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dirgun walked up to kanya petting her saying "im sorry kanya this is awful im sorry you had to find out that way and my dick of a familiar just leaves you here im so sorry. " dirgun started talking to fang in his mind saying "your a dick sometimes you know that dude leaving your sister like that you need to get out here." then fang says "no i will not come out there this is a bad hard to explain situation." dirgun looks sorry for kanya knowing that he could do nothing to help here.

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Kanya sets her head down, knowing she will never know what had happened to her mother, or father. She knew leaving them for Ruri was a bad thing. As it turned a dark grey night, she ran away, promising to come back... As from a distance Ruri had hears a small howl, "Kanya..." She thought as she sat on a bench near where she had once stood. She felt sad for her. Tears started to drip from her face as well...

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dirgun ran toward ruri wrapping her in a hug saying "im so sorry ruri im taking this as my fault im so sorry kanya ran away do you want to go after her or do you want to stay hear. dirgun stood their letting her go apologizing many times waiting to see what she would say.

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"She will come back, I'm sure of it." She says as she calls Kanya's name.. Kanya running straight back... "Ruri--Ruri! I heard my mother and father's howls! They are still alive!" She smiles as it turns darker and the stars strike the sky brightly.

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then dirgun says to fang "what the hell man we're gonna talk about this later you made them feel awful remember what twe talked about the day we met you and me will talk later." then dirgun walks up to kanya petting her saying "don't know what got into fang but we will have a very serious talk later."

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OOC no let's keep it tell third page.

Jace walked to Ruri and said do you know I have a familiar. Her name is Silvee. Shes a silver wolf from snowfall woods. He called Silvee and he seen a baby silver wolf running their way. A white and gray blue eyed baby wolf came closer and stopped panting at his feet. Hello Silvee he said in a sweet voice to Silvee. How about you go and meet Kanya. She's a nice dog.

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Kanya sees a small dog... She growls and stands her territory, then finds him, friendly. He sniffs him "Hi there, my name is Kanya!" She smiles toward the smaller dog.

(OOC: Kanya is a Wolf + this is the third page... o.o)

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OOC I'm sorry. She is a nice wolf. And then I meant the 4th page. Also well Silvee is a girl.

Silvee looked at the fellow wolf and said Hi I'm Silvee. You look like a nice wolf. Lets be friends. Kanya, do you like my owner? He is really nice. I know he just battled you but he wss just training. Silvee sat down and basked in the sun in its dusk formation.

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"I guess, yet he really hurt me near the end. Our health is back now, but he hurt my owner. I feel like I like him, but I also feel like eating him..." She said in a soft voice as she basked beside her new friend. Kanya had been worried about the fight, her first, and probably the most dangerous... she was afraid her owner would die if he would've hit her again...

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Jace would never do that. He would only kill a player killer if he had to. And only if the Pker was going to kill him. Your a good friend. And I don't think Jace would ever mean to actually hurt Ruri. She's nice to him. No one usually is there for him. Silvee looks at Jace who stood staring at the sunset. It was dark now. Silvee let out a faint howl like she used to when she lived in the snowfall woods.

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dirgun looks at the baby silver wolf saying "even if you killed her by acident i would end you little wolf ruri is a good friend of mine and anyone who does things to my friends without dealing with me same goes for you jace you do anything to ruri or any of my friends i'll end you and if you kill me i have a walking reaper on my side he would hunt you down his name is grim so watch yourself. so fang get out here please." fang appeared next to dirgun looking at the small new wolf saying "master you needed me i scenesed that you needed help so whats the problem. dirgun looks at jace with a demonic look.

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Jace looked at Dirgun thinking what the heck. Trust me I would never attempt to kill anyone! I will never be orange. It's bad for business and I'm about to open a shop so anyway that's two bad things. I'm not those kind where oh look I'm so cool I'm a Pker. Dirgun I'm sorry but if I became a Pker no one would reach me in time before I killed myself. I would rather die than be a Pker.

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dirgun looks at him saying "dude you can say that as much as you want but this is the second time this has happened the other one was the so call hunting accident when you walked up behind us weapons drawn that is why i don't trust you i will be watching you jace so don't screw up or i will kill you. dirgun looked at jace with suspicion again thing that this guy is bad news.

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"Jace, Dirgun, please, no fighting. I knew I would lose the fight anyway. I am only a new player. It's okay guys.." She said as her look turned lighter. With a warm expression on her face. "It was our first fight, like I said, we didn't expect to win..." Said Kanya as she looked up at the small fight the two had.

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Jace looked at Ruri an said okay just let me say one thing. Dirgun why do you hate me so much? I show up and hang out with you guys and have a little fun then you show up and always say if you touch any of my friends I'm going to kill you. Dirgun I just want to know why you think I'm some player killer. Does it look like my name is red or orange? Dirgun if I'm in your way with Ruri and your relationship then tell me and I will leave. Dirgun I just want to be your friend. I have never attempted to put someone's health to zero. Ruri's my friend and I would not hurt her. If it bothered you that we dueled. Had a little spar. Than that's your problem. She had fun with her first PvP fight right Ruri?

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dirgun looked at jace saying "its not that i hate you its that i don't trust you see you hurt my girlfriend even if it was just a spar then you came up behind me and my hunting party weapons drawn but i'll stop for now how about you and me spar no familiars just one on one just a friendly little duel as you say so what do you say want to spar."

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I'll agree as long as it is like me and Ruri's spar. Half through health. You eill win. Sure a friendly duel sounds very nice. Jace grabbed his sword and stood straight awaiting Dirgun. Finally time to show Dirgun he was a friend. He grabbed his iron blade. I am so going down. My half health 7. You ready?

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dirgun accepts the half heath match saying "oh yeah im keeping this cloak on and its a perfect item making me much more powerful then you and my half health is 8 do you still want to spar its up to you." dirgun draws his sword getting in a ready stance putting his hood up and putting the mask on covering his nose down making his eyes glow.

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Why not said Jace. He gripped his blade. He came running to the opponent ready to slice him. He jumped in air ready to strike. And he totally missed Dirgun. He readied to fight him. Nice maneuvers.

Jace 15/15

Dirgun 17/17

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