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Everything posted by Nari-Lanreth

  1. Hirru had settled, truly moreso now that he had relaxed enough to focus on relaxing, and Nari nodded along as he explained the necessity to wait. It came as a surprise to her that the most obvious answer had avoided her - there would be a reset time, but she'd never considered how long it would take for the creature to return. Before she could really focus on the fact that they would be limited for a bit, however, Hirru had continued the conversation into a new direction. "A dungeon later would be nice. If for no reason other than to...well, to have something to do, if that makes sense?"
  2. No sooner had the giant's form begun to move towards Nari, than it simple shattered into the blue shards that signified it's demise. Confusion sweeping across her for a few seconds, Nari slowly realised that her own skills had brought about the demise of the giant knight. She shook her head, slowly letting her guard down once she was sure that it was gone. Her eyes peered around the hall, taking in the entire environment with a surprised feeling due to the ease with which she'd dealt the final blow to the guardian. "That seemed far too easy..." She mused aloud even as she settled onto th
  3. The greatsword had slammed down beside her as Nari's strike slipped through the minimal cracks in the plate armour that her opponent wore. She could feel the air brush by as the blade had come downwards, wincing slightly as she expected the impact to tear into her - surprising her when it had in fact landed into the ground just to her right, barely a few centimetres from her arm. She'd been quick to disengage, moving backwards and settling into her defensive position before the sword could leave the ground once more, sidestepping even as the giant knight had begun to turn his sight to her agai
  4. Even through it's anger and aggression, the giant knight seemed to realise that it was doing nothing more than tiring itself out, and Nari watched as it growled with rage at it's inability to catch her more nimble form. She was far from the faster, most mobile player that she had ever seen - her dance slower, less dexterious than that of NIGHT's, Jomei's, or any of the other lightly armoured and fleeting players' that she had come across in her time in Aincrad. It was, however, fast enough to stay beyond the reach of the greatsword that was slow, cumbersome and unwieldy even in the large knigh
  5. The spear's tip had barely pierced through the armour of the giant figure, but barely had been enough. The statue figure seemed to quiver on the air before Nari, and she quickly disengaged herself, backing up to give space and coming to the left side of the giant's form. Her eyes watched it warily, noting the signs of the stun effect wearing off on it's body as it slowly came back into motion. Almost all at once it leapt forwards, the initial movement of it's strike coming to fruitition as it completed a motion that had been halted halfway through it's momentum. She was content to stand
  6. Nari's head pulled backwards as the greatsword came high and heavy towards her face, forcing her to bend in an awkward manner and allow the weapon to pass by without touching her. She could feel the air from the blade whisping past, causing a ruffling in her hair even as she ducked beneath it. Her own spear had dropped due to her movement, and as the two passed one another, Nari couldn't help but sigh a soft breath of relief. Neither had landed a strike, but neither had been injured - something that she could hold out comfort in knowing. "Could be worse...at least I'm alive, and well."
  7. The large gates gave way to a central chamber, and area that appeared somehow both impressive and massive, and yet less imposing than the gates themselves. Large columns lined the sides, piles of treasure and valuables lined between them in a strewd manner. Nari's eyes barely glanced over the areas, uninterested in the immaterial pieces that were of no consequence to her current goals. Her eyes shifted to the centre of the room, where the large throne sat, filled with an armoured figure that towered above the size of the knights that had stood outside, the greatsword in it's hands drawn and re
  8. Even as her speartip touched flesh, Nari knew that her attack had been successful in it's moment of surprise. The guard reared back, pulling his shield in, in what could only be an attempt to block the close-ranged assault against his form. It was far too late, however, and Nari passed by and around even as the guard froze in place, the weapon pulled up to retaliate and the shield hovering before it, both effectively immobile so long as the stunned effect held place. There was a single tinge of pity in Nari's chest as she stepped back into the guard's range, lashing out with her spear and thru
  9. Her approach went unnoticed, or ignored, for longer than Nari would've considered probable. She was only a few dozen steps away when the guard finally seemed to shift with life, stepping to the side slightly in order to be directly in front of her, before calling out his command. She could see the two others behind it shift slightly, as if waking from some deep sleep that had overcome them, letting them rest until such time as their need for liveliness arrived once more. "Halt! You may not pass this area without permission, and you have not the permission required to enter!" Nari wondere
  10. The Iron Gates were similar to what had been described to Nari, and she found herself almost awed by them. Large, standing well above her height and towering immensely in the otherwise low sitting tunnel, they seemed to emanate a presence of imposing nature to everything around them, as if they not only stood above all things physically. At the fore of the gates, standing before any who would dare to attempt to pass through them, was a collection of heavily armoured individuals that were clearly designed to be the guards of the gate. She'd come to a stop a distance from them, just far enough
  11. The tunnels seemed to flow, never-ending, towards a singular point. A point which she knew she was heading directly towards, and yet somehow felt as if she were making no progress towards it at all. The tapping from Mio's footsteps seemed to echo nearly as loudly as Nari's own harsh footfalls, and she was reminded again how discomforting the area was for the both of them. Cooler than the surface, without question, and yet still overpoweringly warm considering the coverings the two of them wore. "Our next trip will be somewhere nicer. Cooler. I promise." Her voice was soft, and yet still
  12. She'd caught the sight of the single tear rolling down Oji's face before she had turned away. It had torn at her in a way that she wasn't yet ready to admit to, nor face, and she found herself wanting to do nothing more than simply get away while she still could. She knew the man must be lonely - she could only imagine how she'd feel living in this world with no one else around, left to one's own muses throughout the never ending days that seemed to both flow into one another, and yet never carry onwards. "I'll come back, soon. For another tea, and to make sure that you're..." She didn't
  13. Side note: I really like the Red Striker's Robes, nice imagery!
  14. She'd almost taken a step away after the directions had been given, stopping only as the woman continued speaking. Nari's head ducked slightly, a small tinge of colour coming to her cheeks as the other individual reminded Nari of the event. She had, in fact, drawn the woman in and made a presumption - something that she had forgotten about for the time, and had hoped everyone else would've forgotten. Wishful thinking it would seem... "Ah...about that...it...it was a joke, mostly? I think. I mean, you're beautiful and all, but..." She bit her tongue, hard, suddenly as she realised what she
  15. She'd heard that someone was searching for something she wanted. Casually, she'd reached out, requested, asked, thanked. Nari couldn't help but shake her head as she made her way to the meeting point. "Here you go...you seemed rather, well, excited...for these." Providing The Below to @NIGHT Braso Crystal-A | Removes one enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with Absolute Accuracy. (This effect cannot override the Absolute Accuracy enhancement cap. Consumed on use.) Braso Crystal-B | Removes one enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with Phase. (This effect cannot o
  16. She'd definitely take a wrong turn somewhere. There was no doubt in her mind, as she stared at the waterfall, that this was not the village she'd been looking for. The heavy sigh that had escaped her lips, alongside the slumped shoulders, would only further signify Nari's frustration in the moment. You're lost, and you have no one to ask for directions. Brilliant. As if in response to her whining, or perhaps directly due to the whining, Nari's eyes spotted movement around the corner of the pathway. She felt herself tense, and her hand twitched in the air, bringing up her menu as she waite
  17. She'd started to rise from her chair at Oji's final words, before pausing midway and biting her lip. She glanced at the older gentleman, suddenly realising that he hadn't so much dismissed her, as offered her the chance of leaving. Her eyes hesitated on the man for a few moments, wondering if she were being rude with her considerations, but also knowing that Onora had been waiting for her for...well, some time now. "I want to thank you for taking the time to sit and listen to me, Oji. It's...well, it's nice to see you again, and to spend time together. I feel rude for doing this, but Onor
  18. Nari-Lanreth Receives: Braso Crystal-A | Removes one enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with Absolute Accuracy. (This effect cannot override the Absolute Accuracy enhancement cap. Consumed on use.) Braso Crystal-B | Removes one enhancement on a weapon and replaces it with Phase. (This effect cannot override the Phase enhancement cap. Consumed on use.)
  19. Nari nodded as Hirru tried to comfort her, to assure her that she'd managed better than she was giving herself credit for in the moment. She smiled in response, pretending to accept the compliments and the general air of his words, but internally she was still cursing herself. She knew she could've done better, knew that she could've ended this soon - if only she'd been more capable. More ready, stronger. A number of different things that could've made her...more. That sort of thought process will only make things harder. Hirru's right, and you're being too hard on yourself. The two of yo
  20. SOTAROU | Approved. Total EXP: 1,491 Total SP: 15 Current Level: 3 Notes: n/a.
  21. Nari had paused in her movements, turning a grin as NIGHT had moved to engage with Lilith. She had no doubts that her companion would end the fight, a quick slash like the younger girl always did in these moments. She watched as NIGHT lashed out, her blade making a quick motion that would tear the form of Lilith in half - if it had connected. Her smile shifted to a small frown as she registered the girl's missed strike, the movement of Lilith out of range and back towards Nari's own position. Belatedly, she made her own move to strike, but Lilith had already moved on by the time Nari had
  22. The large tree was engulfed in flames, and Nari couldn't help but to stand back for a second as she eyed up her target. There was no doubt that the fight was almost over - in fact, she could likely stand back and watch the poor thing burn to death, given enough time. Somehow, however, that just felt wrong to her; as if it was something that should never be done, computer program or not. "One more hit it is..." She stepped up and slashed outwards at the tree, bringing her blade down to bare on it as she attempted to bring the fight to a finality. A single second elapsed before the tree sha
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