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Everything posted by Oji

  1. The bubbling and steam that emanated form the large body of water within the giant cavern called to Oji like a Siren singing it's song to a passing sailor. He had hunted and scoured all of the lower floors from some kind of Onsen, but he had never been able to find a good one. There were a few cheap imitations, but apparently the dude that made this game didn't know how important relaxation would be to the players within his game. It's like he wanted them to die or something Oji's breath was taken away as he looked around the vast cave, seeing very sparse players but a few miner NPC'
  2. Oji filled Jomei's drink as he preferred, only a small amount of Sake within the cup, and put the alcohol away once more. He nodded and drank his cup quietly as Jomei agreed that each other was good company. They spoke for a few moments and Jomei motioned towards Lessa, and he looked and saw the young lady he had done a quest with awhile back. He shot her a friendly wave, then turned back to Jomei "Well now, guess we both have a friend in common then, met Lessa a ways back doing a simple quest. At that Info Broker guy's shop. Very polite the two of 'em." He said with a chuckle. Jomei excu
  3. Oji nodded his head as Jomei asked him about his name. "Yeah, there's a reason I went with Oji, but that reason fell through luckily, but now I'm stuck with this name till we get out of here" He chuckled. He had finished about half of his drink, and he looked at Jomei's to see the same. "Here, let me get a scoop of punch." He offered, going over and taking a full ladle of punch, and used a tad in his, and came over to offer Jomei a top off as well. "Very true my friend, and this is a great way to do so." He spoke, a warm smile on his face, enjoying the atmosphere. The holidays were usuall
  4. Oji's smile widened as the man jested, asking if he was truly old enough. Oji gave a light chuckle, patting the man on the shoulder. "A fool watches a man's face to try and tell how old he is, a wise man looks at how a man carries himself." He jests. He pours in some sake to the mans drink-a generous amount- and put it back into his pocket. He took a sip as the man thanked him, and he just gave a light nod in response, watching events unfold as the starter of the party was taken out by a young lady. Either they were doing something not rated high enough for this section of the site, or they we
  5. The longer that he stood around, Oji realized that there were a few more people than he was expecting. He did his best to avoid the younger ones and the drama that always entailed with them, and he knew better than to get into those kind of situations anymore. He kept his distance and only picked at a few of the snacks, but took a nice large glass of the fruity-flavored drink. He pulled out a bottle that he kept close to his heart- a well-made sake -and poured a generous amount into the drink. He took a sip and smiled as the flavors meshed well with one another. "Perfect." He spoke quietl
  6. Starting things off right! First Eval from my Artisan Quest! Name: Jigen kōtai Profession: Artisan Rank: 1 Roll ID: 202833 Roll Result: 12 Item Type: Trinket Tier:
  7. Oji had been ill prepared for the holidays. The feelings of the season had felt dull since his entrapment in this game. But, he still enjoyed the festive onlook the code took during this time of year. Even though it had felt like years since he had seen his family for the holidays, he knew that they were home safe, and even without him he was sure his niece, brothers and parents were all doing well and enjoying the time together. And that was enough to put a smile on his face in these troubling times. He had found himself with an open invite, posted onto a billboard for all players t
  8. Oji was a bit taken aback by what Oscar said about inviting him over for a drink. It shocked him, if he was honest. Not taking an offer on a free drink? Only a mad man would deny an offer like that, as it's somewhat seen as rude in a lot of cultures. But there's always a second side to every story. Maybe this man has made some sort of enemies within the game and he could be hurt by it? Or maybe he was in hiding for something that might have happened on the frontlines. He hadn't heard much about the frontlines in awhile, maybe some drama had happened and he had missed the memo. He just mentally
  9. To say that Oji had blanked throughout this entire adventure had been an understatement. He was entirely lost of what to do, and just followed the players he had tagged along with and the villagers who were raiding the castle. Eventually he found himself within the grand room of what he felt could be the last puzzle, a giant room filled with a few simple dials and symbols. He had remembered a few game levels like this that he saw over the shoulder of a student at one of those fancy cafe's next to his apartment. Maybe they had missed something. Maybe... Wait, these symbols, they looked fam
  10. Oji sipped on his coffee quietly, listening to some of Lessa's theories with the time. It was true that it seemed to work differently. He had felt like he's lived in this game for a few years, but what if it had only been a year? or what if it's been a decade? Thoughts of this stayed in the back of his mind, maybe he would spend a night or two and think about it, ponder about the life that he could be losing. But now is not the time for that. Now is the time for focus, to try and get this quest complete, Oji then returned his attention to Lessa, who was talking about how she had met Hik,
  11. Oji's thoughts shrouded his mind, the small worries of things in the outside world flooding his brain with the multiple scenarios of it being burned down, it being sold, it being broken into- but Oscar pulled him out of those nightmares with his reassuring words, reminding him that he had a large family, he was sure that they could help. Even if they didn't understand his passion for jewelry making, his family supported him and saw his love for his shop. They knew he liked it, and heck maybe his old friends would help too. He wasn't sure how they would help, but he could leave it in their hand
  12. As the ship balanced out thanks to his quick thinking, he was now able to focus on a few things. A bunch of the players that were around him previously had all left to go try and figure out other things, which left him to figure out how to steer the ship. As he stood at the helm he was a bit confused by all the different levers, buttons and even knobs. Nothing was similar to the multitude of cars he had owned in the real world. But then again, this entire game was based in a more fantasy setting, he should expect things to be a bit.. wonky. "Damn, this is.. something." He said, experiment
  13. Oji's words were met by a woman with a vile tongue, seeming to not care about the people she was throwing off the side. He decided to ignore @Celesteand her actions for now, he needed to focus on other tasks. He sat up and groaned a bit. Even if he was just pixels in this game, he still felt his old joints yelling at him. Maybe it had to do with how the NerveGear was connected to the brain and how he knew his body in the real world acted, it in turn made his body act like his own in the real word. He muttered something incomprehensible as he stood, surveying the airship. It seemed sturdy enoug
  14. Amongst the screaming, the army crashing against the rebellion, and the crackling flames, Oji stood amongst the chaos. He didn't know what to do, and he felt his knees turning to jelly beneath him. The chaos was something he was not accustomed to. Giant airships, large crowds of knights and fighters, flames roaring all around him. He suddenly felt that he would regret choosing to come to this, but at the same time something within him was surging with adrenaline. It was an interesting feeling. He noticed in the corner of his eye, a few actual players sprinting towards the ship. He decided
  15. Oji adjusted his tie as Oscar called him a "Good Man." He really didn't have any idea what that meant, but a compliment was a compliment. He looked on as he saw giant spiders crawl down from the trees and he instantly fell a chill down his spine. He shuddered and took a hesitant step back. He had never been a big fan of creepy crawlies. He had always killed them when they had entered his shop, squishing them and cleaning their guts off of his walls. He now felt that the game had allowed them to get revenge for their fallen brethren, as they bared their fangs at the two of them. Oji suddenly fe
  16. Stats: Oji was not a fighter, that he wasn't. He was a tinkerer, a talker, a wise sage in some situations. But a fighter? No, no combat experience, no weapon backgrounds, nothing. However, he knew that sometimes even those unprepared had to do the right thing, and when he received the cryptic message from the game, he knew he had to act. He hadn't left floor 1 much, let alone the starting city, but he quickly made his way, a bead of sweat across his forehead, to the first floor teleporter. As he stood, he felt his legs shaking a bit. He was nervous. Going out of the first floor was daun
  17. Oji's smile returned to his face as Lessa eased his worries with her thoughts and explanations towards her feelings and his ill thoughts about his age. He was glad that, maybe he wasn't the oldest guy on the fields. Maybe there were some even older than he is, and if that was the case then he could do fine in this field of work, at least in small doses. Running around every single day just felt like a bit too much work for him. He nodded at her and picked up this cup of coffee. "Well, I'm glad I'm not the other old guy then, that makes me feel just a tad better." He took a sip of his coffee, t
  18. As Oji was about to reply to the fancy young man, yet another voice popped up behind him and he jumped. Luckily, he didn't have the coffee in his hand, so no spills were made. He turned to see a woman in some pretty heavy duty armor, a large amount of blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. The word "intimidated" Did not even come close to how he felt. He had always been a bit of a quiet man, keeping his thoughts to himself and just did what he loved. But this was an assertive woman, she came in wanting something and asking for it directly, something he both dreaded to do and respected others for
  19. "No you don't, Decency doesn't deserve thanks and I don't have time for life-debts. Just be more mindful in the future and we'll call it square." Oji was a bit taken aback by this. He was used to owing people a few things after getting his ass saved. Whether its lunch, a box of ciggs or even a Karaoke night. He would gladly buy as a way to say thank you, and he was okay with it. This was new and a little uncomfortable, but he was glad to not owe something to a man he had just met. "Right, gotcha." He spoke, and Oscar had a smile on his face as he offered to leave. "What's the rush? You st
  20. Quest: Oji sat at a small booth in a small, but quaint shop. He had heard from a fellow player, Oscar, about this place, and that it was a good place to get some quests. He had been quite surprised with how the place looked. When he thought of Info Brokers, he always had the thought of those shady players in back alleys handing out information. not... this. But, he wasn't complaining. Even though the coffee was served by some sort of small Pumpkin with one eye and a crown, the place had a quaint atmosphere and some pretty good coffee. He knew he'd have to come here more often for the p
  21. "Word." Was all he got after he said he would take it. He didn't know if he was being humorous or serious. He had heard that slang had changed within the tower quite a bit. But even before SAO he hadn't been the most "Slang Savvy" Person. So needless to say he was a little confused as to what he meant. But, he quickly finished the remaining boars, two of them in an almost comedic way. It reminded him a lot of bowling for obvious reasons. He came from behind the tree after the combat had finished, and he introduced himself as Oscar. Weird for an online name, that was for sure, but he wasn't one
  22. Oji watched in amazement at the fighting going on. The man took a gore to the legs without flinching, and sliced his opponents effortlessly, and one of the boars evaporated into pixels. His eyes scanned the battlefield, and saw that the boars had only a few more moments till they would be dead, their health in the red zone and looking like they want to run away. He looked at his hands, and tried to envision the Katana inside it. The thought of it made him feel a little bit queasy, and he quickly shoved his hands back to his side. No, no weapons felt right to him. He wasn't a fighter. He was a.
  23. Oji's life started to flash before his eyes. He knew he should have never left the town, he should have just spent the remaining days of this game at the pub where he greeted the brave ones that left. He wasn't a hero, he was just a tinkerer, a man who worked on delicate things. This wasn't his scene, and he had attempted to make it his. He was stupid, he was a fool he was- And there it was, a sound. Something nearby. He didn't hear it at first, but he noticed the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching. He turned to see a figure burst through the foliage, and attacking the boars in an ins
  24. Oji walked along the path away from the Artisan's shop, humming a small tune that he learned from his hometown. As of recent, he's been becoming more and more homesick. Before he got caught in this nightmare of a game, he usually avoided going home as he enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the city far more than his quiet home town. But now, he realized that he missed his family. He had no idea how his parents were doing, or how his siblings were holding up. And he prayed that his niece didn't get caught up in this game. He had spent weeks looking for her when they were initially captured, b
  25. It was a crisp day on Floor 1, the birds were singing and in some terms, even some flowers were blooming. But today he had decided that he would make a change to his dull life on Floor 1, that he would go and try to make a difference. He was going to become an Artisan, a profession he was well equipped to learn and proceed, or at least he thought. Oji woke up in his Inn room, adjusting his tie and putting on his cap. He looked in the mirror with a big smile. Today, he would get back to some semblance of normality to his schedule, something he had once done before being trapped in this blasted
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