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Everything posted by Nari-Lanreth

  1. Storing away the materials she had gathered, Nari dusted herself off – patting her hands against her body to wipe away the dirt and grime that she had managed to collect in her slow search throughout the garden. She felt the smile spread across her face as she realised just how successful she’d been – she would certainly have to return here with the Gardener one day, once she was able to find him again. Turning, she made her way back towards the teleporter pad, glancing about as she went just in case anything else stood out to her. The closer she got, the greater the view of Nemo’s face s
  2. Turning her face to the sky – basking in the artificial light that sprawled down upon her face, Nari couldn’t help but beam. Her trip was turning out to be a large success, far greater than she had ever expected – and she was almost content with what she had found so far. Laying her head against Yuki’s small frame on her shoulders, she decided that she would give one final push for anything that could be found, before thanking Nemo and making her way back towards civilisation once more. At the thought of the NPC, Nari’s gaze shifted across the garden, back to where the man stood near the
  3. This time she found three of the bars buried just beneath the roots of a tall plant that reminded her of an overgrown lily – the petals a soft blue against the otherwise green backdrop. Nari had to admit that the colour was a nice contrast, and truly eye catching. Tempted to pick the flower to retain for later, she reminded herself that likely Nemo would find that truly offensive, and decided against the action – instead focusing on it for a few moments longer to ensure that it was trapped within her memory. Not yet content with her finds, Nari pushed onwards, trying to mimic the movement
  4. As she found yet another collection of items, her grin split the entirety of her face – beaming with joy at the success she was now having. She felt as though that high from her first time out searching with Yuki was returning – that feeling of unsuppressed elation at having so much luck. She knew that she shouldn’t let it consume her – that it would hurt much more when she did eventually fail to find something, yet she couldn’t quite push the feeling away entirely. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nemo standing off in the distance, his appearance getting more and more angry as she c
  5. Her unconscious searched turn up more of the shiny bars, her collection quickly growing now that she was starting to have some success – it seemed like this trip wouldn’t be a waste after all, at least not entirely. She wondered just how long she could stay here, looking for the materials that were clearly more well hidden than she had originally expected. Glancing about, she took note of the positions of the nearest mobs of creatures, adjusting her own path to stay well away from them. Making sure to stay on the path itself, Nari continued her slow search along the edges, her eyes consta
  6. Nari felt herself beaming at her recent find – she went from absolutely nothing, to well, everything almost all at once. She knew that the foraging skills were helping her beyond anything, but still – it felt great to actually have success. Out of the corner of her eye, however, she could see the growing annoyance of Nemo. His face was slowly becoming darker by the minute as she continued her search, and Nari started to wonder if she was doing something…wrong. ‘I…he brought me here, isn’t this why we’re here…?’ She began playing over everything that had occurred on their trip here. She ha
  7. ‘Ha! Found one!’ Nari picked up the shining material, bringing it up to her face to inspect closer. She felt herself smile, it was a small success, but a success nonetheless. Turning to face back towards the pad she had arrived on, she showed the material to Nemo, calling out to him. “Take a look at what I found! It’s…” The words died in her throat as his face turned slightly darker, clearly not sharing her enthusiasm for the materials she had found. She wasn’t sure what to make of the sudden shift in pleasantness on his face, but she knew that something had clearly upset the man. ‘Maybe
  8. She found nothing beneath the plants, which wasn’t too surprising – she hadn’t actually expected it to be that easy, seeing as it had refused to behave for her thus far. Giving a few choice curses towards the Cardinal system itself, Nari collected herself, deciding that there would only be one way to solve this issue. Closing her eyes, she spun on her heels, snapping them open again as she came to a stop, and walking in the direction she faced for sixteen paces. When she reached the point, she turned suddenly, walking to the left for another six paces, before beginning her search once more, ho
  9. She felt the frustration rising within her as her search once again turned up nothing of consequence. Although the areas themselves were truly breathtaking, she was starting to wonder if the rumours about the materials to be found here were just that – rumours, with no truth behind them, no actual worth. She felt herself cursing the words that had sent her upon this path, rushing forwards without any hesitation or insight into their value, their validity. She had been foolish to just rush off. ‘Next time, I’ll scout the situation out better. I promise. I won’t just rush off anymore withou
  10. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t break the fascination that was overpowering her. She wondered if this is how the Gardener had viewed the plants within his own garden, with such wonder and amazement at everything that was to be found – he certainly had been focused on them with what Nari had almost viewed as a reverence towards the plants. She made a mental note to ask him about it the next time they met, should they ever meet again. Shaking herself, she turned back and realised that she had strayed from the path every so slightly, towards one of the groups of wolflike creatures
  11. Her eyes constantly drawn back to the numerous flora and fauna that roamed across the terrain before her, Nari found herself unable to properly focus on finding anything of value. Her eyes trailed behind some wolflike creatures that seemed to almost...frolic…through the numerous plants a distance away. Engorged in the scenery, she found herself simply standing and watching the environment around her, taking it all in. Eventually – after some time, she knew not how long – she shook herself back to consciousness. She decided that she would continue searching this place, collect as much as s
  12. The view that greeted her was beyond what she had expected – lush gardens roaming as far as the eye could see. Animals of various designs roamed, none similar to anything she had seen before. She felt herself transfixed by the visage before her, and only shook herself free at the sudden sound of Nemo’s voice before her. “Welcome, to my garden. Little Eden. The beauty and splendor here is...something I have come to adore, and love – with all of my being.” His voice carried that odd tone again, and Nari wondered once more what about him was so comforting and alarming at the same time. She c
  13. Nemo seemed content with the answer, and nodded as the words left her mouth and reached his ears. A small, sad smile appeared on his face – as if he knew the feelings that were running through her heart at that very moment. And perhaps he did, Nari couldn’t very well say for sure – but for the briefest of moments, she felt a connection with this man she had never before met. A connection bonded between a willingness to die for what you loved. “Come, it is not much farther now, and then you will see the gardens of Little Eden. I believe it will fill your heart with joy, and take away the s
  14. Nari jumped at the sudden sound of Bismuth’s voice – she had been lost in her thoughts, trying to arrange and determine not only what had just occurred, but how it affected everything going forwards. She wasn’t sure what to make of NIGHT’s reaction – whether Nari had somehow overstepped some boundaries that she wasn’t aware of, or if everything truly was going to be okay between them. Realising she was getting lost in thought again, she gave a weak reply to Bismuth, her words showing that she wasn’t entirely in the conversation at hand. “I…yeah, I think – I mean, yeah…I’ll be fine. Event
  15. The wind seemed to pick up slightly as Nari and the NPC eyed each other, neither moving. The tingling feeling in her spine, near her lower back, had begun to spread throughout her body as the entire frozen scenario continued – something about the whole setting off her internal alarms. She knew that some of the NPCs acted different from the typical ones you came across constantly, but everything about this Nemo character was far beyond what she had expected – even from something as advanced as the Cardinal system. Eventually, Nemo seemed to break from his trance as he turned back towards
  16. The two walked a few moments in silence as Nari tried imagining the land around her lush and beautiful once more – something that proved far harder than she had ever expected. Although she tried, she could only see the corrupted slime that covered everything, the broke and jagged rocks that appeared within the split ground. None of the beauty of natural growth appeared before her nor in her mind’s eye, and she felt a pang of regret. She wished that she too, could imagine such a nice place, but it just wasn’t to be. “I…think that’s a beautiful ideal, Nemo. I’ll admit I can’t envision it my
  17. Nemo seemed to look at the area around him, as if not sure whether or not he was ready to lead Nari, before suddenly nodding and turning in a more northward direction. He called back to her as he began heading off, casting his voice over his shoulder as he went. “Come, it’s this way. It’s a bit of a journey, though. I hope you don’t mind walking a bit.” Nari quickly followed after him, hopping from rock to rock where the ground itself was less than passable for her nimble feet. She admired the way that he moved so fluidly through the area, obviously not limited by its broken and tor
  18. Leaving the small settlement of Breath of Life had been far easier than Nari had expected. Her first arrival had been met with a collection of NPCs warning her against breaking any rules – the typical guard response to a newcomer arriving at their doorstep. She had expected some sort of final words on her way out – but as she left the main area, and ventured into the wilds beyond, most of the NPCs had simply ignored her. Which was, of course, fine with her. The less she had to stumble through words, the better. She had breathed a sigh of relief as she cleared the last line of militia that
  19. Nari smiled in response to the girl’s enthusiasm at their sudden confirmation of friendship. She knew it likely didn’t mean as much to Astreya as it did to Nari herself – but, well, life is funny like that sometimes. She had just perked up at hearing the name Raidou – it was so familiar, and yet Nari couldn’t think of where she had heard it before – when two newcomers had turned the corner in front of them. Her moment of panic was quelled when she suddenly recognised the red cloak, everything else around her going distant. Stepping forward, she bowed slightly at the man in the cloa
  20. Shop Post: Defensive Plates Transaction Date: 2022.02.10 Cost of Transaction: 1 material Crafter's Profession: Blacksmith Crafter's Rank: 3 Item Name: Defensive Plates Item Tier: T2 Item Type: Heavy Armour [Plate] Item Rarity: Uncommon Item Enhancements: Mitigation (1 Slot) Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: ID203517 Item Description: Thick silver armour wraps around the form of the indivi
  21. Nari’s day had been – well, draining. It wasn’t one specific thing, and she wasn’t quite sure what had caused her to feel so…done, but as she stared at the hammer and anvil, she had to force herself to pick up the tool and begin her work. Sighing, she brought forth to her mind the images of the pieces she had wanted to craft – she was focusing on truly upgrading herself here, and figured she’d make herself a collection of goodies, damned be the store’s stock, at least for today. ‘Right, Yuki will guide me – so let’s get this party started, shall we?’ The hammer lifted and fell, smas
  22. Nari’s hand snapped up to smash the accept button the moment the screen appeared before her. She realised the motion as it happened, and felt herself cough in an attempt to…hide it?...she wasn’t quite sure. Knowing there was no way it wasn’t noticed, Nari decided to simply try and turn the focus another way – by continuing the conversation. “I’d love to make it official – and, if you want…I can definitely take the role of shielding you- I mean acting as your shield. Acting as your shield for the party.” This was going great. Just great. Couldn’t be better, in any way, shape or form. She f
  23. Thread Summary Nari-Lanreth | 2,106 EXP | 300 [Quest] + 1806 [Thread Progression] | 400 col | (16) Materials | Familiar Skill [Profession Familiar
  24. Although her mind had been…preoccupied but a moment ago, Nari forced herself to focus on the task at hand. Her smithing was what she needed to do now – with Yuki. Memories of days gone by wouldn’t help her here, only true engagement in what she was doing. Bringing up the hammer, she waited with it raised, seeing if the fox would request any adjustments. Instead Yuki simply stared at her, the beady eyes watching, waiting. Nari figured that was a sign that her form was good, and that no correction was needed – at least, not yet. Trusting in the fox’s judgment, she brought the hammer d
  25. The fox gave no immediate respond to her enquiry, and Nari couldn’t help but think that that in itself was an answer to her question – maybe it was too early to consider something so…finite. If she had a house, that would tie her down – more so than the shop did, at least that had her out doing things like material searching. But a house? That was a whole new league, and one that she wasn’t sure she was quite ready to commit to yet. “It would be nice though…maybe one day, to settle down, to own a place. Maybe I can have someone…” She felt herself flush as her mind returned to the day not
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