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F7|R7 Blacksmith| <<The Dragon's Flame>>|PK Accessable | Open

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everything else sorted meant the last stop was to a blacksmith or another. night had meant to have taken jack's executioner into the fight, but she thought better of her odds if she had a sword that was much more reliable – no offense to her original arm, of course. she strolled in and placed her two components down. the blades looked nothing alike, despite being from somewhat natural materials.

"fuse them, please."

the couple of items needed for the process were dropped on the table in a velvet sack. night looked a little frantic, though it was difficult for her to have said why, if she'd been asked.



demolition | [#*tag-2] | TIER 4 STRAIGHT SWORD | TAUNT, VAMP-O, ACC
[desc.]: a blade forged from weathered precious stone.

exaltation | [#206644] | TIER 4 STRAIGHT SWORD | AA, ACC II
[desc.]: a blade forged from the limb of a broken statue.


to become:


[desc.]: a sword forged between what should be, and what should not.

notes: shard/scale paid for by iris.

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[T4]Demolition(Straight Sword, Taunt, VAMP-O, ACC)[#*tag-2] was combined with [T4]Exaltation(Straight Sword, AA, ACC II)[206644] to create [T4]Cusp(Straight Sword, AA, VAMP-O, ACC II)

-Demonic Shard and Gleaming Scale provided by Iris(See above post)

ID# 214843 [ID assigned.]

Finished Item: T4]Cusp(Straight Sword, AA, VAMP-O, ACC II)[214843]

Edited by Vigilon
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fingers tapping on the counter. she wasn't aware if it was a distraction, or otherwise to the shopkeep. but she took her goods away all the same, when the fusion was completed. whatever it is that she received, it looked nothing like the swords she'd brought over.

"are you sure this is..." night wanted to ask, but the interface that opened before her speech had completed made her recall her own words. "... never mind. this looks right. thank you very much."

returning the blade to her inventory, night but shuffled out of the workshop, wordless to any further prompts, and left in a hurry.


cusp. | [#214843] | TIER 4 STRAIGHT SWORD | AA, VAMP-O, ACC II
[desc.]: a sword forged between what should be, and what should not.

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[Day 42] [8/2/2023]


Crafting Results:


ID# 214883 CD: 2+1=3, LD: 20(Material Salvaged)

ID# 214884 CD: 8+1=9(Crafted T4 Rare Heavy Armor)

ID# 214885 CD: 7+1=8(Crafted T4 Uncommon Heavy Armor)

ID# 214886 CD: 5+1=6(Crafted T4 Uncommon Heavy Armor)

Materials Consumed: 3

Exp. Earned: 13




[T4]Uncommon Heavy Armor[214885] was combined with [T4]Uncommon Heavy Armor[214886] to create [T4]Rare Heavy Armor.

[T4]Rare Heavy Armor[See above fusion] was combined with [T4]Rare Heavy Armor[214884] to create [T4]Perfect Heavy Armor.

ID# 214887 [ID assigned.]

Finished Item: [T4]Perfect Heavy Armor[214887]


Edited by Vigilon
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Alkor walked into the shop and glanced around briefly. He hadn't truly discussed his plans with anyone, so his understanding of how heavier armor worked or the Enhancements that it could benefit from functioned was severely limited. He had to hope for the good nature of the store's proprietor, and while he wasn't really sure who the man was, when he put the word out that he was looking for armor, the Blacksmith had reached out in response.

So, Alkor raised a hand in greeting and exchanged words with the man to complete the agreed upon dealings.

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            It hadn't taken very long for the man needing the armor to arrive. Upon recognition of the player, Vigilon would pull out the set of armor from under the counter, and place it on the counter in front of him. "I do believe this here is what you needed?" He asked.

                   Once the exchange was complete, Vigilon would wave the man farewell as he parted with his new armor. With that taken care of, it was time to continue on to the remaining preparations for the raid. He still had much to do in only a dwindling amount of time.

-Given [T4]Titan's Ward(MIT II, Taunt) to @Alkor

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