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PP/F5) The first Expedition! (Guild) (The Traveler)

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Sky entered the fifth floor, prepared for the quest to come. He wanted to get the entire guild a skill that would help keep them alive. He had it, and it made him heal quite a lot, and helped him stay alive whenever he went to some.. Less then friendly terrain. He was a guild leader now... And before he could take anyone into dungeons or any of the harder quests, he wanted them to have the skills they would need, the levels they would need... The strength they would need to survive in this world... The world he was going to do his best to get them through. 

He went to the quest location, waiting at the NPC for everyone. He opened up his menu, sending a guildwide message.

Everyone meet me at the Fifth floor at the attached coordinates, the guild will be undertaking the Traveler quest together to get the Survival Skill. If you are preoccupied, let me know

@Crozeph@Pinball@Eatos@Jade Eye@Hei@Fae@Paglikha@Thorsten@Saphira


Starting Stats


Stryder - 520/520HP | 52/2 EN | 1 EVA | 23MIT | 3 ACC 

GM Martial Arts | Rank 1 Light Armor

Equipped Items


Starlit Waves + 3 DMG (Gloves)

Vixen's Grace + 3 ACC (Charm, necklace)

Gentleman's suit +2 Mit(18), 1 EVA (Armor, Light)

Battle Ready inventory


Quick Menu (Items) (5 Slots)

Sand Armor

sand Armor Potion] This incredibly potent alchemical salve can be applied to a piece of armor, increasing damage mitigation/resistance by one point for one battle. (MIT +27)


Snake Vemon

  <<Snake Venom>> A coating which grants a weapon a poison effect which activates on a critical hit, dealing 4 damage for 10 turns to an enemy. Lasts for one thread. Takes a post action to apply.


Health Potion

Links for potions




Name: Starshield

Your Profession: Tailor

Your Rank: 3

Roll ID: 84088

Roll: 12

Item Type: Jacket (Light Armor)
Tier: 1

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: + 3 EVA

Description: Starshield is an jacket that has been handstiched from the start. It is black, and has on the shoulder a bright white star that is in the shape of a shield. The jacket is made so that it is flexible, giving the wearer as much freedom as if nothing was there, the jacket not getting in the way of anything


Teleportation Crystals X2


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Fae was on her usual stroll of floor 4, playing around in the snow when she received a message from Stryder. She opened it without hestitation, knowing full well that it could be something important. Fae wanted to pull her own weight in the guild, but it seemed as though she wasn't doing that. The message was telling everyone in the guild to meet him on floor 5 for a quest. Fae messaged him back right away that she was coming, and headed for the floor teleporter.

Fae stepped out of the floor teleporter and immediately started to look for Stryder. She followed the coordinates and found Stryder in just a few minutes. It seemed like Fae was the first one to arrive, so she ran up and hugged Stryder tightly. She then backed away from him a little bit and saluted. "Hi master Stryder! Fae is here, reporting for duty!" Fae declared before lowering her hand. She had a big smile on her face, clearly eager to go on this quest.




Fae: 80/80 HP | 4/4 EN | 1 MIT

Equipped Items


Divine Dragon's Cloak: 1 DMG, 1 MIT, 1 Light Momentum (Light Armor)


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Eatos was lying in bed sleeping, nothing of a new occurance for anyone who knew the blacksmith. She was often tired and was cuddling up to Angel, the husky had grown from a pup into a full dog. She heard the noise of an arriving message, and grumbled as she opened one eye and saw the sender. Stryder. Why couldn't he just let her sleep! Was it that much to ask for? Tiredly, she sat herself up and opened his message. So he wanted to do a guild-based event? Finally, took him long enough or organise it. She knew, and had told him, such events would be hugely important in ensuring co-ordination and leveling up as a group. But had assumed he'd just forgot what she said. But, she knew that quest and knew why she was being invited. In part, to serve as a leader, and in part, because of what she brought that no one else could, Healing. The quest wasn't dangerous of its own regard, BUT it could take you low if you weren't prepared for it, so having her as a healer just incase, was simply a precaution. She didn't bother with a reply as she stood up and got changed, and made her way to the 5th floor.

Oh how there wasn't a word that described just how much she loathed this god-damned floor! She quickly found Stryder, and Fae was with him. After the guild meeting, she had pestered Stryder into giving her all the information on the members who had joined, Fae being one of them. She was just a kid....

"The next time you bring me to this floor Stryder, i'm setting Angel on you..." The girl said as she yawned, as well as a large Husky barked at the pair of them. For Eatos, Angel going from tiny pup to big dog honestly didn't take her by surprise and she was used to it. The big husky looked at Fae and walked towards the girl, sniffing at her hands. 



Eatos. HP: 340. ENG: 34 | 1 DMG | 3 EVA | 9 MIT | 1 ACC


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Saphira was outside the town of beginnings. She sat on a stone by the lake where she had met Hei the first time. It was a nice day, the air was fresh and clear, she heared the birds in the trees and the sun shone warm on her back. - It´s so peaceful - she yawned and looked sleepy to the lake. Saphira startlet as she heared the sound of a bell. Tired she rubbed her eyes - Huh? Did I fall asleep? Probably... - she needed some time to understand that she got a message, still sleepy she opened her menu and start reading. - It is from Stryder...meet me at the Fifth floor at the attached coordinates - she mumbled - A quest together with the whole guild, sounds great. - Saphira stood up and walked to the Floor teleporter.
She stepped out of the teleporter and opened her menu to have a look at the coordinates. After some time she found Stryder, Eatos and a little girl. - The girl must be Fae - She thought and came slowly closer.
- Uhhm...H-hi - She said shy and looked at her guild mates.


- Stats -


Saphira - 80/80 HP | MIT: 3 | EVA: 1
Dagger skil rank 1

- Equipped Items -


Frozen Death (dagger) ; DMG: 1 | Bleed 1
Embrace of Darkness (light armour) ; MIT: 2 | EVA: 1
Fearless Wings (heavy armour) ; MIT: 1 | Regen (after hit healing 5 HP for 3 turns)


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Silver received word from a man he had met once before in the cold. The man, his guild leader, had invited him to join something on the fifth floor. Lucky for Silver, he was already on the floor. The problem was he didn’t know how to operate the coordinates. So, he stood up on the building which he was perched and ran across the top of the surrounding buildings until he found the lovely bunch of people. He then ran around them as to be behind Stryder and walked up softly as if to sneak up on Stry and placed his hand on Stryder's shoulder from behind. “Greetings, I hope I am not tardy in my appearance.” He then approached every guild member there and gave them a greeting.

He startes with @Stryder, extending a hand for a handshake. "Good day, my valued friend!" He then walked to @Saphira, also offering a hand to her. "I hope the day fairs thee well!" 

He then walked to @Fae, placing his hand on Fae’s head, and bending to her level whilst giving her a warm smile, "Be strong Fae, I may be relying on you for pretection if we run into trouble" he didnt actually intend for her to defend him, but instead to boost her confidence and allow for some excitement.

He the approached Katherine and offered her a hug, after giving her a respectful bow. "It is wonderful to see you today, mistress."

He then stepped beside @Eatos, and slightly in front of her as if to be in the way if emergency struck, and looked at Stryder “So, what is our product today, Mr. Stryder?"

@Pinball @Hei @Crozeph @Jade Eye @Paglikha


Level 5 | Dmg 1 | Rank 1 S&D |

Inventory: basic warhammer, basic heavy armour


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Pinball was on a morning stroll when he received the message from Stryder. It seems the guild was going to be undertaking a quest. Together? As in, the entire guild? By all means, he should be excited, since he had been getting to know all the guild members individually already. However, he knew very well how he acted in large groups, and he might end up making a potentially dire situation even worse with his attitude. He had heard about the Traveler quest, had even planned on taking it eventually. But the message had come out of the blue, and Pinball was a bit taken off guard by it all. Regardless, it wouldn't do to pass it up, as he was truly doing nothing today, and to pass it up would be indulging a bad habit Pinball consistently fell victim to. 

He arrived at the guild's designated meet location, and, seeing the large group of people who had already arrived, his heart sank in his chest. The reaction wasn't warranted, but it was certainly expected by the boy himself. Why exactly that was, he didn't know. Pinball walked up to the group with a small wave, and stood off to the side, waiting for further instruction. It'll be fun. Loosen up, kid. And don't die.

Stats n' Junk: 



Lvl: 9 | HP: 180 | EN: 18 | MIT: 9 | DMG: 3


  • Plain Leather Armor: 9 MIT {1 Slot} 
  • Cloak of the Harbingers: +3 LD {3 Slots} 
  • Emerald Shiv: + 1 DMG, +1 ACC {2 Slots} 


  • Dagger Skill ~ Rank 1
  • Fishing 

Battle Ready Inventory: 

  • {5} Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality ~ +40 HP


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Kaluluwa was on the first floor speaking to a tree when he received a message from his guild leader Stryder, asking him to join in on the Traveller quest on the fifth floor. Quickly apologizing to Axios for the short visit, he began running towards Starting City and to the teleport pad.

Kaluluwa heard that the fifth floor had an unruly heat permeating the entire area. It can't be any worse than the Philippines. The only thing he was concerned about was the sandstorms. Although he has faced insurmountable heat and humidity, this was his first time against sand and dry heat.

When he appeared on the fifth floor, his first thoughts was that the heat was not unpleasant. In fact, he found that putting on a jacket with wide and drooping sleeves helped him survive in it. After obtaining the jacket from a nearby vendor, Kaluluwa traveled to the coordinates Stryder had given him.

When he arrived, Kaluluwa realized that was the last (or at least one of the last) to arrive at their location. "Are we waiting for anyone else?"



Level: 6 | SP: 14 | HP: 120 | EN: 12


- Basic cloth

- Basic dagger


- Two-handed Assault Spear [Rank 1]

Battle-ready Inventory:



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Floor Five, it was some floor which only cause Crozeph to be cold-blooded. Even with the heat, Crozeph only knew that he can only be calm when needed. He entered the floor and tried to search for any guild member. Stryder has sent them a message to meet him at the coordinates. Crozeph sighed and made a dismayed smile, he was going to search for them. "let's see..." Crozeph moved to his left while looking at the map "...ah that's more like it" Crozeph proceeded and began making his way to where Stryder is, his first guild quest with the Guardians. It was going to be a long and painful process, following the direction. 

A few minutes has passed and it seems that Crozeph reached his destination. Too painful but successful, he also caught sight of Stryder. The gentleman aspect that he has put up as an impression was undeniable for Crozeph "too bad I lack those qualities" he thought "I wonder if being quiet and always talking to myself counts" he added. He stepped in the group of players and began greeting them with his awkward smile, he wasn't good at smiling too. "Soooo..." he looked around "...we're going camping somewhere guild leader?" he asked him. Crozeph didn't know the other players while some are recognizable from the Dragon Hunter they've done "Was I late? got lost on the way eh" he told them.






  • level: 16
  • HP: 320
  • Energy:32
  • Damage mitigation : 16
  • Damage: 9


  • Katana Skill R3 [+3 damage]
  • Battle Healing R2 [recover ] 
  • Light Armor Equipment R2 [+7 damage mitigation]

Extra skills

  • Survival [+15 regen out of combat]
  • Meditation


  • Bleeding Dove (katana) +3 damage
  • Crow's Coat +9 damage mitigation
  • Freeman's Scarf +3 evasion


  • x3 Tier One Health Potions [Uncommon Quality


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Jason had gained a few level ups since he had started to actively do something within the game, so he wasn't to frightened by the level one mobs on the first floor any more.   Using his new won freedom of being able to walk outside the town and not having to fear death whenever he saw a mob, he was taking a walk out in the fields and thought about what he could be doing next. There are the starter quests, I should defnitely finish them, but they 're kind a boring, so what else can I do? Maybe I could venture ut and have a look at the other floors, but mobs will be stronger around there. so he wasn't sure what to do, but that didn't matter at the moment, as he was just chillin. Once he had found a nice place to chill and watch the sky, he laid down and was close to fallin asleep, when a strange bell sound was heard. Confused he looked around, but there wasn't a thing that could have made the sound.

After closin hs eyes for a moment, he remembered, that he had heard the bell a few times and that it was the sound of a notification, so he opened the menu and saw that it was a message from Stryder. Reading it his face changed into a smile, as it was a perfect chance to go and see some other floor without it being to dangerous. He quickly left the fields and used the teleporter to get to the fifth floor. The heat that hit him when he materialized, made him exhale and stagger a short moment, before he was ready for the floor around him. Shaking his head he left the center place and walked to wards the coordinates Stryder had attached to the message.

Coming closer, he saw a big group and he was sure, that he was the last one and that Stryder might be angry at him for taking so long. When he arrived at the group, he just stood at the side, greeting them with a What's up? I've heard we gonna go on a quest. So why are we in this god damned heat?


Jade Eye: 60HP |6 Energy | 2 DMG | EVA 1 | Regen 1 | MIT +9 | Paralyze on 9-10


Name: Skaldic Armour

Your Profession: Tailor

Your Rank: 4

ID: 86533

Roll: 10+1

Item Type: light armour (male)
Tier: 1

Quality: rare

Enhancements: evasion(1), Regen (1)

Description: Combines the good looks of the nordic skaldic cloths with leather belts and shoulder armour. As well as giving the room to move by it being more of a kilt than full armour.

Post Link: (Self-Explanatory)

Name: Gentlemen's Clothing Vanity

Your Profession: Tailor

Your Rank: 4

ID: 86019

Roll: 9+1

Item Type: cloak + clothing
Tier: 1

Quality: rare

Enhancements: Loot Die (2)

Description: A black and white classical suit, with an extensive black and white coat. For the man who wants to stay classy.

Post Link: (Self-Explanatory)

Name: Shield of Blue Lightning

ID: 86019

Roll: 9+1

Item Type: Shield

Tier: 1

Quality: rare

Enhancements: Paralyze (1) ; MIT 1 (+9 Mitigation)

Description: A classical blue viking shield, with silver inlays, showing celtic knots and ravens.


One Handed Iron Battle Axe (Equipped)


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It really did not take long for the first person to arrive, and it was the youngest member of his guild, Fae. She was way to young to be in this game alone.... Though he had made sure she wasn't. This was his first real big item, keeping others alive and giving people a home... He had managed to do both, and hopefully, soon he could actually buy a home... A estate for them to all live on. When Fae got there, he was fully ready thanks to her message. She ran up and gave him a very tight hug, in which he picked her up and spun her around like a big brother, before putting her down and watching her backing up and saluting. He smiled, enjoying how happy she looked.

"Nice to see you Fae" He said, before seeing others slowly arriving.

Next one was Eatos, who he could tell just by watching her walk that she was kind of pissed at him. When she got close, the first thing she said was that if he brought her back to this floor, Angel was going to attack him. He suppressed a little chuckle, before looking at Angel. The husky has grown quite a lot! It was kind of cool to see. 

"You know i wouldn't have called you here unless i had to, i don't want anyone dying. I have a potion for if something bad happens, but i can't help after that" He explained to her, smiling before nodding a 'thanks'.

The next person he hadn't had much contact with since they joined during his little meeting, a girl who went by the name 'Saphira'. She was quite nervous, at least, it looked like it and sounded it when she walked into the group,, saying her hello shyly. He took a notice to it, knowing he was going to need to try and break the ice sometime.

"Welcome Saph, if you don't mind me calling you that, hope you had an easy time finding us!" He said to her, hoping to help make her feel welcome.

Next was Thorsten, his old friend, who almost got himself punched by sneaking up on him. He felt the shoulder, about to react before hearing the voice, his mind calming down. He took a deep breath, this guy was a good friend but he also gave him some very tense feelings sometimes. He shook his head, sighing as he shook his hand, looking at him. 

"Good to see you to man, just wait a moment for the rest to arrive" He says to Thorsten, watching as the rest arrived. Pinball seemed to be worried and shy, standing sort of to the side, giving a small wave to everyone as he stood there. He seemed very tight... Everyone here seemed scared, and he knew he was the guild leader, he had to make sure they wouldn't be... 

Next was someone else hadn't really talked to, Paglikha, asking about if they were waiting on anyone else. While he didn't verbally say anything, he put up two fingers, hoping to indicate that there was two more people that he could expect. He knew that Hei wasn't going to make it, he was busy as of right now. Crozeph was next, someone he had fought with. He ensured that this group had enough survivablity. If any creatures appeared that might cause a threat, there was two strong fighters and a healer who could all the agro and keep them safe.

"Your just on time, just waiting for one more" He said to Croz, and right then the last member arrived. Jade Eye, coming in and asking about the heat. Everyone was here now, so he knew he could speak about it.

"Alright, we as a guild, the Guardians of the New Dawn, will be undertaking the quest 'The traveler' as a group. This is a non dangerous quest, if you aren't careful the sands will cause you to lose some health, but iv got a hp potion and Eatos is here to make sure that anything done is fixed up as well as we can. Our goal, is to go into the desert and find some cargo, the reward will be a skill called 'Survival' which will make travelling floors like this a lot easier" He says to everyone, his face serious. He needed to speak as a leader, not a friend when he addressed the whole, but when it was just a few of them, he was more then happy to speak like one of them. 

@Eatos @Fae @Pinball @Crozeph @Jade Eye @Saphira @Paglikha @Thorsten

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Even with it explained, Eatos didn't look happy. She knew her being there was important, to keep the guild alive as its one and only healer, but this floor really pushed her. The damn heat alone was enough to get her in a bad mood, and Angel, the large husky looked just as displeased to be where it was. 

The arrival of @Thorsten, or Silver, made her smile and she returned the hug, rustling her friends hair slightly as she used him to try and shield the suns bright light off of her. She knelt down and beckoned her Husky back to her, the Familiar moving over and and the girl, now sitting on the ground, allowed the big dog to sit in her lap while she pet and cuddled the dog. While giving her familiar her attention, the rest of the guild arrived and Eatos was surprised. She hadn't expected this many, in fact, it was everyone except one, the only one absent was Hei, and she knew he was having a personal time of late so it wasn't a huge surprise to know he wasn't there. She smiled as Stryder explained the situation, and she looked at her dog, even as she sat on the ground. She knew she could do it, keep them all alive...

"Like Stryder said, the quest is pretty simple. Ensure we stick close to one another, and we'll be fine" She said smiling to the guild as her Familiar refused to move off her lap, keeping her trapped on the ground. Eatos was sure it looked somewhat comical, but Angel wasn't gunna move until he wanted too... "Plus, we can use this time to get to know each other better since, this is our first proper meeting since we recruited many of you to the guild. So, for the walk, try ensure you're in a pair so you don't get lost a-and, well, chat with 'em"

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Fae noticed Thorsten show up and she ran up to him immediately. He patted her on the head briefly, saying that he may rely on her in case that they got into danger. Fae took that as a compliment of her strength and hugged Thorsten tightly. "Thanks daddy, Fae won't let anything happen to you!" Fae said confidently as she looked up at him.

Fae continued to follow Thorsten around, greeting the others in the guild. She saw Pinball, another familiar face she was glad to see. A few here she had never met before, like Crozeph or Jade Eye, but she figured that with time she would be friends with all of them. Fae listened to Stryder as he described what they would be going through in this quest and he sounded more serious this time. Fae knew what the skill was, and it was something she definitely wanted to have. Eatos then came up and added her part to what Stryder had said, suggesting they get a partner to not get lost. Fae looked up at Thorsten again and smiled, "So we're already a pair, right daddy?" Fae asked.

@Stryder @Thorsten

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Crozeph scratched his head, the heat made him irritated a little. Back then it would make him much more irritated with the HP he's losing as he travels the floor and now that he's taking it with some newcomers, he wanted them to know a few things for the quest. He has taken it way back with another player named Arekkusu Seppera whom might also disappeared with him for a long time. Now he has to at least suggest something, Crozeph has been planning to be a scout/combat type player. Trying to at least give information a little might help and he has to tread lightly so as not to be seen as arrogant or too bossy at them because after all, he's a new member. Crozeph pulled up his hood and shielded his eyes with his hand towards the hot horizon before them "Blue-haired girl with a dangerous dog is right, sticking with a pair is good here but we can try with three if anyone feels uneasy" Crozeph told them as he tries to put his mind on strategic mode. "It is obvious that there'll be sand but a lot of space is also a problem here, group of monster are dangerous so its best that we do as she suggests and also..." Crozeph looked at Stryder "...I ask for our guild leader's say on this that we also have another formation" he told him. "This is more like a formation in a formation, sounds confusing right? but since I took this quest once with only two which is me and a friend of mine, formations are one weakness we had but we're strong here now so stick into three if uneasy or two if you can handle it while me..." Crozeph pointed at himself "...I'll take the rear guard" he told them. "Stryder or anyone can pick your position or suggest but I'll be at the rear, only me and call for help if needed" he kept on talking hoping anyone can understand his way too confusing idea "the problem does not lie with how strong the monsters are, the open space is. It makes us vulnerable on getting attacked at all side" Crozeph stretched out his hand towards Stryder "I'll tank behind as much as I can, not trying to show off but trying to at least give info through experience" he told him.

Crozeph then let out a deep breath and fan himself with his hand "I'm not used to talking too much, so I'll be quiet from then on" he told them "and there's a canyon or ridge whatever where we can rest" Crozeph has reached his talking limit and looked for a rock to sit on. He wasn't sure if anyone followed his idea but he at least tried with this guild, would Azide be proud of him? or maybe Arekkusu? he just sat down and tried to compose his head under the heat.

@Stryder @Eatos

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Silver smiled as Eatos ruffled his hair. It was a nice feeling that took him back to when they would sit on the shore and talk. He then listened to Eatos, Fae, and then Crozeph speak. He decided to first respond to Fae “Indeed, we can be partners should Eatos allow it.” He chuckled at the statement. He then responded to the current topic. “I believe that.. “ Silver quickly opened his HUD and scrolled through the guild list so he would know this man's name. “Crozeph? Makes a valid point. The need for us to go in pairs would only be necessary if we were to split up. That would limit the ability for those of us who are unfamiliar to the guild members to be unable to become familiar with them. As Guarding Aroura, I advise we set a limit to the distance any one person can be from any two others. This way we can ensure that no one wonders off or gets lost and we are not limited to pods of people. I also believe that if we are not worried about combat we what be worried about formation, if combat is a concern then we must use a format that would best suit the strengths of those in this group. Along with this, I have scouted the land, while there don’t seem to be many hills, the sandstorms seem quite intense and should be avoided if at all possible.”

(OOC: FROM HERE ON OUT PLEASE OBSERVE POST ORDER. THE ORDER IS AS FOLLOWS Stryder, Fae, Eatos, Saphira, Thorsten, Pinball, Paglikha, Crozeph, Jade Eye. Because Crozeph posted before me he will be skipped after Paglikha's next post. If you have any questions please message, Stryder, Eatos, or myself.)


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Pinball stood aside from the group, watching and listening. People seemed to be starting to mingle a bit, if at all. Already, there was conflict. Not hostile conflict, but conflict nonetheless. The issue seemed to be stemming from difference in opinions. It was here that Pinball finally started to understand the guild's leadership system. Just because Stryder was technically Guild Leader, there seemed to be some kind of checks and balance thing going on. Certainly interesting to see in a death game. He paused, then, mimicking a New York accent, said in English, "SOYtenly." Pinball chuckled to himself, took another step back, and made himself out a place to sit on the ground. The debate would be settled soon, after other people put their opinions in. There really was no reason for him to say anything, since, one way or the other, the issue would be resolved. Plus, even if he had wanted to say something, his demeanor would probably have prevented him from doing so. He gazed up at the sky. Sure is a nice day out, isn't it? 


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“I have neither preference nor much stake in our group’s formation during this quest”, Kaluluwa spoke. He strongly believed that the group’s formation would only matter if they would encounter some monsters during the quest. However, he ruled that out as highly unlikely, especially if the guild was to be within a set maximum distance from each pair (or trio from how the discussion was beginning to reach). In the event that it actually occurs… Well, we have great fighters.


The turban that Kaluluwa bought would probably offer him zero protection from the sands that would eventually be upon them once the group was registered for the quest, but it did help against the constant heat from the sun’s rays. When he shifted his feet around a bit, the sand had somehow found his way into his shoes. And now I remember why I hated the beach.


Kaluluwa wanted to remove the sand from his shoes, but in order to do he would either have to balance on one leg or sit down. I’ll take my chances with the balancing act. Sitting down might just get it into my main clothes. While taking off his left shoe and trying to dump the sand out of it, he hopped around with his right leg. However, he was not so lucky as he thought as he fell to the ground only a few moments later and his entire body was now covered in sand. Not what I was hoping.

@Jade Eye

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It didn't take long after Jason had arrived where the others were before Stryder took the word and began telling them, what they were doing. It was a quest out here in the god damned heat of the desert, that they would do something to get a skill that would protect them from heat and so, so it was something practical. Before Jason could tell them, that he was in for it, and ask what they would have to do, Eatos added to what Stryder had said, that they should use this chance to talk to the others and get to know them, at best by walking in pairs. So it's like in school, just go in pairs and if you don't do it right, you have to hold hands he thought, but he didn't say anything. Jade Eye was about to look for someone he could team up with, when Thorsten and some others began discussing, if pairs or groups of three, or even just a big group was better. He was not sure what to do, so he was looking over to Saphira, but before he could walk over to her, a player he had never talked to, fell to the ground. I'll help you, take my hand. he said, and walked to him and hold out his hand.

OOC: I am last, but I think you skipped Saphira

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As someone started talking to her she looked up - Y-yeah...if you want you can call me Saph... - she answered Stryder´s question. After all players had arrived Stryder begun to hold a speech and while he was still talking, Saphira looked around, searching for some familiar faces. Stryder ended his speech and some of the guildmembers begun to discuss, which kind of group would be better. Shy Saphira walked a few steps back, pulled the hood deeper in her face and looked again around. The heat begun to make her a little bit sleepy. Ther was Eatos, Thorsten, Stryder and the other guild members - This is a good opportunity to come to know each other better. - she thought. She looked to her side as she saw something falling to the ground. She saw Jade Eye walking to a guy on the ground which held a shoe in his hand. Saphira walked over to the two boy´s - Are you alright? - she asked the boy on the ground - And hi Jade Eye. -

- Uhhm...maby this is kinda strange question...but if they decide to make groups of two or three...do you two wanna pair up with me? - she asked shy.


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