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[EVENT-F1] Slaying Lyrica the Werewolf Baroness

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The wanderer finally got to the fight. As he looks around, there seemed to no more side wolves for the wanderer to take out. He had wanted to take out a pup or two before he got the Boss, but that doesn't look like it's gonna happen. As he was in the middle of his thoughts, a rampant white werewolf jumps in. It was Lyrica. She had tried to maul at Nikodemus_Blackwood, only fail and miss. After Hakai blinded her, she laid there battered and bruised as the rest of his group attack.

At first, the wanderer was taken aback. He hesitated for a little bit. He wanted his body to move, but it wouldn't at all. It seems fear took over. While he hesitated, the rest of his group jumped on the werewolf. Some succeeded, while some, did not.

Eventually, the wanderer regain his composure and analyzed the part of the fight he had seen. Lyrica is still stunned, this is his chance. With the same train of thought, the wanderer drew his blade. He then brought out a black crystal and shatters it.

- Used T1 Greater Damage Crystal [+2 Damage] -

His fingers ran down the blade of Bakuzan as azure glow emanated from the blade. He then slowly swung his blade to his side, gripping the handle with just his right hand. The wanderer rushes at the werewolf with blinding speed. As he arrives at the foot of the werewolf he screams out loud. «Han'ei» The wanderer swings at the werewolf for two slashes of blinding speed. Afterwards, he began to encircle the beast just like the rest of his group.

ID# 58635 results: Battle: 6 (3+3)

«Han'ei» [DMG 5 + Crystal 2] = 7x2 = 14 - MIT 10 = DMG 4


Lyrica: 190/250 (10 Mit) STUNNED -4 HP

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 88/92 (52 Mit)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT


[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit) 
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN 
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN


[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 5/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9  -2 Energy
[H:0] Khrysaor:


[H:0] Hunie:
[H:0] Avilon:
[H:0] Yamato:
[H:0] Kroshma_Tokran:


[H:0] Husky:
[H:0] Shirien:
[H:0] Dracul:
[H:0] Croft:


[H:0] Allania:
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster:


Edited by Rain
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Khrysaor came back to the group shortly before the assigned time to leave and search for Lyrica and her wolf pack. He had all the items needed and equipped. He noticed that the group size had increased from when he first came to sign up for the quest. The NPC, Strentorius, started to organize the player into groups of 4 and marched out into the forest to search for Lyrica. Khrysaor was to be in the third group that would be facing the wolf pack, and he was happy to note that he recognized one face within his group. He did not know Rain to well, but they had talked before.

Strentorius and group 1 went into the area where Lyrica and her pack were sighted first. In Khrysaor's opinion the group did well against their foe and knocked a chunk of the enemies HP down. Group 2 then entered the fray and they were able to kill off Lyrica's minions, with Nikodemus being the last one to strike them the finishing blow. The last few members of that group was able to blind the beast, stunning it's movements.

When the last member of the second group was done, it was time for our group to move in and battle the boss. The first 2 members of the group did fine and attacked, but Khrysaor noticed Rain was frozen to the spot. Khrysaor wanted to knock some sense into Rain, but did not need to as he saw him snap out of it and bring his blade out.

'Now it is my turn to battle it out with the beast.' thought Khrysaor. He unsheathed his blade and ran towards Lyrica. When Khrysaor was a few meters away, he jumped into the air and held his sword in two hands. The blade starts to shine blue, while Khrysaor calls out, <<Reaver>> and brings his blade down upon the Wolf bosses shoulder. Khrysaor's blade also activated its bleed status effect, making the cut on the shoulder even larger. When he was done with his attack, Khrysaor made sure to run back and keep some distance away. He observed and finally concluded that his attack did not too much damage to the beast, but still got inflicted by bleed. At the very least Lyrica will be feeling the effects of his attack for some time.


ID# 58644

BD: 8

Activation of Sword Art Reaver

DMG to Lyrica: 1 Base Damage + 1 from Rank 1 Curved Sword + 1 Silver Scimitar + 1 SA (Reaver)  = 4 DMG  but mitigation brings down DMG to 1

Bleed will take effect on Lyrica's attack turn (This turn and the next)



Lyrica: 189/250 (10 Mit) STUNNED -1 Hp + Bleed of 8 DMG for 2 turns on Lyrica's attack phase

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 88/92 (52 Mit)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT


[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit) 
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN 
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN


[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9  -4 Energy
[H:0] Khrysaor: 24/24 HP | EN: 5/6 | MIT 12  -1 Energy


[H:0] Hunie:
[H:0] Avilon:
[H:0] Yamato:
[H:0] Kroshma_Tokran:


[H:0] Husky:
[H:0] Shirien:
[H:0] Dracul:
[H:0] Croft:


[H:0] Allania:
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster:


Edited by Khrysaor
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OOC: A few things. First, Lyrica (like all mobs) cannot be chain stunned. I direct you to this direct quote from Sword Arts and You: "Targets that have been stunned with sword arts are immune to sword art stuns for the next two posts." At this point, Lyrica is still stunned and stun can't be renewed. Lyrica also can't be stunned again until she has gone two attack turns which means Allania and her group are the next group that can try to stun Lyrica. @Rain, if you would like to edit your post to conserve a bit of energy from your attack, by using Han'ei instead of Ukifune (which would do the same thing but for less energy) that's fine with me. Second, a few things on Bleed Damage, a. it can't be mitigated (generally speaking) and b. it applies when the mob (or bleeding person) attacks per this quote from the Enhancement Guide: "Deals (8 * Tier Level) of damage for 2 turns for the enemy/mob." So, Lyrica takes 8 Bleed Damage on this attack and, after the next round of players she takes 8 more bleed damage. Therefore, @Khrysaor you did only 1 HP in DMG after Lyrica's MIT is applied, but you'll do a nice amount of long term DMG with the bleed. I know some of this stuff is a bit confusing, I'm not jumping on anyone and we are working on a Site Guide Edit/Revamp that will clarify things but an undertaking of that size naturally takes time. Third, and finally, did you really think she only had 4 wolves in her pack? Also, @Hunie, you're up. Oh, and @Nikodemus_Blackwood, I missed it last time, but you Crit. on your attack so you got 2 Hate from that, not 1. 

ID: 58653
BD: 8 (Hit, Target: Xion)
MD: 5 (Miss)

Lyrica stared through hateful red eyes as the players continued to rain down abuse upon her stunned form. At least a few of them had the common decency to be properly cowed by her magnificent, regal, presence in the meadow. Takneil in particular missed his attack, no doubt because of the awe inspiring fear that the white werewolf inspired. After being unceremoniously launched into the air only to come down a short distance away from the players Lyrica picked herself up and went into her howling animation again. Throwing her head back, the white werewolf baroness unleashed another long howl and, this time, it was answered by a chorus of howls as four more white timber wolves emerged from the woods. As a single unit, they charged down on Xion and attacked.

Battle Order


Lyrica: 170/250 (10 Mit) -8 Bleed (1/2), -14 Thorns
White Wolf 5: 50/50
White Wolf 6: 50/50
White Wolf 7: 50/50
White Wolf 8: 50/50

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 87/92 (52 Mit) [12-52 Mit=1 DMG]
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit) 
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN 
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9  -4 Energy
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12  -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie:
[H:0] Avilon:
[H:0] Yamato:
[H:0] Kroshma_Tokran:

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Husky:
[H:0] Shirien:
[H:0] Dracul:
[H:0] Croft:

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Allania:
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster:

Kill Count


White Wolf 1: Nikodemus_Blackwood
White Wolf 2: Nikodemus_Blackwood
White Wolf 3: Nikodemus_Blackwood
White Wolf 4: Nikodemus_Blackwood


Edited by Lyrica the Werewolf
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Straggling behind the NPC, the group had finally managed to reach the wolf's liar. After looking deep into the face of the animal, Hunie lost her will to hurt it. Wolves were much like the wild counterparts to dogs. This one seemed so human in its interactions too, despite the feral nature of her actions. The blonde could see the unmistakable haughtiness in her eyes. Lyrica, she thought... Such a pretty name too. The fight almost didn't seem fair. Granted, the wolf was much healthier than a lot of the players who had sworn to take part in the quest, but they outnumbered her by so many more. Lyrica had her pack, but they seemed to be aiding her in batches of four. For the safety of all her fellow players, this was a good thing, but it was so unfair on the poor mob that had to deal with all of human's hacking and slashing at her.

Just to save face, once the sea-green eyed girl realized it was her turn to attack, she released Gorehowl from its sheath and took a few tentative steps towards the canine. Halfheartedly she swung at the beast, missing it by inches. Unwilling to gain any unwanted attention from Lyrica, or aggravate her in any manner, Hunie hurried backwards into the group of people. Oh come on, it's just a bunch of pixels creating a realistic looking image of an animal, don't miss again! She scolded herself mentally. This had to stop, the girl had to learn how to control her compassion... "Sorry..." She mumbled to those unfortunate enough to be in her group. 


ID# 58664 results: Battle: 4 Craft: 11 Loot: 17 MOB: 6
Hunie HP: 44/44 
Hunie NRG: 11/11

Edited by Hunie
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OOC: I need to meet Saber now >.>

ID: 58667

BD: 9 Hit 1x1x3 = Dmg 3-10 =1

MD: 8

HP: 20/20 Energy: 5/5

The pink haired maiden glance over to all of the traveling companions her eyes now set upon the different squadron's that had  been made, her own heart now matching that of a drum roll filled with triplet sixteenth notes. Avilon clapped her shield hand against her bosom now attempting to calm herself as she usually did. She had fought in missions before and dungeons but none of them were all that terrifying as she had always seen a companion in the party knock out half out half of the health bar with a single slash. This wold certainly wasn't some pushover like the rest, or maybe it was because people were seemingly equipped with new gear. Avilon glanced over toward Ebony and then to another higher level realizing at least the black haired girl was no longer equipped with the same gear she use to have. Hmm I wonder why on earth they wouldn't be fighting at their true potential?

As she ponder this she now looked over to her own squad-mates that were charging forward into the frey. "Oh oops need to go work with that now don't I." She giggled plucking her shield out from the ground and now raising her sword toward the wolf. "Time to get this little fight all done and over with, and don't worry about it hun I got your back." She smiled to the blonde who was leading her squad. Rushing  past her now and striking the wolf with her curved sword wincing as she looked at how little damage she did, "Serves me right for going with a tank build I guess."



Lyrica: 169/250 (10 Mit) -8 Bleed (1/2), -14 Thorns
White Wolf 5: 50/50
White Wolf 6: 50/50
White Wolf 7: 50/50
White Wolf 8: 50/50

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 87/92 (52 Mit) [12-52 Mit=1 DMG]
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit) 
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN 
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9  -4 Energy
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12  -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 44/44 11/11
[H:0] Avilon: 32/23 7/8
[H:0] Yamato:
[H:0] Kroshma_Tokran:

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Husky:
[H:0] Shirien:
[H:0] Dracul:
[H:0] Croft:

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Allania:
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster:


Edited by Avilon
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OOC: Friendly reminder, your stats are LOCKED as what they are stated in your first post in this thread, any updates made to stats after Lyrica's opening attack are VOID. I've edited a few sets of stats to reflect this.

ID: 58682
BD: 7 (6+1)
SA: Crescent Thrush (AoE) - 1x2x5=10 DMG

As the battle progressed, Yamato kept his eyes focused on the the battle at hand rather than on the rest of his squad. His job was, in the grand scheme of things, rather simple. He needed to be ready to spring into action and launch his attack when it was his turn in the rotation. As he had no items that would enable him to offer any kind of support there was nothing else that mattered because there was nothing else that he could, realistically, do. As Lyrica backed off and howled again to summon more wolves the blonde Irishman decided on his course of action. Dashing forward into the clearing, and readying Heart of the Forest, Yamato launched into the one area effect sword art that he had available for use. One by one each of the timber wolves received a savage chop from the one handed axe.

Battle Order



Lyrica: 169/250 (10 Mit) -8 Bleed (1/2)
White Wolf 5: 40/50 (-10 DMG)
White Wolf 6: 40/50 (-10 DMG)
White Wolf 7: 40/50 (-10 DMG)
White Wolf 8: 40/50 (-10 DMG)

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 87/92 (52 Mit)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9  -4 Energy
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12  -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:0] Kroshma_Tokran:

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Husky:
[H:0] Shirien:
[H:0] Dracul:
[H:0] Croft:

Lyrica & Wolves



Edited by Yamato
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Guest Kroshma_Tokran

Kroshma watched as each group flew into battle, a smile spreading across his face. He could tell this was going to be an enjoyable experience. He knew that he couldn't just stand there watching, so he didn't. Equipping his claws, Kroshma threw himself into the heat of battle, aiming for the biggest target. He struck out, slashing Lyrica's leg. It was clear to him that he didn't do much damage, but that was to be expected of someone as weak as he was when comparing him to something the strength of something like Lyrica. He'd definitely have to get stronger after this little skirmish was over. After dealing minimal damage, he quickly retreated to a safe position.

ID# 58683 results

BD: 8 (hit)


Lyrica: 168/250 (10 Mit) -8 Bleed (1/2)
White Wolf 5: 40/50 (-10 DMG)
White Wolf 6: 40/50 (-10 DMG)
White Wolf 7: 40/50 (-10 DMG)
White Wolf 8: 40/50 (-10 DMG)

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 87/92 (52 Mit)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9  -4 Energy
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12  -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:0] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Husky:
[H:0] Shirien:
[H:0] Dracul:
[H:0] Croft:

Lyrica & Wolves


Edited by Kroshma_Tokran
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OOC: @Husky, you're up. Good job on the timely posting, everyone. This is moving along nicely and not dragging, I'm sure I'm not the only one that appreciates that. Also, you all should be very glad that Lyrica MISSED.

ID: 58686
BD: 4 (Miss)
MD: 9 (Hit, Target: Xion)

As the fight was progressing between Lyrica and her loyal wolves and the small army of players that had assembled to try and hunt her down the werewolf baroness couldn't help but notice that there was a subtle shift in the general strategy of the players. Rather than focusing all of their attention on her wolves, as they had at the outset of the fight, now they had turned their attention on her completely. Except for the blonde axe man, he was still going after her beloved wolves. No matter, he would get what was coming to him in the end, just as each of the players would as well.

With a few yipped commands to her wolves, she sent them off to attack Xion once again. The first two wolves latched on to the tank's legs as the second two pounced onto his back and drove him face first into the ground before ripping into him with their teeth. That was what happened when Xion used his tankish mating cry. As for Lyrica, she set her sights on Husky and loped off in his direction before making a wild slash at him with her claws, an attack that sailed a hair's breadth over the man's head.

Battle Order


Lyrica: 160/250 (10 Mit) -8 Bleed (2/2, Bleed Done)
White Wolf 5: 26/50 (-14 Thorns)
White Wolf 6: 26/50 (-14 Thorns)
White Wolf 7: 26/50 (-14 Thorns)
White Wolf 8: 26/50 (-14 Thorns)

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 83/92 (52 Mit) (7-52=1, 1x4=4)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9  -4 Energy
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12  -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Husky:
[H:0] Shirien:
[H:0] Dracul:
[H:0] Croft:

Lyrica & Wolves

Kill Count


White Wolf 1: Nikodemus_Blackwood
White Wolf 2: Nikodemus_Blackwood
White Wolf 3: Nikodemus_Blackwood
White Wolf 4: Nikodemus_Blackwood


Edited by Lyrica the Werewolf
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Husky sits and waited for his moment to strike. First time partake in a large scale boss raid, he can't afford any slip ups, especially when it could be his last. Sitting in one place, readjusting the Twin Fang gauntlet for a more comfortable grip, Husky kept his eyes glued on the werewolf queen and her minions. He have fought monster like this before in the upper floors, but still, it's not something to be taken lightly. "Wait for it..." The brunette spoke under his breath, inaudible to the people surrounds him, even if they paid close attention. 

His moment finally came. As Husky saw the Werewolf queen attacked the heavily armored player, Husky capitalized on his chance. He snapped forward, running as fast as he could, while his gauntlets glowing bright golden, as the <<Delayed Sword>> Sword Art is activated. Lyrica, the Werewolf Queen had saw him running toward her. It doesn't really matter now. All he need to do is land a hit, but it's easier said than done. After the Boss has ordered her minion to attack the same player, she lunged toward him. Her claws missed Husky by just inches, as he ran passed her. Didn't get to use his Sword Art in time, he need a way to keep his momentum while still turning back without taking too much time for the Werewolf to land another hit. His answer lies within the player in front of him, being attacked by the wolves. "I'm sorry for this." He whispered faintly, before leaped into the air. His feet aiming for Xion's spear, which he was using to block the attacks. Pushing himself off Xion, Husky turned around and swing his hand wide. The hit connected with the Werewolf by the back of the head, near the neck, as he has temporarily staggered it. Landed on the ground, he know that he could still landed a hit while the chance is at hand. The warrior turned and lifted his foot. A round house kick landed straight in the Werewolf's head. Now he faced the danger of facing the Boss head on. 


ID: 58697

BD: 8 


Lyrica: 150/250 (10 Mit) - [ -((5 x Delayed Sword: 4x1) -10) = -10 DMG]
White Wolf 5: 26/50 
White Wolf 6: 26/50 
White Wolf 7: 26/50 
White Wolf 8: 26/50 

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 83/92 (52 Mit) (7-52=1, 1x4=4)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9  -4 Energy
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12  -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
[H:0] Shirien:
[H:0] Dracul:
[H:0] Croft:

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Allania:
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster:


Edited by Husky
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Shirien tried to keep himself calm as each group took their turn in the battle, gritting his teeth and holding his dagger tightly in anticipation for the golden moment when his group would be given its turn to strike against the wolves and their leader. He felt a shiver go through his body each time the creatures howled and left fuzzy memories to go through his head. "Don't think, don't think, just fight." He reminds himself with whispers over and over until his group finally did get their turn!

He watched as the player he humorously assumed was named after a canine went ahead with hand-to-hand combat. This surprised Shirien at first but while Husky dealt with the big-bad-wolf he decided his power would be best spent assaulting the minions! With his strategy solidified he charges into the small wolf pack and his blade began to glow. Suddenly he spun on his legs, a tempest striking the three wolves and dropping their hitpoints a decent amount in his mind, putting them on their last legs!

Content with his work he falls back to the group and waits for the other members to take their shots at the wolves or Lyrica herself! "The wolves are low!" He says as a reminder to anybody who desired to finish them off with a little AOE. He had spent most of his energy however, leaving him panting softly to try and regain his breath.

[ID# 58702]
[BD: 9]
Action: Round Accel [2x1x8(7+1 crit)=16]


Lyrica: 150/250 (10 Mit)
White Wolf 5: 10/50 -16 HP
White Wolf 6: 10/50 -16 HP
White Wolf 7: 10/50 -16 HP
White Wolf 8: 10/50 -16 HP

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 83/92 (52 Mit) (7-52=1, 1x4=4)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9  -4 Energy
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12  -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 -1 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
[H:0] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21 -4 Energy
[H:0] Dracul:
[H:0] Croft:

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Allania:
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster:


Edited by Shirien
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"Robin Hood and his merry bunch!" I shouted towards the raid party as we followed the hunter in the night. I nudged Darius while chuckling at my own remark. "Oh C'mon cheer up a bit." I strain his voice in order to mimic a particular character from my childhood: "We're going on a adventure!" I shouted again, as if mocking the group. Darius could but nod to the eyes that were set on them and silently apologize for his master's behaviour.

Once the fight started I glanced at his weapon, a basic two handed straight sword, and sighed. I was too low for this stuff, couldn't even use the first sword art of his skills. "I guess this is where the 2 years of absence took me.." I muttered as he saw the Wolf pack leader harass the raid group members. If I had a bit more energy I would've gone for the newly spawned wolves but instead I decided to challenge the baroness. Walking straight at her with a grin on my expression I raised my sword and then made a cut while she was busy howling at the moon. "Please to make your acquaintance!" I simply stated with a bloodthirsty smile. I may have done only the absolute minimum damage but it was a satisfactory hit for me. "Darius you stay out of this! this b**** is mine!" I commanded my assistant which simply bowed and took a few steps back in order to get out of the 'hate zone'.

OOC: go @Croft

 ID# 58732. BD:8

normal hit 1 dmg


  Hide contents

Lyrica: 149/250 (10 Mit)

White Wolf 5: 10/50 -16 HP

White Wolf 6: 10/50 -16 HP

White Wolf 7: 10/50 -16 HP

White Wolf 8: 10/50 -16 HP


[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)

[H:3] Xion: 83/92 (52 Mit) (7-52=1, 1x4=4)

[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]

[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT


Lyrica & Wolves


[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)

[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35

[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN

[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN


Lyrica & Wolves


[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35

[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52

[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9  -4 Energy

[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12  -1 Energy


Lyrica & Wolves


[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30

[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32

[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18

[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 


Lyrica & Wolves


[H:0] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30

[H:0] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21

[H:0] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 2/3 EN | Mit: 18

[H:0] Croft:


Lyrica & Wolves


[H:0] Allania:

[H:0] Asteria:

[H:0] Ratatosk:

[H:0] Gaster:


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And there it was, the event boss that he was conscripted to kill. Fear surged through Croft's body. "What am I doing here? I'm only level 1. I've never even even stepped outside the town of beginnings until now. This is madness!" Thoughts clouded his mind.

His group was attack the beast right before and Croft couldn't move. He brought his hands to his blade wanting to draw it and help them. Slowly he unsheathed his basic straight. He was still unsure and scared on what to do. He pointed the sword forward at the beast and started taking a few steps forward until he went into a run. Unfortunately, that didn't last long. As he was running, his legs get caught on a piece of rock and he trips forward falling to the ground.

ID# 58743 results: Battle: 1



Lyrica: 149/250 (10 Mit)
White Wolf 5: 10/50
White Wolf 6: 10/50
White Wolf 7: 10/50
White Wolf 8: 10/50

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 83/92 (52 Mit) (7-52=1, 1x4=4)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
[H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21
[H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
[H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Allania:
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster:



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Tag @Allania, Lyrica can now be stunned again. @Dracul, just a word of warning, you will be considered SKIPPED if you don't get the RP portion of your post in within the 24 Hour time-limit. Also... and then there were 8 WOLVES!

ID: 58748
BD: 6 (Hit, Target: Xion)
MD: 5 (Miss)

Lyrica stood tall and proud in the middle of the clearing as the players continued to rush to attack her. More like they were rushing to their doom, they just didn't know it yet. As Husky's roundhouse kick struck her in the side of the head Lyrica stood to her full, and imposing, height towering over the other player as her lips curled back to reveal glistening canines and her head spun slowly to glare deadly red daggers at him. Throwing her head back, once again, Lyrica howled at the full moon high above them and, dutifully four more of her canine retainers joined the fight as another quartet of white Timber Wolves spawned in the clearing.

As her newest set of wolves finished spawning, Croft came running in to attack only to fall flat on his face. The perfect springboard. Moving into action, Lyrica tore off in the direction of Croft. Planting one clawed foot squarely in the middle of his back as the player was going to get to his feet again Lyrica pushed off and flipped through the air over the still prone form of Xion, raking her clawed hands over @Xion's back in the process before completing her flip and landing on the other side of the tank.

Battle Order:


Lyrica: 135/250 (10 Mit) [-14 Thorns]
White Wolf 5: 10/50
White Wolf 6: 10/50
White Wolf 7: 10/50
White Wolf 8: 10/50
White Wolf 9: 50/50
White Wolf 10: 50/50
White Wolf 11: 50/50
White Wolf 12: 50/50

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 82/92 (52 Mit) (12-52=1)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
[H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21
[H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
[H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Allania:
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster:



Edited by Lyrica the Werewolf
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OOC: On to you now @Asteria

Allania watched the fray in mild amusement, she had initially feared that this boss would be too much for some of the people in the group to handle, especially those that had signed up while only being level one. Those worries were quickly settled when Xion howled, drawing the attention of all the mobs to him, boss and minions alike. Allania knew that she was one of the more heavy hitters in this group, her along with Hydra and Ratatosk. So with that in mind, and that her weapon was a dagger Allania focused on the Werewolf alone, ignoring the pack of wolves by its side

With her dagger in hand Allania began to walk towards the Werewolf, strolling through the throng of players and the pack of wolves, assured that the rest would be able to survive with Xion taking the blows. When she neared the Werewolf Allania leaned forward, almost falling over before breaking out in a run, rushing towards the Boss with her dagger raised in front of her face, ready to lash out.

While the werewolf was occupied with Xion Allania planted her foot firmly in the ground, using the momentum she had from running to send her dagger arcing out in front of her, sinking deep into the Werewolf's hide as she cut. Her dagger quickly came back around, cutting the beast vertically this time, leaving the Werewolf with two glowing red pixelated gashes in the shape of a cross adorning it's pale fur.

 ID# 58755 results:

 Battle: 7 (hit)

SA: Cross Edge (2*4)

DMG: [1(base) + 4(skill) + 3(weapon) + 1(matriarch stinger)]*8 - 10 = 62DMG to Lyrica


Lyrica: 73/250 (10 Mit) [-62, Allania]
White Wolf 5: 10/50
White Wolf 6: 10/50
White Wolf 7: 10/50
White Wolf 8: 10/50
White Wolf 9: 50/50
White Wolf 10: 50/50
White Wolf 11: 50/50
White Wolf 12: 50/50

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 82/92 (52 Mit) (12-52=1)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
[H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21
[H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
[H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Allania: 80/80 HP | EN: 12/20 | Mit: 27
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster:





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Aster patiently waited, obediently waiting for her turn as she stood loosely grouped with the other players she had been assigned to. The whole hunt had gone at a more brisk pace than she had anticipated. There was little time for meeting and greeting, which would be a lie for her to say she was disappointed. The girl's amber eyes scanned the clearing as each group sprang into action. A pack of wolves had been cut down, only to make way for more, and soon double the amount of enemies had joined the fight. Aster pushed up on the side of her glasses, noting that it was clear who would be tanking for the length of this quest. Lyrica and her pack had focused nearly all of their efforts to damaging the blonde man whose name she hadn't caught. As a girl beside her rushed forward to attack the baroness, Aster waited only a moment before running into the fray as well, her target being the main tank of their party.

One look at Xion's health bar showed he was clearly in no danger of dying, but Aster would stick to her strengths. She crouched down beside the man and her hands began to faintly glow as she activated her <<First Aid>> skill. She pressed a palm against his shoulder, allowing his HP to tick back upwards. Though it didn't seem like much, she felt at least she could contribute. "There we go," She said quietly, pulling away as her work was done.

Post Action:

  • Use Skill: <<First Aid>>
    • Target: Xion

Combat Roll:

  • ID#: 58764
    • BD: 10
    • CD: 8 Success
    • LD: 11
    • MD: 8
  • Xion heals 3 HP (4% of 92 = 3.68)

Combat Order

  • Lyrica: 73/250 (10 Mit)
    • White Wolf 5: 10/50
    • White Wolf 6: 10/50
    • White Wolf 7: 10/50
    • White Wolf 8: 10/50
    • White Wolf 9: 50/50
    • White Wolf 10: 50/50
    • White Wolf 11: 50/50
    • White Wolf 12: 50/50

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 | 5 MIT
[H:3] Xion: 82/92 -> 85/92 | 23/23 EN | 52 MIT
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | 52 MIT | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

  • Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | 45 MIT
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 | 8/12 EN | 35 MIT
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 | 6/7 EN

  • Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80 |18/20 EN | 35 MIT
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | 28/32 EN | 52 MIT
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | 3/7 EN | 9 MIT | 2 EVA
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 | 7/8 EN | 12 MIT

  • Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | 4/6 EN | 30 MIT
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | 7/8 EN | 32 MIT
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | 0/4 EN | 18 MIT
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | 3/4 EN

  • Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | 30 MIT
[H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | 21 MIT
[H:1] Dracul: 12/12 | EN: 3/4 | 18 MIT
[H:0] Croft: 4/4 | EN: 0/1 EN

  • Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Allania: 80/80 | 12/20 EN | 27 MIT
[H:0] Aster: 12/12 | 4/4 EN | 27 MIT
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster: 


Edited by Asteria
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Ventus's group was shortly called in, his blood rushed with excitement as he unsheathed his sword, "Alright! It's about time I got in on some of the action." He rushed in there quickly and slashed at Lyrica, only to trip on a rock and fall down right in front of the wolf baroness. "Ah crap..." Perhaps Hydra's rolls were contagious as they both missed their attacks, what a shame. "Damn it!" But at least nobody was hurt severely, knowing that was all he needed to continue fighting.

ID# 58785

BD 4 (2+2)



Lyrica: 135/250 (10 Mit)
White Wolf 5: 10/50
White Wolf 6: 10/50
White Wolf 7: 10/50
White Wolf 8: 10/50
White Wolf 9: 50/50
White Wolf 10: 50/50
White Wolf 11: 50/50
White Wolf 12: 50/50

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 82/92 (52 Mit) (12-52=1)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
[H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21
[H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
[H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Allania: 80/80 HP | EN: 12/20 | Mit: 27
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster:

@Gaster You're up next.

Edited by Mack
Only players over Level 25 are restricted to Rank 1 and Rank 2 Sword Arts. Players under Level 25 may use any Sword Art they have unlocked. - Mack
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Gaster watched the battle unfold before him, frozen in place for a time. He felt that he would have been terrified if he hadn't been encapsulated by the spectacle of it all. So many people banding together just to fight one monster. Simply remarkable. Yet somehow, he had an aching feeling that before all of this, as many people as this most likely wouldn't have pulled together to pull off something this spectacular. They'd probably stay in and play games all day. "Oh well," he said, equipping his Hard Chestplate MK2 Duality's Façade and Azurewrath. "Nothing to do but live in the now." Gaster rushed off towards Lyrica, fully aware that he wouldn't be doing much damage at all. The least he wanted to do was contribute. He slashed her shoulder, and quickly returned to a safe position.

ID# 58819 results:

BD: 6 (Hit)


Lyrica: 134/250 (10 Mit)
White Wolf 5: 10/50
White Wolf 6: 10/50
White Wolf 7: 10/50
White Wolf 8: 10/50
White Wolf 9: 50/50
White Wolf 10: 50/50
White Wolf 11: 50/50
White Wolf 12: 50/50

[H:0] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 82/92 (52 Mit) (12-52=1)
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
[H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21
[H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
[H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Allania: 80/80 HP | EN: 12/20 | Mit: 27
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:0] Gaster: 12/12 HP | EN: 2/3 | DMG 5 | MIT 18 | THN 7




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OOC: @Xion, you're up in about 15-30 minutes. Quick note: THIS FIGHT DOES NOT END UNTIL ALL THE WOLVES ARE ALSO DEAD.

ID: 58831 (Lyrica & Wolves), 58832 (Stentorius)
BD: 2 (Lyrica)
BD: 8 (Stentorius)
MD: 5

Pushing himself up from the ground, Stentorius surveyed the situation going on with the players that were aiding him in his valiant quest to slay the white werewolf and her army of minions. Then the dark haired leather clad hunter spat out a clod of dirt. His sword, now long gone, was somewhere in the clearing but it would be a nightmare to try and find the sword now. There was nothing else for it, kneeling for a second, the hunter drew a silver dagger much like the one he had used to post the notice about the hunt in the first place as Lyrica and her wolves were gathering for their next assault on Xion. With a bellow, the hunter charged down into their path and plunged his dagger into Lyrica's chest.

Enough was enough, Lyrica would show these pathetic players, once and for all, who the rightful Baroness of this forest was. Snarling at the last player to have stabbed her the white werewolf flung her head back once again and howled a long, eerie note up at the moon. Instantly, four more white timber wolves appeared, bringing the total number of her wolf guardians up to an even dozen.

Battle Order:


Lyrica: 71/250 (10 Mit) (8-10=1)
White Wolf 5: 10/50
White Wolf 6: 10/50
White Wolf 7: 10/50
White Wolf 8: 10/50
White Wolf 9: 50/50
White Wolf 10: 50/50
White Wolf 11: 50/50
White Wolf 12: 50/50
White Wolf 13: 50/50
White Wolf 14: 50/50
White Wolf 15: 50/50
White Wolf 16: 50/50

[H:1] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:3] Xion: 85/92 (52 Mit) 
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
[H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21
[H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
[H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Allania: 80/80 HP | EN: 12/20 | Mit: 27
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:1] Gaster: 12/12 HP | EN: 2/3 | DMG 5 | MIT 18 | THN 7

Kill Count:


White Wolf 1: Nikodemus_Blackwood
White Wolf 2: Nikodemus_Blackwood
White Wolf 3: Nikodemus_Blackwood
White Wolf 4: Nikodemus_Blackwood


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( @Seul you are next good sir) 

Xion grunted as he was pulled down over and over again, the blonde teen struggling to get up after each assault, only to be dragged to the floor once more. "Bloody things" he spat as the last wolf assault finished, another player healing him for a small amount, it wasn't much but it helped nonetheless, he made a mental note to talk to the player than to thank them once the fight was over. "Ok, it would seem that the beasties haven't realised that they're killing themselves as they attack me...perfect" he said before turning towards Lyrica, a wolffish grin creeping across his face before he let out a bestial howl, challenging Lyrica to attack him once more. "Come on, that can't be all that you have!" 



Lyrica: 71/250 (10 Mit)
White Wolf 5: 10/50
White Wolf 6: 10/50
White Wolf 7: 10/50
White Wolf 8: 10/50
White Wolf 9: 50/50
White Wolf 10: 50/50
White Wolf 11: 50/50
White Wolf 12: 50/50
White Wolf 13: 50/50
White Wolf 14: 50/50
White Wolf 15: 50/50
White Wolf 16: 50/50

[H:1] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:6] Xion: 85/92 (52 Mit) (14 Thrn) 
[H:1] Seul: 121/121 | 25/ 29 EN | (52 Mit) | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
[H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21
[H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
[H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Allania: 80/80 HP | EN: 12/20 | Mit: 27
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:1] Gaster: 12/12 HP | EN: 2/3 | DMG 5 | MIT 18 | THN 7


Edited by Mack
Edited proper stats in due to having missed Allania's attack. - Mack
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( @Evander Your turn~!)

Seul watched as the other players rushed in after his group initiated the battle... Though despite their large numbers and the low stats of the enemies the fight was still dragging on. If he wasn't locked into using only tier one gear and weak sword arts the battle probably would have ended by now, but there wasn't much to be done about that now. His fellow knight, Xion, was taking the most damage out of all the players there and seeing as how he was a tank that was a good thing. Despite the constant barrage of attacks from the wolves he didn't really seem phased. Regardless of how insignificant the damage might have been though, the numbers would start adding up eventually. Not that any of them would let it get to that point in the first place.

"Guess I'm up again." He said while flipping his dagger around in a leisurely manner. Lyrica had suffered a good deal of damage already and he figured she'd die in this rotation if everyone hit her hard enough. Once the baroness dies, she won't be able to summon anymore of the stupid lesser wolves from the pack. With his dagger taking on a faint glow, he rushed to the werewolf's back and unleashed a flurry of four cuts across each of her arms and legs.

ID: 58834
BD: 6 (5 + 1 Keen) | Hit | Keen Activated

Sword Art: Fad Edge | (+1/-4 EN) | 8 x 4 - 10 = 22 DMG

  Hide contents

Lyrica: 49/250 (10 Mit) (-22 HP)
White Wolf 5: 10/50
White Wolf 6: 10/50
White Wolf 7: 10/50
White Wolf 8: 10/50
White Wolf 9: 50/50
White Wolf 10: 50/50
White Wolf 11: 50/50
White Wolf 12: 50/50
White Wolf 13: 50/50
White Wolf 14: 50/50
White Wolf 15: 50/50
White Wolf 16: 50/50

[H:1] Stentorius: 60/60 ?/? (5 Mit)
[H:6] Xion: 85/92 (52 Mit) (14 Thrn) 
[H:2] Seul: 121/121 | 22/ 29 EN | 52 Mit | [Keen: +1 BD]
[H:1] Evander: 24/24 | 2/6 EN | 12 MIT

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hydra: 80/80 | 18/20 EN | (45 Mit)
[H:2] Nikodemus_Blackwood: 48/48 HP | 8/12 EN | MIT 35
[H:1] Hakai: 40/40 HP | 2/10 EN
[H:1] Sierra: 28/28 HP | 6/7 EN

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Takneil: 80/80|ENG:18/20|DMIT:35
[H:1] Ebony: 128/128 | EN: 28/32 | Mit: 52
[H:1] Rain: 28/28 | EN: 3/7 | EVA 2 | MIT 9 
[H:0] Khrysaor: 32/32 HP | EN: 7/8 | MIT 12 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:0] Hunie: 24/24 | EN: 4/6 | Mit: 30
[H:1] Avilon: 20/20 | EN: 7/8 | Mit: 32
[H:1] Yamato: 16/16 | EN: 0/4 | Mit: 18
[H:1] Kroshma_Tokran: 16/16 | EN: 3/4 

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Husky: 40/40 | EN: 6/10 | Mit: 30
[H:2] Shirien: 20/20 | EN: 1/5 | Mit: 21
[H:1] Dracul: 12/12 HP | 3/4 EN | Mit: 18
[H:0] Croft: 4/4 HP | 0/1 EN -2 Energy

Lyrica & Wolves

[H:1] Allania: 80/80 HP | EN: 12/20 | Mit: 27
[H:0] Asteria:
[H:0] Ratatosk:
[H:1] Gaster: 12/12 HP | EN: 2/3 | DMG 5 | MIT 18 | THN 7


Edited by Mack
Edited proper stats in due to having missed Allania's attack. - Mack
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