    Searching, Rank 1
    1 HSS Rank 1

    Uncommon Tier 1 Light Armor: Evasion
    Rare Tier 1 1 HSS: Paralyze, Bleed (12 Unmitigable DMG for 2 Turns)

    Guild Buffs
    Lucrative: Reduce LD needed for Salvage by 5 (10+ for Alchemist crystals, 6+ for everything else). +2 EXP per craft. Rank 9 crafters receive +1 crafting attempt per day. Rank 10 crafters receive +2 crafting attempts per day.
    Col Deposit: +5% bonus col from last-hit monster kills and +10% bonus col from treasure chests.


  11. Aquan's running began to slow with him not knowing what to do or where exactly to go. "Could anyone body he-" His plea for help was cut short be a woman coming through the forest and striking the creature down in one hit. "-lp... Okay, that was easy enough." He screeched to a halt and turned to see another woman behind him that seemed to be chasing the boar. He looked at the three woman and one man, waving to them all. "Thank you kind woman for taking care of that boar, I'm not sure what we would have done if you didn't step in and stop it." He paused, looking at the four people in the forest with him. "I'm Aquarian, what are all your names? If you don't mind me asking of course. I know that giving your information to strangers, whether it be a virtual world or the real world, can be a bit worrisome to some people. Now I'm a low level so I can't do much of anything, not sure the rest of you, so I'm not really a threat. I wonder what I would be considered a threat too... Probably not much considering.." His mind slowly began to wander as his words tapered off, his verbal tyrant now being trapped to his mind.


  12. "Oh okay that makes sense! Gives some normalcy and some individuality when it comes to combat mechanics. Combat does not seem as difficult as I thought before... However I have not made a strike on this creature so that could change very fast," He mumbled to himself, laughing softly. When Valentine mentioned that he could take a swing at the creature, he froze for a moment. "I mean... I don't know how well I will be against the creature. My weapon can only do much when it comes to larger hits. I'm not sure if I'll be able to land a hit because the creature seems to be stronger than other ones I've encountered." He called to Valentine as he fought the dragon off. His eyes danced over the scene for a moment before he sighed and lifted his blade. "Might as well, It will help me train a bit more and understand the combat mechanics much easier than if I were to just watch." He sighed and ran in. His blade arced up and struck at the dragon's wing. Almost no damage happened, but he knew he got a successful hit on to the creature. He smiled softly and ran back, letting Valentine finish it off. 


    Valentine | HP:380/400 (+ 5)| EN: 23/40 (+1, - 5 )| DMG:10 | MIT: 5 | EVA:2 | ACC:3 | REGEN: 1

    Aquarian: 20 HP | 0/2 EN | 1 DMG 

    ID: 177972 BD: 6 (1 DMG)


    Rhaegal | HP: 24/125 (-25)| DMG: 50| MIT: 25 | EVA: 0 | ACC: 0 | Hate: Aquarian - 1 , Valentine - 4


    <<Screech>> On a LD roll of 17+ when this boss attacks, this boss will let out a piercing wail that somehow freezes the player in place, removes all evasion properties



  13. Aquan's heart continues to race faster than it did previously. Looking at the man's back set fear into his heart about what could happen to them if they get swallowed up by the storm. "I-I-I..." He stutters, looking down at his hands that were slowly being covered in the black rain. He could not process all the information happening at once around him. His analytical brain was not able to handle the life-or-death situation those around them were thrown into. "I don't... Wait... He-" The shadow continued to grow up his body as he stuttered, not able to form words.

    He shut his eyes tight, not able to do anything else. However, he was saved by someone he vaguely recognized. He felt someone slowly help him up, and he felt the shadows slowly slink off of him as he began to move again. His eyes went wide and he looked at Freya. He smiled a bit and resisted giving her a hug, his emotions running a little high. "Thank you.. Thank you. I'm with Grimm and Valentine right now, should we come with you? Should the guild group up? I'm not sure how well indoors would work. But getting out of the city looks incredibly difficult." He muttered and turned to look at Grimm, his eyes going wide as he saw the shadow go up the man's leg. "Could you help me for a moment? More Firm Anima members need help." He ran over to Grimm, looking at Valentine, worry in his eyes.


    ID#: 177839

    Initial Roll Value: 2

    Giving or Receiving: Receiving 2 from @Freya

    Final Roll Value: 4


  14. "I know a lot about plants because that's what I've done my entire life. I was a nature researcher along with my parents before I entered the game. I was in the process of going to school for Botany before all of this," he gestured to the world, "What were you doing? I'm not sure how old you are or what you have done before this game. But as a knight I assume you are in your 20's with some combat training? Pretty lucky that you got put into a game where you can choose weapons like swords and also armor." He smiled and nodded, looking up into a cherry tree.

    Aquan grabbed a low hanging branch and began climbing for a short while before plucking a cherry from the tree, it registering as a material in his inventory. He quickly hopped down and sighed, looking at the 2/5 marker on his quest line. "I am 40% of the way through my material gathering. How is yours going? I can try to give pointers but I do not believe I can give much in the terms of health. It says you have to find them yourself on the quest. I can't give nay to you unfortunately. Also, I'm in a guild if you want any information."

    ID: 177741 LD: 16 + 1 = 17 [1 Material Gathered]

    Mats: 2/5

  15. Aquarian was taken a back a little bit when Calcifer referred to him as "Sir Aquarian". He blinked and stood there for a moment, not positive how to respond. "I.. I'd be happy to have you with me, Madame Calcifer." He hoped his old-timey talk was good enough to pass for whatever this lady was going for.

    The two of them began to search the woods for materials. He still felt himself getting pulled away from her every few moments to look at the flora and fauna around them. He began to make mental notes on the different varieties of leaves and trees that were apart of the forests. "I wonder if they have a deciduous or coniferous trees... The trees may not loose their leaves though, it would probably be taxing on the program to render all of those leaves. But if they did I wonder what color they would be... I ant to say red because of the shade of green, but I can't be too sure without seeing it in action... I wonder-" His words cut off as he turned to Calcifer. "Sorry, I tend to ramble." He shrugged, not really phased by it. The apology did not seem like he felt bad, but it was more of a reflexive apology. "Are you apart of any guilds yet Mrs. Knight?"

    ID: 177737 LD: 6 + 1 = 7 [No Materials]

    Mats: 1/5

  16. Aquan smiled again at Valentine, then turned to Chase to listen to him explain his relationship with Frim Anima. It was obvious that the man had a bit of a stand-offish attitude towards the guild that even Aquarian could understand it. "Well I appreciate you assisting us no matter what. It is rather strange that you are not a part of the guild yet you refuse to leave the guild and remove the name from your character. I mean whatever you chose to be your truth with the guild is obviously your own. Just seems like you have a connection to the guild that you do not want to give up." He shrugged and entered the store, trading the gathered item in for the item he gets from the quest.

    "Well, I believe that is about it. I'm going to head to the first floor now. Thank you both for accompanying me. I'll see you both another time. Not sure when I'll see you Chase, it seems as though you do not want to hang out again?... Anyways, goodbye." He nodded and walked away from the two of them.

  17. Aquan smiled a bit and nodded to the two of them, turning to head back to town. It was obvious that he had an extra bounce in his step after the quick fight. He knew he still had a long way to go before he got good enough to be even considered 'High Level', but he also knew he had to start some where. "Thank you both for coming along, again. After this I will probably head back to the first floor and hang there for a while. This floor is definitely not designed for me so it would be best if I stay away from it." He spewed out to the two of them, leading them back to the city.

    After they got back, Aquan made a beeline for the shop, looking around the city as he did. "Chase, How long have you been in the guild? I don't really know much about the guild, so I am curious if you are a longer standing member." Aquan stopped before he entered the shop and looked at Chase, hopeful for an answer. "I know Valentine hasn't been apart of it for a while."

  18. Aquan turned to Grimm and cocked his head, recognizing the guild insignia above his head. "Hmm, you're apart of the same guild? I'm Aquarian, but you can call me Aquan. Valentine brought me into the guild a few days ago when I was training with him." He went to reach his hand out for a handshake, but the storm outside caused him to stop. "More formal introductions may not be the best in this setting. Should we get ins-" He stopped, seeing a porch roof crush someone, the storm getting only stronger. "I-I.. Oh god." He ran over to the porch, quickly trying to pull things off of the man. "Valentine! You, Stranger! Help me!" He called back, the rain making his hands slick against the broken building.

    "D-Don't worry Sir. We can help the best we can..." He turned to look around the town square. His instinct was to analyze everything that was happening, but too much was happening. He was beginning to get an overload of information. His hands were shaking as he pulled pieces of rubble off the man. His breath was coming quicker and quicker, but he still tried to force his mind at the current task at hand.

    ID# 177428
    Initial Roll Value: 19
    Giving or Receiving: N/a
    Final Roll Value: N/a


    @Valentine@Grimm Reaper

  19. Aquan nodded and almost started to take notes, but he decided that would be a bit over kill. He gave a bit of a sigh of relief when he told him to not attack the dragon. He wanted to help out, but lord knows he doesn't really know what he is doing yet with combat. "N-No you're fine. No need to rush it. I don't want you getting hurt. I just didn't know if I could help at all. It seems to be primarily targeting you so I thought I might be safe, but I'm fine to hang out here." He quickly back tracks and backs up from the fight even more.

    He looks at the dragon's health and he gives a soft sigh of relief. It seems as though it is starting to take some serious damage. Okay two more hits like that and the dragon will be out. Hopefully he can keep this pace up without serious injury or effort. I know that it must be taxing him just a little bit. Consistent attacks against the dragon, and also against him as well. I think he's got this though. "Wait, question. I don't use the same weapon as you. Will this teaching really work well?"

  20. Aquarian nodded and smiled a little bit when the two of them agreed to go along with him to take on the monster. As they approached, he felt himself getting cold feet. He knew that he needed to finally face combat and take the plunge, but it was kind of terrifying. He never wanted to take the lives of creatures, and that is exactly what he is doing right now. He sighed and looked around himself, reminding him that this game is virtual. "Come on, you can do this." He mutters under his breath and pulls out his sword, holding it out in front of him. He took a deep breath and waited a moment for a time to strike. The elf was jumping around, facing the two members of his party, but not him.

    He looked down at his sword and sighed, running in. His eyes ran over the Elf's body and he struck out into his shoulder. Aquan fell down and scrambled away from the creature. He was terrified of it running at him, but it was stuck in place. Two status effects appeared above his head. "I.. wait that was me?" He stood up looking at the two of them.

    He felt a swell of pride and he turned to Chase. "Thank you for agreeing to take me on for this quest. And my name is Aquan." He turned to Valentine. "Thank you for helping me Valentine." He turned back to the elf, waiting to see what happens.


    [2] Aquarian: HP: 20/20 | 0/2 EN | 1 DMG 
    [3] ChaseR: HP: 1530/1530 | EN: 143/150 (-7) | DMG: 19 | MIT: 43 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | HOLY: 12 | PARA: 9-10 | BH: 76 | V.(DEF): 76 | HBS: 16 | LD: 5
    [1] Valentine | HP: 396/400 | EN: 39/40 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 5 | EVA: 2 | ACC: 3 | REGEN: 1

    Dark Elf| HP: 8/12 | 9 DMG [Paralyzed] [Bleeding: Next Turn 12 Damage]

    ID: 177426 BD: 10


  21. Aquan nodded along to what Valentine was saying. He was watching the man's movements and trying to picture himself in doing them as well. He knew he was going to be a low level for a while and not be able to do much, but he hoped that he could do more in the future. Valentine, who was a bit higher leveled than him, was taking on this dragon with relative ease. Aquan spotted the man's familiar and it made him smile a bit, watching the animal go around and heal him. "Maybe I should get a familiar... OH, sorry! You were talking about telegraphed moves and using skills." He called to the man, slowly creeping forward to get a better look at the action.

    Aquarian looked at his own sword, then looked up at the fight going on. "Should.. Should I hit it? It seems primarily focused on you. I don't have much in terms of damage but maybe I could do something if I land a good enough strike on it? I can sit this out if you want. Don't know for sure if the dragon will all the sudden start to target me or not though. That's my worry."

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