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[Shop-F1]The blazing Typhoon [Rank 10 Grand Master Blacksmith]

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Another day another pair of crafts. Macradon would do his usual daily routine and begin his smithy up. Starting all with his furnace to get the temperature just right. He would proceed with his crafts and insert a material into the furnace and begin his first craft. He did 6 crafts today and got 2 perfect and 2 rare out of it. A bountiful day with a lot of good stuff going on in his shop. He was exhausted but was proud about all the great crafts he'd done today. 

Rank 5: 130/320

ID: 46818
CD: 12, Perfect item. +8 Exp.

ID: 46819
CD: 3+1=4, fail. +1 Exp.
Salvage failed

ID: 46820
CD: 6+1=7, Good item. +2 Exp.

ID: 46821
CD: 11+1=12, Perfect item. +8 Exp.

ID: 46822
CD: 10+1=11, Rare item. +5 Exp.

ID: 46823
CD: 9+1=10, Rare item. +5 Exp.

-6 Mats

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A grin formed on Helios' face as he entered the blacksmith, owned by Macradon, a player who the boy had met on Floor 7 some time ago. Taking his first step inside the shop, he examined his surroundings. Interesting place he's running. I like it. the player thought as he neared the front desk. "Hey, Macradon. How's it going?" he asked upon arrival. Picking up a form, the noirette began to write out the weapon's information. After doing so, he handed the sheet back to the light haired smith.

Name: God's Wrath
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave blank]
Roll: [Leave blank]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 Damage, +1 Accuracy
Description: A light weight, black curved sword with a single green stripe down the middle of the blade. The hilt has two bronze rings on it and a black pentagon-like shape on the bottom.


(Only one sword, kek)


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Anises business havent started that good. Maybe because she was just that, a beginner. But she have herd that some proffessions can craft items that can increase theirs and others skills. She entered her first customers blacksmith, and now she was the customer."Hi there Macradon. Im Anise, the merchant that appraised your bracers and also a friend to Zandra. She recomended to go here." She paused to take a look around in the shop. Suddenly here was drawn to a greatsword. She knew in same second that she must have it."I'll take that sword."she said and pointed at 'the crusader'. A few moments later she saw a pair of steel pouldrons."I take those as well." Then she walked over to the smithy and filled in orders for two items."I'd also like a microscope for my appraisals and some nice steel or other more refined material tools instead of my current iron ones. Zandra gonna drop by later and pay for it." She handef over the order.

Name: Dragonglass microscope
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave blank]
Roll: [Leave blank]
Item Type: Tools
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Crafting die x1



Name: Steel tools
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave blank]
Roll: [Leave blank]
Item Type: Tools
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition x1
Description: A full set of common appraisal tolls but made of better quality then the starter ones.

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Two people entered his shop, Anise, the Merchant he had been at not so long ago and Helios, the boy he met on the 7th floor. They were both here for items with a perfect quality. Macradon had to go to work asap to get both of their request made. "Helios came first, so I'll take care of his first. Anise, I'll message you when your item is finished" he said wit ha smile as he headed down towards his smithy to begin his crafts. He had to finish these request as fast as he could. 3 Perfect items, he had to make 3. He would undergo the same procedure as he always did with the furnace getting up to heat and the forming of the items. Everything went as planned, he made the sword Helios requested. All that was left now were Anise's tools.

Rank 5: 151/320

ID: 46876
CD: 9+1=10, Rare item. +5 Exp.

ID: 46877
CD: 1+1=2, Fail. +1 Exp.

ID: 46878
CD: 1+1=2, Fail. +1 Exp.

ID: 46879
CD: 9+1=10, Rare item. +5 Exp.

ID: 46880
CD: 3+1=4, bad item. +1 Exp.
Salvage failed.

ID: 46881
CD: 11+1=12, Perfect item. +8 Exp.

-6 Mats

Item Created:


Name: God's Wrath
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 5
ID:  46881
Roll: 11+1=12
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 Damage, +1 Accuracy
Description: A light weight, black curved sword with a single green stripe down the middle of the blade. The hilt has two bronze rings on it and a black pentagon-like shape on the bottom.





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Macradon had a job to do, he had to finish the request that had come in here. He would prepare the furnace again. He only needed to finish Anise's request before he would be able to leave the shop. 2 perfect quality tools, that's a lot of work. Macradon would get to the smithing part and grab his mallet. He would begin to craft the tools Anise wanted, and he would tro to do it as fast as he possibly could. The faster the service the better the reputation of his shop, which would be a nice thing to have.

Rank 5: 174/320

ID: 46975
CD: 10+1=11, Rare item. +5 Exp.

ID: 46976
CD: 5+1=6, Good item. +2 Exp.

ID: 46977
CD: 4+1=5, Good item. +2 Exp.

ID: 46978
CD: 12, Perfect item. +8 Exp.

ID: 46979
CD: 10+1=11, Rare item. +5 Exp.

ID: 46980
CD: 1+1=2, Fail. +1 Exp.

-6 Mats

Items created:


Name: Dragonglass microscope
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 5
ID:  46978
Roll: 12
Item Type: Tools
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Crafting die x1





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Another day on Aincrad, another day of work. Macradon would get to work right away. He would do the same procedure as he had been doing all the other days of work. Heat up the furnace and get to the chest for his mats. He would bring those he would work with today and get on going. With his heavy mallet he would swing with fierce power and create multiple Perfect quality items. He would wipe the sweat off his head and keep on working. A rare item was then made. He would keep on using those 6 mats he brought with him to the furnace.

Rank 5: 202/320

ID: 47083
CD: 12, Perfect Item. +8 Exp.

ID: 47084
CD: 11+1=12, Perfect Item. +8 Exp.

ID: 47085
CD: 10+1=11, Rare Item. +5 Exp.

ID: 47086
CD: 7+1=8, Uncommon Item. +3 Exp.

ID: 47087
CD: 7+1=8, Uncommon Item. +3 Exp.

ID: 47088
CD: 2+1=3, Fail. +1 Exp.

-6 Mats

Items created:


Name: Steel tools
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 5
ID:  47083
Roll: 12
Item Type: Tools
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition x1
Description: A full set of common appraisal tolls but made of better quality then the starter ones.


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Zandra was once again back in Macradons shop. This time she was gonna reduce her wallet with alot of Col. But she thougth it was worth it for what she got. But not only for herself. She also healped out a new player, and she would get free appraisals from her for quite some time if she did this.''Heya Mac. Im here to pay for Anises items, thou I also here to order something for myself. This gonna make me able to take quite alot of hits before going down.'' she said and handed over the order with a smile on her face.

-7,000 Col


Name: Holy shield of the sun
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave blank]
Roll: [Leave blank]
Item Type: Shield
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Regen x3
Description: A purple shield with golden edges built up in two layers. Its almost as high as the wielder is tall from bottom to highest tip of ''the sun''. When beeing hit, it have a chance to heal the wielder.


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Zandra came through the shop's door, coming to pay for Anise's items as well as making a request herself. He would take a look at the request and bring out the materials needed. "I'll be going right at it ASAP" he said as he would go down into his smithy to get on working. Even though he was all pumped up for going to work, he still wasn't feeling at his best. He would get the materials ready and go for the furnace that was heating up in the mean time. He would begin his craft attempts but would not get what he was after. 

Rank 5: 215/320

ID: 47217
CD: 10+1=11, Rare item. +5 Exp.

ID: 47218
CD: 2+1=3, Fail. +1 Exp.

ID: 47219
CD: 8+1=9, Uncommon item. +3 Exp.

ID: 47220
CD: 2+1=3, Fail. +1 Exp.

ID: 47221
CD: 2+1=3, Fail. +1 Exp.

ID: 47222
CD: 5+1=6, Good item. +2 Exp.

-6 Mats

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Anise entered the blacksmith once again. She had got an notification her items was done. She have got a tons of requests to appraise. And Macradon have dropped off a total of sixty materials to use. Hopefully it would turn out any good. The microscope she had order should hopefully get in handy for it.''Heya Macradon. You said my items was done, Im here to pick them up.'' When she got the items she looked at it with big eyes.''Wow, they are beutiful. This is hopefully gonna turn out realy good. Thank you Macradon.'' she made a quick bow and hurried out, wanted to start her appraisals.

+Microscope x1
+Steel tools x1

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Macradon awaited as Anise came into his shop, coming for her requested tools. "Yeah, your tools are here!" he said and handed them over to Anise. "I hope you'll get good use to them and get me that unique enhancement!" he said with a grin as Anise would leave the building and go back to her shop. Macradon wished for more unique items in his inventory rather than just the Neverfreeze he had lying around which he never really got to use because he hadn't met any mobs who used cold damage that would freeze one. He would get down into his chair again and hopefully get a quick powernap.

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The quick powernap turned out to be a long rest in his comfy chair. He woke up and looked at the clock "Dammit" he said and stood up to go down and work again. As he walked by the furnace he would heat it up and go towards the chest for materials. As the furnace was burning up, Macradon would put in the materials and work them out with his heavy mallet, getting more and more of a form to the items he was making. He was as well using the new anvil he crafted not long ago to help him improve his works. 

Rank 5: 246/320

ID: 47324
CD: 9+1=10, Rare item. +5 Exp.

ID: 47325
CD: 2+1=3, Fail. +1 Exp.

ID: 47326
CD: 10+1=11, Rare item. +5 Exp.

ID: 47327
CD: 9+1=10, Rare item. +5 Exp.

ID: 47328
CD: 12, Perfect item. +8 Exp.

ID: 47329
CD: 1+1=2, fail. +1 Exp.

+6 Exp from Anvil

-6 Mats

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"Hello." Zeri said as he walked into the shop with the intent of having a weapon made for one of his friends. Zeri grabbed an order form and filled it out.

Name: Lion Fang
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave blank]
Roll: [Leave blank]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: +1 damage and +1 keen
Description: A yellow rapier embedded with the courage of a lion. It gives it's user the courage to fight harder and stronger than they normally are used to.

Link: http://img08.deviantart.net/8916/i/2015/110/5/3/scifi_rapier_by_pierrequirion-d8qfrs1.jpg

"How much will it cost to have it made?" Zeri asked the owner

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Macradon welcomed the new costumer and looked at his request he had filled out. "Hm ..." Macradon said as he read it through. "Well, my prices are relatively low, and a shop in the safe zone on the first floor is a bit tricky to get." he said with a smile. "800 Col or 3 materials is the cost. Though if you don't have the money, I can be haggled with" he said with a grin on his lips. He would read the request carefully through again and confirm everything he read the first time. It wasn't usual someone coming for a rare weapon, but whatever, customers are customers and they make the requests. He would lean up against his desk with one arm supporting him over it and the other on his hip.

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"800 col you say. That's sound like a deal." Zeri said as he gave the owner of the shop 800 col to make his request for the rapier. "Let me know when it's done. And thanks for making it!" Zeri said as he walks out the shop.

-800 col

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Macradon smiled and would make the transaction "800 it is then!" he said and received the 800 Col. "I'll be getting right at the work now and I'll sure be messaging you when I'm done with it" he said with a smile and would go down into the smithy and get ready to work. He would look confused on the request he received, what a wide battle rapier. Rapiers were mostly thing and made purely for thrusting, but this one looked like a slashing weapon more than a thrusting one. Macradon would shrug it off, it wasn't him who would make it like this but the customer asked for it, so he would make it for him,

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Antofer Walks in to macradon shop and looked around "whoa man i hope my shop get this big" Antofer walks up the desk to place an order. right before he could finish and put the note in a collection box Macadon showed up. "Hey man I would like to order a perfect Item. Hahah i guess who doesn't It should be 1,000 col right? Antofer pulls out a bag of col and slides its across the counter. "That should cover that." Well today Im looking for a crafting kit!" Thanks Antofer sits down in a near by stool and waiting for its competition.


Name: Needles and thread (or some craft name XD )
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave blank]
Roll: [Leave blank]
Item Type: Tool
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Crafting die x1

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Macradon was just about to get ready for the forging of this new rare item he was requested, but before he could begin the heating process of the materials, someone entered his shop. Macradon would halter the process and turn off the furnace for now. As he came up into the shop part of his smithy, he would look at the new costumer that had arrived. Macradon would see the man giving him a pouch of 1000 Col. Even though it wasn't enough for a request perfect item, Macradon would shrug it off. "1000 Col isn't enough" he said and looked at the man "You need 500 Col more, but you can come with them later, if that's the case, or if you don't have more money, 1000 should be sufficient" he said, looking at the request. "I'll just go down and work on it and message you when it's done" he said and went down to craft.

Rank 5: 287/320

ID: 47418
CD: 11+1=12, Perfect item. +8 Exp.

ID: 47419
CD: 10+1=11, Rare item. +5 Exp.

ID: 47420
CD: 7+1=8, Uncommon item. +3 Exp.

ID: 47421
CD: 7+1=8, Uncommon item. +3 Exp.

ID: 47422
CD: 11+1=12, Perfect item. +8 Exp.

ID: 47423
CD: 11+1=12, Perfect item. +8 Exp.

+6 Exp from Anvil

-6 Mats

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Zeri walks in after getting a message saying that the weapon he had requested to be made is finished. He looks at the weapon and is very impressed by how the owner made it. "Thanks a lot! This will help me out a lot." Zeri said as he put the weapon into his inventory. He gives the owner a wave goodbye as he walks out of the store, but not before saying, "I'll be back soon!"

+1 Lion Fang

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Macradon would see the man coming for his request, Macradon would hand it over as the man had already paid him. Macradon would greet farewell as well as the man would walk out the door, waving at him as well. "He would be back soon?" he thought, maybe another patron for the shop he thought with a smile. That was one on the requests he had lying around, now that that was finished, all he had to do was to wait for the others to come and pick up their stuff they had ordered. 

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Zandra was entering the smithy that was owned by one of her best friends. The whitehaired two-handed sword wielder. She had been at his shop not that long ago to both pay for Anises items as well as get her a new for herself. Now she had got a message the item was complete. She was so exited to head out traveling and try it out. With it, she would be able to survive quite a lot of strikes together with her heavy armour. She walked to Macradon with a smile on her lips.''I got your message that the shield was ready. Im here to pick it up.'' she got the shield from Macradon and looked at it.''Amazing. Thanks mate.'' then she turned around and walked out of the shop tro try her new gear in battle.

+Holy shield of the sun

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