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Everything posted by Oji

  1. Oji's body had become totally numb to the sands, but he had also started to gain his sea-legs, or should he call them sand-legs, and had become a lot better at walking across the dunes of sand. He was not able to keep his pace with the older man a lot easily, and was now walking more to his side instead of directly behind him. The winds were dying down now, so the roaring was not as fierce, and he decided that maybe it would be a good time for conversation. "So, care to tell me any stories you know about the desert?" He asked, a bit curious. There was so much desert that he was sure there
  2. Oji's shoes were now halfway filled, and it was driving him mad. It felt as if he had put a mound of silly putting into his shoes and left it there for two hours. It slushed as the sand became damp from the sweat that he was secreting. He hated this, he even despised this, wanting to stop and trudging and leave the man to die. But, he knew that he couldn't. It wasn't the right thing to do morally, and he would never gain the rewards from this quest. "It's only a few more miles." He muttered to himself over and over, it becoming a mantra in his mind. Only a little longer, keep walking. Eve
  3. Oji's shoes were partially filled with sand at this point, and it was irritating him more than he expected. The sands shifted between his toes and made it difficult to find good footing, and he knew it would only get worse from here. Gritting his teeth, he trudged, but in his own turmoil of the sands he almost trampled the old man in front of him, who had doubled over in a coughing fit. He moved around him to cover the sands from him, feeling the full force of the sands on his back. It was far more painful than anticipated, and he swore he could feel blisters forming down his spine. Soon Zamek
  4. THREAD COMPLETE Oji: 7,025 / 30 = 234 x 5 = 1170+ 300 = 1470 XP, New Familiar (Approval Thread Here), 600 Col Koga: 5,344 / 30 = 178 x 30 = 5,340 XP, 600 Col ASTREYA EDITS- TWC: 12369 / 30 = 412 * 5 = 2060 Base EXP OJI - 2060 + 300 = 2360 EXP KOGA - 2060*6 = 12360 EXP
  5. Familar Name Soup Familiar Species Sable ID 204212 CD 9 Link Here Photo of Soup:
  6. Oji had a small smile on his face as Koga expressed his fear. "I felt the same way. I felt my heart in my throat that entire time." He chuckled. "I'm glad I didn't scare it off though, I'm huge compared to him, he should have seen me as a threat if this was real life." he accepted the gentleman's request happily, proud that he was starting to fill out the roster of friends quite well. He was proud of himself for that, as he had never been one to be very social, but this game had shown him how to do so quite easily, albeit he was still an old awkward drunk of a man, but he was still being socia
  7. Oji chuckled as Koga finished his drink, and he held his own imaginary glass along with him "Things to cherish for the rest of your life." he cheered. He finally took the saucer as Koga agreed that it was time to move. He picked up the familiar feed as the last item of the camp, and they made their way. Soup rode on the back of Okami happily, giving small happy sounds as he eyed everything around him. Oji's face turned from a blank slate to a smile as Koga talked about their day, and how it had somehow turned successful. "Yeah, I'm glad it only took a day to do, I was pretty worried about
  8. Soup continued to jump and yelp around the large wolf. He was having the most fun he had in... well what he felt was his entire existence. But he knew if he wasn't careful he would be chomped pretty hard, so he made sure to skirt around the giant creature's maw whenever it got close, and would hiss if his snout ever got too close to his furry booty. But, it was all in good fun and he was enjoying this time with his new friend. Oji, on the other hand, was storing all the dishes away and nodded. "Hm, got it. I had a feeling you were referencing the deity but you never know. Heck my familiar
  9. Oji chuckled as Soup started to gobble up the food, and he took the finished plates and set them by the river. He was full enough, and filled up Koga's sake bowl with the last of the bottle, and then started to pick up the small kitchen that he had created out in these wild areas of the giant structure he was held in. "So, what's the story behind your familiar's name? Anything special or just because it sounded cool?" He asked the young man. As he continued to do so, Soup finished up his plate and pawed at it, wondering if he could magically make the delicious meal appear in front of him.
  10. Oji followed the group as they slowly mowed down the guards of the airship. A few of them would try to stand up once the main group had passed, and Oji would step on their head and smack it against the floor, knocking them out cold. As he passed he saw the different ranks, each were pretty low on the totem pole, but they were defending their homes, at least that's how he saw it. For the most part, they seemed to be the "Bad guys" but in reality he really wasn't sure how to feel. He just knew that this was meant to happen, else it wouldn't have been in the games code, right? He looked as t
  11. Oji turned to see Koga just about fall over, gasping for air. He had guessed that the young man had taken him a little too seriously with his words, but in the end he was thankful he didn't do anything too crazy. He laughed as the small creature at his feet finished off his bowl of food, and looked up at him curiously, giving an almost purr-like sound. He came down and scratched him under his chin. "There, lets get the rest of them some food." He said with a smile. He came over and took the plates he had at the side, he had only three, but the red saucer would work find for his new friend.
  12. As he watched the small creature nibble away at the food, he had a good idea. Taking his sake saucer, he sprinkled in some of the familiar food, then took a large helping of the soup and set it down next to the creature. The sable, having acquired a taste for the familiar food, inched closer to the boar soup, sniffing it, then beginning to eat it. "There you go, eat up little man." Oji said with a smile. Slowly, Oji reached out a hand to the sable. It locked eyes with him as it stopped eating the soup, and sniffed his hand. "I aint no threat man, i'm trying to be a pal." Oji said reassuri
  13. Oji slowly bent down to where the bag of familiar food was, and he took a small handful of the large bag, and started to inch his way closer. "Hey little guy." He uttered quietly. "How are you this fine day? Did you like the smell of the soup?" As he inched closer, the familiar slowly poked his head out of the bush, curious about the giant man coming closer to him. Oji held out a handful of the feed. "Thaaats it little guy, here, try some of this." He said. The familiar saw his hand and pawed at him, giving almost a hiss and a growl as he did. Oji quickly retreated, not wanting to invade
  14. As Oji finished his drink, a gentlemen, the actual owner of the estate and the mastermind behind this enjoyable tournament, came and spoke a few words, some right out of his own mouth. He kindly asked the lady to leave for her actions, and Oji understood, as did she. Actions have consequences. And the man offered her to come back another day to right her wrongs, and the was happy with that, and so was he. He accepted the young ladies friend request she had sent, and he stood to his feet. "I'll make sure she gets safely, thank you for your kind words." He spoke with a polite bow, then stood and
  15. Oji heard the three players in front of him plan out, both agreeing that he was useless, and he held up his two hands. "None taken." He spoke to the green-clad gentleman. They told him to turn the giant boat around, and he nodded in agreeance. Then what came after the conversation was some of the most intense yet precise fighting he had seen yet in this game. These people were definitely frontliners, that much he could tell. They knew exactly where to hit, how to combo their sword arts and to hit them in vital points that would not kill, only stun or knock unconscious. "Woah..." Was all h
  16. Oji smiled as Koga's stomach growled in anticipation. That made him feel really nice, he knew his cooking wasn't the best but he enjoyed to do it when he had the chance. He sat down and the young man enjoyed the sake and the sashimi across from him. He smiled and gave a small nod. "I enjoy it from time to time, but it's just a hobby for me, like fishing." He chuckled. "I've never put stats into any of them so its not as good as it could be." He looked over to the pot, and guessed that it was about done. He stood with a groan and went over to the pot, opening it and steam pouring out, the
  17. Ayyo, since we all got on the topic on the Discord, I decided to make a thing here like a "Time Capsule" for people to look back on. So here's mine to start it off and break the ice Username: Oji Original Username: Hikoru Time since joined Site: 8 Years Photo from when you joined site: Photo from now:
  18. Oji's head perked up as he looked to see Koga emerge a bit of a ways from where he had entered, and he gave a polite wave. "Glad you made it, with whatever you brought it shouldn't take long." He said with a smile. The Sashimi was well prepared and he had just replaced the top on the pot once more. Koga pulled out two pieces of what looked to be boar and held them high, looking not unlike a pair of scales, as all things should be. "Those look to be perfect, give them here." He said, and took them from the young man. "These should be perfect!" he said with a smile, cutting them up into sli
  19. Oji pulled out an old cutting board he had acquired a few months back, and went to work creating a side dish for both Koga and himself. Soup was great, but a nice side dish always held it together well, along with a bit of Sake, which he had in good supply. He skinned the salmon and watched the scales pixelate to nothing but code, and soon chopped up and de-boned it as well. After a few more moments, he eventually made a good batch of Sashimi, which he was quite proud of. He placed the sashimi in a small bowl and set it down next to the soup, going over and testing to make sure it was ready fo
  20. Oji laid on his back for a few moments, a bit dazed from the sudden impact of the ship. All he could hear out of his vision was the clatter of swords, shields and the grunts of people being taken down. No pixilation sounds could be heard as far as he had noticed. Eventually, he regained the ability to breathe, and he looked up to see a hand outstretched towards him. It was the gentlemen from earlier that was dragged along for this adventure. He took it and clattered onto his feet, fixing his hat back atop his head correctly. "Don't mention it. It was either fly the ship or crash and die,
  21. Oji sat aside the river, his feet only a few inches from touching the water as he reeled his line in and out of the waves. So far, he hadn't been lucky in catching any of the desired fish, but he was enjoying the quiet time. It gave him time to think about important things. Like what he was going to have for dinner, what would he make in his shop when he get home. And when he would possibly be useful for those fighting on the frontlines. Sure, his shop made nice trinkets that some players could come and get for combat, but other than that he was fairly useless. He wanted to be able to help whe
  22. Oji watched the demeaner of the young lady change quite drastically. It was a slow burn as the emotions emerged and withdrew with her words like the crashing waves before them, but he knew that the words were sinking in. He let her think in silence for a moment, looking back and enjoying the view of the setting sun. After time passed, she spoke. And she spoke from her heart, and her words held meaning, not the same monotone that she had spoken earlier. These were words that breathed life into a broken spirit. He held a small smile, and nodded. The girl then took the sake bottle, and held
  23. As Oji finished his pour, he offered the sake out, and was a tad shocked when it was ripped from his hands and the young girl took a swig. He decided it was best not to question this. She seemed like she needed it. She handed it back and placed it in the sand between them, within arms reach of either of them. He started to drink from his saucer as the broken girl poured out her heart to him. He told her things he was sure she had never even told anyone here within this game except those she trusted, and he knew he was right because of how deeply troubling it made him feel for her. This was a b
  24. Oji was a bit taken aback at what the young lady spoke in such a broken tone. She asked if he would be the one to kill him, and he looked down. Well, he wasn't carrying any kind of weapon so he had no clue where she had received such an implication. But as the two of them talked he realized that this girl was broken, obviously she blamed herself for something, and he had no clue what that thing was. He knew that he needed to take her a bit away. He gently leaned down, and lent a hand. "Come, I'm not going to kill you, but I'll gladly listen to your story." He spoke with a warm smile on his fac
  25. Oji emerged from the bathroom after what felt like an eternity. Even though the alcohol in this game didn't give the same effect as the real world, it still affected the body the same way. He was well washed and made sure the room was as clean if not cleaner than when he had gone in. As he emerged, he had seen a bit of drama had gone down, people running past him, but he just simply moved out of the way. He saw Koga go past, and he shot him a wave, but a look in his eyes told him that something was not all that well, and he chose to just leave it at that. He started to slowly make his way
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