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Everything posted by Nari-Lanreth

  1. As the final opponent burst into shards, Nari found herself pondering the group. The trio of damage dealers were working well together. Aside from Mina taking a collection of strikes that could, in hindsight, have been avoided if Nari had been involved in her role more appropriately. She was still chiding herself for the lack of protection that she had offered, when her ears suddenly perked up at the commentary from Mina. Smiling to herself, knowing that the woman would likely hate the comments, she raised her spear slightly, as if saluting. "Congrats to the Pink Knight for their victory
  2. Nari cocked her head as she considered her answer to her companion's most recent question. She'd tried this quest numerous times before without success, but that hadn't stopped her from continuing to return, time and again. She doubted any answer she gave would be absolutely perfect - not that it mattered, in the end - but she still felt like a snap response wouldn't be giving enough credit to the questioner in this regard. After a few seconds, with a soft shrug, she gave a simple but truthful response. "I guess...it's because I can't sit idle, and don't wnat to do just nothing. There needs to
  3. She'd opened her mouth to respond almost immediately to his jesting question, before stopping herself. It wasn't that she had any hesitations with sharing the information, but she'd also come to realise that sometimes taking time to consider the response was worthwhile. She closed her mouth and nodded slowly, giving her mind a moment to think before she actually gave her response aloud. "Actually, yes...a woman that I met in here, a while ago. You could say we've been friends for a while, although maybe not as close as we are now...it's definitely something that simply, developed over time. If
  4. No sooner had the others smashed the large guardian, than Nari found herself dodging around it uselessly - her own strikes going wide as the thing seemed to anticipate and avoid her attempts at striking it. She only gave it a few seconds of her time, before stepping back and sighing heavily. She'd come to what was clearly a fight that she simply couldn't keep up with - and trying to maintain her own presence in it was becoming more tedious than useful. Instead, she focused on her teammates - making sure none of them were overly injured, and considering a retort to the pink-haired woman's state
  5. Nari lowered the shield as the blast dissipated around her, the dust slowly settling to reveal that she was, for all intents and purposes, still alive. She felt her own shock and awe at how little the attack had actually done - a testament to her shield and armour, or a sign that Wushen's attacks really weren't as dangerous as they appeared to be? - but found herself drawn out of her lull as Jomei charged forwards once more. Not to be outdone, Nari shifted her spear back into position, considering her options quickly even as she called out to the others in the hopes of finding something
  6. Onora seemed to hum at Nari's words, as if agreeing to them without saying a thing. At least, that was how Nari interpreted the response. She knew Onora well enough to have figured out that the woman would argue, or say something in response, if there was any disagreement with the commentary. And once again I'm reminded of how well we know each other, just from our time spent together. She was certain that they were only going to continue the conversation, even if they had reached agreement, and was thoroughly surprised when Onora suddenly changed the topic entirely. "You know, this water
  7. Even as Nari had struggled forwards, following the others in a way that was far from befitting of her status as the party's tank, she couldn't help but keep up with the conversation and flow of everything. Although she wasn't being useful in her protective role, she could at least keep an eye on the battle. It was this eye, that allowed her to see where she would be most needed as the final boss of the dungeon appeared, slamming it's weapon into Mina and causing a severe dip in the girl's health bar. Before anyone else could react, Nari had already called forth the healing crystal in orde
  8. She wasn't surprised by Oji's reactions - the way he seemed taken aback as Nari appeared to find the true depressive state he was, admittedly, hiding relatively well. She'd only managed to notice it due to her own history, her own behaviours and actions. Experience is a kindred spirit, it gives us insight, understanding...and horrors beyond belief. Still, she wasn't surprised at all when the man went on to speak about the loneliness to be found in the game - the way in which socialisation was difficult, and how speaking to computer programs was, in many ways, easier. "I understand that se
  9. The doors had opened, and revealed the challenge that laid ahead of them. Nari would be lying if she said she didn't feel her nerves on edge; the way in which her pulse had suddenly dropped a sign that her mind and her virtual body were reacting to the threat that they now faced. As it always did, she felt that calmness come over her whenever she entered a fight - the fear not gone, but somehow ignored, as if it weren't important in the moment. She felt herself pause at the entryway, her mind wrestling with the realisation that she was finally here, her first actual conflict on the frontlines
  10. Morningstar had led the group along a winding, tiring path through the hillsides and into what felt like the murkiest of swamps in Nari's mind. Although she was used to her time as a tank, she found her heavier armour weighing on her, dragging her down as she tried to keep pace with the others - an effect not helped by the way that the swamp-like land pulled at her feet. She kept silent, pushing forwards in order to keep up with the others as she trudged along behind them. She'd barely caught up as the others had dispatched what had clearly been the forward guards of the temple they had
  11. Before Nari had any actual role to complete, the creature was nothing more than shards spreading on the air. She relaxed her stance, letting the spear lean back against her shoulder as she glanced around the field a bit. Mina's question drew her gaze, and she gave the pink-haired girl a quick smile, before trying to figure out their next move. Somehow, the death of the creature had felt almost underwhelming to Nari, and she found herself a little disappointed that there was still hours to go in the day. "Does anyone have any major plans for the day, or do we feel like perhaps doing somet
  12. She tried to think of anything else to say, words of comfort, or expression, but nothing came to mind. Instead, she ended up falling silent, letting her hand grasp Onora's and her mind blank as she simply accepted what had transpired. She wasn't entirely sure whether to believe it - a part of her kept wondering if there was some sort of joke to be had here, or if she were actually asleep and dreaming up the entire thing. Somehow, although she knew it to be real, her mind simply would not accept anything happening, as if it somehow believed she wasn't allowed to be happy. It's not like anything
  13. The trio that had arrived behind her seemed intent and interested in the quest offered by the elderly man. Before Nari knew what was happening she was, unknowingly to herself at first, roped into the quest itself. As the final member arrived - getting a small nod of delayed familiarity from the redhead - Nari decided to take charge. Stepping off in front of the group in the last direction the elderly man had pointed in, Nari glanced back at the others. "Alright...well, let's do this, if we're going to do it. Preferably before the sun sets, as...well, I think we all have stuff to do, righ
  14. Nari sighed softly, before breaking out into a laugh. Thankfully, Onora was quick to join in, not giving Nari any weird looks or questioning glances. Their laughter seemed to echo around the area, the waterfall in the distance doing nothing to overpower their noise. After a few moments, Nari found herself under control enough to continue speaking, the tears in her eyes blurring her vision only ever so slightly - although she couldn't say whether that was from the laughter, or something else. "That was...that was definitely hard. Emotions are hard. Why are emotions so hard?" She felt herse
  15. "Yes." A single word that was out before Nari had even considered it's meaning, or the impact it could have on their entire relationship. She'd assumed the question, left unspoken, and had immediately answered as soon as the silence had fallen. In contrast to her expectations, Onora had appeared surprised in reaction, her eyes jumping up to look at Nari and her expression shifting to one of shock. "That's...assuming I understood the question correctly." Nari finally broke her gaze, looking away from Onora as she felt her own face flush. She'd never been this confident before, when it cam
  16. Although the quiet stretched, Nari found that it wasn't uncomfortable. She wasn't sure how to label it, but it almost felt calming - as if there was no need to communicate anything. Maybe that's the case. We do know each other really well. Maybe not perfectly, but well enough that there's been times when we just know what the other needs or wants. She thought back to the many times she'd interpreted Onora's needs without the woman even needing to say a word, and the ways in which Onora always seemed to know what Nari needed. Maybe...maybe there is something to that. "Hey, I...have a quest
  17. Requesting Paragon Reward Paragon Level 50 - (1) Gleaming Scale, (1) Demonic Shard, x3 Paragon Tier Up Tickets**
  18. Nari gave a small nod to the girl's final statement, knowing that there was nothing else to say. The two had already begun moving back towards the safety of the settlement, and Nari felt that they'd completed the task that they had come out to face. She walked silently, for a while, as she let her mind wander over the events of the night. Growth. That's what it's all about...growing in a way that you become more than you once were. It's not about the enemies you put down, or how quickly you do it. Or don't do it. It's about what you walk away with...and that you do walk away from it. It doesn'
  19. The collection of individuals was growing larger and larger as other members of the frontlines began to appear. Nari nodded at a few - happy to see some familiar faces, even if she'd only just met a few of them. She'd taken her shot at trying to figure out the puzzle, but had stepped back as NIGHT and others began their own attempts. She had watched, curious to see how those with more experience handled the puzzle and it's intricate patterns, as the others stepped forward and followed her approach to a degree. The rumbling that followed Hirru's words, left Nari feeling a slight bump in h
  20. Mornings had always been a struggle for Nari. She'd hated the idea of leaving her bed, and facing the challenges that the day had to offer; better to remain in the comfort and warmth and let the problems be faced the following day. Aincrad had changed that for it, in the sense that it had forced her to get up early. Forced her to need to face the problems of tomorrow, today. Forced her to stumble from the warmth of her bed, into a cold shower and then into a routine of eating something and making her way into the wilds beyond. At first, she had hated it, but the longer she had taken up the pra
  21. Instead of pressing the conversation at hand, Onora instead turned to the food that had been brought. Nari glanced over the assortment of breads, meats and cheeses - paired along with some sauces that she didn't recognise. She waited, patiently, as the blonde set the pieces out in an almost orderly fashion, arrangement them in a mannerism that reminded Nari of the individuals who spent more time on the presentation than actual consumption of their food. It's an art of it's own, even if I don't necessarily get it. There's nothing that says I need to understand, only appreciate and be patient. T
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