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Everything posted by Nari-Lanreth

  1. Nari held her hand out to accept the tea from the man who had arrived to offer it, giving a small nod in thanks towards him – albeit attempting to remain hidden and out of sight from the others. As she did so, she saw the blonde-haired girl from the Christmas party offer a small greeting, with a smile, and Nari felt herself flush in her cheeks. She gave a slight smile in response, bowing her head slightly towards the girl. She whispered slightly, unsure if the girl – Nari had never actually gotten her name – would hear her or not. “Uhm…hello…” She let her eyes wander over the group t
  2. Nari felt her hand twitching every time someone mentioned hit me. For some reason the idea of a game requiring such a term for its fundamental rules wasn’t sticking in her mind, and she had to forcibly restrain herself – knowing that the action would only cause problems. She watched as the players continued to call upon their cards, trying their hardest to gain a combination that somehow led to a calculation of…twenty-one? The whole game wasn’t making sense to her, and at one point she leaned over to Astreya and whispered into the girl’s ear, “Uhm…are you winning or…losing…? I-I can’t...
  3. Nari tilted her head, glancing between the Gardener and the…’Is she supposed to be a cat, or a tiger? It’s certainly an aesthetic of some sort…’ Shrugging mentally, Nari spoke aloud to the girl in the cat ears. “I believe the Gardener and Ir-Astreya are confused, and intrigued by the accessories you’ve determined to apparel yourself with. It’s certainly eye catching, if that is what you were going for. Although, I would also say it states a lot about your own personality – not in a…negative way, but…well…you know. It…it makes you stand out…” Nari’s words dropped off towards the end a
  4. Nari nodded at Bismuth, his words giving her a hope she hadn’t even known she was holding out for – and a path to follow, at the very least. She let her voice pick up a bit in volume – just to a normal talking voice – as she answered him, the honesty coming out in entirety. “I may not have liked you in the beginning – I mean…you were very…uhm…forward. But…you’re a good person. A good…acquittance. Or friend – if you’d prefer that…Or acquittance is fine…whichever!” Nari smiled at him, but only for the briefest of moments as she heard NIGHT’s words, offering to walk them back and… Nari
  5. “A…gift?” Nari wasn’t sure what sort of person would enjoy a swine as a present – unless maybe he was planning on turning it into bacon or something first, but she knew that her question had somehow upset the man – and she wasn’t willing to push further on the topic. Deciding to put it to the side for the moment, she collected herself and turned away from the fields they had spent the last little while exploring. Nari skipped after Bismuth, trying to catch the man as he wandered back towards the Town. She had some questions she wanted to ask him, but as she came up beside him, she noticed
  6. Although she didn’t find anything immediately, Nari knew she wasn’t quite ready to enter the area marked on her map. Her mind wasn’t quite there yet – having been thinking back upon the people she had come to know here. Taking some extra time to search the area, just in case anything did appear, she began to think back to her first encounter with the girl known as NIGHT. It had been…less than perfect, in Nari’s mind – and had been something that brought her to a mind-numbing weakness whenever she did think back on it. Even as she thought back upon it, she could feel her cheeks heating up,
  7. Glancing at the pin, Nari noticed that the location – this Koko – wasn’t too far beyond the main settlement. Deciding that there was no immediate rush - or so she seriously hoped - in reaching the location, Nari took some time to examine the pathways along the way for anything of use to her, watching for the shiny metallic bars that sometimes appeared along the edges of the paths she walked. She chatted with Yuki as she made her way along the open areas, reminiscing about the last times that she had visited the second floor, and the numerous ways in which Nari herself had grown and change
  8. "R-really? Thank you! Thank you so much, you have no idea how grateful I am," she will say with a wide and relieved smile. "Your e-efforts won't go to waste, I swear! I'll have something for you when you get back, I-I promise!" The moment the woman’s voice stopped, a small dialogue box appeared beside Nari’s form, and she quickly hit the accept button – noticing a map pin appearing in her vision. The woman continued to smile-sob at Nari, who, realising the conversation was now over beat a hasty retreat. The moment she was a distance away, out of sight of the disaster that had been the wom
  9. Nari raised a hand in an attempt to stop the flow of words coming from the emotional woman, but before she could usher a word the NPC had continued, spilling the story of horror and sadness. Nari couldn’t help but take a step back, the absurdity and intensity of the situation taking over any composure she might have been able to maintain. "Her friend came back to me just this moment a-and said that they were attacked by monsters! T-the beast is still in there with her, please, I don't know how long my Koko can last in a place like that!" The woman stopped talking only due to what Nari wa
  10. Nari found herself returning to the second floor once again, determined to make a day of searching for materials for her shop. On her shoulder, Yuki gave a stretch of satisfaction – as if waking from a long nap. Nari raised her hand to stroke the fox in a reassuring manner, when she suddenly noticed a woman rushing through the crowd towards Nari’s current position. Even to Nari’s socially inadequate capabilities, the woman looked distressed – as if something was chasing her, or something had happened. Hoping that the woman would pass her by, Nari stepped off the teleport platform and onto
  11. House Name: The Fox's Retreat Location: Floor 27; Ronbaru Description: A larger estate lighting up the western edges of Ronbaru, the building offers a small pathway leading to the Blacksmith Shop's main entrance - accessible to the general public through a gated entrance way. The estate proper, visible beyond tall metal fences, glows softly against the dark backdrop of Ronbaru's permanent darkness. Although plant life can be see in the gardens outside, the estate itself is a tone of blues, violets and dark greens against a grey brick styled building. Plot Size: Estate Room(
  12. Purchasing the below items 3x Teleport Crystal | [2400col]
  13. Nari jumped at the sound of NIGHT’s voice behind her – she hadn’t even noticed the girl’s approach. Jumping to her feet, she glanced around – suddenly noticing Koga’s return with what appeared to be a tiny pig-like creature. Cocking her head to the left, she glanced at the man – whom seemed quite pleased with his newfound friend. “Do…do you want us to kill it for you…?” Nari asked, trying hard to avoid looking at NIGHT as she spoke – but her eyes kept shifting to the side, trying to catch the girl in the corner of her sight. “Also-uhm, I’ve found everything we need. I think. Do we just…go
  14. Nari wandered into her workshop, letting her hands run over the workbench and anvil. She had grown accustom to settling in here, enjoying the work more and more. And she felt that her work was starting to pay off – her eyes glanced back towards the shop where a small collection of goods was starting to make its way into her displays. Her time here may not always be perfect, but she knew she could find solace in the forge with Yuki, if nothing else. Giving a sigh of content, she picked up the hammer and began her work for the day.
  15. Smashing her hands into the ground Nari gave out a cry of frustration. It seemed as though Cardinal – the gods – whomever – were trying to keep her in this place of torment. Clearly, they didn’t want her breaking free of this place, wanting her to relive the events for the remainder of her life, however long that would be. She began furiously crawling through the grasses in search for the shiny metallic bars that would signify the end of this quest, and bring forth her freedom from…everything. As she did so, an image appeared in the forefront of her mind’s eye – summoned forth by the cra
  16. Nari felt her mind reeling as she realised just how close she’d been to sharing something intimate with this man whom she didn’t know beyond the last…how long had it been? She scorned herself for even considering sharing something so private with him – something that she wouldn’t have even shared with her own family members. Clearly this whole encounter had done something to her mentality. ‘Stupid! So stupid, you need to focus on finding this shit and getting out of here before you do something really stupid, like propose or offer yourself as tribute or something else insane.’ The voice
  17. Nari kept her gaze down as her hands continued to run paths through the grass and into the many crevasses along the outer wall. She wasn’t truly paying attention to anything at all – her mind having drifted back to the real world, while her hands continued to run through the motions of searching. She saw images in her mind pass by, some more lucid than others. A slight pull at her heart brought another tear to her eye as she remembered… “I miss the open fields and lakes near my home…just going and…watching the waves, while the wind played through my hair. The feeling of the cool breeze ru
  18. Nari paused in her searching as Bismuth’s question reached her ears. It was considered unkind to ask about the real world, but it hadn’t stopped him from blurting out the question. Nari’s hands returned to her task as she thought about her response, eventually responding in a quiet, careful voice. “It was…nothing exciting. I went to work, came home…played some roleplaying games…just, typical stuff. I guess.” Nari heard the waver in her voice at the topic, and quickly looked to change the conversation. “So…uhm…what about you? Do you miss the real world?” She bit her lip as soon as
  19. Thread Summary Nari-Lanreth | 2, 308 [Thread Progression] | 400 col | 22 materials | Forager EXP: Level 2 [145/149]
  20. Nari felt the scream echoing in her ears as she continued to slash at the dragon, hovering in the air before her. She could hear herself screaming words of hatred towards the dragon before her, and it took the soft nipping of Yuki to draw Nari out of her frenzied rage. She glanced about, clearing her vision and realising that the dragon was gone – the humanoid of Nemo laying on the ground, his expression one of tiredness as he spoke to her. "..You can come back, if you want." Nari felt the rage growing inside her as the words reached her ears, suddenly recognising that he was passing off
  21. Nari felt herself begin to growl as she managed to land yet another strike against the dragon, this time managing to dodge its own return strike entirely. She spun on her heels, turning to face the creature as it again swung past and around, landing a few paces away. She could hear the anger in its breathing as it huffed, the wounds clearly taking a toll against the creature. She knew that the fight was coming to its closure – whether that would happen with the next strike or not, she wasn’t certain of though. She glared at the dragon, the growl growing louder in her throat – and suddenly
  22. Nari felt herself scream as she swung her blade up, catching the dragon on the side of its thigh, as the other leg attempt to grab onto her – the claws raking across her body but not managing to maintain a grip. She felt herself spin from the momentum as the dragon’s flight took it beyond her current position, forcing her to face it once more. Smiling to herself, she pulled back into her stance – the sword levelled against the top of the shield in preparation. She felt her mouth open and the words spill out before she could even consider the fact that she had wanted to shout them. “
  23. She was ready this time as the dragon rushed towards her, the claws raking forward in another attempt to slam into her. At the last second, Nari spun on her heels, twisting around the side and out of reach of the dragon – but also managing to miss the connection with her own backswing as she did so. Unphased – sometimes things just didn’t work out – she returned herself to a ready position, tracking the beast as it moved through the sky, before landing several paces away. “Is that the best you’ve got? If so, this is going to end very quickly, and not in your favour. I’m coming for you.” H
  24. Nari’s form hesitated as she stared up at the large dragon descending on her – too late, she remembered to strike out with her blade, attempting to slash across the dragon’s feet as it lowered itself for an attack. She felt the blade slide across the hard scales, catching on a toe nail before bouncing off harmlessly. She felt herself brace against the attack she knew was coming, bringing her shield up in a play to put it between herself and the claws that were descending towards her. She felt the impact as the dragon lashed out against her – tossing her backwards into the dirt, the impact
  25. Nari watched in horror as the man before her began to morph and change, his shape shifting away from the humanoid male whom had stood before her just a moment ago. As the light faded away, Nari took in Nemo’s true form – seeing the creature before her glimmering against the sunlight above. She felt her throat catch – not in fear, but in awe of the thing before her. Green scales covered an immense body, the wings unfurling along what would likely be its arms. Nari almost failed to notice the sudden change in health and details that appeared above the head of what she had just known as Nemo.
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