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Everything posted by Oji

  1. Oji crawls around in the dirt for awhile, and eventually he finds a few different herbs and spices that can be used in the soup, and decides to call it there. He goes over to the pot that's now starting to boil at a steady rate, and he takes a cooking knife he had swiped, and starts to chop up the spices and slowly filters them in, leaving a few out to see what kind of soup this would turn into. Dragon soup, boar soup, hell he could somehow come up with a troll for troll soup. The possibilities were both endless, but a tad limited. Being in a forest only spawned so little mobs compared to the
  2. Oji listened to the girl speak about her and he nodded, but something picked at his brain that she was holding back info. But, he ignored that. He had barely gotten to know the girl, and even if he had experience with people and somewhat lying tones, it doesn't mean that's what this girl was doing. He would give her the benefit of the doubt unless proven wrong at a later date. She then asked about themselves, and Oji leaned back onto the rock to relax. She seemed to be much more interested in Koga than him, and he felt to comment on the matter but the air was already a tad awkward, for him any
  3. As quickly as he had offered to drive, everyone had agreed to him driving the small aircraft. He looked to the gentlemen that questioned him about it, and he just gave a small smile. "I just helped fly one of those things" He pointed to the giant airships. "With a ragtag crew. This is a lot easier to fly so we should be fine." Emphasis on "should be," since he wasn't sure how different these controls would be. But, he felt confident, and as the young man that was in the way of the controls moved to the side, he recognized the panel and how it worked. "Perfect." He spoke, and came over. He
  4. After checking the water in the pot and making sure it was heating correctly, Oji shot a nod to Koga as he turned into the woods and disappeared. Oji stood and brushed off his knees, the pixels of dirt fading into the wind and he looked to the edges of the woods, opposite the direction of where Koga went. He started to poke around, finding a few items to cook with and a single spice that he knew as good in a soup. He decided that he would gather a few different variants of spices and herbs to be prepared for any creature that Koga brought. "There's some Bajiru..." He muttered to himself.
  5. Oji just chuckled. "Leave the business stuff to the older guy, I owned my own shop for awhile, so I'm pretty sure I could get it set up just fine." He jested, chuckling as he thought about it. Owning a fighting ring would be pretty fun. Hell he didn't have to fight in it, just make sure things were fair. Maybe that wasn't a bad idea. After thinking about this for a few moments, he sat down real quick and opened his HUD, grabbing a few leaves and twigs that were near his feet, and grabbed a small flint and steel he had bought awhile back, and started a small fire, feeding it twigs slowly,
  6. As Oji had completed his drink, he watched the fighting feverishly. He had enjoyed watching these players fight in a very simple variation of the combat system, and he was truly entertained. He had wished there was some sort of "Betting" System set up, it would have made it interesting and he could have won a bit of col. But, he knew betting wasn't every player's idea of fun, and he wouldn't complain about it, because this entire tournament was in a beautiful location with a lovely host, and he got to enjoy all of this for free. What more could he want? After a few moments he realize
  7. Oji was unsure of what to do in this situation. A lot had happened at once, and if he was honest with himself it was a bit disorienting. Explosions, giant airships, and a lot more people than before. He was ready to try and back out, but before he could even attempt to escape, he was grabbed by a blonde-haired woman, along with another man and dragged to one of the smaller crafts. This was a tad strange for him, as he was used to this being the other way around. Not that he was complaining, but still, a tad strange. As she brought them to the craft, he stepped on as he knew that ther
  8. As Oji continued to look around, he couldn't help but agree with Koga about the fighting ring set up. It wouldn't be a bad idea, hell he could help try to set it up. "You know, that's a fair point." He said, looking at trees by the riverside intently, but anything that almost looked like a burrow never seemed to be what he was looking for. "We could always start one up, I'm a pretty fair judge" He spoke with a chuckle. "Get some regulated armor with the same.... what are they called." He asked, blanking on the name of the things that go on armor. "Uh.... Spells? No, no that's not it." his mind
  9. Oji walked a ways and opened his HUD, trying to search for the "First Aid" skill. But, he couldn't find it at all. Maybe he wasn't high enough level for it? Maybe that made sense, but he wasn't sure. "Does that skill need a level requirement? My eyes are not what they used to be." He chuckled, closing the HUD and looking around. This seemed like a nice place to look. He started to keep his eyes peeled for any burrows within the riverside beneath the trees, his eyes scanning back and forth. "I uh, i'll be honest i'm not the biggest fan of smacking things." He looked at the river. "I prefer
  10. For some reason, Oji felt like an actual adult for the first time in a long time. While it wasn't anything major, and he didn't even think he had done anything to "change" the young man at his side, passing on wisdom made him feel like an old man, and maybe that was a good thing. He hoped that his words stuck somewhere and he would remember, but he knew that it wasn't the best idea to press the matter, lest the young man shut his lips like an angry clam and never speak about it again. Maybe it would come up in conversation at a later date and they would get to the heart of the matter. Who know
  11. Oji had been watching this entire tournament with both awe, intrigue, but also downright confusion. As a man who had taken to the crafting side of this game, he had never entirely understood how the fighting mechanics worked. Whenever someone had tried to show him, it was a bit hard to do since he was without a weapon, and also without a weapon skill. But, how this tournament went was even stranger than what he had seen in the few bits and pieces of combat that he had watched. "So they... Aren't using the sword tricks?" he muttered to himself from the stands, a bottle of sake and a small
  12. Oji lightly heated as the young man did, and pretended to hold a game case to his eyes "It must have been in the fine print, because my old eyes can't see them." He chuckled, but the conversation soon turned somber as the younger man explained that he had lost his friends. Oji could only faintly understand losing someone close. He had lost one of his brothers at a young age so he didn't remember him well, but he knew the pain could always be seen on his parents faces when his death date arrived. He tenderly placed a hand onto Kogas shoulder, no other words but that for a few moments, main
  13. Oji nodded in thanks as Koga hoped he would see them again, and took his last drink of coffee. It had been a long time since he had even walked in the real world. His body was "shut off" from what he understood, so he didn't flail around and hurt himself. So, that means his muscles have probably grown a lot weaker. Would he be able to walk again once he got out? It was a haunting thought. He held onto this in the back of his mind as Koga told his side of the story. Coming into a game to play with friends, he nodded and gave a small laugh. "I don't think anybody could have predicted that w
  14. Name: Tōshi Profession: Artisan Rank: 4 Roll ID: 203243 Roll Result: 12 Item Type: Jewelry Tier: 3 Quality: Perfect Enchantments: KEEN 2 REC 1 Post Link: Here Description: A simple necklace with a woven string, silver clasp and a piece of Amber with a dragon's eye within. It helps to giv
  15. A nod of agreement is what Koga would find as he said it would help him with crafting. If he could get any buffs to his shop, he felt that it would help him draw in business. A cute mascot wouldn't hurt his shop at all, and his crafting he had done solo had become a tad dull. He enjoyed it still but it didn't have the same shine as it did when he first started. Once he had passed the Tea over to Koga and helped himself to some coffee, Koga asked him a question he had seen coming, and he laughed at the ending of his question. "I wouldn't say I was "drawn in", per say." He chuckled. He took
  16. As Oji continued crafting on another day, he realized that he had started to develop a pattern. His crafts would come out severely well, or within shambles. But the shambles were becoming less and less, which he devised was a good thing. He still had his failures, and sometimes they were downright awful, which was the hardest part. However, he enjoyed the pattern as it helped to spark his creativity. He was proud of the few items he made from this day's batch, and he proudly put each of them within his display case. He had them nice and organized by Tier and Type of item, seeing as he only had
  17. Name: Manēmēkā Profession: Artisan Rank: 4 Roll ID: 203214 Roll Result: 12 Item Type: Trinket Tier: 3 Quality: Perfect Enchantments: PROS 3 Post Link: Here Description: An very fancy pocket watch of golden color. It's ticks sound like coins hitting a table, and it make the sound of a cas
  18. As Oji had taken the weekend off, he decided to get back to his work. He needed to get some items to sell in his shop. On his agenda was pocket watches today, but it did not go as planned. After his first attempt failed, he made a fancy looking watch pretty successfully, and it seemed grand. he put it to the side and continued to try, but no matter what he seemed to do, it wasn't working out the way he had desired. One by one his materials vanished, unable to be used. Maybe he had a bad batch of materials? Could materials disappear or go "bad" if not used soon enough? He wasn't sure and he'd h
  19. Oji nodded as Mina understood the joke behind his name. In all honesty he had never planned to play the game long so he had made a joke name, but now he had to live with it. He just shrugged. "No glitch, just allowed it." He said with a chuckle. He did feel bad that he sent the dragon away with his splash, but he knew it would be fine. He didn't absolutely drench it, it was just a splash. But he understood why such a small creature would not like that. Must have looked like a tsunami to the small little thing. The two players explained why they were here and he nodded. "Yeah, some days yo
  20. Oji found himself standing in an alley. After they had climbed all the way to the top of the tower, they were brought back down and was given a vial of some kind and he opened it, taking a swig. It tasted a tad bitter, but it was not the worst thing that he had drank. It soon pixelated in his hand as it was used, and he looked around to the group. From what he had heard and understood, he knew that this would be another fight. He wasn't going to get out of this, and any chance he had to leave had gone long before he hopped onto that dreaded airship. He still got a shudder as he thought about i
  21. A tournament. An actual tournament, with combat, winners and prizes galore. There was never something like this where Oji grew up, but he was very excited to see what would happen. As he appeared on the 24th floor and looked around to see what was going on, he was a bit shocked at how beautiful it was. Pearly-white sand, trees that sprouted everywhere and seemed to reach for the skies, and the ocean water was a calming crystal blue that filled him with a sense of ease. He was shocked that he hadn't heard more about this floor from his few friends. This would have been a much nicer place to put
  22. Oji scratched his head in confusion. Buffs? Like working out? He was still trying to get used to all the fancy words that had to do with the game and he had not learned that one yet. It must have been something good, from what he could tell from common sense. Maybe it made you stronger? Maybe that was it, it sounded right. He nodded and thought for a moment, kicking a rock into the stream. "Well, knowing me, probably not going to do anything with fighting. Maybe something cute like passing me tools while I'm working. That'd be pretty helpful." He chuckled. He went to the edge of the river
  23. Oji watched quietly as he watched Jomei go and talk to Lessa, and a small smile formed on his face. They both seemed very sweet in the time he had spent with them separately. He didn't know their history but he knew that there were some small embers there, and whether that would burn hotter or quieter was on them. There were parts of him that wanted to intervene, and try to fan the flames. But, at the end of the day he knew that he would probably do more harm than good. He sipped his drink quietly, and made his way through the crowd towards the snack table, grabbing a few sweets on his plate a
  24. Oji trudged through the sands, it started to seep into his shoes as the high winds of the desert started to bite at his face. The sands hurt a lot more than he had anticipated, and it threw him a bit off with the amount of pain that he was starting to feel. Sure it wasn't affecting his health at all, but still, he was being dealt a bit of physical damage, enough that he had to take his hat off to cover his face, only keeping a single eye out to watch the NPC in front of him trudge along only a foot or so away from him. He knew that Zamek must be taking a lot more "damage" than him, since he wa
  25. The winds picked up quickly once Oji was out of the main settlement. The sands and winds bit at his face and arms, but he continued to march forward through the shifting dunes, almost like the tides of the ocean. Zamek continued to lead him slowly through the desert, every once in awhile he would stop and look over the horizon for a moment, checking where they were. Then, he would continue moving. If Oji got blustered by the winds and blown back, Zamek would wait for him, wherever he was standing at the time. Oji deduced that this was what the other kids in the game called an "escort mission."
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