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    The Trackers Alliance

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  1. Purchasing: Cluster of Stars | [3 Mon] | 240522 Changes the type of an item as long as its enhancements are applicable to its new type.
  2. LAVENDER CREAM TEA (3) Crafted by: Alchemist | Rank 7 lavender cream tea | TIER 1 PERFECT SALVE | PHEROMONES A beautifully balanced lavender black tea with creamy vanilla. [1/6/2025] | +3
  3. giving: x1 marsonian breakfast | TIERLESS PERFECT POTION | CRAFTER'S RESPITE A hearty blend of bright, high-grade Ceylon teas, enhanced by the deep flavours of golden tipped Assam. May be enjoyed plain, or with milk.
  4. "Why, of course I plan to share!" Kingsley laughed heartily. "Do you think I'd seek out a rare ingredient like this just to keep it to myself? How heartless I'd be." "No, things like this—they're meant to be shared. I intend to grow them, if its possible, and introduce them to the public. There's no reason for me to keep it a secrets," he said. "It'll make a fine addition to my shop, and I'll have you be the first to try it." "I don't know that I'll ever join one again. It's just -- there's a lot of planning that goes into to it. A lot of formalities I don't understand." Kingsle
  5. To @Morningstar: x11 imperial quarter blend | TIERLESS PERFECT POTION | DAMAGE III Smoke and gunpowder, with lingering scents of exotic jasmine and bergamot. Razwell himself would enjoy this blend.
  6. Generous donation Giving @Wulfrin: x1 imperial quarter blend | TIERLESS PERFECT POTION | DAMAGE III Smoke and gunpowder, with lingering scents of exotic jasmine and bergamot. Razwell himself would enjoy this blend.
  7. IMPERIAL QUARTER BLEND (12) Crafted by: Alchemist | Rank 6 imperial quarter blend | TIERLESS PERFECT POTION | DAMAGE III Smoke and gunpowder, with lingering scents of exotic jasmine and bergamot. Razwell himself would enjoy this blend. [12/26/2024] | +12
  8. | KINGSLEY | Lv. 9 >> P. 0, Lv. 9 | Status: [ // ] Notes: //  Kingsley peered through oval-shaped reading glasses. He had seen the game twice before, and didn't care much for it. It was a festival, however, and he was festive. He moved his game piece up the board after rolling a decent number. "Aha! I've beat you again!" "Wha
  9. "These applicants all kind of suck," Star groaned, flipping through resumes. "What about this one?" Kingsley asked. "It says here he was co-founder of the Azure Brigade. I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds impressive." "Let me see that," Star grabbed the sheet of paper and squinted at the words. "Fake, I think. Pretty sure the real one's dead or retired or something." "Ah, that's a shame." "This one claims to have killed the Hydra years ago," Star chuckled. Kingsley laughed as well. "I'll believe it when I see the Hydra's head! Oh, here's one. It says her name
  10. Behind the counter at Kingsley Tea Company, Kingsley counted his revenue for the day. It had been a slow weekend, but at his age, the old man preferred that. It meant he could let his staff go home early, and he could spend a little extra time in the back experimenting with blends. He had a new batch of gnome hair come in recently, and he wanted to try mixing it with the dragon acid he'd collected from Yomi. "So, where is Morningstar?" Came the hulking voice of Warden. He was a man of few words, except for when he was around Kingsley and Star. There was something about them he found
  11. Kingsley was given two pillows to raise him up to eye level. It also made the chair that Morningstar provided a bit more comfortable. Something so hard would never have gone in his tea shop, that's for sure. On an off day, he would have to teach the youngster a thing or two about decoration. Dying plants and poorly kept equipment did not count. "Bounty hunting, rumor chasing, general exploring—that's kind of our deal," Star explained. "Not my deal," Kingsley interrupted. Star sighed. "He's an alchemist. We're forming a partnership, since I've been doing free work for him for mon
  12. Name: Great Basilisk Oolong Tea Profession: R6 Alchemist Item IDs: 227801 Item Type: T4 Perfect Salve Enhancements: Toxic Venom Description: Infused with the venom of Hebishinu, this oolong is delicate, refreshing and incredibly fragrant. An excellent introductory oolong. Post Link: URL
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